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Bakar=Aja=God Arun Kumar Upadhyay, IPS B-9,CB-9,Cantonment Road, Cuttack-753001 0671-2304172/2304433 Mob-9437034172 [email protected] Introduction-Al-bakar is the first and largest chapter in the holy Koran. Bakarid is the most famous festival of the muslims. There are two sets of list of names of Allah compiled from Koran-one has 100 and the other has 103 names. It is surprising that Bakar or Al-Bakar (=the Bakar) does not figure as name of God in any of the lists. Some names may be missing. 100 names-In Indian religions (Vedic, Jain, Bauddha) there is system of 108 or 1000 names. There should be 108 names of Allah in Koran also. Koran is read like Yajurveda which has 100 (101) branches, so 100 names have been compiled. The explaining text of Yajurveda is called Shatapatha-Brahmana because of 100 branches. 100 branches are due to 10 dimensional space. There are 10 numbers to indicate a point. Its position can change in 10 direction. So there are 10x10=100 modes of action. This has given rise to 100 branches as yajurveda describes motion. 10 dimensions are reflected in 10 commandments of Bible, 10 Gurus of Sikh, 10 Mahavidya in Vedic tantra or Prajna-paramita of Bauddha. White and Black Yajurveda-Another view explains branches of Shukla (white) and Krishna (black) versions of yajurveda. These have given rise to words safed and kala-jadu (white and black magic)- though meaning is not the same. There are 5 mahabhuta (great beings)-called space, air, energy, water and earth. These are solid, liquid, and gaseous states, and space, energy form (plasma state also). All creation has emerged from these five. Act of creation is by motion. Motion is of two types. White motion is visible from out side. Black is internal motion. It is not visible. So open dealings are white magic and secret conspiracy (not visible) is black magic. Motion of a body seen from outside is white and is of three types-coming near, going far, stationery. Internal motion is of 17 types. A pattern (seal, or print sign) can be moved in 17 ways to cover a plane. This is called Plane-Crystallography Theorem (or, Wall-Paper Theorem) in Modern Algebra (for Example-Algebra by Artin-Prentice Hall, page 172). When 5 mahabhutas move in white way, it is of 5x3=15 types, so there are 15 branches of white yajurveda. Black motion is of 5x17=85 types. The abstract form or its motion is not visible, so it is counted among black motions. Including the abstract, there are 86 branches of black yajurveda. These are theoretical classifications of world. Accordingly, different versions of Vedas were made popular in different parts of the world. Thus, the form of Torah, Koran, Bible appear different from Vedas, but the essence is same. Why 108 names-There are many views about 108 instead of the round number 100. In all religions the number of beads in garland (mala, rosary or tasbiha) is 108. The reasons stated are(1)Distance of sun and moon in terms of their diameter is 108. Thus their angular diameter is almost equal to 32’ (about half degree) and moon just covers sun in an eclipse. -1-

(2)There are 12 signs of zodiac corresponding to the zones covered by sun in synodic revolution of moon, called lunar month. Zodiac is again divided into 27 stars (nakshatra) corresponding to 27 days taken by moon in revolution around earth. 108 is divisible by both 12 and 27. (3)9 and 12 are secret numbers, 108 is their product. If 9 is multiplied by any number, sum of digits is always 9. 9 is also the number of holes in human body-1 mouth, paths of stool and urine, 3 pairs of ear, eyes , nose. (4.108shri (sign of respect) are used for guru. Shri is derived from Shira=head. (5)Extra 8 after 100 is just a margin for error in count or meditation. In Islam, tasbih of 100 beeds is used in which 3 names are repeated 33 times each. As 3x33 is one less than 100, the last Allahu akbar is repeated 34 times. This also shows that for equal division, beads should be more than 100. 108 is the smallest number after 100 which is divisible by 3, 9, 12. Chart of names is- Subhan’allah (Glory be to Allah) – repeated 33 times. Alhamdulillah (Gratitude be to Allah) – repeated 33 times. Allahu akbar (God is the greatest) – repeated 34 times God and goat-God is derived from German word Gott. The original Hebrew/Aramaic words for God and goat were same. In Vedas also, Aja (A+ja=unborn) means God or goat both. Word is from world, because world is the real Veda from which names were given by Brahma as per Manusmriti (1/23). As per Bible also, Adam had give names to objects. In China, Fan is said to have given names. There were 7 Brahmas in different periods of time. At one time there was only one in human form (Mahabharata, Shanti-parva, chapter 348). In beginning there was word (Bible start) which is A, which is part of all letters (Gita 10/33), so A indicates God. Created form includes L (Lam). The process of creation and god within every form is M (Mim). Thus Alef (A), Lam (L), Mim (M) have been called Secret letters in Fatiha, 7. In Arabic, Bakar means any four-footed animal like cow, camel, horse, goat, sheep etc. In Arab, bakar word is mostly used for sheep. In India, it is taken as goat, and Bakrid is commonly observed by eating goat meat. Id means worship, hence Bakarid is worship of God. Since only God can be worshipped, Bakar has to be name of God. As Bakar means Cow also, Al-Bakarah, sura 131 tells that cow is to be worshipped. People follow only what they want to. Hence all the commentators of Koran have censured this sentence. Most of the commentaries claim that other suras of Koran are words of God. But this sentence is not so. People of Egypt worshipped cow, so this was introduced by Prophet Mohammad to please them. In this interpretation also, India has been omitted where cow is worshipped. Actually, the first sentence of Yajurveda (all branches) tell that Cow can not be killed. Aghnya word has been used which means ‘not deserving to be killed’. This is true in several meanings of the word Go (=cow). Maintaining Cow-‘Go’ means any object which has 3 qualities, so the third consonant of Sanskrit alphabet has been used. Go is means of creations by three components-place, matter, motion or change. Thus in English also, go=to move and the derivative gau has become cow. Go=ray of light (kirana), it always moves, it covers linear space and rays of sun start creation. Go=organs of body (indriya). They are parts of body (space), always moving, and making exchange of information or creating. Go is the animal cow which is source of producing food by cultivation and directly giving milk which is still the most important food all over the world, not -2-

merely in ancient Egypt or India. Thus, this is to be protected to protect ourselves. Larger Go is the earth itself which is place of all creation relevant to us. In puranas, earth has always been described as a cow, when it has approached God for protection from Asuras. This has given rise to the word Gaia in Greek for earth. Then, Go is any process of creation or production. Process of creation and production is called yajna which needs to be continued always for continuing our lives and civilization. Gita (3/13, 4/31) tells that we should eat only the remains of yajna (production process). If we eat the part needed for running yajna, it will stop the process and we will perish. For example, we should save some seeds, manure etc. for next cultivation. Similarly, all the means of production and environment is to be protected which is included in protecting Go. Asura is a person who destroy Go in many senses, related to each other. Fakir and Kafir-Almost similar sense is the statement of Gita (2/47) that we should not eat the fruits of work. This is same as forbidden fruit in story of Adam and Eve in Bible and Koran. The tree in that story is not a real tree; it is tree of wisdom, or rather tree of thought. All actions or thoughts have a chain of reactions which is called a tree. When we are doing any work, our mind should be engaged in the work proper. If we start thinking about fruit or result of actions, work will suffer due to diverting of attention. Mentally, we should be engaged in work or duty, not in eating fruits. That is faka (fast=non-eating). If we do fast, our work will be fast. The person doing this fast is fakir. Person interested only in fruits is kafir (eating Kafi or much). Actually every body needs to eat for survival, but the mental approach makes the distinction. We should concentrate on maintaining tree or chain of creation, that is watching the tree, Our eating the residue fruits does not harm it, so fakir is maintaining cow or yajna. 4 legs of God- God is the whole world. That is the meaning of Kalama- whatever there is it is God, there is nothing which is not God. Purusha-sukta of Vedas tells that (verse 3, 4) that Purusha (= man, a name of God) is every thing in past present and future. The whole created world in only one of the 4 legs (pada = leg, 1/4th part) of Purusha. Thus, Aja is 4 legged animal or God both. Same is the sense of Bakar. Aja also means un-born. God is not born, it exists since beginning and all others are born from him. So He is un-born. In Sanskrit, commonly used alphabet is from A to H. So, aham means self, or important in Arabic. At end of alphabet, there is la (lam changes word into world). Thus, Alam means all in sanskrit and ‘world’ in Arabic. This is origin of words “Allah” (it is all) and the word ‘all’. Animals have all life function like man, but they are not born in the sense that they are not educated, cultured. So they are aja. Education has been called second birth. Or, birth of animal is not worthwhile, so they are unborn. 4 parts of Purusha- Any object in world is viewed in 4 ways called 4 pada (legs) of purusha(1) Kshara-purusha-The outer form or structure is always decaying. Kshara = to decay. (2) Akshara-purusha-Physical structure is kshara or decaying, its functional identity is always the same. Like a man constantly changes from birth till death, but his name remains the same. The person himself considers to be the same man. (3) Avyaya-purusha –Avyaya=not spending. As a part of the surroundings, there is neither decay nor gain. Decay at one place is gain for other-total remains the same. That aspect is avyaya. -3-

(4) Paratpara-purusha-Finally, all objects are the same. I.e. final source is same. In terms of chemistry, all matter, living or non-living is made of same electrons, protons etc. which are packets of same energy. The first form is visible, next 3 are invisible called higher as the source. So it is said that the whole world is 1 pada and 3 others are above. Other meaning may be that only one fourth of the source material is consumed in creating the world, remaining 3/4th always remains unused in sky. 4 aspects of creation-Purusha is 4 legged aja due to 4 forms of viewing the same thing. More specifically, avyaya-purusha is called aja (Gita 2/20,21, 4/6, 7/25, 10/3,12). Same particles or atoms re-combine in any creation, nothing new is formed, so the creator/created are called aja or bakar. 4 components of creation are-source matter, space or place, energy for change, chain or procedure. The fifth conscious being is the head. So there are 5 fold yajna, 5 worships in a day or 5 pillars of Islam, 5 namokars in jaina worship, 5 kakars in Sikhism (ka = kartta, kartar in hindi, creator). Creator is Khuda, created is Khudai. Macro world is Khuda, individual is khud. Khuda is greater than the greatest, Khud is smaller than the smallest (khurd) as per Katha-upanishad (1/2/20) or Shvetashvatara Upanishad (3/20). These are called atma and paramatma. 4 division of Vedas-Atharva-veda was the original. Atharva has two meanings. Tharva=to shake. God is unchanging in all times, place and directions, so it is called Atharva. Thus Veda is description of single God only. By seeing the unity only, we can understand the meaning. This is said at several places-Brahma-sutra (1/1/4) tells that vedas should be understood by harmony. Gita (15/15) tells that God is the only knowable in Vedas-if we diversify, we will be misled. Another meaning is that it started in Arva=Arab (Atharva=atha+arva). That is the reason, 786=Bismillah is popular there only. Atharva starts with the sentence that the world is pervaded by 3 sevens. God started with 7 lokas (Asman, heaven). Partition by 7 heavens, created 8 types of cosmic structures. There are 6 forms of creation on earth-man is complete image of God (numerically, cells in human brain are equal to number of stars in galaxy). Soil is sleeping conscious, trees are semi-conscious. Then there are creatures of land, water, air-making a total of 6 varieties on earth. Vedas were divided into 4 as per the following natureRik- Form or structure Yajur- Motion or creation. Sama- Field of influence Atharva-Background of reference. Accordingly, verb vid has 4 meanings in Sanskrit. Sacrifice of self-Story of Bakrid starts with Prophet Abraham (Ibrahim) who was asked to sacrifice himself. As a substitute for self, he offered his son. Goat is also a substitute for self. Sacrifice of self can have several meanings(1)Gross body (kshara) is under control of personality (akshara). Our body may like sugar, but mind tells to avoid it in case of diabetes. Person is sacrificed for family, that in turn is for society, and finally all is for World (Allah) -4-

(2) Man is dedicated for some work. In that also his mental and physical energy is consumed which is a sacrifice. Work can by daily personal, family or professional work or dedication for a higher goal for self or society. (3) As a symbol of sacrifice, our head is lowered before God (namaskar, sizda). Namaz is Arabic form of Sanskrit Namas (salute). Head is symbol of self, remaining body is extension. As symbol of head, coconut is offered. As distortion, or excuse for own food, animal head and body are offered. Guru is considered same as god because that is the way to reach Him. Time of Bakrid-It is difficult to guess the rationale of time. At present it is held on 12th day of the last month of Islamic calendar, but it originated long ago at the time of Abraham. Then calendar was different. Original calendar started with rains, when Asuras with capital in Egypt were dominant in world. So the day (year) starting with southward motion is still called Asura-day. Year and rains both are varsha in Sanskrit. Supremacy of Asuras started when Rains or the year started with sun in Mula star (direction of galactic center) in about 19500 BC. In about, 17000 BC, Devas challenged them, when rains and year started with Abhijit (Vega star) which was also the pole. Then, in 16000 BC, Karttikeya fully defeated Asuras of Kraunch-Dvipa (North America) and started year with rains in magha star. In 13,902 BC, Vaivasvata Manu (Raba=Ravi or Sun) started year with Chaitra month when sun enters Ashvini star. Due to glacial floods, day became longer and there were errors in calendar. This calendar of Surya-siddhanta was corrected by Maya-Asura in Romaka-Pattana (900 west of Ujjain)-place of pillar of Hercules, Rabat or nearby place. Main yajna is cultivation which is done in annual cycle. Original time of Bakrid must have been at start of rains and year. In new calendar also, it marks last month of year. Name of Bakrid is Id-uj-joha also. Joha is Jihova or his worship. He is called Yahva in Vishnusahasranama. Yahva means doer of yajna, creator or sustainer of people. Thus, it should start with cycle of rains or of year. Id and ekadashi-As per calculation, ekadashi starts when position of moon is 10x12=1200 ahead of sun. In India civil day starts with sunrise, so the date at time of sunrise is taken till the next sunrise. However, there is a special rule for ekadashi of Vaisnava that 12th day should start before sunset. This is 12th day in Islamic calendar where day starts with sunset. If 11th day does not end before sunset, it is observed on 12 th day. Thus ekadashi of Vaishnav as is same as Id in Islam. Omitted names-It appears that total names of Allah should be 108 and 5 or 8 names are not included in the list. Reasons of omission may be following(1)Some names may be secret as it is stated of Alef, Lam and Mim in Fatiha, 7. (2.100is round or convenient. But in division by 3, numbers are unequal-33,33, 34. (3) Bakar and Bismillah names will leave no difference from Vedas. Though all are admitted to be words of God, each sect tries to show its uniqueness. The list of 103 names will become 108 if the following 5 are addedAlif, Lam, Mim, Bismillah, Bakar. -5-

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