Afl Tutorial Notes

  • July 2020
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  • Words: 1,578
  • Pages: 8
TUTORIAL NOTES Eagles v Dockers Description: -

Split class into partners (one becomes Eagle, one becomes Docker), and have each partner stand side to side in a line When the command either ‘Eagles’ or ‘Dockers’ is called, the instructed side must run to the safe zone before their partner tags them

Progression: -

Partners feet must be touching to begin If runner gets tagged they must do 3 push-ups If the runner doesn’t get the tagged, the tagger must do 3 push-ups Pairs must handball the ball between each other, then on a signal, whoever has the ball in hand becomes the runner

Battlefield Description: -

Separate class into groups of 4-5, each group on either side of the battlefield Players must kick the balls over the dead zone to land the ball inside the opposite teams field If the ball is successfully kicked and hits the floor of the opposing teams zone, that is 1 point

Progression: -

If the ball is kicked and then marked on the opposite side, a point is rewarded to the marking side Included different kinds of kicks, e.g. grubber, high ball, punt, etc.

Key Teaching Points: Kicking – drop punt - The nose of the ball is positioned over the kicking foot - The top of the foot makes contact with the ball at bottom rear of the ball while pointing kicking foot in direction of goal

- Follow-through in the direction of the kick Marking – chest mark - Body is positioned in line with the flight of the ball - Arms are brought forward with elbows flexed - Player is balanced and ready for either handball or kick Overhead mark - Body is positioned in line with the flight of the ball - Jump is into path of the ball - Lead knee maintains flexed position

Handball Pass ball/Zigzag Description: -

Separate students into groups of 5, each standing on one of the markers Each player, starting with p1, handballs the footy down the line, and back again

Progression: -

Introduce competition/race The use of left and right hand Staggered starts for uneven groups

Key Teaching Points: Handballing - Hitting hand is clenched with thumb on the outside of the fist - Hitting arm is flexed at the elbow and hand swings behind the body - Arm follows through in the direction of intended target

Holey lines Description: -

Split students into groups of 4 or 5, each team facing each other Each team must try and handball the footy through the gaps/holes in the opposing line If the ball goes through, the handballing team is rewarded a point If the handball is blocked, no points are rewarded

Progression: -

Introduce points for catching the ball Students must use opposite hand Have students stand in a circle, with 2 people in the middle Students in the middle must handball the ball between themselves, then when they see an opening, must try and handball the ball through Every successful handball that breaks the circle, the middle 2 are rewarded with a point

Key Teaching Points: Handballing - Hitting hand is clenched with thumb on the outside of the fist - Hitting arm is flexed at the elbow and hand swings behind the body - Arm follows through in the direction of intended target Chest height hand mark - Body position adjusted to be in line with the flight of the ball - Shoulders and elbows extend so that hands move forward ahead of the body - Ball taken cleanly into hands in one grab to prepare for next phase

Pick up, put down Description: -

P1 picks up the ball and runs towards the opposite line When they reach the cone, they must place the ball down and tag the opposite player P2 then runs towards the opposite line, picking up the ball from the cone, then placing it on the other cone P3 then runs towards the opposite line, etc.



Introduce a handball at the second cone Players must pick up ball then handball it to opposite player Player receiving the handball then runs and places ball on cone and runs to back of line Next player then picks ball up and handballs to opposite line, etc.

Key Teaching Points: Picking up the ball - Body position is lowered by flexing hips and knees - Feet are positioned to ensure a wide base of support - Player takes clean possession of ball and is balanced and ready for either handball or kick

Step and Dodge Description: -

Students separated onto either side of markers Begin with student running through markers with a simple side step between markers Students should have ball in hand so simulate game-like situation Introduce different movements e.g. spin

Progression: -

Introduce a defender Players must try and make it between the cones without getting double hand tagged Players must make it through cones without getting bear-hug tackled

Handball Netball

Description: -

Netball like game whilst handballing a footy Each team must try and keep possession of the footy and score by handballing the ball around the field and across the goal line If the ball hits the floor then the ball is turned over When one team scores a goal, the other team must start with the ball from that goal line

Progression: - 5 passes must be completed before scoring - every team member must touch the ball before scoring - Introduce golden goal, where if one team scores they retain possession and try to score on the opposite side

Kicking Keepy-off Description: -

Separate class into teams of 5 Team in possession must kick the ball between themselves trying to keep it off the opposing team If the ball is dropped then it is turned over

Progression: -

Introduce a points system For 3 consecutive passes the team is rewarded a point If 2 kicks and 2 handballs are done in sequence, a golden point is rewarded Introduce different kicks e.g. high balls, grubbers, etc.

Key Teaching Points: Running drop punt - Nose of ball positioned over kicking foot - Ball guided to kicking foot, not dropped - Follow-through of kicking leg in the direction of kick Chest mark - Body is positioned in line with the flight of the ball

- Arms are brought forward with elbows flexed - Player is balanced and ready for either handball or kick Overhead mark - Body is positioned in line with the flight of the ball - Jump is into path of the ball - Lead knee maintains flexed position

Triangle Ball Description: -

P4 starts with the ball and handballs it to P1 P1 then handballs to P3, who runs with the ball to the next cone (becoming P4) P2 is the spare man who does not touch the ball, but is there as an option

Progression: -

P2 becomes a bounce pass Switch direction of play Use left/right hand Introduce competition/race

Key Teaching Points: Handballing - Hitting hand is clenched with thumb on the outside of the fist - Hitting arm is flexed at the elbow and hand swings behind the body - Arm follows through in the direction of intended target

Line Mark Description:


Separate class into 4 lines, each line facing each other Line kicking, focusing on marking the balls Introduce different kinds of marks, e.g. high mark, chest mark, etc.

Progression: -

Netball like game including handballing and kicking Only with a successful mark is a point awarded, not a catch If a student successfully marks the ball, they can step off the mark, and try to direct their team towards crossing the score line

Key Teaching Points: Running drop punt - Nose of ball positioned over kicking foot - Ball guided to kicking foot, not dropped - Follow-through of kicking leg in the direction of kick Overhead mark - Body is positioned in line with the flight of the ball - Jump is into path of the ball - Lead knee maintains flexed position Chest mark - Body is positioned in line with the flight of the ball - Arms are brought forward with elbows flexed - Player is balanced and ready for either handball or kick

Fumble race Description:


Split class into small groups, each group split in half to face each other Starting player must fumble the ball along the floor to the opposite side Opposing player receives the ball, then fumbles it back to the other side

Progression: - Introduce competition/race - Introduce handball along floor Key Teaching Points: Picking up the ball - Body position is lowered by flexing hips and knees - Feet are positioned to ensure a wide base of support - Player takes clean possession of ball and is balanced and ready for either handball or kick

Handball Dodge Description: -

Separate students into teams One team stands in a circle With the other team in the middle Dodgeball like game, with players on the outside handballing the ball into the middle trying to hit they players in the middle between waist and shoulder height

Progression: -

Ball must be handballed around the outside 4 times before put into middle Outside players must handball with opposite hand

Key Teaching Points: Handballing - Hitting hand is clenched with thumb on the outside of the fist - Hitting arm is flexed at the elbow and hand swings behind the body - Arm follows through in the direction of intended target

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