Errington-wood 20173055 Football 5

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  • Pages: 7
Lesson Plan Template 2017


LESSON ORGANISATION (based on Australian Curriculum: Health & Physical Education)

Intention: By the end of this lesson, students should be able to demonstrate evasion tactics including side stepping and dodging a cone and side stepping another player. Pre-lesson organisation: Make sure that all the bibs and cones are organised by colour and that the footballs are pumped up. Equipment: Coloured cones 3 sets of coloured bibs 15+ Footballs Learning Area Outcomes: Year 7 Football Program Strand: Movement and Physical Activity (MPA) Sub-Strand: Moving our body (MB), Understanding Movement (UM), Learning through Movement (LM) Focus Areas: Active Play and Minor Games (AP), Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS), Games and Sport (GS) Time 9:00

Task(s) Observations Task Management (What students do) (What to look for) (Management of Student Group) Beginning class organisation: - Bring the class together at a stationary meeting point - Give a lesson objective for today’s lesson - Allocate students an AFL team either Dockers or Eagles - Get students to pair up with someone from the opposite team - Get students to set up the cones in a square grid, 15 steps by 15 steps and 1 cone in the middle

Lesson Plan Template 2017



Warm Up  Chasey (8mins) 1. The two teams line up in a straight line on either side of the cone in the middle of the 15x15 grid (Dockers on one side, Eagles on the other) 2. The teacher stands at the front of the line and calls out one of the teams (Dockers or Eagles) 3. The team that the teacher calls out must run to the side of the grid before the person on the other team next to them tags them 4. If they reach the side of the grid they get 1 point 5. The team that isn’t called out, must chase after the player next to them and try tag them in order to score a point The aim of the warm-up is to get students ready for the lesson and to evaluate how students are able to dodge.

Evasion: - Watch opponent - Face the opponent - Hold the ball out to the side as the opponent approaches - Push off the foot that is planted on the same side as the ball - Pull the ball back quickly as you move around the opponent - Change direction, don’t run in a straight line All students are playing and moving around.

The teacher is standing at the front of the lines, calling out team names randomly.

Bridging organisation To move smoothly onto the next activity, get students to collect the cones and form groups of 4 and sit in front of the teacher. Give a brief run-down on evasion and the key teaching points. Ask students to collect 5 cones and set up the area so that there are 2 cones opposite each other, about 15 metres a part. In the middle, there are 3 cones 1 metre a part. There are 1 ball between the group.

Lesson Plan Template 2017



Skill: Side stepping The first skill to be taught is the side step around a cone. Demonstrate what is expected before starting the drill. Activity1  Avoid the Cone (8mins) 1. In groups of 4, 2 students stand at the end cones. 1 ball at one end 2. The first player runs with the ball, bouncing at least once. He/she must then side step to avoid one of the cones and pass the ball off to the player in the line opposite them 3. The next player does the same The aim of this drill is so students can practice dodging the cone while it is stationary so there is no game-like pressure. The teacher can then observe students’ skill level.

Evasion: - Watch opponent - Face the opponent - Hold the ball out to the side as the opponent approaches - Push off the foot that is planted on the same side as the ball - Pull the ball back quickly as you move around the opponent - Change direction, don’t run in a straight line All students are participating and challenging themselves and working as a team. The teacher is watching the groups and providing feedback and assessing which students need assistance and which students need to be further challenged.

Bridging organisation Teacher blows a whistle and students place the footballs on the ground. Ask one student to remove the middle cone and for that student to take the place of the cone. Teacher gives a brief run-down of the key teaching points for evading.

Lesson Plan Template 2017



Skill: Side Stepping The second skill to be taught is the side step around a moving player, or dodging. Give a demonstration of the skill before starting the drill. Activity2  Dodge (8mins) 1. In the same groups, the first player runs with the ball and bounces it at least once 2. Player 1 then has to side step/dodge the player in the middle of the two cones 3. Player 1 must go through the two cones, they cannot run around the cones 4. The middle player may tag the player running through 5. If the player successfully avoids the player in the middle, they pass the ball to the next player 6. Swap roles The aim of this drill is to practice side stepping and dodging a moving player to add game-like pressure.

Evasion: - Watch opponent - Face the opponent - Hold the ball out to the side as the opponent approaches - Push off the foot that is planted on the same side as the ball - Pull the ball back quickly as you move around the opponent - Change direction, don’t run in a straight line All students are working together No one is skipping their turn Students are following instructions and playing by the rules No hard core tackling, just tagging with one or two hands No pushing.

The teacher is assessing evading skills. Giving feedback and demonstrating for students who are visual learners.

Bridging organisation: The teacher asks students to stop what they are doing and place the footballs on the ground. The teacher creates groups of 5 based on student ability and knowledge. Ask students to collect cones and set up the new playing area so that there are 10 cones creating a rectangular grid that is 15 metres by 20 metres, 5 metres between each cone along the 20metre side. 1 ball between each group.

Lesson Plan Template 2017



Activity3  Evasion Square (8mins) 1. In groups of 5, 2 students are the runners, the other 3 students are taggers 2. Player 1 starts with the ball and runs towards player A and side steps. Then handballs to player 2 3. Player 2 runs towards player B and receives the ball and side steps, then handballs it back to player 1 4. Player 1 continues the process of sidestepping and passing it back to player 2 in the last zone 5. The taggers are slowly moving around their zone, they can put two hands on the player who then has to pass the ball on 6. Swap roles The aim of the drill is to give students a chance to practice evading in a controlled environment with a small amount of pressure. As well as practicing running on to the ball.

Evasion: - Watch opponent - Face the opponent - Hold the ball out to the side as the opponent approaches - Push off the foot that is planted on the same side as the ball - Pull the ball back quickly as you move around the opponent - Change direction, don’t run in a straight line All students are working together No one is skipping their turn Students are following instructions and playing by the rules No hard core tackling, just tagging with one or two hands No pushing.

The teacher is inspecting each drill, providing feedback, advice and support. The teacher is assessing the students’ abilities.

Bridging organisation: The teacher will blow the whistle and ask students to stop moving and to place the football on the ground. The teacher creates groups of 10. One member from each team must set up the playing area, 20 metres by 20 metres. Another student from every group goes to get 3 bibs and 1 balls, 3 students from each group must wear a bib.

Lesson Plan Template 2017




Game  Ball Tag (13mins) 1. In groups of 10, there are 3 students wearing bibs known as taggers 2. The taggers are trying to tag as many non-taggers as possible by working together to handball the ball around quickly and accurately 3. The taggers must handball the ball around, and in order to get someone out, a tagger must have the ball in hand to tag someone 4. If a player is tagged they must remain still until a team mate frees them by crawling through their legs 5. Swap roles The aim of this game is to allow students to practice their evasion skills in a competitive and game-like situation with added pressure. It also allows the teacher to see the progress of students’ in relation to their understanding and skill level.

Evasion: - Watch opponent - Face the opponent - Hold the ball out to the side as the opponent approaches - Push off the foot that is planted on the same side as the ball - Pull the ball back quickly as you move around the opponent - Change direction, don’t run in a straight line All students are participating and following instructions by playing by the rules. No hard core tackling, just tagging with one or two hands. No pushing. Students themeselves.



The teacher is monitoring all games, providing feedback, advice and support. The teacher is assessing the students’ abilities.

Closing Organisation: Teacher blows the whistle and asks all students to collect the cones, footballs and bibs and bring them in to the starting point of the lesson. Put equipment down neatly. Get students to sit down in their groups in front of the teacher. Closure: Students are sitting in front of the teacher. The teacher goes over the drills that they did and asks the class what the main focus points were for each drill. The teacher also asks students to state a key teaching point of evasion.

Lesson Plan Template 2017

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