25th February Newsletter Web

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TE RM 1 25th F ebr uary 20 09

Nelson Central School We e kl y N e ws l e tt e r

Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa te whanau whanui o te Kura Tuatahi o Whakatu – Greetings to friends and family of Nelson Central School This week five staff members are attending the Learning@School Conference in Rotorua. Since 2007 Nelson Central School has been the lead school for a M inistry of Education Information Communication Technology Professional Development (ICT PD) contract.

We have been working with eight other city schools to ensure teachers have the skills to create 21st century learners. In our school teachers give up half an hour every Wednesday morning to engage in new learning and to share what they know. In the long run children are the beneficiaries of all this teacher professional development. The Learning@School Conference is one of three opportunities teachers will have to develop their ICT skills this year. They will meet teachers from around the country and learn from them. They will also meet international presenters/experts and know from them where the leading edge of learning through ICT is at.

a) Reading - Raise achievement in reading with understanding for all children through the following sub targets: (i) Students in Years 1-3 will be reading at expectations as per the Literacy Learning Progressions. (ii) Students in Years 3-6 will be at typical or above range on STAR Sentence Comprehension. Paragraph Comprehension and Vocabulary. b) Writing – Raise achievement in writing for all children through the following sub-targets: (i) All students will be writing at or above expectation using Exemplars and/or AsTTle writing in the identified domains (surface & deeper features). (ii) All students in the Year 4-6 age group will improve at least one sub level in the use of surface and deeper features using the AsTTle writing assessment tool. c) M athematics - All students will be working at or above the expected Numeracy strategy level for their year group.

Puppies !!! Huntaway X puppies free to good homes. See Sue Ford in Room 1

Corrections Corrections During the next holidays our teachers will present ICT workshops for other Nelson teachers. Later in the Room 8 Camp year all city schools will combine to take part in Room 8 ca mp will be held from 2nd - 6th March. another ‘Children’s’ ICT Expo’ where they will have The dates in the last newsletter were incorrect. Sorry a chance to showcase what they can do with ICT. for any alarm this might have caused!!! 2009 Curriculum targets Each year the board of trustees approves a small but important set of learning targets for our children. The list is compiled as a result of a review of our assessment data for 2008 along with the M inistry of Education priorities. Data gathered in 2008 indicates the need for a continued focus on Reading, Writing, M athematics and Inquiry Learning: 7 0 N i l e S t r e et, N el s o n Principal: [email protected]

Pho ne 03 548 4972

Secretary: secretary@nelsonc entral.school.nz

Lost Property Lost property is held in the little room acroos the corridor from Room 4, not in Renwick House as stated in the Feb 11th newsletter. Our weekly newslett er is kindly sponsored by –


F ax 03 548 4483 –

E m a i l s t a f f @ n e l s o n c e n tr a l . s c h o o l . n z

BOT Chairman: Geoff Clark 545 8010

Website: www.nelsoncentral.school.nz

d) Inquiry Learning – All students will improve the quality of their questioning by improving the percentage of relevant inquiry questions While we have identified the above targets as priorities you can be assured all areas of the curriculum receive attention! Reporting on the curriculum targets All teachers have a responsibility to ensure the targets are met while other teachers have specific delegations for ensuring sound teaching practices are followed, professional development is provided for colleagues and for making sure we have robust assessment procedures in place. The outcomes of all this work are two reports to the board of trustees in M ay and again in November. The results are also reported to the M inistry of Education through our charter submission in December and the board of trustees annual report in M ay of the year following. Drama and music During term 1 our children are benefitting from the expertise of two specialist teachers. Jo Say is teaching drama in some classes while Bridget Thomson is teaching classroom music. We are extremely fortunate to have Jo and Bridget available to us for term 1. S wimming We are pleased to have the skill and experience of Dave Palmer at poolside until 13 M arch. Dave is on leave but we managed to twist his arm and get him back to help teach swimming. When you have 20-30 children in the pool it makes teaching much easier for the teacher and more beneficial for the children to have an extra person on hand. Dr Paul Potaka PRINCIPAL


Thanks to everyone who supported the raffle and helped to sell tickets. **RESULTS**



Jacob – Rm 9


Cassandra – Rm 12


Tayla – Rm 6


Levi – Rm 6


Abel – Rm 15

From the SCG

Don’t forget to enter t he Weetbix Tryat hlon 2009. Ent ries close 27th February Nelson Central has 14 ent ries so far.

Alastair Cotterill Tennis Coaching ④ 22 years + experience, TCNZ, TPAA ④ Starting soon group lessons for girls and boys available through Nelson Cen tral School Age 6+ ALL abilities Individual and group tennis lessons available outside school time. Games available outside school time. Adult tennis lessons available. For information about cost, times etc., please ring or email me. Phone (03) 5486984 Mobile (027) 3488029 Email: [email protected]

Tennis - Sport for a Lifetime

Term Events Totara Trya thlon – Postponed, new da te TBA 27 Feb - To tara Swimming Carnival 4 Mar - Te Pouahi Swimming Carnival 5 Mar - Cool Schools presen ta tion for parents

Feet First! Feet First starts March 2nd. Come to school any other way than by Car. Walk, cycle, scooter or even park the car a few blocks away and walk!

2-6 Mar - Room 8 Camp 10 Mar - Kahikatea Swimming Sports 12 Mar - Alt day for Kahikatea Swimming Sports 13 Mar – School Photos 30 Mar – 2 Apr Parent –Teacher In terviews 9 Apr - Term 1 closes 27 Apr - Term 2 opens

WEEKLY SPORTS RESULTS Week ended 22 nd February Volleyball Central Smashers v St Joes Polka Dots. Central Spikers v HSS Team 1. 1 set all Central Volleyers v Tin a Tuna. 2-1 to Tin a Tuna.


Kiwi Cricket Central Sixers v Ranzau. Ranzau won 8-4. Player of the day: Chad de Beer. Incrediball Central Stars v Enner Glynn Green Caps. Central won 6-4. Player of the day: Kawhia Stevenson.

Do you want to play hockey and have fun? Rewa Ladies Hockey Club are looking for new female players of all ages and abilities. If you would like to give hockey a go, please phone Ursula on 547-0207.


SOCIAL SKILLS RIGHTS It is my right to be greeted nicely.

RESPONSIBILITIES It is my responsibility to greet others nicely.

When greeting others:

Use the person’s name if you know it Smile ☺ Make eye contact

Nelso n Basketb all Asso ciation

Nelson City Football warmly invites any new players to town or new players to the sport, to join our club. We cater for Midgets (5yrs) through to Senior Men & Women Register by Friday 20 March to receive an Earlybird discount Midgets $30 Juniors $65 (discounts for 2+ players in one family) Women $100 Men $130 Registration letters to all existing players have been posted. If you are interested or would like more information please contact Sonia Malpas ph 545 0494 Email List for Sports Notices I would like to compile an email list for all families who would like to receive information about the sports offered each term. I appreciate tha t this information does not always make it ho me and I hope this will alleviate the problem. If you would like to be added to this list please email me at [email protected] or drop a note to me via the school office.

JUNIOR RUGBY REGISTRATIONS The Nelson Rugby Football Club is holding its Junior Registrations for the 2009 season on Saturday 7th March from 10am till 2pm and again on Friday 13th March from 5pm to 7pm at the Nelson RFC Clubrooms at Trafalgar Park. All players from age 5 to 13 catered for. For information please contact Quentin Harwood 548 2619 (work) or 547 0313 (home).

Term 2 and 3 sees the start of miniball season. We will be needing parents/caregivers to coach our miniball teams. Nelson Basketball is running a coaching course for anyone interested. Getting Started Coaching Course availab le to anyone (parents/teachers) coaching miniball teams. ♦ Tuesday 24 March ♦ 6pm – 9pm ♦ Jack Robins Stadium ♦ Cost $30 Participants will need to wear appropriate footwear for the practical component of the course. We look forward to your participation in another enjoyable and exciting season of basketball. Dallas Ward : Ph: 5476419, Fax: 5476154, Mobile: 027 2976017, Email: [email protected]. Website:

Kiwi Cricket draw for Saturday 28 February Please note teams can be added or regraded at any time. Second Round Date: 28 Feb Ground Team Team INCREDIBALL GRADE 1 Birchwood Eagles v Clifton Tce Champs 2 Wakefield v Nayland All Stars 3 Ranzau v Enner Glynn Green Caps 4 Tahuna Blackcaps v Mapua Senior 5 St Joes Super Stars v Henley Black Caps 6 Central Stars v Appleby 7 Nayland Super Stars v HSS Smashers 8 Enner Glynn Flyers v HSS Whackers SENIOR GRADE 9 Birchwood Black Caps v HSS Jnr Black Caps 10 Ranzau v Mapua Kiwi 11 Henley Magics v Tahuna Tigers 12 Henley Stumpers v Central Sixers JUNIOR GRADE 13 Wakefield 1 14 Wakefield 2 Tahuna Titans

v v v

Stoke Gladiators Nayland Kiwi Caps Bye

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