Addo Rapport Age 2008 En Aanvraag 2009

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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 532
  • Pages: 3
From Addo catholic church clinic OPA Phone: +251-0576691889 or 0911 308286 Email: [email protected] Postal Adress: 189, Dembi Dollo ,Kelem wollega,Ethiopia To stitching Oud in Africa Postbus 255 3300 AG Dordrecht The Netherlands [email protected] Activity report (July2008-december


Addo Old people assistance program is one of the oldest programs which have been rendering service to desperately poor and old people of the area. Formerly the program was combined with sakko OPA and the numbers of beneficiaries were limited only to one area and lacking full scope before its modification .By the foremost official visit of Mr. Henk the scope of service has been extended to other village named Dulli and the number of beneficiaries have been considerably increased from 60 OPA to 110 for both villages of Addo and Dulli ninety and thirty respectively. The amount of money is also increased to 25 Eth.BIRR from 10 Eth.BIRR. This dramatic change has brought an impact to the real poor and old people .They entirely consumed their energy for the service of their own family and country in general in one way or another and never gets back the outcome of the long years services neither from their progeny nor country. The main grounds of justification for the descendents unable to financial assist their old parent's .is that they are also struggling with same poverty. In the world the price of every thing is sky rocking and as the citizen of the country denied social security, Addo and Dulli Old people are so grateful to OUD in Afrika every mouth they come to collect their own share of allowance from the clinic. On behave of Addo and Dulli OPA,Addo Clinic forwards its heartfelt thanks for AUDINAfrika for enabling old and poor people be in this world contented. Application for the year 2009 Heartily thanking you and hope to keep on assisting in the year 2009 Addo And Dulli OPA,a number Old people are showing up their faces from other outstations which is still under our catchments villages and very remote. These new numbers coming up from different

outstations are mainly from very remote areas old age and lack of assistance We can extend your help and allow old people peaceful and natural phenomenon. Please Can I kind request Old people who are already screened and on the

and sick to death b / c of our service only through happy death which is a you to put in another 30 waiting list?

Finnacial report (July 2008-December 2008) Addo and Dulli OPA Date

Description Total

Expenditure Remarks Income Balance 48,655.64 6,423.24 55,078.88 14,017.95 aready reported on the six month Report

01/01/08-30/06/08 14/04/08 14/04/08 30/07/08 30/08/08 30/09/08 3/9/2008 3/9/2008 30/10/08 30/10/08 12/11/2008 30/11/08 17/12/08 17/12/08

income s/charge allowance allowance allowance income s/charge allowance allowance Grain bought in July 2008 allowance allowance christ mass allowance


27898.28 69.74 3000 3000 2500 3000 3000 11000

Gross received :55078.88 Total back charge expense:137.69 Net amount received :54,941.19 Total balance at the end of december 2008: Cash on hand :00


Cash in the Bank:642324

Reported by Abba solomon Berhanu

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000 67.95 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00



when there was sever starvation

100 birr for 110 OPA

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