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Since 1922 — Vol. LXXXV, Issue 21


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The Center for Planning and Information Technology (CPIT) has improved Inter speed by increasing bandwidth in the University’s network. The Academic Technology Services of CPIT has planned a two-phase approach to increase Internet speed. CPIT detected problems as early as last semester, but noticed a significant decrease in speed early this semester. “We saw a substantial decrease in ResNet performance after Christmas, and some of that we think is due to […] a substantial increase in the number of game consoles being registered after [the holidays],” said Betsy Ramsey, Director of Information Technology of CPIT. ResNet is a part of the campus network that provides high-speed Internet access to residence halls. “We do monitor the performance of the residence halls and we’ve seen a substantial improvement,” said Ramsey. CPIT stated that since February, the speed has doubled. “Because we had been monitoring [connection speed], we already had some plans in progress for upgrading the network. But to do that in the major way that we wanted to do requires a lot of work in the infrastructure; we have to upgrade the hardware [and] bring in new circuits and so we knew that could not happen in as timely fashion as we wanted,” said Ramsey. However, in order to speed up the process, CPIT implemented a more immediate phase to the upgrade, aimed at a partial increase of speed, which was instated two weeks ago. CPIT responded to student criticisms claiming inaction or insufficient action by stating that they do monitor the network and is currently running on T3 connection, which has been true since 1998. CPIT expects to finish their last phase by May.

“As soon as he saw me, he looked like a deer in headlights and he started running away,” said McMahon, who said he fled down the hill towards the McMahon parking lot. “Obviously, he was trying to break into the car,” said McMahon. “He did not look like a student.” She described the man as being five feet, six inches tall, Hispanic and wearing a hooded sweater. McMahon said she called DPS using her cell phone and immediately pulled out of the parking spot and drove away. She told the dispatcher that she could still see the man, who was hiding in a wooded area between Curley Hall and McMahon parking lot. The dispatcher, according to McMahon, said someone would be there shortly. Wanting a quicker response, she drove around to McMahon parking lot,




A resident of Curley Court says she is afraid for her security after the Department of Public Safety (DPS) responded “inadequately” to her report of a man breaking into a car near her residence. The student also said she was ignored by a security officer stationed in McMahon parking lot, who she found sleeping in his patrol car. DPS said that an officer was immediately dispatched to the location and that in the future, students should report sleeping security guards to the dispatcher. Sophomore Jenna McMahon said she returned to campus early Sunday morning at 1 a.m. and went to park her vehicle in the parking lot beside Curley Hall. It was there that she spotted a man trying to key into the car next to where she parked.

See CURLEY COURT, page 4

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Venigalla B. Rao, head of the University’s Department of Biology, is part of a research team that includes professors at Purdue University. On March 23, they published an article in the journal “Molecular Cell” about their research. The article, entitled “The Structure of the ATPase that Powers DNA Packaging into Bacteriophage T4 Procapsids” details the results of

the five-year collaboration researching this structure. Rao himself has spent 27 years working on this project. In order to infect new host cells, a virus must package its entire genome and inject it into a host cell. The entire package must be extremely small and the packaging process must be completed very rapidly. In order to achieve this, a protein vertex helps to package the DNA into an empty viral procapsid. This process is partly mediated by the protein studied by the group.

Headed by Professor of Biological Sciences, Dr. Michael Rossmann, the team also includes former Purdue doctoral student Petra Gentz, postdoctoral research associates Siyang Sun of Purdue University, Kiran Kondabagil of Catholic and Rao. Rao is a graduate of Indian Institute of Science and conducted his postdoctoral research at the University Of Maryland School Of Medicine, concentrating in Molecular Virology and has worked at the University for seventeen years.

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Political stability is key to Latin American development, said Chilean Ambassador Mariano Fernandez, who spoke at the University Wednesday night. Fernandez drew a crowd of about 200 to Hannan Hall’s Herzfeld Auditorium, including students, professors, staff and off-campus visitors. The speech, titled “Chile and Latin America,” was part of the School of Arts and Sciences’ 100-year anniversary lecture series. In addition to Latin America’s goals for development, Fernandez discussed Chile’s success in the past decade, emerging as one of the area’s most advanced countries. He mentioned that Latin America has had difficulties because it was a region governed by dictators until, for some countries, just 20 years ago. Fernandez says clear political stability will enable Latin America to pull itself out of its problems.

Mario Rojas, the director of the Latino and Latin American Studies Program introduced Fernandez. Rojas was also a main organizer of the event. “There were two main reasons for organizing the speech and bringing Mariano Fernandez here. One was to celebrate the 100-year anniversary of the School of Arts and Sciences in a way that was interesting to both students and to the community. The other was to give visibility to the Latin American Studies Program, which at this moment is offered as a minor, but we hope to make it a major in the future,” Rojas said. According to Fernandez, goals for the region include establishing working democracies, holding elections, achieving economic success and solving disputes between countries. Fernandez said there is difficulty in going ahead with political decisions and there are still strong social, economic and ethnic differences among Latin American populations. In relation to the United States, Fernandez noted that trade agreements with the

United States is important because it also includes a “side agreement;” which includes protection and labor or environmental development. Fernandez was born in Santiago, Chile in 1945. According to chileusa.org, he received his law degree at the Catholic University of Santiago. He was exiled from Chile in 1974 after joining the Chilean Foreign Service, during which he lived in Bonn, Germany until 1982. He worked for several publications in Germany and Chile, after which he served in many political posts. In 1992, he became the Vice-President of the European-Latin American Relations Institute (IRELA) of Madrid, Spain, and later became President in 1993. Before his current position as Ambassador of Chile to the United States, he had also served as an Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy and the European Community. From 1994 to 2000, he held the position of Vice Minister of RA!QRQA&EN??O/P4AQ&B/L66 Foreign Affairs. He is also an honorary President of the Chilean

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Copyright © 2007. Published in Washington, D.C.

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