Contains of Calcium in Sugar Cookies and Biscuits as Fuctional Food to Prevent Osteoporosis
The table show, nutritional value of sugar cookies and biscuits. Sugar cookies and biscuits are produces from flax meal, flaxseeds powder and sesame seed powder. It intended for prevention of Osteoporosis because there is consist a lot of calcium. Nutritive substance that contain in sugar cookies and biscuits are protein, amino acid, carbohydrate, dietary fiber, fat, mineral and vitamin. The number of daily demand satisfaction level in biscuits are higher than sugar cookies, except carbohydrate. For example, the amount calcium of sugar cookies just 22.0% and biscuits 23.8%. Daily demand satisfaction level is percent number of nutritive substance in 100 gram product than divided by number of daily demand. The nutritional content of the two products are interconnected with each other in helping the process of absorption of calcium in the body. As already mentioned in the journal, the calcium absorption is prevented by the low contents of proteins in the food ration, phosphates, sodium, alcohol, tobacco, coffee, as well as the excessive consumption of fats and sugar. In addition, the calcium adsorb in daily demand of sugar cookies and biscuits influences by consumption ratio of minerals, amino acid contain and vitamin D. From the table above, we can see that sum of proteins content in 100 gram products as sugar cookies and biscuits lower than sum in the daily demand satisfaction level. This is opposite with literature has already mention
before. Calcium absorption is prevented by the low contents of proteins in the food ration. But as seen in table 3, the ratio has already been fulfill by the recommended ratio so, that it is possible for the calcium in the product to be well absorbed. As well as proteins, the amount of fat and mineral ratios also affect calcium absorption. So, to optimize the absorption of calcium in the body, we need adequate amounts of fats, proteins, sugars, minerals and vitamin D.