Body On Campus

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6',).(29/"'/:'';) 3'+/<=>/?551+-87));1( By BEN NEWELL and MEAGHAN BYRNES :,;"-%9&#((

Approximately 25 percent of the 630 upperclassmen seeking on-campus housing will be unable to be placed in a dorm room for the 2007-2008 academic school year due to a shortage of rooms. In addition, Housing Services has removed seniority selection privileges for upperclassmen. With the new MyHousing system, rising juniors and seniors are entered into a combined lottery system that reflects the percentage of students who turned in their Intent to Return (ITR) forms. In the past, senior classes were given first choice. "Seniority privileges are still there in a way. They include being able to select into the Millenniums and trailers," said Monica Monfre, Assistant Director of Occupancy Management and Marketing for Housing Services. "I understand that there is a growing housing shortage on campus, but I still believe that seniors should have priority in the lottery; that's how it's always been. Once we got past junior year we thought the hard part was

Since 1922 — Vol. LXXXV, Issue 19


over, but this change is very sudden," said Patrick Rietschel, a junior marketing major who is currently studying abroad. Housing shortages not only affect upperclassmen. Some sophomores will be put on a guaranteed waitlist as well. University policy requires that incoming

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May force doubles to triples, convert lounges to temporary rooms and waitlist rising sophomores freshman and rising sophomores receive on campus housing. As a result, rising sophomores that exceed designated rooms will be put on a list guaranteeing housing, but not the date they will receive housing. "It is possible, but not likely that some will be put into [upperclassmen] housing," said Monfre. The class of 2010 and 2011 are See HOUSING, page 3


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Decomposed human remains, clothes and a rope were found on University property after a homeless man dumped a skull into a dumpster at the 7-Eleven convenience store just north of the University's campus. Police were called Monday just after 4 p.m. when the homeless man opened a white plastic shopping bag, showed the partial human head to bystanders, then threw it in a dumpster. The homeless man had left when bystanders called police and witness Robert Crawford pulled the bag out of the dumpster. Crawford said he looked in the bag before placing it in the bushes, and saw that the skull had some dry skin and was fit with a tight baseball cap. "The head was upside down so all I saw was the bill, which had a red trim," Crawford said. "We could see just two wisdom teeth, everything else was gone, just some

dry skin on the skull." Several Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) canine units searched both the patches of the wooded area on the north end of the campus behind Marist and O'Boyle halls, as well as the bush-filled area surrounding the DuFour Athletic Center. MPD Officer James Lugaila and his German Shepherd King discovered the remains around 11:15 a.m. after searching for under a halfhour. The Heights Center, where the head was dumped, includes several shops frequented by students, including the 7-Eleven, University Liquors, Domino's Pizza, and Hunan Delight. The body was found in the woods just north of the softball field, on a hilly and deeply wooded area around 125 feet off Hawaii Avenue. According to a Universitywide e-mail sent by Victor Nakas, Associate VicePresident of Public Affairs, See CORPSE, page 3

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Members of the board of trustees flung up sand with golden shovels Monday at the ceremonial groundbreaking of Opus Hall, the University's $25 million residential building. The seven-story, 125,000 square foot building, to be built on the north end of campus, will house 400 upperclassmen students when it opens in 2009, as part of the University's efforts to accommodate the expected increase in class sizes. Already the University is having trouble accommodating all the students who applied for housing in the next academic year. It will have to turn away about 175 upperclassmen seeking on-campus rooms. More than 200 students, faculty, staff and community leaders attended the groundbreaking of Opus, which is named in recogni rel="nofollow">BI97%J>IEFKL7?:MN7!%9:I55 tion of the Opus Group, the construction company contracted to B*24@0*C0?48/6,,0+,+5,4/02-@0D,EF0#[email protected]*--,<<J0IK;0L4,/G@,-6 M4GN:6OJ054,2>0N4*8-@0*-06:,0-,P04,/G@,-3,0:2<<06*05,058G<60-,240Q<26:,4F build it, and its founder Neil J.

Rauenhorst, who along with his wife Becky, donated $3 million to the facility. Rauenhorst, a 1976 graduate of the School of Architecture and Planning, is the president of NJR Development Company in Tampa, Florida, and has been a member of the University board of trustees for five years. Rev. David M. O'Connell, president of the University, said the groundbreaking was "another chapter in the ongoing story of alumni giving back to alma mater so that the lives of future generations of students might be better." Rauenhorst, said O'Connell, knows "the value of hard work, the Catholic faith and a good education." O'Connell said that within the next two years, the University expects to enroll a freshman class of over 1,000 students. The current freshman class began the academic year with 870 students, according to Christine Mica, the director of See OPUS, page 3

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The University has canceled a contract with the Towers at University Town Center, in Hyattsville and will no longer offer it as an off-campus residence option for the following academic year, although students who want to live there can contract directly with the facility. Assistant Director of Housing Services Carl Dieso said of the decision that the facility was no longer needed. This year was the first time the Towers was offered as a contracted,

school-provided residence and many students took advantage of the available housing. "The Towers was added as a special housing option for upper-class residents based on the larger than expected freshman enrollment numbers. Based on current freshman enrollment projections combined with data collected through the Intent to Return forms, Housing Services has decided not to continue to offer the Towers," explained Dieso. For those upperclassmen who do wish to reside in the Towers, the possibility still exists - just without the

University affiliation. Dieso also said, "Housing Services has reserved and will make available to students a block of spaces at the Towers. Students who choose this option will contract directly with the Towers…and will be individually responsible for their contractual and financial obligations." None of the benefits of a Housing Services provided residence option will apply. The facility was considered popular by many students, with residing students citing the well-furnished apartments, convenient gym and comfortable lounge as advantages of the complex. Additionally, its prox-

imity to a Target, Giant grocery store, various take-out restaurants and Hollywood Video rental store bolstered its likeable location. It is approximately a 15-minute drive from the University. Junior politics major Andrew Kraus said, "the only [drawback is] getting to and from campus. Relying on public transportation like a bus or the metro locks you into a certain schedule that isn't always convenient." However, Kraus added, "the inconvenience of transportation is definitely overshadowed by the quality of the apartments."

E'F1+(;1(* %81-*.'() G7A/C1/618@ .(/#5+.(2 By JOHN CLYDE :,;"-%9&#((

The Undergraduate Student Government (USG) reform committee is debating whether to have elections for a transitioning student representation body in the spring or fall. Matt Fallon, chairman of the USG reform committee said "I think we're going to move towards working to get spring elections in late April," but added that if the committee is unable to come up with a working structure for the transition government in the next one or two meetings, the committee would move to have elections in the fall. The members of the committee who were present appeared to unanimously support this proposal. Traditionally, in the spring, elections are held for the next school year, however, this year the University has initiated a reform process of USG citing inefficiencies. Bill Jonas, director of University Center, Student Programs and Events (UCSPE), made an analogy about the situation, saying "you can keep trying to fix a twenty year old car, that keeps breaking down, or you can go out and buy a new car. In the long run buying a new car is going to be better for you." The Reform Committee was commissioned by UCSPE with restructuring USG to help students better represent themselves. The committee says that they "do not want to rush things," and do not expect to have a new student representation structure in place until the end of 2007. An immediate concern of the committee is having a form of student representation in place over this transition period to, as Fallon puts it, "maintain the integrity of student leadership." Student representation for next year "will not be like any [year] we've had or will have again," he said. The committee is working towards creating a See REFORM, page 3

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Copyright © 2007. Published in Washington, D.C.





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