University Disciplines Area Student Homes

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  • Words: 2,484
  • Pages: 2

Vol. LXXXVI, Issue 12


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By JOHN P. SCHMIDT 2"3451'$677

The Department of Public Safety and the Metropolitan Police Department have warned students to expect an increase in assaults and robberies over the holidays after crime has already risen in the Brookland community. “There has been an increase in robberies in the Fifth Police District of Washington, D.C., of which Catholic University is a part,” DPS Captain Linda Van said in an e-mail to the University. “Several of these robberies were committed against CUA students in the Brookland community.” The crime rate fell for the 2006-2007 school year, after a spike the prior year. Crime has once again increased during the fall 2007 semester.

By JOHN CLYDE 2"3451'$677

Average professorial salaries at the University have remained lower than other universities in Washington, D.C. despite efforts by the University over the past four years to address the concerns of professors and administrators. The University is at a disadvantage when hiring professors, even though starting salaries are competitive, said James Brennan, University provost. "I think when you look at the total salary of all of the people that work on the faculty, it's lower than the national average for institutions like this, but if you look at entering salary, we're not that far low," said Brennan. "I think we're fairly comparable." Full University professors on average make $94,600, strict salary not including fringe benefits, which ranks in the 29th percentile among doctoral institutions nationwide and is nearly $12,000 less than the national average, according to data collected at American Association of University Professors confirmed by The Tower. By comparison, American University pays $127,400, Georgetown University pays $139,900 and Howard University pays $94,065. At $69,700, average salaries for associate professors rank in the 31st percentile and are about $6,600 under the national average among doctoral institutions. Average salaries for assistant professors, $61,400, rank in the 37th percentile; professors in that status make approximately $4,300 less than the national average. "We have closed the gap somewhat; there's still a gap but it's not as big as it was," said Barry Yatt, architecture professor and chairman of the Academic Senate's Committee on Faculty Economic Welfare. "The University has made an effort in the past four years now to make sure that faculty salaries have risen five percent every year and they've met that target," he added. "But other universities are also raising their wages: if we raise by five percent, we may only be closing the gap by a percent or two." Average salaries at the University for See SALARIES, page 3


When students come back to school next semester they should expect their Metro rides to cost more. While it is not yet set, the Washington Metropolitan Transportation Authority proposed to raise the $1.35 starting fare to $1.55 or $1.60. According to the Washington Post, rush hour fares could go up by 60 cents. These fares are not final; the Metro authority held three hearings this week, which according to the Washington Post, have had poor attendance. The proposal could have the increase effective January 6.

As a result, DPS and MPD had a safety awareness meeting on Thursday, in Hannan Hall. At the meeting MPD officers addressed concerns from students and administrators about increased robberies. The officers discussed two incidents where three University students were mugged near Cardinal’s Nest bar and restaurant, as well as a robbery that took place last month in the morning on the porch of Spellman Hall. Four more police officers will be added to patrol the area as a result of an increase in robberies in the Brookland area, Sgt. Wayne Steinhilbert said. A squad car will be added on patrol as well as two officers on bike patrol. He also urged all people to walk with a “heightSee MPD, page 7

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Pope Benedict XVI will speak in the Pryzbyla Center on April 17. He will also visit the John Paul II Cultural Center and the Basilica. His address will follow a meeting at the White House, Mass at the National Shrine of the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception with all U.S. Bishops and a public Mass at the new Washington Nationals Stadium in southeast Washington, D.C. The pope, who was born Joseph Ratzinger in 1927, will speak in the Pryzbyla Great Room in front of an audience of educational representatives and specialists from every diocese in the United States. At this time the exact number of representatives is unavailable. Presidents from every Catholic university will also be invited. There is no information available on whether or not students will be invited. Benedict will meet leaders from many faiths at the John Paul II Cultural Center, hold mass at the Nationals Stadium on the banks of

the Anacostia River and speak at the University on the same day. Rev. David O’Connell, president of the University, is convening a committee to deal with the logistics of the papal visit. All final decisions regarding the visit will be made by O’Connell, according to Victor Nakas, associate vice president for Public Affairs. Benedict will arrive in the District on the afternoon of April 15 for his first visit to the United States since becoming pope in 2005. As a head of state, Benedict will be escorted by Secret Service agents as well as his personal security detail. Students should not expect a visit similar to John Paul II’s 1979 trip, when the Holy See came face to face with groups of students and shook their hands. In 1981, a gunman attempted to assassinate John Paul II, leading to increased security measures. The terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 also contributed to security increases surrounding the pope. Students may not be invited to the Pryzbla Center address, as the Great Room holds a maximum of

about 1,000 people and interest in attending the event will likely be high. The Mass at Nationals Stadium is a public event. Tickets to the public will be available for free to several area dioceses. Information on how to obtain them is not available at this point. Archbishop of Washington Donald W. Wuerl called the visit “a grace-filled blessing for the Church of Washington” on the website of the archdioceses. “The eyes of the world are going to be on the pope’s every move,” added Nakas. While the pope is at the University, the eyes of the world will also be on the campus. The University is not in session on the day of the visit in celebration of Founder’s Day, which is normally celebrated on April 10. Rumors of the pope’s visit started up when the day off was pushed back one week. O’Connell was not available for comment on the visit. Public Affairs said he will release a letter with more details about the visit at a later date.


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Francisco Bustamante, known as Frankie, a sophomore politics major from Miami, was elected as the 112th Editor-InChief of The Tower. Bustamante won the election with a 13-0-1 victory, with one person abstaining. Bustamante has been a member of The Tower staff since his freshman year, when he served as a news writer and assistant news editor. This past semester,

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Bustamante was the managing editor of The Tower. “The Tower is the student run paper here at Catholic,” said Bustamante. “Our job is to report things that the University or the Brookland community isn’t going to report that are of specific interest to students.” He plans to “strum up readership and add more creative things to the paper so people will want to pick it up and read it.” “I’m looking forward to working with Frankie,” said Ryan J. Reilly, The Tower production and business manager. “I think we have a good team that should raise standards across the board.” “As evident by the vote, Frankie is the most qualified to take over for me,” said current Editor-in-Chief Ben Newell. “From what I’ve found, an important part of this job is having the trust of those you work with. Frankie clearly has it. I hope he takes the trust of the staff he has to build up a successful newspaper and improve upon the newspaper I’ve tried to leave him.” About his goals for The Tower, Bustamante said, “My main goal is to have The Tower staff be proud of what they write and students be proud of what they read.”



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The University has placed a number of traditionally problematic homes on "disciplined property status," which allows them to hold all tenants responsible for activities which take place on the property, regardless of whether or not they were involved. Administrators have been working on multiple fronts to improve relationships between the University, the Brookland community and student tenants. In addition, they are publishing brochures for undergraduates moving off campus which are meant to encourage relationships between neighbors. Previously, the University did not deal with student behavior issues that happened off campus. That began to

change after a resident of Newton Street, Darcy Flynn, recorded "drunken rights, police raids, and scores of young people noisily milling around on the streets and sidewalks," according to a Sept. 30, 1999 article in the Washington Times. Flynn's video aired on the local affiliates of Fox, NBC, ABC and CBS, as well as other stations across the country. Because of the embarrassment, University officials decided they needed to take disciplinary action to maintain the school's reputation, according to a Sept. 24, 1999 article in The Tower. The University has had a long, and sometimes strained, relationship with the Brookland community, specifically when it comes to issues of student behavior in the neighborhood. See BROOKLAND, page 7

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Contact The Tower – Editorial: 202.319.5778 – Business: 202.319.5779 – Fax: 202.319.6675 – On Campus: 127 Pryzbyla Center




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Features..................................9 Sports..............................11-12

Send story ideas to [email protected] Copyright © 2007. Published in Washington, D.C.



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