Crisp - Database _liste Des Indicateurs

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Database Indicators list :

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Income level of families social housing supply % of buildings with an excessive consumption for heating / cooling or with bad insulation system “City entrance” quality Ability to maintain critical performance parameters under abnormal conditions Access to building elements and materials for maintenance and replacement Access to central technical systems for maintenance and replacement Access to direct sunlight from principal day-time living areas of dwelling units Access to distributed technical systems for maintenance and replacement Accessibility of industrial estates Acid Deposition acidification (Ecodec) Acidification (Hammarby) Acidification (Nordic Set) Acidification potential of building products Acoustic quality of (social) dwellings Acoustical Comfort Adaptability to future changes in type of energy supply Adverse wind conditions at grade around high buildings Affecting of biodiversity Aggregate area of facilities provided on each floor for storage of organic wastes Aggregate area of facilities provided on each floor for storage of solid wastes aggressive behaviours and security Air monitoring Air pollution Air quality (Nordic Set) Air quality in terms of CO2 Air quality, emissions from materials Air quality, ventilation Air temperature in primary occupancies Airborne pollution migration between principal workplace areas Alternative fuels vehicles Amount of renewable and recylced materials Appreciation of the neighbourhood Area of central facility provided for sorting and storage of solid wastes Area of central facility provided for storage of organic wastes Atmospheric acidification Availability of local public green areas and local services Avoidance of solid waste from clearance of existing structures on the site Avoidance of solid waste resulting from construction process Balance temperature difference barriers within built-up areas Basic services proximity Bike paths bio feedstock energy consumption Biodiversity

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Biodiversity, area with sweet water Biodiversity, number of thick trees biological energy consumption Biological production Bioversity, green area factor Budget for evaluation and communication Building compactness around railway junctions Building envelope per floor area Campaigns about water and energy savings Capability for control over heating and cooling systems in primary occupancies Capability for partial operation of building technical systems Car sharing system Chance of success for people who want to move urgently to other dwellings Change in ecological value of the site chemicals Children's journeys to and from school Citizen participation in Sustainability processes. Citizen satisfaction with the local community Climate change (French Standard) Climate Change (Green Guide) Climate change potential of building products Colour harmony Colour identification Colour usage of historic buildings Commercial activities in the city centre. Commercial and trade surface per inhabitant Commercial units which are not situated in a regional shopping centre Commitment to AG21 Local Consumption of electricity Consumption of non-renewable energy Consumption of non-renewable material resources Consumption of potable water Consumption of renewable energy Consumption of renewable material resources Contaminated sites Contemporary colour preferences Content residents Content users - offices and public buildings Contribution of the product to acoustic comfort Contribution of the product to hygrothermal comfort Contribution of the product to olfactory comfort Contribution of the product to visual comfort Contribution to the health quality of interior areas Contribution to the health quality of water Control of moisture in the building envelope Control of spray in wet cooling towers Cost Cultural mosaic. Cycle footsteps Dangerous materials - identified Dangerous materials - removed dangerous materials for health Day lighting Development of large-scale green areas within the city limits Development of large-scale green within the built-up area of the city Difference between supply and demand on the housing market Distance between home and work place Distribution of SBS complaints diversity of housing supply (size, owners, rental level...)

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Draft Driving cars Durability Durability of load-bearing reinforced concrete structural components exposed to urban air pollution Dwelling density within the urban area Ease of adapting HVAC systems to changing occupant requirements in nonresidential Ease of adapting interior layouts to changing occupancy requirements Ease of adapting lighting systems to changing occupant requirements in nonresidential Ease of installing or changing cabling or telecom systems in non-residential uses Ecolabel Ecological singularity of the territory. Eco-Quantum Emissions Eco-Quantum Energy Eco-Quantum Resources Eco-Quantum Waste Ecotoxicity Educational integration. Electric energy consumption (Ecodec) Electric energy consumption (Ecosistema Urbano) electricity consumption Electromagnetic fields – electric fields Electromagnetic fields – magnetic fields Electromagnetic Fields (ELF) Electro-Magnetic Pollution Eliminated waste Embodied emissions of materials, annualized over the life-cycle Embodied Energy (as CO2 emission) Embodied energy content Emission of atmospheric contaminants. Emission of gases leading to acidification from building operations Emission of gasses which contribute to the greenhouse effect. emission of green house gases Emission of ozone-depleting substances emission of pollutants Emissions (Ecodec) Emissions (EcoEffect) Emissions (MRPI) Emissions leading to photo-oxidants from building operations Energy Energy and atmosphere energy consumption (in a given area) Energy consumption for heating energy consumption per building Energy Performance Coefficient Energy policy Energy Saved by Recycling Energy source for heating Environmental concentration of atmospheric pollution. Environmental Impact - Summary rating Environmental impact rating Eutrophication (Ecodec) Eutrophication (Green Guide) Eutrophication (Hammarby) Eutrophication (Nordic Set) Evolution of the water quality of the aquifers. exceeding of impact limits Exhaustion of resources

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existence of a structuring axis (roads) in the heart of the neighbourhood existence of a trading area for new commercial activities existence of an attractive pole within or close to the neighbourhood existence of good and adapted public services existence places of social interactions Expression of separate functions External building envelope area per building volume Fenestration ratio Filtration performance in HVAC systems Final energy consumption Flexibility in arranging the area of kitchen-dining-living in living spaces Flexibility of buildings Floor effectiveness Floor loading capacity for other uses Formaldehyde HCHO Formation of photochemical ozone fossil energy consumption fossil feedstock energy consumption Fossil Fuel Depletion free area dissection free area fragmentation Fuels general state of the housing GHG (Greenhouse gases) emissions from all energy used for building operations over the life cycle Global cost of refurbishment or of demolition-reconstruction Global warming (Ecodec) Global warming (Nordic Set) Global warming potential (GWP) Green area Green surfaces in residential areas Greenhouse emissions Greenhouse gas emissions from housings with central or electric heating Greenhouse gases emissions Greenhouse gases emitted from households Gross human density hazardous waste (Ecodec) Hazardous waste (Hammarby) Health and comfort effects Health effects Health integration. Heat loss through windows by filtration Heat loss through windows by transmission Housing prices Housing stock age Housing vacancy in the city centre Human Toxicity to Air and Water Illumination Impact on solar energy potential of adjacent property Importance and efficiency of the public transportation importance of active vegetation Incidence of Sick Building Symptoms (SBS) Inconvenience by odours, noise, dust and dirt Indoor environment Indoor environmental factors Indoor environmental quality Industrial waste recovery influence on ground water influence on lakes and rivers

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Influence on landscape influence on urban space Inhabitants participation to the neighbourhood associative life Inhabitants’ judgement about green areas and playgrounds Innovation and design process Integrated Design Intensity of water consumption of the local economy. Interference with access to daylight of adjacent property Involvement of inhabitants with their living area Ion condition Labour market structure Land Use (Italy) Land use (VRIND) Land use policy for new industrial estates and business parks land used Landscape, environment and architecture preservation Legionellosis Length of the bike path network. Level of building automation appropriate to system complexity Light conditions, day time Light conditions, sunlight Local contribution to global climatic change Local energetic intensity Local handling of storm/grey/black water Local mobility and passenger transportation Local production of renewable energies. Local working-force in the construction process Location of outdoor air supply for HVAC systems Material use per utilisation unit (flat) Materials and resources Maximum effect for determined external temperature Mean built area per capita Meeting activities and places Mineral fibre control Minerals extraction Minimization of lighting control system zones in non-residential occupancies Mix of functions Monitoring of key system performance parameters Moulding Municipal environmental association. Municipal residual recovery. Municipal water supply. Natural resources Nearby “basic” equipments need of changing the neighbourhood functions neighbourhood accessibility Neighbourhood activities Net area of land used for building and related development purposes Net consumption of potable water Net primary non-renewable energy used for building operations over the life cycle New industrial estates New Urban land planning documents NO2 Noise attenuation between occupancies Noise attenuation through the building envelope noise conditions Noise conditions, from installations Noise conditions, from walking in stairs Noise from building affecting adjacent properties Noise level

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Noise pollution Non energetic resources consumption Non renewable energy Number of adopted measures concerning the environmental and architectural quality concerning new buildings. Number of collective industrial or business premises for starting entrepreneurs Number of doctors and health structures Number of dwellings under the minimum criteria of basic comfort and without the basic equipments in the neighbourhood Number of enterprises by type Number of environmental prescriptions in the Land Use Plan and number of buildings of High Environmental Quality (or GBC) buildings. Number of inhabitants concerned by a long term dialogue concerning flooding areas. Number of jobs (for 1000 inhabitants) Number of major (public) equipments within the neighbourhood. Number of people working in various trades by Census code Number of waste fractions Occupant’s satisfaction in housing Occupation rate of housings Odours Off-site re-use of materials from existing structure on the site Off-site re-use or recycling of steel from existing structure on the site Onsite Grey Water Reuse Operational energy Other Polluting Materials outdoor air quality Outdoor noise nuisance Ozone depletion (Ecodec) Ozone Depletion (Green Guide) parking areas for residents Pedestrian Island People exposed to significant sound levels. Percentage of sealed soil Photochemical ozone creation potential Photo-oxidant formation (Ecodec) Photo-oxidant formation (Nordic Set) Physiological effect PIMWAQ - Alimentation - Plantation PIMWAQ - Alimentation - Soil PIMWAQ - Biodiversity - Selection of flora PIMWAQ - Biodiversity - Surface waters PIMWAQ - Health - Indoor climate PIMWAQ - Health - Microclimate PIMWAQ - Health - Moisture risks PIMWAQ - Health - Noise PIMWAQ - Health - Versatility PIMWAQ - Natural resources - Electrical energy PIMWAQ - Natural resources - Flexibility PIMWAQ - Natural resources - Heat energy PIMWAQ - Natural resources - Prime energy PIMWAQ - Pollution - Building waste PIMWAQ - Pollution - CO2 PIMWAQ - Pollution - Community waste PIMWAQ - Pollution - Eco-labels PIMWAQ - Pollution - Water Consumption Plot ratio and site coverage ratio PM10 Policy on soil pollution

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Pollution load Population Population mobility and displacement. Possible Reasons of Sick Building Symptoms (SBS) potable water consumption Potential glare in primary occupancies Primary energy consumption Primary energy embodied in materials, annualized over life cycle Production of urban waste Products promoting sustainability Progress in soil sanitation PromisE - Health - Moisture risks - Moisture damages PromisE - Human health - Ventilation - Ventilation rate Proportion of housing built by organizations in the housing sphere Proportion of new social housing protected areas and areas for special use Protection of materials from destructive elements Protection of the ecological zones. Provision of daylighting in primary occupancies Provision of leak detection system covering all main water and gas supplies Provision of measures to reduce refrigerant leakage proximity of commercial activities Public open areas daily used Public transport Public transport accessibility Public transport occupancy rate quality of common areas in social housing buildings quality of construction Quality of local ambient air Quality of parking area development quality of pedestrian pathways Quality of the common areas in social housings quality of the link between the road network and the structuring axis Radioactive waste Radon concentration Radon content Radon control measures Rate of household in ownership access rate of households who benefit from housing public financial helps Rate of population of over 46 Ratio between the modification of the cost of housing and the income Ratio of households in ownership access Ratio of households who benefit from housing public financial aids recovered energy waste Recyclability Recycled content of materials from off-site sources Recycled Currently Recycled Input Recycled Label recycled materials Reflectance of horizontal building surfaces and hard site areas REKOS Building Performance REKOS Consumption of material resources REKOS Emissions REKOS Energy consumption REKOS Location Relative humidity in primary occupancies during cooling season Relative humidity in primary occupancies during heating season Renewable energy Renewable energy sources Renewable energy sources in comparison to the total energy use

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renewable materials Renovated housings in the city centre. Replacement Interval Residual water management. Resources consumption restricted traffic areas Retention of an existing structure on the site Re-use of nitrogen in waste water Re-use of phosphorous from waste water reuse/recycle Rural and natural areas evolution school underachievement rate Selected collected of waste Selective collecting of waste Selective waste collection Service life Sewerage and purification degree Share of built area in relation with total area Share of social housings in the neighbourhood Share of the inhabitants with a long term job Site amenities for shade and relaxation and play for workers and residents Social housing adapted for disabled people Social integration. Soil pollution Soil quality Solid waste sound insulation specific landuse specific recuperation areas Storm water flows disposed of on site Storm water management Stratospheric ozone depletion Stratospheric ozone formation Streets of pedestrian priority. Subsidy for private homes Suitability of floor height for major changes in future uses Suitability of layout of structure and core for major changes in future uses Summer Smog Surface area occupied by buildings Surface for activities of communal interest for each neighbourhood. surface impermeability rate Surface of public equipments and services for each neighbourhood. Sustainable land use Sustainable management of the local authority and local business Sustainable sites Switching energy supply to natural gas Temperature - summertime Temperature - wintertime Territorial mosaic The deviation of ambient illumination levels in non-residential areas from The use of Municipal rubbish collectors. The use of purified water. Thermal Comfort Thermal emissions to lake water or sub-surface aquifers Tobacco Smoke Total CO2-emission total energy consumption Total energy consumption Total outdoor air rate ventilation in mechanically conditioned areas

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of Multi-unit Total primary energy Total recovered waste Total waste traffic safety Transmission of building equipment noise to primary occupancies transport energy consumption transportation network completing road infrastructures Typical service life UK EcoPoints Unlawful building Unsorted waste Urban area evolution Urban centres crowding Urban furniture providing Urban green areas Urban traffic on specific main access roads towards the city centre Urban Traffic Plan Urban uses of the Territory Use of non renewable energy sources Use of salvaged materials from off-site sources Use of wood products that are certified or equivalent Users satisfaction vacancy rate of housings Value of use of housing Variation in dwelling density in the city area by type of living area variation of the vacancy rate Vegetation quality around the social buildings Ventilation effectiveness in occupant zone of primary occupancies Ventilation performance in naturally ventilated areas of the building with cross ventilation Ventilation performance in naturally ventilated areas of the building with singlesided ventilation Visual access to the exterior from primary occupancies Visual appearance Visual Comfort Visual privacy from the exterior in principal areas of dwelling units Vitality of the neighbourhood VOC emissions in interior spaces Volatile organic compounds (VOC) Waste (EcoEffect) Waste (MRPI) Waste Disposal waste to deposit Water consumption (Ecosistema Urbano) Water consumption (French standard) Water consumption (UK) Water consumption per capita Water consumption per inhabitant Water efficiency Water Extraction Water pollution Water use Willingness to move Winter sun Yearly energy use

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