1984 Grand Trunk Western Railroad Employees' Timetable

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IlilukeSafety A Hahit NotAnAfterthought DTSTROY PREVIOUS ilfiITTABl[S J. H. SrONt SUPTNINTEND[N' BAllt EcnEE(


TIMETABLE No. 2 - APRIL29th, 1984

GRAND TRUNKWESTERN Employees' Opehting Timetabtesare for the intormationand guidanceot employeesand otherswho havebeenautborizedto use them ONLY.


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'',','.'''''spnnsiieId s p ; n a f i e l d ' ' ' ' , , , . ' ' ' ' ' s p r i n g i i o | d . Tddkeahsand@|olmdes Tobr hain rrackopeEted 1323.7miJes.







1.1 HIGHLYVISIBLE REAR LIGHTINO DIVICE ASREQUIRED BYTRASTANDARDS A highly.l,isble rearlight:ng device lllillbe displayed at lhe rearol every ratnasr0I0ws: 1. When a trainisoccupying a l\lainTrack duringthe hours of oneholrbeforcsunset andonehouraftersunrise andalsowhenvisibility is restricted io onehalimileor less0nsiGighttrack,a singiered0r amber highlyvisible rearlighUng device, eitherflashing or burning constanfly, l'/illbedisplayed 0niherearofihelastcarofrratn_ 2. Whlnanengine is ontherearof a }minor opemiing without cals,ihe trailingheadlight illuminated dimwill beusedasthehighty visible rear Iightingdevice. pointmustinspect 3. Tnincfews at eachcrewchange or beadvjsed thai ihelighiing device is in proper operating conditi0n andturned0n. 4. Def€ctive equipment, whichmustbe moved at therearot a traln,nay be operal€d wiihoutthe highlylisiblercartjghUng device to the nerjl termlnalat,,yhich rcpails canbemade. 5. When a podonofa kainis disabled, anda highlyvisblelighting device rs notavar'able, the temainder ol lheirainmaybe moved l,vlhout lhe highlyvisible rcarlighting device io thenearest terninal. 6. Should thelighting device failwhileenrouie,lhe TminDispatcher must benoiiiiedassoonas practicable. Thetrainmaycontinu; i0 ihe nexi leminalwhere repaiIs canbemade. 1.2GToR Rule30- In theapplicaiion oJihis rute,thefo owingwill appty: In iheeuenllhailhebeh0[ lheleadunt 'aih,thebellDnanotner unitin theconsisI willbeoperaled. lf n0olhelunilis avarldble, orrhebellis not in goodworking order{hisile signal14(1)1/vill besounded repsatedly with, out substaniial timelapseuniilihe trajnor engine occupies the'public crossing at gmde.Further in iheSiate0f Indiana ilhensuchwhistie dr bell is notingoodltlorhing order theirainor engine mLstslopbefoe each crossrng andprocFed onlyaltermarualproleclion is provided aI lhecross. Ingbya menber ol thecrew unless su,hmanual protecton is hnown to be provided. I.3 GToR Rule72A- Thesupeor direction is EastorSouth. 1.4OPERATIOI{ OFSPRING SWITCHTS proiecting Whensignals movements oversp ng s}litches indicaie STop, $'/ilchmustbe inspecied andit nust be known thai pointsarc properli linedandireefronobstruciions before using. In removing obshuctionsi0; points, usebarorothersuitabhinstrument to avoidinjury. Spingswitches mustnoi be operated by handuniilpojntsaredosed.Heavy springs are compressed whenwheels forceiheswitchpoiltsopen.lf handle of s, itch. standjs released withsp ngsconpressed, theforcein thespringll/illbe lransmiited toiheempoyee afdmayraur iniury. llabsolLlely nec;s.ary ro del/aleiromlne abo/einsflrlions,caremuslbe exercised lo keepaivay fromthehandle whenit is being released. SeeSubdivision footnotes forlocation.

TIMETABLE No.2 - APRIL29ih, 1984 (C0ntinued) SPECIAL INSTRUCTI0NS 1 GRANDTRUNKOPERATING RULES(Continued) (R|VER, 1.50PERAT!0N 0Ffl-ECTRTCALLY LoCXED HAND.oPERATED S$ITCHIS DEARBORN, FIIT ROCK, NAPOTEON ANDSPRINGFIELD SUBDIVISION) Aulhoiiy to useelectric Iocked swiich must begiven verbally io member of crew byTrajn Dispatcher 0ropelator. Thepeiodoftimethe swiich andtrack maybeused anddesignaied limihmust beclearly stated andundentood. lnstructions ioroperating electriclocl€d switches areposted inside thetele. phone boxnear each ofihese srvitches. Permission to unlock mustbeobtained lrom0perator 0. TeinDispatcher padlock bejorc switch is removed fromkeeper. Location of these swihhes areconlained insubdivislon f0otnoies, 1.6GTO RRule206- Eigines consisiing ofCN,GTW, DW&P, CV,DT&|, AMTRAK, D&TSL andDE,areconsidered asthesame railroad in theapplication ol L 1 r\ u k . 1.7GToR Rule 21i-Trainorders rcceived bycrcw willberetalned when soin. shucied byTrainDispatcher andsuchof these tminordels asmayberequired lljillbeinduded onsubsequent clearances issued t0thatcrew lllhen irainisredesignated orrecreated. poinhmust Trains turning ai internediate obtain a cleatance unless otherlvise direcied byTrain Dispaicher ortimeiable aothority. 1.8GToR Rules 401.402-403'404 and405-The Train 0rdersignals intheState of 0hiowillndtdisplay dayindication senaphorc blades. Each colorindi. cation willbeflashing instead ofa steady lighi. I.9 Employees working under theprovisions oftheGrand Trunk 0perating Rules nusthave a curreni ruleclass intheirpossession attendance cardFom708 while onduly.

1.10Trainorengine crews rclieving hainsonlllainTrack mustcontact TrainDis. patcher forinstructjons, at thatpoint, beiore departing. TrainDispalcher jssued must make surerelleving crew hasalltrain orders t0thatttain, 1.li TheTuscola BayRaikoad lyilloperate andSaginaw overGrand Trunk lrackagewiihout a caboose onthercarofihetrainbelween PittandDurand on theHolly,Subdivision, between Durand and0wosso ontheGrand Rapids$rb. lct.andAshhy onthsGreenville division;'and between owosso Subdivision. A highly visible rearlighting device, asrcquired byFRA standards, willbe displayed asrequired bySpecial Instruction 1.1.Thisdevice willnarkihe rearofihetrain{orthepuDose ofGT0R Rule igA. Allotheroperating rulesandspecial instruciions ior opemtion remain in efectwiihthenodiJicatioi ihaitheemployees normally located attherear ofihe hainwillnow belocated inthe cabofthe locomotive. I.I2 TOEFFECT DELIVERY OFATRAIN ORDER ATAPOINT OTHER THAN ATRAIN ORDEROFFICE. Appantus forelectrically tmnsnitiing trainorders, cleannce foflns, nesfromonepointandfor ptuducing sages andotherconmunicaijons facpoint, simile copies ofsam€ atanother in seryice at localions listed below. (continued an Fage 4)

I o NO.2 _ APRIL29th, I9A4 TIMETABLE (C0ntinued) INSTRUCTI0NS SPECIAt (continued riom PaEe3)

(Continued) RULES 1 GRANDTRUNKOPERATING procedure {ill beused: machine, thefollovling Tousethefacsimile re' theemployee andothelinstructions, oJthetrainorders ljDonreceiDt copy iscleal' knowthatthe transmissionto each ;ivinoihehmustexamine must Ieceved IorlrainmovemPnt AllIran(missions andcomDlete. leeibld receiuing themThe0peator bytheemployee toiheopelator baread back andthengive"0 |(."andthetime. correitness l,villcheck allreDeatsior 0rder iorthat is lheproper lhatihelrainorder musthno}r the0Deraior com_ copy 0[each onlheofl:ce andwll show "0.K.'issiven, tran 6elo? and the edged receipl who achnow lie employee nane-o{ the ;unicalion, musinolbea(leduponuntil bvsurhmPans kansrilled t me.Train order at thelnnsritlngpointand to lheoDeator lheyhavebeenrepeated rusibe[urnished oI conm t nicaiions Copes froil0oe'alor. "0.'(. received addrcssed. employee foreach vlill to besentto irains Rule217,iminordeG of GToR ln theaDDlication via atowosso ie.(ToExtn490lEast via0perator, totheirain beaddre$ed 0peratorDuftnd). formwill theprescribed 201, alsoclearance, Rule of0T0R lnthea0Dlication produced the copy machrne. by c0py facsimile bethe teminating ort rnlngmustreport of a ilaincreworiginating, A membet who\'!iLl relay thjs io the0peralor' limeanddelays depafiure arrivaliime, Train Dispatcher. t0the information issuethe Djspaicherwill becomesinopemtive,Train machine lf thefacsimih orEnginee theConducior direcilyto ordels andinstructions necessalytnin ofthetrain. Location of Rec€iver ofTransmilter Location DIVISION DETROIT Engine Facility ofiice, TSBY GmndRaPids Durand, Subdivision. Gmnd Rapids Subdivision.

Dtvlst0N cHlcAG0 CrcekYard, Battle intSubdivislon.

room, Crew locker TrainandEngine Subdivislon. Elsdon,South Bend

oi traLns relating t0 themovement t6 trainsor anyinJormation 1.13Insiructions Gfer_ mustnotcontain or{romoI tootheremployees cre\1j membeA between Numbers. IVanilest enceio the"so.called" TIunk in lhecrdnd ouilned to bynumberas I aintmayberelerred Relular Timetabh 0perating 0pintrngRuksandtmployees'

onpage formshown orthene\{clearance lormGT-710 1.14 Thefomerclearance lxillbeapplicable 0f trains. forthemovement book, 104of theGToR


oftheFederalC0m arcunderthe cornmunicationssystems 2.1Radio iuisdiction and Raikoad Company Trunk Western TheGrand Comnissioi. nunications (coniinued on Paae5)

TfMETABLE No. 2 - APRIL29th, 1984 (C0ntinued) SPECIAL INSTRUCII0NS 2

RULES ANDINSTRUCTIONS FOROPERATION GENERAL (Continued) RADIOSYSTEMS OFRAILROAD itsemployees aregovemed byiheCommhsion's 0pefaiing Rules andthe Federal Railroad Radio Standards Adminislralion andProcedores, there' quirements inihe{ollowing ofwhich arcincluded rules. Vl0LAT|0N 0FFCC 0RFRA rules isaledemloffensesubject t0penalties. Anemployee receiving inquiry c0ncerning anyvi0lation 0fsuch rules shallanswerthe inquiry vrithin ol notice. 24hours afterreceipt Employees mustpenit inspection of themd10 equipment intheifcharge, peitaining ihereio, bya dulyaccrediled reprcsenia andallFCC docunienh conmission tiveoftheFederal Comnunications atanytime. specilically 2.2Allemployees except those a0lhoized to doso,arepr0hibited irommaking anytechnicaladjustmenh io a nilroad radio set.Employees so nusicarytheir FCC operator license orveriiicaiion card when on authofued 0ury, musibe usedpnly inconnection withraikoad business andinc0m2.3Theradio pliance rules. withtheoperating anyfalseemergency Noemployee shallknouingly transmit communicatio lrrelevant or unideniiiied communication, notutterany anyunnecessary, orproiane Ianguage viaradio obscene, indecent,

2.4Anenergency callnustbepreceded bythew0rd"Emergency," repeaied onlyto cover inltialreporls of derailthree times. Such callsmustbeused obstructions maiments, collisions, siorm, washouts,lires, t0t@ck, orother prcperty, terswhich would cause serlous delayi0 traffic, damageto iniury to public, orthekaveling andcontain asc0mplete information there. employees giveabsolute priority Allemployees must io emergency calls 0naspossibl€. inanswering during an fromanother station and,except oraidiiga station isas emergency, must|eiftinfrcmsending anycommunication untilthere surance thatnointerfercnce willres!liio thestation iniiiating emeGency calls. ontotheappropriate channel 2.5When radios aremanned, iheynustbetomed vollme adjusted to receive communications, When mdios arenotman. !,vith arenotin position to receive radio calls, battery. nedot when employees operated mdios musibetunedoff. anemployee mustlisien a sufficient inierval t0 insurc 2.6Before kan\miiting, inuse. thatthe channelis notalready must transmitiing oracknollvhdginga mdiocomnunhaiion be. Anenployee ginwithpositive intheorder identitication which must include ihefollowing lisied: (i) Base orwayside stations. oftherailrcad. orinitiah G) Name (b) occupation. uniqoe designation o{otfice oIstation. orother andlocation G) Name (2) lVobile unils. (a) Name oftheraikoad. oriniiials (b) 0ccupaiion. (continued on pace 6)

No. 2 - APRIL29lh' 1944 TfMETABLE (C0ntinued) INSTRUCTI0NS SPECIAt (continued rrom page 5)



(continued) oFnltmono RlotosYSTElrs

(c) nLmbe', locaiof 0rwod( lhatiden engine ' Tft n nare{nunber), lunberrol io beu'ed) unI llvanilest Lilytie preisemobi'P sh0rl is established, identificalion afterinitialpositive ln vardoperations, engines. ioryard maybeused ideitification maybede' acknowledgement acknowledged; callsmustbepromptly 2.7 Radio relatiigtosafety' ltithotherduties inter{ere if ii\aould layed jt to thetnnsmitting mustrepeat a tlansmission }vhoIeceives 2.8Anemployee partyexcepi whenthecommunication: yardsllyltching0perations; (i) Relatesto alamdevice;ol fromanautomaiic (2) ls a recorded message inst-xL0no' n anyniormat'ol (3) lsqene nol'onta andooes alinnalure operali0n o'a laii0dd afe!tI'resarel], adicewhchcould s Pxpecied tle andt rata Iesponse Itard lansns)r0nis ended 2.9 lo :noicaie 's "o,/er.' sslon lhal a fan'm To rdicdie say nutt enp oyee dnsm tttng t 'F'p01te nusl Ine llling enpl0yee tralsl ls ex0e(ted, ro and-rla_ ended andsay"out" siatehisideniilicaii0n yadsmustbetestedat the point outside usedin trainoperation 2.10Radios nadeup. $he'elhetrajn.soriginally pa(htoLr0t drly,engreers blefolvri_ areIespon. and'oldurlols Dl|ina 'yirg are vro hlng rad os caboose engine ard [raL determlning comnunication, 0fvoice anexchange testmustconsistof Radio quality oftransmhsi0n. andreadability andthe mdiomustnotbeusedandeachcrewmember A malfunctionina assoon employee mustbesonoiified olherdesignated TrainDispatcheior aspraciicable. maybegivenby noin{omation of thesamecrew, menbers betl1leen 2,II Ercepi of a fixedslgnal crewabouttheaspect radioto a hainorengine l0 nu)inoLbeused ruhs byoperaling dulto'zed llnless s0erilicn.'v 'ixPd "0io gnal 0[a s ind c,t o1 ovelride tl e wr c\ woulo ii.rrucl;oi' tonvey bandmdio'oranyotherradiounitnotissued io usecitizen's 2.I2 lt is prohibited ngpurposes opelat ior milroad bytheCompany,

backing or wiihswiiching, is usedin connection 2.13Whenmdiocommunicauon gr'/er ifst'uciiors 0l L0n' rorplple ndJt be o'ca', 0Lshine d lran,enpile, orputr:nga la'r' nrst ben aintaneoWlenbach18 iinuors"rad o contair andmove be specitied' movement must ol the or cars,thedistance ensine insllucti0ns distance unless addltjonal me"nt muststoDin halfihespecified radiocon' orcontinu0us aren0iundelstood li theinslroctions arerecelved. and not be re_ immediateLy must stop movement majntained, is not taci hasbeen mdiocontact hasbeenrcsolved, untilthemisunderctanding sumed 0iher by otherneanshasbeenestablished ieiiored.or communicauon speak€6, eic willnotbe wayside lelephones, ashandsignals, methods,such paruclpaiing in themovehasbeeniniomedand useduniiltheengineman in conircl. change Jullyunderstandsthe (continued on paae 7)

TfMETABLE No.2 - APRIL29th,7984 (C0ntinued) SPECIAt INSTRUCTI0NS 2

GENERALRULESAND INSTRUCTIONS FOROPERATION OF RAILROADRADIOSYSTEMS(Continued) lnstrucii0ns 0t handsignals to stopa novement underanyof ihe circum stances ouUined mustbecomplied withimnediately.

2.14When radiois usedtotlansmitany mandatorydirect;ve{ornovernent it must be copied in witing by ihe employee receivjng the transmission andrepeated toiheemployee transmitting it. 2.15Whenfadiois usedto transnittrainorders, rulesfor movenent by train orderandthef0llowing instructions apply: (1) When a trainorderis to beiransmitted directly io a iftin byradio, the TrainDispatcher l|lillcalllhetrainandstatethisfaci. Thecrellv members l,Yho areto copytheordermuststatetheirnames, posiiive identification andexactlocalion andthatiheyunderstand a trainorderis to betransmitied andthaiiheyareprepared to receive it. (2) Trainorders maybetransmitted byradiodirecily io a moving trainbut mustnotbecopied or repeated byanemployee opeftting thecontrols oftheengine ofsuchtrain.

(3) Train orders mustnoibeimnsmiited t0 thecrewofa movingtmin when, in theiudgment of lheconducior, theengineer 0rthehaindispatcher, theordercannot bereceived andcopied withoui impairing thesa{ety of thetftin. (4) Trainorders transmitted byradiod rectJy to a hainmustbecopied and repeated nember or otherqualified bya crel,y enployee, l'lhomustbe iullyconvelsant withopemling ruksincluding radioprocedures. (5) "Complete" mustnotbegiven to a radio{ransmitted irainorderuntilil hasbeenrepeaied anddispaicher hasverilied theaccuracy oftherepiti tion.Dispatcher willlhenstate"Complete," thetime,andtheinitials of the employee.designaled by the rallroad. Crcwffembers coplinglhe ordernustihenacknoflledge byrepeating "Complete" andthetime(6) "Comphle"and timemustnotbegivento a radiotmnsmitted ifainorder for an inferior trainuntilresponse "Complete" andtimehavebeen acknovlledged bythesuperior train. (7) Tnlnorders lransnitled byradiodirectlyto lwoormoretrainsmustbe transmitted siniultaneously io asmany ofthemaspraclicable. When a tfainisto beresiricied bya radiolransmitted trainorderatthe pointwhere thetrainwillreceive theorder, trainmustbestopped and dispalcher notified oftrain'sexact location belore 0rderislransmitted. (8) InJomation contained in radiohansmitled trainorde6mustnoi be acieduponbyolherlhan those towhontheorders areaddressed. (9) Duingradiotransmission 0f a trainorder,shouldcommlnication iail afterordernumber is received andpriorto receiving theword"Complete"andthetime,those trainsaddressed muststopandnotproceed untilcommunication isreeslablished(10)A hainordertransmiited byradiomustnotbeacted uponuntiliheword "Complete" andthetimearereceived andbothlheconduci0rand engineerhave received awrittencopy oflheorderand have rnade certainlhat iheorderhasbeenreadandunderciood byothermembers oJthecre!{. (coniinued on pase 3)


FOROPERATION RULESAND INSTRUCTIONS GENERAL oF RAILROADRADIOSYSTEMS(Continued) a lrainoftheconients (11) to inform muslnotbeused communlcation ' ' Radio bythatirain t0 0rrecelved ;i atrainordernot],ettransmitted

a'erol ab'e employePr ldi.-oad thPe maybeI net wl-en Lsinq 2.16When ll stall0r' "dio 0n anothe'mobilr 0r ba+ rddio or Petle)porse to conld(t, regaldlers iled rt be tral'm nalior' 5l'or'd t ill0 u'g.rt io t a,'n'm recessary s {rlen(uc'lillo'rnalion it-ecerved orrota,act-ron'.dgemeql oiwtretni, nust be action necessary is rcceived, acknowledgement andn0 imnsmilted, llasnotrecerved information onthebelieiihaithe takenbased

maydevelop etc.)someinterference areasGrcssings, iunctions, 2,17In certain -' identiiicatio in making carc cases; special *itr,'rn*l* nllioaa.In-su;h their in handling concelned shallcooperate shiilbeusedandtheemployees possible briei as belng as callsand byallering business 'or resslhdn 250 mustnolbpu\ed uansrillng*hPl localed 2.l8Rail0adrdd,0 dyna ng ald 0l det0nat d'LoLnt fa .ere operalior atting o'b leptIrom rhe capsaleused. electric ll/here miiecharge

pqtipped '^'iha cdboose a lembe-oI le cre]t lrailsIoperalirg -2.I9 -- 0n radio l',iiha merlbeo' l0ec ewattnereao{lhPl'ail rurimate raaio.ontrcl

by irain:snstricled eve'yDont\'!he'a 2 and4 ries kon''R" {1) ' Betllleen 's to ro r "V 0t forn Y ; leoLired fo'n "H lo r lrainordeD or cr0ssa siding nove through a train; clear meetorwaiifof a train; yad whenapploaching and,o'rtrainsaf{ected, oveiwlensolnstructea lo oi restriction lhe iype communicale crelv wjll oi the limiis.A mellrber withandlts location becomPlied andnon_ thatarein seruice' (2) drawbridges ' ' 0nemilelron noninierlocked of thecrelllonthe at gradeThemember nilwaycrossings interlocked leshiction' thatthtare;llare0l thenecessary ;ntine!,yillconfiri

grade andat (3) Attheadvancesignalto oilroadcrosslngsat allinterlocked " r e t gl onra: d l ng il rnielo.\d e ida ' a b ' i dagl de nt c l c a I l t e a d v a n'rark lwo 0l r'rge o[ beginr ng l0 ihe sBna rdvalce andat'te Dy cornullcale 0lil'ecreYronI1oengrer'll morctralks. A nPJrbel such signal of indication ihe itsname, by 'di0 pra.tiabre. (1) ' ' n iWlen o i i p p r o a c , rpngire g t r a cre* c t mffenbrt e r ' s g nwalll advite ' r e n il e fagman o r0 L t eern p0 y e el osb eo l t h e signah ale iorhand farns orpasr'ng 0nopproaclrg ($ W\elo actcable, elgile('ewnorbers ,r:tl'Pac\0lhebyexchang ng r'ornal01tlal psla0 willc0mmunicalF conlacted onthehainsbeing 0{empl0yees alertness lishes byradio0lthere' either members llomcrellJ lesponse to leceive FaiJure to thetrain to givenotice 90111l'lillbesuflicieni ol GToR auirements and noiilyall the imin c0ntact eiiort lo make every who will irspitcher withthetraLn movemenl thatcouldbein conllict a mem these regulalions, faihio complywith ontheengine lithe crel,v callihecrewonthe atthelearof kainnustimmediately berofihecrellv (continled on Paeee)


No.2 _ APRIL29ih, 1984 TIMETABLE (C0ntinued) SPECIAL INSTRUCTI0NS (cdntinued iion Paae3)


FOROPERATION GENERAL RULESANDINSTRUCTIONS (Continued) oF RAILROAD RADIOSYSTEMS f0rconl;rmaUon thatiherestrlctions willbeobsen/ed. lf radio engine thattherestiction willnotbe contact is notmade andit is evldent complied wlth, iheiminmust bestopped. regulations resticts crell, nembers fromexchanging inNothing inihese menbels otother kainsthat llvill iormauon witheach other orwithcrew withrulerequirenents. asslsttrain movemenis inaccordance

qillbeincharye responsible o1and forlheuseofmdioequip. 2.20Theengineer mounted onhisengine, ment

RADIO CONTROI SYSTEIII INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE 2.21WAYSIDE RAITROAD (l) Withhandsei switch channel, asceroffthehanger, to "Point to Train" isusingihe channel, move TminDispatcher swihh tainthatnooneelse i or2,l,vhlchever applicable, andh0ldf0rappfoximately 5 to position seconds. Afterrclease ofswitch, an"Answer Back" tonewillbeheard indicating signalhas been seniioiheTrajn Dispatcher ihatcalLing iiomtheTrain Dispatcher aflerhearing the li norcsponse is received Dispatchel isbusyor Back" tone, it maymean thattheTrain "Answer failure ofequlpmeni. prccedurc (2) lf ihe"Answer lepeat above on Back" toneis notleceived willnotbean"Ans\aer Back" toneonthis lo End"channel. There "End


proced (3)Thefollowing reflillbeused lyhen signallngthe Train Dispatche withalouch tonediali onengines andcabooses €quipped thebase station lviththestrongest signal fortrainlocaG) Detemine tionfromthe{ollol'lingtable: PONTlAC TRAIN DISPATCHER Code Subdivision I Location GraR n da p i d sD u r a i dotw o o s s. .o. . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 8 G m nRda p i d so w o s sLoot ow e. .l l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 5 4uskegon . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 GmndRapids Lowellto G r e el lnev o w o s sC oa t or sCoint y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 City . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Saginaw Dumnd toBay Jackson E n t i r e S u b d .i / i s.i.o n . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 Romeo R o c h e sR t ei cr ihom o. .n. .d. . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4 Romeo P o n t i aRcot oc h e s. .t.e. .r. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 P o n t i a c t oC l mi tly.a. y. . . . . .- . . . . . .- . . 5 2 C a sCsi t y West Deiroii toFnser. . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . 3l ll4ount Clemens h t' se e. k. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 4 M o uC n il e f i r eFnr a s s eSr tnor i tC rki tuor c.i . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0 s renni tsh ' s C rPeoeH MountClem - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3I Deiroit toBimingham Holly . . o. .l .l .y. . . . . . . . 3 . .2 B i m i n g h a m t .o- H Holly H o l l yDt u o r a n .d. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 3 6 Holly (continuedon pas€ 10)




TRAIN DISPATCHER WEST BATTLE CREEI( Code Subdivision Location Bend E l s d o n t o c.r.i.f.i .l .t .h. . . . . . . . . . . .9. .0 South 98 ... toKingsbury Bend crifiith Soulh 96 to Edwardsb!rg Bend Kingsbury South 94 to Climax Edwadsburg Bend South Crcek toBatile Bend Clinax South 94 Subdivision Kalamazoo Entire


ER EAST IRAINDISPATCH CREEK BATTTE Code Location Subdivision 72 Charlotte Crcekto Battle Flint CharlottetoShaflsburg FIint i6 FIint ShaftsbuGto Flint t8 Emnett Flintto flint 70 Enmett io PortHulon FIint 2 Ascertain that Channel (b)Switch radio to pointt0 trainfrequency, used. isnoibeing frequency . ontheiouch tonedialhold (c) Dialthe ofthebase station 2 digitcode I second apptoximately depressed ingeach button has a calling signal (d) An"Answer tonevlillbeheadindicaUng Back" DisPatcher' sentto theTrain been

position - Trains 1to Switch useTninDispatcher sUBDlVlSl0N SoUTH BEND Wesi. contact TninDispatcher - Trains posjtion 2 to contacl Switch useTminDispatcher FIINTSUBDIVISION East. Train Dispatcher position -Tmins useTminDispatcher Easi I to contact Switch DETRoIT DlvlsloN Pontiac Yard. TminDispatcher locations andall trainsanden_ 3 at the{ollowing willbe0nchannel Yardmaster tiainor during whileyarding ginesmus!rcmain 3 priorto departure, onchannel operations: switching

EASTYARD FLINT BATTLECREEK PONTIAC NIILWAUKEEJCT. TANSING Rapids, orSaginalr oniheFlint,Holly,Grand at Durand Alltralnsandengines yading train !,/hile I priorto deparlure, 0nChannel m!stremain Subdivisi0ns, operaiionsswitching orduring Dispatche lllillcontactTlain LineSubdivision ontheShore andengines Trains Lang outside callwhen 0nChannel2l1ithvoice onshore Lin€Subdivhion when I musinotbeused channel

IMPORTANT: allowing tothecradle mustbereturned thehandset Station Consoles, AtBase revert tostandbychannel. radio equipmentto (continuedon paserr)

TIMETABLE No.2 - APRIL29th,1984 (Coniin SPECIAL INSTRUCTI0NS ued) (cohtinued trom paae 10)


GENERAL RULESANDINSTRUCTIONS FOROPERATION OFRAILROAD RADIOSYSTEMS (Continued) Png Base stalions, nes.cabooses, trac(equ'pment, VelclesandM of l1l/ lorces soequipped ltrilsetraikoad radros onspecilied channels between points spec;lied asoutlined below.lhis excludes FlatRock Hump operation B e i w e- eSnh oCr tuat n d F j aRt o c.k. . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C h a n n e l B e t w e e n - F oar nd d s Koi nnRg o a d - D &. .l . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . .C h a n n e l B e t w e eKni-nRg d . -D &al n d C a r l e t.o. .n. . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . .C h a nIn e l B e t w e eCna r l eat o nn ldl 4 a i t l a. .n. .d. . . . . . - . . . . . . . ._ . .C h a n n e l B e i w e el lnl a i t laannS ddh y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C. .h. .a n2n e -Shy Betlyeen and Jackson . . ...Channel2 B e f u e- eN n a p o laenoldnl 4 a l i n. .t-a. . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . .C h a nIn e l Wrenpracticabh, headendenployees l,\jllladvise theilagman by radio when appruaching irackrnen, signalnen, or otheremployees io beonthe alert iorhand signals.

2.22Allbase and!,llayside siaiions areinoperation 24hourc aday. 2.23TheIocations ofradio basesiaiions arelocated asfollows: BATTLE CREEK LANG SPRJNGIIELD PONIIAC YARD FLAT ROCK 2.24Thelocaiions ofradiowayside stations arelocated asfollows:

Elsdon Blue Island ThomtonJct. Valparaiso 0livers Kalamazoo Lanslng Durand

Flint Elba PodHurcn Richmond Itrlilwa ukeeJct. Perrinton Grand Rapids Trenton

Delta lMalinla Hamler Leipsic Ford Park Quincy Washington C.H. Summiti


2.25Employees using radioequipment lljlllexercise careto prevent damage to or lossofsuch equipment. Employees assigled a podable llvillberespon. mdio sible iortheproper care andprotection ofsuch mdio. prompUy l4issing radio equ'pmeninusi be repoded t0theemployee's imme. 0amsupetursor.

2.26A phonelic alphabet shallbeused i0 prcnounce anyletterused asaninitial, exceltinitial letters point of nilroads. A decimal shallbeindicated bythe r,,ord "Po.nl . IhePhonei calaphabp{ r\astohollvs A ALFA I JULIET S SIERRA B BRAVO K KILO T TANGO C CHARLIE I, LIIMA U UNIFORI\4 D DELTA tvl Mt(E V VICTOR E ICHO N NOVEIVIBER W WHISI(EY F FOXTROT 0 oscAR X XRAY G GOLF Y YANKEE H HOTEL Z ZULU Q QUEBEC I INDIA R ROIVIEO (conrinued on pac€12)


NO'2 _ APRIL29th' 1984 TIMETABLE (Continued) INSTRUCTI0NS SPECIAL (coniinued 1rcfr pae Ir)


SIGNALS BLOCKAND INTERLOCKING or raildetector RDCcals,gaselectric eleciicloconotives' diesel 3.1Should

" ;#;;;;it;{ s;gnal automat'c in sloppins iili,'btiequiedto Lsesano mcx warnlng.devlces crossing 0r automatic or on;nterlocking territofl, ensule lo imnediatelv rail the sanded moved off le iiiiuii,'ileunitmusL charls indrcaior theinterl0ching c s'gnals otlneautomat niooei ooeration grade ces' warning dev pubric at crosing ir iulonalic prolected cross' high$al aul0matically approach:ng isc0nt.nued llvhen move are $aln'ng devlces crossng ensule lhat to beexelcsed should ins,care grade' publc at oossing onlo the properly nov'ng beiore iu"nctioning 4

INSTRUCTIONS GENERAL 0f,assigne il per0lman!e ardenployees thanassgredcrelv olher 4.I Persors ney unless onfleghltla'ns0I englnes iroml:olng areDohibited dul,es and-englne tra ns ' "good irelght pass on endorsed tlanspodahon Dresenl D;spaich Train AsstChiei n Dispatcher. i'riirn. jritio,rvttonici':,tTra trains.an lhem to rideorbeonlrerght iiti,lr' ,i.J,,rra i,.i.ii ;tti,rr;zing acandolhelpersonnel Inspeclors' J*iii". iiiiiii.iJ,t, vrtoclerks;car yard opera and/or fiain related to perio'rnance of dulies iri'ty ingagetn ihisrequirement ti0naIeexemptfrom of tralnfspec fortnepulpose hainr0vemenls 0'reversing 4.2TheDracli(e mustwalfi pruhibiled crew memDers is Lpcrelvmembels lon 0r picking location. tointended whjch work off}lillnolperiorm prching setirng upand/or 4-3 ae$swhen ''- Road agreemenl lrorking of Lheir i" il.ii-ilir.r.rr, it u tidlal;on .without.fil jromtheapproplale lFlstu lnclus€ supeflls0r' authorily receivin[ DriDer arrJ0n$ nor pickupscoupl ngn0tsecule' to,incomplete butnotiiinitad oit' elc' pick sd up and/or thanone more made, before authority thepropel cle}llo contacl Failule onthepadoflheRoad perlormar rases the lhat in all indicate llvork !Iill oertormance -*ri oisuctr ol lhecarrie oI consent *itt'outthel{norledge lr,riioi ,i'ioetril.n Road crew bylhe andllasvoluniarlvDerlolmed re manne o n d-1y blied-'0n alterrg nul'lfy;ng aIepr0h 4.4Lmolorees 0r lu'rcton 0l anyoel/lce *.;liig orinteeirgIth lhPnormalinlendPd property rdikoad or olhel onengnei,can louinm-ent del by alhredasprov or deuice naybebloken sedls 4-5ln cateol Jai'ure, 0r is necessary surhaclion Vlhen indructions. rules orsDecial ;oDlicable be it must llth 0I lamperrd m'ssing *ii,n iiatsaretornritote t'0hen, bedlormlo tl'eSuperintendent re0orled onlheD'esc ngon a beat edthatmaynave lsencounte condliion anvunusual 4.6 ''- Whenever propedy lele a-prompt protechon of company or ii. rrtrtvoi,"ptovres 01.lhe.ma lhe urgency upon Ieport phone, wire or {depending ridio i0llovle LochiefTIainDispatchel ;!qt Lesiven at thefiisto!!ortunty supennlenden and lo Tta:nmasler ll necessary' bv\rriiteislaterent, pI0mpI acrr0 se !Yrere other'{ besutablycovered siuedetails thatcaDnoi cilcu'rslanc po'i,, in cedain requ red be miy Depart'rent 8uoii ei c0ach ngai l0c0motive ol orsl'oot ohr..1, stoni'ng ii,r, .t. ottiju"rion it l0rer' ls sat'slactory dc sabotaEe l'ke oranvact{hatroohs 0rcaboose, 01.lhatoepaf lYithteplesentalves contact immediate Dl0vees to make pro frommahrnge leporl employees rill notrerieve ;e;t butll'isaclion videdt.theabovenamed

pager3J (conrinledon

TIMETABLE No. 2 - APRIL291h,1984 (C0ntinued) INSTRUCTI0NS SPECIAL (continuedfrcm paser2)

(Continued) GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 4.7Theusebyemployees in roadandyardservice of contact lenses, coloted glasses, goggles, or otherdevices whhhaifects either acuteness orvision perception 0rcol0r isprohibited, except thatcrews onlocomotives mayuse prescripiion glassesto glare. colored reduce perfoming 4.8When indusirial oryadswitching, andpadiculady around en, closed trackage, thecomplete Engine, Yardand/or TrainCrellllill padicipatein every movenent where excepi flagging duties would rcquire crew memberto beelsewhere. 4-9Train andEngine crcws willnottakeiimeatdeslination ierminal to eatbe, forcgoing ofJduiy,unless soinskucied byiheChief TrainDispatcher or Ass't. Chief Train DisDatcher. 4.10Theorderinglifie oftrains must notbeadvanced andhains must notleave permission ahead oftheir ordered timeunless wriHen t0dosohasbeen re. ceiled frcmtheTrain Dispatcher 4.11Walking betvleen flatcarscarying ATCo housing units\ahile in hansit, h prohibited.


4.12Whenever anemergency vehicle suchasambulance orfiretruckisobserved orrepoded being obstructed atapublicdossing atgrade, Train DispatcheB Yardmasters andmembers of tminandengine crews mustdoeverything possible to immediately dearsuchcrossilrg, consistent withsafety. Clear. ameof ihecrossing musttakeprecedence overtrainmovenent delays or mrtr0a0 rnc0nlenrenc€. 4.13Employees areprohibiied fronlyingacross drawbars to open orclose angle c0cl(s. 5


IPH 5.1llaximum speed fordiese! locomolives operaiing underownpower (a) 0pemiing through lvaier. - . . . . - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . - 3 Diesel locomotives mustnotbeoperated through watermorethan 3 inches above iopofrail. (b) Thefollowing speeds musinotbeexceeded anddynamic braking mustnotbe usedbylhe unitsandcombinations named belo!l,, wheiapproachiig anypublicroadcrussing at gradeprotected waming by automatic crossing device; between theadvance sig. protected nalandanyftil\laycrussing ai grade byautomatic interlocking, andlvhere a signalsystem withautomatic fealures is

0ne dieselIocomoiive running light,rail dieselor similarcar r u n n ianl go n e , . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . , , 3. .0. . . . , Twodiesell0comotives running light,tworaildieselorsimilar cals coupled andrunning alone;onediesellocomotive or onemil diesels:milar carcoupled to oneoiherunitof equipment. . . . . . . 50 0 t h e f i i s. .e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . F r e i g h t tsr p ae i ne d (c) Diesel (dead)otherihanyardswitcher, locomotives 5 MPHless ihanmaximum Timelable Subdlvision speed for suchunih oper. atingunderpower, unless otheruise reshicted. (d)Yard switcher operaiingwith trainordead intoly............. 40

No.2 - APRIL29th' 1984 TIMETABLE (Continued) INSTRIJCTI0NS SPECIAL Gonrinu€d from gage 13)




- ' 2A indicator . withspeed notequipped locomotives {e)Diesel indi_ wo ing speed (0 Diesel wlth equjpped consist not locomotives " cator 20 enrcute ... indicatorfails excepthenspeed c warning grade auiomal publ $hich ihere arP (q) at ng at c cross At beg0verned 0flra'fs0Iengines' t\e approach io indicale deirces 9.2. lnstruciion bySpecial 700724 .. 50 P30CH Series (Amtrak) Locomotives (h) General Electric .-.. ..40 . . . Allcurues...-.....--......55 .. . (i) All6 axles locomoiives indica' speed ol signal mustnotexceed sidings movjng through 5.2Trains leaving enteingand tionwhen provided .. I5 lnlessotherwise slvitches spring through 5.3Passing provided by signal otherwise 5.4Whenenteingor lealingsidingunless

10 .. indicators IO onolher lhanlt{d:fTrack 5.5lvl0uemenl Exceptions: Flint, Track Lansing, Service lndustrialTrack Battle Creek, Pass South 25 . ... . . . . .. . . . FliniSubdivision 30 . ... Flint Subdivision .. .. Emmett, Siding 20 Subdivision Nlount Clemens TftckDetroit, Tunnel 15 .. . . . . . Subdivision Cass City OionComplex, inSubdivisionSchedule. asshol,vn Speeds AndMaxinum 35 .. . ofohio) ofemplies-(State 5.6Orccars loads or inb'oc\s ol20cars i1trains heghlfald'Pd 5.7l\4ineral. !raiqo burh fon -^ dispatched halfofkainwhen in ior$ard rorenu:l beplaced t e m i n .a. l- - . . . a ormorc calshavlng upof750/0 ismade whose consist trains 5.8 ' Freight to . ... . 50 grosi 70tonsornorepercararcIeshicted tleightof percarnustnotinclude carfactoo. (Gr0ss weight lYill in a hain,thelollowing such cars of theiumber Todetennine applv: and yard Conduclor nusladvise oliicesiaff (a) ' Ato ginatingslations, of calsof 70oI rorelons otthetotalnumber T'ainbispataher gross weight onirain piortorunofthetotalnumber (b) Conductor Engineman, must noiify ofsuch cars ontrain, En' (c) Conductor, aremade' wheipick-ups siations, ' ' Atiniermediate beadvised ofanycarspicked tnust Dispaicher andTrain sineman ol 70or morelonsSuclinloiralion ip witha groslreight pickup\,llheneverpossib inst-xclionst0 sh0rld be:niluded'n .. 50 oil ofresidual 5.9ljnitTrains 0r loaded ttlelded rail eqilipment handling continuous 5.10Molements to a totalof 60ca|swiththecontinuous areto beresticted emDtv mlstbeanidleron end.There onthehead weid;d railmanhalled perhouron straightkack, 40miles Speed nustnotexc€ed bothends. (continued on page t5)

TIMETABLE No, 2 _ APRIL291h,1984 (Continued) SPECIAL INSTRUCTI0NS (continued rrom pase 14)



MPH p€rhour0n 30m;les perholrthruugh cun/es, reducing to 10miles all IUtn0uls, 5.11Trains handling wrecking cranes withboonforwad,lordan Spreaders, airdump ca6,cranes oialltypes ontheirown wheeh runniig dircctly onthetmcks, andother such equipment inOCS movenent ......... 30 Wrecking cranes, boontrailinC . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 (a)Eqripment (excepl notheaded byengine snowplow) ........... 20 (b)Scaleiest cars (i) 0ntracks where thefreight speed resictions is30rnihsper hour0r higher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 (ii) 0ntracks$here thefreighispeed;s (5MPH less than30MPH, less ihanthefreightspeed restction). 5 . I 2C a b o o7 s5e0s0 1 . 0 2 - 0. .4.-. 1. .0. .{ .7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4. .5 5.13Empiy bulkhead ilatcarsequipped withroller bearing wheels arereshicted perhour. toa maximun speed df45miles 5.14Speed rcsticiions applyto theenUre length 0lthekain. placarded 5.i5Thespeed fortrainshandling loaded tankcarsof thei12Aor 1i4Aiypes, isrcstricied asiollows. lllaximum Speeds. F l i nStu b d i v.i .s. i.o. .n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. .0. 1 S o u tBhe nSdu bvdl s i o. .n . . . . . . . . . 50i Holly Subdivision . 501 lackson Subdivision 301ornaxrmun sllb, Cass CitySubdivision 30f dlvision speeds Romeo Subdivision .... 301which ever isslowel S a g i nSauwb d i v i.s. .i o. n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0 1 Coopenville Subdivision .. .. 301 S h otri en S e u b d i v.i .s. i.o. .n. -. . .- . . . . . . . . .3 0 j Cars ofthese iypes areindicated onthewaybill. poinh, Atmechanized a hazardous matefial message l{illbefurnished indi catingthis typeofcarisinirain. p0ints, At unmechanized willcheck Conducior thewaybill to ascertain if thisrype ofcaristobeplaced int.ain. It istheresponsibility oftheC0nductor io notiiy lheEngineer if thisiypeof catisintrainand,if necessary, remind himofanyspeed rcstrictions5.16FreightTraii speed December between isthandluarch 15th..... 50IVIPH 6

RAILWAY CROSSINGS AT GRADE ANDDRAWBRIDGES 6.1(1)Where non-intedocked railway crcssings at grade andnon-interlocke dGwbdges areprotected bygates, signak, or deraih, stopsigns will beomiited. (2)Trains or loconotives mlstnotexceed timetable speed restrictions at interlocked railllay crussings atgrade. (3)Tmins approaching automatic andsemi-autonatic interlockings andfindinghome signal ,t stop, which does iot clear upwithin thrceminutes, yJillbegovelned posted byinslructions atc.ossing. (Conlinued on paser6)

No.2 - APRIL29th' 1984 TIMETABLE (Continued) INSTRUCTI0NS SPECIAL (continuedrom Pacer5)



insifllctions (4) thereare no special l,\lherc lnterlocldngs ' At Unatended be slopindcatonandcannot govening, signaldrsplays if inter'orhing aslollows: beSoverned cleared, passingstop signal. (a) StopbeJore swiichpoints(if anv)withininterl0cking (b) Examine track,including limits. ljned' andrcuteis properly (0) is apparcnt movernent ' ' lf io confljcting stop o! carhaspassed proceed truck0Jlocomoiive untilGading signal and between kacksection ;ignalal least20feet'occupying crcsslng. but not{oulof crossing and placelightedfuseeon eachside0f crcssing (d) After5 minutes, proceed ($ car,or oiherunitmustnotbeleftstanding locomotive, ' ' Anunattended crcssing ai grade orraillvay limitsoi a dral'lbidge withininterlocking than200leetnorlurther (6) rnustSToPnotnearcr ' ' Trainandlocomotives and at Gmde crossing Rallway than800feelifoma Nonlnterlocked n way is kno untllihe proceed crossing across the mustnot movement t0becleal. ihe galemust at G€de,wheregateis prolided, At Railay Crossings bekft innormal Position. Iorexceptions. foolnotes SeeSubdivis:on



EQUIPMENTRESTRICTIONS irainsor afeoiher' in moving eq0ipment deJeciive observing members 7.1 -- Crc14 to ST0P orinlorrnalion signals ST0P ot"tr, ty othersources' *iiu noiiii.O given. llv!ll be trainniovement unlil rx;llc0mply slanding andIema'n imredialely lo ST0P Tran reoLiled 0lthedelecl'unless [henatu_e lo determ'ne is made, a *alh'nsIn5Decli0n vrillnotresult poitvel]Pstab,lsh lfat lhecondition ueilaic,ilrtmrin'.rions to propeny. hazadordaniage inasafety irpa'l ortld'npartr8 a ftrber 0l lle ol derd lrent seuere 7.2Intheevent mustbetaleu ly (arse irackafecied EquiprPntand crel'l nusiinvesligate advlsed andtheTninDispaicher it saieio proceed, to aeteimine inspeitet particulars. giving promptly, himfull of of lfe tracLbyl!|ainlenan(e ioI inspect'on Tra;nD(palc\erwillartarge na0p l?lr are novemPnls 0r lo'omollue lFnltlair subsPq be'oIe \lvav DeDl. oJthecarsaffecled inspection niri trto arringttora mechanical oir'i,a1.[.t atthelirstavailable Point. carG)nust thesamecarslhedefe(tive When a t ainpadslwi.€between point. besetoutattheiilstavailable puIedora*bars broherrain havil8 b ohelhnucllFs 0 l|ains C0ndLclors posslble lralnuls' t0 tlle parted as as:oon nust leport lineor air h05e sta' ronlenls' slalior'or connectlng originalng givingcainumber, palcher in tlain' andI0cation 0r coinecti0n' iion,desiination on both information on carswithair hosepartedgiveab0ve In addition, cars. appoxi' if nelror oldbreakandii oldbreak, advise knucfiles, Forbroken otoldbrcakasuellasit canbedetermined matepercentage (continuod on Pase 17)

TIMETABLE No. 2 _ APRIL291h,L9A4 (C0niinued) INSTRUCTI0NS SPECIAL (coniinued rrcm pase r6)


(Continued) RESTRICTI0NS EQUIPMENT whatpartwasbroken. for pulled drawbat advise lf oldbrcak, approximate percentage ofoldbreak. Repod maybemade bymdioorat Jirstopen hainorder office. Conductor written wircreportto mustsend trainseparaiion supeintendent. provided, otheruise wreck cranes, clamshells, lordan spreaden, in7.3Unless \,vheels, dustrial cranes ono!,vn draglinesloaded onflatcarsin oCS movement, andsuchother equipment nustbeplaced at least livecarsahead of thecaboose. to 8&8,Track, Signal, andCommunication Departments Cars assigned known outfit cals whether occupied or unoccupied; must commonly as must receive careful handling ontheroadand notbepermitted t0 rollfree, injury tooccupants, ordamage \4hich interminah, toavoid to contenls, cai 0fsuch equipmelt. easilyoccur duetothenahre 0ccupied oufitcarsandscale testcarsmustbehandhd nextahead oi caboose. sprcadeA, excepi I'lhen in service, mustbeheaded in thedirection Jordan movement andwings secured. oftrain's workcranes wilh BuroandoiherL4aintenance ofWay nustnotbehandled olher caIsexcept idlers, ifany,durings\,|lilching operations.

paper, glass newsprint, commodities, T0FC, house traih6, 7.4Cars containing ofmachinely livestock, open endcarloads of lumber andopen topcarloads presses, etc.,mustbeshoved to rest,notpermitted to rollfree,norshall force tocomphte anysuchcarbecoupled iniowithmore thanisiecessary coupling. joinhatcharance points onsidings andyard lracks notprotected 7.5Insulated Enginenen mustbecarelul withderalh arepalnted YELL0W andTftinmen andcars areIeftclearofthese avoid io seethatlocomotive i0inhinorderio lvilhsignals. inisrference

Road Conductors andBrakemen must seethatallhand brakes 7.6Yard and/0r depad fromteminals. arereleased beforc theirtrainormovemenh hand brakes isprohibited. Theuse0f{eetinapplying orreleasing \,|lhen s\,litching cars, rnembeB 0fthecren Forthepurpose 0fmaking room, l'lillnotrelease members 0flhecrel,ll areswiiching hand bmkes while other ca6intothetrack. 0f the Trajns, vrhen thecarimmediately ahead andMixed 7.70n Passenger iype,ihetailgate, carrying caris 0f thenon-diaphGgm firstpassenger carrying carshould orcrossbar at theforward end0fthepassengel chain, position while thetrainisin motion. bekeptin dosed

impact mustnotoccur atspeed in excess of carsonscale, 7.8When coupling perhourCars in excess of musinotberunoverliverailatspeed 2 mjles perhour. 0rleftstand_ violently onscale, 4 miles Canmustnotbestopped when weighing. Airbmkes 0r blockiig lndercar ingonlivemil,excepi mustnotrun t0 siopcarsonscale. Loconotive \,vheels mustnotbeused 0n when lnavoidable. Afterweighing stingof cars, overliverailexcept oler string ofcarsmustnotbepulled withdead rail,entire scale eq0ipped point, beyond dead railswitch becutat fi6t coupling scale. Calsshould pullover at opposile endandusedead raillrack scale to dead lailslYitch (continled on Paae 1a)


NO.2 _ APRIL29th' 1984 TIMETABLE (Continued) INSTRUCTI0NS SPECIAL (continued rrom Pace t7)


(Continued) RESTRICTIONS EqUIPMENT for mustbel:ned oicalsorira:nSritches balance andpullclear t0couple in use. not when scnles are suaks thede;drails;verirdck

must beblown condensation fieezing' orbelow arenear iemperatures 7.9When before couplin oflhecrew bya member 0Ilocomotive fromtlainlinehose prescibed Rule 1306 inGTSalety intheminner bedone totmin.Thismust

Slandards' CarSafely Railroad Fleight lorDefects ofTrains 7.10observalion inspech picLed bPen Dleviously fave not up!rhi(h whele carsar ALDoints thattheyaresa{eI0rmove rust ascertain lran clews bv; CarInsoe(io', Freigh Raikoad oITransportal:on, Deparlmenl U.S. nient,In compliancev,ith asfollows: Part 215, Standads, CarSaiety inatainanda Carlnspect carh placed afreight where locauon Ateach car pu'p6se thelreight freight cars, oi inspecL'ng dutv fo'lhe is noton hazardous conditio iortheimminently beinapected shall. asa mnimum, beiore [hetrain oIcasualty anaccident lo cause thatarelikely belol,v listed lsdest:naiion arrivesat (1)CafBody ioside (a)Leaning orlisted (b)Sagging dolvnlvard. truck (c) Positioned improperlyon (d)object diaggingbelow. (e)object side. extendingfrom (0 DoorinsecurclYatiached. appliaice. (g) Broken ornissingsafely materialcar' hazardous (h) Lading a placarded leakinglrom (2) InsecllrecouPling. (3) 0verheaied orioumal. wheel wheel (4) Broken cracked 0rexiensively release. (5) Bnkethaifailsio oI casua to cause anaccident (6)Andothel hazard likely appaientsafeiy aiilsdestination. before thetrainadves onilat ca$,mustnot andcontainers including tlailers openioploads, loose 0rmissing. hiveladngsr lledorsecurenenls lines appears close to clealance of a car0rlading width orheight Where jt mustbeknown hasbeenclearcd withthepr0pe thatthemovement 711 wilhSpecial lnstruction authority andinaccordance maybe lags,lhal arc sale fotmovement, bad order f'e:ahtca'scarrrinq 0fFo'm438 where lepails areto bemade. Copy intrarntoihepo:nt take-n forcarinvolved. (Badorder beattached to waybill Card), should oithedefective carin ofthepresence mustbeinformed AIIcrclll members Cad shown ontheBadorder restrictions theiminandoi movement Tlack mus lMa;n shipments onorfoulofthe of dimensional Themovement received flomtheTrainDispatc hasbeen untilpemission notbemade $ho\,|lillarrangeJorproteciion}'henrequlred

thatcontain lading tha cars, 0pen TopCars equipped forspecially 7.11Except extends abov prohudes anyoftheladingthat thecarends orwhen beyond

(continuedonFaae 19)


TIMETABLE No.2 - APRIL29th,lg84 (Continued) SPECIAL INSTRUCTI0NS (conrinued frcm pa.e r3)


(Continued) EQUIPMENT RESTRICTIONS protrude thecaris liableto shifts0asto beyond thecarends, autoframes wiihout bulldeads opentopgondolas containing coihof steelwiththecoils prohuding above ihecarendwillnotbeplaced nexttolocomotive orcaboose. Plug-door carsmusinotbemoved uniilthedoorsareclosed andsecurcd,

7.12All carshaving a handbmkewhichoperates the brakes on ONETRUCK p 0r to movement, ONLY, musthavethe handbrakeieleased inspecting bothendsofca(s),if necessary. gatesbecause 7.13Danage occurs t0 jndushial of theabsence 0l adequate ias teners0r lock, 0r defective fasienings. In the eventsuchconditions are observed, notifyapprcpriah Trainmaster's oflice,givingfull partic0lals so thatcorrectlve action canbetakenprcmptly, 7.14Whenever thereareelecirically conirolled do06thatmuslberaised to permitswitching inside building, fegardless ofwheiher doors arefound0pen0r shut,be{ore locomotive or carsaremoved through thedooruay, a member of ihe crewmustopemte the doorconhols himself andassure thatthe dooris ralsed to maximum height, except at industries wherc doors andde railsareinterlocked andloroperated byempl0yees 0fihatindustry.

7-i5 Crews wiUnotnakemoves on prlvately ol,.Jned andmaintained industrial sidings vllherc condition of track,improper careof vehicular crossings, or accumulation of debris, iceor snowmakeit unsale to operate carsor locoWhensuchconditions motives oversuchtGckage. arcfound,crewswill make inmed;ate repodtotheirSuperuisor to perrnit handling forcorrec.tion. 7.16Whens}|liiching trackswhicharestubbed, equipped withwheelstopsor posts, bumping slopnust be madenot morethan100norlessthan50 posts, feetfromendoftrack,\,!heel stops0r bumping andthenmovement nustnotexceed 2 milesperhourtheremaining distance. 7.17Thestakingof calsispfohibited. Commerce Commission 7.I8 To comply withthe Inierstate in ExPade 285"lMaintenance Detention, 0l Records Perlaiiing to Denurage, andoiherRe' laledAccessorial Charges byRailCommon Cariers oJPrcperty," setsforih a fequirement for a Conducto/s Report whichrnustcontain ihe iollowing infomation: (1) Thedaieandtimecalsareplaced 1r0mkacksserl/ing at or removed or consignee, induding eachindustry, Iocation ot eachconsignor but industialintsrchange notlimited to industrialsiding, tacksands!blic (team) delivery hacks. (2) Thelocomoiive ortrainldentiiication. number (3) Thename makingthe rcport. oftheemployee (4) Theinitialandnumber freightcar,andwheiher it was of eachrajlrcad 0rremoved. loaded oremptyatthe timeplaced placed (5) Whether 0rremoved. each carwas (6) Theindentificati0n, of each siding orieamtnck and bynameornumbel, thereon. spotlocation Condlcto/s WorkReport io saiisll Grand Trunk$ill utiliz€fom GT-853'D, thispartoftheorder (conrinued on paae 20)

No.2 - APRIL29th' 1984 TIMETABLE (Continued) INSTRIJCTI0NS SPECIAL (continued tiom paee 19)


EQUIPMENTRESTRICTIONS(Continued) llllillbe Switching Industrial whoperfonns EachYardandRoadConducior in every detail complete toms are mentioned thatthe above resoonsible pelson attheendoftheiriour0f dutytoensure andtunedin to theprcper canbemainlained recolds thatproper

inlPlco' up n l5 carsegnPnts o:ltfat aremade 7.19 llnilIa:nsof esidual ' as Iolotrsduringsltilch'ng ;pchdby largeilexibhhosemustbe I'andled orincase ofa badordercar: (l) Befoe malinga coup'ing, siopmurti:lsi bemddenoLlpssthan6 feet is lo bemade' Ii leetlromlte pont $herecoupling andnotmore-than to sd outtheen(D lf a badordermustbeseiout,it llyillbeiecessary mustberade hoselJncoupling bytheIlex'ble connecled tiresesment coupled hose not have lhxibre lvficl' d0 bet\,!ee; can musibe ( ' lf oneormorcof lhesesegnenls arcsetout'TminDispatcher giving promptly, himfullpar!culars. notified to makeimmediat Equipnrent Departmeni lljilladvise (4) TrainDispatcher reDalrs.

7.20couplingRegulations: qt ol 3 o nore'o!0lolive( to a I ain cons a lo(oroiive wnencou0rin{ 6ard l2 hPliromp0in ortrl oi iar']astopmustiislberadebel$Pen ofcouPling. pmenloroutft passengerequ cacllal may (a) couplngio makinga ' Bdore feet andnolmole less than 6 be rnade r0{ nust llrsl atop beo(upied, bemade. couplingist0 than12leetfromthepolnl\ahere (b) of 4 mihsperhourat limeol coupingrust cars,speed coupling ' When ladng equipmenland ddmaget0 notbe exciededt0avoid

or0the6,ca$ oriniurytoemphyees t0 eqoipment against danage 7.21T0guard alepropell chains mustnotbemoleduntilchains tith tie-down eou]DDed drag. notialloff and can se;uhdina mannerthatlhev when chains musfbestorcdtherein boxes, withstorage Oncalsequipped notin use, muslbesus' lo lopof siakeschains attached withchain( 0n carseouilDed nol:nuse ngbarwhen beirdrelain pended:niidislahe andposilioned

pchuDssetoulstefo'ea col' uplrachtmakilgdot,bles 7.2?Whencoupl;ng and/orlongshan curh:on underlrames w:lhoI onto calslllllh olines made 'couilers. lhathey arPDrope rhed a*ba'mu\lbp !lerhedlo insure track possible beleftonsiraight thistypeof carshould linedup.Whenever iorcouPling. and a ierminal before leaving in a irainrnustbeinspecled 7.23Cnneshandled in are locking leatures l'edolvn and llvhenever lo insu e all enr0ute Draclical placeLoprevent ttat coLldloulotherlrachro'equipme anynovement moving thehackonwhich idiacentto

locomoiives, belngmove indudingforeign locomotives, 7.24Alldeador isolaied arecapab operating uniis.llnitsthat behind handled nexi in trainmusibe a1dlo lliih nulipleunilhoses oi mtlloleunits.ruic'wll be coupled 'or nuliioleuni 1olequ:pped ng unls Those iablest0 iheoperat iumper l/lillbecoupled withiminline. aervlce (continued on paae 2I)

21 TTMETABLE No.2 - APRIL 2gth,1g84 (Continued) SPECIAt INSTRUCTI0NS (continued from paee 20)



()FOHI|) - STATE i,25FI.A}i4MABLI COIIIPRESSED GAS I. CaIsloaded withFlammable Compressed Gases shallbehandled in ac. cordance withiheDeparhnent ofTransporiation regulai;ons under "Posiplacarded tionin Trainof Loaded iankcars"asoutlined in hazadous material instructions. 2. Tmins handling cals0f Flammable Compressed Gasmustnotexceed a speed of 15[4PH through vrllages andlol,vns. 3. Tank carscontaining Flammage Compressed casshallnotbecutoifin (Shove motion. torest.) (A)Carorcalsmoving under theirownnomeniun shallnoibeallowed to strike tankcalscontaining Flammable Compressed Gas. (B)Caror calsshallnot becoupled intotankcarsconlaining Flammable Compressed Gas withmore force thanisnecessary to complete ihe c0uplrng. 4. Cars loaded withFlamnable Conpessed Gases willnotbehumped. SPECIAL NOTE: (A)Loaded calscanbeideniilled bya notation ontheWaybill l1hich will read, "Flamrnable Compressed cas";this \,villdiciate noiation theabole handling Drccedurc. (B)Theconductor and/or theagent or clerkwilladvise lheChief Dispatcher's offherhena carjsto bemoved andthedispatcherwill issue instftrctions necessary regarding speed restrictions through villages and tolllns, HOTBOXANDDRAGGING EQUIPMENT DETECTOR SYSTEM

8,1TRACKSIDE RIADOUT A display board willindicate theexaci location of a suspecled hotboxor lvillindicate n0hotboxisfound. Thedisplay b0ard has4 alarm lights. When a tminapproaches thehotboxdetecior, theengineman willnoti& theconductor willobsepe byftdio.Thecoiductor thedisplay board alier passing have been theboad.lf nohotboxes deiected, iheboard willrcad "000"andiheconductor l/villsoadvise theengineman when ihecaboose passes indicates thedisplay board. lf thedisplay board olherthan"000", iheconductor rnusirad:o theengineman to stopthetrainforinspection failure ln lheevent ol communications theconductor willtake apprupriate action tostop thetain. joumal lf anoverheaied hasbeen detected, ihedhplay boadwillindicate thenumber of axles iromthehotboxto iheendofthetrain.ForexamDle. jourial. I23indicates 123axles iromtherearotthehaintolheoverheated joumal Thelpperrightalamlightwillflash wjtha warm oniherightrail. journalis ifthel,varm oniheleftrail.lf Theupper leftalamlight\,!illflash leftaidupper rightalarm lighhareflashing, il indicaies bothupper awarn oftrain. boihsides ioumalon


No.2 - APRIL29th' 1984 TIMETABLE (Continued) INSTRIJCTI0NS SPECIAL (continued rrcm page 21)



tl,yo oI more rightalarmflar5ngindcales alalmandupper Theuooercenler w ll belr0mlhe onlheriSf{side0i lhetr.in.lfeaxlecouni vrarm r;urnah dndlhe lFftalarm theupper frstl;' bo{tolheIealof lhelra:r'Sin:larly 0nIne llllooI morellarmlournals ildicales modlaalarmLash'ng upper le{tside oftrain. thereareat Ieastthreeuarm lJ all thleeupperalarmlightsareflashing, w ll axle (one onlheolherside)' lr,o 0r nore side and ior,rnah bnone onet\e a:lto thelear0f t\e'int 10'boxdelecled lounfaiusua'trom thetmin. ll andiheupper t'redisp'a]boardlllillbestpaorly a'dm belollv A s0ecial and dlaggrng equpnent6 delPcted lertandr's\t a,armt\vll llash1,lll-en 0l tfie end loca[ on lo equ'pmenl [ 0m dragging ndrcate iheaxlecoirnt llly'l theimin. the'?r Lquiprentndrcaliof When therehasbeena HotBo\0I Dlagging mLstbe t\e mrindicalPd ard5 c"rsbeh'rd as5,a'sahead involveo as,xell dmggingequipment. {orhoibox\or inspecled prompily to theTrain mademustbe rcported of suchinspeciions Resulls Dispatcher.

SINGLEDETTCTOR onlfe hackside0l equpnenihoute burnns $h'tp ighllocaled A steadv l lia I g'rl;se(l ngui\leda cre'r e opera'iue holboi oeloaoa d indicatei solhdtt\e il'tdra fre lmf Dispahher renbe'*il irnPd.'elvnoliry torces byrnaintenance tioncanbeinspected

DETECTOR D()UBTE 'llllasl of bot'lLa\ll./ard d ard Wesllva brn ng i8hllor.tedon A slpady lflfe rPspetL is opealive. holboxdeledor nd;cates fot bofdelectoIs, l"aln n01'ylrP'orces * ll InredlalPly a cIP$member IphLs alee)lrqu'sled, by mantenance canbeinspeclFd solh;t ife installal:on Dispalcfer (0ndi ols ,imilv sibil'ty,lr"lns spee lvll reduce l/ledll'er Wheneve'dduerse lo all0w dsplay boards tilllh equipped tol box detectors at arl suffienllv board. crelllon ;ar ol tran lo leadindcatononlfe display and site,application speed bydetector io reduce mustbeapplied ll brakes bralere_ Lopefini (omplete sufll:enilyin advdnce mustbemade release sotfdl hea holbo{dei€clor' pr'o'to \eadendof ila n Ieacfing lease willnotbefahelvaclivaied. sensor forlocati0ns fooinoles SeeSubdi!ision

RETI)()UT DISPATCHER 8,2TRAII{ a possib systenindicalet 0eteLlor ngpqu'pmPnt When a hotbo(or dragg withthetralnnvolve l,vllbFIrade cortacL abn0rmalsituaton,:nmeorale con of oneortheotherof thefollol,ving io advlse iy radioor othermeans, ditions: jounal0nthe - Thercis evidence overheated of a possible V{ARNING imme h:gh lo mahe sLfficienlly is not nd:.alion lenDeralure kain.While and y, il'e carmustbeheplurde!close0bserua'0n dialestoDnPcessa for anyotherreason hainbestopped should mustbelnspected

(continued oi pase 23)


T|METABLE No"2 - APRIL29th, 1944 (Continued) SPECIAL INSTRUCTI0NS (continued rrom F3ge 22)


HOTBOXAND DRAGGING EQUIPMENT DETECTOR SYSTEM(Continued) priorio afriving When a !,l,arning is received aithelastdeiector at a Termiial,theTrainDispatcher l{lll ensure ihataninspedion is rnade imme d;hlyonarrvalby: (1) EqujprneniDepariment. (2) lf noEquipmeni Department onduly,byoutgoing crewif already on 0ury. (3) lf outgoing crewnoton duty,inspedion will bemadebyihe incom' Ingcrew. A{terinspection hasbeennadetheTminDispatcher musibenotiiied and rnake record oi results, - Thereis evldence TRAIN IMUSI BEST0PPED ol dragging equlpment journaltemperaturc 0r of exirems lvhichfequires ihat ihe trainbe ST0PPED l[rl]MEDIATELY l0 pemlijournal inspect 0n0fihecarinvolved. ,'l,ill Inall cases crew beproperly lnformed asto locatlon of carin thetrain journaland,\,!here appr0priate, thesuspeci lfjournahonthecaridentlied to benormal, inspection mustbemadeof at leastFIVE calsahead appear journal andbehind indlmted. EQUIPMENT lNDlCATl0N, thecarinWhen therehasbeena DRAGGING andbehind nrustahobeinspected ior volved asr'/eI as FIVEcarsahead journals. possibh overheated promptly mademustbereported ResuLh ol suchinspections to TrainDis patcher. passing Tralns andengines overHotBoxandDragglng Equipmeni Deiectols sandels andmusinotusemanual sanders unUl the mustshutofiautomatic consist isclearofthe deiecior. engine sion{ootnotes f0rl0cailons. SeeSubdiv packng Dut"hotboxes," mustbepuledandcomp etelyextin 3.3In seiting gulshed Carelulinspecl onoi area near lhehotjournal before trainproceeds. on{ire. mustbemade to besurcihatnopart0{thecarhascaught at points lvhere iheycanbe driven t0 by Badordercarssetoutenrouie, andt0 change wheels, unkssit involved huckeuqipped io makerepalrs swlhhing ofcarsspolted. _ FI.ATROCX SUB. EQUIPMENT DETECTORS 8.4 H()TBOXANDDRAGGING


a rotatjng !,vhite beacon signallocated oneach When a h0tboxis deiected, whitelighton the wayside indicators at equpmenthouse anda flashing ]nthisevent, ihetrainlylllbebrought Rig&[,ldam0ra site,{iill beactuated. ovellhe detector sile andthe to}Yer to a stopaftermovlng conpletely contacied byftdioor othermeans of com. operator al thercad-out station andn0 ihe hot boxlocation. Uponobseruaiion nunhalionto determine \ailLbereis takenio thereported defective car,a crewmenber excepiion {or observjng thejournal conditions 0f fivecarsahead andiive sponsible thedesignaled the repoded car,Crewmembels musiobserve carsbehind aciionto stoptrainif detector indicates a hol signals andtakenecessary box. lootnotes f0flocation. SeeSubdlvision (continuBdon pace 24)


NO.2 _ APRIL29ih' 1984 TIMETABLE (C0ntinued) INSTRUCTIoNS SPECIAI (continued rrom paee 23)



detedors malfunctions, thetrainnustbe equipment 8.5lf hotboxandd.agging bymembers 0tihecrc\,v traininspected imnediately andtheentire stopped atonce. musibenotiied Train Dispatcher ca(s)mustbeset i}|,ice bya hotboxdetecior, a ca(s)isreporled 8.6When outaithelirstavallable Poinl. 9

AT GRADE PUBLIC CROSSINGS protedion poinls device iorhightllay crossing atclearance 9.i Insulated i0ints yello|/v. arepainted ignalsoI gates existand llash ngliShL lllfereaulomatic 9.2(I) Al aossings byshortIrachcrcu:tmoveme devi(es areactLaled suchlyarning andnoibe clear ofthecrossiig 0nsuch tlackcircuit mustbestotped at leas devices have been actuated warniog resumed untilautomatic 20seconds. (2) lf lhecrossing rYarning dev:ces butnone 0nlhelrack hasaulomatic resum:ng movement, a mem and,be{ore stoplrill bemade occupied, traffic inadvance ofthemovement willwarn berofthecrew (3)lttena fain 0I engine c'ossin to clearhiShllay andcatsareparted a member ol cIe*rYill$alntIaffic orisstanding nearsuchct0sstng, irack. isapproachiig oi anadjaceni wheia irainorengine (4) highway cross ngsignal ot aulornalic operation unnecessary ' Toavord onlhe[4a:n lrack norcarcleltstand:ng nustnolbaleltopen swihhes lmitsof suchs:gnahtthen $ithinopeiat:ng longpr ihannecessary ehorlmustbe areradeInsuchh(tory,every movemenb svrachin{ trafiic. delay to highway bitlainmen to avoid made (5) highl{ay crossin lheoperation 0l automalic should observe ' tmDlovees promplly anyfa:lule to opet lo lheTrain Drspalc\er sanala andreport ateproperly. (6) lo prolect of slalement lhatsig by reason rarlroad aganstcla:ms properly pr0t to hiShtrdy acciden cross'ng nalilrerenotlunclioning cross insuch fl embel oi trarnclerlinvolved oLrtlains, elJery inuo,uins shoul devices areinvolved \r!heri ani lypeoi rarnrng insaccidenls whelher ornottle s;g to deternine oflhesignal m;keaneraninalion priorto accident outof lf trainhaspassed operating nalwasactually n0si nocircumstances it is bought to a slopunder before thecircuit a test ontosignal circuit t0 make r,vithout lilst backing loin proceed menbe Crel/v inthereport thatsuch a testuastnade. andsoindicate wilnessirlg test. andaddresses 0f persons obtain names should cros overspecilic forinstructions tobeused (7)See footnotes Subdivision ings. (8)S{iichKey Instructions: Contrcl arc areplovidedi these KeyConkolkrs" crossings, "Switch Al some (ase, theolhe onlheendoitheintlrumeni onel0cated Da:nted velloI1, sideof lhetrachsThe'Con ontheopposite ;n lheiatemechanism lo each lrackh foruselvitha kain adiacenl trolhr"lhatis localed thattrackonly. Withthetrackoccupi carsoccupying engine and/or thetrac direction andnotoccupying crossing ineither aplroachingthe joinh),thegate insulated theyellow thestrcet(between thiough (coniinued on Paae25)

TIMETABLE No.2 - APRTL 29th, 1984 (C0ntinued) SPECIAT INSTRUCTI0NS (continuod fiom paee 24)


(Continued) PUBLICCROSSINqS AT GRADE nayberaised byinsertingswitch keyjntheconircllerforthe track that isoccupied, tuningtltekeyto therightandholding it foraninsiant uniilthegates startto ise andthenremoving thekeyimmediately When occupying bolhkach,insert keyinthecontroller foroietrack, procedure turnkeyto therlghtforasecond, remove same andfollowthe lmmediately in theothercontrotler. afterbothcoltolhrshavebeen operated, thegates should raise. Dolot holdkeyiniheightposition longer thana second in either controlhr. Afterthegates havebeen raised inthismanner, theymaybelolvered byinserting theswiich key inthesame contruller forfte track thatisoccupied, tun;ngthekeyto holding theright, thekeyuntilthegates stadtolower andthenremovwillthengoto automatic ingthekey.Thewarning devices operation. Thewarning devices canbeoperated manually, when tnckcircuils are notoccupied, by inseding iheswitch key,tuming to theright,and leaving thekey.Tosioplhewaning devices remove thekey. €) PullButton Cdnkol lnsklctions: Atsome crossings a yellow boxwithpullbuttons mafted "ST0P" and islocated oneach endoftheinsirument case. Box0noneend "START" ofcase isforusewithirainonMain Track 0nthatside ofcrossing ard boxonother endof case is foruse}vithlrainonlvlain Track onthat pullbutton sideofcrossing. After lslng"ST0P" toshuioifilashing light pullbutton use"START" to restad signals formovement over signah, otherwise flashing lightsignals \aillrevedto aotornatic thecrossing, opention when trainis clear0f trackcircuit orwhen trainoccupies Track. theshodsheet circuit oJtheMain where either typeconkoller is provided must beopemted Allcrossings inrccordance withthese inskuciions, crossings where warning Thismethod of protecting automatic devices motorists arein seflice should beusedin order to permlt to cleaf crossings without danger to then0rto tminpenoinel. Theae should benonecessity to goontothestaeet orhighlray toflag. signals foroperation 0rtoprevent accident 9.3Except forthepurpose ofgiving in rcspect sounding of engine {histlebyanyengine to public crossings at grade (This is prohibited. special inshuction 0nlyapplies at locations spe' c;tied). questioned ielatve crossing 9.4When byPolice oflicers t0 blocking of public reason, th€employee should ifirnediately advise at grade orforanyother prcbhm. 0fthefacts surroundingih€ If requircd io identify himtheofJicer should immediately dosocoudeously and selfio theofficer, tie employee totheoflicels' satisfadion. trom0c 9.5Ernployees mustmake every effort to prevent a carorloconotive withstatelawor cupying anypartof a public crossing at gmde consttent 0rdlnance. munrcrpal

10 AIR BRAKEINSTRUCTIONS switching movements 10.1When airbrakes arcplaced inse icepriorto rnaking yards, sidings, industries, team t.acks, between etc.,a s!fllc;ent in private peiodoftimenustbeallowed to peinitihetrainlineandresefloir lo be power sothatfullbmking canbeobtained. fullycharged, (continued on F.se 26)


No. 2 - APRIL29th' 1984 TIMETABLE (Continued) INSTRUCII0NS SPEGIAL (conrinuedrmr P.ee 25)

(Continued) 10 AIR BRAKEINSTRUCTIONS passeng piledrivels, splealels' sno$plows' hosts, clanes, auxiliary W\en a r blahes 0I land 0ntulntables areplaced ol oiherequipment coaL\e( properly beiorc eigine blocked such equipment or be applied brakes rnust andsafehandling. fullcontrol t0 irisure isuncoupled passenger equip lrlhile sl/vilching occupied. mustbein service Airbrakes passenger equp' onoro1loc'upled equipment srY;lching aholvhile ment, ment, muslbeplace airbrahes withairinseflice. al anypoint cars When having cocl{ 0ncar al/yay' angle engine is cut Aflet left appliPd. and in emeraencv lherequir Thisdoes notsupelsede fegincu'laiaytrommrisim closed. Role 112. ( rnentsofGToR willgive CarInspectors of airlest,at anyterninal, follo}lins comDleton the in his absence oI and the Conductol tnginernan t,rtle verbal ldDort be il l/vill otlrainbyCarInspector Afterrehase fiasnan. thattrainisrP;dv. the s'gnallo "ploceed" Flagmanto convey ofConductor0r ihe'resDdnsibil:lv or'ncleme longtrains ol etcept:onally head end0l lrain.ln theevent sys wil"bytheuse0f tle inielcom l'ons,eic.,Yardmasiers cond uealher 0fsignals intheiiterplelali0n assisi temorradio, on(a(s)in a tran $l'cl is en disabhd lailor become ai brahes 10.2When all 'route, iheca(s)rilh theinopelatru bebypassed' andlheaiIcannot point. set out available to the Jirst be m0ved may brakes iot to ex andat a speed mlstbenadewiihCAUTIoN movements Such 10 miles ceed Perho!r.

INSTRUCTIONS 11 DIESEL -No.I mNDlTIo 11.1 Unaltended: Locoriotives, Diesel Lea!ing (1) Placethroitleat"idle"positi0n. (2)Apply bnke. independent on. at"ofl' posit (3) Place selector lrantiton (4)Placerevelserhverin"neutial"positionandre generaioriield at"open". (5) Place s\,vitch (6) Dimheadlight. locomoiives (7) holate Iocomotiveof (8)Apply Hand 8lake.

mND 0N-N0.2 - Desel locololiv Wilh[ngine Running Diesel Locomotives Leavinp 'ocomolive tocoJp e l0il ard aslo pemilanothel nanner securei tnsuch onihe beconkolled thebrake could uptheb€kepipehose, altercoupling Iromthetolringlocomouve. orloconotives; unmanned l0comotive (1) holate orlocomotNes loconotive (2) Place at"idle"positi0i. throttle vliththeautona oJbakepipepressure (3)Make rcduction 20P.s.l. brake asfollows: (a)z4Rlbrake: (i) Close cutoutcock blake PiPe

(contin!.d on Fase 27


TIMETABLE No.2 - APRIL29th, L984 (Continued) SPECIAt INSTRUCTI0NS icontinued rrom Fae 26)

11 DIESELINSTRUCTIoNS(Continued) (ii) Placeautonaticbrakevalvehandh in'tunning"position (iii) Independent p0sition. bmkevalve handh in'tunning" (b) 26L brake: rr) Itl.lJ.2Avalvp lo "cuiout'0osii,0r. (ii) Independent brakevalvehandle in 'tunning"p0sition and removehandle. (iii) Automatjc brakevalvehandle ;n "handle off" posiiion and Tenove nan0te_ (4) Tmnsition leverin "off"positi0n. (5) Revene hverin"neutral" andrcmove. (6) Generatorfieldswitch "oJf". (7) Extinguish alllights exceptlhose necessary forsafely. (8) Apply handbrake. (9) Thecutoutcockto thesafeiycontrol loofpedalrnustbeclosed 0n YardSwiicher Locomotives including 1500Class Locomotlves. - No.3 C0ND|T|0N - pre, l/\,thengnenotiunnlng Leal/ing DeselLocorn0tjves, duet0 lailure, pared fortoll: (1) holatelocomolil/e orloconotives. (2) lfiempeGture isbelo\r Jreezlng, englne mustbeproperly drained. (3) 0penall switches includlng mainbattery slYitch. Except that nraln battery swiichandturbolubeoil pumpcirculibrcaker mustbe left closed on 5900,6400,400,350and6350Classlocomotives. The sealed cutouicockt0 fheF.A,magnet mustbeclosed. (4) Pkcetmnsitlon sehciorin "off" posiiion, reveaer in "neuhal"and remove handles, (5) Apply handbrake. (6) Thedeadlocomotive cutoutcockmustbeopened unLess thenain pipingis daftaged, reservoir or relaied in whichcaseit musinotbe opened. Themainreseruoirs mustbe draiiedto 35 P.S.l.0r belo1r before open:ng deadlocomouve cutout cock. (7) Thebmlepipecutout mlst be closed cock with24RL bmke. TheKzA position. rotairvalve mustbe hft in"passengel'service (8) TheM.U.valve on26.1Brake nustbeindeadposiiion.


T0deternine theaccuracy oi thespeed recorder, speed riLl bechecked by yell0\I enginemen at locations betlIeen signsidentified by twodiagonal stripes onawhitebackground.

11.3In loc0m0tive consisis, all leadlocomotives s0 equipped t{lll display ihe

yellow revolvlng orsirobe light. lf ihislightis jnoperatve orih€lead0c0' yellowo. shobelight0nihe bailing motive is notequipped therevolving locomotive or loconotives equipped mustbein servlce.

(Freight 11.4BachljpandFor\,vard Pushing lMovemenis Equjpment): jackknillng0{ diesellocomotives To prevent duringbachupandforuard pushing movements, n0morethan12powered axhswillbeused. (continuedon pa8e 23)


No. 2 - APRIL29th' 1984 TIMETABLE (Continued) INSTRUCTI0NS SPECIAt (conlinu€dfrom paae 27)


DIESELINSTRUCTIONS(Continued) i1 lhedi'ec' l0 lYork nuslbetho\eleading allolved ll 0ossible. locomotves 'any nprllo canandtl"enthelrallnglocorotive rio;0t ihemovement completed. untilmovement mustbeisolated

peflnilted is in anyconsist locomotives nunberol working 11.5Themaxinom axles restctedto 24moiorized

mtrslbesecure LOC0|M0TIV[" the$ords"N0NCoI!|PLYING Il.6- A lasbearinq -in [o be moved ddective locomolve of a stlilch Itotaion itriir'ra toit, train mustbenot to bemoved locomot:ve clalgeoi a delecliue Theenqineer'n posrLioned in lhe crel! membels all 0ther inform ana he"must i:et in'wiriine loconolve:s noncornplying tt'aia deleLlive cil oiitretiia'otomotive, speed lfe unI ranDe andmustalsonolifylhemthemaximun tfe'r consist moved,

11.7Locomotivedefecisdevelopedenroute: Pnr0ule.may c0n c0ndilion a noncorplying (a) A lo(omolive thatdevel0ps jinuet0 beutiliedlo thenextmanlenance polnlwhere canDe IepalIs nade. oi a l0com0 0ntac\loc0motive supplied I1i.lbP (b) No4(omply:rg tags -be al' and seculoly p lhe tng'reer llled out by operly andnist consist tne Inadditr0r' i"ched lo lhe$olatonslr:l'hola deh'tveloconot've. tag consist musthavea duplicate o{ the locornotile leadlocomotive sv/itch to theisolation attached

FUSEEAND TORPEDOSTORAGEINSTRUCTIONS oJafd/o - Slo-age muslbe{reeol co'llam:nallng locatons 12.1 - (I) - tocation proper functioning 0l bot a'fect lfe which can ;f boih ;;il;;", slgnals. 0r ca - Storage or in Locomotves (2) faciliiies eitherjn stores ' ' Duration lhathal andtorpedoes 3 ],earsBothfusees hooses mustnoteixceed fron mustbewithdrawn of this3 yearperiod beenon handin excess destroyedse lceandProperly porposes sig her€handor lantern mustnotbeusedfor signaling fusees suiiice. nahwould




prevail il causng c0n0itions soil.ndvegelat:on d Yweatherlrhen l3.i Dr'.nq forlirP nuslbeonlo0houl andtlg nPmen Ya'dTen, haTar;s. allTn,nmen. in suchnarnera locomotive will operdle tng.nemen alorg'lhfof.l,vav. actionRe or brakng exhausl bvlocomotive to aioidlires oeng'tiaed an to detectfieshiircsstartlng endcrewsontminaarein bestposition t'ain 0 is detecled' WhPn a llte tv conoftions oi such mustnot [ntinenan actionta\pnIo edingu andimmed'ate vardnoveherimusibesropped lromlhe'ir io the lrainDispalcher iheiire.All irPsmustbPreporled to call Fi TrainDispatcher enabling of communiaation means av;ilable t0 il extinguish lelative Dept t0 0f Way and/orMainienance DepJrtnent condition.

(cdntinu€d on Pase 2!


TIMETABLE No.2 - APRIL29th,1984 (Continued) SPECIAL INSTRUCTI0NS (cooiinued rrom pasa 23)

14 FIREEXTINGUISHER INSTRUCTIONS i4.I lnstruciions foruse. (1)DryChemical (B.C)Iype(locornoiives)-For0ilandElect Fires. (a) Removefrom brackei-Caffyt0 iire. (b)Free hoseand/orplll ringpin. leverdolrn. G) Push (d)Squeeze noalehandle. (e) Directat oflirelrithsweeping base motion. 'SmallBuildings) - Foroil and (2) DryChemical (BC)Type (Cabooses ElectricalFircs. -Cafiyto{ire. brackei G) Removefr0m (b)Prll ngpiniJsoequipped. (c) Aimatbase oifire,squeeze handle. ' Depois) - ForW00d, (ofiices (3)Water (A)Pump Type Tank Paper Fires _ DONOIUSE ONELECTRICAL FIRES, (a)Carryto Jire. (b) Place {ootonholder atboitom oftank. Aim hose at fire. G) (d)Pumphandle upand dolvn. ' Depols - ForWood . Paper (A)Soda (4)Water Type Acid(Offices Fires. FIRES. DONOT USIONELECTRICAL frombracket-Carryto fire. G) Remove (b)Tlrnupside dol/vn. (c) Hold byboitom handle. (d)Aimhose atfire.

15 INJURIES ANDACCIDENTS personal i5.1Employees sustaining injury wll verbally rep0rl t0 a supervisor as isto benadeio thesuperuisor incharge soon aspmclicable. Verbal repod at pointl,vhere employee isinjured, lerbalrepod mustbenadeto supel. visor incharge oiarea orierminal, susta ninganinjury must conplde Iniiialreport inaccordance Anemployee premises physically leaving company when withGTSafety Rule I00l be{ore Engineer willreport ableto doso.Ii physlcally unable, Conductor and/0r inmedialely totheproper authority. ACCIDENT, ORDAMAGE TOPROPERN ALLCASES OFPERSONAL INJURY, FORI{ ASSOON ASPRACIICABLE N1UST BEREPORTID ONPROPER ORBEFORE LEAV]NG COIVIPANY PROPERTY. TOPERSONS INSTRUCTIONS FORINJURIES ANDEMPLOYEES OTHERTHANPASSENGERS provlde pelsons, lhe or helping mediml careforinjured lO.t1t; In providing reasons onlyandin nocase shallsuch millvay actslorhumanitarian of liability oniis pad. assistance beregarded asanadmission

!6 , ; )

(coolinued on paga3o)

No.2 - APRIL29th,1984 TIMETABLE (Continued) INSTRUCTI0NS SPECIAL (continued frcm page 2e)


FORINJURIESTO PERSONSOTHER INSTRUCTIONS (continued) AND EMPLOYEES THAN PASSENGERS onrailin suchcases of iniuryi0 p€Eons (2) Theassistance of therailway shallbelimledto or FmplolePs, ol'lerlfan passFngers llldvoremises, as th; r;nderine ol fi(l Aid. l rrstAid"neanssuchnedcalseftrces pelson suffeing andt0 makeii safe{oraninjured to rclieve arcknown shallit nean lJnder n0circunstances fromthepremis€s, to bemoved oi elaborat or theapplicaiion operations, of surgical theperfomance etr ol [raclJles, suclasi\e sotling dressrngs, lhecasesha'lnahPevelyello'1lo seelhatlhe handlins {3) Theem0loveps p":soris pla,edin lhecharge 0f ' enosor of munc palau iniLred *hi'h'fe inrure hospilal lreat'rent arrange tor any $ho shall t\bnries noi be authorities friendsor municipal Should oerson mavrcouire. in' 0flicerondutyshallgivethenecessary ih, Transp0riation ;resent. oftheinilredperson thedisposal regarding atructions of lhe niu"dperso (4)Where lriends inpossble lo reach il hasproted duiymayarrang 0flicercn tes,theTransportation ormuniciDalaulho poinilYher€ a pe6oniakeibytrainto thenearesi !o havetie iniured concerne isto belound.Atihesamelime,everyone seneral hosoital shallbeinforme of thehosptalin question, theauthorities includins of the for theadmhsion underwhichapplication 0f thecircumstances noliabiity lhere is t0 ber adeandthallle rahvayas\umes Dalien' made s\allbegivenn t5ecasual of lhearrangemeqls ior.PariiculaIs rep0lL begiven bymessa ofiicershall ol theTransporiation 6) - Theinstructions Depar io theClaims shallbefurnished ofsuchinslructions anda coDv Aidor the rendering of Fi|st colering medical accounis witti the nent asmayhavebeenauthorized. o{suchoihernedicalseruices t:mthaiihe(allisfor (6) Fnpl0yees. $hencalling a phyii.n.shallnolily 'oranysLb shallnoibeIesporsibi FllslA d onlvandlhatthelailllvay car€. medical sequent officershallbe medical th€ se hes of a railway (7) Wheipracticable, requ$|1|0ne0

FORGIVINGINFORMATION INSTRUCTIONS ACCIDENTSOTHERTHAN REGARDING E['PLOYEEINJURYCASES o'any acc *ille(ses, oI lasanyLlowledge llhos ilvol,/eo, i7.i Anvenoovep 'nvolv'n ot oLI Ia lroador dentin anltuayansng ort ol the operalion as plopedy, muslass0on (omDanv o'vehicles, equipmenl oI leased owned CIamAgen giveallinlolnation lhecompany's leldiing lherel0lo reqiestad, siSnsurh andlrhenrequested company otl;cers ly desgnaled andto propie giveanyn' tiue.Henustnotunderanycilcumslances bsbeing slatpment rPgarding sucha(cdentto otle pesonset!eptlha foralionwhatsoever androloners. 0lhe t0 polceoflicers henavorallv !ivesuchlr'ornaton 'et?rred t0 thelaw or Genoa penons sfou d be such information seekind Depadment. CIaims


FORGIVINGINFORMATION INSTRUCTIONS ACCIDENTSINVOLVING REGARDING TO EMPLOYEES INJURIES of anyacc or nasanykrowledge I tnes(es, ovpellv\ois involved, 18,l AnvemD ol oulrallload oI:nvolv outot tfe operalion dentin arivlrayarising


(contin!ed on PaEe31

TfMETABLE No.2 - APRIL29th,1984 SPEGIAL (Continued) INSTRUCTI0NS (coniinued rrom pase 30)


INSTRUCTIONS FORGIVINGINFORMATION REGARDING ACCIDENTSINVOLVING INJURIES TO EMPLOYEES (Continued) propedy, company owned 0r leased equlpfieni orvehicles, nusiass00nas gil/eall inlomailonrektingiberetoto the company's requested, Claim Agentandto properly designated conpany oiiicers andwhenrequesied signsuchstatements asbeing true.


INSTRUCTIONS FORFATALITIES 19.1in mseof deathontrains, iheusualpr0pfieiies musibeobserl/ed andthe (orCounty Corcner offherpedorming theduiiesof C0roner) notilied. The bodymustberemoved assoonas possible to a properplaceandleft in (orCountv cha€e0i an employee of ihe railroad untiltheCoroner ojiicer performing lrreduL esoI C0ronpr) arrives. lf tle body isac.onpan edbyan aitendant, he0r shesho!ldbeconsulted andhisor herl/yishes rcspected. Prompl reportmustbenadeio theSupeintendent.

TheCoroier police of theDishict or thenearcsl 0fficer shallbenotified as l,vhich proves soonaspossible of anyaccident immediately fatal. lf thebodyof a person is lound0nor neartheright.of.way byemployees, ora pe6onis killedin trainoperations, a guardshallbeleltlyiththebody untiliheC0roner or thepolice havebeennotjfied andinstruciions obtained as t0 disposal. Thebodyshouldnoi ordinarlly be nioved fromihe place whereit ltlasfoundunlesspermission hasiirst beenobtained fromthe Coroner 0rthepolice pemission to dosobuiif jt is apparent thatsuch can. notbe0btained without undue dekyandthebodyis in sucha position as irainsfron pasifg.ile bodynay bp novedout of ile lray to preuenl aii.riiscord'L'oI andpostorfavebeen noled ior lhe nlormal;on oi the Coroner andPolice. Thisis parlicularly important where thedeaihappears tohave been dueto{oulDlav. Employees will NoTsearch the bodyfor identification or address. If unknown, reporttotheSuperintendentwillsostate.


APRIL29th' 1984





s 1940

s 1345





l{oremenls alainstcurrent WESI$ARD oltnllic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 SPEEDS I{AXIMUI{ withthecurent movenents Westward speed restrict vlherc Atlocations oftnffic. th than49miles areless Perhour, willapp restrictions PerHour lowe! speed Miles Reg lil/L SPEED Psgr l/M Frt col{DlTl0NAt titAxrMU[,t ile entire sDeed Maximum Pe Suhdivision . .. . 65 60 55 Ho 1 7 8 . 6 . 1 7 6 . 14. .0. . . .4 0 40 Bridge Avenue 174.9 Utton Track . 30 30 30 i76.7South -1 cranes. Auxiliary Ton 200.250 . .. .. . 40 40 40 i76.7175.5 Crcssoversi l Through 101.199-5 1i5.5{52 . ...2. . . . . . .. . 6 0 55 isanexceO following The ... 40 40 l52.2VicksburgCurve Com_ Commerce iromtheIllinois 1 s 2 . 2 - 1. .0. 1. ...1. . . . . 6 0 55 1970: 23, zrl of SePt. 2 0 mission 0rder . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 I . 1 - 9. 9 . 5 in exces trainspeeds "Where 9 9 . 5 . 9. .8. .. 6. . . . . . . . .6. 0 55 hourare 28 30 miles 2 0 oi ihidv . . . Per . . . . . . 9 8 . 6 . 9.8. ...5. perrnrlted oflllinois intheStale 9 8 . 5 - 7. .I .. .1. . . . . . . . .6. 0 55 willgovern: the{ollol'ling Crossing 71.1 0verRailway in_ ofwhich consht Noirain,ihe a l g € d.e. . . . - . . . . . 4 0 40 containin chdes a car ot cars 6 0 55 7 1 . 1 . 5. .i . .0. . . . . . . . . . gases conPressed llammable, 5 7 . 0 - 5. 4. ...8. . . . . . .. . . 3 5 35 a distanc 55 moved for 6 0 which hale .......... 5 4 . 8 - 5. .2. . 8 35miles ofmorc thanthirtyJive overRailway 52.8-52.5 ter grade anyclassification .. .. 40 40 Jrom Yard, Crossingat minal ormaiorinterchange Poin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b0 55 visuall inspected wilhoui being . 5 5 0 .S4e d l.e. .y. . . . . . . . 4 shallnotPass orelectronhallY, s 0 . 4 . 3.6. . .1.. . . . . .. . . 6 0 55 vjllage anyincorpolated through Crcssing overRa;ll,vay 36.1 in ex' town, or cityat a speed a t g r a d. .e. . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 40 25miles cess oJtwenlyJive Per 3 6 . 1 . 2 5 ..2. . . . . . . . 6 0 hour." 25.2 ovelRailwayCrossing govern opela 25 These instructions . a i g m d .e. . . . . . . . .25 onlY State of lllinois 55 iion in the 60 . . . . . . . . . . . . {orM/L speed colunn |jllaximum .. . . . . . . . 45 45 2 0 . 8 - 1. .9. . 1 onlYto tmins r c . 1 . n . 8 . . . . . . .60 . . . .55 . . . l/1,4trainsapplies Level, Inconshting ofsolidll4ulti crossing 11.8overRailway or com T0FC.CoFC trains 50 iemodal g l a d e 50 . . . . . . . . ... at binations thereol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 55 11.8-9.3

TIMETABLE No.2 - APRIL29ih, 1984




=5 ...-..

rcr. with Frintsub. I E l l M E T l S r R E E t. i . P

. . . . . . . 1 .. .. P ...1..........1.. \ . . . . . . .8 m 0 N

1: r"*i,'" . ]l "o ' . 1| /9" T!,

",] . .

\, .. .:. .. .0. .cf.ofR3r ).'.. ... .l. *1 .' . p .I. . . . 1.. .1. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ' i1. . . o . ..........*.' 11..........

. .t. . 1 . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . t i t c l t s T h t. E rci. wiin cR :. I

... .l." l ::lr ....... *,'lloro ......1..',

......1.." . .l l;;;;" . .... *J*ft," .. . . . . .YrPrirrso t.o l i ^ ' . 0.. .l...Px .. p x . . l '". *l;3:3; ] lrr4 l|330 . . . . - . . . . s. l D u Y . . . . . . . . . . P... . . . l e 1 5l 3 e s 0 !

Er6ck beqini at M' easee.3. GroR Rures2 ,r'r5J aopry berw s!+ H'3r sr'eet and


b2 dpply on south










I " lE_g


"tu0 r3s.3

GroR Ruie105dppxcrbetween Mainr.a.k besris at Mileac.e


;i; ;.;;;; aBS -



Movoment bv sien:l Indi.atron.










EASIWARD lllovements against curer MAXIIiIUMSPEEDS oflnftic - . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . 41, MilesPerHour At locations where speed reshictions Reg M/t perhout areless than49miles the Psgr l/[4 Jollver speed restictions l,villapply. Vaimunspeed enlire MAXIMUI{ CONDITI()NAI. SPEEDS Suhdivisioi 65 60 :1,11.8 . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 60 Miles :i.3overRailtlay per Cossing a t g o d. e. . . . . . . . . . . 5 0 Hour : i . 3 . 1 .9. . 1. .. . . . . .. . . 6 0 9.3-30.6 The lollolying isanexcerpt : : . 1 . 2 .0. . 8. . . . . . . . . .4. 5 Jrom thelllinois Commerce Com::.8.25.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 misslon 0rder oiSepi.23, 1970: :a 20verRailway Crossing "Where trainspeeds in excess z i { a d. e. . . . . . . . . . 2 5 oi ihirty30nilesperhourare t : . 2 . 3 6...i . . 60 pemitted intheStaie oJlllinois, ::.! 0verRaillllay Crossing thefollowing !villgovefn: : i g r a d. e. . . . . . _._ ._ 4 0 Notrain,the consist ofwhich in. ::.1,50.4........6 . .0. . . . cludes a carot ca6containing i:..1sed . .h. .y. . . . . . . 4. 5 gases flammable, compressed i : . ! , 5 2 . 6 . . . . . . . . .6. .0. . . which have moved toradistance :15'52.8 overRailllay ofmorc thanthirtyJive 35miles ] o s s j n g a t g .r .a. d. .e4 0 yad,ter iromanyclassificaiion : : 3 , 5 4. . 8 . . . . . . . . . . .6. 0 point minalor major interchange : . . 3 , 5 .7. . 0 . . . . . . . . . .3. 5 l,1jithout being inspected visually --:t , 7 1 . 1. . . . . . . . . . . .6. 0 orelectrcnically, shallnotpass : overRailwayCossing through anyincorpoft iedvillage, town, - ::. ii g , 9r 8a .d5. e. . . . . . . . . . 4. 0 or cilyat a speed in ex' . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 6 0 cess oftwenty-iive 25mihsper : : . 1 S 8...6. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 hoor." : t . : , 9 9 . 5 . . . . . . . . . 6. .0. . . goven These insiructions opera, : ! . ; i 0 1 ..1. . . . . . . .. . . . 2 0 tionintheSiaie ofIllinois only. : : : . i , 1 5 2. ...2. . . .. . . .. 6 0 Through Crossovers 10 :::2V;cksbuG Curl/e... 40 i74.9uptonAvenue Bridge : : i 2 , 1 7 .4. .. 9. . . . . . . . 6 . 0 200-250tonauxiliarycftnes .- 10 :-!.9Upton Avenue Bridge 30 lMaximum - - r . 3 . i 7 .6. . 7. . . 4 0 4 0 speed column for Il/l/L l/M lrainsapplies --:7 : . 7 s o u t h T r a c k . 4300 onlyto lraim conslsting ol solidl\4ulti Level,ln. 178.6 40 40 temodalI0FC-C0FC trains orcombinaiionsthereof.


No.2 - APRIL29th, 1984 TIMETABLE




- Eastward clear nustobtain originating BlueIsland Trains Btl.JE ISIAND Jct. orThornton aiceatElsdon and MP/L&N, YardCenter tainsoriginating JCt- Eastwad TH0RNTON Jct atThomlon mustobtain clealance Hawey, trains o ginaiing Eastward permi clearance butmusthave donotr€quire L&Nnovemenh Eastl'/ard Bend Sub enter South Batlle Cleekto West Train Dispaicher si0nJrom - Westward clearance blt mus donotrequire L&Nmolements MUNSTTR Battle Creek to enterSout fornwestTrainDispatcher havepemission BendSub. -TrainsfromXalarnazoo clearan Subdivision willnotrequirc PAVILIoN clearance. doiot require GoRD-CRTrains clearance Easlward firstdas d0 noi oigjnating require DEP0T Trains West TralnDispalc passenger mustcontad tftinsto FlintSubdilision departure. before Baltle Creek - CRTrains cleamnce. donotrequire BARoN Degot willobta orlginating Trains to FllntSubdi'/ision EMMETT STREET CreekYard. clearance atEattle

RTGISTER I{ODIFICATI()NS I.2 TRIIN -*Register oiginating andterminating. station tortrains EISD0N -*Standard only. Clock andB!lletins BLUE ISLAND forilainsoriginating andteminating. Statjon HARVEY-oR€gisier -*Standard Clock onlY. DEPoT Clock onlyCREEK-*Standad BATTTE -*Register fortminsoliginaiing andtemi stalion CRttXYARD BATTLE nating

FEATURES 1.3ABS andCTC SPECIAI 175.9 178.6 aredesigna betlleen nileage andnileage Twomain tracks track. South traclandNorih

APPLY 1.4SPECIAT II{STRUCTI()NS Bend mileage 97.3andmilea of South bet\4een 9.3 Within cityIimits 103.2. 103.2 behveen mileage andmilea ciiylimitsol Mishawaka 9.3- Within 106.2.

1.50THER RUrrr{oDlflCATloNS oflndiana andlllin0is. lntheStates "N0pado{a caror engine naybeallowed to occupy anypartoJa peiodthan10ninutes, publia fora longer anda pub crcssing at grade fo mustnotbeobstructed byswitching operatioN at grade lic crossing atatime. more than10ninutes byswitching operations, it nustb€ is soobstructed When a crossing traffic delayed, t0 prcceed orunlilapeod topermit allvehicular cleared haselapsed." of5 minutes (continued on Pase37


TIMETABLE No.2 - APRIL29th,1984 S0UTH (Continued) BEND SUBDIVISI0N f00TN0IES {conrinuediiom page36)



RULEMODIFICATIONS (Continued) Gf0RRule99 Alltrainsoperating yardlimits onihelvainTrackouhjde 0r interlocking limjts{ithintheStateof Illinois willbegovened bythefol. lowing inslructions: "When a trainis moving slowly or siopsundercjrcumslances in \ahich it maybeovedaken byanother trainwithat least2 block signahtolhe rear,protection against iollo!1ingtrains !villhave been afforded whena nember oJthecrcwhastakenupa position at iherearoi thetrain in a location frcmBhichstopsignals canbeplainly seenbyanappr0aching trainorengine." GENERALFOOTNOTES - California 2.I ELSDoN LeadTrackmusibeusedto double carsinioyard. Inbound andoutbound dispatch kacksmustnot be usedfor doubling or swilching. Railport Yard- Trainandengines enteing, leaving or switching mustnot perhour. exceed 5 miles - Westward 2.2 BtLTRAILWAY CLEARING YARD irainsto BRCRatwayCearing pernission Yardmustreceive iromtheGrand TrunkDispatcheT to cross over proceedlng at Hayiord beiore |vest o11111h stred,mlleage 16.5.Instructi0ns io enterClearing Yardnust be received fiom Leveman Haylord belore openngthenewconnection swiich 0ntheEastward TrackHayiord. GTW trainsandlocomoiives enleingtheBRCCkaring Yard,mustnoipass ihe BRC stopboardinsialled 0nthene!,{ c0nnection trackjustclearoi lhe Wabash Leaduntilpermission lromleverman Hayford andpermissive signal indication 0ndwarfslgnal3S hasbeen received. Jrainsor locomolives Iion BRCClearing Yardmuslobtainpermission from TrainDhpatcher BatUe Creek through leverman Hayiord beiore entering cTW Eastward Nlainlmck. Leveman Hayiord maybeconiacied eitheronGrand Trunkchannel No,3 or bytalkback speaker insiaiedonthene!'/connecti0n trackjustclear0f the Wabash Lead. Maximum speed 0nthenewBRC connectjon irackjs 10milesperhour. position Normal of thenel1l BRC connectlon swiichontheBRCis I nedand Iocked fortheWabash Lead. BRC willg0vern Rules andspecial instructions all movenenh onBRC. - Eastward l-3 BIIJEISIAND bain andenglne movements depadlng Blue hlandviahandoperated switchlocated at eastend0f Swjtching Leadand Eastwad Tlackmihage 20.8lrill begoverned bysignalindicatjon displayed onlo!1colorlightsignal. ill activaie IMovemeni signalby rcveaiighandoperated switchand0cpost,ior a perlod cupying circuit, deslgnated !{ithyellolrpajnted rnarker of publiccrosslng 3 minuies. A proceed indicaiion activates lraningdevices atWestem Avenue, mileage 20.8. ThedemilonthePocket frcn theWestward Tmckhading Trackio Harbor 20.2h electrically tracKNo.1 andNo.2 at mileage connected to ABS Signal209located at mileage 20.9.Whenthlsderailis in non-derajling position, ABS signal209 lvilldisplay signal, GTOR Rule 29i. position Normal of YardSwitch at mileage 20.2leading frcmihe Pocket Track to theIHBSpudTGckis linedJorihePocket Track. (continued on pa8e 33)

38 TfMETABLE No.2 - APRIL29th, $44 (Continued) FooTNoIIS SoUIH BEND SUBDIVISIoN (continued f rom Dase s7)


(Continued) GENERAL FoOTNOTES mileag stopandProceed indicrtion atsignal209, Westward trains rcceiving Yaadmaster Bluehland forinstuctions. 20.9, must contact

picking upoJfICGHill,mustnotexceed 5 miles Eastward Trains 2.4HARVEyperhoutwest member must be ofCommercial Avenue mileage 23.2 andcrevl justeast 0fCommercialAvenue tonaketraininspecfio inposiiion atcurue

- No.2 $yekack,mileage 25.3leading intoYardCente 2.5TH0RNToN.,Cl andiorcarstorage only. MP/[&N willbeused byyardengines orleaving Yard Cent€r MP/L&N llill useNo.1 qe Allmovements entering 25.3 asrunningtrack. tmck, mihage -The [4a'nTrack between Trackan crossover theWesi]vard 2.6MltEAGE30.9 handoperate equipped withelectrically-locfied iheSouth Trackis nol/y atthislo€ation. switches. GToR Rule 104C aDDlicable - Cals orequipmeni must notheleftstanding onWestward sid. 2.7GRIFFITH feetEast oiColfaxAvenue, mileage 36.8. ing,uithin300feetWest,0r300 - All6 axles fromentengthe locomotives arepruhibiied 2.8VAIPARAIS0 track, uesiwatd extension - Train outcalsto beinterchanged to CRorCSSSB will setting 2.9oLIVERS inNo.ltrack. Conmilt0 Gland Trunk No.2trackbeplaced

BulloCranes, Vehicl Locomoiives, aidallother 0n-Track 2.10BEND ToWERoler wheel base wiihoui cars, lrill notbeoDerated $ithlesslhan32'foot Tol/yelhas been lullyinformed ofthemoveme JointMainTracks untilBend isstopped foranyreason, Bend Afterproceeding, if molement Tower mus beimmediately notif ied. -SouthSpur, all6 axhlocomotives arcprohibited. 2.11VICKSBURG onS0uth SpuroverDivision, EastPraiie, Center andRich Allmovements protected andcrcssing bya member ofthecrelv ardson Strcets must SToP ofth€movenent. warningtraffic inadvance

mile 2.12BATTLECREEK-AIl eastwardfreightirainsapproaching proceed age173.0, must contact Train Dispatcher forinsiructions before east ofHelmer Road. willbegovened operating East ol Efimett Street byFlintSubdivis Trains Footnotes.

MAIN TRACK 2.13JOINT andC&WI lct.,iointwithC&Wl Raikoad. Em CHICAGoBetween Chicago ployees whileondutya copyof,andbegovmusthave;ntheirpossession timetable, special inskuciions andspeed restic enedby,C&Wl cufient tt0ns. tlith L&N.GTW to TH0RNToN JCI timetable andrules MUNSTER govern. between Munster, Mileage 31.2andThontonJct.,lMileag Forrnovement willapply: 25.2, thelollowing willnovlbea single for ThefomerEastwad Track MainTncksignaled lyillbe refe(ed Track. movementinboth direciionsand toastie South


TIMETABLE No.2 - APRIL29th, 1984 (Continued) SOUTH BEND SUBDMSI0N FOOTNOTES lcontinuedrrom paee:3)

(Continued) GENERAL FOOTNOTES ThefornerWesiward Tncklrillnowbea sjngle lMain Track signaled inthe westward dircction onlyandwillbereierred io astheWestlrard Tfack. Thedelinition 0li}Yo ormore tracks does noiapply tothistrackage. Theinterlocklng atMunsler iscontrolled bytheWestTmin Dispatcher Baitle CreekTrains or engines stopped bya stopsjgnal willconiact West Train Dispatcher BatileCreek f0rinstruciions. Intedocking rulesgovern move. paragraphs menhthrough lheinterlocking. GT0R Rule 1048, 1 and2 apply atDual Conlrol Swiiches. TheInteflocking lct.iscontrolhd atThornton byiheWest TminDispatcher BaithCreek. Trains 0rengines stopped bya stopsignal willcontact West TrainDispatcher Battle Creek {orinstruciions. TheWest TrainDispatcher BaitkCreekoperates theinierlockngsignals andswitches iormovement on, govern to orfronGTW trackage. Interlocking rules movemenh through the lntedocking GloRRule1048paragraphs I and2 applyat DualConlrol Switches. The0pemior Thomion Jct.operates iheinterlocking signals andswilches on i\4P lrackage forlllPnorthllard andsoulhward movements only.Theopergetpeflnission ator,Thornton Jct.must fmmWest Dispatcher, Train Battle Creek, before authorizing anyIVPmovements overiherailway crcssing at grade. paragraphs Intheapplicaiion oiGToR Rules 663,670 and1048, I and2,in. strucli0ns rcceived fromTrain Dispatcher nrust bein llvriting andrepeated bdore being acted on. lxillbegovemed lMovemenls ontheSouth Track Rules byGToR 26iand262. Movements oniheSouth Track iromThornton Jct.or Munster required to pass a SToP signal atthese locations willbegoverned byinslroctions fiom West Train Dispatcher, Battle Creek. Wesiward moveme s ontheWestward Tnckwillbegoverned byGToR Ruhs251to255. (CToR YardLimits, Rule93)arein effect ontheWeslward Track betl]veen Thornton Jd.andlllunster. - Bei}leen jolntwithCR,GTW BATITE CREEK Baron andGord, Rules aid go!efi. Timeiable - Between SoUTH EEND HighSireet, ll4ileage 101.1 andAmold Strc€t, Mileage Rules instructions 99.5, andspecial ofCRwillgovern. ioiitwithCR. 3 INTERLOCKINGS :.1JunclionC&W....[4ileage4.9....Controiled. govern. C&Wl rules andtimelable :l Railway crcssing atgmde. BRC....l\llileage 11.8....,lechanical. :.3 Railwaycrossing atgrade. N&W....lvlileage 12.8....Coltrolled. posted instructions 0perating atcossiig. :..: Railwaycrossing atgrade. B&0CT....l,4ileage19.5....lVechanical. grade. :.5 Railway crossingat B&0CT--..l\/|ikage23.1--..l\4echanical. Autho tyfromB&oCT Dspatcher required. Train 2

(conrinued on Faae 40)


No.2 - APRIL29th,1984 TIMETABLE (Continued) FOOTNOTES S0UTH BEND SUBDIVISI0N (conunuedrrompaae39)

atgrade. crossing 3.6Raihray 25.2....Conholled. 1,4P....[,lileage TmjnDispatcher. Contact I and2 applies atDualConirol Switches. Rule 1048, Paragraph cToR crosslng atgrade. 3.7Raill,vay ..Conirolled. L&N...lVileage31.1. Dispalcher. Coniact Train l and2 applies atDualConhol Sl/\Jliches. 1048, Paragraph GToR Rule atgrade. 3.8Railway crossing CR....lll|ileage 31.5....C0nholled. posied atcrossing. 0pemting instructions grade. ai crossing 3.9Raill,yay CR....Mileage 34.0....Controlled. a0dbegoverned bySpecial Instruction 6.1. ConiactTmin Dispatcher crossings atgrade. 3.10Raillaay 4ileage36.1-...[4echanical. EJ&E.... crossings atgade. 3.11Rail!,yay 52.6....Controlled. N&W....Mileage .. .Mileage 52.8. ...Controlled. CR. lnstruction 6.1. Contact Tfain Dispaicherand begovemed bySpecial atgrade. 3.12Railway crossings C&0....f,4ileage71.1....controlled. B&0....lvljleage71.i.-..Conkolled. bySpeclal Insiruction contactTmln Dispatcher andbegovefned 6.1. crossing atgrade. 3.13Rail1,llay 80.2. . .C0nholled. N&W. ...lllileage Dispatcher andbegoverned bySpecial Instruction 6.1. ContactTmin 3.14 Junction. cR... -ll4ileage 99.5. ...Mechanical. govern. CRrules andiimetable 3.i5Junction. C R . . . . [ 4 i lIe0aLgI e ....Mechanical. goven. CRrulesandtineable 3.16Rallway crossing atgrade. CR....ll4ileage 146.8....Contrclled. begoverned bySpecial Instruction 6.1. Contad Train Dispaicherand 4


EQUIPMENTRESTRICTIONS lbs-gross mustbecovered instructio 4.1Cals exceeding 315,000 byhandliig HANDOPERATED CROSSOVERS Mileage 9.7 l\4ileage37.3 lvlileage97.4 l\4ileage39.6 [4i]eage 98.4 Mileage 11.3 lvlileage 11.9 lMileage45.i L4ileage!8.5 Mileage 19.6 ll4ileage56.9 frileage 103.7 [.]leage 20.2 llrlileage 65.4 ]Vlleage 111.4 lt,Iileage23.6 l\rlileage7l.3 Mil€age 114.1 l\l|lleage24.3 l'rlileage 72.5 fi4ileage 122.8 Mileage30.9 l,4lleage 74.9 lt4ileage 127.3 Mileage34.3 ll,|ileage81.3 [{ileage 131.4 L4ileage36.6 Mileage 91.6 ll4ileage 136.2

Llileage 140.3 Mileage 146.4 fi4ileage 152.3 ll4lleage 153.7 lirlileage 157.6 L4ileage 160.2 firlileage 164.9 l,,lileage U2.0 l4ileage 174.7

(coniinued on pase 41)


TIMETABLE No.2 - APRIL29th,1984 SOUTH BEI'ID SUBDIVISION (Continued) FOOINOTES (continued rrom Fge40)



PUBLIC CROSSING AT GRADE 6.1Allmovements at51stSt.ed(Ehdon) nustsiop25feeilromcrcssing and all0wcrossing warning devices to beactivated ai least25seconds before occupying crcssing. 6.2Allmovements overlvlaple Street mileage I14.0(onEdwardsburg Lumber Co.Track) mustsiopandnustbeproiected bya member of ihe crcu warniig irafficin advance oi themovement. 6.3Swiich Key Control Instructions: Special Instruction 9.2applies. HOTBOXAND DRAGGING EQUIPMENT DETECTORS 7.1lVileage 42.1for Eastveard and\4estward Tracks, Special Insiruction 8.2 appIes, 7.2ltlileage 67.5for Easltvard andWestward Tmcks, Special Instruction 8.2 appLres. 7.3[lihage119.2 forEastward andWesiward Track,Special Instruction 8.1 appttes. 7.4Mileage 142.9 ior Eastward andWestward Tracks, Specia Instruction 8.1 appres, 7.5Mileage 168.6 torEastwafd Track only, Special Instructi0n 8.2applies.

8 OTHERTRACKS points 8.1il4ileage 28.6OakGlen,620 feetir length, s\yiich faceW Stalion Number950. poinhfaceE.Siation 8.2lvileage 31.4lt{unster, 1320 ieetin lengh,switch Number920. poinhfaceE.Staiion 8.3l,llleage 46.4, Alnsworth,660 feetin lenglh, swiich NumbergI6. 8.4fi'lileage points 53.7,Ind]ana General Industry,880 {eetin length, swiich iaceW CaIs "C"dimensjons exceeding Plate areprohibited. Station Num. ber914. points 3.5Mileage 74.9, Kjngsbury, 1040leet in length, slviich faceE.Station Number9l0. points 3.6lvlileage 84.5, iliil Crcek, 300feetin length, switch faceW.Station Number907. poinis 3.7[rlileage 103.9, Mishawaka, 986feetin]ength, faceE&W swltch Sia. iionNumber901. 8.8l,'lileage 105.9, FirRoad Industrial ParkSpur, 5600feetin lengh,switch poinls faceW CaIsdestined forStone Container mustbeplaced $iihun. loadingdooron Nodh Side. Station Nufiber90I. poinis 3.9Mileage 1i0.9,Pdncess Homes Inc.,400feetin length, swilch face E.Siation Number900. polnhfaceE-Statjon :.10Mileage 111.4, Granger, 1i90feetin length, switch Nunber900. (continued on pa8e 42)


No. 2 - APRIL29lh' 1984 TIMETABLE (C0ntinued) FOOTNOTES BEND SUBDIVISI0N S0UIH (Conlinled ;ion Paee4r)

p0ints Iace W sllv:kh 850{eetin length' Lbr'Co., Hichelson I13.1, 8.ll [4ileage Station Number900. faceW' 1036fe€tin lelgth,slritchpoints Edwardsburg, 114.0, 8.12Mileage station Nufiber858. points Num face[. Station sviitch Penn, 560leetin length, 127.3 8.13Mileage ber856. points faceE.Staiio switch 620feetinthelength, Wakelee, 131.5, 8.14Miteage Number855. points facew Statio switch 470feetinlength, 150.2, Harborlite, 8.15Mileage Number85l. poinls iaceE statio slviich leetin length, 1110 160.1, Scotts, 8.16Mileage Number84l. points iaceE' switch feelin length' i65.0, CIirnax,307 8.17l\4ilease lacel'll.\talr0n stlitchp0inls I140ieetin length' 165.0, C.inax, l\llileaie Numbor840. po:nh laceE.Clea switch inlenglh, Siding, 500leet Renton 168.2, 8.I8Mrlease uJg Numbel manonsideofcar.Station willnotclear Track, ;n Spur ance point laces E Sta inlength, switch Jeet Ave,1200 U0.0Columbia 8.19ll4ileage tionNumbn837. points laceE Siatio switch 1830 Jeetin length, Airpod, 172.0, 8.20Mileage Number837.








... tl.g xll60!!Y|RD , "

cain rrack ends at mllease9.4.

PAV| 0N iCT.


Por Hou

llitaximum speed entire Subdivision. ...20 0 . 09 . 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0

MAXIII,IUM CONDITI()NAL SPEEDS Miles Per Hour Entire Subdivision200.250ion auxiliarycranes .. 10

KAI.AMAZOI) SUBDIVISION FOOTNOTES 1 RULEMODIFICATIONS 1.1.CTEARINCES -Trainst0 South PAVILIoN Bend Subdivision ltillnotreqrife cleaftnce. 1,2TRIIN REGISTER M()DIFICATI()NS -'Register PAVILI0N station lo' Kalamdzoo Srbdv:ionirains. -*Bulletins Kilgore Yad 0nly. 2

GENERAL FOOTNOTES 2.1PAVILIoNRedandYellow indication lighharelocaled onrelay boxeast pointswitch sidedirectly across bothMaln Tracks fromfacing atJunciion wjthSouth RED LIGHT indicates westward Bend Slbdivision. traiihaspassed Scotts orthateast1,llard 3 miles YELLoW tminisllliihin of crossoler. LIGHT isanindication is!o tralninsuch thatthere teffitory. torthese lights to be efiective, THECRoSSol,/ER SWITCH |USTBETHRoWN BEFoRE FOULING THEWES]WARD IRACK OROPENING THEFACING POINT SWITCH, These insiructions donoirelieve employees fromcomplylng withthere. quiremenls oi GToR Rule 254before eniering Bend theSoulh Subdivislon. -The follo1lving 22 KlL00RE YARD instruciions willgovern movement 0nscale located onPocket Track Mileage 6.5.


No.2 - APRIL29th,1984 TIMETABLE (C0ntinued) t00TNoTES SUBDIVISI0N KAIAMAZo0 ( c o n t j o u e d f . o mp a c e 4 3 )


(Continued) FoOTNoTES GENERAL 6lvliksperHouroncon' mustnolexceed movement whennot*eiEhins, lself. C0upling of calsI!hen[Iain on s(ah s(dle an0 apploach-es [o crete PerHour. 2 Miles h 0nsiilemustnotexceed uncoupled andcalsmustbeun_ carsnustbe\reighed When weighing, at andallowed lo l0lloverscale approach ofconcrcte couDled aibeginning 4 MihsPeIHolt notioexceed aspeed purposes toEast. must beftomWest iol{eighing overscale lMolemenis within 50feei0l scales orhft standing should notbeparked Locomotives s prohibited. over scales movement Train

2.3JOINTMAINTRAGK jolntwilhcR.GTW and iinetable Yard, 9.4andKilgore mileage Betl,yeen rulesgoven, in eiiherdireclio lheMainTrack using andengines of trains Conductor 9-4andchecke ll,Iileage Yard aidbetween 9.4andKilgore l,rlihage bet!'/een B0 pemission report clear to opentor' to enter and must abtain Iuotors, KalamazooTower 3

EQUIPMENTRESTRICTIONS grossmustbecovered byhandlinginstru 3.1Carsexceeding263,000lbs. 68 prohlbited ofSprinkle Road mileage West locomotives 3.2All6axles

TIMETABLE No.2 - APRIL29th.$a4







.EE.S =:6

STATIONS l - ; { P o f i H U R.o. . . . . . . . _ . . , T U [ ' { !Yt I R D. . . - . . . . . . , , . . . l P u {. . . _ . , . . ,


...-., lyEsrTltP4N,.... RtMm .,..,,.. s 1315 s 1330 1325 1340 s 1337 s 1352

18s0 1405 s 1857 s 1412

. uPIER...,,.... u $ t L t I { I, . . . - . .


$rEstfl[{t DUMND EAST DUMI{D t a N c i o F.t. . , . , , , M O R I T. C , ,E ..... sl FrliBulG MStf,Ir,...,..,

1 9 1 5 1430 s 1925 s 1440

. - . . . -u s l u N s r n. .c. . . I

. . . . . T R o V | B R.|,D. ,G. -E . . . . , , . , , G E D A- .R. . . . . . . . . . . .. . , .. H o P. E ...,..... . . . . . , , . t a t { st c . . . . . . ._ - . . . . . - . .M . I L -L. . . . . . , , _ . .. . . m n E i t | L L E. . . . . . , , . , , . . e f l A n t o T.r.E, , . . . . , . . . . . . . olvEt . . . . . , . . . ...,,.,,BELLEU|E,._., ..-. cllLlSIEf, RolD , . . , . . . _ B I T I LCEn f t {Y I R D _... ..... EUiIETT SinEEl, . . _.

clc-Bel\.!n W€l I'Dri .'d Lrt DrEidi c€d{ aid Milli M.Alrkl. Rold .trd Ef,m.tt stFr mirr.rhd by







aa 1740

s 1618

I ...1 _ _ s M f n i B u R .G. _ . . - . . . H t s L E T. .t . . : . _ &stlAisfiG.... , T R O W B N I.D . .G . E - , . . . . G E D A, ,R _ , ,. . - - . - , . _H o P_E. . _ . . . . -.-. uNstt{c...,.. , . . . . M [ . 1. . _ . . _ . . .. P0rIERV|II!..._ . . . . c H A f i L o T, .r.E. _ ..... ollvEr.....,. . . . B E L L T _V.U, .S. . . TdILISIEFNO|D .. UTTIICNEE{ YMD- , EUllmsrREEt...

s 1ss3 1546


4a No.2 TIMETABLE ',IESTWARD TMINS CIASS FIRST SPEEDS MAXIIi4UM withthecu ent movenents Weslward ottraific. MilesPerHouI Reg M/L Psgr UIil frl enltre Maximum speed subdivision ... ... 65 60 55 3 3 1 . 8 , 2.7. .6...7. . . 65 60 55 2 7 6 . 7 E a s i .F. l. i.n45 t 45 45 . ...8. . . 65 60 55 2 1 6 . 7 ' 2.7. 1 over RailwaY 271.8 Grade 30 30 30 Crossingat .0 . . . . . . - - 65 60 55 21t.8.261 45 45 2 6 7 . 0 - 2.6. .5. . .5. . 2 6 5 . 5 . 2.6. .3. . .8. . 65 60 55 45 45 2 6 3 . 8 WFel isnt.t. . . 60 55 2 6 3 . 8 . 2.5. .5. . 4. . . Durand .. East 255.4 5 3 . .6. . . . . .65 2 5 52. 4 . . . 25 25 25 2 5 3 . 6 . 2.5. .2. . 5 ... .. .. . A,le.40 40 40 220.9 Washingion . .. .. . . . 220.9 218.6 2 1 8 . 6 . 2.0. .i . .9. . . 65 60 55 ChaotteCur'/e30 30 30 201.9 2 0 i . 9 - 1 7. .8. . .6. . . 65 50 55

APRIL29ih' 1984

SPTEDS CONDITIONAT MMIIiIUM lililesPerHour on0ld Teminal Port Hurcn MaiiTrackTunnelYard t o r i G r a t i. o. .t... . . . . . . . IO 6 0verDrawbridge Track. . .. . 30 333.7-333.5 Souih .. .... 25 Track South 333.5.333.1 Freight Wesiv{atd 332.2-332.0 depadingTunnelYard Tmins ison !ntilentircTruin Llain Tmck. . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . 10 Flini- betl/lle€n 272.1-270.3 street andClifford Coud Street ..... until crossingisoccupied cranes 200-250 tonauxiliary Tlacks.. -... 10 otherthan lvlain PerHou Miles Psgtrt cunent Movenenh aeainst oftrarric .......59 49 llhere M/tl/M . Ailocations FREIGHT arelessthan49 speed restrictions perhour, Ie theTower speed miles willapply. sirictions - Ail0caiions where spee PASSENGER arclessthan59mile restcUons perhour,thelol,ver reslii speed nile except, bet1,lleen tionwillapply max andmlleage 223.6, age249.1 speed 50mPh. mum column forIl4/[l/l\4 Maximurn speed onlytotrains consht hains applies Level, IntermodalT 0lsold lvlulll orcombination lhercof CoFC trains



tr tt l9 rc $ ,d h.

xi. 'M ng


I,IAXIMUI SPEEDS iast ard[rlovemenh vtilhihecurrent oftraffic. lllilesPerHour Reg M/L Psgrl/M Frl Ilarinunspeed enlirc S l b d i v i s. .i o . -n. . 6 5 60 ii3.6.180.7 . .. .. ... 65 60 55 : 3 0 . 7 . 1 .8.i...2. . . . 3 0 30 :81.2.20 . .1. ...9. . . 6 5 .60 55 1-11.9 Charlotte Curye30 30 1i.9.218 . ...6. . . . . 6 5 60 55 : 1 3 . 6 . 2 .2.0. ...9. . . 4 5 :20.9Washington Ave,40 40 : . .. ..... 65 60 :!2.5-253.5 ... .... . 25 25 i3.6.255.4 . .. .. .. . 65 60 55 ::5.4tastDurand - - 45 45 :g.4.263.8 . .... .. . 65 60 55 - d 3 . 8 W e s t F l i n4t5. . . ]3.8,265.5 . .. .... . 65 60 :! . .. .... . 45 : 7 . 0 . 2 7 .1. . 8. . . . . 6 5 60 ::.8 overRailway *oss;ng atGrade 30 30 30 : - i . 8 - 2 7.6. ...7. . . . 65 60 55 :4.7 East Flint . - . . 45 45 45 65 60 55 30 30 30


IiIAXIIUMCONDITIONAT SPEEDS MilesPerHow 272.I-270.3 Flint-betlreen Coud Street andCliffofd Street until crossingis occupied .....'45 332.2 Michigan Road Eastward FreightTrainsa(iving l u n n e l Y a. .r.d. . . . - . .. . . . . l 0 PortHuron Term;nal on0ld lVain TrackTunnelYardF o J t C r a t i o t . . . . . . . . .i 0 overDmwbridge . . . .. .. . . . .. . . 6 333.7.333.5 South Track ... .. 30 333.5.333.1 South Track . .. .. . . 25 200-250 tonauxiliarycmnes otherthan Main Tracks . .. ... l0 Miles PerHour PsfiFd Moyedrerls against curcnt o f k a l t i.c. . . . . . . .. . . . 5 9 4 9 . Atl0cafions FREIGHT l\4/1.l/[4 !1herc speed resticiions arclesstfian49 nllesperhour, ihelol|ler sDeed re, sbiciions willapply. - Atlocaiions PASSFNGER l1here speed rcshiciions arelersthan59niles perhour,thelovret speed restc. iionwillapplyexcepi, between mileage223.6 andrnileage 249.1 maxi. mum speed 50fitph. Maximum speed column for ll,l/LI/lV kains applies onlytotrains c0nsistjng ofs0lidltlultLevel, Inhrmodal T0FC. C0FC traiisorcombinafion thereof.




RULEMODIFICATIONS 1.1CTEARANCES - Easiward passenger irainsfrumSoulll firstclass CREEX YARD BATTLE cleamnce. must obtain Bend Subdivisi0n - Trains mustob' bet{een FlintandHollySubdivisions moving DURAND tainacleaance, - Tra;ns of lvillnotrequile a clearance. Conducto$ oiginaiing T0RREY before TninDispatcher, Battle Creek, Torrey must contact trains 0 ginating 0epanule, - Wesi}vard Yardmustobtain Tunnel haiisoriglnating TUNNEL YARD cleannce alTappan, 'Westward Port tralnsoriglnaiing {ict c asspassenger HURoN PORT departure andnust Batlle Creek beJore Dispatcher Huron must contaclTrain obtaln cleamnce atTappan,

REGISTER MODIFICATIOI.IS 1,2TRAIN -+Register station {orirainsoiginaling andtermiYARD BATTLE CREEK natrng. Clock andBulletins only. LANSING-+Siandard -"Standard Bulletins only. Clockand DUfiAND -*Regisier orlgjnaiing andierminating. siaiion {ortrains T0RREY -*Register andierminating. siaiion lortmins originaiing YARD TUNNEL -*standard only.crews 0f iminsorjginating andterclock P0RT HURoN Yard. register aiTunnel minatingwill

FEATURTS 1.3ABS AND CTC SPTCIAT 333.4 and Track atmileages 332.2, 333.2, Rule 104C applies 0nSouth GToR {rcmFlintSubdivisjon Train Dispalch muslbereceived 333.5. Permjssion Ehcirically-Locked Hand 0perat€ operating doorof these bdoreopenlng Switches. 270.0 aredesigna mleage 2/6.6 andjrreage l*o nar fdchs between track. lrackandNodh South over io Service Tmck iitnile' onCTC Main Tlack crossing Train andengines 125fedwpst of Brislo agp2b55 | Inl.n LslslopdI 1a herpot loraled locls*ill relpdsP foItulnolis. 2b5.5 belorp ele!tric Road, ri.eage

APPLY INSTRIJCTI()NS 1.4SPECItrt betllleen mieage 253.6 andmiLea 9.3- withincitylimlts0l Durand 252.5. 2

FOOTNOTES GENERAL - Trains proiected mustSToP andcrossing bya 0rengines 2.i CHARL0TTE ngton Street warning trailicin advance ol nember ofthecrewoverWash novprerl.


TfMETABLE No. 2 - APRIL29th, 7984 (C0ntinued) FtINT SUBDIVISI0N F00TN0TES (contiiued fiom pase 50)


(Continued) GENERAL FOOTNOTES - ThePower 2.2LANSINC House Track, westo1Washingon Avenue, mileage 220.9, mustnotbeused byRoad crews, unless othenvise directed. Trains must notset outcalsonthewestendoJlllillettPass unless dirccted todosobyYardnaster. Ca$exceeding 65feetinlength nlst notbesetoui,placed or pulled on iheCRInterchange Tracks atCedar. Eastward trains leave waybilh inthewaybill boxinstalled onihethirdutility poleeastoJNIillett Highway, l\4ileage 216.2 onthenorth side. jn Weshvafd hains leave waybillsthevlaybill boxinsialled 0nihetelephone boxon,ihe north sideofthetrackjust\1,est ol Hope ortheymaybehand delivered totheYard 0fiice.

2.3lr0RRlCE-Cars orequipmentare notiobeleftstanding orstored from the east swiich toa point 300feetwest oil,lorrice Road nileage 242.2 Wesllvard sidlng. - Toavoid 2.4DURAND blocking lMain Street, mihage 253.5, wesiward nove nrents receiuing a ST0P signal indicaiion attheraill,vay crossing at grade, rnileage 253.2, mustST0P eastoi lvlain Street unUla signajndicaiion i0 proeced canbeobtained orauthority receved fromiheTclnDispatcher PonuacYard. yardlirnihDumnd, Wiihin when emergency conditions existorii is kn0wn thatpublic crossings atgmde l'lillbeblocked in excess of5 minutes, hain l,villimmediately andenglne crews contact Yardmaster or0perator Dumnd. Easiward trains orengine l|lillnolconlact TrainDispatcher, Pontiac Yad, lo obtain interlocking signal, rnihage 253.3 uniilirainorengine is ready to proceed. oakStreet, mileage Gates at South 253.0 areno!,\l activated when:nterlockjng signal is lined. lf delay occurs aiterreceiving interlock. ingsignal, Yad,must Train Dispatcher, Pontiac beimrnediately notified. - [4aximum :.5 DURAND onHiWye, speed Chicago WyeandKellyTracks be il/yeen Holly andFlintSubdivisi0ns is10nilesperhour. - Empl0yees 2.6T0RREY areprohibited ffomriding onsideof caroverFliit River BidgeonNo.19Lead at Chevrolet fi4anufactu ng.lf necessary i0 prolect movement, wlllwalk0verb dge,ihenproceed enployee wiihthe movement, I\laximum speed Jornovements enteing andleaving theeaslor\|/est end ofiheNorih orSouth Yardis5 fiilesperhour. - When :7 INILAY carsoverlmLay CITY shoving CiiyBridge rnihage 301.4, employees musinotride0nsideof car fi4ovement mustbeslopped, em. ployee walkover bridge, thenproceed llliihthemovement TheLapeer County Co0pEhlJalor l,villbeioading calsoniheP.0.N. lead, eastof Almont Slrcet, l\4ileage 30i.8. 0:

- CTC :3 PoRT HURoN controlled byTn n Movement Director, EastSumnit (Sarnia) (PodHurcn) 16thStreet in elfectbetween andEasiSummit (Salnia). (continuedon paae 52)

No.2 - APRIL29th,1984 TIMETABLE (C0ntinued) FOOTN0TES FLINT SUSDIVISI0N (continuedrrom Pa& 51)



(continued) GENERAL FOOTNoTES Rule264,movenenls intothisCTC In theapplication of GToR te(itory, denihmusibernanualLy opemted anda nember ofthecrew mustattend derall untilmovement hasbeen conpleted, andthenplace denilbackin ihe"on"posiiion. blocking theC&0crossover, YardConductor llill calliheTrain Toavold phone Director Summii 78-51, beloru leaving Ferry Dock l4ovement al East Yard, if movement canbeimmediaiely handled. to ascerlain INTERLOCKINGS 3.1Railway crossings atgade.

221.4....C0nholled. CR....Mileage iorrequjred instrudlons. Coniact Train Dispaicher Battle Creek Trains andengines mustcontaci TminDispatcher Battle Creek t0 rclease Ehctrically.Locked Hand 0perated Switches located at Wesi endof CRln. terchange imcksnileage 221.2 andWest endof NewReohackmileage position 221.2. A member oi thecrewmusilocksrlliich in reverse beiorc signal indication canbegiven onDwarl Sgnah CE10E andHigh lvastSignal 221.1. T0obtain CRInterchan CEl2E locaied ai mlleage a signalio have tracks andNewReo irack, swihhmustielocked inreverse, ahothetncks mustbeentered farenough to clear circuii. lf tftckcircuit is notcleared per. movement ist0 bemade withother thana signalindication, orrevene must beobtained iromTrain Dlspaicher Batile Creek inaccordan missjon l,llhen position mustbeIined andlocked in normal uiihtheRuhsSwitches movemenl iscompleted.

3.2Raillllaycrossing atgnde. 223.5. ...Conirolled. C&0. .. .Mileage Contact TrainDispaicher Battle Creek andbegolerned bySpecial Instruc tion6.1. 3.3Junction. 253.2. Holly Sub..... [,lileage . - .controlled. Contact TminDlspatcher Pontiac Yard,Detroit Divlsion, GT0R Rule261 applicable forEastwad movemenh fromFlintSub. to enierHolly Sub.

3.4Rallway cross:ng atgrade. RapidsSub.....Mileage253.3....Controlled. Grand Contact TrainDispaicher Pontiac Yard, Detroit Division, GTOR Rules 66: paragraphs (1)and(2)applicable. and1048 Electric switch locklocated ateastendoJMiddle L0cal Track rnileage 253.2 mustbelined fofroute before signal indication io proceed canbe0btaine onDwarf Signal. Permission must bereceived fromTminDispatcher beiori switch isunlocked. In theapplication of GToR Rules €63and670,instfuctions received {ror TninDispatcher mustben writing andrepealed belore being acted 0n. (continuedon paEe5:

53 TIMETABLE No.2 - APRTL 29rh,1984 FLINT SUBDIVISIoN (Continued) FooTNoTES {conttnuedi.om paae 52)


INTERLOCKINGS(Continued) 3.5Railllvay crussingat ffade. C&0....iUileage 271.8....Controlled. Contact TrainDispahher Battle Creek andbegoverned bySpecial Instruc, tion6-1. 3.6Railway crcssing atgrade. (0ldMain C&0 Track). . . .[4ileage 272.5.. -.Automatic. GT0R Rule 672applies. 3.7Railllay crcssing atgrade. C&0..,..Mjleage 331.8.... l\4echanical. 3.8Junction. ill|ount Clemens Sub.. .. _Mileage 332.1. ...Mechanical. GToR Rule i04B,Fragraph 2 applies at DlalConirol switches ai junction sl,litch frcmll/|t. Clemens Sub. io Soulh Track, crossover switc hesfromSouth Track to Weshvard Track andcrossover sriiches fiomWeslward Track to westend, Easibound Lead Tmck. - oldMain (Fortcratiot 3.9Drawiridge.... Tmck) Btack RilerB dge..._Me. chantcal.


!-i Carc exceeding 315,000 lbs.gross m[stbecovered byhandling instructions. prohibited {2 All6 axles locomotives fomthefollolt/ing hacks: i\4ihage i21.2- PCinterchange lracks. - Team l,lileage 121.I 4-5-6. - oldsN0.15. l,4ileage 120.2 Mileage 219.5-Wesi Yafd Storage. Mileage 218.5-LongSiorage. Mhage216.0-Ra:lon Pura.


HANDOPERATED CROSSOVERS l,4ileage 189.3 Milease 222.6 Mileage 242.3 Mileage 253.9 Lrlileage I94.I [,lileage223.9 Milease248.2 l\/|ileage254. Mileage20l.6[4ileage 228.9 iUileage252.1 Mileage 202.6 Mi1eage235.6 l|4ileage253.5 Mileage 208.8 i\l|jleage239.8[4ileage253.6

No. 2 - APRIL29th' r9a4 TfMETABLE (C0ntinued) t00TN0TES SUBDIVISI0N FtINT (conunuediiom Pace 53)


AT GRADE PUBLICCROSSING mouerP l\o hoJsIior .rn,etl0 tr'l \e YARD Dr-rPg 6-l TUNNIL "'oi,irii,eot,i r0lroLRTracl*irl v:at re WYE'"ading e *olr sileel fusp"s 0r bdl sidesolllenovprenta lg'rled tod\play b; 'equried crosslng. mustbe ihe{usees overthiscrossing of themolement conpleiion Upon extlnglllsng0, - Atall times'movements overEJeven TRACI( oLDMAIN GRATI0T 6.2F0RT ofthecrcw' bya fiember musibeprotected Avenue, itvenue andTwelfth !'rillnotbesound l1histle engine thehounoi 2000and0800, Between Pap andtneDLnn Company ihePorlHr'0nPaper iiiroiirnssbPt*een e to seethaia nerber0l tfe \v'lberespors:b condrclor C;mDanv.-rhe dur clossings over these }'lhihgoing protects themovement irewpr6perly hours. ingihese ST0 must (oldMain), 32nd Skeet, over oniheFortGIauol Allnovemenls J t d . t o s s tpnrgo l p l ib" dva f f " n b P0 l l l p r l e x * a l r n g l l o fnca d v r f I relirec0 surel'nd 'r' oithenovi.irl u'inslgriedr'eecbel$epr condltions weather by adverse reduced visibiljtt is riseandwhen

Spur'trainsor engin - Lapeer 01 South C0op track,mileage 6.3LAPEER cre'vove'sagn proleclPd bv a menbe'o'he nj.t stopand oss'ng 0l m0vemenl lraliicin advance Stred,warning

roldMa'lTra V'norSl""l n kage2l79 o,/er All1 ovenenlq 5.4I_L.NTpass ng bya nel bProi t.le( ell,be'ore andmustbeproieclFd mustSToP crossing. overthls r ' "ace2670 /0 d V'inTIr41nrsl ST0 o/erlliky Road Al rov"npntt proloted bya renoe 0i lle cr''{ rila1rglraflcin 'dvan c'os\ng "ao movemeni. o{the ove all mo/enents tre toJ.sof 2230fridavald 06J0Llondav Bel,,!.en Ydd rustST0"anda0s\ngpr0Le SIIeel Sievensol Slreet, Stever$n ol tle 1 oveneriCo tra/ ir adv.nce lu , memleolrfe',ewwarnilg Slro h"ot 0[SIPVerson rtafdrgl]|,trn 50 pment be efl nrstrot oieq'l crossing. ar - ClcuLposLs sl,lt o"roltng *a frg dPvi'es ndcal:ng 6.5IoRCEY 'eet Rordn lea i0.aLed 0nnolh, deo l{an T a'(, 1620 eddol Bllslol ta n' pcl fg up.I il rslo'atol n-sl stopa srfliirl dis .r. Westwdrd P{i'ptrarn aft'rp c} uD i0 occ0n'rodale tanieeastof he'erar\erposts t( setoif or pickupat NorthYardwilldearB siolRoad Alltralnsnrakinq is made' movement revelse kafiicbeiore plrmltmovemeni oi vehicular LEADAIImovene AVENUE INDUSTRIAL 6.6LANSINGPENNSYTVANIA ofthecrc proiected member by a crossing and must ST0P sheet ;verthLs 0i themovemenl. advance vralningtlaiiicin lnstructions: KeyConlrol 6.7S{jitch 9 2 aPPlies Instruction SpeclaL 7

EQUIPMENTDETECTORS HOT BOXAND DRAGGING lracl's' andWest",ard [orLasLl,vard 232.0 7.1Mileage

(coniinued on Page5:

TIMETABLE No.2 - APRIL29|h, 1984 (C0ntinued) SUBDIVISI0N F0OTN0TES FLINT (continued riom Pase 54)


EQUIPMENT HOTBOXANDDRAGGING (Continued) DETECTORS 7.2[4ileage283.0 i.3 [r1ihage308.3 0r\. locdL Sppcial ritru.to18.appip('orabo/e


p. i0


poinis inlength, iaceW.Exer' Glass, 3145Ieet switch 8.1Mileage 203.0, 0wens or detraining neareastendof retaining whenenlmining cisecAUTloN poor Sialion Nurnber 833. walking conditions wallof"8" Tmck accouni E.&W. Plaft.5200 leetin engt\, sxil.hponh{ace 214.9, trickson 8.2l\4'leage conllolled ocomo_ :ntheir conlinPs a Ie'rolp Plant hdsenployed Erickson in thisarcat0 nustbemade l1,iih CAuTl0N Trunk movements tive.Grand mustnotbe Trunk Engine movemenls conllicling movemenis. CGnd avoid Crcssing localed lracnage 300feelNodiol tle PlarlRoad opeat"dover atN0dh endoi Plant Ydrd. SlalolNunbe'830. poinis iaceE.&W. 6,084 feetinlength, swjtch 261.5, swarhCreek, 3.3l,lileage or350 wiihin300{eetWesi, mustnotbeIeftstanding Cars orequipment 262.0. Station at Raubinger Road, Mileage onSwadz Creek Siding ieetEasi Number820. points {aceE.[rloveswitch T0FC tmck,700ieetin lengih, 8.4MiTeage 275.5, Num' 5 rnihsperhoutStation menis ihrcugh thistrackmusinotexceed ber819. poinhfaceE.&W. Siation switch 8.5l\l|jleage 279.2, Davison, 300feeiinIength, Nunber8lS. poinis iaceW swiich Peat, 1440 feetin hngth, 305.2, Andelson 3.6Nlileage NumberB09. Station points face feetin lencih, slYltch Indusies,1100 305.5, Chanpion 8.7ll]Iileage Number809. WStation E&W PpatSrdng,4819ieeiin kngl'r'sw:khpo:nhtacP 8.8Mieare306.5, sutichnt mrsnrlt beheldonloio av0id ns Whpn s$t"l lhpspurlrachs, lfe eadard\",esi theswl'hontrp kaddvding engne movintbeyond spurimck$. thefam ctoss' theyl,llillblock mustnotbeleftwhere Cars 0requipment ings. Station Number808. p0inhiaceE&l{ Station sfiitch 2000 {eetin length, 309.3, Capac, 8.9l\4ileage Nunber807. poinhfaceE.Station switch 540feetin lengih, 323.0, GoodeUs, :.i0 llrlileage NumbeI805.

NO.2 _ APRIL29th' 1984 TIMETABLE SPEEDS Ii,IAXIMUIII {ith Movements Westward traffic ihecurrentol PerHour luiles lit/t l/M Frl Maximumspe€d enlire Subdi'tsion 60 8 8 0.5-0.9 Curve 1 5 t5 0 . 9 - 4 . .0. . . . 2 0 20 4 . 0 - 4 . .4. . . . . 3 0 30 ..... 4.4,8.1 50 50 ... . 6 0 55 ... 8 . 5 - 1 0. . 7 50 50 .... 10.7-12.0 45 45 ... . 12.0-13.2 6 0 55 . ...5. 13.2-21 Curve 60 55 21.5'23.I 60 55 ... . 23.1-24.5 45 .... 60 . ... 60 .... 30.3-45.9 30 30 . ... 45.9-47.3 60 55 . ... 5 0 50 4 9 . 9 . 5 3. ...2. 60 55 . ... 53.2,66.7 2 a 25 6 6 . 7 . 6 7. ...0. against Movements c u r r e n t o f t n t f i c .49 ... rewherc speed At locaiions arelessihan49 strictions m i l e ps e rh o u trh el o ! ' / e r ,'villaPPIY restr ctions speed C()NI)ITIONAT [tAXIMUiI SPEEDS l"tiles Per Hout 4.1Nlilwa!l(eeJct. Detroit West through WYe, Port Hulon Wye, SusarHouseWve aniHiehLine!!ve...10 .. l5 otherWyes Througr-h m mspeedcolu nior Illlaxirnu onlY to l/Mtiains applies Irrl/L of solid[{ulti tminsconsisting T0FC.C0FC Level,Intermodal theroi. orconbination trains








Jcr. ltw uxEE . . . . . . . . . . . .c u YA v $ t u. .E, , . . - . .

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. .. .. .. . ... . wEsr toNTtac . . . . . . . . . w a r [ n F o.R . .D ... q. ._....At{DEisottvtlu . I t o L L f . . . .. . . . .

. . . . . . . . . - . .F E X T O N . . . . . .. . . . L t N o t N .,......... cA|I{Es



1 5 . p p r rb d "








.. . . . , . . . . . . D E t R o .l T . . 2. . . . . . .

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D U R A .N- ,D.





APRIL29th,1984 MAXII{UM SPEEDS Eastward Mol/ements with thecuffent oihaiiic Miles PerHour Maxinun speed enlire JUDotVISton

M/r llu tn hu

67.0-66.7.... 25 66.7-53.2 . ... 60 53.2-49.9 . ... 50 60 ... . 30 ... . 60 60 45 24.523.1 ... . 60 23.1 21.5 Cufle 60 2 L 5 . 1 3. . .2. 60

25 55 50 55 30 55 55 55

r 3 . 2 . n. . a .. 4 5 45 1 2 . 0 . 1. .0. .. 7 5 0 50

i0.7-8.5..... 60 8 . 5 . 8. . .r . . . 50 8.1-4.4...... 30 4 . 4 - 4...0. . . 20 4 . 0 , 0...9. . . . 15 Curue . I l\tovements against curentotlr?rllic

40 30 2A 15 I

23.9-4.3 .. ... {9 At locaiions wherespeedrestrlctions are lessthan49 m i l e sp e rh o u irh eI o l l v e r speed restrici onslyiilapply.

[,tAx {uMcoNDtTtoNAt-

SPEEDS l4iles Per Hour 4.1ll4lll,ljaukeeJct. thrcugh West Deircii Wye, PodHuron \rvye, Sugar HouseWye andHigh Line \4ye. -. 10 Through otherWyes . . 15 [4axim umspeedcolumnior M/Ll/il4trains appljes onlyio tftinsconsisting of solidMulti Level,Intermodal T0FC-CoFC lfains orcombinalion ihercf.



APRIL29th, 1984

FOOTNOTES HOTLY SUBDIVISION (continued fron Paae 59)


RULEMODIFICATIONS 1.1CTEARANCES willn0trcquire clearance. DETR0ll-Tralns I CT. I!|ITWAUKEE enterlng ihe Holly ontheMouniClemeis Subdivision Truinmovements clearance Jd.arenoirequired to obtain at Mil_ Sub!ivlsion at Nrlil$aukee permission from obtain io enter iheHolly S0bdivislon waukee Jct.,butmust theIminDispahher. llnotrequ.Ie clealdn(e. Pln-TSBYTrainsenter ngHol, Srb.w - Trains a between Holly andFlintSubdivisions require DURAND rn0ving cleatance. Track l'liLl deamnce. TSBYTralns onioinil!|ain notrequile Easiward

RTGISTER MODIFICATIOIiS 1.2TRAIN -*Register fortrains originating andisrmlnaiing. DETR0IT staiion lorieinsoriginating andterminatin lCT.-*Register station MILWAUKEE Trains arenotrequifed toregister. -+Register station forhainsoriginating andtermjnatin F0NTIAC YARD -*Register DURAND sialion iortainsoriginating andiermjnaiing. Trains FllntandHolly Subdivisions arenotrequired t0 registei. moling between TSBYTrainsonJointMain Track arenolrequired toregisler.

I.3 ABS AND CICSPECIAI. FEATURES - Theiollowing BL0CK ANDINTERLOCKING SIGNALS Dlvari Signal isused Nigh [4asi sgnallo display GToR Rules 281, 285and291, rcspec inlieuo{ ilvely. Deiro]t, Signal 49,Westward. [4ileage4.8, mileage 23.9andnrileage T!1o ll|ainTracks betlleei 30.3,aredesignate Track. South lrackandNodh shall clear the['lain Nohainorlocomotives Tmck atihel0llowing locations MiLeage 29.3 offSouth Tmck (Fredman Construciion Co.) 1.4SPECIAT II'ISTRUCTIONS APPLY bet1ileen mjleage 66.7 9.3- lvithin thecityof Durand andmihage 67.0. 2

FOOTNOTES GENERAL - Normal position 2.I DEIROIT ol Swich lo Commuter Lead, located 450feet 0{ Riopell mlleage 0-6islined iorCommuter Lead. east Slreet, bl€!{heelstops trTileage 0.3,Deir0ii-colaps have been insialled atendoJ Carter Indusiry trackinsjde building. Cre\lr membeA nustknow that\ahee placlng stops areinuprlghtpostion before orcoupling tocars0nthistrack. prohibited members are iromriding Crew onthesideof carsinthistlack acc0untc 0secleaonce. (continuedon paae 61)


TIMETABLE No.2 - APRIL29th,1984 H0tLY (C0ntinued) SUBDIVISI0N F00TN0IES (continued f.om pase 60)


GENERAL (Continued) FOOTNOTES (rossings pubic Ttefollow.ng at grade areprolected manually da;ly excepl Saturday, Sunoay atdHol'ddys 0nlydu'igll e h0urs lpeclipdbel0,',: Conholled Monday to Sheet by Friday Mileage 2.3lllack lv|ack 0830101630 Canlield Superior 08:0i01630 Theodore Warren 0830io 1630 Farnswodh Warren 0830 to1630 tredeick Ferry 0330 to1630 Ferry Ferry 0330 to1630 l\4ileageS.9 l,lilwaukeeAve. lllilwaukeeAve. 0830101630

Except iortrackmotor "High.nil" cars, equipment andirackmainienance machines, noirains, loc0motves, cranes (includ, orother onrailequpment ingrolljng siock) shallbeoperated overorwithjn fifty(50)feetof anyoi theabove crossiflgs during other lhanlhehours specified above. Themovement 0limckm0l0r cals, "High.nil" equipment andtrack mainte. nance machjnes during olher thaniheabove specilied houls over thecrcss. ingsbelween HakStreet andlll|jll,vaukee Avenue must benadeunder SToP proteciion, andFLAG withiusees being used during iheperiod fromdusk io peiods dal,vn andduring of inclement l,leather when vislbllity isreduced. lf,dueio emergency condiiions, ihemovemenl oroperalion ofirajns, rclLing jsnecessary slock, locom0iives, cranes, lvrecking orother on-rall squjpment outside of ihehours 0r perlods of timespeciiied above, suchoperations and/ormovements shallbenadeonlyunder a specifjc wittendifeciive andauihority issued bytheTrajnmaster ot Yadmasier ondutyorrespon. sible, 0rbytheirsuperuisors, andsuchdirection andauthorily shallnotbe issued uniilit is known thatthetowe(tforthespeciiied crossjngG) arc (orWaichmen) nanned bya qualiJied Waichnan andadvjce hasbeen rc. (orWalchnen) prcteciion ceived ifomsuchWatchman ihatthecrossing is propedy operable. 22 I4ILWAUKEE lCT.- Eastward ire]ght trains \villcallihelmin Dispalcher fromSeven II4ile Road mileage 8.5wheitrainconslst equals orexceeds 70 cals- oriromChrysler Center lyhen trainconsist islessthan70cals. jslocated jniheConRailTeminal TheGTendio endmdiofrequency Tmin Dispatcher's 0fiice, Deifoit. GTmovements enteing ConRail trackage inih€ Deiroit arcamust conlact theConRail Terminal TfainDispatcher beiorc enleingConRail trackage, andremain ontheGTendto endlrequency while onConRailhackage. - Toavoidunnecessary 2.3CLAY AVENUE activaiion ol theauiomatic crosslng !,|,arning Yardmastels nrDsi nouements devices, notpermit opposing across lvithmovemeni Clay Avenue ihatwillconilict \vest ihrcugh ll,|il!1aukee ht. inierlocking. -CIAY AVE. - Al trainsandocomoiives 2.4BoIJLEVARD mustmove SWITCH pointcrossover at restrlcted speed beiween Boulevard Swlhhandfacing s!,|,lich onWestward Track mileage 4.4.Trains andloconotives mayuseihis poruon oiMain Track. (continued on paae 62r


No.2 - APRIL29th,1984 TIMETABLE (Continued) F00TN0TES SUBDIVISI0N H0tLY icontinued rrom pagesr)


GENERALFOoTNoTES(Continued) been renoved. have 5.3hand mllsonbidge, 2.5Mihage

- Sl,/ihhleading io Westwald TrackiromN0rihThoroughia 2.6FERNDALE Yardis to beklt mileage 10.8,Ferndale Road, TmckjustwestoJNinell,Iile Track. I'ihen Tnckio Westward iromNodhThoroughiare setioi movement rcdlightandredtargetl,vills0indicate. .lefi in thisposition, Track Iocated onthenorthsideoi theNorthThorcugh{are A DwarlSlgnal fromtl]e lllesir{ard movemenls swltchwill govern at ihe lnsidecrossovel GT0R Trackviaspringswitch. Trackto theWestlvad NorthThoroughiare Rules 287,288and292willapplY. permis_ Ferndale Yardmustlecejvs tftln movements depariing Westward t0 andnembe.o{ traincrewlllill be required sionfromTrainDispalcher 10.5 140leeteastoi Hilt0nR0ad, niieage boxIocated in conirol DUllswlich in' 3 minutes, Dl,1,ari Signal should AiteI}llaiting DwarfSlgnal. io aclilJaie prc' Signal indicates mustnotsiariuniilDwarf dlcate ll,|ovemenls Droceed. be{ore ihe expiraiion of 7 mustpassihe DwarfSignal ceedairdthereafter lvithln7 ninutesvill theprcceed indicalion A delayin accepting minutes. li wililhenbe necessar to siopindicaiion. resultin thesignalreverting jndcauon again. for obtaining thepr0ceed i0 iniliaielheprocedure in ihe vicinity 0f RoyalOak irainsstopping oAK All Eastward 2.7 RoYAL lheirmovemeni ai 130onEasilvard Tmckmustdelay west0f Signal Statjon plo' crosslng in ordert0 insureproper beloreproceeding leasi2 minutes muslhavelheir mileage 13.0.Enginemen Avenue ieciionat Washingt0n Washington Avenue andnot entel tralnunderconirolwhenapproaching l0!,rered. untjlthegates arecompktely lhecrcssing

- Carsmusinot be kft 0n descending gradeieading to 2.8 BIR[r]lNGHAl,l ln servcewhenswtch andall carsmusthaveairbrakes K [,lariWarehouse lngthlstrack. Tractor Co Co.andereaiLakes Locoriotive shouldnotenterFordl\4otor ihese At leastthreeidkr carsshouldbe usedwhenswiiching buildings. lracks.

- Road Yard!{lL 0r seiiingoff in Poniiac YARD crewsarriving 2.9PoNTIAC arrange t0leave cars50ieetclearoi lead, pickupat PoniiacYard }llillbegiven aduanc making Eastward lreighttrains jnJormauon lraiN up.Whenafiivlng, as io nunberof carsto be plcked 26.9before wiihenglne clearof Johnson Avenue mileage nrustbesiopped r,/esio1lohnsol distance nakingsetoii. Trainmustbe leit a suiiicient pickup, t0 avoidblocking streetcrossing. to accommodaie Avenue deraiLe m0l/ements overthe spli s|,,ljtch onoilrajnorl0c0motive The0perat 624feetnodh0f lI,Iontcal Nlain lnck, Pontiac, located onthe0id P.0.N. Avenue, areasfollol,ys: sequence relays arclo thatactivate thesplitsl,viich Thebonding circuits Avenue and60feeinorthof ihederailer. catedat ll40nicalm orcar\l/ith inthe imitsofihebon ds,theswlhhl'JI Withn0train,locomoUve locaied ai the be linedfor the splitswitchdelallerandslgnals al!,llays laya stopindicati0n. swihh!villdisp io a stopfor20seconds andnotpro movemenis mustcome Allsouthward aspect a lowsthemto doso.Stopto bemadelliihill ceeduntilihesignaL 60leetnodhof derailer. (continued on pace 63:


TIMETABLE No.2 - APRIL29th,1984 (C0ntinued) H0tLY SUBDIUISI0N t00TN0lES loniinuedrrom pase 62)


r t I ( : ' ' 6 L! / rr v k li l)r i0 1. 0. i€ ir

il ;; rn er n ' .. ;; .^ ,,'" "

(Continue( FoOTNoTES GENERAL passlhestopsignal Under n0circurnstances rvilla lrainor locomotive unti permiis. signal indication Forno hl//ard movemeds, a signallvillbercceived whentheflashels are activated at Montcalm Avenue in sufiicient timesothata stoptrill notbe However, necessary. iJsignalis noireceived, northward movernents should ' nolpass ll,lontcalm Avenue. Therequirements o{ Specia Jnshuct 0ni0.1,Pamgmph 1, rnustbestriciy complied \Ythinrllcases. All swliches between ll,|ontcalm and0akland Avenue on 0ld P.0.N.[lain Tmck,Pontiac arenomalposition swihhes equlpped withlocks.Nomal pos[i0n0rt\ese\{.lcl-es s Ineoforsrrdigll I ach. Thefojlowing !,\jillgovern all yardandtraincrevrs swihhing al thesouth endof Columbia Avenue Yafd,northoi lvontcalm Avenue, Poniiac: (1) Ak bmkes mustbe placed in service on carsl{hllesYritchjog on oihsr thanhvellrackage ai this locaiion. Air brakes mustbe applied in onca|sle{istanding emergency andsupple.nenied lviththeappication of handbrakes ifihe airbmkesysiem hasnolbeenfullycharged. (2) Handbrakes mustbesecurcly applied whencalsarcto beor arehlt slanding onotherthanlevellnckagefor a period oi 8 hoursor morc. Employees will begoverned bythecriteria thatlollolls: : onehandbrake. l car 2t0 7 cars : nothssthan iwohandbnkes. hand 3 to 15cars - notlesslhaithree brakes : athastfive 16cars orrnore hand bmkes, buinoilessthan 25% 0fca6inblockoJcars musthave hand bmkes applied. These donotsupenede therequlrements of GTOR Rule112. instructions located offNorthTrack, southoJsouth Thecaukler siomge Company slding during daylight h0urs andworked Boukvard, Poniiac Yard, is to beserviced onihjstrackarerestrlded iromihesouthsideonly.Llovenents to 5 niles perhour. Tracks 37,43,44and45ai iheGeneml ll4oiols S.l. Plant(fomer nustnotrideihesideof a carbeyond ihedoors. VanPlant) employees pipes boxes, air andsteam andralsed Ctose clraonce at theelectrical ra..w"ys iL s-[4TA lariih. ber^een I dLk5 Avenue Yardmihage Wh€nusingextension trackat Eastendol iohnson rnovement maymakea reverse movement alter 26.9,a irain0ryardengine pass verbaauthority nga permissive signaat 14I or 161.Afterreceiving - Gl0RRuel04Bd0esnotapplywhen lrornPontac traindlspatcher makingthlsmol/ement.

l,/estend0i Wesi!!yeSl,litch, ZtO pONrtAC SfLt rtNE- singletrackbetween Alenue, movement bysignalindication belween Pontiac YardandColunbia 2.3(Slgnal 23). milease 0.4(Sicnal 4) andmileage All movenents to enlerPontiac BeltLineat Signal 4 or 23,or to re.enter pelmisslon iromWest Pontiac BeltLineiromPontiac BeltYardmustreceive TrainDispaicher, Ponuac Yard,andriusi reportto WestTrainDispatcher, Ponuac Yard,l,vhen in clearat eitherPonliac BeltYardoI end0i ieriiory. conrinued on oaae 64)

NO.2 _ APRIL29Th'1984 TIMETABLE (Continued) F00TNoTES H0LLY SUBDlvlSl0N (continued rrom Page 63)


(Continued) FOOTNOTES GENERAL Pontia TainDispatcher, BeltLine{romWest io enterPontiac Permission sTOP oftheRulesuith respectto requirements notsupersedeihe Yard, does 4and23. Rule 292atSignals signal 0T0R 4 or23' Rule292onSlgnal indication asperGT0R receiving IMovemeni Yard, and Poniac catewthWeltTIan D:pdhher, mustslopardcommun thaithere a e noconllic Inlondlion bvhisnslruclions.0n bepoverired atre$ri.te mayproceed lo lhene\tsignal train0rPngine ing-novementi. speed. near Signals 4 and23andat both arelocated telephones TminDispatcher BeltYard. swltch tothePonUac theeastandwest leading to lhe !vrihlochs eqL:pped loI t'retllo s!{lic'res Normal oositi0n l0r 1.3andmileage 2.2,arelined at m.leage be,lYard localpd Pontac Pontiac BeltLine. enteling andre record oi ali movements mustmaintain IrajnDispatcher nunbe show ngthe?on theI0L0n0Lve Dort rs cearol PorlacBeltL.ne ano pernssion gven o_rovenenl' loorIeo0rted cleadiJechol i,rployee givento clear. orrepoded iinepemissi0n perhout Belt[ineis20miles speed Pontiac l,rlaxinum

nohand raihonbridge. Clinion nil/er, thereare 31.3 2.ll [4ileage remoled. hasbeen bridge 4l.2.Walkwayon 2.12l\/Iileage

- Westlyad at Fenton l1illleav havlng rorklo periorm trains 2.13FENToN 503. tralneast oJ.BlockSignal wes atFenton, uill lealetheirtain lrorkto perlom hains having Eastward 5i.8 Street, mileage ofPoplar localions s0ihatlocomot farenough atthese beleJtback Tmlns should poinls when rcturned to lrain oi these willbeclear

-Trains andlocomotives when through thesidingandapmoving 2.14LINDEN (Noh Brldge 55.2willbegoleme proaching Sheet) mihage Sheet l!4aiir 9.2. Instruction bySpecial

- Badorder must beleiiatleas Track cansetoutoniheHouse 2.15GAINES Building kngths east oiElevator 2 car - lvaximum Wye, andKellyTmcks be onHiWye, Chicago speed 2.16DURAND perhour. is10miles Holly andFlintSubdjvisions hlleen

TRACK 2.1iJOTNT MAIN jo]ntlv - l4ileage withGTll ireight house 46.5- TheC&0uses HoILY ard lhe C&0 crossover luain lrdck bet}teen mavusetheGTW C&O eneines GTW l\]|ain Trac but,beloe fouling fracks4itch easiCIWfreiqhiHoLse pemission TrainDispahh fromGTW mustlecejve in eitherdireition, under GTW ruhsandtimetable. \,vill bemade Such movemenis goveln. GTW rules andtimetable D- JointwithTSBY. 2.i8 Pln i0 0URAN

be TGckswitches cTWswlich locksonl,4ain locks nowreplace 2.19Security 67.0. 65.5 andmileage tureen mileage (conrinued on page 6t

TfMETABLE No.2 - APRIL29rh,1984 H0tLY SUBDIUISI0N (C0ntinued) F00TNoTES (continued from pas€ 64)


INTERLOCKINGS J.I Rilwayc o\sings atg'ade. lvl clemens sub u


l4itl,vaukeeJct. l) Miease4.2.

SugarHouseWye.High LineWye....l\/|echanical. grade. 3.2Raill,vay crossingat CR....l\4ileage7.1(Fordlct.)... Autonalic posted 0perating inshuctions atcrossing. 3.3Railway crossing aigftde. C&0....lyileage46.3...-Conirolled. Contact Train Dispatcher Pontiac Yard forfequired instruciions. 3.4Junction. TSBY....l\4ileage 65.5....Conholled. C0niact Train Dispatcher Poitiac Yard forrequircd iist.ucti0ns. 4

EQUIPMENTRESTRICTIONS 4.1Cals exceeding 315,000 lbs.gross must becovered byhandling instructions. 4.2Mileage 0.8-2.3 Plyl{ood Siding, all 6 axhslocomotives andhopper ca.so{ 100ton capaciiy areprohibited. prohibited 4.3Mileage 10.9Fendale Yard, all6 axles locomotives onhack7 ihrough 22. prchibited. 4.4i\l|ileage32.0 Rax Incorporated, all6axles locornotives

5 SPRING SWITCHES 5.i lllileage4.0, BoulevardSwitch. Normalposition lined forEastward Track. posiiion 5.2l\4ileage 4.3,westendol Suga! House Wye. Normal l;ned lorSugar HouseWye, 5.3l,lileage 10.8, f€rndale. Normalp0sition lined forWesiward Track. protect pointmolements 5.4Where facing lowcolorlightsignah overspring switches. Restdcting signal indication denotes switch ispropedy lined. 6 HANDOPERATED CROSSOVERS 2.5 Mileage

lvlileage 4.4

lMileage 7.0

l\4ileage 11.3

[4ileage 2.6


Mileage 9.5

lvileage 12.5


l,lileage 5.1

[4i]eage 10.7

lvileage 16.5


[4ileage 6.4

[4i]eage 10.9

ltlileage 17.8

(coniinued on paae 66)


No.2 - APRIL29th,1984 TIMETABLE (Continued) F0oTNO]ES HottYSUBDlvlslol'l (continued riom PaEe65)


AT GRADE PUBLICCROSSING 0.5- AIItminandengine movements onCom l4ileage 7.1RIVARD STREET, protected bya member of ihecfelY Lead mu$ SToP and Crossing nuter warning trafficin advaice ofihemovement, by overpublic crossings atgrade notprotected 7.2PoNTIACAllmovemenis passing befole overthemandmustbepro_ orgates MUST SToP flashels byamember ofcrevl. tected Conirol Instructions: Key0r PullButton 7-3Switch 9.2applies. Special lnstruction


DETECTORS EQUIPMENT HOTBOXANDDRAGGING 8.1Mileage34.2. 59.9. 8.2Mileage forabove Iocations lnstruclion 8.1applies Special


OTHERTRACKS points 1010 svlilch Iace Metal Co!p., feetinlengih, 9.1lt4lleage 5.6,Commodity Numbef 603. sideisdesignaled asthe,rorking side. Station W lheNorth points faceE. Plains, i506feetin length, switch 9.2Mileag€ 30.8,Drayion Siaiion Nunber6li. poinhfaceE.&W. s\,lliich Station Numb 9.3Mileage 32.0,RaxIncorporated, 612. points iaceE.Sta 32.7, 0akDistibuting, 240feetinlength, sl]vitch 9.4l\4ileage 612. iionNumbef poinhfaceE.Statio 32.9, Watedord, 363feetin length, switch 9.5Mileage Number6I2. poinls f€etin length, sviitch faceW.Stalio 9.6Mileag€ 33.1, Waierlord,3550 Number 612. points ieetin length, iaceE.&W. 9.7ll4ileage 33.3, Waterford,2970 switch Sta tionNumber 612. poinis feetii length, {aceE.Statio 9.8ll4ileage 35.2, Clarkston, 1938 switch Number6i4. points iaceE.&W. 9.9Mileage 35.2,Clarkston, 854feetin length, sl,vilch Slatio0 Number614.











MAXIIiIUM SPEEDS Ii,tiles Per Hour Maximurnspeed entire Subdivision ..... 30 3 5 . 3 . 3. 9 . ...0. . . . . . . . 1 0 39.0.50.i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

titAxtM utitcoNDtlt0r{At SPEEDS Miles Per Hour

Entire Subdilision 200.250t0n aur'ljary cranes . -.-- . . 2 n Auxiliarycranes over a l l b r i d g e s . . . . .1. .0. .

JACKS()N SUBDIVISION FOOTNOTES 1 RULEMODIFICATIONS r.1ctEIRANCIS lackson Subdivislon trainsmustobtain clearance at Pontiac Yardor Mil. \rvaokeeJci. 12 TRAIN REGISTER IiIODIFICATIONS PoNTIACYARD Regjst€r station forJackson Subdivision irains o ginaiing andierminating. GENERAL FOOTNOTES ZI Securily locks nowreplace cIWswitch locks onMainTrack slriich siands hetween mihage 38.3andmileage 50.7.


TIMETABLE No.2 - APRIL29ih,1984 (C0ntinued) JACKSON SUBDIVISI0N F00TN0IES (coniin!ed fbn



page 67)

(Continued) GENERAL FOOTNOTES fromJackson 2.2Train andlocomoiive movernents Sub.arriving ai Lrl.A.l. Jct. must comnunicale withTraln Dhpatcher Pontiac Yard forInslructions. 2.3|!|.A.L. JCI- All switching movemenis overBrush Street mileage 35.3 (Cityof Pontiac) proiected mustST0P andcrossing bya member of ihe crew, warningtnffic inadvance ofihem0vement. INTERLOCKINGS 3.1Railway crossing atgmde. C&0. .. .lt4ileage 50.7... .Controlled. posted 0perating inslrudions atcrossing-


EQUIPMENTRESTRICTIONS 263,0C0 4.1Cars erceeding lbs.gross must becovered byhandling insiruction


PUBLIC CROSSING AT GRADE 5.1Switch KeyarPull ButtonControl Instructions: Special Instruciions 9.2applies.



poinh 6.1lViieage 40-0, orchard Lake, 815feetinlengih, switch faceW.Station Number537.










I t--


. _ . .. t U N N E Y tA n D ...

sutlH'sGREEX . . .1.. ,

RtcHruoND . ... .PY



Main Track€ndsat Mileas€ s5.6.

SPEEDS MAXIIIUIiI Miles Per Hour speed lllarimum ...... 40 entireSubdivision

0.0-4.6 ..


. . . ... ... 20 4.6Interlocking 4 . 6 - 1 1. ...3. . . . . . . .. . . . 3 0 spring$ritch 30 11.3 through 1 1 . 3 , 5. .5.. .6. . . . . . . . 4 0 Ii,IAXIMUIiI C()NDITIONAT SPEEDS Mil.s Per Hout 200-250ton a u x i l i a r y c r a n e .l.0. . . . -

FOOTNOTES SUBDIVISION MOUNT CTEMENS 1 RULEMODIFICATIONS r.1 ctEIMNCTS mayleave without clearance. WEST DETRoITEasl{ard trains l\llount Cl€mens Subdivision enledng theHolly SlJbTrain novements onth€ (Continuedon paee 70)

. 7 0

T|METABLE No.2 - APRIL29th,r9a4 (C0ntinued) F00]N0TES SUBDIVISI0N MoUNT CLfMENS (continued from page 69)


(Continued) RULEMoDIFICATIONS tooblain clearance atLrlilwauk lct.arenotrequiled divlsion atl,4ill,Vaukee pemission lo entertheHollySubdivision fromthe Jci.butnusiobiain Train Dispatcher. - Allwesiward tmins totheShore LineSubdivision must liTIILWAUKEEJCT. clearance. obtain - Alleasiward kains must oblain a clearance. LAWN F0REST - Westward musiobiain a cleamnce at tmins leavingTunnelYard TAPPAN Tappan.

REGISTER II4ODIFICATIONS 1,2TRAIN - *Reghterstation fortrains originaiing andieminating JCT. LIILWAUKEE *slandafd Bulletins only. Yard Clock and Tunnel 1,3ABS AND CTC SPECNI TMTURES - Thefollo!,lling SIGNALS Dwad signals are BL0CK ANDINTERI0CKING to display Rules 28I,285and291, used in lieuofHighI\4ast Signals GToR respeclively, EastwaId. lI4ileage 1.8Signa118, Mileage 1.8,Signal 17,Westward. 2

GENERAL FOOTNOTES belocksnowreplace GTW swlichlockson[4ainTrackswiich stands 2.1Secuity 11.8 andmileage 50.0. tween nileage 0.7hand railson b dge, have been removed2.2lllileage

- Movements JCT. receiving SToP signalifldication at signals 2.3Il/lILWAUKEE governed atMileage 4.4l,villbe byGToR Rule 509. 44or45located permission fronTrainDispatcher Pontiac Yald AIImovemenh mustobtain charof theMain Track bei!1leen rnileage 0.0 t0 enter onandnustreport High Line3irack, andTunnelTrack. andfiileage4.6, movements entering in this GT0R Rule514lllillgovern between signals tefiltory aiterpermission hasbeen obiained frcmTainDispatcher Pontiac Yard. andWestDetroii must Conrail 0peraiors Miluaukee Jci.,Bea[bien Street pemission Pontjac Yardto authorize move. rcceive lromTrainDispaicher or before liningmovemenls intothelerril0ry mentto passa stopsignal andWest Deirclt. between MihaaukeeJct. Pefinission io enler 0rrepod clear mayberclayed through theGTopemtor MilwaukeeJct. theConrail Mihage 5.7,East Yad- thenelvconnection beivleen ivlain LongInterchange Tmcklocaied Track aid theGTW iustwestof Conan isplaced iflserl/ice, Avenue, Main isa Theslviich atthewesiendoftheconnection oniheConrail Track po!1,erswiich Mil\aaukee within theConrail, Junction Inteocking lirnih,con. trolledbytheConrail 0perator, [4ilt]vaukee Junciion. end ofthe conneciion ontheLong Interchange Track Theswitch attheeasi position isa spingswitch withthenofinal Iined foriheLong lnterchang (continued on pase 71)


TIMETABLE No,2 _ APRIL29th,1984 (C0ntinued) FooTNoTES SUBDIUISIoN MoUNT CTEMENS (conrinued rrcm pase 70)



p0int hasbeeninstalled atihesl,\jiich t0 proleci facing A dlvarfsignal Track. propellylined,move indicati0n denotesswiich Restciingsignal movenenh. Movements receiving stopsignal t]{ill at fesiricted speed. mentmayproceed lnstrudlon i.4. bySpecial begoverned - All novements onCoope/s leadoverChurch Slrcei, 2.4IM0UNT CLEMENS bya member ofthecrew. mikage 21.7mustbeproiected mustnotpass theresiricted clearance signl0caled 50leetnodh Employees VinylPlani, TmckNo.L endof FordNlotor Company gates wlthswihhlockandareto be Rallroad ai SekidgeFjeldareequipped !{henenleling notin use,Enginemen andtrainmen, dosed andlocked.,,/hen posluon andI0cked. Field, canexpedto iindthisgatejn a closed Selfridge by FlintSub. operating east0f Tappan lviI begovened 2.5TAPPAN Trains divislon Footnoies. 2.6JOINT Ill]AIN TRACI( Track tineDETR0IT io BIAUBItN Sl. - Nlain WEST iointwithN&WGTW tableandrulesgovern. 3

INTERLOCKINGS 3.1 Rajlway crossing atgrade. CR....[,likage3.8. ..Il'lechanical. gGde. crossing at 3.2 Rail!,/ay Holly Sub....l\4ileage 4.6....firlechanical. 3.3Rallway crosslng atgmde. CR....i!|leage 7.0.. . .lllechanical. 3.4 Rallway crossing atglade. C&0....l\,|ileage55.6....ll4echanical. 3.5Junction. F l i n t s u b . . . . . M i5l e 5a . 6g.e. . . M e c h a n i c a i .



EQUIPMENTRESTRICTIONS gross muslbecovered byhandling instruclions. 4.1CaIsexceeding 315,000 Lbs. SPRINCSWITCHES - Nomalposition linedior l,lest\'/ard 11.3,Double TrackSwiich 5.1filileage l0 to Weslward Track. Automatic BlockSignal No.113,Iocated movement iacingpointmolement. ieeteasio1swihh,governs


HAND OPERATEDCROSSOVERS lvlileage4.T l4ileage4.8 L4ileage 5.6 llileage 6.8

Mileage 7.1 7.9 Mileage Mileage 9.0 (conrinued on pae6 72)

I 72

TIMETABLE No.2 - APRIL29th,1984 (Continued) M0UNT CLEMENS SUBDIVISI0N F0OTN0TES (continued rrom paae 71)


PUBLIC CROSSING AT GRADE (ey 7.1Swiich orPullBullon Conhollnshucuons: Special Instruclion 9-2applies.


HOTBOXANDDRAGGING EQUIPMENT DETECTORS 8.1Mileage 25.6. Speclal Insiruction 8.1applies forabove locati0n.

OTHERTRACKS points 9.1l\4ileage 15.9Greai Lakes Paper C0.,460ieetin length, swiich lace E.Station Number508. 9.2Mileage po;nts 21.5, Jameslown China Co.,i368feetin length, swiich face E.Renovable conveyor anda renovabh runway forHl-10locaied 780feet Norih olswitch. Station Number 507. 9.3[{ileage 2.4,Ford Vinyl gate. Plant, carsmust notbeIeJtonleadfoul0fthe AIItracks must besvritched wlthaircoupled and;nserl/ice. Station Numbe 507. 9.4l\4iJeage 23.0, FordPaint Pknt,tack4 mustbeswitched wjthaircoupled and inservice. Station Number506. 9.5[,lileage 23.0, points Seliridge Field Spur,30,000 feeiin lengih, switch lace - Engjnes W (Noie mustnoiexceed 8 nilesperhourbet}1leen Elizabet St.,andGratiot A!e.,Selfidge Field Spur, MolitClernens.) Station Nunber 506. 9.6ll4ileage 24.0, Petitpren pojnts Inc., 933feetinlengh, switch laceE.Station Number508. 9.7Mlleage 24.2,Reynolds Allminum Recycling, 618ieetin length, switch pointsface E.Station Nunber507. poinlsface 9.8i\4ileage 24.3, VicWertz Dist.,74I feetinlengh, switch E.Station Number507. points 9.9llrlileage 25.2,ErbLumber Co.,1400 leetin length, switch taceW. Station Nunber508. poinlsface 9.10l\4ileage 27.2, Chesterfield Industrial Park Spur,s{riich W.Station Number505. poinis 9.11MiJeage 44.9, Columbus,350 leetin length, switch facet. Station Number502. poinlsface L12 Il]Iileage 52.0,PortHuron Truss Co-,515feet in length, switch W. Station Number80i. 9.13Miieage 52.3, Carter Lumber Co.,530ieetin length, switch DoiilsfaceE. Station Number80l.











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Miles ilAXIlilUMSPttDS Per llllaximum speed e ire Hour Subdivision -..... l0 43.2 (Ecoree)and Mirease3.4. 3 . 8 , 1 3. ...9. . . . . .. . . . .. 3 5 I 3 . 9 . I 7. ...3. . . . . .. . . . . 4 0 17.3{7.8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 17.8-19.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 MAXrri,tuM c0NDtTtot{Ar 1 9 . 5 - 2.8. ...4.. . . . . . . .. 3 5 SPEEDS 2 8 . 4 . 2.9. . .3. . . . . . . . . . 4 0 l{iles 2 9 . 3 - 3. .1...5. . . . . . . . .3. 5 Per 3 1 . 5 - 3. .4...3. . . . . . . . .4. 0 Hour 3 4 . 3 , 3.7. . .3. . . . .. . . . . 2 5 Subdivision3 7 . 3 , 3.7. . .4. . . . .. . . . . 2 0 Entirc unitcoaltrains 3 7 . 4 . 4.3. . .1. . . . .. . . . . 2 5 Loaded ang d r a i n t m.i.n. .s. . . 2 5 43.1-46.9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20



(coniinued f rom page 73)


RULEMODIFICATIONS l.i CTEARANCES -Allnorthl^Jard require tANG trains clealance. FN- AlltrainsiromRiver Subdlvision andnorthward toins0 ginating Edison require clearance. Souihward trains 0riginating Ed;son d0notrequife permission obtain fromShorc clearance buimust Line Subdivkion Train Dispatcher belore entering main track. - Southward EC0RSE trainsdonotrequire butmustconiact clearance Shorc LineSubdivision Train Dispaicher before depadure fromDearoad. points Trains luming at internediate musiobtain clearance unless a oiherwisedirected by ShorcLineSubdivision TralnDlspatcher or timetable authority. 1.2TMINREGISTER IloDlFlCATloN *Regisier LANG staiion fortrains originating andterminating. *Registerslatioi EDIS0N Jorlrains origiiating andierminaiing.

1,3CICSPTCIAL FTATI'RES AllhandthrowMainTmck switches bet$/een Ecolse andl\4ihage 3.4are elecirically-locked. Except when specilically instrucied to dooiheruise bytheSfiore LineSubdivhion TrainDispatcher, Crevrs doing workat poinbwhere handlhrov (whether switches ornotelectrically locked) arcin usemustnotclear the posiiion giving lll|ain Track norlinethelllainTrack switch innornal thereby ablockcharindication. Excepi asindicated above theblock occupancy iidication musibema;np0sition tained atalltimes either byleaving theMain T.ack in open switch orbyactualoccupancy ofiheluain Tmck.

L4 OPERATION OFETTCTRICALI.Y.LOCI(ED SWITCHES Eledricallylocked switches bereleased cannot forusewhen theblock in whichtheyare located isoccupled except: (a)When trainor engine about to useswihhis occupying theapproach (These release circuii forthatswitch. circuits arcfrcmI00ft.to l50ft. in length andieminate about 50feetshortoJpoint ofs\,!itch.) (b) Byuseofsealed energency release to beused onlyonauthority olthe Train Dispatcher.

Dwart signals l,villbeused in lieuof high-mast signals to display indicati0ns prescribed in0T0R Rules 28i,285 and292atthe{ollowing locations. I4ILEAGE 3.4- Leaving all yardtrackslor MainTrackandLang,Vienna Indusirial Track. Eniering MainTrackfromLang.Vienna lndustrial Track. - Leaving GREENINGS eitherendofsidingforMainTrack. Entedng crcenings'Wamer lndustdalTrack frons;ding andfrcmlnduskialTrack tosiding. - Leaving S0UTH R0CXW00D eitherend ofsiding forMainTrack. Entedng SouthRockwood-Trcnton IndustrialTrack fromsiding andfrcmSoulhRockwood'Trenton lidrstrial Tmck tosidin4


TfMETABLE No.2 - APRIL29th, 79a4 (C0ntinued) SH0RE LlNE SUBDIVISI0N F0OIN0TES (continued tion pase 74)


(Continued) RULEMODIFICATIONS ECORSEEntering CTC Teffltory fromNorthwafd Track. 1.6INDUSTRIALTRACKS Thefollowing trackage adjacent t0 theeastofthelit{ain Tncklyillbedesig. naleo as: IANG VIENNA INDUSTR|ALTRACK, Mileage3.4i0 lt4ileage7.7. GREENINGS'WARNER INDUSTRIAL TRACK, Mileage 16.2i0Mihage 18.6. position NOTE: Nomal forswitch localed 1800 ft. west1,75 overpass on (kackage Primary Route leadingt0 Detroit Edison l\4onroe) must belined andlocked forPRIIl4ARY R0UTE TRACMGE. S0LITH RoCKWO0D TRENTON INDIISTRIAL TRACI(, [rlileage 30.0io lMileage 36.8.

1.7Allmovenenh maybernade onthese Industrial Tncksin either direction provided: byTrain Dispatcher auihoity 0nly, except asotherwise (a)Southward movemenh mustnotexceed fiue5 milesperhourwhile approaching Vreeland Road, ll4ileage 34.3, duet0 shortened tiackcircuitJorgaies, (b)Tfiese tracks musinoibeblocked withcalsorequipment except duing switching operations at thevarious indushies orin case of emergency (inwhich case theShore LineSubdivision TralnDispatcher mustbe prcmptly notified). (c)Allswitches onthese incksmustbeleltljnedin iormalposiiion after use. (d) Except pem;ssion as indicated in Note1 of thisparagraph, (either verbal orbynessage) must beobtained frontheShorc lineSubdivision Train Dispahher to occupy these kacks. NoTE 1 - Thaiportion 0f iheSouth Rockwood.Trenton Industfial Tockbet!'/een Denby andSouth Switch to Edjson Yardmaybeused permission without ofiheShore [ineSubdivisi0n Train Dispatchef to periorm sl|ritching operations. NoTE 2 - All movements through theteffitoryspecified in Note1 tilillbemade ej(pecting t0 findthisportion ofthetrackInuse. protection FJag willberequlred to move beyond thelimjtsforwhich permission granted hasbeen to reach a pojnt0i communication with theShore Line Train Dispatcher. Subdjvisioi (D In theabsence phone orfailure of comp,ny seruice, olhermeans of communication willbeused toavoid delay. 2

GENERAL FOOTNOTES -The interlocking 2.1LANG TerninalRaikoad attheToledo crcssing atBoule vardinierlocking is remohly conkolled bytheTohdo Terminal TrainDis. patcher. Movements JromLang requiring useof Bo[hvard interlocking willadvise Tohdo Teminal TrainDispatcher whenready fiomsorihend io depad ofyard. (continued on paae 76)

t" j



No.2- APRIL29th,1984 TIMETABLE (Continued) F0OTNOTES LINESUBDIVISI0N SH0RE (coniinued from pace 75)


(Continued) FOOTNOTES GENERAL onthesignal case eastside0fthe[4ain lights arcloc?ted Iack occupancy Track atMileage3.3. lightindicaies occlpancy ofTrack 91.Themosteasterly Them0silllesierly ofTracl(s 92and/or 93. lightindicates occupancy thleedesignaied tracks, thercspective track one0l ihese Asa trainenters point. clearance When the occupancy.light willbelit untilthetninpasses outatrainclewmemberwillinform theEnginee track occupancy lightgoes 0nlherespective track. when ihetrainisintheclear Tmckwillalsoconilol0pposite Control buitons oneachend0i Escape MUSIBEREST0RED T0 When used these switch€s swiich of thattrack. hilloraway {r0nenbance intobowl PoSlTloN, linedforhump N0RMAI yarddepending Track ;srefelred io. onl,vhich endofEscape underthe endl-75overpas boadlocated souih Theyadtnckassignment bytheYardmaste leadwillbeoperated ontheeasisideo{theinbound theyardirackforinbound trains, thercby urillbet0 designaie lh purpose speaker iol tmckassignmeni and thestopplng at thetalkback elimjnating asmuch aspossible. fudher io eliminaie sireei blocking

YaIdwillrcmain operaThetalkbackspeaker ai ihesouihend0i Lang backupseruice orincase 0flailurc onyard iftckassignnent board. tionalas feetolapproach thisboard isrcadable at1,000 fu a maiier o1infomation, pernission obtain lh€Yardmaste/s before foulAlllorcign linecrewg must Track swiicher attheiorth ing,depading orusing anybowlyardorEscape endoftheYard. poinls yellow circuit arepainted on€achmilat ihenorthend0t Fouling Hunplracl$. at Boulevard forthepurpose otturning cTWengines maylseTI trackage of thecfewmustconiact TI TminDhpaiche engines orcals.A nember indicaiion andthenbegoverned bysignal and/or before louling TTtrackage insiructions. All6axlelocomotivesprohibitedatTemperanceYard

- Railroad Potllel equipment must noibeplt irtotheConsumes 2.2WHITING plant, crews. J.R.Whiting rctarytype dumperbuilding bylrain must working ihese tracks, caboose alwals besetoutatwestendof When coalyar0, stopmustbemade notless When shoving coalintocoalhacks, a safeiy than10carlengths lromeastendoI each track.

- NorihSiarTrack, provided unless otherwise all deliveries, 2.3PLUIM CREEX placed 1. mustbe inclearonTrack proceeding house onNorth Starlead, coneastofthescale building Beforc froma member of theNorlhStarswitch crcw iirmation mustbereceived hasbeennotified ol GTW thatall North Star0ntrackmobilequipment arercceived byGIWcrews ontracks lo beslvitched moves andinstructions li unable iheNodh Starswitch crew, contact Toledo Subdivisio to contaci proceeding. Train Dispaicher forinstructions beforc (conlinued on pase 77)

No.2 - APRIL29th,1984 TIMETABLE (C0ntinued) FOOTNOTES SHORE LINE SUBDMSION (coniinued from paae 76)


(Coniinued) cENERALFOOTNoTES exlension t0theEdison Plant Allmovemenis fromOak Skeet andincluding Pantconplex nustnoiexceed inside Edison 5 nilesperhour, alltrackage perhout, scales which is3 mlles except over - Thegates for northward movemeni af FintStreet, lvlonroe, on 2.4NrIONR0E lndlstrl Tnckwillhave ashorlened circuit ioractivation.

Trackt0 PlantNo.2inStony Creek Atomlc Plantarea 2.5ST0NY CREEK-Lead leadhackio iora shortdistance andio theNo h 0f prcsent runsparallel Edison asTrack 7. Switch PlantNo.l. Thisjs designated byDetroit io 600{eetwest of gate to Plant No.1 GTW l0c0m0. Tnck7 isappfoximately galeonTrack asmodifled tivesarenolto operate beyond 7 except below intoTGck7 l0rlurther handling asdesired by Deliveries mustbeshoved gate There isafence, andgualdhouse erecied approx]Ddroit [dison lorces, pointof Track Jeetbeyond clearance 7 swiich. Toeliminate mately 1000 guards gaies, DekoitEdison for opening it willbe necessity o1geiting plantcomplex lo theplants in theAtomic be requjrcd ihatall deliveries (60 lo theEasi. There is approxlmately 14carlengths shoved:n, caboose poinito gate0nTnck7 andapproxlmatel cleafance ft. to a car)oi room (60ft. to a car)0f room point clearance t0 gate0nTmcki 7 carhngths leadintoNo.lPlant). posiiustsouth posi. Track o1co0struction I0 has TnckI hasa bumplng locomotives to move overbeyond ils tooughta curuaiure to permit GTW pointwithTrack caamaybeshoved 7.Duelo thisonlyloaded dearance infortemporary svrilching r00m andmust beconsianily observed thruughout rllJsT l.lheel {lange dimbing rail.GTIV locomotives movemeni forpossible poini clearance under anycircumstance. Track NoTrunoverhackbeyond consiruction roadcrossing atffadeandmay 11hasbeen exiended beyond wiihproper llagging andobservance ofcarslhrcughoui movement beused dimbjng crussing ihrcugh roadarea. When sho!0rposslbh \,\,heel flange a short distance bealertto c0ntmciors irucks cr0ssing iracks inginioarea priorio reaching 1 Exiension Tmck 7 switch. Caboose isto beleftonTrack lowadllniiNo.1.Road crossing Track 7 swihh androadcrossing between js generally jn ilange areatherefore caution musibeused ii notcTeaned iurther thanclealance ofTrack 7 s{jiich, it becones necessarv io shove - Pleasant gales areacuvated Avenue, Mileage 46.4, automatic 2.6DEARoAD gateslartcircuit at movenenl on bolhimcksis locaied onSouthward movement onsouthsouth edge of Deacon Street. Norihward l,4ihage 46.6, andsignlocaied ward movement frumDearoad) startcircujt tack(reverse at Mihage 46.3. When making rcve$e 0f Pleasant Avenue 700ieetsouth ofslartsigns untilRouge B dgewillaccept movement move rcmain south a{ierpassing startsign.Northward movement onnodhGates lliJlactivate Avenue at is locaied 700feetsouihoJPleasant wadbackstartcircuit withresiart signlocated 45.3.Thistnck hasa timeoutchcuii l\l|ileage Avenue. Trains aleto DUlluDbutrcmain soutll u5 feetsouih of P'easant Bridge !|lillriseaftertimeoutinierual. When Rouge 0fthesignandgates passing gates willlol1er upon restad sign. accepts movement, froma poini15carlengths nodhofsouth switch. Track 15isoutoJseruice Avenue theeasthandrailonbridge hasbeen 2.7Mileage 48.5Spngwells removed, Avenue, bothhandnilsonb dge,havebeen reMileage 49.5Wateman (cor*inu€d on pase 73)

7a TIMETABLE No.2 - APRIL29th, 1984 (C0ntinued) SH0RE tlNESUBDIVISI0N F00TN0T[S (coniinued tom Faee 77)



Joint,iithNoriolk& Wesiern Railway Company. GTW rulesandTimetable govern,

WesiDehoitandRiverRouge 1. All irainsandengines beiween will run overthe N&W the ghthandtrackunless and!1'illuse olherwise direcied. 2. Alltrainsandlocomotives mustnoiexceed 20NIPH bdween WestDetroit andDelrayon eitherirack, for movements WestDeircliand 3. Traioordersnoi required between Ril/er Rouge; suchnovemenh willbernade onsignal;ndication at West jnterlockings. Detroit, DixAve., Delray andRiverRouge polntat eltherend 4. Trains andl0c0m0tives muststopclear0f ihefouling propersignal ofdoubhhackunless isgiven foriheirnovementmovements in eltherdirection WestDetroii 5. Whenever between andRiver Rouge foranycause, induding aredelayed interlockings, trainmen must ascertain thecause andif necessary cutstreetcmss ngsprompUy.

6- Wheneveraccidents occur onN&W betl]{een WesiDetroitand River Rouge, repodinusibe madeimmedjately i0 theShoreLineSubdivislon Tnin Dispatcher. governlng ai gradeat DixAvenue 7. Signah CRcrossing areremotely con. lrolledfromWeslDetroit Tower. Contact ShoreLineSubdivision Tmin Dispahher immediately whenstopindicaiion is displayed. govern. PLU[rlCRIEKJoiniwith CR.Gll{ Rules andTimeiables


INTERLOCKINGS grade. crossingat 3.1 Rallway lCR....lI,Iileage (West 50.2 Detroil). .. . Mechanical. 3.2Rail,xay crosslng ai gade. CR....l\4ileage49.7(DixAve.)....Controlhd. LineSubdivision TminDispatcherfor Contact Shore instructi0ns. 3.3Railway crossing ai grade. Mechanical. N&W/C&o....l\4ileage47.6(Dekay)... 3.4 DGwbidge. (River N&W. ...lvlileage 46.9 Rouge). ...l\4echanical. grade. 3.5 Railway crossingai CR...-ll4lleage46.8(VictoriaAvenue)....C0ntrolled. Contad 0perator RiverRouge Bridge iorinstruciions.

crcssing 3.6 Railway al grade. (FN)....lt]Iechanlcal. CR....[4i]eage 37.3 GTOR Rule1048,appljes at DualControl Switches on connecti0n between River Subdivisi0n andShorc lineSubdi!/ision. (continued on page 79)


TIMETABLE No.2 - APRIL29th, !9A4 (C0ntinued) SH0RE tlNESUBDIUISI0N F00IN0TES (conlinled rrom pase 7e)


INTERLOCKINGS(Continued) 3.7 Raill1jay crossing atgrade(Denby)....Conholled. CR....l\4ileage34.1 ConlactSh0re LineSubd vjsion TfainDispaicherior instructions. 3.8 Railway crossing atgmde. CR....lll leage I8.7(Ford Crossing). . . .Conirolhd. Contact Shore LineSubdivlsi0n TralnDispalcher{or instructions. 3.9 Rail!!ay crossing ai grade. CR....l,rTileage U.4(l,lonroe).. Controlled. ContactSh0re Line Subd vision Train Dispatcherforinstructions.

grade. 3.10Railwaycfosslngat (PlunCreek).... CR....Miieage 16.3 C0ntrolled. ConiadShore LineSubdivisio0 TrainDispaicheriori0structions. 3.I1 Raillr|,ay crossing atgrade. TT ...Mileage 0.6(Boukvard)....C0ntroUed. ContactTT TrainDispatcher fofinsirucii0ns. 4


NON.INTERLOCKED 4.1 Railway crussing atgrade. (Ec0rse)....Mechanical. CR...Miieage43.5 0perated byCRTrainnan. Normalposition clear iorGTW. EQUIPMENTRESTRICTIONS

5-l CaIsexceeding 315,000 lbs-gross musibec0vered byhandling instruciions. 6


6.1G) LANG Mihage2.0SouthEndBoulevard interlocking novements witl p0int0f spring stopclearo{ thefouling slllitch "SS"unless auihorized to movethrcugh interl0ckingbysigial indication orbytheToledoTermi TminDispatcher. (b) Crei,s rcceiving slopsignalat Toledo Tenninal Bouhl/ard Interlocking 0r N&WManhattan Inlerlocking will contact Yardnraster or Sh0re Lin; Subdivision TrainDispaicher Langif delayed for a period exceeding 5 Norfiajposilion of "SS"is for northward leadexiension movements, lf lor anyreason "SS"is manually linedit nust berestored to normal posjtjon afleruse. perniiting Interlocking signalindications facingpointmovements over "SS"c?nnot begiven "SS"ls linedin n0rmal position unless andp0ints propedyclosed. proper Toinsure clearing of circuils s0thatToledo Terninal TrainDjs. patcher canrclaincontrol of all routes 0i theinterlockifig theleadend of anynovernent viaGTW had extensions intotheinterlocking limih musibecont'nued to a pointat least50ft. beyond themikoadcrossingat ffadebefore a tevene novement is made, (cont'nued on paEe30)

No.2 - APRIL29ih,1984 TIMETABLE (Continued) F0OTN0TES SUBDIVISI0N SH0RE LINE (continued rmm pase 79)


(Gontinued) SPRING SWITCHES DETROIT TOROUGE 6.2WEST setformove kackarenomally at each eid0i double SDrinc switches islocated 300feetsouth Thenorih switch tracknienta toiherishthand inierlocking andthe signal ofWest Detroit interlocking ol thenodhward interlocking signal oi 0fthesouthward isl0cated s0uth switch iustnorth interlocking. Delray trackis at thenorihend0f double 1]Vhen thesp ngswitch N0TE: at wesisideoJ ihecolorlightindicator linedii thenomalposition green. red,poinhmustbeex_ If lheindicator shows trackwillshow lined fortheintended molement to beploperly anined andknown





Butt0n Instructions: 8.1Swihhl(ey0rPull Instruction 9.2applies. Special gates -The circuit protection clossjng at Har foltheautonatic 8.2TRENToN Track andMcclou Siding, Transfer Llileage 37.1fortheV/est sonAve., must stopinthe Allmovements 33feeteach sideofcrossing. Lead extends position orcrossin untilgates alein lowered andmustnotprcceed circuit ofthecrew. bya rnember isprotected



cAss crfl


[,IAXIMUM SPEEDS Miles Main rBck ends at mileaee42.6.



Maximum entire speed S b d i v i s i.o- .n. . . . . .. 40 2.5-5 . ...0. . . . . . . . . . .25 .. 5 . 0 . 6. . .i . . . . . . . . . 40 6.lSill/erBellRoad 30 6 . 1 , 1.3. . .0. . . . . . . . .40 .. 1 3 .106 ..5. . . . . . . . . . .25 .. 1 6 . 5 . 2. .7...0. . . . . . . . .40 2 7 . 0 . 3. 3 . ...3. . . . . . . . .10 . 3 3 . 3 4 .2. . 5. . . . . . . . .40 .. 42.542.6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

MAXllvlUM C0NDITIoNAL SPEEDS l iles Per Hout Eniire Subdivis;on 200.250t0n ... 20 a u x i l i a r y c.r.a. .i e Auxiliarycranes o v e r a l l b r i .d. g. .e. -s- 1 0

FooTNoTES cAss ctfi suBDll,lsloN 1 RULEMODIFICATIONS i.i CI-EARANCES Tralns oiginating at Pontiac Yardmustobtain clear Cass CitySubdivision ance aiPontiacYard. (continuedon paee32)

a2 TIMETABLE No, 2 _ APRIL29Th,T9A4 (C0ntinued) F00TNoTES SUBDllllSl0N CASS CITY (continuedrrompase31)


(Continued) RULEMoDIFIcATION o ginatingwill notrcquire a clearance, butmust con. IIMLAY ClTy-Trains Yardbefole depariurc. Ponliac tactTminDlspatcher

Ii4ODIFICATI(]NS i,2 TRAII{ RTGISTER forkainsoriginating YARD oRegister station andterminaUng PoNTIAC


GENERAL FOOTNOTES operating westoi P.0.N. Jct.!|rillbegovemed by 2.1P.o.N. l0l. - Trains Footnotes. Nomalposition of switch is forthePontiac HollySubdivision BeltLine. derail hasbeen installed ai theSouth 2.2l4ileage 6.3,oion- A temporary Wye,200 fednorth 0fthemain track swilch.

- Souihward mustcallWest TrainDispatcher 2.3oXFoRD trains at Pontiac onPontiac arrival Yardforinstructions 10rmovenent BeitLinebelore at P.0.N.Jct. 1.3nihssouth 0{il4ain Track. stopsignandrail S0uth Spur- exiends removed at endofspur. - Thetapeer Elevator r{illbeloading 2.4IiMLAY CITY County C0'0p carson theP.o.N. lead, eastofAlmont Skeet, Mileage 30L8FlintSubdivision.



must becovered 3.i Ca$exceeding 220,000 lbs.gross byhandling instruciions

prohibjted mileage 27.3Dryden 3.2All6axles locomotives between andmileage 42.6.

3.3The{01|olvingsegnents o{trackontheCass CityS0bdivision, aredesigiated asexcepted tGckln accordance withSection 213.4 0f FRA Track Safety Sianda.ds effective November I, 1982, withtheexception oflhose segments (D): 213.4 covered bySection Mileage27.0io firlileage 33.3 and tol\4ileage 42.6 l\,lileage 42.5 Notraiishallbeoperaied over theabove segments thatcontain more than (49CFR fiveca$required t0beplacarded byHazardous MatealRegulation Paft172). anyhazardous malerial l,i|aximum speed forirainshandliig carsbeiween perhour. these mlleages, h I0 miles 4

AT GRADE PUBLIG CROSSING Instructions: 4.1SwitchXey0rPull ButtonConirol lnshuciion 9.2app'ies. Special (conalnuedon pase 33)







lcontinued rrom pace s2)



perhouronfonner (donotexceed 13.9,0xlord 5 miles 5.1l\4ileage PCTmnsfe Number track. Station 553. points 21.3,Leonard, 200{eetin length, 5.2Mileage switch Jace S.Station Number565. 32.6, Vlasic Pickle Co.,1428 feetin length, swihhpoinhfaceS. 5.3Mileage Number 809. Station









- t nb


Miles Per Hour

lllaxinum speed .... 40 enliresubdivision 0 . 0 - 1 .2. . 5 . . . . . . . . . . .4. 0 1 2 . 5 - 1. .3...2. . . . . . . . .2. 0 i 3 . 2 - 3.3. . .6. . . . . . . . .4. 0 . .e . . . . . . . . . I. 0 3 3 . 6 C u- w 33.6-38.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25



Per Hour

Entire Subdivhion 200250ton auxiliary cranes . -.., ,. Auxiliarycranes o v e r a ldl bg e .s- . . . . .


RULEMODIFICATIONS I,1 CLEARANCIS ,/llillobtain deamnce atPontiacYad orlappan. Romeo Subdivision Trains I.2 TRAIN REGISTER MODITICATI()NS - *Regisier andterminating slaiion torhains originatjng PoNTIAC YARD Gonrinued on Daaes5)


TIMETABLE No.2 _ APRIL29th,1984 R0ME0 (C0ntinued) SUBDMSI0N F0OTN0TES (continued rrom pa8e 34)


GENERAL FOOTNOTES 2.1Securiiy locks nowreplace GTWswitch lockson l\,|ain Tmck sl,vitch stands between mileage 0.0andmihage 35.0. - Retricied 2.2R0ME0 clearance exists onthesouth sideoJtmcks 2,3 and 4 andonthenorih sideoJtrack I at Ford lv|oior Company. Thenodhsideis designated iheworkingside onlracks 2,3and4 andthesouth sideisdesig, naled thelvorking sideontracki. Hand brakes musinotbeapplied nor released onthese lracks east0fthercstcieddearance signs. TheBack Track mileage i4.3isiorl\4ainlenance ofWay useonly.Swihh io thistfackspiked. 2.3IMILEAGE 32.6- Fmployees areprohibiied fromdeirajnlng on,or using walkway grate onnorih side0i bridge, account walkway rcmoved. 2.4BELT lCT.- Conneciion position lvithPoniiac BeltLine. Nofmal of switch isforlhePontiac BeliUne.Trains operating wesiof Beltlct.wjllbeg0verned byHollySubdivision Footnote instructions. - Westward 2.5R0l\4E0 SUBDIVISI0N lminsaffiving atBeli.Jci. willcallWest Train Dispatcherat Pontiac Yard forlnstructions before moving ontoPontiac BeltLine.


NONINTERLOCKED 3.1Raill,lay crossing atgrade. Norih Yard Lead.... ll/|ileage 38.4 Prcceed onlywhen uayisknown t0becjear.


EQUIPMENTRESTRICTIONS 4.1Cars exceeding 263,000 lbs.gross must becovered byhandling instruclions


PUBLIC GROSSING AT GRADE 5.1Switch l(eyorPulButton Conkol Instructions: Special Instruciion 9.2applies.


OTHERTRACKS poinis 6.1Mileage 15.8, li/hkes Lbr.,l3I3feetinhngth, switch faceE-Statioi Number53l. poinh 6.2Mileage 28.5, Lettica feetinlengih, Corp.,438 switch facel'{.Statjon Number536. points 6.3l.4ileage 32.I,VanHollenbeck Dist., 1384 feetin lengih, slviich laceE. Station Number 536,





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sub. l_--llct- {i!h Midland t l


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t l I

ei .wiich SPEEDS l{AXlMUltl Miles Per llour entlre speed iilaxinum . .n. . . . . 4 9 s u b d i v ' r.s. .i o 0 . 5 - i...2. . . . . . . . . . . . .1. 0 Maintrack ends2r Mil,ago s5,0. 1 . 2 - 1 2. ...4. . . . . . . . . . . 4 9 cot{DlTIoNAt tltAXtli4uM 1 2 . 4 . 1. .3. .. 5. . . . . . . . .2. 5 SPEEDS 1 3 . 5 - 3.5. ...8. . . . .. . . . . 4 9 Mile. per 3 5 . 8 . 3.6. . .8.. . . . . .. . . 1 5 . ...2. . . . . . . . .1. 0 3 6 . 8 . 3. 9 Hour 3 9 . 2 , 4.0. . .8. . . . .. . . . . 1 5 Entire Subdilision 4 0 . 8 - 4.2. . .7. . . . . . .. . . 3 0 200'250 ionauxiliary 4 2 j - 4 4. . .3. . . . . . . . . .2. l c r a n e. .s. . . . . - . . . . . . 2 0 4 4 . 3 - 5.0. . .2. . . . . . . . .. 3 0 Auxiliarycranes 5 0 . 2 - 5.0. ...6. . .. . . . . . . 1 5 o v earl lb d d g .e. s. . . . . 1 0 5 0 . 6 . 5.2. . .0. . . . . . .. . . 1 5 Loaded lJnitcoai 5 2 .505 ..1. . . . .. . . . . . . 1 0 trains, oilkains, . -.,.. - 40 andgraintrailrs


a7 TIMETABLE No. 2 -




RULEMODIFICATIONS 1,1CLIARANCES - C&0Trains do notrequirc clearance butmusthaveper' IVIERSH0N mission Jrom Train Dispalcher Pontiac Yard to enter Saginaw Sub. d0notrcquire clearance onthePaines SAGINAWTrains Subdivisio pemissjon eitering lheSaginaw Subdivlsion atSaginaw obiain to bulmust enter theSaginaw Subdivision fromTrain Dispalcher Poniiac Yard. Alltrains originating at Saginaw mustobtain clearance at Durand orBay City. 1.2TMINRTGISTER MODIFICATI()NS *negister DtiRAND station forhains originating andteminating. *Register BAY slation fortrains oiginaiing andteminating. CITY 1.3SPTCIAT INSTRUCTI()NS APPTY 9.3- Between Durand andnileage 1.1,within Durand citylinits.


GENERAL FOOTNOTES yardlimits, emergency 2.i DUMND Within when conditions existor it is of5 minutes, known ihatpublic crossings ai grade lvillbeblocked inexcess Yardmasler tnin andengine crews willinmediately contact or 0perator Durand. - Thenornal just position l,4ileage 0.5,Dumnd oftheyardswitch located west ofOak Sheet leadingto theSaginaw Subdivision, islined andlocked for theSaginaw Subdivision. Secuiiy locks nowreplace GTW switch locks onlvainTrack switch stands yard €ntire subdivlsion except Saginaw limits-Train order 2.2FLUSHING Signaldoes notalfect trainnovements. Light has perrnanently position. Jixed ii "Clear" been removed aidblades oi loading locomotives arenotto gosouth dockaid carsarenotto be spotted dthin200feetofend0fS&M tumberirack mileage I3.0. - Movements 2.3DENI,IARK SPUR onthistrackage l{ill begoverned byGT0R Rule 105. east0l mihage Permhsion to enter thetrackage 4.11forthepueose of Molements delivery oJcalsis iot requircd. eastol mileage 4.11lvillbe govened Rule 105. byGToR Theinterlocked Railway crossing at gade,mileage 2.0,c0nirclled, contact forinsiructions C&0Train Dispatcher Sagiiaw if signals areatstop.

- Locomotive nustbeheaded eastwhen switching 2.4SAGINAW Jeiferson pulling Avenue TOFC facility. Ca|s mustbecoupled when andsetting this or lvalkalongside tGck.Employees williot enterbetween 0f carcl,llhen is perfomed iheyareadiacent to catwalk. Belore anycoupling carsmust bepulled clearoJcatwalk. sideonTrack Ihe Northsideis des;gnated astheworking 5, l\4ichigai Elevator [xchange.

TfMETABIENo. 2 - APRIL291h,t9a4 (Continued) SAGINAW SUBDIVISI0N F0OTN0TES (coniinued trcm Pace 37)


(Continued) GENERAL FoOTNOTES Thewestside isdesignated astheworkingsjde ontrack 3,andtrainmen arc getting when onoroffequipment to useexheme cauiion of lvhihwalklng pullers inthearea ofcable andcables intracks 2 andl, atPillsbury Eleva' 41.7, Saginau'. tor,mjkage Train andYardcrelvs arcprohibited fromworking theSouth SideofTmcks No.1, No.4andN0.5 at theMichigan Elevator Exchange, nileage 42.7, Sagiflalv. Bef0re entengyardlimiisof Saginaw, Nodhward andSouihward trains permission mustobtain ofTrainDispatcher Pontiac Yad. Allmovemenh entering iheNlain Track between N0 hward signal 389mile. permission age38.9andSouthward sjgnal 52Mileage 39.9mustreceive t0 reportclearof themaintracktoTmin enterand Dispatcher PontlacYard Trains entering lMain Tnckat Saginaw fromPaines Subdivision, andat pemission Mershon mustobtain frcmTminDispatcher at P0ntjac Yadto enterandmusirepodclearof theSaginaw Subdivision lMain Track at polnts. these pemrissiofls intheSagina!,y areamaybeobtained ftomTminDjsRequjfed patcher Pontiac Yadthrough 0peraior, BayCjty BayCityoperator, whjle onduty, l'lillahohave rcsponsibility opemtor for Saglnaw. clearance exists between thelllesi sideoftheN4ajn Close Track, bothsides of Tracks I and2 andtheeastsideof Track 3, entire hngthof Genesse Street Yardandalso0nthewestsideof theeastsupport andtheeast sideofthe}lesisuppod oi thesignal bidge,[4ileage 39.8.

- Junction 2.5SAGINAW ot Saginaw andPalnes Subdivisions. Normal Position ofswjtch is10rSaginaw Subdivisioi. pmhibited All6axle Jrom south Iocomotives legofllvye.

2.6[rlileage 41.7- Pillsbury. Thewestsideis designated astheworking sideonTrack 3, andtminmen gettingon when areiouseexireme cauiion oroffequipment orlllhile \,vall{ng pullers inihearea 0fcable andcables 0nTracks 2 and1. Elevator Exchange. [rlileage 42.7- Michigan Train areprohibited {romwofting andYardcrews theSouth sideofTmcks No.4, No.1, andNo.5.

- When 2.7I\]|ERSHoN a trainorlocomotive isstopped bya signal indicatin beobtained SToP, andsignal indicalion cannol io proceed, a member of instructions fmn theLeveman thecret1l mustobtain ltrlelshon, as prcsc bedbyGToRRule 663. GToR Rule1048paragraph 2, is applicable at thedualconircl swihhes wiihintheinterlocking, except thattheselector levermuststayin hand position untiltheenlire movement haspassed o!erthesr,!itch. Melshon N0.1 andNo.2lnterchange Close charance exists betl'veen tracks Drive,I\/likage 40.8. no hofStoker (continled on pag6 39)

TIMETABLE No.2 - APRIL29th,1984 (C0ntinued) SAGINAW SUBDIVISION F00TNOTES (contin!€d


from F3ge 33)

(Continued) GENERALFOOTNOTES 2-8SoUTH WYE SWITCH Trainmovements ontheNorihWalerSheetSpur Subdlvjsion at SouthWyeSwitchmustobiainper. enteingthe Saglnaw mission io enterthe Saginal,v Subdivisjon fromTrainDspatcher Pontiac Yard.Trainmol]ements JromtheSaginaw Subdivhion io the NorihWater Street Spurmustreport clearlo TrainDspatcher Pontiac Yard. - GTWkains 2.9 N0RTH WATER STREET SPIJR operatingto or{romC0nsume6 PowerPlant(Essexville) musirep0riarfivallo, or 0btalnpemissi0n to Yard. have, fromTfainDispaicher Pontiac handlngcarsio 0r lr0mConsumers All movemenis Power Conpany musi pullthecarsbothintoandoutof theplant.Helper l0c0motives nustnotbe usedto assist lromtherear0l themovenent. Whenyadingloaded coalirainsat Consumers Po!!erPlant(Essexvilld, gatesoasnol insldeConsumers arrange to makecuisouthof PineStreet perlod emergeocy routelor extended 0f Ume. to bLock justeast0f PineSireet, located Thenorffalposiionforiheswiich leading to Yardandoil Dock Tmcks at Consumers Power iheCoal Co.,is Inedfor theCoalYadTrack. Firsiswiicheast0l Saginaw Rrver Bridge is connection wiihSouth Water StreetSpur, normalposition oJthisswitch s l0rtheNoith WaterSheet Spur. GToR Rule l05applies. position Thenormal oi thesec0nd swiicheastof theSaglnalv Ril/er Bridge leading iromtheC & 0 Hirshiield Leadt0 theNodhWater StrcetSpur,is llnedandlocked forGTW movements ontheNorth WaterStreet Spu.. D0notexceed 5 lvliles PerHourwitheniircmovement overSaginal1l Rlver Bidge.

- Firstswiich RiverBidge 2.10S0UTH WATIR STREET SPUR southoJSagiraw Spur.GToR is connecUon lvithSouihWaier Street Rule105appies. Thefollo!,ring segment of track,is designated asexcepted trackin accord213.4 trackS#etyStandards ancewiihseciion of FRA elfective November i, 1982, wjththeexcepUon ofihose segments covered bysection 213-4(D): m leage 0.0andmlleage Souih Waier Street Spurbeiween 6.3,tvhich lncludingBrownholsitrack. ontheab0ve trackthalconta nsmorethanfive Noirainsshallbeoperaied (49CFR by Hazardous carsrequired t0 be placarded llaterialReguLation PartU2). speed overSouth Water Sheet Spuris5 mph. Maximum on the Midland 2.11BClCT. Tftin movements Subdivisjon enteingthe pernission Subd vision ai BCJct.mustobtain to enterthe Saginaw Saglnaw Pontiac Yard. lromth€ fromTrajnDispatcher Trajnmovemenis Subdivision Subdlvision mustreportclearl0 Train Saglnaw Subdivision io ihe l,rlidland Dispatcher PoniiacYard. Sugar Company, on Stone Trackcloseclearance on 2.12llliieage 50.9lMonitor north side.

90 TIMETABLE No.2 _ APRIL29Th,1984 (Continued) sUBDlVlSloN FoOTNoTES SAGINAW (continued trom pase 39)

(Continued) FOOTNOTES 2 GENERAL TRICK 2.I3J()II{T MAIN - lt{ain frorncrossover ai Howard Streel south ieet SAGINAW Track 5,420 jo;nt th C&0.GTW Spur, timetable to Saginaw lmprovement Company's beiore fouling thistrack, willascedain verandruhsgovern. C&0crel/ls, fronthe0pentor at lt{ershon whether alltrainshave ballybytelephone byGTOR Rule 93. arriled andleftandthenwillbegovemed jointwithC&0.GTW 2.14SAGINAW to MERSHON timetable andrulesgoven. joint, ith C&0.GToR BAYCITY Ruh105 2.15NoRIHWAIER STREET SPUR applres. 3

INTERLOCKINGS 3.1Railway crcssing atgrade. (sheridan Ave). . . .Automatic. C&0 . . . .Mihage 37.8 posted 0pemting instrudions atcrossing. - Mile39.3 3.2SWING BRIDGE . . . .Mechanical. Nobridgetender ondutyexcept asrcquked formovement ofwater traific. linedandlocked ior railtraffic. Trains or locomoiives stopped by Bridge bridge raillocks andif locks arein place and SToP signal mrstinspect maythenprcceed at restricted speed. securc, trainot locomotive 3J Railway c-ossing atgrade. C&0....[4ileage40.8....Mechanical.

3.4SWING BRIDGENorthWaterStreetSpur BayCity.Trains andlocomotive muststopat theSToP signs andproceed onlyonftand signal frcmihe bidgetender. giving Bridgeiender musiinspect bridge locl$before handsignal. In the olthecrew must inspectthe absence ofthebridgelender, a member bddge proceeding. forproper aligment andlocking belore December 16io lMafch 15,inclusive: N0bridgetenderon duty. Bridge lined andIocked Jorrailtraffic period. duringthis 4

NON.INTERLOCKED grade-StorageTmck. crossingat 4.1Raillvay Spur-..lt4ileage 4I.0....Gate. positi0n Nomal clear forSaginaw Sub. 4.2Raill1aycrossing atgrade. Atlantic C&0....Nodh Water Street Spur Street C&0Mileage 15.0. ...Stop proceed position when target wheitarget horizontal, caution. Normal lined horizonlal. 4.3Railway crossing atgnde. Spur Woodside Ave. BayCity....StopSigns. C&0....Solth Walter Street stopandproceed afterprotecting against C&0novemenls. (continued on page 91)


TIMETABLE No. 1 - JANUARYlst, 1984 (C0ntinued) SAGINAW SUBDIVISI0N F0oTN0TES (continued rrom paae 90)


NON-INTERLOCKED(Continued) 4.4Rail!.Jay crossing atgrade. C&0 Soulh Water Bay St.Spur, CenterSt., City..-.Automaiic. posted 0peratlng insiructi0ns atcrossing.

grade. 4.5Railway crossingat C&0 South Waier St.Spur,27th St.,BayCity....Demib. Nofinalposition linedforC&0.0pemiedbyGTWTmrnmen. 5


5.i CaIs exceeding 315,000 lbs.gfoss rnust becovered byhandling;nstructi Speed to conlorm to iimetable restrictions withmaximum speed 20miles perhour behveen Melsh0n andBayCity. 5.2High cube boxcars naybehandled onN0.lEast track oilyatmileage 53.3 firlarquetie St.Bridge. 5.3Cars andlocomotives arepr0hibited beyond thegaieof BayCityLumber Co. mikage 53.6.

5.4Employees areprohibiied lrcn rlding onthesideof carswhen switching Iepair track Bay CityYard. 6

PUBLIC CROSSING AT GRADE - Allmovements 6.1SA0lNAW onGemain Lead atEast cenessee Street must protected SToP andcrossing bya member of thecrcw, warning tralficin advance ofthemovement, Switch fiovemenis 0nold ltrlain Track overHolden, Mercdilh andH0!4 Sirceis must beprolected bymember of crcw waning traJfic inadvance of movemenl, - AIImovements 6.2|UERSH0N overStoker Si.onC&0interchange trackand protected Carrolton Rd.onZilwauk€e SpurmustSToP andcrossing bya rnember 0fthecrewwaming tmfllcin advaic€ oJthemovemeni. - Allnovements 6.3BAYCITY onBayCjtyleadto Kawkawlin at oruve St. protected Xa,,llkawlin mustSToP andcrossing bya membe. of thecrell, waning halficinadvaflce ofthemovenent 6.4Swiich Keyor PullButton Conirol Instructions: Special Inslruction 9.2applies.


OTHERTRACKS 7.1Mileage 16.8, Brent CreeL 200feetin length, swihhpoints faceS.Station Number703. 7.2Mileage 40.8- 50-6Storage poinh Track, 51,744 feetin lendh,switch faceN&S, Station Number715.







Main T€ck b€ins '! mjlease o-4


SPETDS MAXII{UM Miles Per Maximumspeed Hour ... . . l 0 entire Subdivision


RULEMODIFICATIONS 1.1CTEARANCES pernission -Tralnsdonotlequire frcnl clealance butmuslhave SAGINAW Paines Subdivision Yardt0 enter Poniiac Train Dispatcher permissio - C&0trains butmusiobtain deaftnce, donotrcquire PAINES oI Strcd Easto{ Supe YaIdto pfoceed Pontiac fromTrainDispaicher 3.3. mileage M()DIFICATI()NS 1.2TRAIN RTGISTER +Tmins toregister. track arenolrequied 0njointmain


FOOTNOTES GENERAL - Saginaw limetabl to Palnes TRAC( iointwithC&0GTW 2.i lOlNTIlllAIN an0rulesgoveln. olswitch sub,nonalposition andPaines olsagjnaw 2.2SAGINAW-Iuncuon sub. isiorsagina,,v permission - C&0hains frcnTrain wiLloblain andlocomotives 2.3F0RDNEY clealof Palne andwjll report entering Pontiac Yardbeforc DisDatcher 0.0 mileage 3 2 andSaginal.l mihage ai Fordney Suddivision


NON"INTERLOCKED atgnde. crossing 3.1Railway 6.3. C&0 lunction....Mileage forC&0. ofsl,llilch Nomalposition


AT GRADE PUBLICCROSSING prcsenily noibeing onihefomerPCtrackage 4.1PAINESAllinovements m:leage J918. J95.6 andendoiacquisilion, Pa:nes, mleage beiween used, llYarning proiected lraflic ollhe(rel/v. bya member andcrossing STOP must River Road nihage, 95.0andSwan ai South oflhemovelient in advance 192.6. Road mileage Creek 4.2Switchkey0rplllbottomconlrclinstruciion: 9.2aPPlles. Special Insiruction










[4AXIMUM SPEEDS Miles per Hour Maximumspeed entirc S[bdivision ... . . 40 0 . 0 - i...0. . .. . . .. . . . . . . 2 0 1.0,1.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i0 1 . 5 , 1 .0. . 0 . . . . . . . . . . .3. 0 1 0 . 0 . 1.4. . .5. . .. . . . . . . 4 0 1 4 .158 . .2. . . . . . . . . . . . i 0 I{AXIMU[4 CoNDITI0NAL SPEEDS Miles Per Hour !ntireSubdivision Loaded uniicoaltrain .. 30


RULEMODIFICATIONS I.1 CTEARANCES - AllWestward tminsmusiobtain clearance at IIIIDLAND SlJBDlVlSlON BayCity orBCJct. MOD]FICATIONS I,2 TRAIN REGISTER f0rhains 0iginaiing andtefininatjng. BAY CITY-*Registerslation


FOOTNOTES GENERAL - Trains openiing between BayCityand 2.1BAY CITY-IVIIDLAND SUBDIVISI0N BCJct.viaSaginaw lljillbegoverned bySaginaw Subdivision Subdivision lootnotes. 2.2BClCT.- Trains andlocomotive movenents fromMidland Subdivision arrlving at BCJct.mustcommunicaie llliihoperator BayCityfor instructions. 2.3BCJCI- Trajns moling iromSaginaw Subdivision to ll/|idland Subdivision sion. mustreport clear 0f Saginaw Subd;


No' 2 - APRIL29th, 1984 TIMETABLE (Continued) FOOTNOTES SUBDIVISI0N MIDIAND (coniinued fom pace 93)



(Continued) FOOTNOTES GENERAL mileage 00 - Normal Subdivision posiiion Midland ofJct.switch 2.4BCJCT. Subdivision. isforSaginaw 145islrcm mileage switch to VlryE of East 2.5I!]IDLANDNomalposition Spur. Chenical i0 Dow Subdivisjon Midland BayCityupon - Alltrains operator willcontact orlocomotives 2.6IIIDLAND ar valordepartureflomDoVl 0n onMainT€ckswitches locks sl(itch GTW locksnowreplace 2.7Securiiy enuresubdivislon.


EQUIPMENTRESTRICTIONS by lbs.tnustbecovered 0i 315,000 in excess weight a gross 3.1carshaling instructions. handling switch mileag EastWYE betl.leei areprchibiied locornolives 3.2 - All 6 axles 150 to Dol,v mileage andonwdstlegof lilYElvlidland i4.5andMidland ChemicalSpur.


AT GRADE PUBLICCROSSING lnstructions: contrcl lteyorPullButton 4.i Suitch 9.2aPPlies. Instruction Special


OTHERTRACKS poinls faceE Siation switch Inc,394feetin lenglh, 6.5,Deshano 5.I Mileage Number732. poinis tuceW Station svritch 921feetin length, 7.6,fatmBureau, 5.2Mileage Number732. points faceW.Station switch leetin length, 7.8,Wicklbr.,1200 5.3Mileage Nunber732.






.,A .. e . , . . C o R U N. N 9 . . . . S A .N. . . . . .



_i; ,. .. . . . .. ovrD. .. . .. ,. , ..,. SIIEPARDSVILLE

...... .sr.loHNs.... . . . . . . . . f o w t E .E. . . . . . . . . . . .l o N r A . . . . .


betu€en Mir.lg€

620 en

M.ln TEckbesine at Nlrleaae63,3.

MA){IMUIiISPEIDS lililes lililes MtrXIMUIi|SPEEDS Per Per Maximumspeede ie irc Holt Hout Maxinunspeede S u b d i v i .s. i.o. .n. .. . . . . .. . . 4 9 S u b d i v i.s. i.o. .n. . . . . . - . . . -4 9 1 6 4 . 0 . 1.6. .5. . .3. . .. . . .. . . . . 4 9 6 i . 0 . 6.7. . .2. . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. .5 1 6 5 . 3 - 1. .6. .6. .. 0. . . . . . . . .. 3 0 6 7 . 2 . 6 8 . .8. . . . . . . . . . . .i 0 1 6 6 . 0 - 1. 7. .8. . .3.. . . . . . . . . .. 4 9 6 8 . 8 . 6. .9....8. . . .. . . . . . . . . . 2 0 1 7 8 . 3 . 1. .i .8. . .6. . . . . .. . . . . 2 5 6 9 . 8 . 7. .6....2. . . .. . . . . . . . . . 4 9 1 7 8 . 6 - 1. .9. 2 . .. .5. . . . . . . .. . 4 9 7 6 . 2 . 8. 0. ...4. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. 2 A 1 9 2 . 5 - 1 9 5 . 7 . . . . . . . . . 2. .0. . . 8 0 . 4 - 8. .8. ...5. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . 4 9 8 8 . 5 , 8. .9. . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3. .0 MAXIMU MND|TI() ILSPEEDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Miles i 5 3 . 2 - 1 5 4 . 0 . . . . . . . . . .2. .5. . . . . . reI 1 5 4 . 0 . 1. .5. 9 . ...5. . . . . . . . . . 2 . .0 Hour 1 5 9 . 5 . 1.6. .4. . .0.. . . . . . . .. . . 4 0 200-250 tonauxiliary cnne.....20 (cohrinu€d on tse 96)


No.2 - APRIL29th,1984 TIMETABLE



RULEMODIFICATIONS 1.I CIEARANCES - AllWesiward dearance at Durand. tminsrequire DURAND 0wosso requirc clearance at0wosso irains oiginatiig at Eastward SAN .' - Trains Rapids $bdivision to Gland moving Jrom Greenville JCT. 0W0SS0 permission io enter clearance, butmustobtain willnotrequire Slbdivision Pontiac Yard. fiomTminDispatcher Rapids Subdivisioi Grand -Allirains obiain dearance must FULLER , ill notrequite cleal_ iiomcoopelsville Subdilision lcT.- Tmins PENN 3nce, - Easiward lequirc cleannce. trainswillnot MUSKEG0N RTGISTER I ()DIFICATIONS 1.2TRAIN -+Regisier andteminaling. foIhains orjginating station DURAND 0rderto d0so. unless required byTrain l,vill notregister TSBY trains Bulletins otlly Clockand GRAND RAPlDS-*Siandard -*Standard onlY. Clock FtILLER APPLY 1.3SPECIAI INSTRUCTIONS 67.9. Durand andmileage 9.3 between


FOOTNOTES GENERAL yardlimiisDuand, exist when emergency conditions 2.1DURANDWithin willbeblocked in excess of 5 crossing at grade ihalpublic orit is known willimmediately coniact Yardmast crews tralnandlocomoiive minDtes, or0perator Dunnd. placed West oftheTopEndShanty, there intheNodh Track, cars are When Ircmnovingand sei0nsuch calsio keepthem hand brakes willbesuliicient nolessthan: l bmke fori car 2brakes for2to12cars brakes fori8 cars 3 6cals ior additional 1bftke each astheworkingside. trackisdesignated Thesouth sideofthenorih Valley Lum_ Company tracks. l!|ileage 78.8 flevator 75.5 ai Corunna 2.2lvlihage fromriding Crew menbers areprchibited industrial iead. berCompany,0n clearance. slililchlng account close onsideo{caIswhen Subdivision. Nor_ Rapids andGleenville oJGrand lCT. lunction 2.30W0SS0 Rapids Subdivhion. of swihhislorGrand malDosition - cars0fequipment \'!ithin 200 0nsiding rnust notbeleftstanding 2.4loNlA mileage 123.6 Street, andWest) oJlefieGon feet,(Easi sideoi fithin300feeteither must notbeleftstandjng Cars orequipment kackage Hudson St.onJomerC0 ihrcugh thefirsttumout nodhof noibemoved m0st CaIs 85ieetoI longer C0tiackage DexterSt. onformer opemtion onlorner C0trackag inslalled ateidoiGTW have been Crossties north ofMainTrack and 0.7mih 0.5nilesouih isi5 nilesperhour. onformer C0trackage 4aximum speed (cdniinued on pago 9,


TfMETABLE No. 2 - APRIL291h,7944 (Continued) FooTNoTES GRAND RAPIDS SUBDMSI0N (codinued from pac. 96)

(Continued) FOOTNOTES GENERAL - Bidge 2.5[4ileage 132.8 over Saranac Creek. Employees arcpohibited frum crcssing bidgeonfoot. - Wheiswitching 2.6i\l|ileage 148.0 Amway Corporati0n's StubTrack serving ianks onsouth end,walkllvay is0neastsideol tracks ands\,litching must junction befromih;sside. heaten aid electrical Switch boxes arclocated nearallswitches. 2.7PENN JCI-JunctionofGmnd Rapids andCoopersvilh Subdlvisions. Nor 0fswitch is{orGrand Ralids nalDosition Subdivisioi. - Alltrains leave inhound lllaybills waybills 2.8IVUSKEGoN andgetoulbound onpolebetween No.4andNo.s andinstructions from!1'aybill boxlocated yard slvitchesiustwest ofHenry Sireei. 2,9IOINTMAINTRACK - T€ckage between Durand Depot andmihage 76.5loint,ith DURAND govern. TSBY. GTW rules andtinetable oroperator onGTW 1 for TSBY Tmins coniact Yardmaster Durand Channel Dorand Yard. instructi0ns onYard Tnckiouselhrough - extending - FoRIMER PCTRACIfiCE 2.6milessouthand0.8 2.100W0SS0 Track, rnileage 79.2. AIIirains moving onthisirackage miles northoflll|ain wlllbegovemed Rule 105. byGT0R pefmission operaiing north ofthistrackage must obtain t0enter TSBYtrains Pontiac Yard. Thepermission to enter andrcport clear to TninDispaicher Pontiac Yardmaybeobtained the 0rrcport clear t0 TrainDispatcher Jrom 0peraiorDumnd, AtStrcet andHighway crossings begoverned bySpecial Instruction 9.2. perholt onAndenon FertilizerTrack musinotexceed 5miles Speed _ FORMER OWOSSO MTRACKAGE 10nilesperhouronlomerAAtackTrains andlocomotives donotexceed agebetl'veen SANmlleage 76.5, Grand Rapids Subdivhion andowosso Jct. will mileage 0.1,Greenville Subdivision. Allkainsmoving onihistrackage begoverned byGToR Rule 105. SpeedonGlobeljnionTrackmusinotexceed5fiilespe TraiflDispatcher Pontiac Yardbefore All trainsandlocomoiives contaci occupying Grand Rapids Subdivision atSAN. - Normal posilion 2.11GRAND RAPIDS oi allswitches onpassing hackmileage 157.5 westofColdbrook Street areio belined iorsand track. andlocked have removed fromtheNorih endoi b dgeMileage 158.3 Handrails been fmmWye Track sYlitch St.to fi6tswihh 2.12FULLERlrrlainTmck at Broadway jolntwithC&0. golern. east, GTW timelable andrules joint at AnnStrcei io longSiding, C&0lllainTrack frumWye Tlack switch permissio l/liihGTW mustobtaln Crews deliveing carsto C&0at Fuller iiom0perator at Fulhrbefore follingtheC&0ll4ain Track, andtheiwill pamgraph as bythesecond of re'/ised C&0Rule 93'4,reading begoverned iollows: (except Limits, hains andengines tirstClassTralns) must nove Within Yard preDared one.hali therange 0l vsion, n0ie{ceeding 15MPH toslop\frilhin t0beclear byBlock Signal indcaton. [4ove. unless tle Mainftackisknown ofTraffic onthel\lainTracl$ mustbemade by nenhagainst theCoiient designated byspecial instructions. Train order orauthority locksonMainTrack switches behleen 2.13Security locl$nowrcplace GIWswitch 178.6. andmileage nihage 68.9


(Conlinued on pase93)


TIMETABLE No.2 - APRIL29th,1984 (Continued) GRAND RAPIDS SUBDIVISION F()()INOTES (continued rrcm page97)


INTERLOCKINGS 3.I Raijway crossing atgrade. Flint Sub.. ...l,lileage 67.0... .Controlled. Contact Tmin Dispatcher PontiacYard forrequired inslructions. glade. 3.2Railway crossing at .lt4ileage 123.8. GTW... .. .Mechanical. posied lJna tlend ed.0pe ng.rstruclions atcrossing. "t grade. 3.3Raill|lay at crossing C&0....Mileage l39.0....Automatic. posted instructions 0perating atcrossing.


NON-INTERLOCKED grade. 4.1Railwaycrossingat C&0....[rlileage 158.8. CR....Mileage158.8. gates Slop andproceedwhen areproperlylined. gmde. 4.2Railway crossingat (Waalkes C&0. . ..MiJeage 195.3 Si.). . -.Gate. position, Normal clearior C&0. 0pemted byGTWIminmen. 4.3Railway crossing atgrade. Muskegon JeminaITnck. (1,4!skegon-[4a C&0Spur....Mileage 93.4(OldMRN[4ainTrack) Sheet).-..Gate. posiiioi Nomal cleariorGTw. gftde. 4.4Railway crcssingat - gthSt.& Western C&0....Lake Frcnt Spur(Muskegon Ave.). ...Derail andgate. Normalpos:lion c eaforC&0.operaled byCTWTrainmen. gmde. 4.5Raill1'ay crossingat LakeFrontSpur(Muskogon-WesternAve C&0Spur.... N0ra pos on forC&0.ope aled i dFar byGMlrainmen. grade. crossing at 4-6Railway DresserWye Tmck. (Muskegon C&0....l4anahan Spur Hb.- Park AveJ Standll4anahan Stop andproceed alterprctecting against C&0 movemenh. grade. 4.7RaiMay crossingat DresserCrane Lead. C&0....L4anahan Spur(Muskegon Hls.- Dresser Plantinside Crane gates). Stopandproceed afterprutecting against C&0andDresser Crane Donl@ locomoiive movements, 4.8Raill,vay clossing afgrade. Shal/v'WalkerLead (coitinued o. page 99)

No.2 - APRIL29th,1984 TIMETABLE (Continued) FooINoIES RAPIDS SUBDIVISI0N GRAND (continued f rom pa96 93)


(Continued) NON-tNTERLocKED Eleventh St.andHenry St.).. . .Gate. C&0...-( luskegonposition, forC&0. Normal clear byGTW Trainmen. 0perated grade. Railway crcssingat 4.9 ShawWalkerLead. ElevenlhSt. andWestern Ave.) . . . .Gate -..(MuskegonC&0. posjuon, clear forC&0. Nornl,l Trainmen. 0Derated bvGTW


EQUIPMENTRESTRICTIONS rnust becovered byhandling insiructions exceeding 263,000 lbs.gross 5.1Cars passing plat_ onMain station mustnotbehandled Track 5.2Jordan Spreaders Ralids. fomatGrand - Trailer orauiomobile cafiying llatca$85ieetormorcin 5.3MUSXEGON {ormer PCYard. at lvluskegon BBC track lenglh arerestctedfrcmcurue


AT GRADE PUBLICCROSSING - Corunna (Former A!e.- Siarting cilcuit lor\vestAATrackage) 6.10W0SS0 Avenue. wardtiaiisare440feeteastof Coronna head endoverandwlllthenoccupy When a west!'/ad tminhast0 d0uble asdouble is circlitassoon approach circuit, irainlllillbackoffapproach back upmove, trainhaseastlead loulpreventing cornpleted. lJaneastward overuniileastward hainhasdepart€d. westward hainwillnotdouble promptly, andcannoi becleared approach circuit isoccupied Intheevent gotocrossing anddiredtalfic. ofcrew must nenber - Auiomatic - Shiawassee sireet flasher lightsig' FoRMER AATRACI$GE (Roote on M-52), operated iornovemenls Skeet, nalsatSouth Shiawassee clrcuits for movenenls onmain overthiscrcssing, Stading twotracks in eachdirectron 800ft. iromclossing tfackarelocated approximately passes lighls stopafterrnovernent oJsignal Circuits cutouiandopelation overand cleanthecrossing, - circuit - Track is arranged io Woodard Plant toRl{ER M TRACKAGE Wooda.d Plani, irack is s€t tol mouement inio trackswitch sollhenmain operaiing Signals ltill startagain willcutoutandstopopemiing. signah jointonkackt0Woodard Plani 25it east reach insulated when novement llhether oI notcalsaruleft0nmaintnck€ast Thisapplies of pavement. of switch. of approach ontacksotherthannain,dueto shorbess Fotnovements (25ft.)lullstopmust circuits and bemade afterr€aching starijng circlits ente6the clossing. movement actually be{ore - Alltiainsandlocon]otive - Chipman Strcet AATRACI$GE F0R[4ER Sub.must kon Gmnd Rapids Sub.to Greenv;lle rakng}|lest rovemenl exlends 150feeteast sLo0 llv:th locomorue o'carsonhackcrcuit,which prctection f0.20seconds, he_ automatic t0function of ;ossing, andallolv ismade over crossrng, ioremovement - Allmovements over Stevlard Slrcet second cros6. PCInACMGE IoRMER andcmssing Main Tlack must SToP ing(0.4miles) south of GraidRapids pmtected $aming hamcinaduance ol be move. bya member oflhecrelr, m€nt'


No. 2 - APRIL29th, 1984 TIMETABLE (Continued) FO0TNOTIS RAPIDS SUBDIVISI0N GRAND (coniinded Jrcm pace 99)


AT GRADE(Continued) PUBLICCRoSSING -AIl movemenis Track atclinton St.,mileage 98-2 onElevator 6.2sT.JoHNS protected hyamenber 98.0 nustSToP andcrossing andMeade St,mileage withlighted Jusees ofthecrew located 750{eetNodh of overpivateroadcrossing 6.3ADA-Allnovemenh protected popedy, muststopandcrcssing by a 21onAmway Highway ofthemovemeni, oftheclel,v, warning tmfficin advance flembel justnodhol located Ada- ThegaietoAmway Conoration, Mileage 148.1, onio Lead must beopened befole calsaremoved M2i highway, onAmway lheIead. - Tainsandlocomoiives - HACKLEY muststop HTS. AVE. 6.4|USKEG0N over thecrossing unlilmotolvehicul movemenls may be made andno bya memher t0 a stopandcmssing is protecied iraffichasbeen llagged olthe cre,lll.

- Allmovemenis ontheiormel overLakeion Avenue crossing 6.5MUSKEC0N StredontheShaw Walker Lead, andover lrackage ovefBeidler ll4RN 0nLaketon Ave. SpurmustST0P and Street andHarvey Street Broadmoor protected waming of of thecrew, imlficin adlance crossing bya member themovement. Insiructions: ButtonContrcl 6.6Switchl(eyorPull 9.2applhs. Special lnstruction

OTHERTRACKS Venon, 6,860 feetin length, swihhpoinhfaceE.Station 7.i fi4ileage 69.3, Number 630. 1,115 feetln length, switch Staiion 7.2Miieage 70.2, Vernon, loinisfaceE.&W Number630. points feetin length, switch facet. Siation 7.3Mileage 74.2, Corunna,5,800 Number632. poinis 2,000 feetin lengih, swiich taceE.&W Sta' 7.4l,{ileage 75.3, Corunna, 6J?. rionNumber points faceE.&W. 2,450 feetin length, sltlitch 7.5l\4ileage 91.5, Shepardsville, Staiion Nufiber 638. poinh{aceW.Station switch 7.6Mileage 99.5,lvoriady, 71feetin length, Number639. poinhiace switch 104.2, Clinton CrcpSe ice,521feetin length. 7.7Mileag€ E.Siation Number 639. points E.&W. 11i.7,[4uir,700 feetin length, swiich Jace Station 7.8Mileage Number642. poinls 1U.7,Muir, swiich faceW Station Num7,9l4ileage 942feetin]ength, ber642. points IaceE.station 7.10Mileage 132.2, Saranac, 1,501 feetin length, switch Numb€r645. points 132.7, Saranac MilkCo.,190fe€iin length, slyiich faceE. 7.ll Mileage Nurnber 645. Station polnts 147.0, KentCouniy Road Comm., 393feetin length, switch 7.12Mileage taceE.Station Number647. points 7.i3lllileage I48.1, Ada, 97ifeetinlength, switch faceE.All6 axle10c0. prohibited rnotives 50fedllestof denil.Station Number 647.




APRIL29th, 7944


tAsn'lrnD TRAINS





STATIONS .. 0Yt0ss0 JcT...

5 . . . .c m u n o . . . . ..... F . . . . . E L S I. E . ,R 9... AANTISTE . . . . . a s t i l t Y. . . . . ... PERRtllTol{... . . , , M I D D L E I O. .I,{

. .. c^No ctTY ... GToR RuLes41 and 44 applica

MAXIIIIUM SPEEDS Mil€s Per Hour speed entire llllaxinum Subdivision . .. -. . . ... 40 0 . 0 . L. .2. . . . . . . . . . . .1. 0. r . 2 . r 2...0. . . . . . . . . . . 4 D 122 . 00 . .5. . . .. . . . . . . . 3 0 2 0 . 5 3.9. . 8 . . . . . . . . .l.0. CONDITI()NAT MAXIMUM SPEEDS

Miles Per Hour

tntireSubdivision200-250 ionauxlliary c m n.e. . . . . .. . . - . . .. 2 0 Auxiliarycranes o v e r a l l b r i .d. g. .e. .s. I 0

FOOTNOTES SUBDIVISION GREENVILTE 1 RULEMODIFICATIONS 1,I CI.EARANCES !{illnotre_ andto Greenville Sub. moving Jrom JcT.- Alltrains 0I|/0SS0 permission clear andmustrepod quiteclearance, oblain to enter butmust Dispatcher PontiacYard. ioTmin - Tmins l'Jillnoircto Greenville Subdivislon moving frcmTSBY ASHLEY pemissjon Poniiac {romTftinDispatcher clearance butmustreceive ouire YaidbeioreentedngGreenvilTeSubdivision - Tfains lYiljobtain clear' ai Dumnd o ginaiing SUBDIVISI0N GREENVILLE anceatDu€nd, (cont nued on paee 102)

ro2 No.2 - APRIL29th, 1984 TIMETABLE (Continued) FOOTNOTES SUBDMSI0N GREENVILtE (Coniinuedfrom page r01)


(Continued) RULEMODIFICATIONS Trains originating atowosso willobiain GREENVILtE SUBD l\,lsl0N TSBY cleamnce at0wosso. 1,2TRAII{ REGISTER MODIFICATIONS -*Register staiion forGTtrains odginating andteminating. DURAND originating andterminating. 0W0SS0-+Registerstation forTSBYtrains


FOOTNOTES GENERAL operating eastoi 0l,vossorjci. willbegoverned byGnndRapids Sub2.1Trains onfoolnotes. divis - D0notexceed perhoua Aerosol Sid2.20W0SS0 5 miles ontheAmerican ingmileage0.5. only. This irackisiobel|lofked Jrom Northside

2.3Jo|NT Mfll{TRACT( feetnorth oiswitch atmileage 20.5 0W0SS0 JCTto ASHIEY, andthe3,133 jointlvithTSBY. Ashl€y onfomerAAkackage, GTW tinetable andrules govern. position fromiormer Nomal ofswiich at owosso Jd.leading M Tackage totheGreenville Subdivision locaied atmileage 0.1isforfonnerMTracka - Nomalposition ofswihh atmileage 20.5isforGreenville Sub2.4ASHLEY division. ll4ovemeni onfomerM trackage to endol GTW ownership 3,133 fednorth ofswihh mileage 20.5 Ashleyis inaccordancewith GToR Rule 93. switch locks onll4ain Track an 2.5Security locksnol,v replace GTW switches subdivlsion. entire 3

EQUIPMENTRESTRICTIONS 220,000 lbs.gross mustbecovered byhandling iistruction 3.1Cars exceeding ca$rnust belllleen Ashley andCaaon City. These beseparated fromlocom0iive andanyotherheawloadbyai least onecarwithffossweight not exceeding 160,000 lbs.each. Speed toconlom totimetable rcsirhtions uith perhourovei perhoutreduced maximum speed 0f15miles t0 10rniles 30.5 Pine Creek Mileage BearCreek Ill|;leage2I.9 prohibited Ashleyto 3.2All6axles loconotives Carson City.


AT GRADE PUBLICCROSSING Instructions: 4.1Switch KeyorPull ButtonControl Special Inshuciion 9.2applies.


OTHERTRACKS pointsface E.&W. 5.1lvlileage 25.0,01a,870 feetinlength, switch Statioi Num. ber753. poinhface[.&w.Staiion sMriich 5.2l4ileage 26.9, Pompeii, 490feet!nleigth, Number754. points 26.9, Pompeii, switch faceE.&W Station 5.3Mileage 332feetin length, Nomber754. 40.1, Ciiy, 332feetin length, $ritchpoints faceW.Station 54 Mileage Ca$on Number760.






1 -E;

--n-- . . . . . P E | {l NC T . . . . . . . . . . A n N.E.



-. . .. . cooPERsvtLLE

SPTEDS I{AXIMU[,] CoNDlTloN[t MMIIYIUM Miles SPEEDS Miles Per Per Hour Hour eniirc Maxinum speed S u b d i v i .s.i.o. .n. . . . . 3 5 200.250t0n 1 . 0 . 7. .. .7. .. . . .. . . . . . . 3 5 a u x i l i a r y c. .r.a. .n.e. . 2 0

FOOTNOTES SUBDIVISION COOPERSVILLE 1 RULEMODIFICATIONS I.I CTEIRAI{CES - Tmins willnotlequirc clear' frcnGrand Rapids Subdivision PENN JCT. ance, - Eastl1ad willnotrequire dearance. trains C00PERSVILLE 2

FOOTNOTES GENERAL -lunction Subdivisions. NoF 0f Grand Rapids andCoopersville 2.1PENN JCT. Tmins operating Rapids Subdivision. of switch is for Grand malDosition Fooinoies byGftndRapids Subdilision Jct.lllillbegoverned eastbi Penn overEastmanville Strcetmileage 73 aid Allmovements 2.2C00PERSVILLE protected of andcrossing bya member 7.2must SToP FilstStreet niieage oflhemovern€nt, warning t|afficinadvance thecrew,


EQUIPMENTRESTRICTIONS instruction lbs.gross must becovered byhandling 263,000 3.1Cars exceeding


OTHERTRACKS poiitsiaceW Stati0n feetinIength, slllitch i.1,Klein Fertilizer,3T3 4.I [4ileage Number652. points faceE.&W. station switch 1.3,Marne, 1153 ieetin length, 4.2l\4ileage Nunber652.



---TRAINS f---






.EE =a



1 . K P . . t. MainTrackbeeinsal Mileas€1.7


0r7 I.


twoonshort cut.nd south Yad.

llllaxinum Speed enlire

Mile Per Hou

S u h d i v i .s.i.o. .n. . . . . 2 0 l.6.l.TShoricutBridg ... 6 L7-4.4 . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . 1 0 4 . 4 . 1 .7. .. 2. . . . . .. 20

Entire Subdivision200.250ton auxiliary crane .. 20 Hotl\leial trains...... l i T h r u t u r n o. .u, t, s. . . . 10



1.1ctEARtNCES - Southward YARD SoUTH t@ins donotrcquire clearance butmusthave permission yard. fronTrain Dispatcher before depading south FIAT RoCK-AllNodhwad Tmins must obiain aclearance. 1.2IRAIN nEGFTER 0DIFICATI0NS -*Standard FoRD YARD andBulletins Clock only, -*Register FIAT RoCK station iortnins originating andterminating. 2

GENERAL FOOTNOTES - Single 2.1SHoRT CUT irackbet\Ieen south sideoi ShodCutnileag€ 1.7, andnodhendSoulh Yard, mileage 2.0,movement byI\4anualBlock.


TfMETABLE No. 2 - APRIL29rh, 1984 (Continued) F00TN0TES RIVER SUBDIVISI0N (continuedrrcn paae 104)


(Continued) cENERALFOOTNOTES Thispoilion oj MainTrack, opemted aslManual Block andindicaied by jurisdiction Bl0ck isunderthe II4anual signs, oftheBlock 0perator atShod pemhsion Cut. Verbal fromtheBlock operator rnusi beobiained forNodh. lhistnck. ardTcinsorLocomotives t0use Allnodhward movenents Jrom Souih Yard requiing lheuseoithisManua permission Bl0ck lerrilory must0btain ai either Ford Yard, orat then0dh endofyard bdore leaving SolthYard. southward movements mayproceed onfixedsignal indication at Short Cut permission. inlieuofverbal

When anymovement clea6themaintrackin thisiedtoryat South Yard point, oratanyiniemediate theConductor ora crcw member!1lho hasbeen properly insirucied bytheConductor musicallblock operator ai Short Cut or Supervlsor FordYardandrepori clearandmusinoirc.enier or foul permlssion man kackuniilafterreceiving iuiherblock t0 dos0. permitled 0r loconotive will be to enter territory I1hil€ it is Nobain this tran orloconrotive unless authorized bytheSuperin occupied byanolher

- At Wyandotte, northward trainsdestined 2.2yrryANDonE t0 Conrail at Mjll will pr0ceed whenindicator, located at mihage7.5displays a lunar!|lhite kains!1lith more indicati0n. lf thelunarwhiieindicati0n;s notdisplayed, than25caIslviI stopclear0l indicator, ihencallFordYard{0rinstrucU0n lndicator doesnotconvey andbegoverned accordingly. condition 0l track signal 10rL4ill.lts oniypurpose is t0 pelmit bet|!een lndicaior andadvance withoui trainsbelng0perated viaiheConrail at I{ill ta proceed siopping or stopandcallforinsiructions.

Crel,ys nust ascertain locati0n of trainsbeiorefoulingmainlrackin the Wyandotte'Trenton ierritory anduseextreme cauiion around reverse curves atWyandotte. Diversey Conoraiion mileage 6.5Wyandotte crews arepruhibiied ifomrlding onsideof caIswhileswlhhing at thisl0caiion.

operating 0nthemainirackbelween 2.3Alllralnandyardmovement FNmileYardmileage age11.1andMillmlleage 5.0andS0uth 3.2mustfirsireceive pemission JromtheTrainDispatcher at FlatRock, andbegoverned byhis enteing thisterrliory. insiructi0ns belore Authorization frcmtheTmin Dispatchernay beobtained throlghCRBridge, radio. Ford Yard, FNorHunpTowervia interl0cking signallomtion, 2.4GToR Rules 281,285,and292at thelolJowing portion headsignal theabsence 0i a signallightin theboltom of a double signal rnastwilJnotbeconsidered asanjmperfecUy displayed asouilined in GTOR Rule 27. plalesandthesjgThose inierlocking signah arenotequipped l'lithnumber willindicate GT0R Rule292.Theonlytine bothlights nal.edlightaspect on thesedouble headed signals mastwill be lit is to display a reslrhiing indication GToRRule 290. signal. Lrlileage 11.0TRENToN-Southl.lard (contiiued on page r06)


No.2 - APRIL29th,1984 TIMETABLE (C0niinued) F00TNoTES RIUER SUBDIVISI0N (conrinuedrrompase105)


(Continued) FOOTNOTES GENERAL Trenton, trains oI locoriotive 13.3FodStreet, 2.5l\4ileage 13.2andnileage l,yill novement ovelthecrossing notnaking a thr0ugh either dircctjon, protection interupted. device to beautonralically cause ihehighway approaching interlupted, tmins orlocomoUves hasbeen Afierpmtection prclection hasbeen rc_ Aflerautomatic willrestart theprotection. crosslng proceeding befole overlhe 20seconds started-ii must beallowed tooperate crossing, 2.6IOINT MAIN TRACK



jointwjthGLS. GTTimeiable, opetating rules and Cutto Souih Yard Short apply. special instructions goven andrules CRandCP.CRTimetable It4illt0 Windsor,0ntario,loiniwith instructio Windsor. CPspecial MillandeastendCRElectricYard between andCPYard Windsor beil|leen East endofCRElectc Yard apply jointwith govern andrules between [4ill CR. CRTimdable lt4illto Vinewood andCRVinewood. INTERLOCKINGS 3.1LiftBidge. BridgeTenderon dd,. I.7....l,4echaiical. l\4ileage

CR. 3.2Junction insiructions opelatorat CRBridgefor Contact llileage 4.8.-..Conholled.

gmde. crossingat 3.3Rail,ray Begoverned byspecial instructi 6.3.. . .Sefi i.Automatlc. cR....ll4ileage 6.1.

crossing atgrade. 3l Railway 8egovened byspecial instrudio 8.L. . .Seni.Automatlc. CR.. . .Mileage 6.1.

grade. crossingat 3.5Railway Begovened byspecial instrudlo 9.4.-. .Semi-Automatic. CR... .Mileage 6.I.

grade. crcssingat 3.6Railway 11.1....Mechanical. CR....Mileage onconneciion betwee at DualControl Switches Rule104B applies GT0R Line Subdivisi0n. andSh0re RirerSubdivision 4

RESTRICTIONS EQUIPMENT (1 CaBexceeding byhandling inskuctio lbs.gross must becovered 315,000 (continued on Page ro7)

ro7 TfMETABLE No.2 - APRIL29th, 1984 (C0ntinued) RIVIRSUBDMSI0N F00TNoTES (continued rrom page 10€)


(Continued) EqUIPMENT RESTRICTIONS prohibited 4.2AII6 axlelocomotives fronthefollowing tracksj Mileage l0.9l\4cLouthSieel Plantalitracks Mileage 8.IltrlA-i Track Mieage 6.4MA2Tach Mileage 2.6Great Lakes Steel 80inchlvlill Track

4.3Special Instruction 7.25, Cars Conlaining Flammabh cas,applies betueen Mileage 1.7andlv|lleage 17.2. 5


i1.0Mclouth Hi-Ljne. Begoverned 5.1lvlileage byGT0R Rule104C.Contact padlock operator FNbeforc removing fromkeeper. 6

AT GRADE PUBLICCROSSING 6.1Alllrajn andlocomoiive movements overthe followingstreet crossiigs must beprcceded bya menber o1ihecrew l,vho willactasFkgman untilcrossingisoccupied byTrain movement. HarsonSi. mileage ll.4connectiontoShore Line Sub. KngRoad miieage 10.7 QuarryTrack leiie6onAve. mileage9.0













. . , . . , , F 0 R D S.o, l.r- . . . . . . . . .R o U G E . . . . . . .. . scMEfEiTowEi.. . . _. , 0Ax$000Jsr. , , , 1.1 . . . . . . _ . . P t R (_ . ,, , , . . . . . . . .F E N m n D . . . . . ....,...P . EM{.,..,.. _.. . _. FonD HlvEt{. .. . . . . , . . . D l |J C t . . . _ . . . . . . . F l t rB o G (. . . .


Ii,tiles Per llou

Maximum speed entire subdivision . . . .. .. .. . 40 0.0-2.8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2 . 8 - 9. . .3. . . . . . . . . . . .40 . 9 . 3 - 1 .3. ..6. . . . .. . . . . . 20 Entire Subdivision 200.250 ton AuxiliaryCGne ..... 25 H o t M e t a l T. r. a . .i.n. s l n r ut u t n o u. .$. . __ . . 10


RULEMODIFICATIONS 1.1CLETRANCES R0UGE-Alltrains o giiating require clearance Dearbon Subdivision irains 0 ginating at FlatRock mustobtain clearanc aiFlatRock. 1.2IRAIN REGISTTR M()DIFICATIONS -*Register RoC( fortraiNoriginating ttAT station andteminating. R0l.JGE-*Siandad Clock andBulletins only. 1.3GToR at dualconlrol Rule1048;snotapplicable switches. A signal naintainerwillhandledualcontol0rpowersllilchesiiCTC


FOOTNOTES GENERAL - Contact Yardmaster 2.1D&lJUNCTIoN FIatRock for noyerient against th€ cufient ofkafficbetreen nileage 0.0andrnileage 2.8.


TfMETABLE No. 2 - APRIL29th, 7944 (C0ntinued) t0oTNoTES SUBDMSI0N DEARB0RN (conrinuedfrom pacelos)


(Continued) FOOTNOTES GENERAL 0f Rouge fol movement against thecurreni Yardmasier 2.2RoUGEContact 13.6. mileage 9.2andmileage traffic bel\lleen in revelse dileciion un' difeciion mustnoibeused 2.3Sidlngs ol anassigned oraneneqency under flagproteciion bySuperlntendeni lessauthorized


INTERLOCKINGS atgrade. 3.I Rail!,\,ay crossing CR....ll,Iihage6.0....Semi.Automatlc. when apprcach willbeautomatically esiablished through interocklng Route hasreandaJier TmjnDispaicher bykainorl0c0noiive clrcuits occupled quested c0ntr0lsystem. Southbound approach byiheuseofthecode a route (Sig. signal 7-1)tosouth' from10,750 leetnodhoiadvance cjrcult extsnds apprcach cllcult extends lf0m12,350 signal. Norihbound boIndinterl0cking interlocking signal. ofPenn t0 northbound feetsouth {ori2 minutes, rouie willbe hasoccupied approach Aitertraln orlocornotive Rule292.T0rc' signal willdisplay GToR rekased, andtheint€rlocking reclear circult located bemust 0ccupy r0ute, imlnorl0comotive establish paint100{eet byyellow andpoints designaied interl0cking signal tween slgnalahead ofinterlocklng n0vementthrou nustbeoccupied afiermakinga reclear clrcuit Thissame enlo relurn t0traln.Ttain orloconoti,Je limits, thendesiring inierlocking c0mplete lhlough rnove. interlocklng limihmustmake iering inoperaUve, a member 0fthecrew will lf foranyteason theplantbecomes hoJrps int\ps0rlh. iheenp'gency release bo,noLfted ontheCRrelay opon postPd qra0ralt llele' by:nsirLcliors oitle cross rgardbeCoverned easI plant iailurc. oliheintellocking in.Inlomtraindispatcher inCRphone house arelocated boxonCRrelay circuits GTandCRDispatcher quadrant tnck andin GTphone boxatinterchange insoutheasl ofcrcssing side oihack. swiich oneast atgrade. 3.2Rail, aycrcssing 10.7..Controlled. NW...Nlileage Rouge Yard lhrough Yardrnaster N&W 0perator Contaci gmde. 3.3Rail|ray crossingat 13.5. . . .Mechanical. CR.. . .Mileage


EQUIPMENTRESTRICTIONS instruction musibecoveled byhandling 315,000 lbs.gross 4.1Cars exceeding fronopdating onallkackother than areprohiblted 4.2All6 axlelocomoiives II]IainTrack. truckcente|s longca$!!ith64iooioI over boxcarsandallother 4.3Hi.cube Trenton N0-8 and8A,Socony Mobll, onkacks arcresvicted double behandled through crossover lo cannot 60ieetorlonger 4.4Equipnent Sidiigto theother. mdvd fromon€endof Penfold (cominued Dn page 110)


No.2 - APRIL29th,1984 TIMETABLE (C0ntinued) F0oTN0IES DHRB0RN SUBDIUISI0N (continuedrromFager0e)


(continued) RESTRICTIoNS EQUIPMENT gas, carscontaining ilammable compressed apdies Inslruction 7.25, 4.5Special 15.3. mileage 0.0andmihage betvleen


SWITCHES HAND-OPERATED ELECTRICALLY LOCKED 100feetnorth andsouth ofswiiches. 2.9release circuit exiends 5.1[rlihage extends 100leet nodhandsouth ofslviiches. Mihage 5.2rclease circuit 5.9 [4ileage Rule 104CandSpecial Instruction 1.5.ContactTr Begoverned byGToR padlock removing frcrnkeeper. FlatRock before Dispahher


NON.ELECTRICALLYLOCKEDHAND.OPERATED WITHINCTCTERRITORY SWITCHES fromclearing ina tncknot locations, trains aleprohibited 6.1Atthefollowing llvjthin ai electric lockslYitch CTCterriiory. equipped !,yiih - South 4.1 Chrysler .... Mileage - North. ... Mileage 4.2 Chrysler 6.9 R.W Trucking . .. . . .. Mileage


SPRING SWITCHES lined forSouthwad Tack. 2.3Fordhaven normalp0siiion 7.1Mileage position Track. lined lorNorth{ard 4.4Penn nofinal 7.2Mihage position Tlack. lined forNorthward 9.2Park notmal 7.3Mileage 1.4applies. Special Instruction


MAINTRACKS BETWEEN CROSSOVERS Itlileage0.l Mileagel.2 Mileage9.9 l4ileage11.8


OTHERTRACKS fucesouth,€ntranc YardNorthendswitchpoints 2.5Woodha'Jen 9.1Mileage endviarunningirack. onsouth







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STATIONS FtrTRoc!( l|Un0[


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APRIL29th, 1984

ffAXtMUtSPEOS lililes Per Ho|f Mafmun imunspeed 55 55 eiliresubdivision t7.2.19.2 . . . . . . . . 20 19.2-23.6 . . . .. .. . 23.6-24.7 Cityord.. 35 24.7-30.6 . . . . . . . . 3f, 30.6-32.1 City0rd. . 50 32.1-39.8 . . . . . .. . . .... . 39.8-105.7 1 0 5 . 7 - 1 0 7 . 22A ... 128.3-128.5 ..... . 128.5-134.6 . ..... 20 1 3 4 . 6 1 6.4. ...0. . 154.0-165.0 City0rd.35 1 6 5 . 0 1 9. .1. . 1 .. 1 9 1 . 1 - 2.0. .0. . 5 . . 20

Ii4AXI[IUM coNDtTloNlt SPEEI}S Miles . . , . . . , . _ i l a u M E. .E. , _ . . _ . , . . . . . . M A L I { r. A _..... , . . . , , . , ,M L E R. , . . , . .

vtaB&021f tEs , . . . , . . , D T & r l c. r. . , . . . . . . . . .n n D P A i t ( , . _ . . _ . . . _ . . .M . o R R. |, S ,..; , , . . . , _ .s u G t R s. T . .,_ . . . _ . . . . .u l $ o t o l .t .s_ _ . ,.,.. ltcllso cElfrER ..

Pn Hou

Entire Subdivision200.250ton AuxiliaryCrane LagondaCRCrossing .... 10 AflerLagonda railroad atgrade is crosslng occupied, traiispeed rnay beincrcasedfro i0I!4PH tomaximum speed,

. , . _ , , _ . .Q Ut C t . . . . _ . ........ I! CIERY._.._ . _. . . __. . InEiioM . , , . . . cRb ciidirir Jd, . . . . . . ."lti . l rTullD..._.

GToR Rule 10s:opliesbEt{oen Flat Rookand mileaEe17.2. M.in T6ck besrnsatnileage 17.2. cTc berweenHuron and Diann contbll.d byTiain DiseatcherFlat Rock MainT6ck ends at nileag€ r07.3,





RULEI\4ODIFICATIONS 1,I CI.EARANCES FIATRoCK-Al southward ha nsrequire clearance. -TrainsentengM Tracks DIANN enroute Toledo donotrequire clearance, B&0cleannce HAMLIR-Allsouthward tminsrequire Form A. SUGAR SL Al souihward trainsrequlre clearance. All northward trains requirc GTclearance andB&0clearance Form A. -Tralns i0 Clnclnnali, IIIAITLAND ANDSHY viaCRdonoirequire CRclearperm anceFomA butmustreceive ssjonfromCRTminDispaicher before enterlngCR ll,IainTmck. Trains fromCincinnati viaCRdonotrequirc clearance cad butmustreceil/e pemission fromGTTrainDispaicher before enlering GTl\4ain Track. -All tralnsrequlre SPRINGFIELD northward clearance. I.2 TRAIN REGISTER MODIFICATIONS

FLATR0C(':RegisterStation forhalnsoriginatjngandtermiilating -rSlafdard foRDPARX Cloch andBr'lelrt only. SPRINGFIILD Siationfor irainsorignatingandieminating. "Reglsier 1.3GT0R Rules 281,235and292at thefo lowing interl0cking signalIocatjon, porti0n iheabsence of a signalightin theb0tlom ol a double headsignal masttvillnolbec0nsldered asan ifirperfectly displayed slgnal asoutlined inGTORRule27. plates Th0se interl0cklng signals arenoiequipped |vjthnumber andihesignalredlightaspect wiI indicaie cloR Rule292.Theonlyt meboihllghis onihesed0uble headed signals mastwillbelit isto dsplaya restricting indication GT0R Rule290. - Souihward l\4ileage 23-5Eaneton Signal Mileage 29.1Field-Nodh andSouthward Slgnah lVieage31.5 Doty- North andSouthwadSignah Llileage 38.1Il4ex-North andSouih!,\jard SignaLs Nlieage 39.8Dlann-North andSouthward Signals 1.4GToR Rule1048is notapplicable at dualconir0ls!]yitches. A signalmainjn CTCtainerwlllhandle dualconirol0r p0wer swihhes 2

GENERALFOOTNOTES - WiihinYardLimilsa moveneni 2.1 FLAT RoCK to hUR0N against ihecur pemission rentof trafficmaybenadeonverbal frornoperaior FlatRock l,yho nustobtain thisauihoityfromiheTrainDispatcher. 2.2 FlatRock.Southward mol/ements onSoulhward ll]|ain Tmckl,villbegoverned bySignal No.183l0cated atmileage 18.5. lf signaldisplays an aspect otherthanGloRRule281trainshaving more than40 calsmuststopnoi lessthan300feetnoithol SignaNo.183. protection Highway crossing l,rillUneoutin 60seconds. When lhesiopped signalaspeci trajnreceives GToR Ruk23I permitling it l,villbegovemed to proceed, mol/ement bySpecial Instrucilon 9.2. (contjnued on pase r]4)


No.2 - APRIL291h,7944 TIMETABLE (Continued) FooTNoTES f[ATRoCK SUBDlvlSloN (continued from pac6 113)


(Continued) FOOTNOTES GENERAL having 40calsorlessllill proceed according to signal aspecf. Trains useNorih No.10r North No.2Track. Allloaded unitimins rnust 3 tminsdeparting FlatRock fromSouth 1,Sorth2 orSouth Allsouthward $illutilizethe new South deparlurc hack. - Movements YaIdfron Diann 2.3TEMPERANCE YARD SPUR to TemDerance Inwilloperate over M Trackage Diann to Halhtt. M Rules andTimetable govern, Yard, TT andoverTJTmckage Hallett to Temperance siructions govern. Yardaregoverne Inslructions Movenents a[ Tempelance Special Rule i05. byGToR toTemDemnce Yadover AAandTT{illbere. Jrainorders formovements order lormovementfrun TemDeranceY ceived atDiann aidAlexh.Train atTemperance Yard andAlexis. over TTandAAlvillbereceived donotrequirc clearanceto enter FlatRock S0bdi'/ision. Il4ovenent by Tmins If signalto enter FlatR0ck Suhdivisi0n isaistop, conlact signaliidication. 0pemtorDiani. laskey Road, Temperance Yad,is proteded byhighway Jlashing lightsig. tracks crossing Lask€y Road. C0nholh6 arelocated neartrack nahatboth ofhigh$ay. oneither side must stopbefore fouling crossing anda membe Alltmins andloconotives slotonconircller andturntothe 0I crevl wiiliisertswitch keyin "START" been op€rating forat least 20seconds, thenove' rightAfterflashers have iscleared. ment mayproceed. Flashers vlillstopwhen trackcircuit insed bestaded andtraindoes notentertrackcircuit, Should flashers slotandtulnt0theright. switch keyin "ST0P" atTem Yard. All6axlelocomoiives oroh;bited Derance - All movenent overGTconnecting TrackNo.4 io M TfackN0.3 2.4DIANN p€rhour. nustnotexceed 5miles

pickmust beobtained tomGTtraindispatcher before 2.5RIGA-Permission inguporselting outcarcontheLenawee Couniy Raikoad connection mileage52.2. listofcarsinterchanged Railroad along $iih Coiductor mlstturnish to L.C. conductor waybills. tist is io include trainsymbol, Iocomotive number, iseffected. Billsandlistiorinterchan name, tirneanddateinterchange onnortheast to beleftin mailboxlocated sideofTa{old Road. GToR Rule l05aoolies. gelatorCompany - Siding 2.6[4ETAM0RA leased to Metamora for loading of unitgrain tmins. Temsolihelease allowthe GTtousethesiding wheisuch tlould notimpairloading. Fortheprotection ofmain hacl!derails arelocahd atthen0rth andsouth position inderailing when ends ofthesiding to beplaced thesiding isoccu. piedwith€mpty orloaded ca6.Bothderails ae toberemoved when siding iscleared. Thenorth100feetoftheElevaior Track, hasbeen leased, cars 0requipment must nofbeplaced orleftonthisleased trackage- 3.9miles 2.70nAWA IND USIRIAI L00P inlength. fntonce atB&0mil€ag 151.5 Nodhendandat B&0mileage 147.5 South end.Movemenh onthis per trackage willbegovened byGToR Rule 105. Maximum speed 20miles perhour€ntering houronform€r MaitTracl! 10miles andleavi[g. (coniinued on eaae 115)

TIMETABLE No.2 - APRIL29th,1984 (Continued) SUBDIUISIoN F0oTNOTES ttATR0CK (continu€dtrcmpacer14)


(Continued) FOOTNOTES GENERAL prohibited {iomottawa Beet PlantTrack. locomotives All6axle I12. Staiion Nunber otta\,!a i12.1 mileage B&0151.5, ottawa GTmileage Telephone located at Klenan B&0147.5. GTmileage 114.0. andSouth ottawa mileage Track byB&0signalindication. Llovementto andfiomB&0Main gas, crrs containing flammable compressed applies Special Instruction 7.25, onfomernain track. - A Dower oDemted denilhasbeen installed onihemaiitiack 2.8LEIPSIC i27 feetn0rlhottheNorlh$ard al Mile. lnlerlock'ng Signal appro{maiely leipsic. Thisderdil llyllautomatrcall linellhenlle routehas age106.0, beenesiablished. becomes inoperaiive, anene(ency conlf ioranyrcason theinterlockiag quadrant ofdiamond. trolboxislocated innorthwest posted ope€lion inbox, Instructions foremergency per. established, emergency control, rcutehasnotbeen 11after0perating fiomN&W tmindispatcher upon toflagcrossing must bereceiled mission permission, withGTOR derail mustbehandlinedin accordance rcceiving (Dual 1048. Conbol Swltches). Rule

l04B: kceptioi loRule posiiion untileniire bainorengine has lever nustbein "Hand" Selector (Derail). cl€ared iheswitch aftermovement iscompleted. switch musiberestored to moiof(Power) Inierlocking Signal must Trains or engines being heldbytheNorthward A keyactivated reclearswitch hasbeen instalhd stopsouih ofMain Sireet. quadrant bungalow located inthenortheast onthewest sideofMain Street asaliemate tothercclear circuit. ofcrossing. Key istobeused northl,yard thrcugh interlocking, tun keyto When hainis rcady to move andrelease. lf n0conlliction rcltehasbeen rightandholdmomeotarily lllillclear. established, signal musioccupy maintrackbeJore rcclear keyswitch llill be Trainorengine effective. - Unless otheiserrovided, all southwad ininslrill use 2.9FoRD PARK trains willusethesiding asrunning tracks. mainhackandall nodhward 0nve6alpermission frcmtheoperatol Reve$e movements naybemade thisauthoty frcmtheTrEin Disat Sugar Street Tower l{honustobtain pemission patcher. Ford trcm Southwad trains mlstnotleave Parkwithout whomustobtain ihisauthority fromTrain operator atSugar Skeet T0wer DisDatcher. trains l'/illstopinclear onsiding andwillnotf0ul AtFord Park, northward signal is diswhen setting outor picking upl{henadvance nodhswitch playing Rule 292.If signalis displaying GToR Rule 282or SToP signalGToR io asceriain locations 0f alterc0ntacting B&0Dispatcher 285,trainmay, pass 0Jw0*.When ready to advance signal inperlofliance opposingtrains, of expected having time,thenbegovened depa(inform B&0Dispatcher andsignal indicali0n. byinstruclions l0ading io NewTenninal €lelai0r Companyfor Siding leased 2.10UNIoPoLISvtlren 0fthelease allowsthe GTtousethesiding of unitffaintftins.Terms such would notirnpair loadin&


No.2 - APRIL29th,7984 TIMETABLE (C0ntinued) FooTNoTES SUBDIVISIoN FIAT RoCK ( c o n i i n u e d f r m p a e e1 r 5 )


(Continued) GENERALFOOTNOTES jsio beleftlined swltch ol nainirack,ihenorlhelevalor Fortheprolection on lhe deGillocat€d to norih ehvator irack and andl0clied {ormovement position llllhen lhesidjng is in derailing to beplaced thes0uthendo{siding trackswitchis lo be cars.Nodhelevator occupied !,viihemptyor loaded whensidingis chared. anddenllrcmoved linedior sjdlng

- l\lllleage eiiher Avenue, irajnsor loc0motives, 193.9Bechlel 2.1i NIAITLAND l/vll cause the movement overihecrossing notmaking a through direction, In lheviciniiy of protection interupted. device to beaut0maiically hlghway $\'^r 0 onoi/esdqd,ars i opeaie beyord l\p ( os.rr l" po.nls h1 a sD P ei lrl e r ' r o l o d ,bi lel h rpo r o t e ' I 0 I e w a yp 0 ' i o r0 . , / i c e d l e paintontheues.AiteIprotection hasbeeninlerrupie byyellow indlcated belween theIemuststop0nlrackcircuitextending trainsor locom0tives propaint,andlhe crosslng. Automatic wih yeLol/v startp0int,designated proceeding over {0r20seconds be{ore io operate tection mustbeaLlowed crosslng. 3

JOINTMAINTRACK -Joint),rjthB&0.B&0rulesandTlmetable govern. 3.1XNt0 DT&]lct. 132.7joiniwithCR 132.0afldmileage mileage ST.- Between 3.2SUGAR govern. GTruhsandTimdable

-Joint wiihCR.CRrulesaid tinetable gove.n 3.3 I,{AIT|AND to clNclNNAT| 4

INTERLOCKING atglade. c.ossing 4.1 Raillllay 24-1....Conirolled. C&0...mihage r Dianiiorinsiructions. Contad0pemio atgmde. crossing 4.2 Railway ...l\4echanical M. . ..mileage 39.8. grade. cossingal 4.3 Railway .. -mileag€ 82.6. ...Automatic, N&W. 6.1. Insiruction Begoverned bySpecial crossing atgrade. 4.4 Raih,vay B&0....mileage9€.3 ..N4echanical. signaLon East sideo{track. South crossing aigrade. 4.5 Railway 105.8....Automatic. N&W....mlleage Instrucuon 6.1. Begovemed bySpecial 4.6 Railway ciossing atgrade. 107.3. .. .Contrclled. B&0.. - .mil€age insiructi0ns. Deshlerf0I B&0TrajnDispahher Contact jndication. Begoverned byB&0signal atgrade. crossing 4.7 Railway B&0....mileage128.3....Controlled. Deshlerfrjr instructions. Contaci B&0TrainDispatcher indicationBegoverned byB&0signal (cooiinued on pag. r17)


TIMETABLE No.2 - APRIL29rh, L9A4 (C0ntinued) FLAT R0CK SUBDIVISIoN tooTNoTtS (conrinuedfbm pace 116)


INTERLOCKING(Continued) 4.3 Railway crossingatffade. N&W... . mikage 131.0. . ..Automatic. Begoverned bySpecia Instruction 6.1. 4-9Railway crossing ai gmde. CR.. . .mileage 132.0. -. Il,Iechanical.

4.10Railway crossing atgmde. CR....mileage 164.4..Mechanicil. 4.1i Rai,lay rossing atgrade. CR... .mihage 193.2-. . Controlled. C0ntad CR0perator C0Ld Springsfor insiructions. 5

NON-INTERLOCKED 5.I Railway crossing atgrade. CR....mileage 197.7. . . .TargetSignaJ. Proceedwhensignal svedical. OperatedbyTrainmen.


EQUIPMENTRESTRICTIONS mustbecovered 6.1Carsexceeding 315,000 lbs.gross byhandling inskuclions. 6.2All 6 axlelDconDtives ttedto operaie 00tperm onihefollowing hacksat tlat Rock: Socony MobilTncks. 6.3Hi-cube boxcarsandalJotherlongcars1/yith 64feeior overtruckcentes areresiricted 0nTractcN0.8 and8A,Socony Mobil,FlatRock. gas,applies lnstruction 6.4Special 7.25,caIsc0niai0lng llammable compressed entire FlatRockYard andbeiween: II,Illeage 17.2and mileage19.2FlatRock 23.0 lI4ileage andnileage25.0Carleton [rlileage 28.0andmileage 32.0field [4ileage 96.0andmihage 98.0Hamhr 105.0 107.0 Leipsic lilileage andmjleage Llileage 129.0 andmileage 134.0 FordPark l4ileage 152.0 andmileage 155.0Jackson Ceiter [4ileage 163.0 andmileage I65.0Quincy Mileage I92.0andmileage 200.5 Maitland.Springiield 6.5Hi.cube boxcalsandall othe.longcarswith64feetor overtruckceniers arereskjcted onfollowingtracks: - Lima (Hill C.R. Transfer Track) C.R. Transfer-Sugar St.,Lima 6.6Loaded unitDEEX Trains mustuseNodhNo.1 or NorthNo.2 irackFlat Rock. (contioued on paselts)


No.2 - APRIL29th' 1984 TIMETABLE (Continued) F00Ti'|0TES SUBDIVISIoN FIATR0Cl(

(conliou.d |'om p:3e ] l7)


AT GRADE PUBLICCROSSING mudshpandcross' localions atlhelollo{ing inthesiding 7.1 ' ' Allmovements orthe in advance traflic ''arnins c'ew, ol the ;;;le; lv ; i'ii'iiijilrltrir movemenls: Mileage24l JonesStrcet 9 Street lMileage23 Ash 1061 Skeet Mileage Main


SWITCHES HAND'OPERATED LOCKED, ELECTRICALLY Lumber Reiser 24.4 8.1Mileage tmc[ hendofstorage Mileage31.8No endotstoragettack South Milease344 .. keeper' padlockflom ioffi oi.iutt oiu* l*tt r'moving Container ield Springf Milease 193.0 I04c Rule bYGToR Besoiened

padlock keeper' {iom remo!ins beloie ii'iili ii oi'.'iiiii;it sptitgs


ltfili"li3'+1?HAND'oPER !fll|;Eh?g'fi thistrack clearingin

lrcm ae prohibit€d trains Track, 312Tean 9.1Atmileage

SWITCHES 10 SPRING m0vemenl {0rnorthwad lined position when normal 192Hurcn 10.1Mileage movement position uhenlinedforsoutfuvard 23.0Karlnormal 10.2Nlileage mov r'vhen linedforsouihward FordParknomalposiiion 129.3 10.3Mileage nenr mov fornorthward Iined position l,lhen FordPa normal 130.8 10.4l,{ileage ment. 11 CROSSOVERS 17.2 Mileage Mileageu3 DETECTORS EQUIPMENT X2 HOTBOXANDDRAGGING

tocATroNs DEtEcToR 12.1


10mph Dia 364westside Diann........ . Mileage lvlolenents 545Northward . - .. Mileage Indicaior 10dph Dia ...Miha;e57"3westside. ff;;;;.; lildrenents 595South\'lard ..... l,4ileage lndicator Ham ntr, ... trlit,ugt801WestSide- " 10mph t-ltrrtyi-..... Had 10nph Side ... t'fr,* t027East t,*,i" st . I0mph Pa Eastside t77.8 s. e.ii. . ........ rvfir..c. l0mph Qu Side 1612East Oui..y. . . . . . . . . . |\,Iifr.gu 11 (contlnued on Page


TIMETABLE No. 2 - APRIL29rh, L9a4 (C0ntinued) FtAT R0CX SUBDIVISI0N F0oTNoTES (coniinuedrrcm pase1ra)

12 HOTBOXAND DRAGGING EQUIPMENT (Continued) DETECTORS Special Instruction 3.1applies. Thewayside indicators located attheRiga-lMetamora N0TE| siteinaddiiion vrhiie it/illdisplay a steady llghtto iidicate thehotboxdetector is func tioniig. NoTE: Dragging equipment detectors areinseruice inconjunciioi withhot boxdetectors at Diann mleage 36.4,Rigamileage 57.3,Liberty Center Prenihs nileage 80.1, mileage i02.7,Quincy mileage 161.2 andSt.Pais mileage 177.3. 13 OTHERTRAGKS 13.1l4ileage 3i.2,Maybee, 1250 feetin length, s$itchpoinis faceN.Siation Number032. ll4ileage 31.6,Maybee SiocgeTmck,12,150 feetin length, switchpoints faceN&S. Siation Nunber032. pointsfaceS. 13.2Mileage 68.3,Fulton, 300feetin lengih, svriich points 13.3Mileage 145.i, Si.Johns, 600feeiin lengih, switch faceN.Siaiion Numberi45. poinis 13.4I\4ileage 169.8, Rosewood, 350feetin length, iaceN.Station switch Number l70. points ll/|;leage 170.0, Rosewood, 250feetin lengih, iaceS.Station switch Nurnber U0. points 13.5Itlileage 176.5, St.Paris, 500feeiin length, swiich faceN.Stafiorl Number 177. pointfaces 13.6It{ileage 194.0, Bechtel Ave., 1400 feetinlength, switch N.Slation Number201.



APRIL29th' L98r'.









!v-l . . . . . u p o l m N . . . .



: IE€





SPEEDS I{AXIMUII Miles ret Hour Maxinumsoeed ..... 20 entiresuhdivision 0 . 0 - 7. ..1. . . . . . . . . . I 0 ord. . . . . . . . . 8 City 6.9-8.2


RULEMODIFICATIONS I.1 CI-EARANCES cleannce' donotrequlre Subdiv]sion fromFlatRock [4ALINTA-Trains Ii4ODIFICATIONS REGISTER 1.2TRAIN 0nly' andBulletiis CIock NAP0LE0N-*Siandard


INTERLOCKINGS 69 atgndeN&W V leage cros\ing 2.1Rai'lllay b.l. bYSPeciallnttructlon erned


EQUIPMENTRESTRICTIONS insiructio byhandling becovercd must lbs.gross 263,000 3.1Canexceeding 'omenli'e Subd'vtlon lo(orotives plo\;bited 3.2All6a,(le gasappll compressed llammable carscontaining 7.25, lnstruction 3.3Special entireSubdivision.


AT GRADE PUBLICCROSSING 61 at mileage No ll0 locaied RouLe Slale nLstapproach 4iAll movements "' cre oJ ihe rnembet plolecied by a be must c:ossing rnis it,iu;ii ii 5llp. vrarn lheaLtonalc unless ol lhemovement iar'nino tiatlicin adwnce be operating' to kno\4n and seen deviceiare 71 Na Avemileage ove-I oa\wood movements -' 4.2Alltran andlocomotive lagm act as !!l'o !ul' crelrr or lhe member by a 'i iiirJpi,ra.o rrr*-t movemenl by i5occupied inulcrossing 75 at mileage Route No l08localed State a3 AIImouemenls nustapproach

begov se'rrautonalic

"' il;;ili;;r.i.1ffiGns must orthecre bvamember beprotected flam ihe automatic unless noverient *-lhe il"iii'ii-tiifiiiiituance tobeoperating' andlnown devices-areseen






1"" lr

I )


ffi ) )


. , . . . , . G R E G .G. .S. . .

. . . . . _B. E l v E n . . . . . . _.._..Jlct(soti _....

MalnTrackbee'ns ar mileaae 200.5. M.rn T6ck ends at mileiRe 229.3. Main Track bee'ns at m r*Eo 231.6.

4 g I'

n 5 g





APRIL29th, t9A4



SPTEDS MAXII'UM (Contiited) lililes Per Hoot 2 7 8 . 0 - 2.8. .2. j. . . . . . . . 2 0 . . . . . . 15 Bridge 282.7-283.5 2 8 3 . 5 . 2.8. 9 . ...0. . . . . . . Z U . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 289.0-304.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 304.5-306.3 coi{DlTl0NAt itAxrMUil SPEEoS Mil.s rel Hour tntkesubdivision200-250Ton A u x i l i a r y c-r-a- .n.e2 5 over Sorinslield .. 10 lntarloclingCarn€Y



I,1 GI-EARANCES - AllSouthward cleannce' requirc hains SPRINGFIELD

cardatSpng' CRclearance -TrainstoCincinnatida obtain CRmust SHY ield. peI bulmuslIece've clearance cRdonotrequire IromCincinnat;uia frains trach GTnain enle ng belore Dispatcher mission fromCTTIain clearan viaB&0C&0mustobtain to Greggs CH- Trains WASHTNGToN CH' formAatWashingion cleaon - llainstoWashington CHviaB&0C&0donotrcqurle GREGGS petmEslon €mer Mal l0 lor Dispaicher C&0 Train {ormA butmusicontact Tnck -All Northward cleannce. tlainsrequirc JACI{S0N

M()DITICATIONS REGISIIR 1.2TNAIN terminaling' -*Register o ginatingand fortrains Station SPRINGFIEtD -*Register andterminating' lortninsoriginating Stati0n JACKSoN 2

FOOTNOTES GENERAL G Trackbetween viaB&0l'4ain opemting cH- Trains -2.1 ' WASIIINGToN A bd Form B&0clearance 2$5 donotrcquire i,iii"r'n" iii.i anotilitease repod dearattE andmust to-e*erB&ol{ainTrack muiiiiveoirmlsion Dispatcher theB&0Train movementlo aompleling clearto B&0TlainDispatc to enterandteporling Re0uircd Dernission

cHbvndiooroth st washinston ;ilild,;ii;;d liil B&00peratd

means of@rnmunication.

(Cohtinuedon Dage123


TfMETABLE No.2 - APRIL29|li',r9a4 (C0ntinued) SPnINGFIELD SUBDVISI0N F0oTNoTES (continued f roh Fage r22)


(Continued) FOOTNOTES GENERAL position No.mal forthehand operated main tlackswitch mileage 233.4 is lined fornovement to theC&0Wellston Subdivision. Souihward GTirains operating between Washington C.H. andGreenlield over theC&0nustreport clear ofC&0main irackto C&0operaior, Washingto swihh hasbeen restored C.H. afterconnection to nomalposition. North,xard GTtrains operating beiween mileage 236.2 andWashington C.H. permission overtheB&0mustobtain fromtheB&0operator, Washingto before opeiing thena;ntmckconnedion C.H. switch to enterB&0main

- N&W 2.2GIENIEAN willuseGTmainimckfromN&W eastward maintiack switch to themaintrackswitch leading to thesouth endof theGTinterchange tGcktophkuptheircals. AIIGT tmins orlocomoiives wlllapproach andmove overthisportion of maintrackwiihcauiion, expecting to find unprotected N&W iminsorlocom0tives moving in either direction. 3

JOINTMAINTRACK jointwithCR.CRTimetable govern. t0 CINCINNAT] 3.1SHY andRules 3.2Mileage 231.7 to ll4ileage 233.5 andrules ioint{ith B&0.B&0Imetable govern, B&0C&0.B&0C&0Timetable 3.3Washington CHto Greggs, and ioint!,vith Rulesgoven.

4INTERLOCKINGS 4.1Railway crossing atgrade. CR--..Mileage210.1....C0ntrolled. ContactCRTmin DlspatcherColumbus. crossing 4.2Railway atgradeN&W. .. .[4ileage 283.5.. . .Contrclled. Contact N&W lrainDjspatcher Porlsmouli forinskuctions. (excelt Allsouthbound tmins0rlocomotives ihrough movemenh) rnust obiainpemission fromN&W iftin dispatcher to occupy circuit between the interlocking signal andN&W eastwad main hack. lfa trainorloconotiveshould circuit clearthe a{terhaving been used, creil perTrain Dispatcher 0fthisfactand member must aduise N&W again obtain mission to 0ccupy thecjrcuit. Pemission rnustbeobtained regardless of butit mustbeunde$tood thattrains orlocomotives sigialindication, lllill begoverned bysignal indicaiion. 43 Railwaycrossing atgrade. TrackSpringfield Carney CR.. .Contact CRoperator Cold oldNorthll4ain forinstructions. Spdngs (C.ntinued on paae 124)


No.2 - APRIL29th,1984 TIMETABLE (C0ntinued) F00TN0TES SUBDIUISI0N SPRINGFIELD (coiiinoed i.on P:Ee 123)


EQUIPMENTRESTRICTIONS CH andwashington lbs.gross between Springfield 315,000 exceeding 5.I Cars CHandlackson Washington lbs.grcss bel!(een 263,000 andcarsexceadlng jnsiruclions. byhandLing must becollered onHole Track So.Charleston. notpemiited 5.2All6 axhLocomotives 64footorover truckcenters boxcalsandalloiherlongcarsl,\jlth 5.3Hi.cube onfollowjngtmcl6: areresiricted - So.Charleston Hole Track C.H. Track-Washington Naii0nal Cash gasapplies flamr0able conpressed carscontalning lnstructlon 7.25, 5.4Specia! oel|leen:

lct. 201.5 Springfield 200.5 andnjleage Mileage mileage210.5S0.Charleston l\l|ileage209.5and 224.0 Jeflelsonville 222.0 andmileage It{ileage CH 235.5washington 232.0 andmileage l\4jleage 283.0Waverly andmileage Mileage 282.0 Jackson 306.3 It4ihage305.0 andmikage 6

AT GRADE PUBLICCROSSING - oLDNoRIHMAIN" BURT will notexSTRIET, nrovemenls 6.1SPRINGFIETD perhouroverthis crossing. ceed 5mjles - ELIVISTRTET only). 2339 (slritching movemenh nileage C.H. 6.2WASHINGT0N ofthe bya nember movements nust beprcceded locomotive Allirainand isoccupied bymovemenl uniilcrosslng whol1lilaciasflagman crew


OTHERTRACKS pointfaces N. feetinlengih,switch 227.7, Heglers,350 7.i Mileage p0jnt N swihh faces Mineral, 900feeiinlength, 294.5,0hi0 7.2Nlileage poinifaces Num N Station ieetinlength, switch Shar0n,850 7.3l\/Iileage304.0, ber304.





placards, material a new haTardous withthepresent I, 1982 along Asof lanuary placed plamrd in effecl. has been sFlem m;teiial alternata hazardous vtilhthoseshoun ontheadiacent corcspond onthenewplacards TheDictosrams tviththe is leplaced of lhecomrnod'ty tliatthename theexc€ption !ase!wit-h numbered bar. and/or anorange ;o;modity number NA andonngebarlttithoneof thenel/V of lhene{ altenateDlacafd AnexamDle issho$n below numbers andIJNidentifying

N.A, & U.N. ldentilication Numb€r SYstems

placard to display a four panel willbeused tr;tha current al0ng Thene orange a tankca/s codenumber idenlifying commodity hazardous digitinlernational content. pand placad theonnge byitselfwithout naybeused The alternate theorange commodities areshipped or explosive When Dohon sas,radioactive, placards placard cannotbe Allemale combination mustbeused. Danel/iunent thrce commodities. used forihese colo6and thesalhe background d'mensions, hasthesame Tfiealternate Dlacard placards. (bictosram) Ile alter' inthelopconerasculrcnt located dasssvmbol v). nateDl'acard (flannable, xording non'flammab hazard class dbes away rith the he gas, placard. inthecenterofthe oxidirer, etc.) ContheInlernational to display "whlte" andis used lhisareais nowblanked altenate hasbeen omitted, class uording thehazard LD.Number. Since moditv nunber'n thelovler/bot Hazard Class) Nafions disllav anlMco(united Dlacaids f9. goes Class ilomClass system +1 through Thallt{Co iomcorner. IMCO SYSNMUMBERS m-







APRIL29th' 1984

MATERIAL PTTCARDS DAI{GEROUS EXAMPLES_ DURING SWIICHING OPERITIONS CAiS OR FUIT C RS TViTH 'RAILERS PIACARDEO "EXPLOSIVES A:' Mu.t not b. cut orlwhile in notion. Must not be coupledio with an necessaryto marG couplina. Musthav. doo6 closed betor€ movins. .lheE isanY@ssibl. danEe' orne, underbrids€6, u

Pl.c.rd.d nat c.E ..rrylnl l':i1.6 (3) Nocarsh,llbe perhitt.d to 'o!L

ca6 Flrdrd..t Pol.on a.3

has b€en colpred to said plac.rded o) rhey sharr not becuiofl in moiion.

(4) Placardedrahk cac mu.tbccircled

. lo.d.n pl.cqd.d bnk c'r or dnfi (cul or wh.6 u* of h.nd bEk€. k n.4$.ry, rdd€d pr.erdcd bik er nust not be cut o ai;ti;d'inros. Adnfi


pl.card.d ro.d.d Lnt..r

nu:t b. cl.or or l4d b.r.6


drltt l.c.d€d clr or wh.r u:e or hrnd bElG. i. n nu.r b.-!.t€mrn.t.bv h d.t€rmrn.q ry -rnal 13 Er.'r.d, El.5r.d, !fr nr.i lo .d ii;a;d"d t nk G.r 13 mnr.inrnr ;d r;;.d Dr.cdrded ia;.cji ;;iii.ii; ldrl 16* rh. h.nd br.r. on thc Dl

*:,".,t1i].ri,ii+tu'i,1""'pl.c.rd.d Th...


do not rpply to c.6




connodlty whor. t€.lduc @uld b. h.rnrul. Th.B.6


. 127

TIMETABLE No. 2 - APRIL29th, 1984 (Continued) PIACARDS DANGERoUS MATERIAI (conrinued rrcm P.se 126)

placard hasbeen adopted forcombus. A special issue "white bottom" aliernate placad alternale except forthedistinguish. tibles. lt issinilarto thellanmable LD.NunberThe"whitebotlom" ins"$hitebotlom" belol{thelnternational placard N0special aliernate easily identifies thecarconiaining a conbustible. hainplacenent isrequked. onplainwhite Conmodity ldentification Numbers maybedisplayed International poiltcards lornalerials notsubject to placarding regulations. These are squareto (0Rl,l's). Regulated ljllaterials TheLD.numberisshown same asanaltemat€ 0ther placard hazard dassnunber inthelower/bottom corner. withthel[4C0 plaii International l.D.Numbers arenotplacards The llhitesquares displaying is required of camsona*ed.lf any andnospecial handling ortrainplacement become deskoyed 0rnissiig,rcplacenent is not ot these white"non-placards" requrred. regulations apply viilhcwent,alternat€ and Allformer trainandyardplacemeni orange barplacards.


No. 2 - APRIL29rh' 7984 TfMETABLE (CONtiNUCd) PI.ACARDS MATERIAT DANGEROIJS (continuedrrom Pacer2T)

for'onbus pla.adhal be"nadoplPd :s(re, lvI te botlomalte'nale Asoecal

eJreoi,lS' a,ald are,iare,o irii.."iiiiiiiui i,ir,i;ammabre lli,fl,ll*n1ll 0nalI U NUI lheInternat belolv

!ns"lvhiteboilom" N0 spe(ia a conbuslibh ;iie,r;i; ;';;;;; easiti;e;tl:est'ro.a' cor'ain're isrequired. irainplacement

be.d stJili:,oolJTrirlil: mav l\umbe5 ldentilhalion Cormod.ty lnternatronal

;i;;,; ;;,i;::il;i;; \TJllililil,{lii ili:i:*lxlffi'Jf,ii;11!i3ii,q5 corner' p.ail,J'iirr'it. ttllcorrta,t rla"snulbel:nlhPlo'!e-lbollon

areroi p'arard lD Nunbp-( sqtderdisp'av'rg'nternationa Theo.an,^Jpte

:,fi',:i#iilil{Xl i,',.,;,.Tlj,l;,iT,.l,l :ll*ijli,*i*:*;,:ti rcquLfed. and applyllliihcu ent'altemate rcgulations AllJomertrainandyaldplacemenl orangebalPlacards

lvill* t#:;'r'rTO:tl:?'J;Tt::rt repod wheel iheconductols !'!ith Included positi0n in kainandpr0per Feca initialandnumber, lnrrajn shipmenr material i;;ft;:';;il;;i;,'i;;;il;Jnt {oranvhazardous

'lhe l . gw l - ' o, ^ a ' /lo9 d n dt i e d ' v e r ' / a rl ' p r o l P 'lt\ p s e' r ! s a g o \d o -arol conoLrlo

.tor nghisl'ir' ' 'r* , 'erPfLon;r oit-" ir'riy "ili l r a i l \ P l ' F l l ' l e " P f- p w a r r i v e

rle I n t e e v p l l \ a t t P , o n oIrl o r I ;L s _' P a " p s 0 a l r h el -L s tb e n i t t n en a . a t d o un.. ' q . o r d r ' p i o L ' e no l l e . l \ c t ' a r o m o " a ges' n o l e r l o l I d / a l d o u " a d v r s "00l 0 s p o . ' 0 r 0 $ d y b i l sd l d

c a . so r r a n 1 s I d / o , 0 0 , s . n a l p ' i l o b P D i ' r ' P d , r , p z ls notr( in trainuntI trajnd lpatc[er nolbemoved beinghqndled ofcommoditY

ndrerd r\p\'drdous '\r,r.,/e ,rec0'ldxr0r T::'3ll:Tllb;i,liidoe|f gI0up ngInaccL0enI: asslst response

anyemslgency train.

of0hio 7 25forState Seespecialinsiruction


No.2 _ APRIL29th,1984 TIMETABLE RESPONSE EMERGENCY INCIDTNT HAZARD()US Ii4ATERIALS HANDTINGAND REPORTING asposs blerhowevp'. 1isreali;d Itespnslrucl on.sl0uldbelolowFd ds(losely judgment nustbethefinalguide based onactual ajrct'nstances thaton'the'scene properiy d0notinclude useof lives, andtheenvironment. Duiies forprotecling proieclive Youtsafety is of prinaryconcern bytrainandengine crews. equipfient yourselft0 hazard. onlyifyoudonotexpose asuspected andcanbeassured OTHER INCIDENT INVOLVING INTHE EVENTOFA DERAILMENTOR THE T()LTOWING STTPS ARE TOBETA(EN: HAZARDOUS MATERIAI.S, location andslaius oilra;n, andmake noUiication byBdjo,slating i. Protecttrain repeating thetransmission tu/ice. isvisjble andhazardous materials arekno!!n tobepresent, 2. lffire0rvaporcloud papers withyo!.Avoid mileuprllind. Take theshippiig conevacuate one-hall nateriah, whethel solid, liquidorgas.Determine the tactwilhanyhazardous andadvise ihetraindispatcher oryardmaste slalus oftheirainjrcmthispoint accordingly. orother available resources to delel. thewaybllls, wheel rcpod, consist 3. Review whether hazardous materlals arepresent, mine hazardous malerials, nameand hazard classofthe a. Deiermine b .D F lr"i r p l h e . 0 r a t o n 0 [ t \ p , e s l i p n . r h i n t h e h a i n . whatmaterial maybeinvolved andwhathazards crew members c. lnfornother maybepresent,

papers, in. isnotvisible andafterrcviewing iheshippjng 4. If fireorvapor cloud arca. If a released hazardous material is en. spedthehainandtheadjacent wlththatmaterial andmove lo a salelomUon. When countered, avoid contact prccautions: takethefollorlling rnakingthe inspection, odols orleaking maierials oniheground oronthe a. Bealertto anyunusual equrpment. anyhazardousmaterialwhethersolid,liq0 b.Avoidconiactwilh oruse fusees, c, Donoismoke

oryardmaster bythequickest means of lhetraindispatcher 5. Promptly notiiy information as is withasnuchol ihe{ollov/ing additional communications availabk: nembels, a, Status ofotlercrew - leaking, - iiitiahandnumbers 0f involvenent andextent b. Cals involved on {ire, dc. derailed, terlain, localbodies of suchasnearness to populaled areas, c. Sufiolndings, l.later andl1eather conditions. to handle thesituation, suchasfile,ambuwhich arcnecessary d. Resources agencjes, lance orlal,y eniorcement ofihecrew \,llillmeet arriving eme(ency rcsponse e. Location where a menber personnel,

personnel. response Provide infoF cooperate v'ithemergency 6. ln allsituations, response inanda copy01thealailable emergency maUon fromthewaybilh possession personnel. of the response Retain lormaiion to ar viigenergency response information oithetrainconsist withemeGency waybills andonecopy toaCompanyofJicet untiltheycan bedelivered



APRIL29th' 1984


infrcightTrainof Position Elplosives Calscontaining Maietials andDangerous

5 CAnCANBE 4 ! - l PI4CARDED TODFIERMINE\,riHERE STEPS: THESE FOLLO!'! FREIGHTTMIN INA PLACED WHENTFA NO WHENIRAIN to ihat is applied LENGIII LENGTH . Detemine thelvpeol placard NOT PERlrllIs DOES PERMIT E . Beier1ocolumn2 on chadard locateplacard s -r notewhich I adossonchartand . Follow hmizoitallv c aPPlY. venicalcolumns T I uodine at top lhat 0 . Thesymbol"r' indicates ofrclerence N fo! explanation Seefootnotes applies. S













Pndsoi risidcorlrudi wnhpdntnedl atlached OA flal€! equipped t00T oTES: car' t0 beanopen_rop isconsidered caril trailsttuilah equipped oi'rerlhana sDechllv 6tloaded tlatcar' F^ice ot a ilatcarI'adedwithv"ltls *cur ; mnhiner_onlklcd

purp*e rrvidaandpernaln .' iriiiininig"atorrhat il iiiii h int torhaldrils aeepred "-i ii-o.i ;ip' eeneftr'i i'. in"iii;,ii,-'.

raikoads' batween change {or ca6 n lEitrotullalcar\eflicedoesnot applv This;xceDtior

iili"i"iilii.ii r"iir,i

rraire opetuiop roaded rraihts' tt'tbed

cl6edd00ls. wittroul sFcurely iiioiu iru*s or rn'trs"'o.a prctrudes thecarend bevond lading oi ihe anv when car oAn ooen-toD


No, 2 _ APRIL291h,7984 TIMETABLE I 5

Explosives TrainofCars tontaining inFreight Position Materials andDanqerous l o l r r L2 13 L4|






lT 0

c c Cal





c c F E D


x L


s I




0 I

s 0

D I 0


c T



c R D E D


abovE thecarendsis liableto shiiiso whenanyol theladingexiending astoDroirude beyoDd thecarends.This ahoincludes carsoi auiotrames coilsoi steelwilh without bulkheads andopentop gondolas coniaining thecoilsprolrudins abovethe carends. oA cil @r plae ed "D(PLoSIVES oI A'or "Po|S0NGAs"in a movins by the standing trainmustbe nexlto andaheadoi aoy@r occupied guardsor lechiicalescorts a@mDanying this car,Howevef, ii a €r escorls is equipped wiiha Iighiedheater occupied byguddsor technical anycarlequiring orsiove,ii musibeiheloutihcarbehind "qPLoSMS i'ln. O Mustnoibeolaced nextto carof undeveloDed




c j'JJ.!' .iii andEIecrTi[%f f,l..11ilT[''$.i'f l'.'Jsffi,;f I"x'l,l[Tlix',f conlrolled Dutl proximitv to all close in .tipor.s ddt" iiiilitiriw"t-

M identi' l! forreadv painted (inbores vellorr

i'1"i.'ilii'jitiio virr.ti'tttehphones asfollows: arelocaled ficaiion)

SUBDIVISION BEND SOUTH i1.7.. .. .BCRTo$erHayford Mlleage .lnboxon Pole 11.9.. l\,lileage atgrade crossjng atnilway onpole . . . . . . . . .Ashbum 12.8. l\rlileage 14.5..... . .EvergreenPark lvllkage I \ 4 i l e ai 9g3e . . . . . . . 1 H 8 T o u e r Ofiie BuekLn0Yard 10.1.... ll ledge otfice trcight . . .Harvey 233. Mileage ..Thonton-lunctionTo"ver 252. . Mileage Road Valbrechi side 275 .. - -.. West Mileage M i l e a 2g 8e6 . . . . . . . . O aGkI e n atCalunetAlenue ockingsignal 31.6.... . lvlunstel_atinie Mileage 345... -..Atcrossover Mileage Crossover 36.6..........wesi Irrlileage 39.6..........Lottalille Lrlileage 45.2... ....Inboxonpole_Alnswodn l,lileage 50.3.. . .Sedley L4ileage pole 52.4... .. Inboxon [{ileage Pole 52.9.. ....lnboxon Mileage onpole 56.0-.. ....lnbox lvlileage ardsiding 56.9.. .. .Eastendeasi Nlileage oJcrossover 64.3.. . - East It4ileage siding oJwestwad . .East 65.4. . l,4ileage pole 713 -.. - lnboxon Mileage ?2.5. . -. Atcrossover Mileage crcssing oiroad 74.9..... West Mileage grade crossiigat rallv'/ay oiN&W 802 ..... - ..Weslside Mileage 81.2-.. .. Inboxatcrcssover l4ikage cosslng 0Jroad 916 .... West lvlileage ' 0li!estrcet onpole 985. ..... Inbox Mil€age onpole 99.0.... ....lnbox Mileag€



; l

No.2 - APRIL291h,L9a4 TfMETABLE (C0ntinued) INSTRUCTI0NS SPECIAL (coniinued f rom Page 132)

TELEPHONE LOCATIONS TRAINDISPATCHER (Continued) DlvlslON DETROIT AND CHICAGO l!]lileage103.8..........Inboxeastendoisiation-llllishawak 0fFiIRoad i06.I..........West n4ileage Granger 111.5. . . .......tastofclossover IlrIileage pole Edwardsbury on l\l|ileage II4.0.. . .... . -.Inbox ofTrack Depi.loolhouse . . ... . ...East Mjleage 122.8. ['lil%ge127.3..........AtPenni\'lillSiding 131.5. ...... ...Inbox\rvakelee ll'lileage eastof Depot Matcellus -... .Inbox crossover Mlleage 136.2..... pole West 0i crossover box on 140.4..........ln Mileage oiUSI31atcossoler [,li]eage 146.0. .. -. .....West tianondSchoohraft i\4ileage146.4..........Wesiof M i h a 1g 5e 2 . 4-...... . . . | nb o x opno l e \llesllllard siding -.... East end 153.7..... Llileage jnbooth [4ileage i57.2-.........Pavil:on oiScotts crossing east lvlileage 160.1. .... .... .Road 0npole 165.2. .... . . ...jnbox Ivlileage 169.9 [lileage

. -lnboxoi pole

172.0. ...... . - -Airportsiding Mileage Road ofHelmer .l{est Illleage 173.1......... Avenue line west ofUpton 174.9. . . .... .. .0ldmain Mileage SIJBDIVISION FLINT Skeet oiEmmeti 178.8..... ..... East Mileage Road olMcAlister 181.0..........West l ileage lt4cAlisterRoad Mileagei81.2..........Easi0f Mielag€ i94.1. .... .. -..Clossoverolivet endofcrossover 201.7......... .V/est fi,lileage . .ol nox np o l e M i h a2g0e2 . 4 . . . . . . . . b

li{ileage208.7..........Poiterville Mileage22I.6........-.Westendweslwardsiding'Pennsylv Mi1eage223.5..........Tr0\,!bridgera;lvtaJcrossingatgn Road .... .....Hardson Mil€age 223.9. Platiorm Mi1eage224.4......-...M.S.C. Mileage 229.0..........Has|ett Mileage235.0..........A1rcadcrossing 235.7..........Shaftsburg Mihage (c.ntlnucd

on page 134)


No' 2 - APRIL291h'l9A4 TIMETABLE (coniinued from Pace 133)

LOCATIONS TELEPHONE TRAINDTSPATCHER (Continued) DIVISION DETROIT AND CHICAGO (Continued) f l-lNTsUBDlvlSloN Aicrossover Mileage239.8-..-.... .-Morrice l,4ileage242.2...... . -.... . ..Bancloft 248.0. I'rtileage siding eashvard end 252.2........Wesi Mileage OakStreet(ahoDispatcherP0nti .-Westof Miteage253.0....... office (a)Telegnph -........Durand: 253.3. Mileage (b) Yardmaster pole inboxon aigmde (c) Railway crossing (d) MiddleYard PontiacYard) (ahoDispatcher Durand Wve ... High lMileage2534.. pole (DispatcherP0ntiacYaId) ... .lnboxon 253.5.... Mileage ....Tunnelsiding Mileage254.2.... siding endwestward Mileage254.T.... East Road - .. .BYrcn Iileage255.l... ... EastDurand Mileage2554..... Creek Svraft Track -... Pickle l,4ileage26L7... creek suartz end East l4ileage262.6........ ....|{undyswitch Mileage262.7.... f,int .... .... West 26J.8 Mrreage . . ..WestendBdstolYard Mileage265.6.. Road Lapeer 271.1... -.. Eastol Mileage grade railwayclossingai . - C&0 L4ileage271.8...... ..... . EastotcenterRoad l,4ileage273.3. 5 ..... ...tastFlint l,4ileage276 .... ..EasttlintBungalow Mileage276.7. inboxonpole Dalison . .. .Westof Mileage278.7.. .- . lnboxonpole Mileage279.6-. Lapeer 0........ wesl Mileage287 Lapeer 289.2..... . .East Mileage . SectonshantyLapeer l,4;leage289.?...... tapeer Slreet .... . Coud l\4ileage2898 pole 290.2.. ....!nboxon lvlileage .. .lnbox0nlole Mileage2!0.8... pole ...... lnbox0n Mileage302.0.. M i l e a g3e0 2 . I . . . . . . . l n b o x o n p o l e

( c o n t i n uosndp 5 E1e3




(continued rrom page r34)

TRAINDISPATCHER TELEPHONE LOCATIONS (Continued) DIVISION CHICAGo ANDDETROIT M i l e a3g0e4 ..6. . .. . . . . l nb oox np 0 l e i l 4 i l e a g e 3 0 5 . 6 . . .b. .o. x. .op. n .ol nl e ll4ileage 306.0. . - ..... - -Inbox 0npole l l 4 i l e a g e 3 0 7 . 0 . . .b. .o. x. .op. n .ol nl e l 4 i l e a3g0e9 ..1. ... . .. . . I nb oox np o l e Mjleage 309.3... .... . . .Inbox onpole M i | e a g e 3 0 9 . 5 . . . .b. .o.x. .0p. n Ionl e [4i]e3 a ig6e. 4. ... .. . . . . I nb oox np o l e f i 4 i h a g e 3 1 -8...2. ....l.n.b oox np o l e firli]eage 319.2. -... .... .lnboxonpole ll,|ihage329.0. .... .... .Inbox onpole ll4ihage 329.1. . -.. . -...]nbox onpole [4i]eage 332.2. .... .....lI,|ichjgan Road, Inbox 0np0le [4i|eage333.2...b . .o. .x. o. .nl np o l e [rlihage 333.5. .... . -.. .]nbox onpole M i l e a g e 3 3 3- ...7. . . .l n .b oox np o l e HOII.Y SUBDIVISION Yard Mileage4.9.. . . . . . . . .D&l\,4 0{fice M i l e a Ig0e. 5 . . . . . . . . . . H iRl tooand M i l e a1 g0 e . 8 . . . . . . . . . . N i nR eM o ai lde Heights BIvd. ilileage i1.1..........East olWoodward M i k a g1e2 . 5 . . . . . . . . . . L i S n ct roel e nt l4ileage 13.2....-.....Royal Platlom oakEastEndof l , 4 i l e a1g7e. 5 . . . -. . . . I nb oox np o l e Mileage 29.8..........In onpole'Scott LaleRd. box Mileage 30.3..........ln box onpoleWatkins Lake Road M i l e a3g0e. 8 . . . . . . . . . b. Ionox np o l e |.]lileage 3i.3..........lnboronpole-(Burke Lumber) -West Mileage -.....Inbox 0npole 0iFrenbes Road 31.9.... (RAXSiding) I{jleage 32.0......... -lnboxonpole. pole-(Ready It4ileage 32.2..........In boxon MixPlant) lt4ilea 3g 2e .7..........0aksiding lvileage 32.9. -........Inbox onpole-(CabinetSjding) Mileage 33.1..........jn box onpole-(Buick)



(continued ifom P.!e 135)

LOCATIONS TELEPHONE TRAINDISPATCHER (continued) DIVISION ANDDETROIT cHICAGO ' 0uhide Waterford Depoi, 0npole 33.3........ lnbox Mileage [ 4 i . e a3g3e. 6 . . . . . . . . .b. lonox np o l e 33.9. . . . . . . . . .Inboxonpole N4ileage Road pole' Ande$onville 34.7........ lnboxon Mileage f i 4 i l e a3 g5 €. 1 . . . . . . . l.n. b o x o n p o l € M i l e a3g5e. 9 . . . . . . . . .b. lonox np o l e _Andelsonville Crussing Road'Failey onpole box 37.0..........1n Mileage _Easi passing pole tlack end -.. . Inbox0n 37.6.... Mileage Lake Road end ofHogback box onpole"East 39.0..........In l$ileage - Clalk Road onpole 39.8.........lnbox Mileage Road onpole Inbox " Dilley 40.8-......... Mileage Road pole-West ofEaton 4I.7.. . . . . . . . . Inboxon Nlileage Road onpole'Eagle 43.5........ lnbox I!{ileage _Ratialee Road Lake 0npole -..lnbox 44.0....... |\4ileage _Easiend passing track ofHolly onpole - -lnbox 44.8........ Mileage street ofSherman East 0npole' 46.2.........Inbox IMileage poh'0ufside DepotHolly Inboxon 46.5.......... [4ileage N 4 i k a4g6e. 9 . . . . . -. . .l nb oox nP o l e [ 4 i l e a4g7e. 5-.-.. . . .- . l nb o x opn0 l e M i l e a 4g 8e . 0 . . . . . . . . .b. lonx opno l e pole -.. lnboxon 50.4..... l,{ileage onpole .... .. .. .lnbox 50.9. Mileage 5e 4 . 8 . . .-.... . l nb o x 0 n p o l e [{ileag pole - -.. Inbox0n 55.2.... I!4ileage pole 55.8.... ....Inboxon l\4ileage M i l e a 5g 7e . 6 . . . . . . . l.nb o x opno l e L r l i l e a5 g8 e. 9 . . . . . . . . .b. lon0x np 0 1 e 4 i l e a 6g 2e . 6 . . . . . . . . . . l n b po ox l0en M i l e a6 g2 e. 8 . . . . . . . . . . t n b o x o n p o l e I t ] I i l e 6a 3g .e9 . . . . . . . .l n b o x 0 n p o l e 65.5...... Pitt lvlileage M i l e a6 g6 e . 1 . . . . . . . l. n b o xpoonl e 66.8....... Inboxonpole l,{ileage atDiamond 67.0...... ..Inbox Mileage onpol€ 67.2.... ....lnbox Mileage


TfMETABLE No.2 - APRIL29rh, L984 (conii.ued iiom paEe136)

TRAINDISPATCHER TELEPHONE LOCATIONS CHICAGO ANDDETROIT DMSION(Continued) M i l e a 6g 7e . 3 .-.... . .- . I nb o0x np o l e I oUNT CIEII,IENS SUBDII|ISI()N l4ileage 0.4....... ...West DetrciiYard ofijce l\4ileage 4.6.....-....ConRailTowerlllill,llaukee Junction Mlleage Lal,vn To\,ller 7.0.........-Forest UriESUBDIV|S|0N sH0RE Mileage 46.0..........In booth atCoolidge Highway overpass M i l e a 4g 5e . 0 - . . . . . . . .b. lono t h V i s g e r R d . Mileage 38.8 - . . . . . . . . .lnboothSibleyRd. N l i l e a3g6e. 8 . . . . . . . . .b. lono E l hl m St. l\4ileage 34.7.......... Inbooth atcrossovef M i l e a 3g 1e . 2 . . . . . . . . .b. Ionoat htc r o s s o v e r l \ I i l e a2g2e. 5 . . . . . . . . .b. lonoAt hi o mPi ci a L ne t ad [ l i h a g1e8 - 7 . . . . . . . . .b. |onoW t ha f i e r l4ileage 18.0..........In booth River Raisin Yard otfice M i l e a1 g7 e. 4 - .-. . . . . . . | nb o o ltsht S i . Mileag 1e 2 . 7 . . . . . . . . .b. |ono t h a t S p u r T r a c k M j l e a1 g0 e. 8 - ... . . . . . . l nb o o t h

cAss cmrsuBDtvtst0N [ 4 i l e a g6e. 3 . . . . . . . . . .b| n o 0x np o l e I l r l i l e a6g.e6 . . -. . . . . . l nb o x 0pno l e . GRAND RAPIDS SUBDIUISI()N [ 4 i l e a6g7e. 2 . . . .- -. . . l nb oox fpl o l e Mileage 67.3..........In box onpole west ofoakSkeet l i l e a g6e7 . 4 . . . . . . . . . . M i d dD l euYr a n r dd (a)Telegmph ofihe (b)Yardmaster l 4 i l e a6g9e. 3 . . . . . . . . .b. lonox np o l e Mileage 70.2........ . .Vemon Pole Box M i l e a 7g 4e . 2 . . .- . . . . | nb o x 0pno l e llrileage 75.6..........Corunna Pole Box [ 4 i l e a7g6e. 5 . . . . . . . . .b. ho ox np o l e l,lileage 78.5..........ol{osso Depot (conrinu.don Das. 133)



(contioued riom Page 137)

LocATloNs ttLEPHoNE i"o," otspAtcHen (continued) irirdrCdrlo oernotrDlvlsloN 792 ... lvlileage 15?.5..l\]|ileage 158.9. Mileage

Box Pole 0wossolunciion Rapids Grand Fuller SUBDIVISION GREENIIILLE BellTelephone) (lMichigan pole'Ashley Inboxon

20.5 . [4]leage

SUBDIVISION RI1IER oper' pole' ShortCutBridge lnboxon ,' connilSwitch' 17. L4lleage oper' cutBridge pole' Shod lnbox0n NlarlonAvenue' lg . lvllleage B dgeoper' pole'shortCut lnboxon " Parksireei' Mileage22 . ShoriCuiBrjdgeop onpole' Inbox Z; . "Fuel0ilSwitch' fUlfeuge 0per' Sho'iCutBridge - HotMeial' Booth' t" Swiich *,,*r. r'U.. oper' CutBidge 0n!ole'shod lnbox Yard' South ,' N-end *',*r, ,,.

192 Nllleage 23.0. . N4ileage 235.. L4ileage 236 Mlleage 240.' Nlileage 24.5,' N4ileage 29l lMileage 31.2. Nlileage

rLATRocl(sllBDlvlsloN pole Inboxon 'Huron' onpole lnbox Karl' Carleion'Towel lnboxon lole NendCarletonYard pole In boxon CarleionYard' ,' Send pole Inbox0n ReisefTrack' Lock Elec

,' 316 lvlileage t,,"rr. rt, 34a . Mileage 364 ,' l4ileage 384 Mileage 398. |j,4ileage

pole lnboxon Field' pole lnboxon Doty' House l'4aybee'Comm Inboxoipole Storage' endl'rlaybee U" LockN pole lnboxon endt\]Iaybeeslomge' ElecLockS House Rela'y River' Raisin HBD pole Inboxon Mex'

Tower 'Diann' lnboxonDole Yard' ,'Diann 40.4 Nlileage p0le lnboxon Diann' Sand 409 . lMileage ' Booth Petersburglct 444 ,' Mileage pole lnboxon ConneciionTrack LCRR Riga 52.3..... l,,tileage b o xo n p o l e l , { i l e a g6e1 . 3 . . . . . . . . . M e t a m o r a , l n

13 l c o n r i n uoendp a g e


TIMETABLE No. 2 - APRTL29rh, t9g4 (C0ntinued) SPECIAL INSIRUCTI0NS (cootinued trcm paEe133)

TRAINDISPATCHER TELEPHONELOCATIONS CHICAGOAND DETROITDIVISION(Continued) i l , I i l e a7g3e. 4 . . . . . . . .N . .. e nDde l t Ian,b o 0 x np o l e l M i h a g7e3 . 7 . .... . . . . D e l i a Y a r d , B o o t h fi4ileage 74.3... ....Delta H]ll, Booth fi4ileage 75.7. . . .. . . .. SendDe]ta, Inbor( onpoh Itlileage 82.6. . ... . . .. Libedy Center, Jnboxonpole Ivlileage 84.4.........S-endNlaumee, Booth [4ileag 3e 5 . 6 . . . . . . . .P . .3R o a d ,bI on o x np o l e lllileage 89.1..........N.end pole lllalinta, Jnboxon lMjleage 89.6. .. . . .. . . l\4alinta Yard, Inboxonpole lMileage !0.1... .....l,,lallnta pole Co.Rd_,In boxon l\4ileage poe 91.1........ S4ndl\,lalinta,In boxon lllileag 9e 6 . 8 . . . . .. . . H a m l e r , T o w e r M i l e a g9e8 . L . . . . . . . . . S . eHnadm l e rb, ol no x np o l e M i l e a g e 1 0.5. . .8. . . . L e i p s i c S B D H o m e S i g n a l , I n b o x o n p o h lvlileage 105.9. . .... . .. . Leipsjc NBD H0me S:gnal, Inb0x0npoh lvlileage 106.4


pole LeipsicYard,In boxon

Ivlileage 107.0 ......U endXN.S.end siding, Bo0th M i l e a g e 1 1 0 . 8 . .. .. .K. .l .e m a n , I n B & 0 b o x o n p o l e [4i]eage 112.3. . .. . . - .. .Ottawa, Booth [4i]eage 113.9......... 0tiawa BedTrack, Inboxonpole l leage 114.9.. . . . ... .Sendottawa, Relay House lr,llleage 123.4 ... ...cT Jct.B&0, Relay House Itllleage 129.1......... Blewlick Road, Inboronpole Mjleage 129.3. . .. . . . .. .Springswiich,In boxonpoh li,lileage 130.7...... .. Loop Track, InboxonpoTe l i , l i l eia3g1e. 0 . . . . . . . . . . M o B r ror so ,t h [rTileage 132.2....... SugarSi. Interlocking, Tol'ler Mileage 142.1. . ...uniopolis, Inboxonpoh Mileage 142.4.. . . .. .Sendllniopolis,ln boxonpole Mileage 152.0..........N.end Jacks0n Center, ln boronpole |1|lleage 153.5. . .. . . .Jackson Center, Booth Mileage 158.0.........Maplewood, Inboxonpole


Mileage i64.3. . . -.. Tower Quincy, ' 4 ei a g1e6 5 . 8 . . . . . . . S . F no du : n cI n ( tp o l e yb, o o ,"ontinued on pEser4o)



(continued ri.m Fase 139)


(continued) elroorrnotrDlvlsloN i:'rirClcd Booth 169.9..........Roselvood, Irrlihage pole ln boxon - .' N endThackery' Nlileage181.9. Booth fhackery' 1824 . ' Mileage pole InDox0n Bryaf' N_end 1864 Mileage B00th TrenontCity' 1882 . Mileage Building Buildlng' Crew 1!27 . . Mileage pole Inboxon lnierchangeTrk' N_end 1931 . . Mileage li box0npole 1932. . . Maitland' t4ileage SUBDIVISION SPRINGTIETD Buildins JunciionOfilceBldg'' lnboxonpole l,4ileage209.1.' s charlestonNoiRte42 S Chaesioi'ln boxonpole t . l,{ileage2l0 Building FayneB&0Conneciion' Mileage23l.0 pole box0n WHC,ln 2333 . . Mileage

2003 . Mileage

Wavedy'Staiion Inboxonpole 'Grcgg''

2822 .. [4ileage 2860 l,{ileage



SUBDIVISION DEARBORN Booth Spring$'lJitch' Fordhaven

Milesge22 Mileage24. Mileage29. . Mileage4 5 .

Building 0{fice' FordhavenYard NorthEnd'B00th Fordhave!

l\4ileage52. . Nlileage6.0. .

(Penn Rd)'lnboxon0ole Penn Booth siding' Penlord ln boxonpole Penford'

lvlileage9.1 . 108 lvileage

Park'Inboxonpole pole Inboxon 'OJ'N&WCrossing'



Tolvel YaIdTolver' Rouge SUBDIVISION NAPOLEON Booth SouP, Rd_Canpbell Prilate R00m Crclll House, Diesel l,lileage7.0.... . .... .Napoleon rlileage7 . 0 . . . . . . . . . . N a p 0S1iea0t inoBnu' i l d i n g

(continuedon Pase 14


TfMETABLE No. 2 - APRIL291h,7984 (C0ntinued) SPECIAT INSTRUCTI0NS (coniinuedrrcm pager40)

GTCOMMERCIAL TELEPHONES FOR AGENTS ANDOPERATOFS S()UTII BEI{D SU BDIVISION E h d o. n . . . . . . . . . .3. 1 2 - i 3 5 . 7 4 4 0 B l u e l s l a. n . .d. . . . .3 1 2 - 3 8 5 . 0 0 0 i l h o r n iJocnt . . . . . . . 3 1 -23 3 1 . 2 8 1 0 South Bend... . . 219.288.1251 KATAMAZ()() SUBDIVISI()N K a l a m a. z. .o. .o. . . .6 1 6 - : 4632 3 2 -381.32!1 Kilgore Yard-...... 616 FLII{ISUBDIVISION D u m n.d. . . . . . . . . 5 1 72- 8 8 - 3 7 8 3 T a p p a. .n. . .. . . . . . 3 1 3 . 9 4 85 411 GRAI{D RAPIDS SUBDIVISION D u n n d. . . . . .- . . 5 1 72- 8 8 , 3 7 8 3 Frller. . . . . . . . . . . . 616. 363.2930

H0t tYsuBDrvrsr0N

Durand . . . . . . . . - . . 517. 2883783 *MilwaukeeJct. ...... 313- 952.2260 (0900 to1700) P o n U a c Y. .a. .r.d. . 3 l : . 5 4 2 - 1 1 2 0 MOUNT CTEMENS SU BDI|lISi()N iForest Lawn ... . ... . 313.962-2260 (090010 i700) ]fi4ilwaukeeJct. ...... 313'962.2260 (0900 roU00) lappan.. .. .... . . . 313- 984'45U SAGINAWSUBDI!/ISIO Dunnd ......... 517-288-3783 M e 6 h o.r. . . . . . . . .5 1 7 - 7 5 5 - 3 3 5 2 Bay Ciiy. . . . . . . . . . . 5U . 6849441 iThrough switch board opentor.



PH|)I{E (49017) BattleCreek ... R.B.Zaplitney,265 Fremont ............. 962-615 Battle Creek ... R.H.Allen, I91College St.(49017) .............. 963-159 Battle creek. ..1G. F.Colquhoun, I88College St.(490U) . .. .... ... 962.323 (continu€d on page 142)



(continued from Paae r41)



7sse3 . il iluli.r;iiiqir'i''*or'sas'|ra,"(487 ill]iltY'll B"ic:tv DlTrbil:adl'.tf;?lldJilh**,0'*'.(4s 8s555 (48008) " ... ii"'ili'jii"i''iil w *'o*toad Bimjnsham


;l,ii;ffi lilo'nllfit,lti^o.i,rn.l*,ll-l]"1 :*:::l

ffit:tih;fi:ffi ffiP:;;;q1',,l,''', ;q*

3ii,lll'illiilil"'lll'Jli,i,i{;,iJ", fiili ,;;";;;r;:llll;l';'*lslllllll; ;illi



fii illll;,ll*l***,ili'tf

Mrlvaukee I;$fl,L:L:'Titll;j;'l::"'l'11'l ':.i0*


ffi;'*,t-ff*#ql il il$#':{ilLf frl**,,,, t0Dihalmologjst


TIMETABLE No. 2 - APRIL29th,7984 (C0ntinued) SPECIAL INSTRUCTI0NS (continued rtum pa8e 142)


23 05 51 33

(Continued) MEDICAL OFFICERS Physical fxaninations atthefollo$ing locatiois olly: Battle Crcek Dunnd Lans;ng Poniiac BayCity/Saginaw Flint l,4ill,vaukeePortHuron Chicago Gmnd Rapids lMuskegon South Bend Detroit Valparaiso

DearbornMedicalCenter,(Dr.KarlSeitam) 1 0 1 5M1i c h i gAavne n.u. .e. . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . .( 3 1 3 5 )8 4 . 1 1 7

00 8I Romulus Metro Indust alCl;nic, 7845 fi4iddlebelt Road (313) 326.0800 t61 I tynnClinic,25700 W outerDrive . . . . . . . . . . . .(313) 383-7844 60 Lincoln j39 (DrD.F.Proud) FlatR0ck lt4edicalCenter t07 26i51 Hurcn River D ve .. . ... ... .(313)782.243 115 lil T r e n t .o, n , . . . , Trenton Clinic(Dr. D.M.Lemanski) 116 3231 Wesi Road .(313) 676-7500 178 . . W. - - S.Middleton, 219W Front 137 l v l o n r c e . . .Dr. St..........(313) 241.0366 601 . . .. . . . . Delta Clinic(Dr. Ben H.Reed,Jr.) 340 D e l t. a 0 f f i c M e : a i a n t A d r i.a- .n. . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . ( 4 1892) 2 - 3 1 3 91I Res.: 303 Fernwood ... . - .. -... . .... .(419) 822.3i53 821 090 Dr.R.C.Soriano, 158-East Maumee Ave...... (419) 5991826 323 . . R.L.Holladay, 2609 oflice: Breese Rd..... .(4i9)9910015 598 l r m a . . . . . . . Dr. Res.: 2609 Brcese Rd.. .. . . .... 501 .... .. . ... .. .(419) 99i-5906

0fJice: West Pike St.... ...(513) 596.6282 000JackoiCenterDt G.F.Aukennan, R e s i d e. .n- c. .e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(.5. .1.53 9) 6 . 6 2 8 436 923 Dr.G.Thomas Fazio, off.:1261S. Fountaln A!e..(5I3)322-7698 t7l Dr.Leroy V.Goodson, oliicej 351Doctor CtW..(5I3)325,3782 804 Yellow SpingClinic, 1001Xenia S.. . . . . . . . . . .(513) 767-7349 r520 Y e l l oSw p r i n0ghs1,. 0. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. ( 5 1 83 7) 8 . 9 6 3 r860 t555 )831

r305 i565 1585 1236 l6s6

t84r 3Ar

Dr.A.M.Shrader, Oiiice: 196L E|nmt Ave... - .(614) 947-2964 R e s2.0: 7 ES . e c oSntd-. . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( 6 1944) 7 - 4 0 9

(Dr.Ca11J. Jackson MedicalClinic, creever) 01!ice: 35Vaughn S1...... . . ... ..... . . ...(614) 286-2116 R e s i d e- n . .c. .e. . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . .2( 86 61 -43) 2 0

H0ker Medical Center, Clinic Branch (Dr. John WZinney)35Vaughn St.. ..... . ..(614) 286-2308

Dr HaryNenni, office: 124South 6thSt.......(614)532-5353


No'2 - APRIL29th' 1984 TIMETABLE (C0ntinued) INSTRUCTI0NS SPECIA[ 0FtlcERs Dlvlsl0N

DIVISI()N CHICAGO CBETK BATTLE SUPERINIINDINI' I. H.STONE, Creek Transpodatr0n'Battle SJper;ntendent Assislant J.S.Yeag;r, C.e.nivarO,fransportatlonsuperyisor'BattleC CIAFk Batlle SupPrv'sor' Tnnsportxion D.j. Hawley, Elsdon Manager' Terminal G.L.Kalousek, Flint lt4anage( Teminal c.H.Fairchild, Creek Battle Dispatcher' l. R.H rd ChLei Creeh Battre ol Eng;neers Foreman Road Le:t, G.W. lsland B1!e R.T.Holnshom ' Trainmaster, Creek Batile Tminmaster, T.L.Schlosser' creek Batile Trainmaster, Teminal cammire, E.[. Lansrig Trainmasler' J D Wilcox, Flint R.VPeq,Trainmaster' tlint Trainnaster, Teminal Pouels, H.T Huron Port Trainmasler, D. Haihaway, .,. - BATTLE CREEX ERS DISPATCH TRAIN L.A.Lee(L.A.L.) (GRB) G.R.Baldwin (H.F.MJ H.F.Metzgar (RJB) R.1.Bigge6tatf (A.D.R Rasmussen ) A. D. (RE.B ) R.E.Billings (R.C.R.) R. C. Rettig (c.F.B.) c.F.Budon (PG.R ) P.G.Robeds (F.t.G F.L.Geren ) (E.l.S) E.l.Smith (BEH) B.E.Haire (t4.LJ.) l\4. t.Thomas (S R H S.R.Hamilton ) (G.BJ) G.B.Tidd (X.E.H.) X.E.Hellitt (DAw.) D.A.Wagner (L.R H) L.R.HawleY R.L.Ho{e(R.L.H ) CREEX OFFICT_BATTLE DISPATCHING TRAIN Dispatcher Chief 966'5349 616 Code Area



TIMETABLE No.2 - APRIL29th, 1984 (comrhued f6n pase144)

(Continued) DIVISION OFFICERS DETROITDIVISIO R.C.GOUID, SU PTRIN'IENDENT, PONTlAC R.l. Neumann, Assistant Superintendent, Tnnsp0rtation, Poitjac E.E Lanb, ksistantSuperiiiendent, Tnnspodation, FlaiRock l(.R.Xnox, Teminal lvlanager, lvlilwaukee lunction E.J.Pavlica, lerminal Manager, Pontiac R.P.o'Brian, Terminal Manager, FIatRock R.B.B€aver, Teminal lvlanager, Springfield J.R.Abercrombie, trssistant Teminal Manager, FlatRock C L.Border, SupervisorTrain opemtions, FlaiRock J.T.Curcio, Division operatorSchedule Supefiisor, FlatRock G.R.Randt, ChiefDispatchel Pontiac J.M.Hyatt, ChiefDispatchet FlatRock l. G.Tyson, Road Foreman ofEngines, Poitiac I Gibson, Road Foreman offngines, Durand Road Foreman ofEngines, FlatRock C.C.Colliis, H.J.Ioth,Terninal Trainmaster, Miluaukee Junclion M.H.Wa ldftrp, Trainrnaster, Pontiac 0.S.lewis, Trainmaster, oion L.T.WLauer, Trainmaster, Durand R.L.Batory, Trainnaster, Lang W.A.Hltchinson, Trainrnast€r, FlatRock Teminal C D.Donigai, Tainnaster, FlatRock D.W-Dunas, Terniial Tminnaster, FlatRock D.L.Finfruck, Trainmasl€r, Lina G.D.Collins, AssistantTemjnal I{anaget Cincinnati - PONTIAC TRAIN DISPATCH ERS YARD (J.R.[,1.) L.DeYoung(L.D.Y.) J.R.Mcxinnis (E.A.F.) (N.J.SJ E.A.Facknit N.J.Schmidt (.1.R.S.) J.R.Sharp W.C.taler(W.C.F) (C.l.C.) (l-.D.S.) C.l.Grifka [. D.Sh€pard (WP.H.) (G.W.S.) W.P.Howard G.W.Snyder (PLM.) (D.L.S) D.L Stotler P.t. Marton TRAIN DISPAICHING OFFICE_ PONTIAC YARD AreaCode 3I3- 330-4:122 Chief Dispatcher AreaCode 313. 338-0595 West DispatclEr AreaCode 313.338-6949 East Dispatcher - I.ANG TRAIN DISPATCHERS (L.PJ) (R.E.P.) t. P.Canpbell R.E.PeteB (E|l4.G.) T.Rosenbaln t M.Gosselin O.R) W.D.Norcll(W.D.N) TRAIN DISPATCHING O'IICE- LANG AreaCode 419 729.U5.4 {contlnu€d on p€eE1,lO


APRIL29th' 1984

{continuedfom Page145)

(Continued) DNISIONOFFICERS _ FIATROCI( ERS TRAIN DISPATCH (D.VG) D.V.Gebatd WC.Rendon 0{ CR) (L.LS) L.l. Sands (R.tP.) R.E.Petticrew (RDF) R.D.Fasure (W.D t) D.Lustig






N6.2 _ APRIL29th, 1984 TIMETABLE

No'.2- APRIL29th' 1984 TIMETABLE


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A V O I DDA M A G E CARSCAREFULLY SWITCHCUSTOMERS SPEED JUDGING A c c u r a t ej u d g m e n to f c o u P l i n e soeeddependsuponcorrecttrmrnC. An excellentway to get accurate l r m i n Ew i l h o u ta w a t c hi s t o c o u n t ''onelundred and thirty_on€,one hundredand thirty two and so on as the car passesastationarypornr' With a little practice,countrngcan be don€atthe rate of one a secon6. Abilrv to closelyesUmaiespeed' a time .ar strikes,is ettremelv rm Dortantbecaus€impacttorcebuilds irDas the souareof the speed This ;eans that impact deliveredbY a

ii "i *jl'il"'lci fr$ ffi AS ""i,"fl GREAT,Damageto freight and car can be avoidedbY alwaysxeep_ inE couDlinsspeedwithin the sare ra;!e - NbT OVER4 MLES PER Ho!R-ABRtsKWALK.



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e c- . . . . . . . . . . 6 1 . 0 2 0 m i n . 3 6 s.e.c. . . . . . . . .1 0000 0m i n . 5s 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60.00 . ' 9730 1min.0sec. .. onifl.37sec. S s e c. . . . . . . . . . .5 5 . 3 8 onii.38sec . " 9474 1 n i n . 5143 0 m i n . 3 g s. .e. .c... . . . . . . .9 2 . 3 1I m i n . l o s .e. c. ... . 4 looo 1m i n . 1 5 s e c . . . . . . . . . .8. . 0. .0 .. . .. onin.4osec. om i n . 4 I s e. c... . . 8 78 0 1 m i n . 2 0 s e c . . . . . . . .4. .5...0. .0 omi4 n 2 s e c. . . . . 8 5 o o 1 n i n . 2 5 s e c . . . . . . . . 4. .2. . .3. 5 0 n i n . 4 3 s.e. c . . . . . . 6 5 , t a 1 n i i . 3 o s.e. .c. .. . . -.- . . . 4 00 0 81'82 1m i n . 3 S s e c . . . . . . . .3. .7. .. 8. .9 . o min44sec .. 0 m i n . 4 s s.e. .c. . . . . . . . 8 0 . 0 0I m i n . 4 0 .s.e. .c. .. . . . . . . .3 6 0 0 3429 .. . 0 m i n . 4 6 s. .e. .c... . . . . . . .7 82 6 I tin 45sec 7 66 0 1n r i n . 5 0 s e c . . . . . . . .3. 2. ...7. .3 om i i . 4 7 s e .c.. - . . . 0min.48sec.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 75.00 1 m i n . 5 5.s .e. c. ... . . . . . . 3 1 . 3 0 0 min.49sec. . . . - . . . . . 73.74 2min.0sec.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.00 . ' 72oo 2 m i n . 1 0 .s.e. .c. .. . . . . . . .2 7 . 6 9 sec. .. omin.50 . .c. . . . . .-.. 2 5 . 7 1 . 7059 2 m i n . 2 0.s. e .. .. 51sec 0 min. .. omin52sec " 6923 2 r n i n . 3 0.s. e. .c.-. . . . . . . . 2 4 . 0 0 g n ; 1g. ls s 6 . . . . . . . . . 6 7 . 9 22 m i n . 4 0 s e c . . . . . . . .2. .2. .. 5. .0 e c. . . . . . . . 2 1 . 1 8 6667 2 m i n . 5s 0 ' omin.s4sec 0 sec. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2000 3 min. 6 5 . 4 5 0m i n . 5 5 s e c . ........ . . . 0 m i n . 5 6 s .e1c.. . . . - . . . 6 4 . 2 93 m i n . 3 0 .s.e. .c. .. . . . . . . .1 7 . 1 4 . .5. . 0 0 6316 4 m i no. s e c . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . " o min57sec 0 m i n . 5 8 s -e.c. . . . . . . . 6 2 . 0 7

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