Errington-wood 20173055 Football 1

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  • Pages: 7
Lesson Plan Template 2017


LESSON ORGANISATION (based on Australian Curriculum: Health & Physical Education)

Intention: By the end of this lesson, students should be able to exhibit a handball in a static and dynamic environment. Pre-lesson organisation: Make sure that all the bibs and cones are organised by colour and that the footballs are pumped up. Have one set of cones set up as an example for the warm-up activity. Have the students in groups of 6 before class and allocate them a coloured cone. Equipment: Coloured cones 3 sets of coloured bibs 15+ Footballs Learning Area Outcomes: Year 7 Football Program Strand: Movement and Physical Activity (MPA) Sub-Strand: Moving our body (MB), Understanding Movement (UM), Learning through Movement (LM) Focus Areas: Active Play and Minor Games (AP), Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS), Games and Sport (GS) Time 9:00

Task(s) Observations Task Management (What students do) (What to look for) (Management of Student Group) Beginning class organisation: - Bring the class together at a stationary meeting point - Briefly discuss the 6-week program – what it will involve. Give a lesson objective for today’s lesson - Allocate teams a coloured cone - Get students to set up their cones – 6 cones in a straight line, 3 steps between each cone. 1 cone two metres in front of the first cone. Then next set of 6 cones are 2 metres away from the first set.

Lesson Plan Template 2017



Warm Up  Leader Ball (8mins) 1. Students line up in a straight line standing next to their designated cone 2. One student who is the leader stands 1 metre in front of the line with a football 3. When the whistle is blown, the leader handballs the ball to the first student, who catches the ball and places it next to their cone 4. That player then runs to their right, down the line, around the last player and around the leader and back to their cone to handball the ball back 5. Once each student has run around their team they must sit down 6. The leader then handballs the ball to each player down the line and once they reach the last person, the leader must also run around the team and sit down The aim of the game is to be the first team with all members sitting

All students are actively participating All students are playing correctly no cheating Team mates are being supportive When students are sitting down in their teams they are not interfering with other teams Students are handballing the ball, not throwing.

The teacher is walking up and down the class cheering on students, observing the skill level and the techniques of students.

Bridging organisation In order to smoothly move onto the next activity, bring the class in close and on their way, ask students to collect their cones and balls, leaving the first two blue and yellow cones. Get students to pair up with someone who was on a different team and sit down in front of the teacher. Give a brief run-down of how to handball a ball. Ask pairs to line up in between the blue and yellow cones standing opposite one another with a ball between the two.

Lesson Plan Template 2017


Skill: Handball The first skill to be taught is the handball in a static environment. Give a demonstration of how the handball should be conducted to the class before starting the drill. Activity1  Partner Handballing (7mins) 1. Students line up in a line opposite their partner, one person must have a ball 2. On the teachers’ whistle, pairs will begin to handball the ball to each other 3. Try using the non-preferred hand as a challenge 4. Students will continue to handball until the teachers’ next instruction. The aim of this activity is to practice handballing and see what areas need to be improved on.

Handball: - Students who are right handed use their left hand as the platform for the football. Left handers use their right hand for the platform - Palms should be facing up with the football resting in the hand - If a student is right handed, the right hand is used to handball the ball. Left for left handers. - The hand being used should be closed in a fist with the thumb resting on the outside over the other fingers - Body slightly side-on - To handball, step forward with the foot that is on the same side as the platform hand (i.e. If you are right handed, step forward with the left foot). - Platform hand should be out in front of the body - Hit the bottom end of the ball with the closed fist. Everyone should participating.




The teacher is walking up and down both lines observing and correcting students.

Bridging organisation Teacher blows the whistle and asks students to stop handballing and to place the footballs on the ground. The teacher then gives new instructions to the class for the next activity. (No need to move equipment, or change formation).

Lesson Plan Template 2017


Activity2  Don’t Drop the Ball (8mins) This activity is still focusing on the handball skill and students are in the same pairs as the previous drill 1. On the whistle, students are to start handballing to one another. 2. If the ball is caught they take 1 step backwards 3. If the ball is caught 3 times in a row they must stop stepping backwards and handball the ball and catch it 3 more times without dropping it in order to continue taking steps backwards 4. If the ball is dropped they take one step forward 5. In order to step backwards again after dropping the ball, they must make 3 consecutive catches 6. Students will continue this activity until the next instruction The aim of this drill is to improve handballing accuracy and distance.






Students who are right handed use their left hand as the platform for the football. Left handers use their right hand for the platform Palms should be facing up with the football resting in the hand If a student is right handed, the right hand is used to handball the ball. Left for left handers. The hand being used should be closed in a fist with the thumb resting on the outside over the other fingers Body slightly side-on To handball, step forward with the foot that is on the same side as the platform hand (i.e. If you are right handed, step forward with the left foot). Platform hand should be out in front of the body Hit the bottom end of the ball with the closed fist.

The teacher is scanning the class, walking up and down the lines watching the techniques being Students are following instructions used and correcting students if and playing correctly their technique is incorrect. The Students are challenging teacher is observing skill level. Everyone should participating.





Bridging organisation: The teacher will blow the whistle and ask students to stop handballing and place the footballs on the ground. The teacher will create groups of 8 so that students are with other students who have similar abilities and understanding. Get 1 member from each group to get 5 cones and 2 footballs. Groups will set up the cones in a rectangle, 5 steps by 10 steps with one cone in the middle. While other students clear the other equipment, or help collect it to be used for the next drill.

Lesson Plan Template 2017


Skill: Handballing The second skill to be taught is the handball in a dynamic environment. Activity3  Corner Handball (8mins) This activity is also focusing on the handball skill, however now students will be in a moving environment. 1. There will be 4 feeders (A, B, C, D) on a cone each and 3 runners (1,2,3,4). 2. Player 1 starts with the ball and handballs to player A, who then hand balls it to player B. 3. Player 1 runs around player B and receives the ball and bounces it once or touches the ground. Then handballs it to player C 4. Player C handballs it to player A who handballs it to player D 5. Player 1 sprints around C and D to receive the ball and then handballs it to player 2. 6. Once each player has completed their turn switch positions 7. Continue until further instructions The aim of this drill is to practice handballing in a moving environment while concentrating on distance and accuracy. The teacher picks a group with good abilities and understanding and demonstrates in front of the class, walking through and giving instructions.







Students who are right handed use their left hand as the platform for the football. Left handers use their right hand for the platform Palms should be facing up with the football resting in the hand If a student is right handed, the right hand is used to handball the ball. Left for left handers. The hand being used should be closed in a fist with the thumb resting on the outside over the other fingers Body slightly side-on To handball, step forward with the foot that is on the same side as the platform hand (i.e. If you are right handed, step forward with the left foot). Platform hand should be out in front of the body Hit the bottom end of the ball with the closed fist.

Everyone should participating.


The teacher is observing and correcting students in all grids. Assessing abilities and understanding.


Students are following instructions and playing correctly Students themselves.



Bridging organisation: The teacher will blow the whistle and ask students to stop handballing and to place the football on the ground. The teacher combines groups so there are 2 groups of 16 students. The two groups of 16 will be split into two teams of 8, one team must wear the bibs. The students set up a 15 step by 15 step playing area and 1 student from each group goes to get 8 bibs that are the same colour and puts away the other ball and the middle cone from the last drill.

Lesson Plan Template 2017


Game  8v8 (13minutes) One team in each grid must wear the coloured bibs. 1. On the whistle, the team with the ball has to try and keep possession by handballing the ball to each of the team members 2. If the team makes 8 handballs they score 1 point. The ball must go to a different player each time. If they can handball to every team member once, they score 2 points. 3. The other team without the ball is trying to intercept the ball. If they gain possession they must then try make 8 passes to score a point 4. The game continues until further instructions The aim of the game is to practice using the skills learnt from the drills. Play in a more competitive and intense environment, as well as using initiative to create space and practice game play. The teacher demonstrates the rules of the game in front of the class using a few students.



Correct handballing technique used: - Platform hand out in front - Palm facing up with ball resting in hand - Handballing hand closed in a fist - Thumb on the outside - Body side on - Stepping foot forward - Hit the ball on the bottom end - Follow through Everyone is involved and actively participating. If there are too many people in one grid, ask 5 or 6 students from each of the 2 groups to leave and form their own 2 teams. Get them to set up a grid and start another game. This allows for greater involvement and for all students to get a hold of the ball. There will then be 3 groups of about 10 or 11.

The teacher is moving around between the two groups observing game play and skills. Other variations: change the size of The teacher is also providing the grid, the number of people in feedback for the teams and each grid, the number of passes that making sure that all students are have to be made to make it easier or actively involved and touching the harder. ball and following the rules.

Closing Organisation: Teacher blows the whistle and asks all students to collect the cones, footballs and bibs and bring them in to the starting point of the lesson. Put equipment down neatly. Get students to sit down in their groups in front of the teacher. Closure: Students are sitting in front of the teacher. The teacher goes over the drills that they did and asks the class what the main focus points were for each drill. The teacher also asks students to state a key teaching point of the handball.

Lesson Plan Template 2017

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