Apakah Kamu Sakit Parah.docx

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Are you having seriously ill? No hope of recovery? Why not try this reiki technique to help you? This website offers free reiki attunements

Rei-ki is often translated as ‘Universal Life-energy’, Most people come to Reiki as a healing technique, and many, as they work with it, gradually discover that it is much more. It can affect both the giver and receiver on every level, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Reiki is a very simple technique to learn and is not dependent on one having any prior experience with healing, meditation or any other kind of training. The ability to do Reiki is simply transferred from the teacher to the student through a process called an attunement. As soon as one receives an attunement, they have the ability to do Reiki and after that whenever one places their hands on themselves or on another person with the intention of doing Reiki, the healing energy will automatically begin flowing. The attunement is an energy transfer that will take place over distance (remote attunement), and feels like an energy shower that fills your body and aura. An attunement takes 30 minutes, up to about 45 minutes. But this can vary from person to person. It depends on the sensitivity and receptivity of your energy field. It also can depend on the attunement: some take a little longer. And for some you can be more sensitive than for others. Also some attunements can have a stronger effect than others. Sometimes you need an energy more badly, for instance a healing one, which can make the process take longer before you have all the energy you need in your system.

The Reiki attunement can start a cleansing process that affects the physical body as well as the mind and emotions. Some people report a time period after receiving a Reiki session or attunement that they are detoxing their bodies and sometimes get a little sick or feel less energetic, but I believe that is the body releasing the negative energy. Toxins that have been stored in the body may be released along with feelings and thought patterns that are no longer useful. Therefore, a process of purification prior to the attunement is recommended to improve the benefit one receives. During this time each person will experience their own unique reaction to the cleansing period. NO two attunements are ever the same. Depending on which form of Reiki of Healing Modality you choose to be attuned to, depends on how long this Cleansing period may last for, generally they vary from 7 days to 21 days in length. detox begins after one receives

an attunement. Some go through a period of detoxing and some do not, so it is not always what happens but in some cases it does. The detoxing can include anything from feeling more energetic to completely changing your life style, depending on what your body needs I believe the detox will do what is needed for the individual. once you have received the attunement, you can treat yourself as well as others. This is one of the unique features of Reiki.

Everyone experiences Reiki in their own unique way, however most people report feeling profoundly relaxed after a session. Reiki generally feels like a gentle warmth, but some people also report that Reiki feels like a pulsing, tingly, or even wave-like sensation. Some people see colors or experience a sudden remembrance of traumas long passed, while others feel nothing at all. Be assured that Reiki helps us to regain our health and restore us to a balanced state on all levels, physical, mental, and/or emotional, whether we feel it working or not. It is also common for people to actually fall asleep during a treatment. After the Reiki session, some people might feel a little dizzy or 'spacey.' This is normal and will pass, just be sure to take your time getting up or off the table if you feel the need. Health is just not a physical concept, it is an overall well being

on all levels including physical, mental, emotional and Spiritual. Reiki works on all these levels subtly. As soon as one receives an attunement, they have the ability to do Reiki and after that whenever one places their hands on themselves or on another person with the intention of doing Reiki, the healing energy will automatically begin flowing. An intention is a purpose we give to the energy. For example, we can ask the Reiki energy to cleanse a meal of negative energies and impurities or help calm an animal in distress

Reiki feels differently to everyone, some feel nothing and some feel, hot, cold, tingles, prickly energy, and more. I believe depending on the energy that is needed one can feel many different sensations. What I think is most important to know is, that whatever it is you do or don’t feel is exactly perfect for the situation.ve energies and not the actual Reiki making one sick.

Preparing Students for Attunement Process (to relax student) 

Play soft Reiki music

Sit with feet flat on the floor, place hands on laps (avoid crossing limbs – this indicates nonacceptance for receiving)

Close your eyes, take 3-deep breaths and relax

Take a moment to scan yourself

Starting at your feet and working upward toward your crown, observe any tenseness and relax each muscle

Say to students, “You are safe and secure at all times”

Begin guided meditation to relax them (see page 32) Procedure during Attunement

Ring bell/gong 3x’s for student to enter attunement room

When student enters the attunement room they will


Bow to Reiki Master (to show respect)


Bow to picture of Usui sensei (to show respect)


Sit on stool with back straight, but comfortable


Feet flat on floor (avoid crossing legs – this indicates non-acceptance for receiving)


Hands held loosely on lap (avoid crossing hands – this indicates non-acceptance for receiving)


Close eyes and relax

Peaceful greetings to all members and potential members of this Shing Chi mailing list, I am informing you that all of you may receive Shing Chi’s attunement Cakra 11,12,13 by printing out or reading this file. You do not have to become a SC/NI First Degree Master, if you are not interested in giving attunements or in becoming a master teacher. You may directly take C11 attunement and following. There are some conditions to be fulfilled in order to get a master attunement which can be consulted in the FILE folder of this mailing list. Follow all the instructions given. I have made a SC/NI Construct Energy Moment (an SC energy source for non Moslems and Nur Ilahi energy source specially for Moslems) which can be used for attunement through my authorization. For those who have been attuned until C10 SC/NI , you no longer need to send your particulars, it is sufficient to report the process of attunement done via this MAILING LIST (please do not send it via my private e-mail unless it is of private and secret nature). It is not necessary for you to send a request for attunement as I have programmed it automatically but you should already get a minimal C10 SC/NI attunement. Although, you are kindly requested to send an e-mail regarding the experiences you have undergone. I sincerely hope for those who have already received attunement to put your knowledge to good use by helping sick people who ask for your assistance. The method used is the same as in Reiki, the only difference is at the moment of healing. Intend that the SC or Nur Ilahi (NI) energy - which is more refined and powerful than Reiki - should flow through your crown cakra. If you feel overwhelmed or unable to handle the energy, you may ask for remote assistance via this mailing list so that all members send the SC energy to assist you. Let this mailing list be useful for all mankind. The main requirements to obtain attunement are: you must already receive minimal C10 SC/NI attunement, and then send the experience of your attunement process via this MAILING LIST. So, it is not necessary to submit a request for attunement, but you should report the attunement process undergone. Free attunements that can be obtained are boundless. Until now, I am limiting the giving of free attunements until Cakra 99. But it is very rare that somebody received attunement until that Cakra. To my knowledge, the highest attunement I have given is only until Cakra 15 which is given only to one person. This is due to the ability of someone's body to receive such an enormous energy in such a short time. There are only a few who are strong enough to be able to receive it. Therefore I will give it in phases. With this mail I am enclosing the SC free attunement using the “construct body energy moment” which constitutes the duplicate of my body energy from the SC/NI’s limitless energy source. Procedure: Set aside 10 minutes. Prepare a room as quiet as possible. Take a seat in a relax way, both your feet must touch the ground. Pray in the religion you are convinced of. Ask God for the process and the result of the attunement to be complete and safe. For Moslems, change the name Shing Chi with Nur Ilahi. FOR CAKRA 11: Say it in your heart: I, Ferizal S., am herewith giving mandate and attunement to …….. (mention your name) in ………….

(city and country where you live) to use the Shing Chi Cakra 11 Divine energy source to help in assisting and healing oneself and others, along with its purpose which is not endangering and hurting anybody. May your 11th Cakra be opened, descend O noble Spirit, superbeing, please reside for as long as possible in the heart cakra. Please purify all the body layers and cakras and harmonize them. Be it with the permission and willingness of ALLAH/God.” “Do you accept it?” Read loudly(with your voice) “I …… (your name) Accept!!!.” Close your eyes and meditate for 10 minutes, receiving all the created energy flow and sensations with resignation and composure. Remember clearly all the sensations and/or visions which have appeared. After you are done with the meditation, write down your experience, then send it via e-mail to me. In order to carry out the Cakra 12 attunement, you must wait 7 days after you have done the Cakra 11 attunement. DON’T TRY TO DO THEM ALL AT ONCE, IT’S DANGEROUS. For the Cakra 12 attunement: Set aside approximately 15 minutes. Prepare a room as quiet as possible. Take a seat in a relax way, both your feet must touch the ground. Pray in the religion you are convinced of. Ask God for the process and the result of the attunement to be complete and safe. Say in your heart: “I, Ferizal S., am herewith giving mandate and attunement to …….. (mention your name) in …………. (city and country where you live) to use the Shing Chi Cakra 12 Divine energy source to help in assisting oneself and others, along with its purpose which is not endangering and hurting anybody. May your 12th Cakra be opened, descend O noble Spirit, superbeing, please reside for as long as possible in the heart cakra. May the Divine Cakra 12 energy flow continuously as this person desires. Please purify all the body layers and the underlying main cakras and harmonize them. Be it with the permission and willingness of ALLAH/God.” “Do you accept it ?” Read loudly (with your voice) “I …… (your name) Accept!!!”. Close your eyes and meditate for 15 minutes, receiving all the created energy flow and sensation with resignation and composure. Remember clearly all the sensations and/or visions which appeared. After you are done with the meditation, write down your experience, then send it via e-mail to me. In order to carry out the Cakra 13 attunement, you must wait 21 days before you carry out the attunement. DON’T TRY TO EXECUTE THE CAKRA 13 ATTUNEMENT BEFORE 21 DAYS AFTER YOU HAVE DONE YOUR CAKRA 12 ATTUNEMENT. IT’S DANGEROUS!!! Cakra 13 attunement: Set aside 10 minutes. Prepare a room as quiet as possible. Take a seat in a relax way, both your feet must touch the ground. Pray in the religion you are convinced of. Ask God for the process and the result of the attunement to be complete and safe. Say in your heart: “I, Ferizal S., am herewith giving mandate and attunement to …….. (mention your name) in …………. (city and country where you live) to use the Shing Chi Cakra 13 Divine energy source to help in assisting and healing oneself and others, along with other purposes which are not endangering and hurting anybody. May your 13th Cakra be opened, descend O noble Spirit, superbeing, please reside

for as long as possible in the heart cakra. May the energy belt be opened as wide as possible from Cakra 13 to Cakra 12 to Cakra 11, then to the underlying cakras, the crown cakra and the heart cakra. Please purify all the body layers, the main cakras, both hands and feet cakras and harmonize them. Be it with the permission and willingness of ALLAH/God.” “Do you accept it ?” Read loudly (with your voice) “I …… (your name) Accept!!!”. Close your eyes and meditate for 20 minutes, receiving all the created energy flow and sensation with resignation and composure. Remember clearly all the sensations and/or visions which appeared. After you are done with the meditation, write down your experience, then send it via e-mail to me. DON’T TRY TO DO ALL ATTUNEMENTS AT ONCE BEFORE THE PERMITTED TIME I HAVE MENTIONED TO YOU. IT’S DANGEROUS. From Cakra 11 to 12, the respite period is 7 days. From Cakra 12 to Cakra 13, the respite period is 21 days. If you wish to commence the Cakra 11 attunement, you are free to execute it whenever you wish, as my body energy will wait until you are ready. Fixed set of hand positions contra intuitive positions Traditionally many Reiki practitioners give the whole body treatment covering all the handpositions. This method gives a very good overall healing effect and can be recommended if in doubt about the cause of the problem to be treated. Since the Reiki energy is spiritually guided it will in the end go where it is needed. Many practitioners have found that by being guided by their intuition they can reach even better results. Personally I have always found that this is the case. By combining knowledge from different Eastern medical systems I have created a simple guide to which Reiki positions, in my opinion, that can be used to reach the best effect for different ailments. Under "Reiki hand positions" in the menu to your right you can find pictures and a description on how the system is built (if you know the traditional hand positions you don't have to learn anything new!). Under the button "Reiki treatments" you will find the hand positions I recommend for over 60 different ailments.

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