1932 Grand Trunk Western Employees Timetable

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  • Words: 12,696
  • Pages: 20
Eq'c.a'sed €$encral Ir.struetrcnsGelvernang Tonnag:c&a,tingc l-. The €quaiecl iornage of arry irair is de'terEined bt ntltiplying the Dunl,cr of ca4 in the train by the cax fxctor and adding tle resuit to the sum of the tare and contenis. EXAIII?T:tr: (1) 42 ca?s 'fotal g?oss \acight 2100 tors 420 " Car !'nctor 10 n 42 '3ar,e,.........

!rquatEr ToNs .................. 2520., (2) 84 carr Tolal gross ilcighi 1680 tong C,rr Taeto? l0 r 84 crrs.......,., 840 " EQU.{Tn} 'fOl{S .................. 2520 i' 2. '.llbecrr f:ictor" is an allov:ulce for friciionri car lesis' tarce and valies ot\ alifo_erert snbdivisiors according to the luling grade. Tlle principlo b€ing thai or lorr gradteBtstho irietional resistaBceis a Ligber Irolortior oi tho totai resistarco thal on steeler gradicnts. By rse of tlle car factot iho trrainloacl is so a.ljnstcd tlat the :rcsistarcc is thc scmo for aIl tlajns of equal equatcd tornage, whether co posed of fu1ly loadcd, partl). ioecledox e tty ears. 2. Ilstablislecl zatirgs n'il1 bc exccederl by 1ol if by o6 .1oit1ganother car cAn be landled iL firc trlril]. 4. No reduotion in iomage or account of w€ather o! otler conditiors will be made unless authorized by Superintotrdelrt or Ohicf Trair Dis!atchcr, 5. New engines or engines out 6f shops afte" leceivitrg mcdiun! o! ireayy repxirs $'il1 be loarled 207o liglt or 6rst outwaril iri! and 10% light o11leturD trip. T,ocomotir'e Sorenran will aclvisi] Train Dispatcher ard Yardlna-qte? iI! sueh eaees, 6. PasEeDgcrer:gine ia freight sel.rice will bo allosad a fulther 3€ahction of oiro hundred (100) tons. 7, Unless ilecial ratirgs are given, a reductiorl of 10% from tlo ratings shown ir tables will bo allowed for cettaiB spociicd maDifcst {reiglt trai}rs, Assistart General ]lIanager of uro districti will clesignato for fihich traiEs tlis d : s l o L r er . ' a , l e . "Jnrnco 8, fi,'hen ar engile of ditrercnL capacity from tiose sion'n in tIe table is used, the proper equateil tortrage will bc arrived at by trkirg the rating of the engide rrith tho closest perc€ntage capacity, dividirg this rating bF its per" c€rt:ige capacity ancl multiplying ljhc resrlt by ttre lerceDiag€ of calacit). of ihe engi:lc to bo useil. nXAl4PLn:fo tr1.j the eqllatcAraiing or'a 38% engire:publishcd r.rtirg of 4117.engine....2500 toIls Equated Eatirg of 38% engire....2500 X 38:2317 eqrAted 4t

9. To deternire prolrer tol1nage for prs]rer, dolbletoader or heiper enginrsJ rlnless s!eoia1 rsting is giyen, add ta eqnatcd rating oI tle irsii ergire 95% of the equateil ratilg iD efeci for each class of heiper. 10" in malring rp trairs' rreights mrsi be obtained b-v takirg tare flom the car and conteuts from the \Frybi!. lvLcn trrs rieiglrts src not ayaihbler car weigbis may be taken as rtriler:-, Passenger 4-ii'lleeicdtruchB .,..........50 toEs 6-wheeiedtrueks ..".,.......60 tons liefrigerator ....................40 tons Freighi Eefrigcr&tor .,..27ions 100,000 ealy. sieelgors.,23 ions 'Dox Stoel f3ame cars..,.zo tors

llart cars ......,.............18 tons Stoek cars,.,.............17i0ns 1{oodenfrane bor"..,17tons Flet cars,,......,,"."..,...,14 tons Caboosoor ra86........20 ions

11. In comprtirg tonnagc, Iully ioaalcil cars of graiD, coal, rails, lumber, lulplfood, ties, etc., fl.herc weights are not gi\.en on thc waybill, Ir'i]l be corlsideretl as carrying tlc narkcd earrXirg capacity of the car. 12. When dend engilec are jnclliled i]1 a train, fo1ll tines the car factor will be added to tbo weighi ot eachWeights of engines being hauled dead sro to be taken as u od.r':65% to 51o/oengireB....175 tons 5A% tu 41% o11gines..,.i50 toDs 40Vo ta 31% engitres....L25 tons

30% to 21% eagines..100 tons 2A%toi'% ettgi]€s, 75'Eatrr Selo\y X5% ..,.,,....,,..50 toEs

&xample: Esiablished raiiag 3,000 equated tors" Car Jactor 10 50 cars Gross weight...,..,......,,......,.....,.,..20?0 tols 2'53% dea.d €ngs. gloss E'€i9h1.............. 350 tonB Car factor 10 x 58"......,.,..........,..,,............, 580 tons -cQU; T C D TOr:N ACE .....".,.......,..3000 1ors 13. ?he ratirgs Siyen ia the ratiag tabl6 are for trhe rulirg lirailci orcess tonDage\vill be handled whell it is-io be Bet out sbort of or ?iched up beyold the roling gradc, 'I l , \ v l , . u 6 6 p r " i n e ; s u o x b l o t o L r n J l o t b c a u l h o r j z J, lating, a joint messagcrsigned by Conductorand Xngincel, idll be sentr to the Chief DiEratchor, advisirg the realuction :nado ard gif irg tle reaso4 for sa]]]e.


15. Yardmasters alrA Codiluetols $'iii bo held responsible for their trains bciDg loacled tc fuli autholizod rating wlen tonnage is ar':rilabic.

a ITTOTE- ?he eq rJted to4nege of any train is deterftdaed hy anEltiFnying i-he n!!!:EE:'exof cars in tile treiE ily the aeE f.actor alrd addiag ttr'nisroeult to the 6Erit oli the riare emdleoniee'66.


Fair WeatherEquateilEngineRatingsOhicagoDivision I/TETST 60% Ergiro

62% Etrejro

657o Ereiiu6

6300-6311 3?16-3?5?


| ?664-2684 6031-6041 l.56pt-6634

. 3406-3694






28bo I




3200 I












t-a.slr 60% foDsin€

Deod Frofuiht Marifcst














to _........poRT rruB,oN

















Et'% Drgtns


...............Ef,sDoN to



Incluates assistance S€allby to Varpa.aiEo

...............sEDr,EY xo



TELEPHOIIES disArlditioaat teleptrones eoanectecl with trait patclers' circuit. Yrr.l Master's Offce Tunrel Yarcl Sunnyside-East enal of siding on pole. North tr'lint-General Yardmaster's Ofree. Morrice-Wesf erd siding o]r pole. Trowbridge-Booth south sido of track at croasoYet switches. -- eiotb-Erst oDd easlwar,l sidi[g. BootL-W€st e:1il eastwaral sialing. Logan Strcel,-Box on PoIe' CharloLti-Booth crossovp|wesf of freigbt house. enil of sieling on pole. Bellevre-Iast Niclols Yard-General Yard Master's Offeo anal Michigan Cenilal tower. Climax-East €nd siding on pol€. Pavilion-3ooth west el1al?asserger Station'


Vicksburg-nast elal eastwaral sicling on pole. Sehooleraft-West eDd sidiDg on.pole. Marcellus*nasf enal eastwarcl siclilp a[a[ west o4al west,wa-ds'!rinE on poles. Cassopolis Tickeb oflce. Wcsl enJ silljDg o]1pole. Granger-East enal 'westwaril siding or pole, South Bend-Otr pole lBtl St., east enal elevatioa; west end of -freight honse on pole. Olivers (1,woril.s B"s1)-N. J. I. & L Tower. Stilll{en-nast cncl siding or pole. Wellsboro-East enal eastjvaral sidirg oB poIo, eDd siding oI1 pole. Ilaskells-last V,lprrrisc-Iast end recstwardEi'liDg oD polo. nast erossover on Dole. Griftith-Tower. MayDard-Booih cdjaceDt P. C. C. & St. L. Towor. I[arvey-8, & O. C. T. Tower. Treight houso. Blue Islancl-Tower. Mt. CreeD!vood-?olecast etralalepot.

D. HALL, Supt. Terminals, Port Hulolr


), South Bend, Xlayford and Kalamazoo Subthvisions

B. L. TIn l&

Flint Subdivtsio!











47. T[ay I!'t,

cL/rss *t L W.y I'r't.

a! I]

= 7.OO 1 .06 I 7.26 8 1.45 s 8.26 I 9.15 I9.35 810.46

r2.40 z la4 E V H , a

2.21 2.26 230


t.49 1.63 1.5S

o q l H

11.30 11.35 11.40

:::l """"'t""" la

GREEK. D.......

l :1

: =



. . . . . . . . . . . .1. 11 8. 4 0


...........1 . .21.s1 o




2.39 2.43

2.to 2.16

" lA:6f 12.06

2.49 2.54 2.69

2.21 2.26

L2.L2 t2.L7






l : l :



. . , . . . . . . . . . 1. tts. 3 0

?t r:l


: = : : : : ':

a il


P, M. Daily

I5 !ios. 4?1 .ral

473 niu



Ex.Sunday I


33 lr?

and express.



474 PEAT

enal witb


4 miles t.ack.





CoDn€cieal a.t botb

12? c&r!.

2 mites vest


of capac.


connectedt at F'ast



FARM, 1% mlles vest 'wesrwa.d imck.

enal with

o! sws.tz


15 ca.s,

EOrID MICHIGAN SIDING,2 miles west ot Lapee., 'W€st qapacity 25 cars. €nal with weslwalil track.






Capacity 1c;rs.



connecteat at West



IinelableNo,88 'f,-.+i,a

12 l|1 n';n.k







P. M,

12.55 12.57

..,... PEN6F.?loELD.... 3 . 2 4


....BELhfJUE.... 3 . 3 2 ...... o|-"lY,Elii:. 3.37 ' s 3.52 znz.41-. cu{[,orle

1.11 1.1?

-nrond5f veno 101189



i t I


" lI


,-,: I l"(*l


. . . . . T o 8 F E y . ..,.. 6.46 2.50 .50 I 2 . 5 7 . . . , , .F. L r r { T . . . . . .a. ' .56.O2

t:l TW ? TW

3.0t . . . . . B E L S A Y . . . . . . . . 6.O1 5_01

n9.24 . . . .D A V | S O . : . . . . .s 6 . 7 5 3.89 . ... . . a 6 . 2 L ,84.23 . . . . . . . . E F 9 4 490.02....... I6.36 r-aFHen .'1.28

3.O2 '3.O7


3 . 11 3.18

297.2e,......ATI;F4....... I 6,4'I 309.34. . . . . .c: .A q f c . . . . . . .8.. 7.O.1 r1?.88. . , - . . . E M M E T T . . . . . .I . 7 . 1 9





.....cooplFLLs .....8

7.2.1 . . . . . . . T A P P A . . . . . . , 7.44

3.39 3.44 3.64 4.O5


LO.67 11.o4 Lt.12 11.14 \ L!.27 11.36 11.43 I 11.53 11.64 12.05 12.13 12.19 72.22 72.29 812.40 t2.46 12.62

s ?.16 \t.50 4.20 I9.20 I9.45 3 10.10 8 10.46 I 11.05 I 11.25 a a

s 12.20 I L2.40 s 1.16 1.30 6


. . .I 1 ""'l


12.64 s l.oa


z HF

1.1? 1.24

iiF . P

I 's'2


s 7.oo 8I.OO I8.30 3 8.50 810.OO 810.25 I 11.30 3 12.01 s I 2.30 s 72,.45 t.06 1.10

t.40 1.46 1.66 2.06 2.t2 2.26







4.L5. e 4.20 4.30

P. M. D4ily



6.OO 6.20 6.46

i '" ......'....] " " " : L t" . . . . . . . . . . ."'rt(l . . . 1 / t't"' ,

' ' " " ' I"l"

n F

. .. I 6 . 6 6 3 0 1 . 9.... e rML4r(8@rTY



t . . o r r E R B u R l {. . 9 1 ; -^--Lr5-, ,-- ' 5l -"' l "-'' iioi Fl :"^:;l

l " l


'.,.'..'....1 Mri$rDY.....Hl


472 Way rYt.

P. M.

P. M.

+.ls -



474 Way Fr't.

LLE. n8.1 ...PoTTFRoVI




1.26 1.55 4.OO -. .. MlLhFrf:ir 7.4L 4.Oa . 7 5 8 1.52 . . . . . . L A r t Q ? I { c . . 'a. 4 104 4.25 1.57 .TROW5BjRIDCE 4 . 3 2 . . . . . . H A S t 6 E T T . . . 4.40 2.03 2.10 245.7( ..SHAFISBURG 4.49 . . , 4.65 2.75 s{0.@ . : . . . . . P E I .F. Y uz.n ..'.. 2.17 MoFSrcE.., 4.64 94 L41 , . . . B A f l O R O F T . , 2.25 5.O'7 89 . . . . . . . . D t f , f ; 1 { D . . .I 5o .. z1oD I 2 . 3 5 . . . . . . D U F . F J F L. .D . 5 . 3 0 2.39 2.44 swnnr'iiicnrer s 6 . 3 8










A. M.



Jd,3"" l*"f;s"",|



P. M.

2.35 -

ii: i!r:'

Ei. Sunttay





-' .

Tratn6. ortcinattnci

P, t!!.

474 at






472 €t€a!-


Eastwara will apploach Oak Street and cross oye! Just trains -Wye west ot Chicaso switch, Duland, uepareal to €top, makjns diamonil stop west of cross oeer expectina to flld track occupteal anat will Dot proc€64! utrtil track is known to be clear.

}rey f'raight and return,

Xxt@, when r€qulred, wlll operate Nichols leaving Nicbols at 4.00 p. m.






Iinolabhil0,88 Etrsctrvo n.Ol dcrook A. M.



EEa . Sunday, Sept,25,1932|' i.o


Tho Mopl6Iaal




15 IJllrlt€at Dally




Into!. Clty IlDftoil


A. M.







2.45 2.66 3.O1 3.06 3.O9

! T

174.74 181.16





3.1? 3.24










3.40 3.46








I3.55 4.05

lfl D...





....t 244.37




1111:55.? . . .. 12 6 ru.








5.43 6.60


4.20 .8 4.25 4.26

6.09 I6.12 6.13

4.27 4.35 4.42 4.47 4.53 4.67 4.64

6.r4 6.22 6.29 6.34 6.43 6.44 6.51

6.02 610 6.t7 6.22 6.2e 6.32 6.33 6.40

5.39 6.3A 6.42

7.14 7.20 7.24

1.O7 ?.13 7.17



s 6.00 6.O1


^d"l ^ 237.03t 230.?81


5.31 5.36 5.4r 5.46

6.45 I a a

?.oo 7.16

a.oo 839


lrool 1....1 Rr I rorI P



A. M.

A- M.

P. M.




anal 4l? will

810.30 s 10.50 3 11.55



hatrdle nrail anar oxpres!.



Efrectivo 12,01 dclock A. M.

smdai,Sopt'25'1932 STATIONS

Kalamazoo Srcitol Run leay€ NicloIB Yard 4.45 a. m.; retlrtning, leaye Kalamazoo 5.00 p, m,


.......Pav2i41on....... . . .. Pom8eroy..,...

...... ..*.u:J"r...... ..

daily, exeept SuEday.

. ...Kalamazoo...., ABBIYE -4-

TineTable No.88 E8octlvs 12,01 o'clork A.lw.

qI i.?





-H . . . . . .G R L F S T T

39. T R'I

45. 50. 5,L

I 1S.26


4.71 4.24 s.25 4.29

10.33 10.40 to 4l 10.45 lo51 10.65 11.O2 11.13


TY T ? KTC'!\I

12.36 12.43 t2.44 t2.4A 12.b4 12.69

4.36 e.40 a.4a

8 1l.OO I t 1.25 I 11.40 I 11.55 812.25 I 12.45 I t.oo 1.15






, . o l : . . A R n g sk rD. . . ! l r r . r + I e . o o r . a o1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 . r e l - . s o u T H ^ ^ B E ] { D . I< l1 1 . 1 6 | I 9 . 0 6 I 1 . 9 6 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E l r-_, i-ss F-"'-l!


!l-23 11.30 tDwaRtts-B-u RG, clt. 1t €3 ...cassoPo|.ts ... I 1 1 . 4 6 s 4.Bt . . . .. . . P E r { I { . . . . . . . . . 1 1 . 6 0 4.21 . . . . . .w a K E L E E . . . . . . 11.64 4,31 . . . .M A R C E L L U S - . . . * 1 1 " 5 9 * 4,62 ..GRANCER. |l{ D,..

9.L2 9.19 9.23 9.37 9.43 9.44 9.55


1().07 I lo. t5


...!I{DIAN LAKE... 2.4\ . . . . . -P A V t L t O , . . . . . 2.54

t€ l-

| 2.22416



t 8

7.46 8.60 I 9 . O O I 9.10 310.oo

e.r1 1............

:::: ;;; l:::::

r 11.OO

s s€o lI



........scoTts....... t2.25

. . . . . .o. L t M A X . . . . . . . t.3? ..,.....REt{TO ...... ?.30 ..BATT!-E OREEK..

8 ?.10 I 7 . 3 O


I 1.66 1.............. e.o1 1............!. 2.06 1..............


..sct{ooLcRAFT .. 1.47 _ . . . .v t c K s B t ! R c . . . .


1 . 4 0 i .. ,. . . . . . ., . . .



6.35 I 6 . 4 0

12.3(} 12.35 12.60


I t2.46 I 1.O5 1.20 s 1.30



2.60 1.

P, M.

5 U|' A.lt.

1 I





2. '" 1 t2

2.371"............ 2-4o 1......,....... 245 i.............. . . . .. . . . - .

lo.2l 1o.24 1o.29 10.36 10.50 ""* l4




P. M.



SAYFORI}SUBDIVI$IOff vyE€l'lE.w-6.tE':Et-.4r.IXirEi"

No.88 TineTable Frtrocttvo 1P.01o'clock A.II,




lg32 $spt,25, Su0aI,



87 PgS.86




304.38 ..,Maynazr.gdsr I nd..'


307.31 ....Oak qle''.ln'111.... . 310.?4 ...Thorntoutt.,ct. 313.01 313.?5 315.12 316.44

3f/.89 318.39 318,89 319.42 3m.42

. . . . . . .c r l f r l i l h . . . . . . . c. l. & s.;9Josslnc

3U?.15 328.E8 3?9.82 330.32

"""'Ht?f;v" '

7.O4 1.06 7.OS ?.10 7.12 |

....Wost1ry?arveY.... . . .' . . .P 9 s d B n. ..... . 1 '.'.Blue ol?land....

', lo


.....Ste. lllaria... ' .. Ash?lurn',..

.....5gthoElreet..... . . . . . . c l e B i a a l. e. ... ' . . . .' . . .E l 3 q a o n . . . . * .Wosterd.rdfven u o. .Ashlandlbf,ven ue. . . RacinB.#venus 40,w

3 3 1 . 0 0 ...G. &

Street. -



331.34 ,....47th4Street...., 336.9.t . ' . . ' . c h l c a g o . . . . i . .




7.29 7.32




s 1.20



. . . . . .w. l 6 * o n . . . . . , Llncolnd96tmetery . ... : . . . ' . " o a h # 1 1. 1 ..'.Mou$:rHope.... ..Mt.CflBrwood ...Tracy#enuo...

330.82 ..Halsted



F F ....., 6. L'7 F 3 2 4 . 1 6 ....... traytPrd 3 U . 6 6 Marqu€tto F Palk 325_03 . . C h l c a g o _L a w n . . s 6 . 2 0 s 328,67

A. 1I-

I} M.


32A.14 .



L7 city Limit€tl tailY


321.47 ..Evergrg-enPark.. }tf.a,


A, AI.

4. M._

316.94 .....Yorkos4btf eet. r. . 317.39

l5 DailY









D The rplo I;





7.16 7.17 7.r9 7.2t 7.23 7.25 1.28 7.30 ?.33

1.42 7.45




7.52 * 7.57

s 7 . 3 51 . . . . . . .. ' .


F 7.36 1............

u z.:s I e.os


.:. s 7.+e 1........

I 7.46 1.........."

s z . a e1 . . . . , . , . . . . . z . s o1 . . . . . . . . . . . . " a.11 a 16

6.36 s 6.37 8 7.56 I 8 . 1 7 I a . 1 2 a.oa e . a o 4 . 2 5 6,50 A. M.


A. 14.

a, l,{.

Dauy B

P.,M. Daily t-a

Cr€64 aDil Doints east. io alisca;riao roYoDuo. pdBseDsots ftom Btttlo No. 1? will stop at Chicsgo I.aw! \o. 4il siu lrodle hait anal errrc$. Dov, IDalo_ hoUilavf: Norv Yea/! Drvr lI€moriar on tollowirs TrAhs NoE. 63 iad 64 wiu trot nir faU peniterco Dov. uv oI ih€so holtilav8 iyhor Itay, labor Day, Thankssirinsi Dav aDal Cbistmas fall or Sulrarav' tho loUo.t?ha $ahen aDy ol theso holiilavs oD Satuatay, A!a!n No.16? $' l rot En. 63 aftl 64 wiU trot rrln. as e boliilav elal lEias at&y, Ilonilo.y, wlrl bo obsereil

Grifrth will not tre consid.ered &8 atr lnitial tlayrolat itubdtvlsloE.

station for tiains 04 South Beld. Subilivision ol



suBDlvllrg TAYF0&D Ereotlvo 1t.01 o'clocts A. M.





Table No,88 Tims



25,1932 20 Sun., Sept, STATIONS I,EAY E

clty Ijmn€a


* 9.26

, . . .. . . 1. . . I 1 03 1




l ... I


I .... | 12,80

9.33 9.36

. . . .l l e . o o 9.40

9-46 9.44 9.62 9.55

26,W 28.63 31.56 i,3.97

P. M.

P. lIL

A. M.

........ch|caso,...'... 9.05 ......471hStreet ..'.. I 9 . 1 6 I o.26 9.16

.'Weste!1?JAve n ue.'



Th6 1ltopiol

..Ashland Avohue..


1.30 1.31 1.33 I 1.36 1.34 8 1.41 a 1.46 t,4a a I 'OU I I.69 F t.66 r F 1.67 F F 2.Oo F F 2.Og F s 2.06 I F 2.O7 F 2,.O9 F F 2LI F F 2.12 F F 2.L4 F F 2.16 r F z.LE F F 2,-2O F F 2.22 F F 2.24 2.30

6.OE 6.0.1 6.10 6.L2

P. If,

P. M.

6.45 6.32 e 5.42 I 6 . 5 6 6.56 6.43 I 5.44 s 6.46 I6.48 u o.oI s 5.56 s 6.68 s 6.00


11.OO 8 1 1 .1 0 11.11










i lil

621 6.22 6.24 6.26 6.28 6.30

7.20 ' r 1 1 . 3 6

: ::;

6.32 6.40

* 7.25 7.32 ?.35

rt.42 11.46 11.49 11.52




s .7.oo 8 7.30 1 " " " '

c. 10.oo



A. M.

P. !&

P. M.

Ex. Sat.


20 No. llo. No. No,




P, M.

P. M.





aril cr8t' for teiond€ 14 vlu 6top at Errvov trmssersiors for Toronto to re.oivo nilftoal mau. O \ritl slore uD Dt Elsilon anil Bluo Isldal Po wirl stop at Chic&so Iaten fo! rcYenuo D&ssonsers.lor l]ot,ls crc€k.rtl mail anal €x!ros8. 4Yg rr{rl landro


lI s A . 3 0 I


points 6oBt'

GrilEth wiu not be considerotlas eD tnitia,l stauon for tralnr o!' South Seld SubdiYtsion or lfa.yfold $ubdivGlo!'


A. n]I.


SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS. SpecialInstructions GloverningOperation of Electric Statr Block System Between VALPARAISO and SIDLEY (l) An Eleclrin Sfaff Block Systsm is in use b€tree! Valparaiso and Sedley. (2) Tho seetion op€Iateal utriler the Uectrie StaS Blork Systom extends from the alouble tr€ck switcl at VaIparaiso to the double iracL switch at Sedley. (3) The Electrie Staf Bloclc Systerr colsists of staf instr.L|mertsin 1bo telegrapb officesat Valp:rraiso aDClSedjey wlrich are ia chargo of th€ tel ograph_o!€rators. Tb€so rnslruLletrlBars receplaclesfor short metallie bars callecl train staffs. The iastrurnelts are electrieally contrscted atrd it is impossiblg to operato oDe'witllout the kno.wledg€ atral co. oloratio!. of tho operator in ctrargo oJ th€ other. When a staff has be€n witlalrawn from ong iastmm€Dt) another cannof, be.leithdrawa from eithgr irstru. metrt until tlo Btafr previously iemoveal has boet re. Irlaeoal in oas of thg iDstrumeDts. (4) A et.ff in l,ho actDal possessioDof aD ergiDelnani! tho only authority for tho movemert of a train iIr eithor direcl,iol1. ($) No engiae witb or witlout cals will rua itr eithet alirectiou betwoen tho doullo track slritch at Valparaiso aDd the doublo track switch at Sedley unless tho enginoman has io his possessiona sta4 sxc€pt as providod iD Rulo 15. (6) An eastward tmin may bo allowed tro leavo Sedloy wlile a preceditrg eastwaral train is at Vatparaiso rsiih a po io]l of tho train west of double track switch.


(15) fn case of failuro of tle El€ctris Statr Block System, trains will be mol/€al by train oralers anal the necessary elearanco carils io aecoiclancewith operating rules.

(l$) A helper ongine pusbing atr eastwartl train leill secure pusber strff -frorn the operaior at Sedley. Tho puoher Btaff iB ihe auLhodty for reluri1 movemeDtof tho helper €Dginoto Sedley. Otr retuln to Sodloy,itro push€! stafr musl- bo deliterod to operator by ibo ongincman or conaluctor of the lelper e:rgine and secrred ftom him iD tho regrlar manner lefore"again ertering iho zo!.e coa. trolod by tle nlectric Staff Block System. (t$) Wben ilre Ele.tri. Siatr Blocl{ Srstem ig in oDoratio!. trsin regisrers and termitral clparance(f'orm Bf w l bd aliscoDtinuealat Valparaiso and Sodloy. (!Q) An eastward interlockiDg lolxe sigral las boon lo. cated 60 feet west of 'west cr:ossovers'witch at Sodloy. IndieatioDs aB follows:Hoiizontal or red light-rrstop! ar1il Stay.r' 45 degreesabove hori;ontal or yelow Iigbi-..proceoil $ith Caution.,, (2!) Instruetions aIe loreby given to {le o!€ratot at Sed. l e y t o t t o a S p c tt b r t t h e . r P r o c e e i lw i t h C a u t i o r ' i r d i cation must r]ot be giv€It to an eastwaral ttain utrtil staff is ready for delivery. (22) TLe normal position of double track switnh at Volpamiso is -for eastesrrdtraiDs and at Sodley for west'waral trains,

(B) Trains delayed ir ths Xtectric Stafr Block System zone must'bo protectod as per Rulo 99, Book of nules. (9) If train iloes nof stop, op€rator .w.ill delivor stafr to €Dgin€maE, usitg stafi loop for that p[rpose, and will rernain in view until rear enal of trail has passeilaail will give proceeal signal 1e 114i1-oo to itrdicato that staff has beell aleliyerecl to the ergineman. Traitrman rsill repeat tho signal or failing to get tho signal from tle operator will stol, tlain anal aseertain vletber or not engineEan has stafi.

Tho movement of trains betweon C. & W. I. Junciiou, Illi lotu, aDd Sodley, Iraliara, aral betw€en Valparaiso, anal Port lluroD, Michigan, is gove$ed by iules 251 to 257) inclusivg covering tho movement of traiDs by signal iadica. tion aB shown oa pageB 87 aqd 88, Book of Oporating Rules. Signals usod to giye indicatioo alo thq train oriler sisrals aE displayed at statiors.

Aa ongineman must aot accept a staf from aDy per. soD exc€pt tris co[aluctor o! the operator.

(12) In case a train parts or i{, is necessaryto double,tho staff must be retaiaeal by ths.engineman until a of ]is traiD is clear of the zo4o controlled by th6 Electric Statr Block Syetem. (13) Unde! no circumstances must a siafi bq tlatsfgrr€d from o!1etrajE to anotler. (14) Wteu two or moro €ngi!€s are coupled,tbo staff will be bandled by the €ngineman of tLe l€ading engitre. Tlo engiremao of otl€r engings [lust know that ho has iho sfaff bsfore proeeeditrg.


(17) Xtrginemen of wesl,wartl trains will d€podit 8tafr io (atcber olr nortb sido of track at Sedloy. -




(16) nnginenen of eastward trairs must del ver siaff to oporalor whe1rpcssing train order offics at Valparaiso. 1I opera+orjs not out to receilo staff, train must stop anal elgineman must alelivor ltaf to operator and rnako r1lo relort.

(?) A11 eastward trains will approach Vallaraiso expe{t. irg to fild tho Dain track occupieil.

(lO) If ststr is dolivered to cotrdu.tor, bo must peEotrallJr delivsr it io tho oagin€mar.





OI. TR,.A.INS' '

All tlains nxust receive clearance card at iaitial statiotr ag authodty for eovemeDti also trains tulning at, o! startitrg .f!om, intermealiate stations Dust rsceive clearance card as authority for movomenf. Autlority for ttri' issualco of 'cloarance cards mrsi bo giveD by tho Train Dis?atoher, ex. cept when means of comlnurication fiith Trai! Disratcher have faited, op€rators miy clear lrains by clearaneiecard, providing they haye no inconrplote train oralets for trAin to which iosued, wdtirg thereoD the worcls ..Wito trrailure.r t trheigLi trains receiving cleara[ce cards markeal .r'Wire tr'ailuro', must elear fho time of frst elass traitrs in tho sams direction as per Rule 86. Operators must 1rot issuo nor coniluctors atral engineme{ accept, a elea,tancecaril mark€al t'Wiro Tailute,, as attLority foi a tmil1 ot €Dgine to start a teturn movement from any itrtermsdiate station oxcett from its authoriz€d turning point. Operalors will repo-rt. promptly to the Dispat€her aa aoon as eommurdcation is !o. storeil the eloariag of any trains as hereir provided.




No EngiDeman or Corlductor must unalertake to hanille an enginc, rvith or without carB, over any ?orfion of this Division until le }as learneil the road, location aail use of signals, passeal an examiaation on Crand TruDk Operatiag Bules and ?rovided himseu with a copy of curlent timo tab1e.

IIANDLING DfAb ENGn[ES.-Utrless instructeal to coBtrary, iD moving deaal €ngiDes itr tmitr when in transitr they must be haidled with the pilot e[cl aleacl ancl must bo placeil at least liv€ cars from the train etrgine. If more than otre deaal erlgiao in tnin, they muBt be separatealby at leaet lYo cars.

Special attentioE is called to Rnle 98 of tho OperatiDg Bule6 anal Cereial Regulatioas governing stopping at norl-itlt€irlockedl cross![gs; Michigan, Indiara arld lllinols State La.eea fix a severo penalty fo! e&ployees who viol4f,e this requirer nre!1L

IIANDIING PILE DnI1rEBS, ETC.-?ile diivers, steam shovels anal other sucl machinery, halldleil or1a freight irain, must be placeil at least fvo cars aheaal of caboose, whor trair is haadling as nan)' ss fy€ ears, othe! than tlose refeued to. Boarding cars shorld in all cases be ?laoeal Dext to caloose.




Train Dispaiclers' Offiee, C. & W. I. R. R.....Chicago T€legra?tr Ofrce anal Round flouse ......................,. Elsilon Telegraph Ofice,.Blue Island Telegraph Offc€..,.Va1l)araiso f elegraph Office...,,.......Olivers felegraph Oflice,...Kalamazoo 'Irain Dispatchers, Ofice Sattle Creek

AT.! FIBST-CLASS rRAINS Bettlc Creek and Chieago.

Yard Ofice atral Rounil IIouse.,.,..,.....Nichols Yattl Telegraph Ofrc6 anal Rourai IIouse .....,......,.....,,.. Duratr,l Telegraph Ofrco ............trrlirli Tolegraph Ofice ........,.3ehay Yaral Ofrce analRound I[ouse .,..........TunDelYard Tolegraph Ofr ce....Pod Eurotr

will regi8ter at Pt. Euror,

The Operator at Tapp4n, Belsay, Durancl, OliveN anal nlsclon) anal the Yaral Master at Nichols Yaxd, will register frst elass trrains by messagefrom the Train Dispatcher. AIf" EXCEPT FInST-CLASS IBAINS will rogisior at Ttlnnel Yard, Niclrols Yard ard nhdo!. Trrins Oliginaling and TermitrctiDg at Belsay, Durgnd Olivers Tyil1register at tloso points. Kalamazoo Sub{livision traiDs registor rt Kalar4azoo anal ?avi1ior, Train 63, 64, a:rd 162 will register at llaryey.



IIANDI,ING WBICIiING Cl,ANlS. - Speed of trains landliDg wreeking eraDesaDalirralustrial cranes trot to exceeal thirty miles per hour between Port lluroll and Chicago; twenty-fve miles per hour over a]l other parts of the lire; teE miles per honr'lyhen in o;: leaving sidingsi anal a slower tate of speed whetr in th€ juclgme::t of tho train aral eDgiDo crew a alowor rate of speealis necessery.

AIITOMATIC BLOCK SIGNALS ARE IN OPEBATION AS FOLLOWS:Botweea C. & W. I. Jci. and Sedley aral between Val. paraisoanil Port Eulon.

SPEED RESTRICTIONS Ea,st'waral trains, wtren using westwaral track froE Rento]l to Battlo Creeh, will not exceeal25 miles per lour aroutral the eurves, aceount no eleyatioD on curveB. nDgines running tenaler frst, not €quipped reith pilot, or without leading tmeks, must not execeal twenty-fve miles p€t hour.

Betweea Port lluror aral Chicago tho followilg m st not !o exeeedeil:-


PasBerger irains, sixty miles per lour. tr'reigit trains, forty'fee

miles per hour.

Light engitres, thirty miles per hour Traia A 1VESTWA.I,D INFERIO& TB,A-IN, not fadirg 63 at llalv€y, after leaving time of that traia, Till proceeil, proteeliag itself as ?er Bulo 99, avoiding ilelays to that train. if overi:rken. BUIT,ETIN SOoKS are located at Doarbor! Siation, Chicagoj Telegraph offco aaal Round Eotse, trllsalon; Telegraph ofice, Valparaiso; Telegraph ofrce, Olivers; Telegraph olice: Kalamazoo; Dispatchers' ofrce, antl l:Dginemeu's room, nlnr Street, Battte CreeJr; Yard Ofrce and Round Ilotse Nichols Yard; I€legraph offce anal liounal llouse, Durard; Yarilmasterts ofrce, tr'lint; Rounil Ilougg, !gls6y; Y:rld Offco anal Roulal I{ouse, Tuntrel Yard; Telegraph ofrce, Po* Iluro4 IIANDLING PAS$ENGER CARS.-Wbea fleigtrt trairs latrd1e passenger cars " Deaalheadr't such cars loust b€ placeal rext aheail of cabooso, When the passenger ears eally psssengers, theX must be plaeeil ia rear of oabooso on rear of tlain,

Switch engines, ligtrt, 15 niles per hour over joitr track betwee Eigh & Arnold Sts., South 3enil. Twenty-fiyo miles per hour on westward trach over switch l€ading from olal maiD track to eleyation 18th Street; Thi*y miles per Iour aroutral eurYeswLen leaving or entering Joi[t Tracks at lligh ancl Alrlolal Streets, Sorth Benal. T\denty-fve miles per lour tllrotgh crossover leading from west boutrd maitr lino io single traek, Vallamiso, Thirty ldles per hour on both tracks arouncl curvs Elsdlon ic6 houEe. Twenty miles per trour over bridges at Chicago, Wallacs Street to Westelll Avetrue, Inclusive.

Betwe€tr Pavilion anal Kalanazoo 4n ongine, with ot without ears, ruring pilot ffrst and on straight track, must not exceed tbirty nriles cn hour; apllroa.hiug cnd roundiDE eur!es, 6.ttepnmiles ar hour. EDgiDes,runoiDE tender firs-b ard on si rrielt track, must nol, €x.eed tweutr miles an hour: rpproachiDgaDalroundjng curv€s,ien miles iu botrr.

SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS.-Continued When elear sigaals are shown wlere o:re railway crosses dqotber flt grade, ttro sleeal of passenger txains must be restrieted to tbirty sila" per }our ard freiglt traias to fwenty miles per hour u[til the €ntire trair has passod the crossing, regardless of wlether tte crossitrg is interlockeal or noninterloeheal. Theso instructions supelsedo tho ihird para. grapl of SuIe 98 ia orrr Book of operatirlg Rules atrd General llegul, Ljons. Conaluctors a!1d erginemen must rlot perruit tra,ira to b€ run at a,u e*c€ssiv@ rate of speetl descetding gladles, arounal sha,xp cuxves, or tluough junctioE statlonE aud, laxgo ya,rds. BATTAE qRXEIf STATION.-AI1 trai s anal yartl engines m'rst approach crossovers west of Main Street a,nal east of Elm Street rniler co trol, preparealto stop iJ switc]es are r]ot prop€rly sei or if irack is oecupieil. NICHOLS AND ELSDON. - Conditions aro such tlat switcJr eagines anal Jreight traits freqrently cross oI oceupy tho main tlack. A1I engincs with or wittro[t caxs ]r,ust approacl anal pass through these Yarils s'ith train uniler control, prctared to stop .witiir tbo distarce in which maio tracL is hnown to be cles,r. This \oiu in no 'way €xcuss those in charge of switcl engines o. traiBs frod. proiecting against other tlails iu aceoralancewith Bules.

Yartt timit

YABD LIMITS Boards are Located as Follovrs

ET"SDON,-C. & W, f. Junction and 1.030 feet eas, of Belt Aailway Crossing at llayford. SLUE ISIJAND, IIARVEY, THOBNTON 7.167 feet west of L II. B. Crossitrg. 3,580 feet east of C. & X. I. Crossing. GRIrrITII.-6,832


leet wesi ar1d 6,690 fset east of Pas-

$OUTII SEND DISTRICT.*6,740 feet lfest of Coal Doch at Oivers, ancl 3,055 feet east of lEth Street I
feet easi o{ Mie}igar

BATgtrE CP"EF.K DISTRICI Kenclall Stre€t Crossing.

Railwa,y 9ss1-

(West).--5,393 foet west cf

SATTI,E CB,EEK DISTIi,ICT (East).*14,121 feet east of X{icftiga[ Central Crossiag l1ear Mic]igan Averue. LANSING.-12,427 feet west of j,oga,D Street Bridge, atrct oplosiie eastward holao signal, fhorvbri{lge. DURAND.-6,828 g.1 Srrlion.

feet west, ald 9,028 foet easi of Passen-

FLINT.-12,372 feet cast Bels&y Yard Ofice, ard 6J036 feei west ol passerger statiotr f'lint (Double Track l[ain Iine), 7,816 feet east, and 1,898 Jeet west of Swartz Creeli Depof (Dorblo Trach Mair Line). Entire old single irack between Mrnaly and Belsay via North llitrt is within Yard T,imits. ?O3,T IIURON.-6100

SINGT,E TRACK SETWEEN SEDI,EY AND VAI,PAEAISO. - (Be gov. er$ed by Eleetric Stcff Bloek Systern hstructions, Pags 8). SETWIIEN KALA1\CAZoO AND e red by Single Track Rules).



JOI$T TR,.6,CK C. & W. f, fln[cTloN and CIIIOAqO.-Corduc+ors cntl Engin€mef of this Company, before runuing on the tracks of tho C. & W. L B, n. mtst provide ihemselves with e copy of its Cunent Time Table ard Book of Rules, and be governeC aceordingly. lligh Str:eet aad Amold Street, . SOUTH 3END.-Betffeen TraiEs $'ill opeute over joint Grard Trunk Westem anal N€tr' York Central P"aihoad Traek, Bules, Timotables antl SDecral -Lnstructiors o-E r,{erv york Cent|al llailroad will

ni-r""o. IIAIL STREET, BATTIE CREEIt.-Michigar Centual trails and engines of theh Batt1e Creeh Division operate over tle main traehs or Ilall Street betw€en their cormection just w€si of MaiE Street, ar1d their conDectriorljusi east of nlm Streei. 'Ihis movement is protoeteal by Leverrr€n locateal at ]Uiehisan Central anal Main Stre€t Towers.


feet east, anal 275 feet west of Depoi.

VAI?AAAISO--2,895 serger StatioD.

DOUBLE TRAOK Between C. & w'. L Junstiou and. Sedley. Betweer1Valpataiso ancl Port Huron.

feet west of Tapl)ar Tower.


IORT GRATIOT.-(O1d main line)-POH,AB ?er€ Marquetie (Port lIuron and Northwestem Divisioa) -Clossing-Noi Irlierlocked; no dorailsi goveflred by Target. Iower Blade depressed allorrs Granal Trur . traitrs to cross. rORT SnATIOT (Olal l4ain l,ine) BIACK RMB BBIDGE (G.T,Vl,)-Govemed by Scmaphores locateA aloui flve hunched (500) fe€i Nort} aral South of Bridgs. Semaphore Arm standing horizontal indieates "STOP." Ninety (90) degrees from }orizontal indicates "?ROCEDD." Night indicatior, ned Light, Stop; Green T,iglt, ?roceetl. Trains will not exceealten (10) miles per hour over this bddge. RIVER, BBIDGE-?. PORT IIUBON_BI,ACK M. B,Y._ Govemed by Semaphore. Semaphoro arm standing horizoltal indicates "STOP," When in thiB position at nigbi a recl light is displayed, aral a retl light displayed, iD eenter otr top of }ridge itrdicates that bddge is open. Ser'aptore zrm 90 deglpes from Iorizonicl indicabcs When in this position at dght a green light is displayed, and a green light displayed in certer on top of bridge iudieates bridge is closed. fn addition to tlese signals, IlngiD€met must observe that tle bridge is in proper position. TraiDs will rot exceealBix (6) miles por houi over this bridge.

SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS.-Continued ?OET IIURoN,-West Summit; Irterlockeal. Juactioa with St. Ctair Tutrnel CompaDy,Old Main fritro to Court Stleot and Fort Gratiot. fAPPAN.-Pere Marqueite croBsitrg; Int€rlooked. Juaction with Mt. Clemers Subdivisioa; Itrtorlockoil. Junction nith (C. atrd G. T. Jci.) Old MaiB Lire to tr.olt Gratiot. with Caos Ciiy Subdivision. XMT AY gITY.-JuDction Certral (Bay City Division) crossing; trAPlEB,-Michigall Interloeheal. dossing; Michigar X,ailways (Ileetric) FLINT.-naBterrl IIrterlocked. (1.38 miles east of).-tr'lint Bolt nailway Clossirgi rIINT Interlocked. (2 mil€B east of). - Fliot Belt Boilway No3,TII IAINf CrossiDg;IrteIlockeal. NOB,TSI SIINf-Crato Street; Interlocked with Ciry nlectric f,iDes. Saginaw St., nastern Michigan Sailways (Ilectie), Crossing goverried by- Semaphorei interloil(edi dcrrils on Elprrrii Jine only. Iere fuarquel,te (Toledo D i r i : i o n C r o s c ; u g ) . C o v e r n e db y c o l o r l i g h t s i g n a l s ; real-stop; grecn-proeeetl, Arbor RF. crossing, gate, rot interlocheal: DURAND.-A1n tro clerails. ?Ioceeal hand signal. Granrl Rapids Subdivision crossing gatel trot intellochealr no al€rails. Proceealland signal. Sagiraw Bubdivision erossirg Port llulon Wye gate, trot iaterlockecl; ro alerails, Proceealhanal sigtral. Marquetto (Gralld Rapids Divisioo) TRoWBRIDGE.-?eIe crossing; Interlockecl. Central (SagiDaw Division) crossiagt LANSING.-Micligan Interlocked. New Yorh Certral Linos (l,ansing Division) crossiag; hterloeketl. Street, Lansing Transporiation Co. LANSING-VashingtoE (Electdc) erossing, governeal by semapholes, i terlochedi Csntral Railroad (Granil Bapids CHAF,T,OTTI.-Micligan Division) erossing; Intellocketl.

South Eenil Subilivision NICIIOLS YAB'D (y4 mile west).-tr[ic]rigan Contral (Main Liae) crossing; Interlockod. Street, Mietrigan C€ntral (Baitlo BATTLE CREEK.-EaII i Creet< Division) Crossing anal Junctior, eolor liglts aril switc]les inierlocheal; ]1o derails, SATTL! cB,EEE. - Main Stloet, Miehigar Railway Co. (Eleetric), crossingl eolor light signals interlocked. No alerails, M. C. R. R, (Allegatr Divis;otr) crossing,1 Dilo west of PassenqerStation; iovernod by'distart a;d bomo sigBals' ete.triAlly operated on c. T. only; €leclrically locked d€rrils on M. C- R. Il,. onlv, Stop Boarals have been located East ar1dWest of Michi_ gao nailway Co. (ueetric) crossing on numely Co. l€ad. with Kalamazoo Subilivisioa. PAVILION-Julciioa Lines (Michigan Divisiotr) cro$i!g; VIcKSBItRG.-Penaa. goverreal by distani and hotno signals, electrically ope!ateali tro tlelails. T,-Nsw York Ceniral Lines (Granil $apids ScIIoolcEAf Divisjon) crossiBg;Jnterlocked. Central (Air Lido Divisioa) crosscAssoPolls.-Mictrigan iog; IDterlo.ked. Ciacilnati, Chieago aril St. Louis ca,ANcER,-Cleveland, (Micb. Division) crossing; Interlockeal. tion rfith New York C€trttal liner MIsIfAwANA.-Jure (Western Division). Y. C. Crossingi not interlockedi ro derails; OIMRS.-N. governeil by somaliore signals locateal just south of G. T. n, tracks near rliamoDd crossing. OLIVERS (2 milec west of). New Jersey, Inaliara & Illiaois crossiagl Iltgrlockod. Y. C. & st. L. R. R. (Irdiatrapous DiviSTILf,wr!!,-N. sion) crossingl Itrterlock€d.


& Otrio (Chicago DiviBiotr) crossWXtr,' SBoBo.-Baliidore ingi Interlocked. Pire Mrrquette (La0tosso Division) crossitrg; Int€r' loched. EAsKET,T"S.-Ctrieago, Indiaaapolis & Louisvillo (trficligan City Division) Crossing; Interlockeil, VA],PARAISo (Just east of paBserger siation).-(Electric) Iiailway crossing; not intorlochaili r1o ilerailB. IOS,T WAIrNE cRoSsINe. - Pittsburytr, Tort WayDe & C l i c a s o ( l \ t a i n L i j ] p ) c r o s a i 0 q J! t r t p r l o c k e d . Neri lork, Chieago & St, J-ouis (Main LiDo) crossing; Iaterlockeal, 1000 feei west of passengel station, Gary T,O?TAVIILE, R a i l w a l s C o m p : ' . y I E l . c l f i . ) c r o s s i n g ig o \ e _ n c db y a d t o n r r t . i cs i e r a l . ! v 0 f e c t a r . r r n , l 2 0 0 - t . e i w p s t o I d l . m o n d crossinE for trains rurning with current of iraf6e. Trains f n , l i n E - 6 i q n a l si n " S L o n t p o s i l j o nw i t l b e 8 o \ e r t r e db y R u l e sJ O { i D , l 5 0 5 a f t " r k I o w i n g t L a L r r o " s i n gi 6 n o t b . i r g occupiealby Gaty nailways Cott?any cars. A1l m6vements against cureni of trafrc must come to a stop at stoD boarcl 200 feef east allal 200 feet rvest of alia_ -oir,l e"ossing aral proeeed after hl1owi1lg that crossing is rot being tsed by Gary RailwayB Company cars, Speed o1.er crossing dust not exceeal30 miles an trour.

Ealauazoo Subdivision Lorli Cetrtral f,ines (Grand X,apidg KAI'AMAZOO.-Ne!g Divjsion.; Crossitrg.1.650 "lepl,eist of passengorstationi nol inLe;lo.lrpd; i'o do|rils; goverueil b-y targ;t; vertical position allows Granal Trunk ttairs to proceeal. Chieago, Kalamazoo & Saginaq at Jnnction leith Pavilion Jct. (just east of lake Streei); joirt trach fron1 this ?oitrt to erossover at Mills Street (frst stre€t west of Rolnd llouse). Eoail trains to bo unalor cotrtrol whoD i f p r o a . h j D g c r d p c s s i n g o v o r i o i D t l r a c k , e x p c c L i t r gt o Snd i)r uso by C, T. cnd C. K. & S. switch engitres' MichigaD C€ntral (Main Liao) wost of paseeDger sta. tioa; crossilg; IdterlocLeal,

Hayfortl Subdivision (Chic?rgo Division) orossing, GEIfFITIf.-nrie Iailroad Itrterloclcoal, Xlgin, Joliet & nastern Main Lino and South Chicago Division, crossing; ht€rlockeal. Mictrigan Central (Joliot Divisior) crossi)rgt Iht€rlocl.ed. C. f. & s. CROSSn{G.-Chicago, frdiatra & Bouurern crossing; htorlockeil, C. C. & St. Ir. R, R. (Irogansport Division); MAYNARD.-P, Interlockcal, MAYNAED (7+ mils west of).-Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville (Chieago & I'afayette Divisioa) cro$ing; hterloched. TIIoRNTON JUNCTION.:O. & E. L (Chicago Division) erossirgl Interlockecl. IIABVEY.-B. & O. C. T, R. X. crossirgl IntorlocLed, BI,UI| ISIAND (ya sile vest).-B, & O. C. T. R. R. CroBsing; Inierloched. *A,SEBItBN.-Wabash (CJricago & St. Louis Divisior) Crolsing; not intetlocked; no derails; govemetl by gates. Railway of Chicago Ctossing; rot inte!IfAYFOED.-Belt lockeal; !o alerailsi governerl by gate.

WARNINC trlnginemen, TrairdeD anal Yardmen are wartrecl noi to riale ou top or siale of ergines or ears passing through any tunnelr subway or under a4y overhead bridge or wh€re, it is krloF4 suc} structure will not clear a oan on top of car; theF aro also warnedl noi to ricle on sialo of engine or car passitrf high swilcl siandc, walor columns,sjock chutes or otlar obstructioDslioown to be closer l,ban 6 feet to nearesf rail, antl wtren approacli:rg or passiag over any through truss Drroge. . On doub!€ track a llagman sent oul in advanco mu3l nol be .eGalled but pick€d up,

SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS.-Continued POB,TEIIBON 1. ?ori Euron Yard limits are ilefaeal a6 eovenag all tlackd wibbin lbe TprmiDsl aoal desigEatodby yard li;it boards located 6100 foet West of Tapprn on the Ilitrt Sribdivisior ard 8330 feet West of Tappar otr th6 Mt. C'lemerlsSubdivigton. 2. All employees itr charge of €dgiros anal irairs withio ilis territorv will bo sovernedby rules as dpfnpd itr Book of Operating RLrlescovefiag tbe operatior of yarde. 3. AU traiis altd engines must be und€r control approachirg 32d $treet (Old Yard Offce) and switcles leadilg to passonger track8J ?ort lluron (24tI Streei) anal be govertreal by signals from switclieader located at these poiIJB, 4. Trains and engitres ust reduce spe.d to tpE milps per' hout when movitrE weslwrril oger Tenlh Stf€et ancl oo €as['waral moy€me[tJ eagines wit] o withollt cars mnst SloP not mor€ ibrn tf'y uor lcss tbatr tbirty feet from croscitrg ard tloo movFrrent ovpr crossingproter'ledby a membpr of tho rrew. I'llovements over ?ine Grovo Avenu€, Stone Sireet and ToDth Avenue (old mair line, tr't. Gratiot) also Granal River Avenuo, must be p$iccteal by a member of itre erew' 5. Track betw€en eonnection with Pere l{arquette nail. way sonth of Corrt Stre€t (Corrb Street Yard) ard T]]omas gtreet is joint track as between tlo Pere Marquetto anal Grard Trunk nailways aril will bo respeoted as yaral track. 6, Trails ard engineB mnst be unale! eoDtrol 'lvllen approaching joitrt track switch at foot of Thomas Streoi otr moyements.to ']1d from Ft. Grati6t. Normal position of this switch is for Pero Marquette movement. 7. A sernaphorois loeated about 300 feet east of Military Stroei Bridge for tho governmeat oJ Pere Marq eite arlal Grand lLuak Train anal Engino movements over Diamortl elossiIrg at this point Wlren semapbore arrn is t'Perpenalicdart, G?anal frllllk traias will have the right to traek. Wlenr'Eorizortal"Pele Marqrette FilI have right to trael<. When r'Diagoaal" all Trairs or Eagines mtst 'rsTo?." Normal posiiion of this sigaal will be'rProceeal" for Pore Marquette trails aril must bo ctratrgealby Gmnd TrunL crews bsfore usirg tracks,

GEITER,AL Illinoie Central bridge at Harvey and Rock Istranil bridge at Blue fshnd, will not clear a man on top df sar and a!:e rrot protected by tell taleE. On botl sides of alt o{her over}eaal}fidses on this divisiou tlst will rot clcxr a mrn on iop o.l a bo-x car, te-l tcles or from warning sianals,consistinEof !ieces of rope suspeDdeal a wjre"havi bee! locat€di +he-ideabeiog-to haio ihe roles shik€ a mar whose cluty requires lim to.bo on top oJ cals i! su$cient time to enable him to sit alown oI1 car befoie coming ro sDd wbile passingunder ibo overhcadbridge, thereby avoiding injury by reasonof strjking the b dge, Some Trainmen ha]'o ti€al ropes togother anal thrown th€m up over wires so lhat tbo rope would clo4r a man on lop of a car, i.herebye:posi:rg olhei omployeesto imminent danger. In futu'c cmoloyeesEuiltv of removiDs or intetrtiotrallv dis. llanirE tbosdroies. e"rcoit fo ropair oi ronew sa-0, will be dismisied from tie service of tbi-sColnlaDy. CoEductorswill be expected t,o promptlv retort such casesby wiro, also sotify i,ho Supcrietendentor-Trainmaster by wiro where tell tate€ or warni]lg signals are requireil, or whele t]ey are aot iB propor plaee. The unautlorized use of motor cars, volocipoales,haldl atral push cars is forbidden' When oterateal'wlere thete is more th-an oDe main track shotld be run in ths directior of traffic; at th€ samo tiIrro a careful v'ateh must be hept at all tim€s Jor approe,ohing diyorted irains, Wher usecl 6a s, single tracE traita may b€ sxpectocl from eithea diroctioa. Rule 22 is ameniled as followsiWh€n two or more sngines aro couplealand dis?layiag sig" nals- for a follovirg sectio:r, eaeh elgine wiU display tho sig!ols. -lt-

3u1o 403 is moalifeal as followsrEa-stward traiDs may pull up clear of siDgl€ truck at Valparaieo, atral westwald traiDs Day puli up clear of joint trsck at OLive$, wlen tbe slop signai is displayed. Rulo 620 is modi6eclas follows:Il1 case of sigral failure at trl nt Belt Crosshe conductor or enginenian must commuticato .with towermall= over telep h o n e l o p a i e d i n b o o { h t r e r r d i a m o n d . A f t e r r e c e i v i n ei o for-natiotr froln dowerrrsn tbat ioterloel{'ingplant is Iined for them, tiaitr may proceed after examiainE derails. Trains broughl, io a stop be!ind a prs.elliDe ireid must l e a r o b e a d l i g l i d i m m e dt | n i : t t r a i t r, t e a d i s i n ; o l i o n , t r a i o men safely on ealoose anil sigtals havo been eaclargecl. Trails Doving ttrrough yard limi|s on other than their assigDFiltlr.L will be gor er-redby written itrsDr-uctjotrs over lbo sigoabure o f t b e Y t r d m a s t e r ,w b o w i l l b o h e l d r e s p o D s i . -ble.for the saFFl,yof su.b moves. nngiaenrenbaodling such traitrB must use caution. On Double Trackr yard engines runniDg aEainst tbe current of lra6c ryill proiect sueh moves alainit other lrains aDd engrlrc8. RIle 42 and ssaotrdparag?alh Rule 43, Book of Operating noles will bo pfreni.iveon KalamazooSubdivisioD. -No ex'r or d.ad edgiDemusi be plared on or foul a siding wilbout proteotio:l or permissionof SulreiiDlenaleat or Train. At,all ,public-higbway crossin-gsproiecJed bf flash light 619tralsaC whiclr a rpvet.seE\r1[(hDovpmetrt is l]eitrg milde, a menber of the lrain crew must in every instancs-precedo l,beleaditrg car atrd fag Lhe erobsing. Tbe fo'lowitrg codo of signalc io bo us€d in coDne.tion with Rrle 90-R:IIOT JottRNAIS.-By day: Eold noso with frst ffaEer and tlu b of righf hand and po;nt dowo toward traek vith left Iatrd, By nig:ht: Swing lamp in small vcrtical eircle. lamD to be held in trand by the gralal rvires around tle globe. CONNECTIoN DnAGcINe. By day or night. Stop signal to bo give!. CA}, I'OOR SWINGING O& ASOUT fO FAIJr OIF.By day: -laise atral lower light hand fuil l€lgth of body sjowly.. By nighl,: Same signal with hand lanip. In additlon, grve stop srgnal. BRAKES STIgKfiiIc.-By day: Stovs hand in slidiag rno\emeut out lrom. body. By trigbt: Samo signal to bs glvell wlrn ralnp ln band. ALIJ CITEAR,-By atay: Raise hand atrd holit it By rightr Quick Sharp.rAn niglt', Big,nal.

TIGHTTNGrIRES An orgarization of Yard Employecsb3s bpeD iDaugurateil cl carh tprmiEal for tbo extingtisbing oe fires. usin-s - -varil eogircs equilped lvitb 6-e e.xti;$ishin'g apparaius, Cptrer.al:1larm for crlling engires or otber assistance \vill coDsisi,ol , succassiooof shorl blasts on the whjs|s. to b€ fo ow€a by numter of wlistleg showiag locatioa of fire, tho aiarm from switchers to be repeat€d 1ntil operator ii sure aamo has be€n propetly hearal.' Enginomen anal trainaen, uloa ao alal:!1 of frg, will at once prepar€1o cut loose from train on which they aro workiBg, 6rst cleariDgthe main and ]atlder traclrs an_dcrossover switehes anal proeeealpromptly to point of fre. Yaralmasteru, AFsistant YarallDasters, Train Dispatehors. L€vermpn and S\Eitcb Tenders must sae that all_ engines aro promptly reli€ved of lho work io whieh eagageal" ancl give! the rigtt-of-way ovsr all ruBnilrg traehs an"d iwitchcs in ortler that they may reach tho fro frth ttrs least possiblo de1ay. All yard employeee are requirecl to faDiliarize theds€lyes w-itl ile -.worki0g of fre appalatu€, code of fre sigrals, limits of e,achdistriet, aril to unit6 for tls protectioa;f company propeity. Ths directioa of ffts opsrations will be in chafgs of Conductor o+ crow ba\:iDg6re apparatus; at 6re wh€rt€ither the SupeNisor of Fire Protectio! or Cbief o-t lire Drisado ig present, fro operatiotrs will bo utrder their geaoral diieetion.


following rules aro issueal fol GXIIXRAIJ NOIICE.-Ihg tbo governm€Dto-[ all eE]ploveeswhose-duties ]riog thom itr cotrt;ct wirh rhe oDeratio; of uho Air Brako anal Air Traiq Sisarl. ll in the.iudguent of anJoue sbose duty it is to en?orco a rule, sueh rule cantrot be or ought l1ot to bo en_ forceal, h€ musi at oncs brirg it to tho attention of thoso i!. authodty. lt is also ex?e.,ed that prompt repo* will be mads of aoy di6cull,y exl)€riotrcealiE conl,rolling trains. Bulo No. 1 Enginemen, trainmen, inspectors anal Air Brako ropair Delr musl-be thoroughly.onee$ant lrilb tho operation aod cars of the Air Brake aDd Air Trail Sigaal. Bu.lo No. 2 RESPONSIBII ITY.-The Condrlctor and linginemat are both resForsiblefo! seeinq'thatthe brato is io perfect work_ ing ordlr, and properly connected lbroughout l,ho.€trtir€ 1r'iir, before sl,aiiing ftom tefirlinal staiions and poiBts at whiel it has been aLiEcotrnectetl. EuIo No. 3 brake pipe ard PIPES ITNDER ENGIIiIE TENDER.-The Air Sigtral pifc, under engirc letrder, 'nnst always Ie- Uowo 'l out thorousnlv iust bclore thp air tros€ arp eouplecl. Do irspeclors dr ireiumen Lna!ing couplings must do tbjs' Rulo llo' 4 TERMINAL TEST.-Wben ao €ngino Iras bee! coupl€alto a treia rl, lhe iai'jal poiot of its rutr (atrd a-ttert-akitrgslark of seme) a lermiral lest of brahes must bo lnade. Test to l]otrsisl, of 3 clr to crr c.tamitraliotrLo trol,ethal brak€ can be cDDlied aDc[ rcleaseJ frool orgiDe, adjust pislon lrcvel, sto'p leakago,anrl do a,tryotber brclc€ rvork Possitle l'o put train ir a Eervieeabls conilitior. BuIo No. 5 otr brales -wlilo BLEEDING OfF BnAltEs.-Bleetling road eug.iDojs coupled l,o train is prohibitcal'except wbed a brale cionol, be rileascd frorn cngitre sncl ccuse caonot bo ii n)ust tbcn be cut ouL 6y closiog cut'out cock-iD. ""."ai"J, crossorer plpc, aod auxiliary reser!oir bledi rel€ase-valv-o attachedto auxiliirv reservoir on passeugercsrs musl Der€rE opon anil'emaining trakes ia traiD aSain lcbte'l as per t{uls No. 8. Betore startjng LraiDs,traiDmcn must aee thal au brakes aro releas€alaDal-brake_shoesclear of tbo whools. Rde No. 6 RUIiINING TESTS,-Engiremen od lesspnge-r trajDs, alfer learine a lerminal or atry poiot whero tbe mak€-up ot loerr 'rnin f,as bpeq chaDEed,mJst as sooo altel stxrting as tho loeerl of trajr eeill;ermiL aoll wiLhout closiag tbe €ngino TtLrotlle. alply the biakes sufficietrllyto know tha1,lbey aro i" *""a' -'"l:it te orcler, aod Dotine that tbo lelgth o-t tho l"-;"'k""pi"s wit-b lho lengl'h oithe {rain' ilft"i*" also be alone +itl all trabs at a safe 'listanco ili" -""t"iil"!t beio.e co.neo"iog ile desoenlof steep grxdes.-approacbing railway crossirgE al gracle, iur1ctiotrs.clraw_brldgeetarc ln rac-i,-al all poiDls'whprp lrrins are to be nef or pa-ssect, ilnces wbere Jailure of llo braLeB would tre aflFndsd wrro iceidoat. Ru.lo No. 7 Ergineman fails CONDUCTOB lVlUST sToP TRAIN,-If 1o obserre Rule No. C, CoDductormusbslop train-]y operiog cotrductors'valvo and ascer(J,incausoof such failure' A report musl bg maaleof all such cases' Bule No, g ROAD TEST,-Wben {rain) for any reasoD,fu Parted bs{ween air cars, or air bosehas burst, afl,cr all coupliDgshavo lrom asaitr bepn uDiLed,bra!es must,be applied analreleasedbralo t.alve,and trajnmeo musl soe tbal llrrlro n-nsineman's _car i m m e d i a ' p l yb p b i t r dt h a p o i o t o f s e p r r a t j o n .a n d o o on l E s t r n o r c r s , o p e r ; i e sp r o p e r l y .J [ a ' a r i s l a l { e ni o t o a p a s seneertrain,'th'e signai to apply brakes must bo-given from {ho_ajr sjeral otr [b;t car, bul signal io r€lea,sobrake8 Dust bo Eirroo i"o- air signal on rear car h train. Ia every caso li ilstioe air brates'on passpnger{rains tbs siglsls to a?ply ,.J io.a'se brakes must-be givln from train signal' Eule No. I OT PASSENGEB TBAINS. "-1 MOVTMENT BACK.I'? A tail lose to gov€rn tlo o?eration of the air brake Eust of oach'pasoolger baia' Bgforo tlaiD tU" i*r t" """a."


is allowod to movs, a t€st must be maaleto insure tlat brakes car be appliecl with ttris device. Dudng back-up movemen.t ellgillomanrs brake valye must bo kept iB rlrnning positior. Conaluctorswill bs held r€sponsiblo for baek-up loovemetrt. nnginsmon must be on the alert a[al app]y tle automatic brales il trecessaryto iosuro safety. Bulo No. 10 AII"GAUGES. Coatluctors must co$ult air-gaugg in caboosefreq{ently ana Inginemen rnust likewise cotrsult Engins s,ir-gaugo to bo suro that fuU prossuiss aro bsing maiatained. at all tiBes. Rule No, 11 CUTTING OUg 3B,AKES,-Brahes ncust bo cut out wlen any portion of the rigging has failod, whero with propo! handling, eontinual stiching occws; or w]}ere ihoro is a leah at tripls y4lve exharst, or at pressure-retaining valvg, vhiclr ea lot be stopped, but they must lot bo cut ouf u{r]eeessarily. Moro than two eonsecutivo brakeB musi, uot be out out, aril trono on tte car next to Etrgine, which sust always havo a quick action triplo valve io gooal workiDg order. Bqle No. 12 NOTIFY ENGfNEMAN.-lngjnem, D rnusl be noti6ed at otrcg wh6n it is neeessary to cut ort any braho in his traia, Bulo No. 13 DEFECTI\rI SBA.KE PIPE ON PASSENGE& CA.R. _ Should tho brahe pipe on a ?assenger car bo alofective, so that it eannot le used in a train, tho ear musi nof, be s€nt out of rtry termioal point on a passeDgertrain witbouL authori{y aBd, when soch is from tho Traitrnrasteror Superitrtedalodt, siveo. tho car must be placeclon r€ar ctrd of tho lraitr anal ils hose coupled to tbs-car bead, anal all trajn lipo angle c o c k so o e n e dc. x c e D tt b e o o e o n h n r d o D i l o f c c r w i l l d e f e c tive pi!e. To guird against nnning lack itr case it un,conplesotr a graile, a BrakemaD must rido in this car arlal bo prepaled to use hanal-brakes,wlich must previously be known to be i]] good coldition, Should the air-brake anal ttr€ hand'brake both be defective, and it is nece8saryto IauI the car, it must be placetl seco al from ilo rear, encl tle tralal-brako on tle last car krlolvn to be in good eondition. The car lnust be 8ei out af tho frst oppoftulrity. nule No, 14 VAI"YE. - NAENGINET\dI}I'S BBASE DEFICTI\TE E i n e m e nm u s t t r o l , l l e m p b i o h a n d l ec n 3 i r - b r a k ei r D i D, l o w n s vrlve js defe.tive itr'crvjce or iov errde if EEginemaD Iai p'osi{ion,or if air pump js uncble Lo k.rp lbe i,r3in lire (bia'ke-pipej properly iupptied witu air. Rulo No. 15 call for brakes from an CAI,LING foR BnAKES.-A Ellgine when rurning, must be prompt]y r€spo{dod io by €ae} lrainmar openiug tL Cotrductor's valvo and lhet applyinq larld-bmkcs-. Conducbor'svalvg mus! sol, bo closed uDtil train stops. Urdor Iro o+her circumstaaces mlrst land-brakes bo apilied o]1 cars upoD whieh tho air'bmke is being useal. BuIe No. 16 SIAf|IDIIIG oN GRADSS.-Whon necossary for a train with atr engine lo stand otr a grado -lor over fve minu+es,air_ braLes muit bo roleasedandlraia held by hand brikes. If cars are to be detaetred from a fmin or etrgine, tlo ail-brakos mrst be releaBealand haral-bra}es immediately ap?lied boforo they ato iletaehetl, atrd held apllied utrtil signa;]. is leooiveal from etrgiae to t€lease samo. nde No. 17 Wh6tr cars r?on which tho air-brakg is w'orking aro set oul at sDy poi!t tho EUxiliary resereoirsmust be bl€d befor€ trand-bralio-isalpljed to a€cire cars in sidi!g. Rulo No. 18 oF ENGINES.-When tBo or more DOUBLI-IIEADING €agiues are coupletl in tle same train, ihe air lose mnst be uniteal arld tho brakes testecl anal oporatealfrom tiG heaal engine. For ttris puryose a eut-out eock in tho braLe pips iust below tlo brako valye oD all elgines, exeept tle leaalitrg ingine, must be closed,air pumps kept ruDoitrg,brake valve ba;dl€; io running position] arl the-max'rmun-a.ir pr€ssures Daitrtaineal. This procoilure must, also bo followecl wtren handling dead engin6 in tlain, but in this caso the pumpr of coutse, calllloD be fun.

SPECIAL II{STRUCTIONS.-Continued Rulo No. 19 EMEEGENOY APPLICATSON OP BRAKIS. - Brak€B mnst llot be applied quiekly only whea reeessary to ayoial accidelt, aud in slch eases eDEino rr]ust no'i bo reverseal if driver bralie is oneratinq. Biate valve han(lle must bo placecl in ernergeney position, ancl left therc rntil the train has stopped or the carse r€movecl. On freight trairs tho brakes must nof be releaseil urtil.fter the train has stoprreal. Rule No. 20 USX OI SAND.-Srnd must alvays bo useil in emergency. WheD sand is onee starte.l it uluBt be alloweal to contin[o rulning until sto! iB conpleted. B,ule No. 21 PARTING AfB IIOS . - Air lrose mrrst not ]e pulled alalt forei}ly; irstea(lr they must be separateal by hard. X,ulo No. 22 Coraluctors on freiglt trains must attacl an air brako defect calil io the ero:ss-overpipe of every car whiel has a ilefectivo brako and rstrici is noi aheady so carileal.

Noto A.-Remerrbe. a loadeil trai4 eallrot bo stooDed ia ihe same distanco as an emply train-all other eonLlitions oerng Tue game. Noto B.-On leyel track all tho bmking power is available for stopping, while on alesaenilitrg grades a porl,ion must be ulilizod to lreveDt ;trcrcasein Bpeed;Lber€fore)thg necessity -for bavjae rraiDs uD er control Irorn the stlrrt. Woto C-Keep iD mintl also that on level trcck a train nnning twenty miles per hour will requirs Fou! tiTrles tho Distancoto Stop as compareJwith a trflitr running icn miles pe" ho,rr. and a tbirty mile-per.hourtraiD will reqrrireNina tiDes tho Distanco to Stol,, as colnparealwith a teB-mile,perNOUT TIATD.

Note D.-Trainmen ancl yaralmell must see tlat air is coupled aral air brahes in eeivics while switchirg passenger equipment. Note E-Switch runs must hare air conpleclanal air brakes j t r s c r v i c ew h p Dr r a l i i n g r u n s b e j w e e t ry a i . l s . Shoul.l anyone using this Timo Table hav€ any doubts as l,o iis meanrtrg,i_tis his duty lo rpply lo tlo SupcrjtrtendeBt or'lraiomaeter for tho proper explaDaLioD.

EOIIRS OT'SERVICETOR TRAIN ORDNN OFTICES Tiain Oral€r Ofrees (T) axe opel 24 houls ilaily, exeeptGoode11s..........,..,,,,7,00 a, m. to 4.00 p. m. daily except Snn.lay 8mme11...,,.,...........7.00 a, m. to 7.00a. nr. (lnily exceptSunday a. m. to 3.45p. m. (taily except Sun.lay Capac....,....,.,.........6.45 a. m. to 2.30 a. m. daily c:cept Surday Imlay City............6.30 6.30a. m. to 2.30l. m. Srrlday a. Il1.to 10.00 p. m. daily excepi Sunclay Daviso4..,.,....,,.,....6.00 p, m. to 10.00p, m. rlaily FIint.,...................."1.30 8aDcroft.,.,,.......,,..7.00 r. m. lo 1,00 p. m. ,hily,xceft S,,nilry Morrice.........,..,.....7.00 a. m. to 7,00 a. m. ilaily excelt flom 7.00 a. m. Sunday to 7.00 a. m. Morday Perry...,.,....,....-.,-.7,30 a. rn. to 4.30 p, m, daily except Sunclay Ilas1ett,....,.,..,.......3.30 a. nr. to 5.30 p. r1}.daily excopt Surday Mi1lett,.,...,.-.,.......8.00 a. m. io 5.00 p. m, daily except SuDday a. m. to 5.00 p. m. claily except Sunrlay Pottervi11e....,...,,,.8.00 a, m. to 5,00 p. m. daily except Sunday Otiv€t.,.,.......,.........8,00

8el1evuo....,,........ 10.30 Ir. m. to 5.30 p. m. daill' exceDt from 'Monday 6.30 a, m. Suntla-yto 6.30"a. m, C1in,]ax.,...,..........,.,.7.00 a. m. to 4,00 p. m. daily exeept SuaalaF sco1ts..........,..........7.00 a. m. io z.0o a. m. daily except from 7.00 a. m. Sutrday to 7.00 a, m, Monda/ Pavilio&.......,....,.,7.00a. m, to 4.00 p. m. daily except Suaday Marc€llus...........,...7.00 a. m. to 8.00 p. m. ataily exeept Sunilay Edwardsburg,.......7.30 a. m, to 4.30 p. m. daily except Sunday Mishaw4ka...........6.45 a. m. to 3.45 p. m, daily except Sunilay Milt Creek...,......,.7,00 a. m. to 4.00 p. m. daily encept Sunday a. m. to 4.30 p. m. daily exeept Sudav Kingsbury,.......,,...7,30 *Urion Mi11s.......8.00 a. m. to 5.00 p. Dt. daily exeelt Sunday Aitrsyod1..,..,.,.,...8.30a. m. to 5.30 p. m, claily ercept Suaday *Oak Gletr,....,,.....7,00 a. m. to 4,00 p. m. daily except Srnday *IIaNey,...............8.45a. m. to 5.45 p. m. daily except Sunda] +Evergreea Park.7.00 a. m, to 4.00 p, m, dailF ex€ept Su:lalay *No trait order Bignal,

Followirg symbols on sehealulesleetg of timetable indicato:+ A B C F K Ir P R S T W Y Et

See footnote. Ardve Sulletirs arcl Train Xegiste!, Coal. Flag Sl,op. Standaral Cloclc,Bulletino, anil Traiu S,egiste!. Leave: Listening Telephotre, Register Regular Stop. Train Orde! O6co. Water. Wye. Sxcopt


SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS.-Continued IIISTRI'CTIO$S 10 ?ASSXNqXR TRAIN COI[I)I'C. T0BS, SIAGUEN, SX,AK!U!N AND PoBTERS Con,lrrctorssnd TrxiDmetrassigneilto passeDgertraitr 6ervice whetrotr dEtJ are required lo lre ncaL an.l clead in tbeir appearance, dresseil with standard nlriforms, clean whito lir€n, black sboes,black liej rlothes presse,latralbnrstp,l. Tbo man ser,,ingas 0agman on a passengertrritr must rido in th€ last car odrupieil-by passengerslriless iDstructed to tte eontrary by the conductbrln cla;ge of the traiD; 4agman loust lavo with him, in saue car, flaggilg eqtipment as rsquired by Opercljog Rllles aDClCenerrl Regulaiions, PasseDgsr'Irxinmen on duly mDst trot o.culy a seat wil! pas.eogers,neither must thoy at a0y tino oc.upy a seat itr tho smoldng compartmert of any ear. Cotraluctolsanal Trai4. m€tr, other than tb€ Baggagemeu, must trot ride in the baggage ctr, excepl \vboD their dulies rcquire tbem to alo so. Trainmen, wbilo passing lhrough Bleep;Dgcar after o.cupalts havo retireal for tlo night, will ca T their lanterns u D d e ri h e i r c o a t s . At initial statiols tle Conaluetor to statrd at the rear of tho irain (or at othor sritable location accoralingto clabs of statiotr train starts from) anal ihe blakemar anal po*er betwee!1 tho coactres (wiih stopping boxes when necessary) . erect, coats bnttoned, ready io ask alesiinatioB anal alirect passengers to tbeir proper cals. At iDtermediaieitalioDs bfa\emen eoil portefs (exc€I)t wlere the rules require otherwise) slould aiiglt from rea! of heaal coaeb so that they may, aftet assisting pa8sengels off and on, be ready to giye assistancein loaaling aDd uEloaaling baggage anrl eipresis. Concltetors musi mo-vesla,rply irr haDdlinE train oralers or oiher station work. Srakemen must aanourei tle next station (wtr€n leaviDg statioE iD adyance) tlree iimes in each eoaeh,saying,.'No;t statio4 -tt anal again when coming irto Btation, saying,'rStation. This ,ray out." Brakemen (or lorters wlere such aro employed) mllst keep coaches clean of waste-paper or otler refuse. Coael seats must bo iurneal in iurection in whieh train is runniEg whe! not in use. See that all coaches carryirg passcngers 6re supplied with drinking antl wa,sh. ing water. Vesfibules of coacles to be closeal between staltioas on passenger iraias. Vestibule platfonns anil steps to bg swept cleatr as often as trecessary ancl handlo bars Tciled b€fore 6acl stop; vestibule curtains to bo elos€clanal lot uncouDlerltill train stolrs at Terminal or wlelever clango is ma,le ii eqripment; s{cIpirg boxes must be useil wben iequiredi CoaehCloselsto bo lockedbefore arrivcl at'Ierminals or important siations. Attention must bo given to th€ heat.:9, yetrtilation ancl ligtrting. Tho oncl to be obtained is libmfort. propor yetrtilation anal even tempsratrro. Cor]aluclibmfort, tors must report on r'olri 829 all defects of equitnoent com. inE to thoir;otico. Tlo carriage of other tbin-reasoaablo baggage in coaeles anil obstruction of cat aisles mrst not bo permittod. News Comparly's equipment shoulal, rshero possitle, be hept in baggage cars only. On arrival at Termi[als, strallalat coaches,ir full uniform, unlil last pasaengerhas disembrrked. dirpet pass€ngersto e:its or give what€vor itrformalioa may bs asksd for.

INJIIBIE$ TO PNBSONSOTUXN,TEAIII PASSEN. GERSAtrD EMPIOYTDS 1. fE assisting itr providing merlical relief for porso:rsinjur€Ll, tb€ Comp'cnyiras in view bumauitarian coisiileraliotr and desire for the gener.l lrplfare of ttp service. but any such actioE is not fo be regardptlas al1 admis8ionor evialooco of liabilitf. 2. Ii performance of tlis humanitariaD aluty itr eases of injuly to ?elsons other thaa passengers o! employe€s while unon the Company'spremises,lbe assistarceis to be limited t6 renderins nrst-cid lnly. Tilst-aial meaus such modtical audl surgical se;iices as alo known to relievo tlo inmodliate dangef, or sufiering of tho iniulod pelsoni antl to make lt safo aod comfortablo fof, such person to be removeil ftom tho Com]|any's promises. Uaaler !!o circnmstances sloulal it meao the p€rformanceof surgj.al operationsor elaborcte surgical clresiinEs.such xs eettiaE fra.tutes, etc. Tb€ further ilis_ rcnsalot tle iaiured pprsionmust rest wil,b lbe Transporta_ ?ion Officer oo iluty. This offcer is usually tho Cbief Dis' Datchsr of tlo District' -16-

3. me employeesof tbe Cornparyimmedial€lFhaadling tho crse.lould inaire every e$ort io s-oelhat bbs iaiurerl pe"rson is giveD in ahargeo-Cfriends or the Muricipal euUboriiies. -Wher'o 4. ihe injuries ars of sueh a clara_ctor as to requir€ l ospital _treatmeni; this shonld be arranged for by the friinds or Ure tr{uaicipal Authodties. 5. Whero it is impossible to reach frienals ot Mudcipal Authodties, Brch as ii casesoceurring in the night or in ruial -cluty .ljslrirrs. ihe Cb;pf Transportation Officer oa may er, rr trgeJor I be injure,l person i o be tcken by irain t; the ;ecrest general lospital.. h such cas€s all concorn€d, ircluditrg the llospital Authorities, should b€ advised cf fho eircumi stan.es utr.lerwbich applicfltion for admissionis bei!s madg. ctrd particulars o-t tbisiborrl,l elpe:rr oE the ersurlry'report. 6. The instructions of tle Tian-spo*ation Ofticer shouft bo given in wdting, or by telegrap[ if necessary, so tlat I copF may aeeo1npaly tho medical aceoults for fust-aid or BI.b otber me{licalsprvires as may bo autborized,for tho iDformatiolr of ollr Cbief Srlrgeonand General Cleims Agent. 7. Employees of tbe Comp2ny, wbether aufbodze,l'to do 60 or not, wletr calliDg for the servicesof a pbysician.sboulal notify said pbysician tbat Lbe.all is for 6rsi-ai4 onJy,which siil not inelude services lendered arbseq[ent to tbo frst ahcssiDgotr l,b€ CoDpa[y,s lr€mise6 or adjrcont thereto.

LIST OF SURGEONS Detroit......DR. G. W. STOCKWTLI. Begioffl trdedical Ofrcer 801 Stroh Buildirg Chicago...........-Dr. }f. L. Ifaris, Consultiqg Surgoon 25 East Washington Street Chicago,,...,.....,Dr. A. A. S!!aU, District grugeo!. 231 S. IJa, Salle Street Chicago..,.........Dr, T. J. Kaster, District Surgooo 732 South State Street Chicago........,...Dr, Elzear XraMot$e, Oculist 31 N. Siate Streot Elsdon (3510 West 63d St!eet)...,.,...,...,.Jr, R. C. Ktog, Distxict Surgeo! El$don (5150 Sorth Spalding Ave.).,...... " W. A, Tait, Dtstrict Sul€eon Sluo Is1a8d....,....,...,..... " R. I. Janes, District Surgeot .. Ifarvey..,........,,...,...,,..... S. E. Frazer, District Surgeotr | | F, A, Matmstono, District Griffth..,..,........,............. Surg€o! Va1paraiso.,..........,........ " G. II. Stonerr locrl Surgeoo South 8ord.....,.,........... A. olney, Distiict Surgeolr " Thomas 'W. X. Borley, Djstrict SurEeon ndwardsburg.......,........ "tt G. A. Ergh€s, f,ocal Surgdol CassopoIis........,............. W. C. Mccutcheonr l]ocal SllfgeoD MarceIIus.....,,...........,.-. Schoo1craft.,................; " B, S. Eater, Loeal Sulgeot Vicksburg...................... Ka 1arn42oo..............-.... " J. W. BosmaurDisl.rjet Surspon Sattle cree,k..,......,.,.,.,, " A. E. Mccregor, District Sirgeon r' Bitile Creek......,......,... Wm. M. D gatr, Disir;.b Surs;on Britlo Creek.................Drs. Sleigbt and EaLrgbey,Ocutiiis Cbar1o1te...............---...Dr. V. J, Rinkcrl, Loiat-SurEpon -surseon Lancing...............,..,....... J. E. Mclatyre, DiEtrict i'" W. S. Drrnbam, Local Sha f I sL'urg...........,........ Sursein rr F. P. Eaist6ad, Local P€rfy.................,........,... Surg-eon Morie€......,,,,.........--...., A. E. Ames, Local SurEeon3. 1,. S. Bates; f,ocal Duran(1....,.........,....,,...-. Sur?eon fliat.....,...,...,.,...,,...........,,c. II. o,Neit, Disttict iurgeoI1 .. H. t. Sardall, District flitrt........,........,..........,.,, SirgeoD !1int....,.,....,..,.-----,.. " E, O. nume!, Districi Surge;! I I-cpe€r.,.-........................' IIarly Zernrner', Loral Sl r!eoo .lmlcy City..--....---...." C. M. Braidnoo,l, Locnl SJ.rrseon t' Capac.......,....................,. J. F. Waltz, Local Surseon_ r' E. Frighi, Loeal SurEe"oD Em mett.......................,,. ,' Port lluron.......,........... A. J. MacKenzie. Disirict Surgeon Po$ Ifuron..................,'. T. II. Cooper, District Surgeo;1 fort Cratiot.,......,.,,......rr S. S. Eanson, l,ocal Sureeiq


INOXg.-Itr ocsoralaree with tbo luinois Commorco Com' mlssion orals! No. 123, tho following rulos shall bo ob6otvoal:(1) Al1 iratns musi approaoh street crossitrgs st graalo -with cr,utioa, anil, wLeto vi€w 13 witlin mlnicipalities aay vith tmi! otrdo! control' from causo, ob8tructed (2) Xagines must trot bo backod Do! c&rE ptrshetl ovo! grads cro8sitrg in ewitching movom€trtB within munici_ palitios uDless a membor of ttr€ cr6'w olsla,tiDg Euch otrg14o or t-rain eitlor'ddoB the tonaler or for€most car ln poei' tiotr to observs all alangor ar1alto assist irt stopping txaint iI necessary, or actually flags the crossisg if crossiBg lB unprotectoil by flagman.

within tho lieits of tlo Ctiy of BX,UE XSLAND,-Whistliag Bluo Island, oxcept that $hieh may bo treceBsaryto provent injury to polsons, alamage to property or roquirecl !y law, has beor prohibit€d by oralitrance. City limits of Sluo fslaad extond from 139t1 Streot (abo[t oao'lalf i!i]o €ast of Rock Islatrd bddgo) to 127th gtx€st (filst ctossitrg eas! of brick yard). Violations of this oraliaaace aro punishablo by fao of trot lesB than $10 nor lroro than $200. the city lirnits oight miles por hour, SOUTII BEND.-Withir oxcelt wholo tlero is grade sepa?atiotr, all onginas lrith or ititlout trains a]lal ihe €ngino bell nrust io hept ng_ irg, PcNon yiolatirg oralinane€ gubiect to a flrre llot gx' coeding $100.00. city liDrits tweDiy-fvo srilos !e! 1\4ISIIAWAKA.-Within houti all trains, Porsor]s violating otalilaneo subjoct to & frlo '1ot o{c6odi]lg $100.00. VtCKSBIt&G.*Speed limii of all traiBs withir city limito, 25 uniles per hour. Porsons violaiing this ordiBance s!b_ joct to a fno of l1ot to exceod $100.00. the city iimits, 20 di1€3 pe! SATTLE CREEK.-Witlia hour, anal the etgine whistle must not be sounded for the prupode of signa ing, io make up trains, or ir1 alry other cases tlan thoso which tho laws of Michigan prescribo anal designate as requiring the rlse of sue] wlistie. PolBon violating orilinanee oubjoct to a 6!s uot gxcee'litrg $50.00 end cost of Prosocutiotr, anal tho coult eay mako a f[rth6! seateDeothat in default of tho laymeEt of Eucb frns aral oosts vrithin s tim€ io be fxed by sEoh court, the persotr so eotvietoil shall be imPiisoned in t!6 couniy jail or eity pdsoIr ulrtil sueh fno anil costs be Paidr fof B torm not oxc€oding BixtY daYs.

tho city limits ten milss per hou!;

OIIAE JOfII,-WitLi! all traiDs. IJANSnifG.-Witbitr trains. F,INT.-Within irairs.

tho city lindts ten miles por hour; all

tho city limits, twelvo milss per hour; all

Xngiaos must trot bs backed or caEs prl8heal oysr grsde crossings within city limits oxcept with a m€mber of the crew on rear of teaaler or foremost car to flag al1 crossiDgs excolt tho8e lrotsctod by flagman or oth6r Biglals. 'Whistling

$ithitr city lirrits is prohibitod oxcopt wbsn Docosse.ryto ayolal an accialolt. Flying B.witclos or kieking ca,ra oyo! ros,al croBslBgts witlir city limits is prolibitsd. EDgines or cars mu8t trot bo loft blook'iag aay streot o|within a distaEco of lesg tlan ten feet froro the limits of atry street for a periotl o-Covsr dve minutes. Atl coach clossts Etrst b6 lock€d wbilo within tho elty Umit8, Tho pelalty for violatitrg any of tho abovo oralirinces ia f'litrt i6 llot to oxo€eala fne of oao ]rtrdfeil doli&r6 or noi to €xc€erl dnety days in jail or both atr the Aiscre. tion of tho court. LAPEER,-CroGsitrg tho followisg stroots ; MaiE, Monroo, Be[tlsy, Court, Eoward, Nepessirg, ?a1& aral Orogon, or sitlBr of them, six milos per holr; all trains. Ap?rcach of €trgioo or train to bo eigaalled by ainging of €ngine boll. Person violating orclinanco sEbject to frno of not less thaa S5.00nor !rot6 tharl $25.00 aqd co6t of prosec'iLtroaot by imprisotrmelt in coutrty jail for s pedoil aot excosaling thi*y dayB, or both in ths iliBcretion of tle eoBrt. POET IfUBON.*Within all trai4.

the city limits totr miles lrer hoBr;

fD accolalancowith Port lln?on City Ordiaaaco, tlo folloFing wiLl be obesrveal: No €mlloyeo will eauso, or allow ths Bt€am whtutlo of ary ergiDo to bo sound€d vijthin tho City linits, unless requiroat by law, or to provent aecidoat. Tho petralty for violatilg is a ffno trot to excoealo]]e hunilrod ilollars, ot not to o:ceetl thtee morthB in th€ Couaty joil

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