Errington-wood 20173055 Football 3

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  • Pages: 7
Lesson Plan Template 2017


LESSON ORGANISATION (based on Australian Curriculum: Health & Physical Education)

Intention: By the end of this lesson, students should be able to demonstrate a football kick in both stationary and moving environments as well as being able to kick over short and long distances. Pre-lesson organisation: Make sure that all the bibs and cones are organised by colour and that the footballs are pumped up. Equipment: Coloured cones 3 sets of coloured bibs 15+ Footballs Learning Area Outcomes: Year 7 Football Program Strand: Movement and Physical Activity (MPA) Sub-Strand: Moving our body (MB), Understanding Movement (UM), Learning through Movement (LM) Focus Areas: Active Play and Minor Games (AP), Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS), Games and Sport (GS) Time 9:00

Task(s) Observations Task Management (What students do) (What to look for) (Management of Student Group) Beginning class organisation: - Bring the class together at a stationary meeting point - Give a lesson objective for today’s lesson - Get 3 students to collect 1 ball each and to then start forming a large circle with the rest of the class.

Lesson Plan Template 2017



Warm Up  Pass It On (8mins) 1. Students create a circle, there are 3 footballs 2. The students are kicking the footballs to other students around the circle 3. When the teacher calls freeze, the 3 students who have a football must run around the circle and try get back to their original spot 4. Runners must try and tag one or both of the other 2 runners before they get back to their spot 5. If one of the runners are tagged, they are not allowed to run again and if they have the ball when ‘freeze’ is called, they must pass the ball on to someone else 6. The process of the game continues The aim of the warm-up is to get students ready for the lesson and for the teacher to see the skill level and understanding.

Kicking: - Face the target - Head slightly bent over the ball - Hold the football in line with the leg you will kick with - Guide the ball down with one hand - The ball should hit the top of the foot where the shoelaces are - Point toes at the target - Follow through straight towards the target. All students are playing correctly and following the rules Students are not interfering with the performance of other students around them Students are kicking the ball, not throwing or handballing.

The teacher is standing around the circle or in the circle watching the students and participating. The teacher randomly calls out ‘freeze’ and continue.

All students are actively participating

Bridging organisation In order to smoothly move onto the next activity, bring the class in close and on their way, ask students to collect their cones and balls. Get students to form groups of 5 and sit down in front of the teacher. Give a brief run-down of how to kick a football. Discuss key teaching points. Ask 1 member from each group to collect 4 cones and 1 football and to set up the playing area by making a 15 step by 15 step square, placing the cones on the corners.

Lesson Plan Template 2017



Skill: Kicking The skill to be taught is kicking the ball in a static environment over shortdistances. Demonstrate how to kick the football. Activity1  Figure of 8 (8mins) 1. In groups of 5, there are 2 students on the first cone and 1 student on every other cone 2. Player 1 with the ball makes a short kick to player two who is opposite and follows the ball 3. Player 2 kicks diagonally to player 3 and follows the ball. 4. The ball is received and kicked to player 4 who is opposite, follow the ball 5. Player 4 then kicks diagonally to player 5 where the ball began, follow the ball. 6. Repeat this figure of 8 until further instructions The aim of the drill is to examine students’ kicking abilities and their skill level, assessing what areas need improving.

Kicking: - Face the target - Head slightly bent over the ball - Hold the football in line with the leg you will kick with - Guide the ball down with one hand - The ball should hit the top of the foot where the shoelaces are - Point toes at the target - Follow through straight towards the target. Everyone is moving and having a go kicking the ball. Groups are working well together and are not off task. The drills are running smoothly and students are following instructions.

The teacher is observing the groups by walking to all the grids and watches their ability to demonstrate a short distance kick, as well as working together in a team. Provides feedback to students who need assistance and praises.

Bridging organisation The teacher will blow the whistle, signaling to students to put the football on the ground. The teacher will ask 1 student from each group to get 7 more cones and to create a rectangular grid, 15 metres by 20 metres placing 1 cone every 5 metres so there are 5 cones along the 20 metre side of the grid and a single cone 15steps from the middle of the first grid.

Lesson Plan Template 2017



Skill: Kicking The second skill to be taught is static long-distance kicking. Demonstrate how the drill will operate. Activity2  Zones (8mins) 1. In the same groups of 5, there will be 1 feeder at the isolated cone, and 1 player in each of the 4 zones within the grid 2. The feeder will kick the ball to any zone they like and if the ball is marked by the player in that zone they are able to score 1 point 3. The player in the zone must then kick the ball back to the feeder, where the process repeats until further instructions 4. Each zone is a separate team, the feeder is on all teams 5. The feeder must kick to a new zone player each time. The aim of the drill is to examine each students’ ability to kick the ball over a long distance and assessing the accuracy of the kicks.

Kicking: - Face the target - Head slightly bent over the ball - Hold the football in line with the leg you will kick with - Guide the ball down with one hand - The ball should hit the top of the foot where the shoelaces are - Point toes at the target - Follow through straight towards the target. Everyone is moving and having a go kicking the ball. Groups are working well together and are not off task. The drills are running smoothly and students are following instructions.

The teacher is observing the groups by walking to all the grids. The teacher is looking for students who are exhibiting correct technique and for students who are having difficulties in order to provide feedback.

Bridging organisation: The whistle is blown and the teacher asks students to place the footballs on the ground. The teacher asks students to collect 6 cones and put them to the side, leaving 4 cones that make a square grid; take the isolated cone from the last drill and place it in the center of the new grid. The teacher then creates new groups of 7 or 8, based on similar skill level and understanding. 1 ball between each group.

Lesson Plan Template 2017



Skill: Kicking The third skill to be taught is static and dynamic short and long-distance kicking. Demonstrate the drill before starting. Activity3  Kick and Run On (8mins) 1. There will be 4 feeders (A, B, C, D) on a cone each and 3 runners (1,2,3,4). 2. Player 1 starts with the ball and kicks to player A, who then kicks to player B. 3. Player 1 runs around player B and receives the ball and bounces it once or touches the ground. Then kicks it to player C 4. Player C kicks to player A who kicks to player D 5. Player 1 sprints around C and D to receive the ball and then handballs it to player 2. 6. Once each player has completed their turn switch positions 7. Continue until further instructions The aim of this drill is to practice kicking short and long distance in a static and dynamic environment. While also concentrating on accuracy and quality of the kick.

Kicking: - Face the target - Head slightly bent over the ball - Hold the football in line with the leg you will kick with - Guide the ball down with one hand - The ball should hit the top of the foot where the shoelaces are - Point toes at the target - Follow through straight towards the target. Everyone is moving and having a go kicking the ball. Groups are working well together and are not off task.

The teacher is evaluating each student and their ability to kick the ball while stationary and moving, as well as being able to kick short and long-distance.

The drills are running smoothly and students are following instructions.

Bridging organisation: The whistle is blown, students must place the footballs on the ground. 1 student from every group must remove the cone in the center of the grid and must collect 3 more cones to make the grid larger, 15 metres by 25 metres. There should be 4 cones along the 25metre side of the grid. Another member of each group must collect 8 bibs and another ball. Groups of 8 remain the same, however there are 2 groups of 8 in 1 grid. 1 team must wear bibs. 2 balls between the group.

Lesson Plan Template 2017




Game  Football Tennis(13mins) 1. In groups of 8, students must work together to try and kick the ball to the other side of the grid so that it lands within the two end cones 2. Each team is aiming to kick the ball into space so that the opposition don’t mark the ball. 3. If the ball is marked, a goal is awarded to the team that made the mark 4. If the ball is dropped or it hits the ground first, the goal is awarded to the team who kicked the ball 5. If the ball doesn’t make it to the end zone, no points are awarded to the other team 6. Players must remain in the end zone, unless they are getting the ball. The aim of the game is for students to use the skills they have learnt in the lesson and apply them to a game where the environment is constantly moving.

Kicking: - Face the target - Head slightly bent over the ball - Hold the football in line with the leg you will kick with - Guide the ball down with one hand - The ball should hit the top of the foot where the shoelaces are - Point toes at the target - Follow through straight towards the target. Everyone is moving and having a go kicking the ball. Groups are working well together and are not off task. The drills are running smoothly and students are following instructions.

The teacher is observing the game play of all students and assessing their skills, comparing it to the start of the lesson. Providing feedback.

Closing Organisation: Teacher blows the whistle and asks all students to collect the cones, footballs and bibs and bring them in to the starting point of the lesson. Put equipment down neatly. Get students to sit down in their groups in front of the teacher. Closure: Students are sitting in front of the teacher. The teacher goes over the drills that they did and asks the class what the main focus points were for each drill. The teacher also asks students to state a key teaching point of the football kick.

Lesson Plan Template 2017

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