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TE RM 1 11th Feb rua ry 20 09

Nelson Central School We e kl y N e ws l e tt e r

Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa te whanau whanui o te Kura Tuatahi o Whakatu – Greetings to friends and family of Nelson Central School. As the New Year gets under way it is important to restate a few of the basic expectations that will make for a great year.

Be fore School Supe rvision This programme is operating again in 2009. The idea behind the programme is to ensure suitable before school supervision for children whose parents/caregivers have to be at work before children are allowed into the school grounds. This is a much better option than allowing children to arrive at school early and engage in activities they would School Rules sooner not tell you about! If you wish to take advantage of In 2009 we will be working towards being a rights the programme, please contact Judy at the front office and respecting school. Eventually that will require that some of she will let you know what your next step ought to be. our procedures will need to be rewritten. However, until we do that we need to ensure the safety of everyone in the Sun Hats school. In the past some simple rules have helped us to do The school has a well established ‘Sun Sense’ policy – ‘no hat, no play in the sun’. During terms 1 and 4 children are that The school has four basic rules designed to ensure expected to wear their broad brimmed sunhats while at everyone has a safe and enjoyable time at school: school and on school outings. Sun hats can be purchased at ♦ Keep prohibited items out of the school ♦ Do not take part in prohibited behaviours or activities the school if children have lost or misplaced their hat. Name clothing ♦ Play in designated/approved areas Please ensure that all clothing and footwear your child ♦ Behave in positive ways brings to school has their name on it. At the end of the year We have tried to present them in as positive a way as possible while at the same time making it clear what is or we finish up with an enormous quantity of left property. Naming clothing can help to reunite children with their is not acceptable in the school. There is a more ‘lost’ belongings. If children arrive home without certain comprehensive description about what is meant by each of items of clothing please visit the lost property bins in the above rules. We usually only have to bring those out Renwick House. when some-one has difficulty understanding what the four Contact de tails rules mean. During the holidays many of you may have changed Wheels in school grounds addresses or other contact details. Please let us know if that If you bring your children to school or meet them at the is the case. During the year there are many times when we end of the day, can you please ensure they do not ride will need to contact you and it will help the process if we wheels (e.g. skate boards, scooters etc.) in the school have up to date contact details. grounds. Children are regularly reminded of this but perhaps forget when they are with you – please don’t feel Management Staff The following people have leadership responsibilities in the bad if staff approach your child while they are with you school and can be expected to be away from their and ask them to not ride their wheels in the grounds. It classrooms during the year as they work to meet their would be really helpful if adults could observe the same responsibilities. We will do all that we can to keep such request – children will model your behaviour! instances to a minimum. Waiting before school Principal Dr Paul Potaka Children are not permitted on the school grounds before De puty Principal Christine Harrison 8:30 am unless they are taking part in the ‘Before Acting De puty Principal Dianne Thomson School Supe rvision’ programme – see elsewhere in this Syndicate Leade rs Dianne Thomson (Kowhai); newsletter for details. Teachers have duties to perform Sue McLean (Kahikatea), before school opens and there is no-one on duty to ensure Freya Sonneland (Totara), the safety of children at that time. It would be appreciated Trina Bennett (T e Pouahi). if you could bring your children to school from 8:30 am Curriculum Le ade rs Rachel Boyd and Choi Fu, on. Othe r staff include : Waiting afte r school Children have been asked to wait for caregivers/parents to Reminder - Bike Shed pick them up near the gap in the fence outside the If the bik e shed is still lock ed at 3 o’clock please go to staffroom. That is a much safer place than having them Room1 to get a monitor to unlock it. walk out into Alton Street to board waiting cars. We seek Our weekly newslett er is kindly your cooperation and support to ensure Alton Street is as sponsored by – safe as we can make it. Please do not encourage children to T H E D OC U M EN T COM P A N Y walk out into the street to meet you. Under those circumstances children can become blind to all dangers. 7 0 N i l e S t r e et, N el s o n Principal: [email protected]

Pho ne 03 548 4972

Secretary: secretary@nelsonc entral.school.nz

F ax 03 548 4483 –

E m a i l s t a f f @ n e l s o n c e n tr a l . s c h o o l . n z

BOT Chairman: Geoff Clark 545 8010

Website: www.nelsoncentral.school.nz

School Community Group Come and join the School Community Group!!! We are a fri endly, soci al group of parents commi tted to our chi ldren's educati on. Thi s i s a chance to get i nvolved i n enri chi ng the school communi ty and to help rai se funds for vari ous school projects. If you are willi ng to offer a li ttle bi t of your ti me and enthusi asm, w e'd love to s ee you at our meeti ngs, held i n the S taff Room on the last T hurs day of every month at 7pm. Everyone i s w elcome. Contact Kathryn for further i nformati on on 5457009.

February. The ride starts at 10am from the ASB Aquatic Centre. A short course option is also available The ride is free and just by taking part you will be in with a chance of winning a new bike or one of the other spot prizes. There will be other entertainment at the ASB Aquatic Centre between 10am – 12pm. So fasten your helmet, pack a picnic and join other cyclists on the Bike Wise Family Ride. For more information contact Krista Hobday at T asman District Council on 03 543 8551. Inte rnational Competitions and Assessments for

A Mystery Voucher Raffle i s bei ng sold nex t w eek Schools (ICAS) – forme rly Australian Schools before & after school, outsi de the O ffi ce on Tues day & Competitions Thursday and outsi de Renw i ck House on Wednesday. $2 This year we are again making it possible for children to take part in the ICAS Competitions organized by the per ti cket or 3 for $5. Proceeds goi ng tow ards new Educational testing Centre at the University of New South sports uni forms. Fi ve pri zes to be w on.

Administration Se cretary Judy Williams Finance Barbara Rooke Library Val Nilsen Sports Coordinator Sheryll McKeage ICT O ffice r Roger Cotton ICT Te aching Support T im Jackson T ania O’Meagher Support Staff Brenda Black Donna McKinnon Jenny Quaid Ann Devlin Elmars Polikevics Be fore School Supe rvision Jody Nilsen Care take rs Peter Marshall, John Russell Reading Re cove ry Jean Allan Reading Re cove ry Release Stephanie Menzies Choir/Orchestra/Music T anya Nock Music Bridget T homson Drama Jo Say Children with Special Abilities Jean Allan Resource Te ache rs of Learning and Behaviour Te am Leade r Helen T albot Diane Rose Maggie Bielski Tracy Dayman Resource Te ache r of Lite racy Liz Oldridge Resource Te ache r Hearing Impaire d Jane K Anderson Dental The rapists Wendy Shearer Rosemary Waterson … cont from Page 1

Wales. The ICAS competitions are a suite of assessments developed for primary and secondary students to provide diagnostic information about student abilities in core skills areas of the curriculum. Critical thinking, reasoning and problem solving are higher order skills essential for success in school as well as in the wider community. T he material presented in the ICAS Competitions reflects this importance, providing the opportunity for students to perform a range of tasks using these and other skills. The Competitions cater for a wide range of student abilities using contexts that stimulate students' interest and engage their attention. The Competitions assess skills relevant to curriculum outcomes at appropriate levels. Reports provide valuable diagnostic information that can be used to assess student strengths and weaknesses and to supplement school reports. Please note the timetable below and ensure entries are handed into the office by the due dates. Ple ase use a form available from the school office to ensure we don’t lose your entry of money! Subject

EAA Closing Date

Test Date


Wednesday 13 May Wednesday 10 June


Tuesday 26 May

Tuesday 23 June


Tuesday 26 May

Tuesday 23 June

Mathematics Wednesday 22 July

Wednesday 19 August


Tuesday 30 June

Tuesday 4 August


Wednesday 1 April

Wednesday 27 May

For more information please visit the ICAS website: http:// www.eaa.unsw.edu.au

RM14 Curtains Does anyone have a set of curtains R14 could use to shield Classroom Release Time (CRT) the projector screen from the morning sun. If you still have As part of their employment agreement, all full time the curtain track that would be really helpful too. Please classroom teachers are entitled to CRT of 1 hour per week. contact Helen in R14 if you do. We need a temporary There is a school policy on how the CRT system works – solution while we work on a long term one. you can find it on the school website along with all other Dr Paul Potaka policies governing the running of our school. PRINCIPAL Bike Wise Family Fun Rides Get on your bike and take part in the ride on Sunday 22 nd


Nelson Central School Choir 2009

Several options available for U13 Boys for pre season basketball training for term 1. Nelson Basketball Association has their U13 Junior Development program happening on Mondays 4.15pm – 5.30pm, flyer attached commencing Monday 16 February for 8 weeks cost $60. This is for any interested players of all abilities. Registration forms also available on our website in Documents to Download.

Choir will start on Friday 13th February and we are looking at New Zealand composers. We particularly invite older boys fro m the school as we are singing a Tiki Taane and rap song, so come on boys, go for it and sign up this term. Cheers Tanya and Sarah

Chris Raine, the Nelson U13 Rep Boys’ Coach, is holding basic fundamental trainings for any boys who are interested in trialing for the Nelson Rep T eam later in the year. Actual trials will be held in May. The trainings will be held on Saturdays 3pm – 5pm commencing Saturday 14 February. Cost $2 per session.

Sunday 15 February 2009 1.00pm – 4.00pm

Dallas Ward Nelson Basketball Association Ph: (03) 5476419, Fax: (03) 5476154 Mobile: 027 2976017 Email: [email protected]

French classes for small groups of children organised by the Nelson French Alliance. After 5 terms of successful lessons, we wish to continue with the existing classes and to start new classes for newcomers. Nelson: Classes to be held at Victory school on T uesdays and T hursdays from 3.30 to 4.30pm and from 4.30 to 5.30pm. Starting on T uesday 10 th February or Thursday 12 th February 2009 and finishing on T uesday 7 th April or Thursday 9 th April 2009. Richmond and Tasman: Classes to be held probably at Henley School on Mondays from 3.30 to 4.30pm. Starting on Monday 9 th February 2009 and finishing on Monday 6 th April 2009. Age : from 6 to 11 years old. Fee s: $108.00 for the first term (9 weeks). Prompt re plies are ne cessary as places are limite d (small groups). Please email to [email protected] or text Caroline 0212255065

Come play! Tennis Open Day

Nelson Lawn Tennis Club Para Para Road, Nelson This is the opportunity to fall in lov e with tennis all over again – and introduce y our kids to the world’s greatest game, at y our loc al tennis c lub. No pressure – it’s all about fun! Come and have a hit, regardless of y our ability . We promise you time on a c ourt and a great experience. And who knows your kids might develop into New Zealand’s next Marina Erakov ic ! Susan Rooney – Ph 03 546 7206 www.tennisnz.c om

SMALL FERNS BASKETBALL - GIRLS Small Ferns Basketball i s an after school, ski ll based basketball program desi gned for gi rls, i n Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 as an i ntroducti on to mi ni ball. The program i s based on FUN but i ncorporates basi c ball and coordi nati on ski lls. Players need no experi ence. The lessons are taken by experi enced s taff and will run for 8 w eeks of Term 1, 2009 at Jack Robi ns Stadi um.

For further information, please contact: Grant Mc Alpine: 03/ 544 74 03 or Charlotte Crottaz: 03/ 546 77 39. DAY:

Alastair Cotterill Tennis Coaching ④ 22 years + experience, TCNZ, TPAA ④ Starting soon group lessons for girls and boys available through Nelson Cen tral School Age 6+ ALL abilities Individual and group tennis lessons available outside school time. Games available outside school time. Adult tennis lessons available. For information about cost, times etc., please ring or email me. Phone (03) 5486984 Mobile (027) 3488029 Email: [email protected]

Tennis - Sport for a Lifetime


Monday Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 Girls 3.30 – 4.15 16 February – 6 Apri l $40.00

For more i nformati on pleas e contact: Dallas Ward Work: 547 6419 Mobi le: 0272976017 Emai l: [email protected]

Don’t forget to enter t he Weetbix Tryat hlon 2009. Ent ries close 27th February Nelson Central has 14 ent ries so far.

Nelson Central School Term 1 2009 Sports Nelson Central pupils have the opportunity to participate in sports teams throughout the school year. Notification of start dates are published in the school newsletter and on the sports notice board which is located in the hallway between rooms 2 and 3 (Main Entrance to classrooms) at the commence ment of e ach term. To participate in school tea ms children are required to complete a registration form for each sport and pay the required registration fee at the school office. All children are issued with a school sports shirt to play in. These must be returned to school at the end of each term. If you would like sports information e mailed to you please let me know. Parents will be required to coach and supervise/manage the teams or teams will not be registered. Kiwi Cricket – Year 1 and above. A follow on from Milo Have a Go Cricket Coaching progra mme run by Nelson Cricket in term 4. Children play a ga me where all bat, bowl, wicket keep and field. Ga mes are pla yed at Saxton Field Stoke on Saturdays commencing 9a m. Starting Saturday 21st February and finishing on Saturday 4th April. Cost $12 per player covers terms 1 & 4. Registrations close Wednesday 11th February. Incrediball Cricket – Year 3 and above dependant on skill level. Incrediba ll is the next step from Kiwi Cricket and assists with the transition to hardball cricket. Children play with a harder ba ll and wooden cricket bat. Games are played at Saxton Field, Stoke commencing at 9a m. Season runs from Saturday 21st February until Saturday 4th April. Cost $12 per player covers terms 1 & 4. Registrations close Wednesday 11th February. Hardball Cricket – Year 5/6 and dependant on skill level. The final step from Incrediball. 25 overs played on Saturday mornings at different grounds around Ne lson Dates to be advised Mini Soccer – Year 1 -6 children. 5 aside soccer played on a small field. Mixed teams. No goa lies no offside. Games are 30 minutes and are played at Saxton Field, Stoke on Tuesdays at either 5pm or 5.30pm. No cost to play. Season commences Tuesday 24thth February for 7 weeks. Registrations close Tuesday 17th February. Tasman Rugby Union – Rippa Rugby Tasman Rugby Union will again be running R ippa rugby at Tahunanui playing fields on Friday afternoons for 6 weeks in term 1 for year 4 / 5/ 6 children. Games will commence on Friday 27th February and finish on 3rd April. They will start at 4pm, 4.30pm, 5pm and possibly 5.30pm and run for 30 minutes. Teams can have a maximum of 10 players with 3 girls on the field at all times. Cost: $2 per player. Referees are provided but we will need parent supervision at all times. Closing date for registrations is Wednesday 20th February. Volleyball – Year 4, 5 & 6 children only. Ga mes are 30 minutes and are played at Nelson Girls College Old Gy m (Rutherford St) Thursdays between 4 and 6pm. Cost $30 per player. Ga mes start this Thursday 12th February. Parent required to supervise team. Registration forms sent around classrooms Monday 9th February need to be returned Tuesday/ Wednesday 10th & 11th Feb. Softball - Year 4/5/6. Ga mes played at Saxton Field Stoke on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Practice at Central School on Mondays after school. Mixed tea ms Cost $15 per player. Parents required manage/supervise team at practice and at games. Registration forms available from hallway between rooms 2 and 3. Forms have been sent around classrooms on Monday 9th February need to be returned by Friday 13th February. For any sports enquiries please see Sheryll McKeage: In the school office, by phone: 548 4972 ext 819, by email: [email protected]

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