1958 Grand Trunk Western Employees Time Table

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Time Table $afetyNo. I



(SouthBendond Kolomozoo Subdivisions)


suNDAY, OCT.26, 1958 Ihls Time Table ls for ihe furfomation of €bployees only.




w L tt. i'


gEIVET) 123i958

ffiDEnffi ON SINGLE TR'ACtr, the superior ilircctlon ls EASIT or SOUTE. anil EASTWARD or SOUTEtrains WAnD are, ulless otherwise speclfieil, superior to the trains of tfte samc cla,s9 h the opposite (iDle.ior) .lircctlon. The Compalty's ODeratiug Bules are prllrt€d sepa,rat4b ilr book form. AII emDloyeea whosc iluties are co|rlr€ctaal with th€ movement of tr&lrs mus6 have 4 colry accessible anal a coDy of current enploy€€s time table with thern whtle on aluty.

TIMETABIENO. I -OCTOBER26.- 1958 FAIR WEATHEREOUATEDTONNAGERATINGAND INSTRUCTIONS STEAMENGINES IIND NOBTE a'q"I ,r% | ao mt.2rial 05.6|tel !Nt.t83tlItsr.flfl 3{t5-3t?tl 83lt,t3$ ro$.rosrl


WEST -"'E'1

-{E 6,



tsq, I tz* I





5 0 0 0 480 0 3 9 5 0 5 0 0 0 4 a o 0 3 9 50 5 0 00 4 4 0 0 3950 3400 327 5 2700 3 1 7 5 2ao0 .ikqnir nrrld. ! Mtulcdn ... 2300 r900 2600 2600 2AOO 1 9 0 0 .oEnil BoDlib & claDil EovGr. 2ao0 Sr o o t 2 3 3 0 0 3800 4g ;;;; 6000 5460 ..........TaDDan /t BtohDoril...-..-.. 4900 4600 4300 4t26 s400 ( 1 1 . OOa!6) & Nov E v.D...... 4 1 0 0 3750 3 6 60 BL26 2aoo .-.. FtchDolil t 2 CAR s400 ( I l O cals) itot.- 4900 4500 4300 4t25 t 2 cAn ..Now Esv6D & MltrfoEko. l600 5 1 3 5 0 1 6 50 ...........Aihl.y & Gt€orrdll€.......... nrlont 1* nre n|fv 3055 2276 3520 l o 2 3 0 0 2426 3925 3600 3 4 5 0 2450 7 2400 2725 3460 3 6 6 0 397 6 .....DrchmoDil & Walhh8toE......

a a a o

3 00 0 3400 2400 2400 r460 1 6 5 0 2650 2go0 9 2?'00 2600 I 2 0 0 0 2300 I 2000 2300

'l 7



r750 1600 1750 L760

+LZt' 4300 4500 3525 3700 3900 2450 2250 2900 3 5 5 0 3700 a900 3350 3050 3roo 2400


2|0t.?8tl lus.l|t0 tsIr.63[1t085. mt D{E.t52llGt.50tl 5Ut.!t?l5t!t.5U!

4 9 0 0 ..-...-...Dotlolt& nottl O.t.......... Saoo 5 3 0 0 5 a o 0 53 0 0 4300 ....royal OaL & EtrDl4I!m..... 3L75 ......BlrDlnstrE E Po!tlioa....... 5 4 0 0 5 3 0 0 4260 ...........Pontlso & DurlDiI..........-- 3925 3 6 0 0 3500 .-....DuBnal& Claril 8eDlil......,

3275 3275 327 5 2A50


2460 1676 1676




2525 247 5 2926

2000 2000

r 450 t525 1400 1 6 0 0 1250 I+25 r260

I 9 I I

2460 3000 I 1300 6 2 0 00 8

3 1 50 3 0 0 0 247 5 2AOO 2500 3 3 60 LaL6....... 2450 a w'u€ii ......Potrtlio 2 50 0 3 3 5 0 2f,7 5 a Noe Euilto!... I,ako ...Wall.il 2L60 247 5 2676 ! ;taaklon.......-.....N€r nnilao[ 2725 3460 3325 3 9 5 0 3925 t9 6 2025 2200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . P o n t&i oO . . . . . . . . o r1orn... 2 0 0 0 2 ! r 6 2 3 0 0 ..........Ortotil& Imlty Cltt.......... r s o 0 t740 1540 r47 5 I A 7 5 t+7 6 r 940 L926 .. .....ImrayCltt & ca!. Cttt........

2000 ra25

! a ,(E

........W8rhh8ton a Portroo........ 3 4 6 0

.........Ce!! Olty & Co3€YtI|6.........

2500 D 2000 I 2200 I 2200 I r900 I 2400 ),200

I 6

1300 5 r300



a a a 6

s I 9 T2

aaea- 1Ur7- 41279027 41,1ll 1111 thalo

45Ee- 46S9- 1500- 16001929 4522 1510 1510 Stralo Slrsl6

3800 3800 3800 4500 3875 2150 2150 5600 6400

4000 2250 4000 2250 4000 2250 5500 3100 5400 2900 4800 2500 4800 2500 7500 4000 7500 4000 ?500 4000 3200 1?00 4800 2800 5000 2600 1850 3500 3300 1?00 3500 1900 3500 1900 4500 2350 4500 2350 3800 2000

L2 5


to 7 7

4250 3100

7 7 7 5 5 5

2350 2450

4?50 4750 4750 5625 5750 5400 5400 6500 6500 6500 3600 5000 5200 3750 3500 3?50 3?50 4650 4150 4200

2500 2500 2500 3300 3100 2750 2750 3800 3800 3800 1800 3000 2000 1825 2000 2000 2500 2500 2200

4?50 4750 4?50 5800 5400 5400 8000 8000 8000 3400 5000 5800 4500

4850 4850 4400


2500 ..........D61!oltA troyd Oak......... 4500 2500 ....BoyelOak & Dtfttnabrh..... 4500 2500 ......AtEirsihe,D lt Pontrao....... 4500 3300 - . . . . . . . . . . . r o l t b a& D u a r i l . . - . . . . . - . . 30?5 3100 ... ..ItuEDil & G! d aaDtiL..-.- 3000 2750 GEnd nsDr'it. & Mu.k€8!!.... 2150 crolal nopl& & Gmril E&Y6D. 2L15 4300 ..-.--....TrrrptrrA BlchDoral.......... 3950 4300 ......f,lohmonal& Norr f,a, €r...... 3050 4300 .Now Earon & l[lll'onkoo itct,., 3950 1825 1900 2350 3000 .........D!!![il & Bey Clty.........-. 3250 . .niohnol|t & Wo.hlDator...... 3450 2300 .......Wa8hbaton & Podlao........ 2675 2850 2150 2850 ..waU6ilLak€ & N6w Enil8o!.. 2450 2350 ... New EoakoD & it&ckor...... 2500 ............PoDtioo & Oxfotil............ 3000 2500 ...... .. Otlotil & IDby Ctty......-... 2300 ...... Imlay Clty & C5.3 Ctty........ 1800 ..

5 :rotor


1600- 1600- 4590. 463t1610 1610 1422 4922 Ahab Dorbl€ BhsIo

auesol eDslDet

Ca6s City It Caftvtu€ 41 to 50, llclu8ivo

7500 ?500 7500 5800 5500 3750 3?50 ?500 5800 :::: 5800

..:' 5500 3000

3450 6500 3450 6500 3450 6500 2400 4500 2900 5500 2600 5000 2600 5000 2600 5000 2400 4800 2400 4800 1500 2100 2650 5000 2200 4000 2300 2300 2000 2500 4500 13?5 2500 14?5


4000 4000 4000 3300 3100 2750 2150 2125 2125 2725 1600 2250 2800 2350 2500 2500 2150 2?50 1475 1600


900t- _ { E 90r7

8000 8000 8000 6?50 6000 5400 5400 5450 5450 5450

6400 I 6400 9 6400 {r 5400 I 4075 I 3400 9 3400 9 6400 I 5200 I


5450 4450 4500 36?5


a I 9 9 I I

5000 4200 2800 2025

I 5 5 5





t .i^sle










11900-4001 90064007-492P 9097

















































(l) Th€ toDrmso ntins of any ihossl oneja6 muBt rot b6 orco6al6il. (2) Eathcs coaDl6il. for other than 1600 leries €Dsiires aE for two tnit! Shoulil ono Imit be tl8oit alon6 or moro thar two urriB for two trdts aB tho rumbe! courrlod, th6 to@ao rattls slu bo tr tho Ea.mo r.efto to that Ehom oI unttu is to two, orcopt b tsthss wtU b6 comFutsil or th6 boEts oI tho lowelt tho uss ot dual oi t!fulo imtt. totDraao anil sp€oil Eteal ttrlt. (3) Dlo8or toart oD6'ltr€s 0006-009? troy trrots b€ opolst€al over Dain or Eala,mezoo Sub-aE\ihio! o&st of M.P. 11.3 bd aot on wsst ol Eelomezoo Staiio4 ![.P, ror or DaiD tnclIs 11.3. Btalo trrck of {.Lamazm Etlt-alivlBtor

E amDle:

(1) 42 ca!s. Car lactor




by tliultlDtv1. Tho oquatoil toutra66 o{ arl' tlaln ts it€tsrbltrod a,ndt adittnei lnsi tbo nuhber ol ca!3 tD tlto traln by tho ca! lactor the !$ult to tho Bum of tho ta,rs and contork.

nnal tbe .quat6d r4tha o! a 38% .!strePubulbed rattDe ol lrVo ans,n6 l! 2500 ton?Equ&t.it tonnaao rstln8 o! 88% 6DA|D. lF ,5OO X 38 = 231? €quatad tnnd

Totrl Eiross tce1sht,.............r100 long 10 X r, car ...-............-. {20 tonr ...... rOrO t.""



3l co!s. ca! racto!

.......-..1080 torll Tota.l aro!. wolght 1 0 X 8 { c r E - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8. { 0 t o ! !



rosisterco alit 2. aho ca! factor ls an atlowanc6 tor lilcttoral gradoi th6 valios on dlferent suballvtslorE soaoldlDa to tho lullng loBtsta[co !3 th6 tlatlonEl boha that on loF saitiont! Dltuclpl€ e btaher ploDoltion ol th6 total r6tlltalco ihan oD .t€ep€r aral. 3o adrust6d that dl6bt5. By u6e o! !h6 ca! tacto! tbo tlaltrload ot 6qual €qu!,ted tolnag6 tbo r6l5taDco ls tts sam6 !o! .n t!a.l prrtly cars. loatlstl, loEal6d, o! ehDtv wh6th6! compo8od o! lullt lbol'n ar6'4" 3. Ths equstodt ratl[g! rattDss wllt b6 ledtircgat rr authorlr€al by

or falr w€ath6!. ratlDgs "8"

41 8. To d6t€lmlDs tortrec6 lo! pu6hs!, doublsb!.11.!, ot llopor holpor 6nalnss, unl6d3 Bp€clal rBths l. Eiivon, sildt to 6quat.il tlttrrt o! tbo drst .ncilno 96% o! tbo equateil latlDa lD Glloct to..aol olrr! 9. In maktng up tralnr, welBitrts muBt Dt taldra: .wh€! b€ oDblr.il taro anil cont€r& t.om tbo wE biU. s. lot tar. Folaht! availabl6, ca! wslsht! may b€ t!,keD e3 uEit€!: Pa,3!6nser qalFa-Who6l



Er9r€rr rr6tabt




Pr,sena€r Carr-6-Wh66l (Coloabt alit Coach) alosD€ra
















a.nd Bo:



A B c D E

(3lo F abov6) Abov. lreerlns 82' abov6 to 10o F alrovo (or bad ra.ll) 160 abovs to ,€.o 2610 to 10o b€low 11o b€low to 20o bolow

NiI % 1o"b 16Eo 2070


f,'or Dtesel Pow6!:6Eo From 0. r to -t9o F \0% rlom -20o F to -sgo r -4Oo 76Vo Flom F a-nd bolow 6Vo Bad llatl 24o artt b6lor iD Tbo Chl€l DtsDatcho! wlll l!!us spectal Inst$cttons low€! thaD thoso llo\th .as6 ot stolm or tampolatur$




Ste6l abil St€sl Freme

G o n i t o l a C a l s . - . . . . , . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . .7. . . .

Sto6l Und€rirahe





CoDveltiblo cerF({l (46 foot) (6, !oot) rlat



...,......... r0



. . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . ,2,0, , , , . . Ca!!-4-W!eel


out ot !hoD8 alt6r roc6lllDB beittum 4. N€w enstb6! or 6Ealt.! wtll bc loaltod z0% llgbt ot nr.t outward tlrp 6nd or beavy r.Dai!! wlll Eilel!6 cbtof t!lD. t ocomoitvo for€m€D 10% llBbl, ob roturu tD .uch cas6.. aDd Yardtnaltor Dl.pec.b€! .ervlc€ 6lsiltrB! !n lrslsiht 6. Pa..€rc€! !6dluctloD ot on. huDdr€d (100) ton* wul

adtjultm€nt. 6. ADy noceslaly b€ ma-dl€ by suDorlnt€lilont


tD tho lattrs. trallporta,tton.

bo allorF€d lhortn

E lu!t!.r in

20 22 10. h computtna tonnacie, tully losilsd cals ol Erotn, coal, pulpwood, tle., €tc., vrher€ wslsht3 are not slven on"allr, luhb€., the wsyb r, will be conBialered as carryi.Ei ths malkeit carlyhB caD.-


lE tb6 cattacltv trom thole 4owq ?. whsD aD .Dalr6 ol dtl!.!6rt wlll b€ 6rrlvoal rt bv laE_ tort&s. trblo ls uE6il, th. DroDor.quat.d 6!sG€ wlth tbo clos6lt DorcontEso c€.p.cltv' tlts iho laltlc orth; t!6 capscltv anil EulllDrvl!8 tlrl. rattng bt lt! p.ro€nta8s dlivldhs to b. u.6al' r6Butt 6y ths percentage or cEpecltv o! th6.Dsh.

11. WheD it€eil enslnes ar6 lDelualeai In o tratn, lour tllr1 ca. factor wiU bs aalded to tb€ rctuel rr6labt oI €ach 6naino.


12. When an eDsin€ t3 unabto to banatls tbo autboltzed lattnEi a loiDt msslaA6 61gn€al by CoDducto! an?t Lnsh€D&n wiU bo !.nt to the Chlef Dtupa,tcho! &dvkltrg Eado artt alrtDa tbo ths letluottoD












---SeilL L 1120

A 5.45 4.52


4.45 s 8.40 s 8.30 s 8.18



..._.... oqoDHls ........ . . . . . . . - . .E M M E l l . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ .c.a. P A C . . . . . . . - - . . .


s 12.17 12.29 tz.3\ 12.34 s 12.38


s 4.52




3> z-


4.32 s 4.27




u.57 s 6.40

......SWARTZ CllEr...... .......... DUFflElD..--......

:o :o


s 1.10 1.40




2.07 s 2.10 222




4.24 s 4.?\


soRRtc 9ERRY ............ ........... ..... SHAFT5BUnO ..-... : o oz .........HAslETr.......-.. z > ..... tRowERtDoE...... r.aN-5.1Ne .......... ......... ........._. tUltETI............ .-.....POTrERVll,tE ....-...

2.24 2.21 5 2.08 2-02 1.55


6.24 6.25 5.05

4.07 4.44

s 3.52


3.46 3.41





s L.23 s 4-23 s 3.10 4.t5 3.05 1.18 s 4.03 s 2.52 234

a 320

L 3.30

A 5.08






'_ CentrolStondord Time SOUTHBENDSUBDIVISION wlSTWARD ttttt



l7 L 4.20

L 2.30


4.35 2.50 4.37 2.53 4.42 5 3.05 4.47 4.55 3.22 5.07 3.41

ttRst clASt



11.10 4.4!

s 4.48 455 s 5.07

11.03 . 5 12.50 10.58 12.55

.....tcfloolctaFt ...... F 1232 r0.43 5 12.17 . 10.31 10.20 ]2.07





4.04 4.06 4.t4 4,16

s 5.50 5.58



12.50 72.44 s t2.42 72.4r







3> z-r.) -



71.22 - F O F


zO >o







s 12.92

=o oZ












s 6.02 . 6.05 7.11

a 7.45 a 7.29 A 5.30



;;;;; 10.17 DOtt

11.22 11.16

s 11.12 . 11.09 11.00 L 10.50








Yard rFlll . obtah

CEAnU)TTE.-.No. 14 \r8l stop to derra@ lBvque pa€s€Dge?sfrom ghlcago, NICEOLS YABDF.No. 6 Fllr aprrroactb clossovcr siiche6 al, MlcbleaD Avelue undor contlol prepaled to stop a.nd Foc€ed only on hand slsrsl trom Afihhterder, FnST-CLASS T&AINS vill regtster at pori lluoD, and BatUe creek


r*93"J_f wirl at Riil;*"gli"rRArNs leersre]

__The Opemtor at Tappsn, Belsay, Durand and Niihots Iarq qi! ftsister fi$t-ciobs tratns by De5srse Ilom ltain Dlspal,cher. l'Iair Dlspalcher. TraiDs orisimt'ne originst'ng ald terminarirxs rerminarjns aL Bdl6ay and Duland will legi-ster et those Doints,

SOUTHBENDSUBDIVISION FOOTNOTES BATTLE CBDEK STATION,-TEiIS and eDdrne5 must appIoach dossovers weit ot MaIx Street and easl, of Elrl Street Fepared to stop 1! switches are not ploperly Uled or il track is occupied. Resular Eastward passenser tratds wlU, unlrss oihe!wise ntr$&rcted, ea.ke statlon stop on No. 1 tlack, Battle Cleek Statton, uslxg crossove$ et goutb AveDUe lor that pn]:pos. Manimum speed thmush this crossover ls 10 Mlles Per Eour. Wlren ma*lng station stop El]n Sheet will be bloc]red. VICESBUEG-.No. 14 will stop to detrala reveue D.sseageE froE Chlcago. CASSOPOLIA.-.No. 14 lrllt stop to detnaln reve$io passengelis. Westwsld trai!: order slenal locai€d 800 tt. SOUTE BEND.-Diesel eoAlies. Buno Clsnes, Scrli.lf1ers ,,nd all other on-tlak vehl.les vtth less tlhd 32 teet wheel bBse wlthoul cars, wiU not be opemt€d dr€! lob(, Mai! Tracks u]rtil the gF Tower IJevelmat has beeD lully lntomed ol Lhe bovebert. After Foceedirt, iJ rbovement is stopF€d lor eDy !e.son, IIF Tower l€ve!marx w l be tocmediabry notified. OITYEBS.-Opemttns Rule 403 is oodjtieat as fo ows; WIen ttre t!&jn order s8nal dtsptays STOP, Westward traina may pull up clear ol Joht track. 'No. 1? wiu }educe speed to ten miles per holrl to receive mrhoad mau.


(HOLLYSUBDIVISION) DETROIT TERMINAL FOOTNOTES Operetion of sbgle tract bet$reen westward home sigDal of Milwarr<ee Julcaon interlocking aad Soulevard, Swlt h 1'ill be as foltows:

wesfvsd Traing and Easlward psseDger-caEJing T'rah\ m6L obiai! Termirral Cieamnce aL Milwaukee

Fi6C Class TEiEs wi! b. goeemed by hand signal from switchfender. Other trelDs dcl elsiDes will move

Between Riopele Sbeet Passens€r Trald must be SPEDD. Between Eastings Sheet, m[ease 0.3 aDd BruEh stleet SLaiio!. lhe mov.mcbt ar(d tl.e use ot siEches by Fssenge! carrying trains aDd l:sbL moeemsi of p8_seDger ergines will be govemed by hand sieruls ftom swltchtmde! oE duty, u.less oi.her$'!se drected.

plepe,red to stop for opposilg movements,

FOOTNOTES HOLLYSUBDIVISION color lieiht, combinatioD exeeD and'Irrrr€! lunar vhite, inCIIAI?,ING sialled at I'ENTON, BLOOMIrELD CROSS, OA<WOOD BLLD., and HIGHLAND PARK to be displayed to stop trains whlch are scheduled io stop on flae. . l *No. 122 wul stop at rirGIIr.AND PAIira to dehain rercDue possengerstrom DumDd rnd EPsr. 'No, 56 vil slop .D BLOOI/IFIELD HILI'6, CfIAFINO cRoss, oAKwooD BL\aD,, and FER\rD3LE to detrain reveDuepa5:enge_srrom Dursd 3Dd sFsl. When passenger traus arc closelv aplloaching staiions belween PONTIAC and MIL'WAUKEE JSCTION, o! stardtus at such stai,ions to- receive or drschalse passenge$, a train or engine must not pass between the passenger tlain md t.Ile station platform at which passeDsers ale rccefi'ed or dtscha€ed, ptatforms wiU not crear man BIRMINGEAM.---station dding o! side of car or on steps oi coaches leadng out. Automatic Block Signal 261, at PONUAC,-W€stward cltDton Sbe€t, may be used for rhe purpose of holdniLg frestward trains or enejnes east ol cliitoD street. whe[

irains or engibes ore siopped by tihis signal, member oI crcw elll eo Lo pa.senser slsiion foi insrruf.,uxi. All Trrins must obtain Telmjrml Clearance at Pontiac. WEST PONTIAC.-Westsdal Trails wiu not require Termlnal ct€aaDce. *DA\'ISBIORG, LINDDN anal GAniIES.-Nos. ?1 and 56 wiU leduce speed to 25 miles per hou to Fick up U. S. eail nom craaeDURAND.*Times


at Passeneer staiion. :,pply FIIiST CIIISS TR,AINS MUSt TiOVCAt EESTBICTED 6P-EED between Duand Passenger Staiion and dwarl signa,l2,500feet east. WheE tlains are made up ill the South Sidins, ensines gorns out or maiD track to set oq] uam at east enit of South Siding will rcport clo to the TEh DispalchE. Train DisosL.her q,in not line up tor aDy othe Eoeemen' unlU eDeiber, Dofls iDlo c $r ar ea$ end of Soutn Sidilg. Cars musf noi ile left ir South SidilEr, eL+ oi

FOOTNOTES GRANDRAPIDS SUBDIVISION AII FIEST-CIrASS TnAINS wilt move at AESTEICTED SPDED betweeD Oak gtleet crosslng and passenser statlon at Dufmd. lralns movllrg ftom A, A. RiR. to Grand Rapids Aubdrvrsion $iU [ot requlle Telmural Clearance at Owosso JuDction. g$less otherwise dtuected, such tratns will receive Terldnal clearance at owosso, Trahs must move at RESTEICTED BPEED beiween the 4. A. R.R. conneciion, Just west of N. Y. c. RR. diamond, owosso Junction and Cedar stleet, whidh is the Itst str€€t €ast ot N. Y. c. RR. auamond.

'No, 56 will leduce speed to 25 miies Fer hor ai l6urt and Fowler lo! U. S. mail. 'No. 21 wiU red ce speed to 25 mil€s pei hoE at Fowler for U. S. mau. First-cla$ Trains must olrtaiD Telliral clearance at IoDia and G]ad RapiG. . Estwaril ThiDs must move at EEST&ICTED SPEED bets'eeD approach sicnai east oJ Mame alld Penn Jct. EsEtward Tranrs will not rcqure Ter.rdnal Clearance at Grand llaven.

FOOTNOTES MUSKEGON SUBDIVISION TlaiG modne irom P. li. R. at Walke! !ri[ be gov€med by llterlockins sicDar ndkations to PeDn Jct. where tbey wiu obtaid :re}minal Clea&rce. All G, T. W. Trai.s usitrs Pennsylvania Ra road Detween Walke! and Shaw will be govemed by P. R. R. tirne table and vules.

AI tlails and eDgln€susing P. R. R. track between sbaw md waatkes Str€et Muskeson win be sovemed by P. n. R. Rules. weshrard TlaJns wiu Dot requue T€rninar qleamnce



r, l9s9


I, 1959



gF 1t;






. . . . . . . G A | N E S. . . .

z tr

. . . . . . . .U N D E N. . . . .


. . . . . . . .D U R A N D ... ..

.. .

FENTON H O L T Y . . . . ..

. . . . . . D A V I S B U R.G .....

o z

.. ANDERSONVILIE .. . . . . . .c L A R K S T O.N .... .. . *wtNDrAlE.. .. ..., WATERFORD.,. DRAYTON PIAINS . lvEsr PONTTAC...


5.33 s_40

z z 6

z E o =


o o

. . . . , B I R M I N G H A M. . . .. *oAKWOOD B!VD. . . . . . . . .R O Y A TO A K . . . . . . . . , PLEASANTRIDGE ..... FFRNDALE ....... ,.. HIGHLANDPARK...



L 7.00 L 4.05 s 7_08 * 4 . 1 1 s 7.18 * 4.18

F 6.05

s 4.25


F 6.11

s 4.31



s 7.43 5.00



s 7.56 F 8.00 8.01 s 8.07 s 4.53 6.45 L 7.45 8.30 4.54



' o



s 5.15 L 7.10

. . . . . . . .P . O N T T A .C. . . . . . . . M. A. t. CRO5S|NG . . . . . , . E E L TL I N E .. *BtooMFtEtD HIIS ..



: F 6.43 F 7.1,4 s F 6.46 F 7.20 = 7.25 s 6.58 s 5 s 7.3r s s 7.05 s s 7.01 s 7.36 f 5 s 7.04 s 7.39 5 s 7.08 s 7.43 s 7.17 s 7.51 . : 7 . 7 3 s



7.55 F 8.00 s 8.05 F 8.09 s

5.07 8.40 + 5.09 8.48 s 5.15 4.52 * 5.19

9.02 s 5.23

8.12 8.14 F 9.05 824 F 9_11


s 7.59

. /v twAu(EE JCT.. BOUI.EVARD --------------?-'i--SWITCH .


A 7.35 A 8.10



s 8.29 s 9.19 A 8.40 A 9.30

"",t$.' 122 74












F I R S TC L A 5 5



22 A 3.40

DURAND .... V E R N O N. . . . . . . .


3.20 5 3.05 3.04

....... coRUNNA ......

. . . . . .o w o s s o 2.54 3.04 3.07 s 3.16

........... ov|D ............ ... sHEPARD9VIUE ... .......sT. JOHNS........ . . . . . . . F O W T E R. . . . . . PEWAMO

334 s 3.45

2.16 5 2.08 2.00 1.55 t.47 r.46

. . . . . . . . . .M. U | R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l.o N r A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G R A V EP Tt T. . . . . .


. . . . . . . S A R A N A C. . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . .l t a t T A . . . . .. . , l o w E l t


. . .. . . ..........

. . . . . . . . . _A.D . .A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D E W E Y. .


.......tAfAYErrE........ , GRAND NAPIDS....

121 120


. . F U t t E R. . . . . . . . . . . . PENN TCT.


!2.53 L !2.45

.. ... cooPERsvtllE ...._. . . . . . . N U N T C A. . . . . . . . sPRING IAXE FERRYSBURG gIIAND HAVEN





.I j6



L 5.!2


a 5.t3


l22 l





IEffiI |


6.07 6.10




.nd shfl

26,5 nile3

lL 12.rKI







pcition Nomal of tlorble-ira4k ssitches d€ as foUoft: 11.4 Double Treok swit b, Mileage 'Westward (spnng sviich) is ior





at w6t










o o




. . . . D U R A N D. . . . . . IENNON


.. . . FLU5HING ,,,.. BRENTCREE( .. ..




SI. .ICI. . MEREDITH . . . . M X T O W E R. . , . . . . S A G I N A W. . . . . . . . .* M E R S H O N . . . . . . . . C A R R O L I T O N. . . . . . . . . B A YC l l Y . . . . . .


westwdd extras leavmc Tubnel Yard must obtab TdEinat Cl€anDce at Tappm. Trai:rs uslng tracks east of AUTOMAaIC BLOCII TERRITORY, Mjtease 333.1 will be governed by Flint Subdi!'ision !'ootnote hstructtons, pase 4.


Between Milwankee Jct. and BeautiiE;h l,i!e bieD Street Lltertocke$, hacks Nos. 1, 2, 3 ald 4, wiu be designaiied md k$own as Yard TEcks. Unless otherwise ilstucted West\tard traiN aDd yad engtnes win use No. 1 tlack between Milwaukee Jct. ard Beaubien Sheet Interlockers. Eastward tlails and yaxd eneiines from levermu6t receire iGtnctions man at Beaubien Street as to wlr:ch hack to use between that point md Milwaukee Jct. Yardmaste$ wilt sive io levemaD at Beausuch lformation bien Stueet Interlocker, Movements on these tracks hust be made at RESTRICTF,D SPEED. POR,T IIUT.ON



Detroit, is tor the Eastward

Eastivad hains wjll not rcquire Terminal cleamnce at lappar, blisinatilg Port weshvad tlails rluron station must obtain aerhbal Cleam[ce at Port lluron station, and will not requirc Terml'Ial clealance at


EASTWARD TEATNS musl ot'taln TerEinal Clealance at'Iemiral Milwaukee Jct. clealand wiU no! requne anc.e at Doubie Track Switch. AII TB,AINS AND DNGINES nt6t be oFelated at RESTRICTED S?EED o. WES'f\JqARD maih track betweo N,Y,C.R.R. interlockins plaDt, one-halt mile east of Milwaukee Jct. ard M ffaukee Jct., on accourt of moveEents Urroush Suear House Wve and crossover 531 feet east of suga! Eouse wye

AIjI, GRAND TEUNK TR,AINS USING N.Y.C.R,.4. TBACITS BETWDEN MEREDITIi STIiEDT JUNCI]ION AND MDR,SEON WII,I- BE G O V E B N D D B V N . Y . C . R , . R , .T I ] T I E AABLE AND RI'LDS. SOUTEWARD traina $.ll not requtue Terminal ciear-ance at Bay cityConduciors on all Norihward hains mct call oFerator at "MX" lower (Emerson Street) sasinaw, tuom telephone booth at JelJemon Street, when *ady to go to N.Y.c.llli., and be soveD€d by lris instluctios, obtain SOUTEWAAD trains mat Teminal. CleaDnce at "MX" 'fower. Ai Dunnd. an tlains and mebes wi1l looL out tor A.A.R.R. tlaiDs using Saginaw subdivision main track between A.A, diamond clossins of goily Subdilision ond iunction svitch {ith A,A-R.R. and Sagmaw Subdivision located 200 feet no h oi l,lilt subdivi-




FOOTNOTES cass City Subdivision tlaibs wiu use Belt 'rine and Poniiac Yard tracks between Belt Line, Cass city Subdiviston imction srriich and JotuBon Avenue. Nomal posjtioD of Bett Une, cass Citv Subdivislo! Julctlon swltch is for the c,ss City SubdivlsioD. AT IMLAY CITL-If necesss,ry to use Flint subdivislon main track, permission must first be obtained flom the ltaiD DisAT PIGEON.-AIJJ Southward halns when naklng noD-interlocked crosEingstop, wtll stop iusi norih ot sheet clossirg norih ol





. . . . . .H A M B U R G . . . . . . ......lAKEtAND...... ...... PrNg{NEY...... ...... qnEGoRY....,, .... SrocKBRtDGE .... . . . . . . . .M U N I I H . . . . . . . . . . . . . H E N R I E T T.A ,... ....... ROOTS...._..... NEW PRISONSIDING N.Y.C.R.R.CROSgtNG _ _ . . . .J A € K 5 0 N , , . . _ .

CoDducto$ of JactsoD Subdivision hains must, belore foulhg lIolly subdilision main tEcks. ftst make sure that all overdue FIRST-CLASS trains have passed; and get pdEission trom yardmaster beforc sta4ins oI tain ftom M.AL Crossine to yard tracks at Johnso! Avenue,












owosso Jct

hlains usins A.A.R.R. Ali Grmd }!un]l iracks between Owosso Jct. and Ashley wlll be governecl by A-A.R,R. iime table and Nles.

ANN ARBORRAITROAD Di6ldn.e betue€n Ovo$o

Jd, cnd Ashlqy 20,5 milo.






RlCHMONq .. ROMEO...... wAsHrNGloN... ROCHESTER JCT. ., ... ROCHESTER........ A I ' B U R NH E I G I I ' s . . .. M.4.1 JCT.......

EAST" WARD The Tlain Order Sicnat at F,iibmond does not affect traiDs movj.ns to and ftom the Romeo subdivision. Romeo Subdivision trains musi obiain Teminal Clearance at RichM.A.L. Junclion is cohneciion 1vith Selt IJine. Normal p$ition of switch is fo. the Eomeo Subdivisio.. Nomal position of Bel! I,he-cass city Subdlvision junction switch is for the Cass City Subdivision, Romeo Subdirision hains witi use BeIi I-ille and PoEtiac Yard Ttacks between M,A,L. Junction and Jobnson Avenue.



at GRA,DEand DRAWBRIDGES RAILROADCROSSINGS ployed, il hohe stelsrs display SroP ard cannot bo cleared, the trab mar prcceed oDly alter conductor or brakema.n bas inspected tbe back withiq tbe intedo€king limlts and reports to ttle eDelne@r tbet the tracik is appalently in sood conautlon, and home sisna.ls !o! coDilictirs routes show SToP indication. 3n lDattached enciDe, car or otlle! urit mllst nol be ieJt standi$s wlth1n interrocking rimits oI a mllway crGsn1s at crade; lor in automattc block slsEal system terdtory on the Eov&bl€ poltloE oi a dawb{dge,

specis.l attouon is ca,Dedto Bule 98 oi the operating Rdes goveming stopphg at non-iDterlocked ra[way crorsjngs at $ade ard DoD-irterlocked alrawbddses. State iaws tif, a sevtre Fem.ny for employees wbo viotats When clear sisnals are shown at Interlocked Railvay Crc$jnss at grade, trairs must lot exce€d time table speed rcstlictions. atrese instructions supe$ede the tNrd perasraph of Ruie 98 of the Operating nures. At Interlockins st€.tions where no slgnahen arc emI,OCATION


PO4T AU&ON TEBUINAI, Old maill track to cou4 stleet (lowe! y&rd) aouEr elcyat a spur trrc.l.. . . . .


old main Aack to Coult gtrcet oover yero Norlh elewtor spril track ,...

Nol Ioterlocked. 6toD a,nd Droo€edvb€o seEaDboro 3lanal is set asaln,st c. & o. movemdntB by G'T.W. bslD-


Siop Boarals- stop aDd proceed ody when way ts krow!

Black &iver Bdftre o! c.& o ny, r n a r Dt r s c i k, , . , . . . . . , . . !,od Gratiot (old mail1 track) Tlomad s i ! € 6 .t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - .



Teppan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Six (6) nlles per bou over brialae.

Not IDi€rlocked. StoD and proceed when semaphore lower blade r.s DEPRTFAE@.


!'oft Gratiot {old maiq tre,ck) Blsck Riive! Bltal8e T a p D s n. . . . , . . . . , . . . Tappan


a1x (6) mlle8 per hour ov€r bftdge.


c.&o. I Mt. clem€os I I subaUvldou I I oldMeinnacts I I toft.cr8tlot J

FLTNT SI'BDIVISION L e p o e .r. . . . . - . - . . . - . . . Fjrnt (1.? Erits e.st oI)

N.Y.C. c.&o.Bdt

Interlocking. Il rouie not cleared, conductor or eDsiDeman mut eomunicate with sienalman over telephone locaied tn booih near crossing and be sovened by his instrucNions,

Ilrterlockbc. c. & O. Belt c.& o. Aiglnav SubaUv'n Not lnterlocked. Stop and proceed $her eiate 1s prcperly lbed ard band 6lsnet ls recelved lrom adtch-

Gd. Repldsgubd!

Not Interlocked. Stop and Foceed when gste ls properly llned abd hand sts.Dal ls leoelved ton Awkh-

c. &o.

N. Y.C. N.Y.C, N.Y.C.

charlotte fitcttols Yard (y. lnlle !ees! ol)

6OUTE BEND EISBDIVIAION N'Y.c. spur Battl€ Crcek (1 rnlle we$) (Mccamry Ai.) P.R,.B. V i c k B b u r. r. . . . . . . . . . . . N. Y. C. Sehoolclstt . . N. Y.C. OLverE (Ysrd Otltce) N. J.I. & L ollttei* (2 ldles ve$ o!) N. Y. C. & gt. L. A lreell..-.....-.... ( B.&O. 1 'WellEboro ..... 1' c.&o. f ()-t..cl-E s s k e t l s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . f NJ.C.& Si. L.l S o r t W . y D eC l o 3 t b g . . . . . , . . . . . . . . - . -Ei;" Grlilith.......... c. I 6t A. cloBsLxrs Maynard . . . . , . . . . . .: . . . . . . - . . - . , . . . ' M a l , n a r d. , . . . . . . . - - . Tbol[tor tot. Ir3!v€9 .,. .,.... Blue IslaDd (y{ Elll6 w€.t o0 . . .. . . . . . . A i l h b u f.n. . , , . . , . . . . . . gayford ... ,.........


1 I

E.J.&8. N.Y.C. N-Y.C. P.R.n. c.L&I,.

c. &r. I. C.T. B.& O. g.B. !


IaterlocHls. Interloctlng.-gaatt€rided Irrterlocklxs. hterloc&bs.*ltnattelaleil

1 I )

4.00 p.rr. to ?.00 a.m.

IlterlocktnS. IlterlocHng. Irterlockine-Automatlc btedocldrg. IntedockloA.

9.30 !.ltr. to 6.60 s.m.





E.AI,AItrA.ZOO sI]BDIVIAION Ebg Pap$ Co@DsDy.. . 1 , 6 5 0l e e t E a s t o t A t a t i o a .- . - . . - . . . - . 500 leet We$ ol Atatlon 1,000 teet We3i ot gtstlo

c- K- & g.8Dut N, Y.C. N.Y. C.8ur! N. Y. C.

EOI,LY & GD. B'PIDA SI'EOIYIIIOIII Mt. ctarlena 6ubl4nwauke3 Jct. N,Y. C. Mtllcaukea Jct. N. Y. C, Mtlwauts€e Jct.---gusl. Bour. W!i!. . . . . Milreauke€ Jct.-E t[ urie wyt.,.,,.. N.Y.C. D. T. E l g h ' l a n dP a r k - r c l d J c L . . . . . . . - . . . . MA!. Ctosdls, Pdti4c... -. -... .... -. c.&o. E o i l l y. . . . _ . , . . . _ . . . . , , Durand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,

rukd ..........-..... !r cr .,,.....,..,..

N.Y. C.

c.&o. c. &o. c.&o.

P.R. R.

SpriDg Ldkc


ltrrysbulg ............


GNEEMYII,I.E SI'BDIINATON Cb€€0rYlU. . . . . . . . . . . . IIIOSXEGON Tr|aur{.r glED€d ....... ....... gft €t. & 'Wcst€*! AYa. Westtra Ave. Route to Car FeraY SI1P Elocts SAGINAW AUBDIYIAIOIY Durard . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . D u l E n d. . . . . . . , . . , . . , ,

tl€rshoB (8usa! BDUI) 1,800 ft dlNt.

c.&o. C.& O.EFr c. &. o. c. & o.6prrf c.&o.tprn

Broob-Aay Mlg. Co. et)|a.... -,.,,,... PB.cHlg Spur N l c h o l 3 - l ' oA € 3p u r . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . we6t Ma&r 8t!€et

hour hdur tour holrr

behreeD bonB betweeD h@e bettE€D bom€ beta€€o horoe

slsnal! d&lAb GlAiab shiD.b

Not ilt€rlocked. StoD end proce€d vh€o color-lisht sls-


30 mUes Fer hour tretween home B19ral6

Not lDle.locked. gtoD end plc'ce€d wber1 gat€s Ble 9rsDerly lired snd hat1aldslal ja !€celved. No! rnterlocked, StoD ard ploceed wherr Ea,t€8aae prcterly lined and hand slgoar is r€cel1€d. Inierlocking, €astward tlains anivi[g Walker wll s.cept cleer home slsna.l lnaucatior as autbodiy to move to PeDn Julction acalnst opposbg tlllnsNot bt€llocked. Abp and ptoc€ed wh6[ s€eipbore 6,9na.I lddcsies Droce€il Wh€u rrome slsEal ausrlatB STOP snd caDot b€ cler[ed, tiabs !!ay p]ooe€d oDly after conductor o. blaL€daD hrs lD$ect€d th8 baah betwee[ hoEe dsDAb sad EDolts io t]ro onatremsD that ihe track iE cl€ar and tl$ dnvbddae b E€crlr€al Not hterlock€d. 6tor sDd qooe€d wheD color-l8bt d8Dal ShoFs creen. (Se€ tnstlucaola aoi?hlng Jo[rt eectlon operaflon8) Interloctbg - !0 ml]es per hou beh/eaE bme Nolma.l position slear Io! C. & O.


C,rt€. Non:lal DoclUoD ct€€r lor CI.T.W. DEdr BDd Ctat€. Nodal DosIUo[ ag6bEt c.T.W. OpeBt€d by G.T.w. trab.EeB qBt€. NoDal posltto! 3g3li,6t G3.W. operat€d by C'.T.W. tralDmer Not lnterlocted. Etop Btrd Droc€€d vtr€D sais b DmpeEly lin€d

llrtrt aubauvldcd Not lDterlo.ked. AtoD aEd ploco€d *h€|r sat6 ars lbt|!terly Uned add hahd sl4[al k rEetved roE


Porl EuronWY. Not lDt€rlodk€al Atop and Dmc€od wb€n gats ar3 DmDerly Uaed and hand slsrrat l! lec€lred llm

c. & o. B.lt C.& O.Apur N.Y.C. c.&o. N.Y. C.Spur N,Y. C.

M ease 44.6

aaY cfrr

lDi€rlockbs20 miles De! IniellocHlg - r0 r4{€5 D€r - t0 E|l€a De! htsrocki.g bteflockhg-2o rEles pa

Not tnterlocked. Stop atrd pmc€ed wh€ gat€6 ars D!@erb riEed aDd haad sl8it1al ,.3 rc€etved ftom swltch-

Dlrend . . . . . . .. . .. ... . O w o 6 3 Jo o i . . . . . - - . - . . Ioda .. ..........,.., " M a l t a. . , , . . . , . , , . , , .

Not IDt€docked. stop al1d Dtloeeai (alr wt}lcr vrr I! knoffa to be clear. Not btdtocked. Atop and ploc€eal FbI[ tslget d€3ar is r[ Yertical postu€il. Not latsloaked. Stop eld pmc€€d wh€o lsrg€t ErglAl is in veltlcal Dosltloa.

N. Y. C. Spu! N. Y. C. SDUT N. Y. C. Spru N.Y.C, N.Y.C.

$ot lnt€rlock€al Gate. Nar1ral Do3ltlon €itoar lc bt€rlockbg - 20 Eiles p€r bo]'F betw€fl b@e Ibterlocldac - 20 mlles Der hour batw€eD homo IDi€dockira - 20 ndl€s D€r hour betw€6 hme Gete. Nomal poduon cres! lo! O.T,W. Dere . (No dFals.) Normal DosltloD asBlnst OD€rat€d by G.T.W. Eallm€tr bte ocldrs- r0 mllor p€r bour betweea boma


G.T.W, sjgllglr slaDah dgErl CI.T.'W. dssl!

Ctate. NoreEl po8ltlon ole3! foE G. T. W. Gat€. NorEd Do€ltton cleer lor q.'r. w. Oate. NoEal pollttob clear toE O. T. W. 20 !rn€. Ibt€rlocHns. ODerated by G,T.W. tratlDe!. pe! lrour b€tse€a lDme dgnsls lrt€rloctjllc. ODertted by G.T.W. tralnmen. s0 rblles peF hour betwe€D home slgrlsls





MOUNT CI,EDIENE AUBDIVISION N.Y.C. Be3ublon Atr€ot EoUy SubaUYtdori Mllwdtrtse3 Jei. N.Y.C, M.UwsuI€e JcL, oDe-hslt lElle es$. . . . . lblegt Lern N.Y. C. D,T. t\cleel Issn c. &o. T S D F A-D. . . . . . . . - . . . . . FUnt eubdlYtdoE 1 c e p D e.a. . . . - . . . . . . . . . BOllIO

]ltedockjl$ Int€rlocLlDg InterlockrDg hterloct!:g InterleklDs Illt€ilockins


20 20 20 20 20

hltes miles hrhs mltes trdler

!re! per pe! pe! F€!

troor hour boll! hoer hour

betweelr home betse€n home betweed bome b€twee! boDe betwe€D home

dends dgDals slgnals stgaJ3 slsDEIs



l0 muer per hol'I betwe€n holre signob. signals wul be Dormauy clear Io! movemelli ol tielnt oD Iiolly subauvbion &nd acatr$t BoyeEeDt of tlallE oD JecksoD subdvision. Jactlod Subdlr:b{on tralrmen rc t opemt€ deral and ljle M-At. iraDsle! Ewltch fd siralsht track, aDd lDLerlocklng sigmls wul cilear att€i eipbjuon ol Lwo '21 DlDut€s, peidllLlDg JacXsoD subauvlslon movement. Deratl and switch must b3 restored to Donal posttion Ette! movement ls mede

rloly SubauYlstoEI{terlocking.

c.&o. g o u t hI r o n - . . . . . . . . . -


Late1snd,.....,..... Jactson, oDe rnlle east . . . . . . . . . - . . . -

N. Y. C.

CASS CITI SUBDIYISION PonAac . . . . . . . . . . , , . , . Oxlord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C l i i i o i d. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . P i g e o [. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . POIVIIAC BELT LINE M i l e a g e0 . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . Mileage 2,5

. Operaied ftoE N.Y.c. statioD ai Rochestel. in t€lephone booth st crccslns. EoDe Irterlocktna 6ki|1a.l ltrdicatrDa SIOP ma,y be passed on Foper hand sisnal tlom tl&hmeN1 at cro6si!5 att€r coqductor or eDdneman has !€celved D€IEdssion llom operator at N.Y.c. station at Eochester.

Belt Lllle N.Y. C.

c.&o. c.&o.

tertockiler. operated by c,&o,R,R. dlspatdher, SagF naw. 'Ielephone fo? communication with C.&O. Dispatcher in box on G.T.w. side of depot. When Westward or lasfi{ard Ilome sisnals are Dol cleared, see iDstructiobs i! bo: if lequired. Interiocking. operated by C.&O.R.R. alispatcber, Plymouth. :felephone for communication with C.&O. Dbpatcher in box on G,T.W, side oi depot. Whe! westv&rd or Eastward liome siEx1alsare not clearcd, see instructions ln box if rcquir€d. Iltelocking - 20 bil€s per hour b€tweeD boE€ sls!a!,s InlerlocHng-20 mlles pe! hou! beiweeD bome slgnals Nr sisinaJs. P!@e€d only wheD way is k!ow! to be qlear IDtalocubc -20 mlles p€! hour between home slgnals Noi Int€rlocked. gtop oDd proceed sheE semsphore tarset siFal la iD verucal posiuon Not Interlocked. Stop s,rd ploceed when $e!]&pho!6loqer blade dg,dal ts deFessed No sklsls,

Ploceed only wha wsy is ho{a

to be sl€ar

P'o,&N.OrdMab No sieDals. Ploceed only wheD n&y ls krovn to be clFer

FOOTNOTES ,AUTOMATIC INTDRLOCEING.*The .rossing witb t}le C. I. & L. al Maynard, hdiana, and with ihe C, & O, at Malta, Michisan, axe automatic lnteliockings, DeNailed operating instnctions axe posted in box at crossing for Inter.lockiqs are also tocated at washinston Avenue, ]-Msins; and in Port suron Telmlnal at 16th Sireet, julction vith Caradian Nationat Railway and old mai$ traclr to Court Sheex, PavilioD Statior is a junction ot the south Bend and Kalmazoo

Subdivisions. Operatins Rule No. 9a soverDs.




STANDAID TIME win he hansmitted over the various po$ions of the milway at t1:00 A.M. Eastem StaDdard Time, 10:00 A,M, Central Stmdad Tirne; Dailv STANDABD cLOcKs indicatinc standard time, in addiiio! to locaitons shown under symbot colrrlrus, arc Mllwaukee Jct. RoundnoNes: Tunnel Yard PoDtiac Durand Nichols Yord Muskegon Xlsdon WashingNon Ave. Tower, I-onsing Tlain Dispatcher's Office, c&WI RR, chcago BUTLETIN BOOKS are locaied at followiDg poinis in addltion io those shown in srDbcl colDD: Dehoit Teuinal:


City Yard Office MLlwaukee Junction Yerd office and Rourdhouse Fendale Yard Office East Yard office 32nd St, Yard Office md



Ave. Yard



Columbia Ave. Yard Office Fisher Body :1rd office Middle Yad office and

Yard office md Roundhouse Ass't. S pt. Ofii.e, Stevenso! St. Yard Ofiice and Roundhouse Ensinemen's lioom, Elm st, Nichols, Olive$ and Elsdon

MNkesoDr FiiDt: Battle creek: Roundhouses: Follosins

on schedule sheets of time table



BATTLE C&EEE ANI' NICSOLS YABD.-5,3!3 'eei wed ol Kerdal street Cloaslla, and l4,1?l leet 3.3t ol N.Y.C. Crossilrg nea! Michie;an Avenue, LANSING.-12,42? feet rrest ol I,ogatr Street Brlalge, aDd opposlte eastwald boue slsn8l, Tlowbddge. DURAND.-Fb|t Su!altvision.-6,828 feet wesi and opposite eastward home sienal East Durand, Duend Terminat I-ihits located 9,028 feet e&st of Passenser gollr Subilivisioh,-2,500 feet east oJ passeDgerstation at Eastwad Dwarf Sie:ral. Croal E Dlds Er!auvldott.-11,336 teei yest ot atatlooS.,gtrsw firbiulldd---{,600 te.i Irorth ot Btation. FLINT. 12,3?2 leet east of BeLsay Ysrd Oflice and oFFosite westward home sisnal west Flint. Fllnt T€rmf nal Limits loceted Mileag€ 262.0. POA,T EURON.-€,100 teet west o! Tappar on th€ rurt Subdivislon and I,Sso leet ve{,i ol Tappan ou tbe Mt. ClemeDs Subdtvlslon. gubdirisioh.-Mileace DETEOIT.-EoUy 10,8. Mt. Cl.Nders Srbdlvldo!-2,6$


eagi oi ltoubh

BOYAL OAli.-Mjlease 10.8 abd 1,548 feet east of Milease 14.0. POmIAC-goUr AabilMdo!F16.60{ lect el5t o! MAL crossing and 1,108 feei vest of milease 30.0, ai west'dd home srgnal West PonUac. &obeo Adbiuvldon -1,859 loct .asi ot Mr1.&. Jurctl@Jekson



west of

Cals CIty SuliuelsloD--2,288 l€et Dolth ol Noltb w'6 P6trM

BGIt Lh6 Ii wttjlr!

Yard I&dlts.

OIVO6SO.-1,000 leei east of Mjlease 78,0, 1,580Jeet wesl of N.Y.C.R.R.Crossbg et OwossoJct.


Diesel Fuel oi]

GBAND B.lMDS.-11,800 leet east ot Tel€fllath PlBlnJleld Ave.i 8,964 fe€! wlsi ot ntbr.





No sidine

8AGtrYAW.-.one-haU la$o aouth ot asttra* Yald ard 6,534 lset roritr ot l4srsbolr.

YARDLIMITS &!e looot d &. lollot ! x. Jurction 6,ad 1,030 te€t e5€t ol cErcAGo.--4. & W. Bdt liellway Cmsslrrs at Eaylord. BLUE ISIIIND, EA&VEY, TEOEI{ION JUNqIION. 7,16?teet west ol r. E. B. crosslDg. 3,580 teei eest ol c. & E. I. clo$drg. fee! €ast ard 2?5 leet we8t ol Depot, cB!ffITE.-6.832 VA],PA&AISO.-2.825 feet s'est and 6,6t0 leet eest ot Passens€r StaaloD. SOUTII BEND,-10.4?9 feeL wes! ol Olilers, and 3!055 feet east of 18th Street. feet east ol swttch at Pavlior Jci. K.{.AMAr,OO-?,8€? od Psvluon liDe. YuiI

LtDlt Bollib


BAY CITY.-Mileage


leet esst o! Sprils Let. at3tlsFrdcbt


MOUNT CLEMENB.-Mileage 21.0 and 24,0, IiICE!4OND.-u! CIe.!! S!biltv'atoa.---4.01? fc.l €ad ol Dost east€-rtysFltch aad 2J00 le€t \3e3t ot Ata6@. Eomeo SubautlsloL-?.816 .tAcKsoN-5oo oxFo'l,D. 12.7. cass

leet w€st ol sts6on.

feet west of N.Y.C.R.R. Clossing. 1?,540 teet lrorth ol statloB ard




feet nolth aDd 9.244 leet south ot t€€t €e8t ot st&tlon.

ASqLEc.---4,000 leet we6t ol stauoD.



SWITCHES OFSPRING OPERATION W]1en sieoals prorectiDs Iaring poibt hovemFnls over sDrine sfirches indjcare STOP, insperl, swi(ch and know cha' points are propelly lllred sDd hee troh obstrucljobs betole usirg, lE 'cdovin8 obshuctioDsfrom pohts. use bar or other suitable instrument to avold iEiulv. In event tlartils point movement is stbpped before entirc tra,n has passed over points, do oot attempt to reve$e molment untit sllatch poiDts have bed MAl.IflAII.Y lined and secued for such movement. Eneinemen must nol use sand vhile passil]s ov€I sprhg switches SOUTE BENIT SUBDIWSTON| ValFaraiso, end of double back; Seauey, end of double track; Sedley, est end of siding, ?he Dolmal position ol the doubie track sprins switch at Valpararso is for easti'ard movement. ,Tbe nomal positioD of the double Uack sFrlxg switch at Sedtey is fo! westward movehdtThe nomal position of the spdne switch at east end ol sialinE at sedley is lor main hack moverdent. EOLLY SIIBD$ESION.-IIaIe Street, Detroit: The normsl Fosition oi switeh is for westward maiD hack clay Avenue, Detroil: Noma,l position of switch in facing point dfection is for eastward movemeEt from weslward @in track to Sus flo]]se Wve, ssnal soverning easlwad movFmenl i\ located bets een ea"twald and ieshvad main 'r3cks opposte Yellov ildicadon dmores switch is linFd for Susa! Eouse Wye aDal ls in Domal Fosition. fiiriher moves to be aovsned by interlockilg sigDals, EastFard mo\ements on weets'8*d main brack to Milwaulee Jct. must stop and maruauy line and sec re this switch fo! such movements, rel,ninc switch after movement is completed. Double Track swit€h: MT, CLEMENS sItBDfVrsION,Nomal posltion of swltch is fo! movement to westward maiD track, Automatic block sisnal No. 113, located one hund$d (100) feei @st of switch govens faclng ponrt

DUALCONTROL SWITCHES Dual contuo] svttches are located at: MI€ae Fttnt Subdivisior ........ 255.4 East Duland west !,Iint............... ..... .............. 263.8 .....-..-.276.7 E a s tE i n t . . . , . . .. . . . . ..........287.0 W e s tL . p e e r .........289.2 East lapeer ... ... . . .. 302,1 West Iolay City .... ,. 904.5 East Inlay Clty ...... ... .. 316.4 west Emmett ..........319.? E a s tE m e t t .....-. 329.0 west'Iappa,n Uolly SuHivbion . .. . . . . 30.3 west Pordiac--Double Tmck swltcb .. A D d e r s o n v i l l e - E a set n d o f s i d l n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ? , 6 39.0 A n d e r s o n v u l ew e s t e n d o t s i d i E s . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 45.1 n o l l y E a s Ee n d o f s i d j n g . . . . . . . . 54,6 L i n d e D - x a s te r d o f s i d i n g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55.9 LiDdeD-wese t n d o f s i d i n s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . 62.5 Gaines-Eastend of sidins .......... . 63.8 G a i n e F w e s t o d o I s i d l n e. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 65,6 Durard East end of south FndiDs. . . . . . . G.and EaDtals Subiuvislon .-..-....165.3 Penn JunctioD A white lisht displayed on bungalors ai sbove locatior6 (except Penn Jurction) wll be used by train dtspatciher to caU employees to the disFatcllerS telepbone. Operathg Rule 680 applies at all Duar Contlol

ELECTRIC LOCKS SWITCH CIIICAGO DMSION.-AII hand-throw marn tlack switches beiween Ee6t Duand end West Flnrt, and between East Flint md West Tappan are equipped wltb electdc sFtich locks. Operate as fotlows: A. Ttain or ensine, occupying maln Uack, desirbg to ents e tr&ck equipped with electric swttch lock must stop €l€ar of s$itch but within 100 feei ol switcih. ltairmen must urrock door of locked bor and turn hancUe to release rock. With the lock rer€ased the switcb may be handled in the reeular mamer. B. Train or dgine destbg to leave a tEck equipped wlth erectltc swtiih to.k must stop clea.r of track to be entered and tra.iloman must Foceed as follows; 1. Secure authoritv from tlain alBpaicher, unlock door of electdc locL, tuln handle to release lock, and the the 6witch can be bardted in the resula! 2. When moveeent over switch is compl€t€d, reliDe switch, retrm rock hanaue to roft1al ard rock door, notltyjlg train dlspatcher. c. Wl}er elecidc lock is out of order il]Jolm the tla.ln dlsPatcher. Detailed iDciructions covedng operation of eil€ctdcaly ]ock€d sFitches are roc5ted iside locked bo:. Dispatche!'s telephone located close to all bungalows ai dual coDtrol srr'itches ud at all rnarn track ba|]d throw DET&OIT DII'ISION.-AII hand-thow main hack switches betveer Eastwad d\l'ad signal located 2500 feet east of Dr.nd Prss€nger Station and Westwald home interlocking siglal at West PoDtiac and ddaii on east end of souse Track, qouy,. are electrlca]ly locked. Operat€ as follows: A. TlaiE o! eDgile destiag to ente! a track €quipped with eletlic swiich iocks Eust stoD clea.! ol switcih. wlUr the lock rel€ased the switch caD be baldted in ttre r€sB. TlaiD or €lgin€ desulrg to leave a tlack equipped Ielth erectric switch iock3 must stop clear ol tleck to be eDtered and trai-hen ltust proceed as loUows: L secue authorlty from Eab disFLcher, r€move padIoclr, \rait untlt electrlc lock ls }ereas€d and tbe! lhe ssitcih can be haniued lD refllar esD[e!. 2. Wnen hoveent ove! switcb ls completed, retum switcb io normal and losk, notuyjllg tlaln dlspatcher C. whetr ele€trlc lock is out ol older. hton:l the trab drsDatch€r and seflIre authority to bleek seal, ttleNr Ult key, bsert aDd turn key to lel€ase lockAJt€! locts has beetr leleased traln o! eqine desidug to leave electdc locked switch must wait five Eirutes belore liDins switch and tortirg the traek to be €Nrter€d-Wb€tt sear has been boten, wl]e rcloIt m1l3t be hade to Chlel D. AfUe! usils key, reileasekey musr, be placed back !x box and cove! clo6ed.

nME tABtE NO. t -OCTOBER26, 1958 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. Open top cars loaded wtth lumber a.?e not to bo placed next to caboose or next to engine. Nelthe! Sbould they be handled m hain next to oil tantss or cals ol infl ermabls or explosives, 2. Whm dead eDsiDes are hanaued in tla!! ther muat be haniu€d wlttr the p ot enat ebead, and Eu6t' wb€d pracucable, be pla.ed at lest llve cs$ irom tbe b:air: eEsbe; U more tlraD ol}s deed eDgine b tralrl, tbey must be sep8lated by st les,st live ca$. 3. wlen sreckins crues, clam shels, st€a.rn shovols, and iDdutrlal (raD€l o! osu wh€ela ale h.ardled in i,rab" they oNt\ wha Facucabie, be placed st lest flve cer8 ahead oI ceboose. Jddan spreadels vheo being moved tom po!1t to point, except whd il1 6ervic€, shourd be headed tD tbe direollon of tbe traln's movemoi and \rincs secued. 4. oc.upied outfit cals laust be bandl€d next alead ol 5. Unless othelwis€ specialy instructed by Tlain Dispatcher, handn1g cf arch bar equipped ca!s, locoholive cranes. lo.omotive tenders and deiricks Dust be con6. Business cals wUl be placed ir ha1's accordiDa to lnstructiolls lssued fovedng eash movement. ?. Betore couplins onto or morlng cars bei.ng loaded or urro3ded at lreighi, sheds, team tlackr and other Dlac€s, or boa,raunaoutllt cars, sow plovs, ottrer unlts ol work equipment and dead eDgires, persons L1, on or aboui theld must be wmed ard obstlucUons reDoved to a.yoid t{!ry to persons or damage to properla, S, Ca! capacity of SidiDgs and other trscks 6hosn ln lime table is bald on an alloreance of 50 feet lor each car. 9. INuiated joints at clealatrce poirts o! sialings a,Dd yard irecks Dot plotected with derrlrs are pstnt€d tEtI-OW. Ensiremen and iraimen must be caleful to 6€€ tnat osiDe md cds are lelt clear ol thse Jotdts b ord.f to avold lnt€rfercnce wlth sisn'!s. 10. Etectrlc lanterns may be used fo! displaylnei whlte or r€Uow sl$als only. :ftlejr uss lor alispllli.Bs oihe! colo.€d Ushts ior ai€Da.li4r purposea ls plobibited. 11. Trains movins thlouch Yard limits on othe! thalt lhetr ssic!€d tlack wur be sov€med by wditco tnstru€tlons over the stgnature ol {he Yardma"sicr, who wlll be held rcsD€n€ible lor tlle selety ol such boves. h8lnemeo han.Ulns sucrtr LrBiDs ml4l use cauHoD. 12. cars equipped with roller bea.rinss mrtst be swltched careldly and at low speed to avoid danage to c€rs 3!d cont€nts, md hand brakes must be applied to pleve! Lhse cars fsm runlls Iour or ove! de!al[. 13. on Passenger and Mixed a"rahs, vheD the car !nmediately ahead ol tbe tfsi passenger carryilg €ar is ol tho non-diapbragld type, the tail gate, chain, or crosslrar at the lonrmd eDd of the psffiser c8,EyDs c&r 6.\ould be kepi in closed positio! whib trre trantr b iD 14. should diesel elecidc eDsines, R'DC cars, eEs elecidc or mil detector cals, operating lisht, be requiled to use sard ir stopplDs iD auioEktic sisrat t€riiory, or on int€riocLer or automatrc cm€sir}g plotection track ctucuit, the urit must be moved off &e saddad rall lnrm€dtat€ly Uo ensure proper operation oi the automatic siCDals, tne inteiocker indicator charts or automattc ero$iig pmtecwhen move ts cortlnued apqoa€Hrg automatically Foteci€d brshway clo$bs cs,!e dhodd be exerclsed to ensure thai crcsslns proi€ction devices arc tunctiontlg pr@erry belore moving oDto the sossi.g. 15. h settins out "ho! boxes", Dacking iJ on fte must b€ pulled and completely extingnished belore irsln p!oleFds. carcful inspecLionoI area near the hot toumal musi be made to be sure lbat Eo part ot tl}e car has

16. In the evst o{ deraiunent o! severe iopact that courd csuse shlfting of the track or d3mage to !an, carefut iDspecilon should be made before ary iu!$rs moves are mede over tlte traokaae afiected. 11. Ail ernployees muit xndelsfand that therc are ao "spriDg switches" that can be rur thu uder colditiots Llsted i! TiDe Table except ai Sedley, Valparaiso, arld at mundnouses ai Port tluon, Battle creek, Elsdo!, Poniiac and Mlwaukee Jct. 18. Fusees afier belns used must not be discarded by thowinc ilto bruh or vegetstion alonsi risht of way, car equipment oD &dacent trackae€, agabst or lr]to buildilss or piles of ties or other matedals. Nor should fGees be thmwn or dropped so as to be e hazsld to peisons or hotor vdhicles usilg road clossjnss, platfor'ms, driYeways or public plEces. 19, If a passenger trarr makes an iDproper statio! stop, it must not be moved lrntU the propel stgnai ls 20- In aU cases where eDghe or ilain cress encounter some rnusual conauiloa eDroute tbat may hwe a beadns on the saleit of eElployees or protection ot colapany piopelty, a qompt telephme or wte leport (depenaliDs upon the ucency of the @ttd) ntust be given at the firct opportrmlty to chiel Dispatcher, Ttatnmaster and Superintendent, folowed by pritten staiement, it necessdy, to give details tllat cmnot be suitably covered otherwise. whse prompt &ciion by otrl hvestisation Depaltment may be requlred lJI certaln cfcumsiances, such as, obstuctioD on tlack, stodrg ollo! shootins at ensine, coaches or c&boce. or aAy act ihet looks like sabotase, etc., it ls setlsfacto?y for enployees to make rn1mediate conlact with reFesentatives ot tbat depadment bui this action will aot relieve trah aDd engme dews ftom mEkins the leport provided to ihe above 21, ID automaiic Btock signar ieldtory vl1en a tlain o! engine has passed a signal pemitttng it to pm€eed and i6 delayed in the block, it must proceed at restlicted 22. In the applicaiion of Rule 91, the residcBons on a ilall followhe a bain callying passengers 1rill also eFply to a tEin followils a R€il Detector Cd moving uEder lts orr power. 23. Ihpa$able track will !e proiected in accordsnce wiih Operatine' Rlde No. 42 and second parasxaph oJ Rule 43 on the followins Subdivisions: Kalanaze


Pa-r ion aEd Kara-

Graud Aapiils Srbalirision-Between Pem Jct- md Grard I{aven, SasiMw Subdiaistotr-Betweea Durand and Bay City, Ashley ard Gre&Glecnvi[e Subdifisior-Beiween Ccs City Subdirision-Beiween l]Illay Ciiy Md Caseville. Roheo subadrisior-Between MA,L, Jct. and RichJacksor Sulililision-BetweeD


Crossbg and

24. Any persoD or perso!6 other thm assigned crcrc mEt have the goper crcdeniials authorizine pemission {rom the manasement of the Grmd ltunk westem R- R. to Iide on locomotives Nhether steam, diesel or Passeswhich do not bear notation "Good on EDsires" vill boL bF sccepred ss pFlmission Lo ride locomorf,e, unless accompsied by additional writien authority over tne siglature of an offi@r of the Company authodz€d 25. I'oor:th par{ieraph o{ operatlne Rute 103 is caD-




JOINT MAIN TRACKS DETWETN C.& W.L JVNqTION IIND CBICAGO._ Conducton aDd Endrre|:l€o before lunrlaa on tho Erdk! ol the c.& wI. Rl. Drust Fovido tbeBsdlve wltb a ooDy ol lts curlel1t tjl16 teble, snd be goverdeal by thelr specldl rules aDd tnsfructloB wbich d6 rihM b dm6 tBble. SOUTE BEND.-B€tween Eieh Etreet aild AmoLl Street, Joint wlth Nev York cenbal &alltoed. Iilrto3, tlee tabte! trd sDeciel t$tructioE ol N.Y.q. R.R,. Igtll KALAM,4zOO.-BetweeD Pa'!'lllo! Jrmctlor aDd cfo8aover et MlIl atreet Jolnt sltb c.E.&g. Rr. A.u Esl[3 aDal engiDei wiU Bove ove! tlll€ tneck exDeotbs to flnal lt BATTLD CREEK.-Beiween N.Y.C. coDnection Just west of Maln Street and thef connection iust east of Elm sheet, joint with NJ.C.li.R- sisiDals tocated on N.Y.C. irack only, are operaied from Nichols D.I:|EF,LOCKIN(1 STATION. N,Y.C. trairuEen will call sisralman for iDstmciior6, who wilr obtaiD peuission from (t.T.W. Yardmaster before authorizing movements onto PO&T EURON.-Bebre€n coD€.ttoD rltll c.&O. By. at G8swold SFeet (Coult AtreeiYard) ard llromar SE€ei Jolnt wtth c.&o. Ry. Rtle 93 appUes. TIains and e!€lne6 must approach lolrl tlsck swltch at ThoEas Etleet wttb extrerne caution; normal poslflon ot ssitch 18lor c.& O. EOEY,-Tbg Che8aDea,k. & Ohlo RBfitrsy ul€s llelrbt hou,le loldtlr vlib Ctload lYurt West€rD. C.&O, €dmay use the G'lc.W. mab track betweetr tbe C.&O. shes (fo€soeec arld €6st G.T.w. tlelsht bou6e asck srit lr, but belore todjns G.T.W. ma.tn ftacL In etth€a dtrecttoD m16l reeive pemissior lmm G.T.W. Dispatctrer. Auch mo!€m€nts wili be made under G.T,W. nres. tilre table and resdaitons. OWOSSO JCT.-I}om A.A. conr:ecuon to eeda! St. tolni vttb A-A.R,-R. A.T.W. tls€ t€.blo a,!d Tule8 sorrm. AU tlarns FIU plot€ct agEllrst tralD! end etrgll€3 lrovlng betcr€en ths A-A- coDnecUoD" JU3t west ol N.Y.C,R.R. Crossing, Owosso Jct., md Cedar Street, nhtch 1s the ftlst sbeet east of N.Y.C.R.R. 6o3sire. OWOASO JgT, all(l ASX&EC. - Jold wltir Arr-R-n. A.A.R"li, ttme table ald lules goyem. TULLEBFM81D tlack troD sya Esok swltch et Bloadwar St. to tltsi swltch €aat Jolnt wHr C.&O. c.T.W. 6ee table a[d lules goy€rn. C.&O. main track ftom wve track switch at A.rIn street to l,ons Sidtng Joint with G.T.W. crews deliveriDc .ars to C.&O. at Fuller wUl ascertain vefta,Uy ftom tbe operafor at llnlle! whether all fi$t and secoDd clss tEirs have arived and left before foulbe tbe c.&o. mai.n ha.k, or rlsr r1erc 's su (ic-enr r-mF to @ke ine move, theD vilt be soveDed by the second pame1?ph of c.&o. Rule 93, rcadins as fonows: 'Withid yafd iimits the main tlack may be used. FotectinE; against first and second clas6 trains. Atl othe! trains must approach and move within yard lirnits plepaled to stop. Responsibility ior accident wUl lest Flth the approachins h!ain., WAI,E!& AND WAALI.ES STEEET, MUS(TGON. _ Joint with P.R.R. P.R.R. tir:re table and lules soe€rn. TEEEYABITBG-GI&trd RaDlals Subau!ftlon lrratlr tlacl used lohtly by treir6 snd €,Dslnesof tbo CtraDd tl:ult wgierD snd C.&O. Rgnloeals betweeD e8st lullctll)n swlteh al, !'efry3burs and wesl lunc{loD Ewitctr locst€d Bst ot Moffo€ StI€€t, Olard Eaven, apDrodmal€lt 3,168 le€l ot stDsle track. NorDal posltlotr oi luncttor Bwltdbe! 1r to! thousb mov€Nnent ol C.&O. t!a,!s aDd englrc3. East ss.tt{ih operatod by bdalge tesder at &N4sburg. We$ sen4b ope$ted by qland Trunk tlalo crew& wbo wlU b. held responslble for rcstodls swltch to Doflnal po6ltion atte! usbg. A{ n oveDeats ove! t}rs Jolri gecuod I[eale by Eutomatlc $snel tDallcatlo!, wbndb supe|ss(l88 ttIne table supeddity aad takes Dhce ol traln ortl€rs, : Low color-ltght automsdc block El8lsls lihowbs tso EraUcadonE-BED aad GBEEN-loc4t€d 180 let elst

o! esst ,urctlo! switch altal 200 leet w€s! oi w€si JulloUon swltrh. ltle$w6rd si€lal ihowhs GEEEN hdlcetro!, a.Ilo goyems movenenis over FeEysburB alrawblrdse. Color lght sigrs.l locat€d 498 teet nest ol \resi edd ol ilrswbdalge, showbg G&EEN lnaUc8tion, govelE! esstward movemeEfu oyer lbr!$burg drswbdalge. A[ tret!.s 3nd enliue6 witl laake stoD lor thls non-iltte!locked alrsvblidse tr accord6rce wttJx A.ule 98. C & O. norttlvreld tralns eDd englnes, btetrdhs to ncake eastwald mov€aent oyer the ,olDt 6ectlon, p'lll approadtr lbe v,/€st Junc0loD swltcb at resfichd sp€€d a!d, U slgbBl displays GEEEN lntucailm, may €nt€! upm t!€ Jorni Sectlotr without stopptdc. Eastwald Gland 1ltmk trs.bs and e6gln€€ vul lrot open veat lunctlon switclt wbue ludeator at tnis svltah dboss STOP. I! no tmln ls seetr to be epplo8chlDa oD the Jobr sectjoo dd i.naucator do€s noi show CLBAB, 6lte! waltlxC flve mlxutes, traln6 alal eltiles may p!ocee4 whe! Feo€ded by e nasmaD, to the eest end ol the Joht seciton. I|1 the event ol fauu.re of aulomattc dg!a16, elthe! westeard or easLwsral ell trabs sd eDs[xes wlU move oDIy $hen preceded by flasea[. GBAND EAYEN.---cl.T.,\v. c!€ws dellvedns cers io c.&O. jcin ascerta.ln fiom c.&O, at Gla.rd Haven wllether au lilsi and s€cond class t$ins bave deFart€d before foulins C.dd. malD tlack ahen the DdoveoeEL wiU be made ln accolda[ce wittr s€cond Daraglapb c.&.O. Fde 93. GBE INYILLE--.G.T.W. eEaia€s Day uEe C. & O. ms|r track ffom we6t end ol ddils t tl$t swltch v€6t ot dlsEold lor the Du$o€e oJ turnflg eDet!€. Betco loul!!8 c.&O. rls,lr track tlrey must ssceltalD troe C&O. alispatcher tf aU oveldue trabs have passed, s.tt€a whldh they may use C. & O. main tnacik by strlct comp[ance \rith c. & O. Rute 93. C.& O. €'l81nes Day use q.T.W. ms1.| Uack from wye switcb west oJ atlemor(l to lir6t swltcb w€st ol dllamord lor tJre purpose ol turnhg ensllles. Betole todtng C'.T.W. melr track, Deleission must be secued froE tbe CI.T.W. oDemtor, slte! viblch ther rDAr use O.T.W. mab tlack by stnlct oompllaaoe vltll A.T.!?. Rule 93. t! orde! tbat q.T.W. cre\rs mey comDudcat€ wlth C.&O. ausratchec b€lore lodrng ilxelr moln ifack, as Drovldeil lD tjrst palaeilaDb sbove, ba! Iock, equlpped slth CI.T.W. and c.&O. swltdtr locEs, hss beeD praced oD b@tb contajrurg c"& O. iUBpqtchefe telephoEe wtrtch k locsted aauacelt to ttlst sc.ltch lorth ot C.& O. ---C.T.W. {f,osslns. WEST DETBOIT IO BEAUBIEN SIR,EET-MaIn bAcIs JoI[i dtr! Wabash R.R. cl.T.W. tllie tablo aDd lulet WEST DETBTOIT TO DB.6AOAD.-U86 Waba.srr aud Detlott & Tol€do Shore Ilne !o6ln tracts and b€ rlcveEed by thelr tj.he t.bles a[d !ule6 whel ocsupytrg lesD€cflve tsacks UrxE/llND---Joht wlth A-{.F,.E. All tlatDA vltl Drot€ct aed!6t A!-[ Arbo! erl8t!e! at Lslerand bovj.ns betwe€n slgrrsl located 2,S00 leet wesl ot Eta6on aDd 8[cDBI 1.960 l€et esst ol stattonDgEAIiDT--Sagtna$ Sobiuvldoo matn back tlom goUy Aubdtvrddu cEsslr:a b JuEctioa swltdh 200 te6i Dolth o! FIbt SubauvlsloDclosslng totat nlth An[ A$c R-R. AAGINAW.-MaIb track fiom cross-over at Eoyslld SEeet soutb 5,rt20 l€€t to gasbaw Imrt'or€lllent CoDpaDy's spur, lolnt !9lih q.&O. A.T.w. dhe tsbl6 snd lules sovem. C.&O. crews befole toulil:a tb& track s,iU aso€rtab v€rbaltg by telelhone llom tJro oDerat€r at ltE Tower whelhe! all derdue rralDs ha,ve aEleed and lett anti theD wiu be soverded by c+.T.w. Iiute 93. MAIN TEACK FI'OM MEESTION TO MEEEDITS STREET iN'NCTION JOIICT WITII NEW YOB'E CENAEAL &.&. N.I.C.&.&. time table and rules BAY CITI-Msnr tmck from NJ.C. ooDection north or Ohlo 6t. to N.Y.C. connecrjon south of Msquetre st., 1.4 miles. G.T.W. time tabte ard lutes sovem.



AIR BMKES Ershemen al:d conducrors are respocible for &aowlnr ths,t trle prscdbed l€Fi or Uat! bratses tla6 De.a mado betor€ sie!ftle lrom lelbrral slatloDA, al.so fton BDy pobt wtlere co6.dst o( l,latn has be€n cheDsed or al! lio€e urcouDled. EaElceEen bust Fdsonauy banane blske-mlre ielred Ilaldig Urese l,sts. At gauges oD enslnes strd csboo€es mu€t be observ€d ft€quedly to see that couect plessules are belng BartrYad €nglx€s haaaUlng cars must bave air co4{ed s,nd atr blakes b s€Mce when Esklns movements betFeea yalalr. Wb@ auxliary claDes, horsts, p e dlvers, snow plows, sp!4ders, pass.Dger coaches. o. ot]te! equipment d€ Dlaed or turD-tsbls, ai! brst6 or hand bBkeB bu6t bs applled o! such equlpmerxt pmpedy blccked b€tore €trslle l3 uncolpled to lnsure tult control aDd sale handlirg. Alt brake-s Ioust be in servioe while swltcbins occrplod passenger equipdeDt abo whlto sEitchlDg equlpmed olr o! otf occupled ls€seoli€f €qulpmeDt. Bdore msHng e coup$rs to or b€tweeD puseEger eqtlpnrent, ary ot whtch coDtailDaDasseDg€r8,stop mrrs! fl!3t be msde roi l€ss thar Eli arld not !do!e thtn twelvo le€t ftom the poht whele couptlDg ls to be made. Budress or Dassedge!csrs, whetbg €qutpDedvlth mller bealllg! o! otlrelFbq wher palked or depot o! oth.! tnacks, m|13i be lelt vltb alI b!aJ<e3&ppu€d ead haad



Lewba Lmomotives ltlattendeit Outside of Endme Eouae Teniloly (Oi! Er€ine RuDnIns). 1, Place indepeDalebE brake ir rlmirw posilion. 2, Place automatic bEke h runine' Fositnon. l. Plac€ thottle i! idre, setector hmaues 11} "OFF' and rcmove leverser hanalle. ff locomotive is to be hanled in a, train any apFeciable distaDce reverser swlich should be pleced ir neuhar and locked in thai position. 4. on E.M.D. Unil* sFneraLor tield switch musr bp o!en, oD Alco Uniis control switch must roi be open because low voliase is cut ftom suxtliary generator if open md load ls on the batiery causing it to lun doM. 5. Apply hand bra.lres. 6. A11 elecidc control jumpds musi r€main connected t. close double headlns cock. majn battery 8, If oil €agine is shut dovn-pdi switch, aiso open dead ensin€ fi{ture and if temperaiue is below teezing, engire musi be Foperly drained. 9. Encinemen iaking charge of locomotives outsid€ ol must expect to find them as engine house teritory


AIR COMMUNICATiNG SIGNALS Before leavinc terminar, commtnlcaiing signal sysiem on passenge! equbment f.ains must be tested ond knom io be iD $rttable condition for service. 'Where. for any rcason, the at communicating svstem on passenger tlains becom€s defective a{ter leaving te!miDal, and the defect cannot be readily located or !emedled, the encuremm Md traimen mNt have complete und€NtaDdins that the air communicatins sisDal sysi€m tu not operating; and rhile tlair is erout€, enghemen and liremen will look baik ftequedly over their tlein fo! hand sisnar. aiso vatch for sigllal ai stations ' when awaltlns departure. conductoN wul adlise chief Dlspaicher by wfe b au such cases so that an effolt may be mde to correet the del€€t at the ftust oppoltuity. There is Do need for much delay through this cause and ca,rs riU not be set out on account of signal line

1. Whed leavilc css i[ the vic'nity of a sb€et crossstand bevond the bu .ling liDe ing, Do palt of car must of sbeet and not then 'q.hen lt rs possible to leave cals a exeater distance from tbe street. If at a.11possible, cals w1ll not be lelt closer than 50 feet to anv street or blsheEsin€s 2. ou double tlacts, clews ol a1l traiils and .lacilliiv of vhen passbs other bains in the imm€diste give bigbEay clos
ENGINE WHISTLE nxcept as rcstricted below, whistle is to be blow wlllstle


must not be blowD iDside ]bdts of the fouovt-

Gmnd Rapids, ftom 6:30 p.m. io 6:00 aJn.: b addition must rot be blown betweer 6:00 a,m. and 6:30 pla. at streets plotected by fleshers, saies, or Muskeson and Muskeson lleichis, beiw€en 6:30 p.m. and 6:00 aJn.

the cossins has automatic protectio! but Done track occupi€d, stop vill be @de and before removemst, member of the clew w l be stationed clossirs to affold protection Jor hishvay haftic.

?. Wben a bain is pated io clea! a hlghway crosshg, o! is standins near sucb cosshs, a trainman vill pmtect tlafilc wheD a train ls ap$oachuts on the sidiDs 8. 1]o avoiil unnecessary operation ot auiomatic highway crossirg sigDals, switches musi Doi be left ope!, Dor cars left staldiDg oE the mai4 track longer than Decessary \rithin operatine ljmits of sucb 6rsnals. Whd s$/itchrls movenents are eade i! such tdritory. every effort Dirst be made by bainmer to avotd delay io high9. EEployees shoulal obsene the operation of automatic highway emssrs srgnals and report promptly to the trarrr dispatcha aly iailue to operate ploperly,



(Cont) CROSSINGS AND HIGHWAY STREET 10, To Drolecl the laibosd agaitrsr.lalms bv MsoD of sta@meni rhar simals rvere noL luncironjlg properlv Drior to hrsh\',/ay crossiDs sccidents invohibg orrl tmhs. iven member of lrain crew lnvolved ln such croeshs accidenLs qhere any lype of Frotection iE lnvolved should @ke an examinatioD ot ll)e s'.sD.l lo deleruine whether or Doi srgnar wes actuairv op€rai.lng prior to Eccident. r train has passed out of the crcurt beforc it is brought to a stop, unde! !o c,.rcumst nces must tlein pro.Fe.l s-Lhour fir$ ba.kios onio srsnal circujt to make a re\L. and so bclicaLein the reporl lhai such a lesl r,ras Dade. u simal is found to be frJncLlonilc Froperlv cress should. wheEeverFosstble,cal] ailenlion of ou'side wittre:jg lo Lhe laci ttaL it is operariDebcfore anv possible re!€irs codd have been lnade. 11, Ai sode co$ings where hal!-roadFay gates are i=rnqi''Siwitch key coDiroue$" are Fovided; tbese d rEsted yduov, one located on the end of the lnstluEEi cae. tbe other oE the eat€ Dechanism on the .lDGiie side oi the tuacks. The "conboller" that is lo@€d aaritg!! to ab tlack ls for use with a tlain, -s-. a]ldto! cars occupvins that back oDlv. with the tlacts oc.Erried, apploachins the cmsslDg in elther direcii@ &d doi oc€upt!+i the track tiiroush the street &efie@ itbe yeUow irsuiated jornts), the gates may be eised by isertils GreDd TrDk Weslem Stand&d svit€h Key ll1 ttle contro]]er Ior the hack thai is occupied, tuDiDs the key to the lisht and holding it fo! an ictaDt util the gates stalt to raise and then rcmovrtrc ihe key immediately. After the gates have been nised h this mamer, tJrey may be loweEd by inserttng the sv,atch key rr the same controler for the track that is occupied, tuning the key to the dsht holdirs the key tntu the gates start to iower ard thm r€movlns the key. lbe cat€s vntl then go to automatic opemtion. TtIe sai€s cm be operated marually, $hen trsck cilcuits arc rot occupied, by insertins th€ swiich key, turning to the richt and leadng key. To ralse sates, remore ihe key. 12. All $ossings where swltch key contlollers are DroIid€d mnst be opented in accordance with these instmc13. This method of protectirs crossinss where automatic gate6 are in service is adopted a6 a saiety measure. There should be no necessity to so out i. the street or hishway to flag urless there 1s a failure of equlpment. 14. At Dight, or rn toggy or stormy weatlt€r, member ot qew vilt diEplay a lighted iusee DrecediDg and dudns any $vitchins movement ovel hishvray. PO&T IILTI,ON,-OId Main Track (Court Street Yaxd). Wesbvard movements orer Tenth Street must not exce€d ten miles per hour; Eastward movemenk must be stopped before crcssins Tenth SEeet and crossins protected !y member of crew. Joilt c.& o, track, cout street to Thomas StreeL MoveEdts ove! Glgnd Rilver Avenue hust be Drct€ct€d by EeEb6 oI crew. eo.4 GELioL Mai! Track, MovemenL over EleviDth Ave., 'WashiEgton Ave,, Tenth Ave,. PiDe Grcve Ave. and stoDe Street, must be Drot€ated by mmbe! ot crerv. GEAND EAPIDS.-AII bair ud encbe movemeds ovE! Slxth Street crossjng must 6TOP atrd clolslDs be prot€cted lry member ot clew wam'ns iraltic ln advanc€ COOPEBaVILID.-AII bains mu$ ATOP belore closstog Eo.stmaDl,i]le Str€€t aDd closslng be prot€cted by member oI cl€w ws,mlns faffic in advaDce ot DoveE€lL BAY CIfa.-All engtn€s wltb or rrlthout ca!8. !!ust sToP before passulg over Mtdland, North I{enry, and South lieDry Stleet crossings, ard crossinss be p!otelted by member of crew wanjns traffic in adlance


A1l swtich moveme s over Ketto! Ave, cr666tns must be prot€€ted by member of crw aamlns trafilc tn edva[ce ol moYeEent. A! t al]s and engbe€ wut STOP, rct less than ?5 roet aDd not more tbsn 50 le6t l|? advaDc6 ol stat€, Marquette and Beund4 Sbeet closs!]g€, alld thefe' <e! proce€d cautiously over tbese crosshgs.

saclNAld.---s\vltch movements on o1d main over IIolde4 Mereditb, EmeEon md Hoyi streets m$t be plotected by member of crew with flas, wdning tr&ffic h advance ol movement. Sp€ed of 10 mfes per hou over these dossiuss. AI movemeDts oD old main over Thompson-Washington, west GeDesee and Davenport streets must STOP beforc crossiDs and be protected by member of crew with flaei, wamins traffic in advmce of noveIIIILAY cITL---caGs Clty Subdiridor tl.ir mov€|nonts betw€€n tbe hours ol 5:00 P.lltr. end 8:00 A.!f,. ov€r Alhot street crosslns mu€t be prot€cted by mdllber JACK6ON.-A]I Itlovemellts ove! Gs,Dson Str$i mus! be qot€ct€d by membet ot clew' who wlu rlsDuelly oFerete gasbxaht sigDais by berilna swttch Xey b loclring dsvice oD flash-tigbt sieirml sts!.rarals o! esth slaleol cro.sins. Itey Du5'i trot be lemoled uai[ Gosslng 1! eleer€d. In evert nashriebl sjsnaJs are tDopelatlve alr tlelDs and elEines ErBt 6{op s.rld crosslng be proiesied by me,ebe! of crew warDlns tratflc !r adya.[co ol Eoyerlrer|t. all EAsTwA.FlD tra,j.rl's or ensUes wtu 6top wliblll 30 and 60 leet befo!€ crossrlg NORTII stle€t. PoNTL{c TEEMTNAJ,-AII englnes and trau movemmts ovel cass Avenue oD the east les of the wye and adjacent tracks will be howht to a sToP ar1d a membe! oi the crew s1u warn traffic i! advance of AU movemelts over sadord, Paddock, ard J€6slo Streets. Cocated on J5€kson Subdlvlston. est o! M.A.L ClossiDs) must sToP before pasdng ove! th$e lteets and crosslns be prctected by DeEb€r of c.e\r wambs trafiic i.[ Edearoe of movems]t. Autometlc flB*!-l8ht dlsna,ls are lq opd:4tloE at Walt o Blvd.. cass city Subdivision Mileace 2.?, for movemenis t&mush Noltt} Wye. a mebber oJ crew wUl omt€ct t,rtls ccoss.!8 wamtrg batttc ,|1 adve.rce ol mov€)]lei3t oY€t old mBh tsck, also southward oD Fye a.fter oomins ftotll DURA.|[9.-AI Oak sbeet Ctcsing Durard, GraDd Rapids aDd Aa€jlla.nl subdi!'isio$ a red and & sxeeD lisht momted on top of fleshlishi BisDdJ south ot ttle clossms oq East siale of oak Stleet, a.lso oD e pole No?th of araind Raplls Subalrvision tlaots o! East srde of Oak Stleet, Dd o! a Fole South ol A.A.R.R. tracks oD West slde of Oak Street will govem mov+ meDt of tralis over crcssing as folow6: Gteen lndlcation wiu be obtained whed sates arc down. sisna] will sive Eai irdication wheD eates are not dow:l aDd movements must come to a stop. Movemert may tben pess red sknal and proce€d over ciosins under flag

RESTRICTIONS GENERAL SPEED unles6 Jurther restricied, modilied or cancelled by other instructions, the .iollowbg must be obse$ed: 1. (a) Tbroush tumouts unless othelwise

lb) (c) (d) (e) (f) (s)


Equilatenl Tumouts: East Durand, MP. 255-4 West !'lmt, M,P. 263,8 E a s tF l m t .M , P .2 7 6 . 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SE€aders in operation T l o i n s h m a u i n s s c a l et e s t c d s . . . . . . . . . E x c e p ic a r G l ' w 5 2 1 0 6. . . . . . . . . . . , . Trairs receiviDg and discharging m a i l a t c a t c hp o s t s . . - . . . . . . . . . . . Equipment Dot headed by m ensbe (except snow plow) Enlslles runnins tender first or without leadinetucks ..... -... ... Bneines runniDs lisht or with caboose:

60 15 45 30 25 20


(Coni.) RESTRICTIONS GENERAL SPEED on Flint, 6outh B€nd, Eolly or Grand Rapids Subdivisions Mt. cleme$ Subdivision .. ....... .. Other Subdivisios (h) Thlough sprins s&.ltches ,. ,. . ....

40 35

30 30

2. (a) Maxlmum speeds for Diesel !.oad Unils opeHting rDder own Power.

1950-1951 MIiG-10e GE-12c 1500-1603 1509-1510 GF'-12i GR-1?b 4421-4441 s006-902? GFA-15A GR.1?J 4539-4546 GRG-1?C 4900-4901 4907-4922 GRG-1?K Diesel ensines opeDting thmugh w&ter Diesel eng'rxes must not be op€raied tnroush wat€! morc ihan 3 tncl:res above top of r&il, Yard switchels opentirg lisht, with train (or dead) lxcept: Between Penn Jct. and Grand gaven, and on the foliowins subdivisions: Kalamazoo, GrcenviIe, Sasjnow, Romeo, Jackson end Cass City (dead) other than switDieset uits che$, 5 h es per hou! less than maximum speed for such units operating under oml power. 2, 'b' Mrxihlm Opdatins

60 65 65 65 65 ?9 79 ?9 3



divisioni on the folto rc Subclrvisionsj Romeo, Cas City, Jackson, GreenviU€. 4, At public oossinss at Exade at which th€te arc auiomatie walrunc devices to indicate the &pploach of heins or ensines, be govemed by instuuctions, Paragraphs 4 and 6 under caption STREET AND H]GTIWAY CROSSINGS. 5. The fouowing speeds hust not be exceeded, &nd dynamic brakiDa mNt not be used, by the units aad combbatrons nmed bdlow when apploachin8r eDy public mad qossiner at glade prctected by automatlc . stsnats or automatic gates; between the apFroaih sfu!1al and aqy r&ilroad $ossins at Fade protected by automatic interlockingj and where a signal syst€m with automaiic featuG is lD senice: One-unit diesel eneine ruDnine light; €il diesdl or simiir ctr runins aloDe 30 Tvo-mii diesdl osine mminer lieiht i iwo raU dieset or similar cars coupled and lumins alonej one-utt diesel ensjle or one rail diesel or simUar car eoupled to one other urut of equipment 50 Where speed restrictions are sho\rn, they apply to enOther speed restuictioG are as Iotlows:



Speed lor Suetb LocomoLive" Under own Power.

60 50 40 50


?0 15 55. 19 ?9 65 ?9

..15 ..15 3, Trains handlrnc mpckins .!anes. crhshells. sieam shovets. Jodan spleaders, air dusp .s!s, and orfs su h equ'Pment, industrial cranes on ow! wheels, or dlae lines loaded on flat cars in ocs movement with booms exceedins 35 feet ji rensth .... ... ...-.. .... or leavins siding Wher enterjng _2!e oI spePdif "eces.art e.pcA sloqer ciallv over territorv where slower speed reshictions are in effect. Trains handlhs 200 ton wrcckiDg crare G:fw 5000?.assis'nedDuand, or 250 ton {lelkie crsnF GTW 500S3, ss"rcned BatLie c}""k: .Beqee4 E .don and c&wl Junclioni on old Main Tmck, Mundv to BFl.ar, on Kalamazoo Subdjr'ision: bFtween west Defoii end Muwaulee Jct Tran1s hatrdilng 250 lon wreckins oane GTW 50083 over: UPton Avenue B dge, M,P, 1?4.9west of Baltle creeL stliioni I-alrrence Avenue bddce, first bddse east . of Euron Sheet, Pontiac . .... .. .. Cmnes GTW 5000?and 50083mut .oi be West operat€al unCer abv cilcustences; of Peu Junction on Grand Rapids Sub-

30 l0



ASHgqRiN- Over cuamond cro€6ba .. Bi,UE ISLAND-Milease 19,5 over Broadway St. TltoRNIoN JCT.-Over dial]lold cmssbg MAYNAR.D - ove! diamond crossjlgs ( C I & LA N D P R . R ) . . . , . . . . - . . . . . . - : c.I.drs cRossING Over daEond cross.. ... ing ...GlirFFrrq-Throughcltylllrlls..-. FoRT wArNE cFoSSINO - Belpeen P R R a n d N L P D i a m o n d s. . . . . . . . o vr]Rs--on both hscka betlree! eastward home lrierlockilg slgDal aDd Ar. . . . . . . . . . .. . . , . . , a o l ds r . sotrlrll BAND-Arourd cufler wheD eBtqins o! ieaving loEt tFcka Bt Abold md Hrsh Streek over Jolnt iracli between Amord and l{igh Sts-, yard englnes at 18th sileei. oa wesiwsd traclr over swltch l€adhe flom old msln t-&ck.. PAITLION AND EAI-AMA,ZOO.-&dDeS ob sirsis'l Erack ... E n g i D eos n c u r v e s. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . - . RE|lrfON, M.".169, AND BAT'ILJE CRE:EK -Eostwud tmin6 on wesiward tlack . BAI:TL,E CaEEK - EastwArd ilAlD! Ovef U p t o DA r e n u eb r l d s e . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . M.caolr Sl. DrEmond NIcsoLs YAX,D-ltelght tlajls headiDg i l t o y B r d E a c j r s. . . . . . . . . . -

40 50 50 60



35 60



60 40

60 {0






30 15



40 25

40 25



20 30

20 30




25 20


xrrrra FEB moltD .P....rra r.' Ln| BETWEEN:Ddtroit and Duand except ss oth€Iwise 60 Fovided . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?9 DelroiL (city linits)-whrle bovi|s upon or affoss public sheeis. alleys, or hish- .......... 30 30 w a y se E s r s d e . . . . llastilgs mileage 0,3 and Jefidson ' A v e . r f lst. 8 e a c e0 . 9 . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . , , - . . 1 2 Jefferson Ave. and Aeven Mile Road mile40 a c e 8 . 5 . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -5. 0. . a 8 M t l w a u k e eJ c t . - t b o u s b ! ! v e 6 . . . . . . . . Milwrukee Jct.---c.T.w. ?000-?900cilzss switchers and DdtIsL load ahsers, tboush €usar House .nd Hkh Une rvycs ... .. clay Ave.-ihrousn tumout &om doutle 15 t o s i n s l €t l a c t s. . . . . . . . - . . - . . - . . , . . . . 1 5 SeveE Mile Road and lliltol} Road milea s e 1 0 , ?. . , - , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . - . . - . . - . 6. 5 Eflton Road and Eoyal Oak Depot . - . .. 50 65 R o y a lO a k a n d P o D t i a o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pontiec (city [mtts)-shlle movjng upo4 publjc or across stleeis, aueys. or b'gh45 w a y sa t g . a a l e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 Po'ntiac atrd Durand-manlle$ tlalas 521, 60 5 2 2 5, 2 9 a, n d 5 3 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e:.cept wbe! ha.ndling loaded hoppe! 50 palsjrg Urough ralage IloUy-vhfle 30 l i m i t s. . . . - . . - . . . . , . . , . , . , . , . . , . . . . . 3- 0 .,

45 .40

30 20 80 20 35 6 6

30 2A 30 20 35 6 6

30 30 45 20

GNEENVII,E SUBDIIA;ION A s h l e ya n d G r e e d l i l e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


40 20

35 20

POI\ITIAC EEI,T IJNA West Ponttac and M-41. Junction .....O!€! Switctl Dd fros east wye switch M.A.L. Junctton ' &OMEO SI'BI}IVISION Rlc,bao'ld rlDd Ponaac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;'ACASON SUEDIVII|ION P o l u a c a n d W a u e dL a k e . . .. .. ... . Wau€d Irake add l{elrietta, . . . . . . . . . . . . . Whitmore l,ake Bddee, milease 64,2 ... I l e r d e t t ea n d J a c k s o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mikado class enciDes Bust Dot exeeed thuty (30) mues per hour.



16 50


30 40 25 30

30 40 25 30

CASS CITY SUBDIVISION Pontiao and M,P. 16.3 (no4h of o:fo!d) 40 M . P .1 6 . 3a n d L u m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0 L u m m d M . P . 8 8 . .0. - . . . . . . . . - . . , , . . . .4 0 M,P. 88,0 and M.P. 92.0 . . . . _. . . . . _. . _. . 30 M F . 9 2 . 0a n d M . P .9 9 . 4. - . . . . . . . . . . . - . . @asselger tuains must not be opemted between M.P. 92.0 aqd 99.4)

40 30 40 30 25

PERMANENT SLOWORDERS 1. Speed zones de establtihed whe.e there is more than one cuFe !x the zone. Nuelal iD advDce ol ftst cuve is the maximum speed lor aU curves in the zone. speed zones e!€ as fouows, CSICAGO DIVISION' 1 8 , 2 -2 0 . ? B l u e l s l a n d ( 4 ) - , . . . . 225.9-226.2 E. Cedar River (2) ,,. 2 3 3 . 8 - 2 3 6 , 8S h a f t s b u r e { 3 ) . . - . . .

60 80 65

60 60 65

DET&OTT DIYISION 21.5- 23.1 Bloomfleu HiUs (4) .. 60 34.?- 3?.3 Clarkston (3) . , .. , ,. . 65 118.1-118.9Mui! (reve$e) .. . .. . . 40 ?. where speed slens lie Flaced at cuwes to govem sFeed, they must be strictly observed. Present lo€ations

13.3 51.5 53.2 70.4 104.1 1r4.4 116.? 122.9 146,6 152.1 169_2 1?0.1 t72.2 773.1 181.8 183.6 187.9 201.9 2\5.9 21S.1 218.6 228.,1 25r.4 246,4 290.3 29r.5 DDTEOIT DTYISION 4 0 . 4 D a v i r b u r g ,E a s t , , . , . . . , . . , . 44.0 HoIy, East 48.0 lIo]ly, West

60 60

60 60 65 10 ?0 ?0



65 50 65 65 60 60 30 70 ?0 ?0 ?0 60 60 65 30 70 60 60 65 60

65 65 60 60 30 60 60 55 55 70 70 ?0 30 60 65


OTHERRESTRICTIONS EMMEaT.-Dies€l ensin€s may operate ir Noltb oeva_ to! Tr&ck with caution. PAAT SPu&-Blslnes wlU boild olto sufitcleEt cars to avoid movilg Dast poiat ot swltch when opelgtins tn essterly traok. This tack must be ente!€d with cauuoD. BELSAY.-ltains \*ttl expect to lil]d we6tvald stctlng occupled vith caft t)l ets othelwise iDstluct€d. westward tmins havinc work to do w l leave tlab east of Yard offlce. Gerre!€e Road. wtl hold oDto sufficienl SWAETZ CnEEK-Ensines cals to alold entering sha!9 cuwe o[ Pickle spur. CUADLOTTE,---OB B€acb M!g. Spur, tlabmeD w t Dot place car at or aear ovelhead unloadins device wbjte rails are tempolarily b place for uliloadi:rs sleel accourt insutficient slearaDce. DSTEOTI TE&IIIIINAL: Mi*ado type €Nrelre! Dust not bo ope*t€d tlnough ths West Detmit Wye. 6000, 6300, al]d 6400 class engjr:res must not be operated throwh EooUheu's Wys and We6t Detloit Wye at Milwaulee Jct. Erstre€ ol tralns DliUiIlg i]r on al\y ol ttre Elgh Lln tracks at Mllwauaee Jct. muat noi be cut oll uDtll lt 13 trow: tllgi rear erd !s clear of the B€oubie|r eFeet Int€riocke! aDd aauolDins gtgh I.llDe tmc&8, hsiqeDeD alal Ya,ldhed backtng Dessewe! equipm€ot areheth€r occuDled o! lot) trto arudb Atleel Si&UoB or oD Car !'erds!, must !€e that alf-brsltses 3ro tutlt chEtg€d oD au ca!6 and Yara[:can ddlrls oD leadlla car rltb tellhole attachod to corbol thess movemerts. gDe€d muat bG 6Uch a3 tO Insure abolut€ salety, Arbo! coDstructlor co, tleck mu$ CLABTSToN.-A:D lot be used berond 6 DoiDt 160 leet beyond swltctr to s€rv!:g Etcts8 Coa! Co. caa only bc ST. JOENS-tack uled lor placbg orc ca! at a tlnre, a'ld cers Eust oot be shoved b€yond or tlsck used east ot udoadlns Dlt. IONIA.-Mlkado argjnes with 12,000-Sellon i$*s heYhg ladders or torward side of tsrders wlll rot clear Eale Elev.tor on stock tr8ak. GRAND RAPIDS.--JfidaD Splead€ls Dust aot be haudled on mai! tmots passus statlon platfolm. FUl,LtE.-Mikado clss enain€s musi not be DeErltt d to pas fielght house on house tlack account clo€.

OF RULES THE MOVEMENT GOVERNING TRAINSBY SIGNALINDICATION &ur€s 251 to ?5t trclusile covering the movemeEt ol tlaiDs by sienal indicalion, are in use beiween the Jollowing potlts: between c&$E Jimction and Sedl€v; between ValDaraiso and East Dfiand: betweeE Wesi Flint a.d East I'ilint; between West Tappan and mUeage 333.1, gigmls used to eive indlcations ale the traiD order sisDals as display€d at stations. All trains must receive telmina.l clea,ratxce at imiial stationr also traiDs turliDs at. or starting flom inte!mediate staiioDs must recelve teminal clearance, unless otherwise dfected. Authodty for the issuance of clearances must be siven by the Train Dispatcler, 4cept when mess of communication with Tlain Dispatcher have faued. Opemtors may clesr traiDs by cilearanc€s, providins they have no incomplete trarll orders for train to whlch issued. writEc thereon the ffolds "Wre FailureInferio! tlains rcceiving clearance mark€d "wfe Feilue" must ciear tbe time of filst-class tratns in the same direction as per Rule 86. operators must not issue nor conductoN aDd enginamen accept, a clear.nce marked "wirc Fauure" as authorilv ior a train or ensine to siart a retum movement ftom any iDterm€diate slation except from its authodzed tuming point. operatols wilt leport promFtly to Djspatcher as sooD s communicatlon is restorcd the €lealitlg oi any tlains as hereln prcvided.

Rulcs ?61 (o 270-A b.lBive goveming oppo6ing and fouovins oovemenis bv srsnBl indicaLioD. are i! us beiween the lollowirg poi$is: between East Durand aird .w€st Flint; beiween East Flint md West Aappan; betwe€n eastward dwarf sieDal located 2500 feet easi of Durand passenser stetion G{o[y Subdivision) and westward home interlockins signal ai West Pontiac.

AUTOMATIC BLOCK SIGNALS Autmatic BIo3k Sigaals, &ules 501 to 514 iaclustre, are in use b€tween the followirg pobts: betw€en C&WI Jun€tion and Mileage 3ts3.1,Iloft tiulon; betwem rrumnd and N.Y'C.R.R. hterlocking, Muvaukee Jct.; betleeeD Forest t aren IDterlocki$: ard Double Track Switch; Pontiac Selt line (sinsle track rclthiD PoDtiac Yard limits)-between Signal No. 4located behveen junction wge swttch arld oakland Avenue bridge, west end ol Pontiac Yard, EoUy Subdlvision, ald Sisnal No. 23, iocated 31 leet west of jrDction wye sq,itch, Cass City Subdivlsion. Approoch slgnal No. 2? lmat€d 950 feet rolth of gass city Subdivision north llye switch, govens tJ:reapproach ol southwald tlanxs to block sisDal No. 23.

THE SPECIAT INSTRUCTIONS GOVERNING IN. MOVEMENT 8YSIGNAL OFTRAINS DICATIONBETWEEN VALPAMISO ANDSEDLEY Al1 movements between Sedley and Valparalso w1I bs governed by ir$e oekEg sig!416. Thej.! tnaucaiio! supersed€s supedodty of trains. Wllen the6e srgnals are ln operaiion trab register and termhal clearance f'olm B are not ftquired aN valpamiso and sedley. when tbese sisadA sre inoperative hain sewice enproyees will be so sdvls€d by trab oder atrd tlalis wlU be govem€d by opelatiner lriles epplying to sinsle track. The rcstoring ol these luterrocking sisnals to selvice win also be s,uthorized by tleln older. atrc etrginemarx or conductor of a,n eestward traln not frndinei a clear o! approa4h tdication on hoEe interlocking 8lgna,l at SeaUey,will cobmuricate at onc€ Fith olerator st vdlparalso. A[ haiDs €Dtertng thls single track must compleie movement through to double tack, except switcih movements will be permitt€d ftor[ one rlair hack to other main tlack 6t both double trsck sritches and tni€rchange movements betwe€lr GT"!\|-PliIi at !'ori Wayne closdnc, after receiving permisston tloe Opelator &t Telephone located at Sedrey, in booth 50 feet resi of eastrr'ard inteflockins sienal, is conneci€d riith dirpatcber, also Opelato! at Valpamiso; telephone on pole et west end ol sidins is conDected with dispatche! onlv.

STATIONSIGNALS AutomaUc Color Uatrt Stotlon A,anab aro ll1 operailon ,,t tlle tolowlbS named locatlons a[d ope*t!tr8 Ruls 45] to 454a, inclusive, apply. COE{tNN.4.-€taDals rcculsil.!:s moveBeDt€ rlx BoTlt DIREqIIONS) are locat€d 2,600 teet eai or e.sr ild. l$g swltch snd 2,100 t€el wsi ol €€i sldins cgllch G&AVEL Pll-stgnd3 reaxiledng mov€llle|lt's LlN troTll DIREaTIONS) are located 3,100 leel esl ot elsl sld irg swltcb atrd 2,500 let w€st ot e€si sidlnr sqlt.h rwEqTlvARD GR"{ND AAPIDS. - 619!als leguratiry MO1IIIMINTa ONLY) betwe€! Marylsnd R.'ad Mil. age 154.4 and PlainJield Ave. sieiBaLsregdsttng {EABTWARD Mor"EMD{Ts oNLY betv€€D Mlle Post 160 and 150 feet w6t .t p R F NOTE: Station sienab within 9ad limits do not relieve tls,lr and vafd crews lrom cohplyihs qnh Op€mting }iule 93.

T|ME TABT E NO. | - OCTOSER 25, 1958


PAVTUON &m, AND aaElitow i4dicatlon Ughts ale locateal on lalay box east sids altectly acrosr botlt b.jr track€ Jtom faclos point switclh et Jufttion mih Ealal]latoo Subauviston. nED LIGHT ilalrcates westwald train haa passed Scotts or that easiward train ls lritbin 3 EIeg of crcssoyd. aELI,ow.lrGF! is an iEdicattoD thst th€rc is [o train ln such texdtoly. Tor these Ughts to be effective alxd to lnsule sale ope$tion, a'EIE cRosgoI,'ER SWITCI{ MUSIC BE TIIROq'N BEOr.E rOUrN{G TEs WESTWAR.D MAIN TRACK OR OPENING :fHE FACING POIIf! Sl'vlTCH. lt rausD be rDderstood that tJ1e iDdicatioD Ughts do trot reUeve the condncto! ftom obtatnlng pemrssion to erte! South B€jIld subdlvlsion. Tlatrs flom Ks,rmazoo subdivislon wiu not rcquile termine.l clearance at Pavlllon.

Ysrd BATTLSCREEK-Nichols Automatlc Sisrr.ls, No.l?8S,lust east ol Emmett Stleet: No. 1'?62,Just €.st 01 Dtvisiou str€eh a|!d No. 1??0 tult west o! Mlchlgar Av€nue, cu,spley ttls toUowitlg i.aucatlons: gigh arE ls staDdard autoirratlc cololuaht Elgnal. Low sn dLsplays red o? yeuore t:dlcation oD oDpodie 'Wl1en yerbw bdcarion ls djsplayed on low a!m, $rliehes a.re Ul:ed lo! yatt moveEent arld tJrere arc no csrs o! trains betq'een scrals aDd dlear&a€€ polnt ot movement il1to the yalds. IDdrcaUoD ol ihese sisnals ln no way $peNedes operatlng Role 93. Movemeat jlto yarals to be govemed by hard sicaals flom tJre switchte[ds, Flelsht tlails heading iDto yard tractss at Nicnob Yad most not elcded ten (10) mjles per bou. Automatlc Si$lal No. 1?89, lust east ol EDrn€tt sireet, has switdb key recolator lnstalled oqr qesbllsht contlot cese on eest side o! sireet. when tlaiDs are behs held oui ol eerd at this sier]el, Eead Blakemen v[l use si'itctr Eey to stop fasbrishts. Tbis arfeDg@@t oDlv atiects wstqsrd oovements ud flasbllBbts \oll1. agaid operat€ sheIr ogine lrses bonds on track ctrcult. Remove ssritch key as sooo us flasbtlghts have beed siopp€d. It 1siopo!tent thui enslre be stopped east of boDded Jobts. AI Easiwe,rtl ext!a6, except PasseDger extras, atlvlrxll Nichols Yad will be s:ov€rned by Yald Slgnal loca,t€d j6t west of Kaalatl street. rlbis stsnail !s s s€maphore trpe yrith pobted end blade and is not a parb ol Automatic Block System. This $sna.I tor ertlss only ,nd does not petairx to passenge! Uans, passetrger exhss or yald engines. lastwaxl exhas tlndila Ed srgna.l wfll stop to cleEr yard signal. crossins eates at Kendau Stleet must be laised by use of swltch key controuer jn phoDe booth $?hil€ valting for slsnal.

FLINT color Lishi signal located oD North slde ot W€stwald tlact, 3,3?5 feet East of Frint Atation, to wam Westwaxd tiatrs when tlaiis o! engines ale aFproachtDg or standiDg at FUrxt statlon on Easiwald track. When the tlEee yeUow ltshts are showlnC hollzontal fhey jldicate there is a tlai! or eDgrne on Ealtwe?d track between automatic sisnsil No. 2696 anal lust es$ ot clifford sbeet (first stre€t east ol statlm). Wber the thrce yelow lghts ale sho$dr:s vertical ttley trxaucate ttlele ts no traj.rt o! engiDe oD Esstwed tlack ltr Thts siellal doe8 not relteve lhglnemen mg with Rule 106.

from coulply-

ADDITIONAL TRACKS South Bdil Subinvi.iion Maylrad la&eside Refinine qo. Alr:lsr,vodh Udon Mills MiU Cr€ek McDonald's sidbs I"umbe! Speclalties No. t IJumbe! Epecialties No, 2 TearD Traek Penn Wak€lee Chamberlahs "avilior Baftre Crcek. G€ver Co, Flht Stbilirision qrapo Farm Miohigan Eome

!'blt South Aend Laladazoo Mt. clerDens

cass city

lastwald Easiwald westward Eastvard 4ii.2 Easteartt ?0,3 Eastvr'a,rd 84.4 . westwa{d 88.? Easiwald 91.4 Westward

29 77 13 18 19 13 16 .5 14

111.0 111-1 111.4 !27.3 131.5 140.3 156:? 172.2

Eastwaid Eastwad lastvraid Eastward Eash',/ard Eastward westwdat Westwad

259.8 288.0 305.2 306.5

west €n t 3 west end 22 West end 10 Both ends 100

8 10 .3? 2 19 10 29 13

24 ,l

I !4 18

17 8

Saalme Subdivi3ion coroumers Power co. 44.6 13 C':|.W. eneln€s m16t not operate soirth oJ derau leading to ConsumersPo$Fr Co. planr. Crss City Snbitiidston 'wildwood Scnpps Spu Eocan SidiEc Jmk$a Subalirision Ilaegelty l-br. co.

Greeneille Subiuvlston Kent County Pickle co.

EoUy GraDd Rapids

@ontiac to Oxford)

31.6 33.? ' 39.6

!€at Siding goly subiltrision Buick Motor Co. Warchose 32.8 west end Adelphian Min 47.5 West end Cars or cnsiDesbusL no! eo bejond sicir lo.aled 60 ft. from buudinsGraril Bapiils subalivision I<ent County noad cornm. 14?.0 East end Rapids-Standad qo, 155.0 East €nd Anderso! Bolling 185.1 Est €nd MNkesor Subdilbion-None. Mt. clemens Subiltuisio! Vaxkle Ilon & Metal Co, 13.5 Easi end Masc'hmeys I'rarsit Mix 14,0 West end Clay Smiths cleets 49,2 East eid "it, EngiDes must not go beyond 6TOP slgD located 1500 {eet trom eod of tlack- Movehents on thls track mNt be made carefuuy. [alamazoo gubalivision-None.

TELEPHONES Telephones conneoted rith Traln Dispatcher's cilcult arc located in all telesraph offices on tbe iouowins Sub-



'Washington Detroit

Hardwale qo. Edison co.

8.3 66.8

Nolth md South end

5 23

45.4 47.0 88.6

West eld East end East end

8 7 7


west end


1.3 19.2 21.0

East eDd East end East end

12 9 22

flME IABIE NO. I - OCTOBER26. 1958


OFFICES TRAINORDER Train Oder Offioes (T) ale opeE 24 bollrs rla y, except: To ExeepiioE AtaUor tlom A r m s a l u. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 : 0 0e , . m . 5 : 0 0p r t ' g a t . & s r i t . AsNey. . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . ?:30 a.m. 4:30 p.b. Sur. & Hol. 5:00 plD. gat. & sun. 5:00.p.D. Sat. & Su]]. 3:30 p.m. SPt. & Sun.

N € w I l a v e [ . . . - . . - . . - ? : 4 5e , . m . N o r t h B m , r l c h-.. . - : . . ? : 3 0 a , m .

Da.vis!... . -., -...... ?:00a.m. 4:00p.m.Sat.& Sun. DrydeE. ....,....-.. 8:00a.m. 5:00plll. Sat.& sun. ...... -. ?:00aJ]]. S:00p.m.sat. & Sun. Edwadsburs.. E m e t i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? : 0 0a . E . 4 : 0 0p . m .S a t .& A D . F e n t o n-. . - . . : . . . , . . . , - 8 : o oa l r ] , 2:30p.m. Fllnt: . , . r . . . : . - . . - . . . 8:00 a.m, F ] u s h i n g. . . . . . . . . . , , . 8 : o oa - r n . I t l w l e ! . - . . , . , . . . . , . . . 9. : 0 0a . n t . ltaser. . . . . . . . . , . - - . . . ?:15 a.m. Gagetolrn. , . . . . . . . . . . , ?:45 a.m. 4:45 p.m. Sat. & grD, O a i n e s . . . . . . . . , . . , l : 0 0 3 . h . 3 : 0 0p , m ,S r t . & S u . G r e e n v i l t e . . . , . . . . . 9 : 0 0 a . m . 6 : 0 0p , b , S a i . & s u n 10:00 a,rE. 12:00 noor1Sat. ODIY C r e g o r y .... . . . . . . . . - . 9 ; 0 0a . m . 6 : 0 0p , m g a t . & s r m . 8 : O Oa , m , 1 2 : 0 0M i d l i g h t gat. & sun. . . .. . . . . 1:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Srnday 1:00 P.m. 9:00 F.m. DailY


ovid . . . . . . . . . . - . . 8 i 0 0a . m . o w e n d e l e . . .-.. . . - . . . . ? : 0 0a . m . Owosso.............1:00 p.m. 1j4b a.E, 2:00 P.m. . Pellnrion............ Perly ................ Piseon -....-....... P i n c k n e y . . . .-.. , , . . . .

5 : 0 0p . n . S a t .& S u n . 4 i 0 0p . m ,s a t . & 6 u . 9 : 0 0p . m .S u n d a y 9:45 a,m. Sunday 5:00 p-m. Su, ODly.

8:OO a . m . 5 : 0 0p r , S e r .& ? r 4 5a . m . 4 : 4 5p . m .s a t . & . a t .& 8 : 2 0a l ] ] . 5 : 2 0p . n 1S 8 : 0 0a . m . 5 : 0 0p . n , S a t .&

Sun, sun. Sur. Sun.

& Su!. 5:00pJn. Sat. '& 5:00pm, sat. srm. 5:00p.m.sat. & sun. 8:00 a.m. ?:00 al:l. 8;00 a.m. S : 0 0a . m . 9 : 0 0a r r , 2:15 F.n. a w a r t z c r e e k . . . - . . . . 6 : 3 0a . r n . S t o c k b d d s e. - . . . . . . . 8 : 0 0 a . m . Scihoolclaft . . .. . .. . . . theridan . ... :: ... South l{yon ......,,,. S t J o b n s. . . . , . . - . . , .

5:00 Pr. Sat. & Srrl. 4:00 pm. Sunday 5100pJll. Aat. & Aur. 5 : 0 0p m , S a t . & S r m . 5 : 0 0p m , S u n a l a y 5:15 p.rn, Sun. Ordy 3 : 3 0p j n . s a t . & s m , 5 : 0 0 p . m .S a t . & S u n .

Vickeryv le . . . . . . -.. -. 8i30 ara. 11:1t a.Dr Sat. & Sun. '' 3:45 p.m. 5:30 pr. Sat. & gu. W a U € d! a t e . . . . . - . . . . 8 : 0 0 a . h . 5 ; 0 0 p l ] 1 .S a t . & S o l 1 . W a t e f o r d . . . . . . . . . - . . 7 : 1 5a . m . 4 : 1 5p J ] ] .S a t . & A u r .

4I :rmi]ne!. YaftlaeE and EDs!]emen must acquaint ard obstnrcthemselvB leith the locations of stucturs riohs shere clearalces eE ctose to a1;oid iniurv the*from to i:herEs€ilvesor otlrels. Etpelielced melr must to mmbss of thetr owr crew who Eiie this inforation ire noiirlrv ra:aitiar vith i,he Lenr|,orv arilemen. :trsilmen and YardDeD aEl nou de on LoDo; srde ot ensines or csrs passils rilIough any tun!el, subway o! under any oeerheadbddge, or c@l dock. or whde iD ls knori/. sch structule will not clear a man on LoDot car: thev also bust lot rlde on side ot engine or cai passue high swilch sLands,water colull8. slmk chule6. or oiher obstructlons k!o]I1l to be close! thsn 6 Ieet to neaFsl, raU, ard when approachlng or paaslDg over or throush aEy tluss bliclge. As ao adauuoDslramiDg, [eu-tal6 or eamlbg denals consrsiins of pleces of mpe suspended from a wb€. havc been iocat€d on eiihd slde ol ovelhead bridges that will Dot clear s lrle on top o, box cars or olhe} hjgh equipmenL: thc idee bebc to have ropes strike a mon in su[ficient time to erable hlin to Ue dow! on top oI the car belorc p.bsils uder tl^e overhead blidge. EEplovees {iU noluy Lhe Treinaaster ald Dlsp&tcher by tust avaihble means vhen they notice that ihese sigDals are DoL i! proper plMe. when n€cessarv Lo rlde oD top of car, emplov€es must place themelv€s j.rx a saf€ positlon lear cente! ol car.





Bt@ lslard .--....-.. caFc Crlsh



Css Citt ...-.-.... chadotie Chica8o , - . . . . . . - . - . . c h i c a s o. . . . . . , . . . . . Detrolt Detrolt Dehoit Detmlt


' P , C . K i D s s l e y . . ., . , , . , . | 1 9 1 C o u e s eS E e e L . , , . . e treeo ... Joh! R. Robert..........lI9l CoUegS B. c. Holiom. Ocurisl l8l5 SecuiLy Nal l Bar* Bldg. W. M. DoGe, Jr., Oculist 1120?wolve*1e Tower....... c u l v e r J o n e s . . . . . . . . . . . . | 9 0 0 N . J a c k s o nS 1 . . . . . . . . . . . .. R. R. we$eis .. .. ... ..130I wabeek Btclg. t E . J . w . P r o n g e r .. . . . . . 1 2 3 2 0W . E i s h S t . ....... o . B . K a h r . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 0 9S . M a D S L . . . . . . . . . . . .

IWO 3-1592 lwo 3-1592 IWO 2-9310 lwo 2-0908 ITW 5-5551 IMI 4-?033 I F ' Us - 4 4 r 5 1166-R-2

J a s . I I . B a t l a r d . . . . . . . . l C a s s C i C y E o s p . , 4 4 1 5S e e c F r 4 I s - M B. P. Blown..........-..1339 a, cochane ... ... ... .. 800 ' K . r , . M a t s o n. . . . . . . . . . . . I 2 8 E . J a c k s o nB l v d . . . . . . . . . . l l r A ? - 1 ? ? 4 .R. D. I<earney...._......162S 1 5, K e d z i eA v e . _ . . . . . . . . . I I E 4 - 7 ? 6 6 A . A . s t o D e b i u ,o c u l l s t . . . 1 6 N . M i c h i e a D A v e . - . . . - . . . . l c E 6 - 3 7 5 3

'8. w. stockweu,

3 9 1 9J o b n R , . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . lW O 2 - 2 2 6 0 Chrel €l]teeoD . . . . . . . . . . .T. M. Mattson, 3 9 1 9J o h n R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I W O 2 - 2 2 6 0 Senlor Medica.rOfficer-. 1613 David Whibey Blds...-.lWO 2-4810 and Associates. oortrsts | | F. A. hauDDe.Ocld!si... 11801Devid \4lbihey Blds. -. IWO 2-1614

.v. L. Eoshal. . . . . . . _. . . . | 104 W. cttnton St........... 130 * c . J . R i c h a r a l s . . . . . . . . . . 1M2 e1 r3c eSr t . . . . . . . . . . . .-.. 1 4 1

J . F . c r o m m o n s. . . . . . . . 1 2 1 4 N . S a s i e w 9 1 . . . . . . . . . . 6 4 6 ,. .. MA 9-2891 R . D . E t E i D c e r . . . . . . . . . . . l 1 l lS . W a l n u t S t . D . R . B n s i e . . . , . . . . . . . 1 9 0 ?C i l i z e b sB a E k B l d e , . . . . . c . E 9 - 4 3 1 2 Flint llint , . , , . . . . - . . . . . c. W. colqell. . . . . . . . .1?06 ciLlzebs BaEk Blde.. . . . ICE 3-6641 .w. D. Erspp, Oculis[... 11621Mott Fourdation Blds. lcE 5-?316 Fltnt G m n d E a v e n . . . . . . - . . Jc .. M . K i t c h e t . . . . . . , . . , . I 4 1 4F r a l k l i b S l , . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 9 2 2 I I . s n y d e r . , . , . . . . . . 1 5 0 0c . h e r r ys r . s . E , . . . . . . . G L 9 - ? 1 5 1 G r a n d R a p i ( l s. . . . . . . . E . E . F u r e r .. . . . . . . . . . . l 5 1 5 - 6A b h t o nB r d e . . . . . . . . . . . 1 G ! 9 - 2 9 3 7 Grand Rapids .,.. ... .... ... 1i410 Gr€entiDe ,....... W . L . B i r d . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 0w . c a q \ . . J . M . S i e k r e r g t s. . . . . . . . . I I 4 s N . G r i J f i t h B I v d . . . . . 11340 Grlfflth 0 a s eA ? e , . . . . . . . . . . I E D 3 - 0 0 1 0 A . R . A n d s s o n . . , . . . 1 1 5 4 0P c . S . B u c b a n a n . . . . . . . . l 2 r l s . S a g i n & wS t . ltouy IME 4-621I T . K . B u c h E l a n . . . . . . . . . l 1 1 6S . A l m o n t A r e . . . . . . . . I F A 4 - 3 6 5 5 Imlar Clty - ... Ioma JackEon


c . S . c l a r k . . - . . - . . . . . . I6 0 5D w r s h tB t m k . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 0 4 2 t. J- Mdtos.. -.........lBo€ess HosF.,1521Gull Rd.. 15-4597

D o n M . l , e a l u c. . . . . . . l 3 I ? V r . g l . J o s e p hs 1 , . . . . . . . . l w s - 6 5 8 9

. washineton.... ... lTv s-5052 K . w . T o o r h a k e r . . . . . . . . l 9N 30 I t . B . z e E E r e r . ..... . . . . 1 3 1 1C l s v A L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I M O 4 - 6 5 2 1

Musk€gon Ovid

wo a-8845 wo 'wo 8-8300 3-2495 wo 3-20?3 wo 'wo t-4258 2-0605 TW ?-412? Mr 4-9149

4 91 'wA a-t343 IIE 4-??66 DA 8-4989 BE 8-3113 \\i 2-7475 r,t 4-4881 oN l-1856 TU 4-1318 158 40 647 MA 9-2953 cx3-3924 cE 3-1642 cE 5-?166 2647 Gr, 9-4065



r300 ED 1-1?60 ME ?-21?1 EA 4-3655 1135 2-4437 4-?619 ED 2-2322 rv 4-9128 60-!'-3 2i01 Mr 5-2509 HO 8-5544 47-344 62 Orad 384 MY 3-5101 I-ake Orion 26 EM 3-4314

iti 5-irdi rlr 5-6671 L1 1-5693 4-9258 ?011 t2 3-7323 St. Johtrs union Mils

S. R. RuseU.........n o u i BM o o s e y - . - . . . . . . Paul C. !'. Vietzke. -.. -. R. J, RoEe$

120 2201 126 N. Kalamaroo St.

Mr 8-5841

'EouiDDeal io make Visior, Color Sense add Eeadns ExamiDations- Appucants for service lequdng ' w l be refefled to these Sulgeoc.

720-P.-2 r,aPolte 3286 3-5551 such examtDations





tecp tlro t|au€ot lylra dowr. Lcate aill tnjuio8. Rellove olotbhg oDly wberc a€ces-


Do rot atlsturb blood clot5. Cleen wourd ot s.Dy loos€ sld esstly le,rnoved !o41sn

Tr€at nio6t daDgerouE conautloDs tllsi ttr the louowtorg (1) gtoppas€ of bleathtDg. (AlEly tloa.)



(2) Sev€re bl$aUDg. €€e a coD8Hcave bsr*Iage). (3) BlDk€n boDes. (Tl€ lo bodly to Drov€[t ruov€inejtD. AIWAa€ TREAT lPR SEOgt. (E€eD patl€al werm. e*cept b s€v€re bleerllrB or I' m$lble, clee stlnrulul herd !nlE9.) Do [ot r:1ove patdqrt rrm€c€ssadly. 11 Decsafg,

8€nd tor doctor or ahbulalrce,

IMPO&TA!qT Do noi let ble€attDs so uncbecked. Il ooostrlotlye beDdege ls used, loo3€il evely 15 to ,0 Do not Eegleci t!ea,t!&nt lor sbock. DoD't eive [qulds to .[ rlrlc.r$clous peisoD. Avold euy Dossble tulol€tr lnjllrv to pailat. SEVEEE SEMO&EEAGE


Wltb a st€ltle 8eu.EeDad G the ,!sL!s lold ot a d€sn DIRECTLY OVER tlle apply lr6sure b!!.lL€fttrlet, wcnud. Eold dr€drc lD Db.a sltb s ltlm b4!d8ge. It bl€€dtDs alo€c Doi stop, 6pp1t adiutional Ftls on toD ol tbo tlr8t oDe, IJ Ur13do€6 Dot coohol tb6 hemorrtira Dre.€ a colstrictlYe bBndase aboYe th€ eollnd ttht eaowh to stop tud.ber ble€dhg ud!8 a Elansurar bBDdsco. haldEerchleif, tle, !ope, etc. E€ 'u!e to looseir thl6 cMstrlctivo bardsgo ev€rv 15 to 20 mlnri€s and letght@ ,J nocess&rv. €ecure meiu.d assi,staDceas 6ooD es possdble.

Apply en anit$Dtlc. ADply s ster € altessh8 and bandase &$ly. FEACTUEES (DBOKAN BONEE) Urres! lile lE ld l$meattat€ alans€r lroE sEe otber ca.use,ctterd to tb6 taclure oN TEE sPot, keeptng tn mind the lotlowbg rut€a: st€3aly and EupFolt the tijur€d parts. ID tne cas€ ot a ftactllled alm o! r€g, plaoe tt ntt! ex€at car€ ln as Datual a lodtlou a3 posdble, leltbollt using lorc€ o! iDcres$iA Frn. Tr plsvert BoveE€ot ol bokcn bone, tie lirBly th€ lDjured am! io boaty 6 the l4tur€d leg to good leg wlttr paddirg aad baDtlages. (I.'NCONSCTOUSNf,SS) INSENSIBIIITY It ta€e is pale, keep tr€sal low snd turDed to ona 3ld€. r lac6 ls flu.hed (a It herd h lnlu€d - ra16e beed Slightly tun€d to one side, Ia both conautio'l!, loos€o dothlDg, aUow an aboldance ol fr€6n at snd mate su.re a1r Dassagets clefi. Glve no flu.ld by mouth whtlo uncdDsctous. cover up, k€ep walm aral setrd lor & aloctor, €'r ambu-

BUENS AND SCAI.I}S DO NOT BR.EAK BI,ISTERS. Exdlude st by co_"€dng oith ctean dry dre€shE aad wure wtth baudase. II po.dblq glv€ large quanutles ol Keep pauent w m end obtsln medlcsl ,sslstance a€

REGARDTNG ACCIDENTS GIVINGINFORMATION INJURYCASES OTHERTHAN EMPLOYEE Any emplojee w11oib inrolvFd. wilbes,ps.or h8s kDo'1Iedge ot ani acciddL arisig out or $e operating ot our acc'dcrls lrack raiLoad, includio8 all grade crcsie i!vo1 r1c compmv-oe11ed hoior au anal accidots vehicles. must sive all information relatins thereto to tne comp8nJs cb ulr AscbL 8nd Lo ihe pmper comp8nv ollicer" and mu6t not udFf arly .ifcum08ni Fs sive anv

informaNion resardirE snch accidents to other persons, *cept Polic€ ald coroners. other persons seekiDs such informallon should be reJened to the Law or General claims Deparh.FD". Employees shou-d noi srgh ary statements nor should they give [hem the nrm€s of witnesses io accidents.



INJURIES OTHERTHAN PASSENGERS TO PERSONS AND EMPLOYEES 1. In pro!,ldiDs or helpiDs to pfor'lde medical care tot iniued peFons, the Rallqay acts Ior humaDltarlan rcasons only and ln Do case sh'all sudh a.ssistan€€be r€eErded as aD adrDtlsion or evideac€ of Uabilty on ltd pert. 2. Tlrc easista.ace ol the Ra.tlw6y i! such cases ot idlrry to p€rsons on rallway plerd6€3, otber than pass€ngels or eErployees, shail be Urrllt€d to the rcnd€rbsi o! !'ilst Aid. "!'iK't Ald" m€aDs suctr medledi serylces ss s,!e knosl] to relieve sufteriDs and to meke lt i.afe tor eE tnjued pe$on to be Eoy€{t !!om tlre Fl€DlEes. U4at€t no clrclllxrstances shalr $ mesa th€ p€rfofi[eDce of 3u!3:i@1opelations, o! the appUcaUoE o! ilaborate alr€ssbSs, such as tne settlns of fla.tuft€, etc, 3. Tbe emplo'yees handlos the cas6 *haU EAke 6v€ry effolt to see that ttle |ljuleal p€rson ls pla.€d l[ th€ charse of fdods o! of mlt,lcipdl autlodues eho sball a.rrartge for any bospltal treatumt w!&b fJl€ lrJured pdson llay !€qulre; f61lhA whtob the TniasDortatia officer on duty sbalt be siv€n tbe rcc€63aly ,!6ilucfi@8 lssardlrs dlspose,l oi ttle lnJued pff,3m. 4- Wher€ it bas proved imposdbr€ to reaolt t €rralr ol the jnjxr€d perso! or municlpa.l authodties, tbe Tral]s-

DortaLioDOfiicer on duLv roy ararge to have the rnJured pels@ Catd by bab, io Bre nearesLpoill wh*e o seneral hospitar is to be iourd. At the same tlrtre everyoDe concemed. Includlrs Ehe aurhoriEles of tbe bospii,al b qu*Lion, shau be blolmed of the cilcueEtances lulder which apprioation lor the admlssloa of th€ pauent !s to be made add thBt the Ra[way assumes Do liabuih, Lhdefor. Partlculars of U1e aEancemsG rbsde dhau be elven lo the cBsualty report. 5. 11]e instlucilotrs ot tl1e Trallpoltatio{r Offlce! rihrD be given by t€legiapb alrd & copy oJ sucih ,.DaEuctions 6hau be fuj:lli.lhed to t&e Clajms Departnent lclth the medlcal accolmts coveing tle reDdelils oi Eils-t Aid o! of sudh olher m€dical services 3s may have be€|x 6. Enptoyees, rvhea ca,Iing s pbysicia4 shall irouly hln that ttrc ca.1l ls for fllst Atd @ry and that t& RaUwsy Ehall rct be !*ponsible lor er\y subs€quent ?. When placticoble, tihe serylces o! a, !a w'y m€aucal office! ahaU be leqlrlsitioaeat,

FATALITIES In case of deaih on trahs the usual propd€ties must be obse ed and the Coloner (or Courty Ofticer peliolmha the duties of CoroDer) lotiJied. The body Dust be !emoved as soon as possible to a proper piace and left ir charge of an employee ol the raiboad until the Coroner (o! Couty Officer pedonidg ihe duties ol Coloner) ardves. If the bo{y is accompmied by an attodmt, he or She shoutd be consulted end hts o! her {'ishes respected. Prompt reDolt Dust be Eade to tbe Superiatendent. The Coroner of the Dlstdct o! the neBrest polie office! dhau be Dotilied as sooll as posslble of any accldent Y,/hrch pmves jll}rnedlat€ly fatal, ff & pefton i,! krUed iD trajn ope!&tion, the employees wbo are av4r€ of the ctcumstances sl':roundlns the accident may remove the boaiy lIom the rauwey dshtof-way and take it to the nearest station (vithin the same municlpality ir possible) flom whicb point the corcne! or the neaftst pollc€ oftlcer shau be lmrlle-

diaiely notified. If the body of a persoD is Jourd on or near the rlghtof-way by employees & suard shtli be left with 1t urtil the Corone! or ths poltce shall have been noiilied a.!d tNtnctions obtabed aE to dlsposal. the bo{y shodld trot ordinarily be hov€d from the plaae wbere lt was tound u.ress pefl:dssion has first been obtained ftom trie CoroDer or the pollce to do so; but 1f lt is aDp3red that sucib permrsstolr cannot be obtabed withoui 1mdue dela.y. snd tne body is h such a positlod s to pleve4t trains lroB passttrg, the bodJ Eay be mov€d out ot the way rfte! its condittor add positio! hav€ b€en not€d Jor ihe tIxJolmatiob or lhe Coron€r aDd police. This iE paltrcuraru tmpofianL whele desLh appears to have bee due lo loul Plav. EmFloy€e will Nq! seeth the boaly lor ldenttflcstton or.-addless. II urk[owD. tepo?t to tbe Sup€d:]t€nd€Et

_ MEDICINE DRUGS There arc available and h use Dumerous medicbes coDtaining drugs which may Dlodu@ iD soEe persoDs a condition mnsing ftom mere ato$stness to an almost cobplete inablity to rernair awake, and in some cases periods ot mental conJusion. suctr alruss de contailed in many cold .ures. sle€pitrg piUs, headache tablets, paitr kilers, couch mixtues. ebc.

&nploy€es, psrticularly those working otr o! around moving tlains, machlnery, etc. arc cautioned rct to use any of the above Feparatiors whle o! duty or for a pet'rod of st least 12 hours before repotttlel for duty. Each empioyee gbould ask bis pFrsoral physjcia[ iJ al]I medicDe he is taEns or ts slvs lo take cotriai.ns

TIME TABI.ENO. I -OCTOBER 26, 1958 DIVISION OFFICERS cHtcaco DlvtstoN A. G. Thernstrom, Superintendenl, Bqttle Creek

' *.,11;I:i#tfi:i,'.,:'.HiT:;';ili;, ?'i,o 5j' "" T. H. Word, Superintendent Terminols, Port Huron

R. W. Knopp, Trqinmqsler, Bottle Creek [. H. Croy, Terminol Troinmoster, Elsdon [. R. Mills, Roqd Foremon of Engines, Bottle Creek T. R. Young, Roqd Foremon of Engines, Bottle Creek F. Arnold, Jr., Acfing Ass't. Troinmosfer, Bottle Creek W. L. Duffin, Aciing.Ass't. Troinmoster, Bdttle Creek H. K. Monn, Chief Dispotcher

Assistqnt Chief Dispotchws J. D. Bodley W. H. Dempsey V. R. Henbid C. F. Burton W. F. Dempsey E. S. Fifield J. J, Hermon

Troin Dispolchers H. [. Koppel A. R. Miller D. H. Potterson S. W. Peterson

B. G. F. T.

J. Pollqck R. Rondt B. Sovoie J. Sommers

DETROIT DIVISION T. D. Ash, Superintendent, Milwoukee Jct. R. J. Mortin, Superintendent Terminqls & Morine, Milwqukee ond Muskegon W. W. Munce, Troinmosler, Durond J. G, Wqlker, Trqinmosler, Pontioc T. McClure, Roqd Foremqn of Engines,Durond K. Tosker, Roqd Foremqn of Engines,Milwoukee Jct. F. A. Summerhoys, Chief Dispotcher L. C. O'Connor, Assisldnl Chief Dispotcher

Troin Dispolchers J. A. Borrie H. L. Brim H. B. Dell L. DeYoung

E. T. Dunn W. C. Fqler B. R. Nelson R. E. Reid

DETR.OITTERAiIINAI W. A. Eddy, Superinlendenl Terminqls J. F. Morfinequ, Terminol Troinmoster J. Bordnick, Terminol Troinmqsler



5.00 r0.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 ,10.00 45.00 50.00 55.00 60.00 65.00 70.00 75.00 80.00 85.00 90.00

I2 6 4 3 2 2 I I I I I I 0 0 0 0 0 0

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