Gbpp, Sap Bing Fikp 2011.docx

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  • Words: 7,535
  • Pages: 27

: Bahasa Inggris

Kode Mata Kuliah/SKS

: IKP 2201/3 SKS

Fakultas/Program Studi



: II

A. Deskripsi Singkat : Mata kuliah ini menitik beratkan kepada penerapan “language skills: speaking, reading, listening, dan writing” dan “language elements: grammar, vocabulary” yang materinya disesuaikan dengan program studi mahasiswa. B. Tujuan Instruksional Umum (TIU): Setelah proses pembelajaran selesai mahasiswa diharapkan dapat memahami konsep “language skills” dan “language elements” dan penerapannya dalam komunikasi baik lisan maupun tulisan. No




Tujuan Instruksional Khusus (TIK) The students are able to explain the topics and activities will be learned & done in this semester The students are able to communicate the text of “making a dialogue ” through applying language skills and elements The students are able to communicate the text of “speaking & writing” through applying language skills and elements

Pokok Bahasan Introduction

Making a dialogue

Speaking & writing


The students are able to communicate the text of “vocabulary & speaking” through applying language skills and elements

Vocabulary & speaking


The students are able to communicate the text of “ changing parts of

Changing parts of speech

Sub Pokok Bahasan The materials & Activities Speaking 1 Writing 1 Listening 1 Vocabulary 1 Translation 1 Grammar 1 Speaking 2 Writing 2 Listening 2 Vocabulary 2 Translation 2 Grammar 2 Speaking 3 Reading 3 Writing 3 Listening 3 Vocabulary 3 Translation 3 Grammar 3 Speaking 4 Reading 4 Writing 4

Curriculum (GBPP), SYLLABUS, LESSON PLAN (SAP), and Test Items OF English CLASS

Estimasi Sumber/ Waktu Referensi 200’









1-6 Page 1

speech” through applying language skills and elements


The students are able to communicate the text of “ finding main idea & details” through applying language skills and elements

Finding main idea & details


The students are able to communicate the text of “essay writing (making an outline” through applying language skills and elements

Essay writing (making an out line)


The students are able to communicate the texts of “essay writing (completed writing)” through applying language skills and elements

Essay writing (completed writing)


The students are able to communicate the text of “essay writing” through applying language skills and elements

Discussion of the completed writing


The students are able to communicate the texts of “finding some terms of marine & fishing” through applying language skills and elements

Finding some terms of marine & fishery


The students are able to communicate the texts of “adverbial clauses 1” through applying language skills and elements

Adverbial Clauses 1

Listening 4 Vocabulary 4 Translation 4 Grammar 4 Speaking 5 Reading 5 Writing 5 Listening 5 Vocabulary 5 Translation 5 Grammar 5 Speaking 6 Reading 6 Writing 6 Listening 6 Vocabulary 6 Translation 6 Grammar 6 Speaking 7 Reading 7 Writing 7 Listening 7 Vocabulary 7 Translation 7 Grammar 7 Speaking 8 Reading 8 Writing 8 Listening 8 Vocabulary 8 Translation 8 Grammar 8 Speaking 8 Reading 8 Writing 8 Listening 8 Vocabulary 8 Translation 8 Grammar 8 Speaking 9 Reading 9 Writing 9 Listening 9 Vocabulary 9 Translation 9 Grammar 9

Curriculum (GBPP), SYLLABUS, LESSON PLAN (SAP), and Test Items OF English CLASS













Page 2


The students are able to communicate the texts of “adverbial clauses 2” through applying language skills and elements

Adverbial Clauses 2


The students are able to communicate the texts of “Noun Clauses” through applying language skills and elements

Noun Clauses


The students are able to communicate the texts have been studied through applying language skills and elements


Speaking 10 Reading 10 Writing 10 Listening 10 Vocabulary 10 Translation 10 Grammar 10 Speaking 8 Reading 8 Writing 8 Listening 8 Vocabulary 8 Translation 8 Grammar 8 Speaking 8 Reading 8 Writing 8 Listening 8 Vocabulary 8 Translation 8 Grammar 8






Lecturer &1-6

C. Sumber/References: 1. Chamberlin, Dennis and White Gillian. 1975. English Translation: A Graded Course for Intermediate Students. London: Cambridge University Press. 2. Brown, H.Douglas. 2002. Strategies for Success: A Practical Guide to Learning English. NY: LongmanEllis, Mark and Nina O’driscoll. 1992. Giving Presentation. London: Longman. 3. Gagne, Robert M.1979. Principles of Instructional Design. 2nd Edition. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston All rights Reserved 4. Gay, L.R., and Peter Airasian. 2000. Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Application. NY: Prentice – Hall, Inc 5. Harris, David P.1979. Testing English: As a Second Language. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, LTD. 6. Thomas, Laura.2010. Job Seeking Guide. In Strait Times. Retrieved from at 29 July 2010

Curriculum (GBPP), SYLLABUS, LESSON PLAN (SAP), and Test Items OF English CLASS

Page 3




: Bahasa Inggris I

Kode Mata Kuliah/SKS

: IKP 2201 /3 SKS


: II


: Erwin Pohan, S.Pd., M.Pd.

D. SINOPSIS/DESKRIPSI MATA KULIAH : Mata kuliah ini menitik beratkan kepada penerapan “language skills: speaking, reading, listening, dan writing” dan “language elements: grammar, vocabulary” yang materinya disesuaikan dengan program studi mahasiswa. A. TUJUAN PEMEBELAJARAN Setelah menyelesiakan perkuliahan materi ini, mahasiswa diharapkan dapat: 1. Mengkomunikasikan teks ” Making a dialogue” melalui penerapan ”language skills and language elements” baik secara lisan maupun tulisan. 2. Mengkomunikasikan teks ”Speaking & writing” melalui penerapan ”language skills and language elements” baik secara lisan maupun tulisan. 3. Mengkomunikasikan teks ”Vocabulary & speaking” melalui penerapan ”language skills and language elements” baik secara lisan maupun tulisan. 4. Mengkomunikasikan teks ”Changing parts of speech” melalui penerapan ”language skills and language elements” baik secara lisan maupun tulisan. 5. Mengkomunikasikan teks ”Finding main idea & details” melalui penerapan ”language skills and language elements” baik secara lisan maupun tulisan. 6. Mengkomunikasikan teks ”Essay writing (making an out line)” melalui penerapan ”language skills and language elements” baik secara lisan maupun tulisan. 7. Mengkomunikasikan teks ”Essay writing (completed writing)” melalui penerapan ”language skills and language elements” baik secara lisan maupun tulisan. 8. Mengkomunikasikan teks ”Discussion of the completed writing” melalui penerapan ”language skills and language elements” baik secara lisan maupun tulisan 9. Mengkomunikasikan teks ”Finding some terms of marine & fishery” melalui penerapan ”language skills and language elements” baik secara lisan maupun tulisan 10. Mengkomunikasikan teks ”Adverbial Clauses 1” melalui penerapan ”language skills and language elements” baik secara lisan maupun tulisan. Curriculum (GBPP), SYLLABUS, LESSON PLAN (SAP), and Test Items OF English CLASS

Page 4

11. Mengkomunikasikan teks ”Adverbial Clauses 2” melalui penerapan ”language skills and language elements” baik secara lisan maupun tulisan. 12. Mengkomunikasikan teks ”Noun Clauses” melalui penerapan ”language skills and language elements” baik secara lisan maupun tulisan 13. Mengkomunikasikan teks yang sudah dibahas: ”Review” melalui penerapan ”language skills and language elements” baik secara lisan maupun tulisan. B. KEGIATAN PERKULIAHAN Perkuliahan dilaksanakan dalam bentuk ceramah, presentasi, diskusi, dan tanya jawab. Setiap perkuliahan di awali dengan presentasi dari mahasiswa yang bekerja dalam kelompok. Setiap kelompok terdiri atas enam atau tujuh orang mahasiswa. Topic presentasi disesuaikan dengan materi perkuliahan. Disamping itu, setiap mahasiswa diwajibkan menuliskan latihan-latihan dari setiap pokok bahasan yang disajikan secara lisan. Kemudian mendiskusikan hasil latihan yang dituliskan dibuku tugas. Dengan cara seperti itu, kegiatan perkuliahan dapat dimanfaatkan secara optimal untuk berbicara, menulis, mendengar, berdiskusi dan tanya jawab (”students conference”: dilakukan setelah semua kelompok selesai menyajikan hasil tugasnya di depan kelas ). C. TUGAS MAHASISWA Ada tiga bentuk tugas yang harus dilakukan oleh setiap mahasiswa. Tugas pertama adalah masing-masing dalam kelompoknya mengerjakan latihan-latihan dari setiap pokok bahasan perkuliahan pada buku tugas. Tugas ini diserahkan untuk diperiksa pada setiap perkuliahan dimulai. Tugas kedua (tugas kelompok) adalah dari seluruh materi dibagi rata dalam anggota kelompok kemudian masing-masing mencari sinonim dari kata benda, kerja, sifat, keterangan dari semua materi yang dipelajari dan dibuat dalam bentuk tabel (No, kata benda, sinonimnya, artinya) diketik dan diserahkan pada saat UTS. Dan tugas ke tiga (tugas kelompok) adalah mencari satu teks bahasa Inggris yang sangat disukai selain yang sudah dibahas, kemudian buatkan dialognya, terjemahkan, buat tabel kosa kata: kata / prase beserta artinya; reading: buatkan min. 10 pertanyaan; writing: buatkan ringkasan dari teks tersebut dengan menggunakan kata-kata anda sendiri (diserahkan pada saat UAS). D. EVALUASI Penilaian didasarkan atas criteria berikut: 1) 2) 3) 4)

Kehadiran Tugas / Partisipasi Ujian Tengah Semester Ujian Akhir Semester

: 10 % : 20 % : 30 % : 40 %

Curriculum (GBPP), SYLLABUS, LESSON PLAN (SAP), and Test Items OF English CLASS

Page 5

E. MATERI PERKULIAHAN Materi perkuliahan adalah sebagai berikut:


Pokok Bahasan & Sub-Pokok Bahasan



Introduction to the course Making a dialogue: Speaking 1 Reading 1 Writing 1 Listening 1 Vocabulary1 Translation 1 Grammar 1 Speaking & writing: Speaking 2 Reading 2 Writing 2 Listening 2 Vocabulary 2 Translation 2 Grammar 2 Vocabulary & speaking: Speaking 3 Reading 3 Writing 3 Listening 3 Vocabulary 3 Translation 3 Grammar 3 Changing parts of speech: Speaking 4 Reading 4 Writing 4 Listening 4 Vocabulary 4 Translation 4 Grammar 4 Main idea and details: Speaking 5 Reading 5 Writing 5 Listening 5 Vocabulary 5 Translation 5 Grammar 5 Essay writing (outline): Speaking 6 Reading 6 Writing 6 Listening 6 Vocabulary 6 Translation 6 Grammar 6 Mid-Term Test (UTS) Essay writing (completed writing): Speaking 7 Reading 7 Writing 7 Listening 7 Vocabulary 7 Translation 7 Grammar 7 Discussion of an essay writing: Speaking 8 Reading 8 Writing 8 Listening 8 Vocabulary 8 Translation 8 Grammar 8 Finding some terms of marine & fishery: Speaking 9 Reading 9 Writing 9 Listening 9 Vocabulary 9 Translation 9 Grammar 9 Adverbial Clauses 1: Speaking 10 Reading 10 Writing 10 Listening 10 Vocabulary 10 Translation 10 Grammar 10 Adverbial Clauses 2: Speaking 11 Reading 11 Writing 11 Listening 11 Vocabulary 11 Translation 11 Grammar 11 Noun Clauses: Speaking 12 Reading 12 Writing 12 Listening 12 Vocabulary 12 Translation 12 Grammar 12 Review:













Curriculum (GBPP), SYLLABUS, LESSON PLAN (SAP), and Test Items OF English CLASS






1-6 Lecturer 1-6





1-6 Lecturer & Page 6


Speaking 13 Reading 13 Writing 13 Listening 71 Vocabulary 13 Translation 13 Grammar 13 Final Test (UAS)

1-6 Lecturer

F. REFERENSI 1. Chamberlin, Dennis and White Gillian. 1975. English Translation: A Graded Course for Intermediate Students. London: Cambridge University Press. 2. Brown, H.Douglas. 2002. Strategies for Success: A Practical Guide to Learning English. NY: LongmanEllis, Mark and Nina O’driscoll. 1992. Giving Presentation. London: Longman. 3. Gagne, Robert M.1979. Principles of Instructional Design. 2nd Edition. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston All rights Reserved 4. Gay, L.R., and Peter Airasian. 2000. Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Application. NY: Prentice – Hall, Inc 5. Harris, David P.1979. Testing English: As a Second Language. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, LTD. 6. Thomas, Laura.2010. Job Seeking Guide. In Strait Times. Retrieved from at 29 July 2010

Curriculum (GBPP), SYLLABUS, LESSON PLAN (SAP), and Test Items OF English CLASS

Page 7

SATUAN ADMINISTRASI PERKULIAHAN (SAP) Nama Mata Kuliah Kode Mata Kuliah/Bobot Waktu Pertemuan Pertemuan keSemester/Tahun Akademik Fakultas/Program Studi Dosen

: Bahasa Inggris : IKP 2201/3 SKS : 1 x 200 menit : 1 (ke satu) : II/2011-2012 : FIKP/MSP & IKL : Erwin Pohan, S.Pd., M.Pd.

A. Tujuan Instruksional Umum: Setelah proses pembelajaran selesai mahasiswa diharapkan dapat memahami konsep “language skills” dan “language elements” dan penerapannya dalam komunikasi baik lisan maupun tulisan. B. Tujuan Instruksional Khusus: The students are able to explain the topics and activities will be learned & done in this semester. C. Pokok Bahasan : Introduction Sub-Pokok Bahasan : Materials and Rules of learning activities D. Kegiatan Pembelajaran





Kegiatan Pengajar Greeting Taking students’ attendance Motivating them through an attractive question: - Explains the learning and evaluation processes and then ask the students to make seven groups. - Reads the groups’ members through calling their names - Asks the students about their tasks in the next meeting to make sure whether they’ve understood or not.

Kegiatan Mahasiswa

pay attention answering question Writes their names and the topic chosen on a piece of paper.

State the next learning activities completely

Media & Alat Pengajaran white board board marker

white board board marker

white board board marker

L = Lecturer S = students

Curriculum (GBPP), SYLLABUS, LESSON PLAN (SAP), and Test Items OF English CLASS

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E. Evaluasi Because of the first meeting, the lecturer just asks the students to speak in English to see their speaking ability generally by asking “could you say something in English about yourself or everything else you like?” F. Referensi 1. Chamberlin, Dennis and White Gillian. 1975. English Translation: A Graded Course for Intermediate Students. London: Cambridge University Press. 2. Brown, H.Douglas. 2002. Strategies for Success: A Practical Guide to Learning English. NY: LongmanEllis, Mark and Nina O’driscoll. 1992. Giving Presentation. London: Longman. 3. Gagne, Robert M.1979. Principles of Instructional Design. 2nd Edition. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston All rights Reserved 4. Gay, L.R., and Peter Airasian. 2000. Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Application. NY: Prentice – Hall, Inc 5. Harris, David P.1979. Testing English: As a Second Language. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, LTD. 6. Thomas, Laura.2010. Job Seeking Guide. In Strait Times. Retrieved from at 29 July 2010

Curriculum (GBPP), SYLLABUS, LESSON PLAN (SAP), and Test Items OF English CLASS

Page 9

SATUAN ADMINISTRASI PERKULIAHAN (SAP) Nama Mata Kuliah Kode Mata Kuliah/Bobot Waktu Pertemuan Pertemuan keSemester/Tahun Akademik Fakultas/Program Studi Dosen

: Bahasa Inggris : IKP 2201/3 SKS : 2 x 200 menit : 2 & 3 (ke dua dan tiga) : II/2011-2012 : FIKP/MSP & IKL : Erwin Pohan, S.Pd., M.Pd.

A. Tujuan Instruksional Umum: Setelah proses pembelajaran selesai mahasiswa diharapkan dapat memahami konsep “language skills” dan “language elements” dan penerapannya dalam komunikasi baik lisan maupun tulisan. B. Tujuan Instruksional Khusus: The students are able to communicate the text of “making a dialogue/speaking & writing” through applying language skills and elements. C. Pokok Bahasan : Making a dialogue / speaking & writing D. Sub-Pokok Bahasan : Speaking 1/2, Reading 1/2, Writing 1/2, Listening 1/2, Vocabulary/21, Translation 1/2, Grammar 1/2. E. Kegiatan Pembelajaran




Kegiatan Pengajar Greeting Taking students’ attendance Motivating them to start their learning well. - Calls the students to check their tasks. After that …. - Asks the groups to present the result of their tasks in front of the class. - Records their performance and participation during students conference session. - Encourages the students to be more active in speaking by giving an example of how to take part in discussion. - Asks them to raise their hand, say their names and groups before coming to give addition, suggestion, comments, and

Kegiatan Mahasiswa

pay attention answering question

Media & Alat Pengajaran white board, board marker, handbook

- Present their tasks (every members in the group writes the answer on the white board then present it orally) - After all of groups have practiced, they white board, have students board marker, conference to discuss handbook the materials in more details. - The others observe their friends performance and take notes.

Curriculum (GBPP), SYLLABUS, LESSON PLAN (SAP), and Test Items OF English CLASS

Page 10


questions. - Gives some explanations to every difficult things from the materials faced by the students - Reminds the students to their next tasks. - Asks for one of the group to take one topic’s cards. - Writes their topics on the book.

- Pay attention answering question - One of them take a topic cards, after that they show it to the lecturer .

white board, board marker, handbook - ‘ -

L = Lecturer S = students F. Evaluasi Make a short dialogue and practice it with your group members in front of the class! G. Referensi 1. Chamberlin, Dennis and White Gillian. 1975. English Translation: A Graded Course for Intermediate Students. London: Cambridge University Press. 2. Brown, H.Douglas. 2002. Strategies for Success: A Practical Guide to Learning English. NY: LongmanEllis, Mark and Nina O’driscoll. 1992. Giving Presentation. London: Longman. 3. Gagne, Robert M.1979. Principles of Instructional Design. 2nd Edition. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston All rights Reserved 4. Gay, L.R., and Peter Airasian. 2000. Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Application. NY: Prentice – Hall, Inc 5. Harris, David P.1979. Testing English: As a Second Language. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, LTD. 6. Thomas, Laura.2010. Job Seeking Guide. In Strait Times. Retrieved from at 29 July 2010

Curriculum (GBPP), SYLLABUS, LESSON PLAN (SAP), and Test Items OF English CLASS

Page 11

SATUAN ADMINISTRASI PERKULIAHAN (SAP) Nama Mata Kuliah Kode Mata Kuliah/Bobot Waktu Pertemuan Pertemuan keSemester/Tahun Akademik Fakultas/Program Studi Dosen

: Bahasa Inggris : IKP 2201/3 SKS : 2 x 200 menit : 4 & 5 (ke empat dan lima) : II/2011-2012 : FIKP/MSP & IKL : Erwin Pohan, S.Pd., M.Pd

A. Tujuan Instruksional Umum: Setelah proses pembelajaran selesai mahasiswa diharapkan dapat memahami konsep “language skills” dan “language elements” dan penerapannya dalam komunikasi baik lisan maupun tulisan. B. Tujuan Instruksional Khusus: The students are able to communicate the text of “vocabulary & speaking / changing parts of speech” through applying language skills and elements ” C. Pokok Bahasan : Vocabulary & speaking / changing parts of speech D. Sub-Pokok Bahasan : Speaking 3/4, Reading 3/4, Writing 3/4, Listening 3/4, Vocabulary 3/4, Translation 3/4, Grammar 3/4. E. Kegiatan Pembelajaran




Kegiatan Pengajar Greeting Taking students’ attendance Motivating them to start their learning well. - Calls the students to check their tasks. After that …. - Asks the groups to present the result of their tasks in front of the class. - Records their performance and participation during students conference session. - Encourages the students to be more active in speaking by giving an example of how to take part in discussion. - Asks them to raise their hand, say their names and groups

Kegiatan Mahasiswa

pay attention answering question

Media & Alat Pengajaran white board, board marker, handbook

- Present their tasks (every members in the group writes the answer on the white board then present it orally) - After all of groups white board, have practiced, they board marker, have students handbook conference to discuss the materials in more details. - The others observe their friends

Curriculum (GBPP), SYLLABUS, LESSON PLAN (SAP), and Test Items OF English CLASS

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before coming to give addition, suggestion, comments, and questions. - Gives some explanations to every difficult things from the materials faced by the students - Reminds the students to their next tasks. - Asks for one of the group to take one topic’s cards. - Writes their topics on the book.

performance and take notes. - Pay attention answering question - One of them take a topic cards, after that they show it to the lecturer .

white board, board marker, handbook - ‘ -

L = Lecturer S = students F. Evaluasi Ask the students to classify some vocabularies due to the terms of marine and fishery and memorize them, then make it into a short dialogue! G. Referensi 1. Chamberlin, Dennis and White Gillian. 1975. English Translation: A Graded Course for Intermediate Students. London: Cambridge University Press. 2. Brown, H.Douglas. 2002. Strategies for Success: A Practical Guide to Learning English. NY: LongmanEllis, Mark and Nina O’driscoll. 1992. Giving Presentation. London: Longman. 3. Gagne, Robert M.1979. Principles of Instructional Design. 2nd Edition. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston All rights Reserved 4. Gay, L.R., and Peter Airasian. 2000. Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Application. NY: Prentice – Hall, Inc 5. Harris, David P.1979. Testing English: As a Second Language. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, LTD. 6. Thomas, Laura.2010. Job Seeking Guide. In Strait Times. Retrieved from at 29 July 2010

Curriculum (GBPP), SYLLABUS, LESSON PLAN (SAP), and Test Items OF English CLASS

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SATUAN ADMINISTRASI PERKULIAHAN (SAP) Nama Mata Kuliah Kode Mata Kuliah/Bobot Waktu Pertemuan Pertemuan keSemester/Tahun Akademik Fakultas/Program Studi Dosen

: Bahasa Inggris : IKP 2201/3 SKS : 2 x 200 menit : 6 & 7 (ke enam dan tujuh) : II/2011-2012 : FIKP/MSP & IKL : Erwin Pohan, S.Pd., M.Pd

A. Tujuan Instruksional Umum: Setelah proses pembelajaran selesai mahasiswa diharapkan dapat memahami konsep “language skills” dan “language elements” dan penerapannya dalam komunikasi baik lisan maupun tulisan. B. Tujuan Instruksional Khusus: The students are able to communicate the text of “main ideas & details/essay writing (outline)” through applying language skills and elements ” C. Pokok Bahasan : Main Ideas & details/essay writing (outline) Sub-Pokok Bahasan : Speaking 5/6, Reading 5/6, Writing 5/6, Listening 5/6, Vocabulary 5/6, Translation 5/6, Grammar 5/6. D. Kegiatan Pembelajaran




Kegiatan Pengajar Greeting Taking students’ attendance Motivating them to start their learning well. - Calls the students to check their tasks. After that …. - Asks the groups to present the result of their tasks in front of the class. - Records their performance and participation during students conference session. - Encourages the students to be more active in speaking by giving an example of how to take part in discussion. - Asks them to raise their hand, say their names and groups

Kegiatan Mahasiswa

pay attention answering question

Media & Alat Pengajaran white board, board marker, handbook

- Present their tasks (every members in the group writes the answer on the white board then present it orally) - After all of groups white board, have practiced, they board marker, have students handbook conference to discuss the materials in more details. - The others observe their friends

Curriculum (GBPP), SYLLABUS, LESSON PLAN (SAP), and Test Items OF English CLASS

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before coming to give addition, suggestion, comments, and questions. - Gives some explanations to every difficult things from the materials faced by the students - Reminds the students to their next tasks. - Asks for one of the group to take one topic’s cards. - Writes their topics on the book.

performance and take notes. - Pay attention answering question - One of them take a topic cards, after that they show it to the lecturer .

white board, board marker, handbook - ‘ -

L = Lecturer S = students E. Evaluasi - Copy a complete article and find out the main ideas and details in it: one underline for main idea and two underlines for details! - Write the example of your own outline of an essay writing based on the lecturer given! F. Referensi 1. Chamberlin, Dennis and White Gillian. 1975. English Translation: A Graded Course for Intermediate Students. London: Cambridge University Press. 2. Brown, H.Douglas. 2002. Strategies for Success: A Practical Guide to Learning English. NY: LongmanEllis, Mark and Nina O’driscoll. 1992. Giving Presentation. London: Longman. 3. Gagne, Robert M.1979. Principles of Instructional Design. 2nd Edition. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston All rights Reserved 4. Gay, L.R., and Peter Airasian. 2000. Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Application. NY: Prentice – Hall, Inc 5. Harris, David P.1979. Testing English: As a Second Language. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, LTD. 6. Thomas, Laura.2010. Job Seeking Guide. In Strait Times. Retrieved from at 29 July 2010

Curriculum (GBPP), SYLLABUS, LESSON PLAN (SAP), and Test Items OF English CLASS

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SATUAN ADMINISTRASI PERKULIAHAN (SAP) Nama Mata Kuliah Kode Mata Kuliah/Bobot Waktu Pertemuan Pertemuan keSemester/Tahun Akademik Fakultas/Program Studi Dosen

: Bahasa Inggris : IKP 2201/3 SKS : 2 x 200 menit : 8 & 9 (ke delapan dan sembilan) : II/2011-2012 : FIKP/MSP & IKL : Erwin Pohan, S.Pd., M.Pd

A. Tujuan Instruksional Umum: Setelah proses pembelajaran selesai mahasiswa diharapkan dapat memahami konsep “language skills” dan “language elements” dan penerapannya dalam komunikasi baik lisan maupun tulisan. B. Tujuan Instruksional Khusus: The students are able to communicate the text of “esaay writing (completed writing)/discussion of the essay writing” through applying language skills and elements ” C. Pokok Bahasan : Essay writing (completed writing) / discussion of the essay Sub-Pokok Bahasan : Speaking 7/8, Reading 7/8, Writing 7/8, Listening 7/8, Vocabulary 7/8, Translation 7/8, Grammar 7/8. D. Kegiatan Pembelajaran Tahap



Kegiatan Pengajar Greeting Taking students’ attendance Motivating them to start their learning well. - Calls the students to check their tasks. After that …. - Asks the groups to present the result of their tasks in front of the class. - Records their performance and participation during students conference session. - Encourages the students to be more active in speaking by giving an example of how to take part in discussion. - Asks them to raise their hand, say their names and groups

Kegiatan Mahasiswa

pay attention answering question

Media & Alat Pengajaran white board, board marker, handbook

- Present their tasks (every members in the group writes the answer on the white board then present it orally) - After all of groups white board, have practiced, they board marker, have students handbook conference to discuss the materials in more details. - The others observe their friends

Curriculum (GBPP), SYLLABUS, LESSON PLAN (SAP), and Test Items OF English CLASS

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before coming to give addition, suggestion, comments, and questions. - Gives some explanations to every difficult things from the materials faced by the students - Reminds the students to their next tasks. - Asks for one of the group to take one topic’s cards. - Writes their topics on the book.

performance and take notes. - Pay attention answering question - One of them take a topic cards, after that they show it to the lecturer .

white board, board marker, handbook - ‘ -

L = Lecturer S = students E. Evaluasi - Ask the students to write a completed writing based on their outline and discuss it in the classroom to see some errors and the relationship between the outline and completed writing! F. Referensi 1. Chamberlin, Dennis and White Gillian. 1975. English Translation: A Graded Course for Intermediate Students. London: Cambridge University Press. 2. Brown, H.Douglas. 2002. Strategies for Success: A Practical Guide to Learning English. NY: LongmanEllis, Mark and Nina O’driscoll. 1992. Giving Presentation. London: Longman. 3. Gagne, Robert M.1979. Principles of Instructional Design. 2nd Edition. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston All rights Reserved 4. Gay, L.R., and Peter Airasian. 2000. Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Application. NY: Prentice – Hall, Inc 5. Harris, David P.1979. Testing English: As a Second Language. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, LTD. 6. Thomas, Laura.2010. Job Seeking Guide. In Strait Times. Retrieved from at 29 July 2010

Curriculum (GBPP), SYLLABUS, LESSON PLAN (SAP), and Test Items OF English CLASS

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SATUAN ADMINISTRASI PERKULIAHAN (SAP) Nama Mata Kuliah Kode Mata Kuliah/Bobot Waktu Pertemuan Pertemuan keSemester/Tahun Akademik Fakultas/Program Studi Dosen

: Bahasa Inggris : IKP 2201/3 SKS : 2 x 200 menit : 10 & 11 (ke sepuluh dan sebelas) : II/2011-2012 : FIKP/MSP & IKL : Erwin Pohan, S.Pd., M.Pd

A. Tujuan Instruksional Umum: Setelah proses pembelajaran selesai mahasiswa diharapkan dapat memahami konsep “language skills” dan “language elements” dan penerapannya dalam komunikasi baik lisan maupun tulisan. B. Tujuan Instruksional Khusus: The students are able to communicate the text of “some terms of marine & fishery/adverbial clauses 1” through applying language skills and elements ” C. Pokok Bahasan : Some terms of marine & fishery / adverbial clauses 1 Sub-Pokok Bahasan : Speaking 9/10, Reading 9/10, Writing 9/10, Listening 9/10, Vocabulary 9/10, Translation 9/10, Grammar 9/10. D. Kegiatan Pembelajaran




Kegiatan Pengajar Greeting Taking students’ attendance Motivating them to start their learning well. - Calls the students to check their tasks. After that …. - Asks the groups to present the result of their tasks in front of the class. - Records their performance and participation during students conference session. - Encourages the students to be more active in speaking by giving an example of how to take part in discussion. - Asks them to raise their hand, say their names and groups

Kegiatan Mahasiswa

pay attention answering question

Media & Alat Pengajaran white board, board marker, handbook

- Present their tasks (every members in the group writes the answer on the white board then present it orally) - After all of groups white board, have practiced, they board marker, have students handbook conference to discuss the materials in more details. - The others observe their friends

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before coming to give addition, suggestion, comments, and questions. - Gives some explanations to every difficult things from the materials faced by the students - Reminds the students to their next tasks. - Asks for one of the group to take one topic’s cards. - Writes their topics on the book.

performance and take notes. - Pay attention answering question - One of them take a topic cards, after that they show it to the lecturer .

white board, board marker, handbook - ‘ -

L = Lecturer S = students E. Evaluasi - Ask the students to find out some terms of marine and fishery from an article and write their meanings! - Ask the students to write the examples of adverbial clauses: when, whenever, where, wherever, after, before, as soon as, so that, because, etc. F. Referensi 1. Chamberlin, Dennis and White Gillian. 1975. English Translation: A Graded Course for Intermediate Students. London: Cambridge University Press. 2. Brown, H.Douglas. 2002. Strategies for Success: A Practical Guide to Learning English. NY: LongmanEllis, Mark and Nina O’driscoll. 1992. Giving Presentation. London: Longman. 3. Gagne, Robert M.1979. Principles of Instructional Design. 2nd Edition. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston All rights Reserved 4. Gay, L.R., and Peter Airasian. 2000. Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Application. NY: Prentice – Hall, Inc 5. Harris, David P.1979. Testing English: As a Second Language. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, LTD. 6. Thomas, Laura.2010. Job Seeking Guide. In Strait Times. Retrieved from at 29 July 2010

Curriculum (GBPP), SYLLABUS, LESSON PLAN (SAP), and Test Items OF English CLASS

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SATUAN ADMINISTRASI PERKULIAHAN (SAP) Nama Mata Kuliah Kode Mata Kuliah/Bobot Waktu Pertemuan Pertemuan keSemester/Tahun Akademik Fakultas/Program Studi Dosen

: Bahasa Inggris : IKP 2201/3 SKS : 2 x 200 menit : 12 & 13 (ke dua belas dan tiga belas) : II/2011-2012 : FIKP/MSP & IKL : Erwin Pohan, S.Pd., M.Pd

A. Tujuan Instruksional Umum: Setelah proses pembelajaran selesai mahasiswa diharapkan dapat memahami konsep “language skills” dan “language elements” dan penerapannya dalam komunikasi baik lisan maupun tulisan. B. Tujuan Instruksional Khusus: The students are able to communicate the text of “adverbial clauses 2 / noun cluases” through applying language skills and elements ” C. Pokok Bahasan : Adverbial clauses 2 / Noun Clauses Sub-Pokok Bahasan : Speaking 11/12, Reading 11/12, Writing 11/12, Listening 11/12, Vocabulary 11/12, Translation 11/12, Grammar 11/12. D. Kegiatan Pembelajaran




Kegiatan Pengajar Greeting Taking students’ attendance Motivating them to start their learning well. - Calls the students to check their tasks. After that …. - Asks the groups to present the result of their tasks in front of the class. - Records their performance and participation during students conference session. - Encourages the students to be more active in speaking by giving an example of how to take part in discussion. - Asks them to raise their hand, say their names and groups before coming to give addition,

Kegiatan Mahasiswa

pay attention answering question

Media & Alat Pengajaran white board, board marker, handbook

- Present their tasks (every members in the group writes the answer on the white board then present it orally) - After all of groups white board, have practiced, they board marker, have students handbook conference to discuss the materials in more details. - The others observe their friends performance and take

Curriculum (GBPP), SYLLABUS, LESSON PLAN (SAP), and Test Items OF English CLASS

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suggestion, comments, and questions. - Gives some explanations to every difficult things from the materials faced by the students - Reminds the students to their next tasks. - Asks for one of the group to take one topic’s cards. - Writes their topics on the book.

notes. - Pay attention answering question - One of them take a topic cards, after that they show it to the lecturer .

white board, board marker, handbook - ‘ -

L = Lecturer S = students E. Evaluasi - The lecturer gives the students some drills about adverbial clauses and ask them to complete them. - Ask the students to write their own examples of noun clauses and discuss those in students conference! F. Referensi 1. Chamberlin, Dennis and White Gillian. 1975. English Translation: A Graded Course for Intermediate Students. London: Cambridge University Press. 2. Brown, H.Douglas. 2002. Strategies for Success: A Practical Guide to Learning English. NY: LongmanEllis, Mark and Nina O’driscoll. 1992. Giving Presentation. London: Longman. 3. Gagne, Robert M.1979. Principles of Instructional Design. 2nd Edition. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston All rights Reserved 4. Gay, L.R., and Peter Airasian. 2000. Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Application. NY: Prentice – Hall, Inc 5. Harris, David P.1979. Testing English: As a Second Language. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, LTD. 6. Thomas, Laura.2010. Job Seeking Guide. In Strait Times. Retrieved from at 29 July 2010

Curriculum (GBPP), SYLLABUS, LESSON PLAN (SAP), and Test Items OF English CLASS

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SATUAN ADMINISTRASI PERKULIAHAN (SAP) Nama Mata Kuliah Kode Mata Kuliah/Bobot Waktu Pertemuan Pertemuan keSemester/Tahun Akademik Fakultas/Program Studi Dosen

: Bahasa Inggris : IKP 2201/3 SKS : 1 x 200 menit : 14 (ke empat belas) : II/2011-2012 : FIKP/MSP & IKL : Erwin Pohan, S.Pd., M.Pd

A. Tujuan Instruksional Umum: Setelah proses pembelajaran selesai mahasiswa diharapkan dapat memahami konsep “language skills” dan “language elements” dan penerapannya dalam komunikasi baik lisan maupun tulisan. B. Tujuan Instruksional Khusus: “The students are able to review the materials and activities have been learned & done in this semester” C. Pokok Bahasan : Review Sub-Pokok Bahasan : The materials from the 2nd up to 13th meeting. D. Kegiatan Pembelajaran




Kegiatan Pengajar Greeting Taking students’ attendance Motivating them to start their learning well. - Calls the students to check their tasks. After that …. - Asks the groups to present the result of their tasks in front of the class. - Records their performance and participation during students conference session. - Encourages the students to be more active in speaking by giving an example of how to take part in discussion. - Asks them to raise their hand, say their names and groups before coming to give addition,

Kegiatan Mahasiswa

pay attention answering question

Media & Alat Pengajaran white board, board marker, handbook

- Present their tasks (every members in the group writes the answer on the white board then present it orally) - After all of groups white board, have practiced, they board marker, have students handbook conference to discuss the materials in more details. - The others observe their friends performance and take

Curriculum (GBPP), SYLLABUS, LESSON PLAN (SAP), and Test Items OF English CLASS

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suggestion, comments, and questions. - the students are asked to give some questions dealing with the materials have been discussed. - Gives some explanations to every difficult things from the materials faced by the students - Reminds the students to their all tasks.

notes. - the students and lecturer try to response those questions - Paying attention and answering questions

white board, board marker, - ‘ handbook -

L = Lecturer S = students E. Evaluasi - Ask the students to create some questions dealing with the materials have been studied! - The lecturer and students discuss and response the questions are being asked in the classroom. F. Referensi 1. Chamberlin, Dennis and White Gillian. 1975. English Translation: A Graded Course for Intermediate Students. London: Cambridge University Press. 2. Brown, H.Douglas. 2002. Strategies for Success: A Practical Guide to Learning English. NY: LongmanEllis, Mark and Nina O’driscoll. 1992. Giving Presentation. London: Longman. 3. Gagne, Robert M.1979. Principles of Instructional Design. 2nd Edition. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston All rights Reserved 4. Gay, L.R., and Peter Airasian. 2000. Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Application. NY: Prentice – Hall, Inc 5. Harris, David P.1979. Testing English: As a Second Language. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, LTD. 6. Thomas, Laura.2010. Job Seeking Guide. In Strait Times. Retrieved from at 29 July 2010

Curriculum (GBPP), SYLLABUS, LESSON PLAN (SAP), and Test Items OF English CLASS

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Appendix 1: Test items of “UTS”


Time: 90’

MID-TERM TEST OF ENGLISH 1) Choose one of the topics below and write your own short dialogue based on it! a) Fishing technology b) Feed management in intensive aquaculture/Dry Feed c) Dietary requirement d) Bacteriology of water e) Reproduction and growth f) Identification of feeding stimulants 2) Find and write the main idea and details of the following paragraph! “Although a variety of feeding stimulants have been identified from experiments conducted with various fish species, most belong to a small group of chemicals: free amino acids, nucleotides and nucleosides, and quaternary ammonium bases”. 3) Write 20 terms of maritime and fisheries with their meanings (Indonesian language) from the materials have been studied! 4) Write the information question based on the underlined word/phrase (as the answer of your question) of the statement below! “We have recently investigated the direct effect of dietary feeding stimulant supplements on 1 2 3 4 food intake, and indirect effects on digestion, absorption and metabolism of ingested nutrients 5 in some fish species”. 6 5) Write the word’s example of the changing parts of speech below! a) Verb –Noun b) Adjective – Verb c) Noun – Adjective d) Adjective – Adverb e) Noun – Verb f) Verb – Adjective g) Adverb - Adjective

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Lecturer : Erwin Pohan, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Instruction: Do the following items as well as you can! No discussion with friends and TURN OFF your handphone! You’re allowed to use dictionary. 1. It is introduced by a subordinator, used to modify the verb of the noun clause, and answers such questions as where? when? why? how? For what purpose?. Moreover, it can come either after or before the independent clause. It refers to ………………………. 2. A dependent clause that function as a noun must be connected to an independent clause to form a complex sentence is called …………………………………….. 3. Write your own outline of an essay completely! 4. Complete the following sentences with the parts of adverbial clauses appropriately! a) The Trikora beach is …………………… many people are interested to go there. b) Some people are looking for a new job in Batam ………… many new big companies are opened and need many workers. c) I want to know more about the poor fisherman ………………………… I can. d) ……………………….. you learn, you must have a good behavior. e) ………………. the crisis happened in 1998, the fishermen’s economy of Indonesia were stable. 5. Complete the following sentences with right parts of noun clauses (that, wh-question, and yes/no question clauses) appropriately! a) The president Soesilo Bambang Yudoyono agrees ………………………. b) The professor asked us …………………………………………………………………… c) It’s difficult to determine………………………………………………………… d) I don’t know ………………………………………………………………………….. e) The professor further explained…………….the brain controls sensations, moods, thoughts, and actions f) Can you remember ……………………. made errors? g) I don’t know ………………our project are due to next month 6. Read the text carefully and then write the correct outline of it! “With the economy picking up and mid-year bonuses being distributed, many people are considering moving to greener pastures (better field of job).The hightechnology industry sector is usually a complex one, so how can you find new job opportunities in this sector and land your dream job? Everyone is familiar with channels such as classified advertisements, internal job boards or job websites. However, in some cases, senior-level positions or unique jobs are not advertised in the usual channels, as the company prefers to source for candidates selectively. Here are some tips to help you in your job search: Curriculum (GBPP), SYLLABUS, LESSON PLAN (SAP), and Test Items OF English CLASS

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Networking Rather than leaving the responsibility in the hands of the employing organization, it is better to be proactive and use your own networking skills to identify new career opportunities. Who do you know in other companies in your area of expertise who may be aware of job openings? Which companies are actually growing in your particular sector? Then, check out the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) that are taking on new talents from larger organizations that are restructuring. Or, it may be the large multinational companies that are expanding, as they merge or acquire other companies. Also, conferences and exhibitions are useful venues for networking, particularly if the event focuses on your technology sector. Alternatively, networking can be done on a smaller scale, through face-to-face meetings or a friendly chat over drinks. And, virtual (effective) networking is also increasing in popularity, through sites such as Linked-in. These online websites give you the opportunity to link up with new business contacts, build networks with your existing contacts and widen your network nationally and internationally. Executive Search Firms Executive search organizations, particularly those that specialize in your sector, have the advantage of knowing what is going on in the industry across a wide range of companies. They are aware of senior positions in the market, some of which are not openly advertised externally and can help you to market yourself to potential employers. Those with global offices can widen the search internationally, if you are willing to relocate. Check with your acquaintances (connections) on which firms they rate well, or contact headhunters directly to find the one you are comfortable with. Applying for Opportunities Once you have found the right job opportunity, now comes the more challenging part — applying for it. When brushing up your curriculum vitae, do remember that frequently a non-technical human resource person may be the first to review it. So do not flood your CV with technical jargon or use abbreviations, which may not be known by those outside the sector. Instead, be clear about what you have achieved and when, as well as your roles and responsibilities. Key information needs to be presented in a clear and succinct format in the first two pages. Although it is important to make your CV stand out, most technology companies prefer to see well-structured content without distractions, such as the use of several colors or unusual fonts. A brief profile at the beginning, summing up your experience and key skills in three to four sentences is often a good idea. Tailor your CV, or at least your cover letter, to the role you are applying for, and highlight the relevant experience. If you have been networking appropriately and have a great CV, you should be able to get that coveted interview. It is important to keep up the good work by preparing yourself well. Improve your chances by reading up on the company. If you have a presentation, make sure you prepare well for it. Firm handshakes and first impressions are important, so dress appropriately. In some cases, this could be a suit and tie if you are applying for a senior management role in a major MNC pharmaceutical. In others cases, it could be more casual, if you want to fit in as a product developer in a young up-and-coming IT start-up. Curriculum (GBPP), SYLLABUS, LESSON PLAN (SAP), and Test Items OF English CLASS

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Thinking Laterally (Creatively) If your sector or market is not doing so well, can you transfer your skills to another? For example, employers within the medical devices sector are frequently willing to take on those with experience in the semiconductor industry. Are you willing to relocate? Many pharmaceutical companies are moving research and development and manufacturing operations to China and need experienced and skilled individuals. Would you consider working for a contract organization, particularly as more high-tech companies are outsourcing specialized functions? If your skills do not transfer well to that sort of environment, you may wish to get involved in more cross-functional projects within your own organization, to gain the experience. What about interim management, where experienced professionals take on operational or strategic assignments on a short-term basis? Interim managers need to be able to stomach risk, as they operate on a freelance basis and are typically self-employed. Finally, most importantly, stay positive and driven, and you will achieve your goal”. Article by Laura Thomas, managing director of RSA Singapore. RSA is a global provider of resourcing services to the life science and health-care sectors. For more information, visit

***good luck***

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