Bucks Menu

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90 DAY US WEATHER FORECAST A little bit warmer than cooler with rain and snow in some parts of the United States, Some very nice days and others not as nice, weather-wise.

Jamis MacNiven tells Howard Reingold, author of Smart Mobs that he might squirt himself in the head

Steve Jurvetson (DFJ) explains to Dean Kaman (Segway) and Sergey Brin (Google) the benifits of non wet water

Pierre Omidyar (eBay) and Danny Hillis (Long Now Foundation) get down with the next BIG idea

The keynote speaker was James Watson of Watson and Crick double helix fame. The dissection of the familiar double helix structure allowed us to crawl inside the notion of genetics by decoding them and with this knowledge changing everything from medicine to food production. Dr. W. may be the most eminent living scientist for cracking the mysteries of DNA. The Nobel committee thought so when they awarded Watson and Crick the prize in 1961. So it is soaringly funny when you hear him say that he and Crick sat around for a couple of hours and came up with the secret to life and then went to drink beer. I wish greatness was so simple but after four days of hanging out with some of the most brilliant people of our age I see it isn’t so easy. Craig Venter has taken a good deal of criticism for his investigation into the genetic code. His partner Hamilton Smith was chided for “playing God.” Ham said, “We don’t play.” But come on, most genetic science isn’t about making goldfish glow in the dark. It is about curing the sick and feeding everyone. Some critics say that manipulation of the genes is the Devil’s work but everyone draws the line to suit himself. Science will out. Science is a life force. Thomas Dolby has taken such things as the waveforms of the tsunamis and solar flares and set them to music. I can’t say what he came up with is too danceable but he is searching for a truth in the rhythms of the universe. Unlike Charles Fischer and his theory of Moleeds. Charles claims that the structure of the universe is a mathematical truth, called the moleed. This is a pairing of colored dot’s on a grid with random numbers along the edges. Charles says, “Hey, this is so complex that I couldn’t possibly make it up.” He has in fact made it up and as you can see on monkeydog.com. It’s actually a tiny cosmic joke.Then there are the unintentional comedians like Ross Lovegrove. He is an industrial designer who creates lyrical designs for furniture, containers, architecture and even cityscapes. One of his “inventions” is a city full of solar powered bubble cars without the slightest nod toward reality. In the evening you park the cars on the end of a stick and it pivots to mount the car, lollypop style, to light the city. He is a serious designer who got a standing ovation even though what he said was complete nonsense. But keep in mind that this crowd is about 75% Apple Computer users in a PC world. Go figure. Not that it is wrong to dream but shouldn’t the dreams be grounded? Perhaps not. Elon Musk cofounded PayPal and with his winnings has founded SpaceX with the very solid plan to launch the first payload into orbit with a privately funded rocket. The subsequent speaker, Graham Hawks, said that Elon was looking in the wrong direction. Graham is the preeminent submarine designer and spends his time looking under the ocean surface.

Speaking of grounding, we heard from Thom Mann who is called by some, an “architects’ architect.” Unfortunately he isn’t a people’s architect because his buildings include such concepts as elevators that don’t go to your floor forcing you to take the stairs so you will meet new people and offices completely underground so that you can meet new gophers. He is one of the world’s most highly respected architects but one aspect of TED is that you can evaluate the presenters and make your own judgment about the validity of their proposals. Just as I was about to go break Thom’s hands Bill McDonough spoke and he showed us his design for the Gap Headquarters. He brought the buildings up out of the ground and put rolling meadows on the roofs. Bill told us that you have to uncover basic truths to do good architecture and design which he goes into in depth in his new book Cradle to Cradle. Part of the conference involved the awarding of a $100,000 prize to each of three people working to patch up this old planet. Bono of U2 fame wants to use his prize to help bring a focus to the desperate problems in Ethiopia. Ed Burtynsky was a winner of the TED Prize with his startling pictures that he just brought back from China. These not yet published pictures show the insides of Chinese factories and city development giving shape to the dialogue about the growth of China like nothing else I have seen. Dr. Robert Fischell won the prize too and I had the privilege of sitting next to him at one of the lunches. Here is a man who invented the insulin pump, the modern pacemaker and the vascular stent. More than that he in is business with his

sons and their wives and is still going strong in his mid 70’s with new inventions including a magnetic device which erases migraine headaches. My award for most bizarre presentation would go to Josh Davis. Josh is a heavily tattooed professor who leapt around the stage like a rock star explaining his computer generated art program. What he said made very little sense to me but I loved the way he said it.

The great Matt Groening, creator of The Simpsons

The conference was brought to a close by Eva Vertes. The 19-year-old sophomore is a Princeton student who won the international science fair with her study of the causes of Alzheimer’s. She has very original ideas about the cause and possible cure for cancer. Look forward to seeing her getting the Nobel Prize in a few years. The message? Live, do good works and don’t forget to leave the shower curtain inside the tub.

Amanda Biggs (has an insulin pump) thanks Dr. Fischell with her friend (who has two heart stents) wth Kelly Porter who nudged his way into the photo

Lies, dern lies and half truths at www.buckswoodside.com 650-8518010

All the news that fits

3062 Woodside Road, Woodside CA 94062

WOODSIDE Vol.14 No.1 Locations in: Woodside, Anapurna, Tempe Springish 2005


-Pricesteal this menu

Moscow, Saigon, McMurdo & formerly in Beverly Hills

TED 2005

Fischer’s Moleed theory of everything incorporating random color dots, some lines and numbers and stuff

The Smallest Bookstore in the World Features These Buck’s Book Club Classics So Roger saw that I have a book so he had to have a book. Mine has a red motif on white, his has red on white. His is about changing the way we do business; mine is about changing clothes. Roger is a famous rock and roll venture capitalist and I run the Bay Area chapter of The Tuesday Weld Fan Club (Go Tuesday!). The similarities are eerie are they not? Roger is a Silicon Valley visionary and I run a hedgehog fund. I told you that this was spooky. Buy Roger’s book if you want to learn something. Buy mine if you want to waste lots of time. Keep in mind that if you eat here you are probably too smart already. On the other hand you didn’t buy Google so how smart could you actually be? Anyway, I was at the TED Conference and I asked a fellow sitting next to me what he did and he said he ran AOL’s dating service. He asked what I did and I said I owned a restaurant in Silicon Valley. He asked, was it Buck’s and I said it probably was. At that he freaked out and said he had read my book and that it was the best book he read in the last ten years. AND he lives on the east coast. I love this guy. Hey, use AOL’s dating service. But don’t just take his opinion, take mine. Every word of what I say in this book is exactly as it was given to me on Mt. Sinai lo these many years ago...well last year actually. OK, OK I’m lying about Mt. Sinai but the rest is true or so close to true that you won’t be able to tell. God knows I can’t. Speaking of God, let me tell you about Mt. Sinai... either book $18.00 or both for $39.50

By Jamis MacNiven Now, I’ve been to Burning Man, the top of the Great Pyramid in Giza and rooted through Zsa Zsa Gabor’s bedroom closet and I can say that the TED Conference ranks right up there. TED means Technology, Entertainment and Design. Once a year about 800 TEDizens descend on Monterey like a bunch of high IQ butterflies and proceed to cross-fertilize. The goal is to teach and to learn about the state of things in the universe and also to explore ways to make the world a better place. When I say state of things I mean all sorts of disciplines from particle physics to architecture, from computer generated art to the theory of moleeds. There are close to 60 speakers and their talks range from the earth shattering (the current state of genome research) to the trivial (new ways to tie a shoe) from the profane (Roman sexual habits) to the sublime (the Chief of research at Sun music of Thomas Dolby). John Gage on string theory The conference is curated by Chris Anderson who has molded the conference in his own image, that being of a thoughtful, curious world citizen searching for meaning and grace. A tall order, but TED delivers. To me TED is a mirror. I look at all these creative folks and I wonder how I measure up. Once again I’ve been mistaken for someone of influence. The most I can do here is give you some highlights and direct you to TED.com. Kevin Kelly was the founding editor of Wired Magazine and he is both tech savvy with his cool tools site kk.org/cooltools and somewhat tech shy. Shy in the sense that he is awed by the grandeur of technology and tries to invite it into his life without it taking over. Kevin has the notion that technology might actually be a 7th Kingdom of life on par with the animal world or fungi. Hey, they said Emperor Norton was crazy. Oh, right he was.

Kevin Granger of AAG

Kevin Granger and I got a chance to hang out and he told me about his new fund of hedge funds. Kevin has put an interesting spin on this esoteric brand of investing by associating himself with performance driven minorities and women, something not all that common in this investment community. Part of his efforts are directed at launching a stock picking club for inner city youths. There is a certain elegance in taking kids off the streets and putting them on The Street. Anira Advisory Group, LLC (Kevin’s firm) list of associates reads like a who’s who of academics crossed with highly experienced money managers. Reading their credentials makes me want to fake a PhD. All I have is a sixth grade education…I went to college but I can’t remember anything past the sixth grade. Hey, I’m from the 60’s.

Dr. James Watson with Woodside’s Dr. Ken Woodrow. (Isn’t that Google’s Larry Page in the backround?) story continued on the back...

BREAKFAST Monday through Friday till 11 a.m.

EGGS Served with home fries, toast and jam. ** Cholesterol-free eggs available ** Bagels, ya sure, Filoli garden omelette 9.25 (Wild mushrooms, onion, zucchini, tomatoes) Filoli garden Nearly Non-Fat omelette 9.25 (Cholesterol-free eggs, wild mushrooms, onion, zucchini, tomatoes) Devine's omelette 9.25 (Bacon, tomatoes, onions, cheese, sour cream) Woodsider omelette 9.25 (Artichoke hearts, avocado, wild mushrooms, tomato, Jack cheese) Ham & cheese omelette 9.25 (Diced ham, Cheddar cheese) Dr. Perkins Boca Burger Breakfast Special A Boca Burger patty (which is made of soy) dry English muffin, sliced tomatoes, fresh fruit & egg beaters About 300 calories & 3 grams of fat.


OK , U-do-it omelette (pick what you want)

1 - 3 items 9.25 additonal items .50 ea

*feta, Jack or cheddar cheese *chicken apple sausage *sour cream *black beans

*mushrooms *ham *artichoke *avocado

*tomato *chorizo *onions *zucchini

Eggs any style Eggs with bacon, sausage, or ham New York steak and eggs Chorizo Scramble (with onions, peppers, cheddar cheese)

6.50 8.00 13.50 9.20

Huevos Rancheros Eggs Benedict Eggs Florentine (with fresh spinach) Breakfast burrito (chicken apple sausage, scrambled eggs, mushrooms, scallions & Jack cheese

10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00

2 by 2 by 2 2 eggs, 2 pancakes, 2 pieces of bacon or sausage Child's plate (under 12) (1 egg, 2 bacon, 1 slice toast)



weekends and holidays till 2.30 p.m.

FLAPJACKS & WAFFLES Real Maple Syrup - add $1.00 Don't miss our daily breakfast special

Buttermilk pancakes Buck's buckwheat pancakes Silver dollar sour cream pancakes Blueberry pancakes French toast (4 slices) Belgian Waffles Waffle or pancakes with fruit (ask what fruit) Bagles, ya sure we got ‘em plain ol' with butter 3.00 with cream cheese 3.50

SIDE ORDERS: One egg Sausage (3) Ham Toast Cereal: Hot oatmeal Cheerios Raisin Bran

2.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 4.50 3.50 3.50

Bacon Chicken apple sausage (3) Homefried potatoes English muffin Granola Granola with yogurt & fruit Side of cottage cheese




BEVS Milk:

small 2.00 large 2.50 Coffee, tea, lemonade, soda 2.50 Hot chocolate 2.50 Juice: (tomato, V-8, pineapple, apple, cranberry) small 2.00 medium 2.50 colossal (16oz) 3.25 Fresh orange or grapefruit juice: small medium colossal (16oz) Crystal Geyser sparkling water Hetch Hetchy water IBC Root Beer in a bottle Root Beer Float Huge milk shakes or malts

SPECIALTY COFFEES Espresso: single 2.75 double 3.00 Cappucino 3.00 Cafe Latte 3.00 15% gratuity added to parties of 8 or more.

We use Le Boulanger bread - it's great!

4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 4.50 6.00 2.50

Homemade coffeecake


No checks (except from that one lady), please No horses or Aston Martin DB7’s left over 24 hours, please

7.75 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.75 7.75 8.75

Laptop dreams

3.00 3.75 4.75 3.00 No charge 3.00 5.00 5.00

LUNCH 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. *** (3:00 - 5:00 limited menu)

SOUP AND SALAD Clam chowder or soup of the day:

Cup Bowl

Buck's French onion soup: with sourdough crouton and gruyere cheese Fresh fruit salad (with yogurt add 50c) House salad: with olives, beets, pickled onions crisp lettuce, tomato, beans, spiked croutons, cukes Romaine salad: vinaigrette dressing with spiced pecans and crumbly blue cheese Caesar salad: (with breast of chicken, add $3.00) Big Chincy Dueling Louis

4.00 5.50 6.00 7.00 6.00 6.00 7.75 5.50 14.75

choice of fresh Dungeness crab or seven big shrimp or half and half. Served with tomato, cucumber, iceburg, sliced egg, avocado and Russian dressing. Comes with baguette.

Chinese chicken salad - Everest style


cabbagy, chickeny, green oniony, and rice wine vinegary, with weird little styrofoam style crispy noodles, chasews, Mandarin oranges and sesame seeds

New Mexico cobb salad rows of BBQ chicken/ 12.00 bacon/beans/cheese/salsa fresca/ corn chips & more (the size of a hat!) Grilled eggplant w/buffalo mozzarella 9.00 A stack of fresh tomatoes drizzled with a pesto balsamic vinaigrette Chicken tostada 10.75 with pinto & black beans, guacamole, sour cream, salsa and more. . . "a mountain of fresh food" Spinach salad 9.75 with blue cheese, crumbled bacon, hard-boiled egg in a creamy vinaigrette dressing

SOUP & HALF SANDWICH (add 1.50 for French onion soup)

Turkey, avocado, lettuce and tomato Hot crab and melted cheddar Bacon, lettuce and tomato

8.00 10.00 8.00

BURGERS and SANDWICHES (served with fries or fresh fruit or cole slaw) Buck's burger 9.75 Cheeseburger 10.25 Avocado burger 10.75 BBQed bacon burger topped with cheese 10.75 and buttermilk onion strings Mushroom burger - shitake, oyster & button 10.75 Chili size - open faced burger loaded 10.75 with chili, cheddar & onions Chicken breast sandwich on a seeded bun 10.75 with avocado and Jack cheese N.Y. steak sandwich - on sour dough toast 7 oz NY strip with lettuce, tomato, and onion strings


Garden Burger or the nibbly Boca Burger 9.75 multi-grain burger with chipotle-tahini dressing, sprouts, tomato & cucumber with fruit salad (add avocado - $1.50) Trust-me chili WORLD FAMOUS Cup 4.50 Bowl



OUR MOST POPULAR It doesn't mean they're any good. It's just that they're popular.

Hot Dungeness crab with melted cheddar crab salad on sourdough baguette, served with fruit & fries Chicken California chicken breast, avocado, Jack cheese on a grilled English muffin, topped with hollandaise served with fruit & fries Harry's Bar steak sandwich filet mignon with dijon dressing on sourdough toast served with fruit & fries


Club sandwich with in-house roasted turkey avocado, bacon and tomato




BEER & WINE TAP, TAP, TAP - come in - DRAFT BEER: 4.75 Hefewizen or Bass or GuinnessStout PREMIUM: 4.50 Pete's Wicked Ale, Samuel Adams, Anchor Steam, Heinekin, Corona, Sierra Nevada, Amstel Light DOMESTIC: 3.50 Bud, Bud Light, Coors Light, Miller Draft NON-ALCOHOLIC: 4.00 Clausthaler HOUSE WINE: Red or white glass: 4.50 bottle: 17.00 Many premium wines available by the glass or bottle We have a full bar with martini glasses, ice, and those cute little teeny umbrellas with that weird Chinese writing when you sort of unwrap 'em and pull out the little liner piece.

Turkey melt on sourdough 10.50 with tomatoes, cheese, avocado and, of course, fresh roasted turkey Bacon, lettuce, tomato with avocado


Grilled cheese on sourdough


Turkey with sprouts, lettuce & tomato


Healthy chicken sandwich chicken breast, roasted pepper, Jack cheese, cilantro, a touch of mustard and cream cheese


PLATES OF STUFF This side avaliable from 3:00 till closing


Kubla Khan’s Killer App. Korner WONTONGS 8.25 stuffed with crab with a snappy ginger honey mustard. Comes with an exotic umbrella from far-off China BBQ CHICKEN QUESADILLA with cheese, salsa, sour cream & guacamole NACHOS CON TODO with cheese, chicken, beans, salsa fresca, guacamole, sour cream and jalapenos. A mountain!

8.25 11.00

POTATO SKINS glopped fulla cheese, bacon, chicken, guacamole, salsa fresca & sour cream


ONION STRINGS a huge golden mound


KILLER CALAMARI with onion strings


(served with fries or fresh fruit or cole slaw)

Buck's burger 9.75 Cheeseburger 10.25 Avocado burger 10.75 BBQ bacon burger topped with cheese 10.75 and buttermilk onion strings Mushroom burger - shitake, oyster & button 10.75 Chili size - open faced burger loaded 10.75 with chili, cheddar & onions Chicken breast sandwich on seeded bun 10.75 with avocado and Jack cheese Harry's Bar steak sandwich 13.75 filet mignon with dijon dressing on sourdough toast served with fruit and fries N.Y. steak sandwich 14.25 7 oz NY strip with lettuce, tomato and onion strings on sourdough toast Hot Dungeness crab with melted cheddar 14.25 on sourdough, served with fruit and fries

SALADS/SOUP Caesar salad: (breast of chicken add $3.00) Big 7.75 Chincy 5.50 .House salad: crisp lettuce, tomato, beans, spiked croutons, cukes 6.00 pickled onions, olives, beets

Dueling Louis


choice of fresh Dungeness crab or seven big shrimp or half and half. Served with tomato, cucumber, iceburg, sliced egg, avocado and Russian dressing. Comes with baguette.

Chinese chicken salad - Everest style


Boca Burger no fat and all vegan! The taste of real beef, served just like the Garden Burger above (add avocado - $1.50)



cabbagy, chickeny, green oniony, and rice wine vinegary, with weird little styrofoam style crispy noodles, cashews, Mandarin oranges and sesame seeds

New Mexico cobb salad rows of BBQ chicken/ bacon/beans/cheese/salsa fresca/ corn chips & more (the size of a hat!)


Grilled eggplant w/buffalo mozzarella A stack of fresh tomatoes drizzled with a pesto, balsamic vinaigrette


Romaine salad vinaigrette dressing, spiced pecans and crumbly blue cheese Spinach salad with blue cheese, crumbled bacon, hard-boiled egg in a creamy vinaigrette dressing


Fresh fruit salad: (with yogurt add 50c)


Clam chowder or soup of the day:

Garden Burger multi-grained burger on whole wheat bun, with chipotle tahini dressing, served with sprouts, tomato, cucumber & fruit salad (add avocado - $1.50)


Cup Bowl

Buck's onion soup with sourdough crouton and gruyere cheese Trust-me chili - World Famous (around here) Bowl

4.00 5.50 6.00 5.75

BEVS Milk:

small 2.00 large 2.50 Coffee, tea, lemonade, soda 2.50 Hot chocolate 2.50 Juice: (tomato, V-8, pineapple, apple, cranberry) small 2.00 medium 2.50 colossal (16oz) 3.25 Fresh orange or grapefruit juice: small medium colossal (16oz) Crystal Geyser sparkling water Hetch Hetchy water IBC Root Beer in a bottle Root Beer Float Huge milk shakes or malts

3.00 3.75 4.75 3.00 No charge 3.00 5.00 5.00

We use Le Boulanger bread it's great!

OTHER PLATES OF STUFF This side avaliable from 5:00 until closing (Feel free to substitute potatoes for fries or vice versa)

Chicken picatta, so tender it will sing you to sleep, with mushrooms, capers, lemon, garlic, and white wine, with garlic mashed and veg


California crab cakes - Dungeness crab with buerre blanc sauce rice and vegetables


Margaret's grilled pork chops with apple sauce, mashed potatoes and vegetables

Single Double

14.75 17.75

Baby back ribs with veggies and mash

Texas size Alaska size

15.25 17.75

Lasanga and then some. A mountain of fresh spinach, wild mushrooms, ricotta, jack and parmasean cheeses, chicken, sausage, fresh tomatoes and pine nuts. Served with garlic bread and a mini caesar salad


Chicken fried steak with mashed potatoes, country gravy and vegetables (No it's not chicken)


12 oz. Upstate New York steak with green peppercorn cream sauce, served with baked potato (sour cream and chives), and vegetables


Filet mignon with smoked cherry sauce served with baked potato (sour cream and chives) and vegetables


Veggie pasta with shitake, oyster and button mushrooms, tomato, zucchini,peas and garlic in a white wine sauce or tell us how you want it and we'll do that


BEER & WINE TAP, TAP, TAP - come in - DRAFT BEER: 4.75 Hefewizen or Bass or GuinnessStout PREMIUM: 4.50 Pete's Wicked Ale, Samuel Adams, Anchor Steam, Heinekin, Corona, Sierra Nevada, Amstel Light DOMESTIC: 3.50 Bud, Bud Light, Coors Light, Miller Draft NON-ALCOHOLIC: 4.00 Clausthaler HOUSE WINE: Red or white glass: 4.50 bottle: 17.00 Many premium wines available by the glass or bottle We have a full bar with martini glasses, ice, and those cute little teeny umbrellas with that weird Chinese writing when you sort of unwrap 'em and pull out the little liner piece.

If you are looking for a cure for cancer or Alzheimer’s you could do worse than follow Eva Vertes (see article on the outside of the menu). This girl has it all going on. I get to say girl because she was presenting at the TED Conference while still a teenager, already an old hand in the lab. Like I always say, “Kids are no dern good today!”

SPECIALTY COFFEES Espresso: single 2.75 double 3.00 Cappucino 3.00 Cafe Latte 3.00

15% gratuity added to parties of 8 or more.

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