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TE RM 1 4th F ebr uary 20 09

Nelson Central School We e kl y N e ws l e tt e r

Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa te whanau whanui o te Kura Tuatahi o Whakatu – greetings to friends and family of Nelson Central School.

Reading our re ports Late last year I received a number of inquiries about the end of year written reports. Our report form is designed in a way Welcome to 2009 – I trust that everyone has had a restful that allows us to provide you with as much relevant and enjoyable summer break; at least the weather information as we can on a double sided A4 sheet of paper. cooperated for the most part. Because of its compact nature we issued an explanation of the report and how to read it. However, it is clear we need to do more to increase the clarity of the report and the Ne w staff for 2009 A special welcome to new staff: Derek Mcleod and Rick usefulness of the information. To that end I am inviting Manhart will take up one year Long T erm Relieving (LT R) anyone who would like, to come to a meeting in the school positions in the Totara Syndicate. Derek was a senior library on Thursday 12 Fe bruary at 7 pm where I will teacher at Collingwood Area School for many years and address some of the issues raised. Rick taught at Nayland Primary School last year. Rick has a daughter in Room 8. Mee t the teache rs During the next two weeks we will hold a series of ‘meet Sara Hill will be a LT R in Room 5 for term 1 while Viv is the teachers’ evenings in the Library between 7 – 8:30 pm. on leave. Sara comes to us from Canada. She has been The timetable is: doing day-to-say relief teaching in the school this term so has had an opportunity to familiarize herself with the Monday 9 Feb Kowhai Syndicate - Renwick 2, school. Renwick 3, R11, R12, R9 and R13. Carly Ave returns to teaching this year and will teach a year 3/4 bilingual class (0.7) in Te Pouahi.

T e Pouahi – R15, 16, 17 will meet in Room 16/17. Wednesday 11 Feb Totara Syndicate – R1, R2, R7, R8.

While the school was close d … … we took the opportunity to do some capital works around the school. A new swimming pool fence has been erected and new changing sheds have been built. We hope to have the pool ready for swimming next week. The company doing this work is Foothold Developments (Alastair Middleton). Thanks to Max Bidlake, Room 10 has been painted and is looking great. While the room was being painted the folding doors were repaired and several timbers were replaced. The next job to be done here is to replace the roof – perhaps next summer.

Monday 16 Feb Kahikatea Syndicate – R3, R5, R6 & R14. Be fore School Care Our Before School Care Programme is underway for the year. For people not familiar with this we operate a Before School Supervision Programme between 7:30 – 8:30 am Monday to Friday in the school library. The cost for this is $1 per day payable in advance or on the day. Children will be able to read, play library games, and do homework or some other quiet activity. The supervisor is Jody Nilsen. Staffing and organisation for 2009 I have printed an update on classroom teachers and student numbers for your information (on the next page). We expect to start Renwick 3 early in February with at least one more new entrant class to start before the end of the year.

Fibre optic cabling has been laid linking the school to the Nelson LOOP. Nelbay Solutions is currently working on upgrading cabling to all classrooms from cat 5 to cat 6. When the work is finished we will have high speed internet to all parts of the school. Resilience in children The concept of resilience for children has been around for a Other minor work around the school has included erection long time and at the risk of inviting comments of ‘… been of new pinboards in the main block, replacement of lino in there done that’ I would like to revisit the subject again the boys’ toilets in Renwick House and complete stripping before the school year gets much older. of lino in most parts of the school. This work was carried out by the new holders of the school cleaning contract – Spotless Cleaning. O u r w e e k l y n e w s le t t e r is k in d ly s p on s o r e d b y –

While some jobs have yet to be signed off we are ready for another great year – are you? 7 0 N i l e S t r e et, N el s o n Principal: [email protected]

Pho ne 03 548 4972

Secretary: secretary@nelsonc entral.school.nz


F ax 03 548 4483 –

E m a i l s t a f f @ n e l s o n c e n tr a l . s c h o o l . n z

BOT Chairman: Geoff Clark 545 8010

Website: www.nelsoncentral.school.nz

When we talk about resiliency in school we refer to children’s capacity to deal with whatever happens during their school day. The sorts of things that happen include someone saying something with which they disagree or which injures their feelings in some way. It also extends to instances of bullying and/or bad behaviour. We define bullying as unwanted behaviour that is deliberate, repeated and intended to cause injury or offense. Most other instances we would classify as bad behaviour that simply ought to be eliminated.

People born in the Chinese Year of the Ox, 2009 could have the following traits in their character: Leadership qualities, dependable, great organizers, loyal, patient as well as strong and responsible. They are said to be the best people one can have as colleagues in the work place as they are believed to possess strong work ethics and display their creative side as well, especially when it comes to decorating their home. In all such cases children need to develop a strategy that Since the people born in the Ox helps them to avoid escalating things but that also has the year are also trusted to be reliable and logical, people issue dealt with at the lowest level possible. Reporting to generally turn towards them for suggestions and guidance. the classroom teacher during class or reporting to a duty Their honesty and eye for details also helps them to prove teacher outside normal class time is what we would expect their worth both in the workplace as well as in their to happen. Having done that children need to be able to ‘let personal lives. it go’ and leave it to the teacher’s judgment about how However there are a few negative traits associated with the things ought to be handled. character of the Ox that also is reflected through the people born in the ox years. Attributes like being narrow minded, It is normal for children to share their daily school life with stubborn, with low public relations skills also form part of parents, caregivers etc. How those people handle things is their makeup. important. If the incident has been reported, be empathetic See the following website for the full story: by all means, but consider the matter dealt with. There is no http://www.123chinesenewyear.com/new-year-of-ox/ point having a commission of inquiry as well. Waitangi Day Duty Te achers During morning tea and at lunchtime we have teachers on School will be closed on Friday 6 th February for Waitangi duty in each of the main areas of the playground – front Day. The Treaty of Waitangi was first signed on February field; main quad extending through to the quad outside 6, 1840, by representatives of the British Crown, and Rooms 9/8; adventure playground extending through to the various Māori chiefs from the northern North Island of junior playground; and the back field extending through to New Zealand. T he T reaty established a British governor in the adventure playground. Children have Nelson Central School Classes for 2009 been taught to identify a duty teacher by looking for the adults wearing fluorescent Totara Syndicate Room 1 Sue Ford Y5/6 30 Room 2 Derek Mcleod Y5/6 30 jackets. 2009 Curriculum Our curriculum theme form 2009 is “ Citizenship is Everyone’s Business!” This year you can expect children to engage in learning about rights, respect and responsibilities in a variety of contexts. One of the contexts children will explore concerns human rights. Dr Paul Potaka PRINCIPAL

Chinese Ne w Ye ar Chinese have a unique way of representing the New Year through animals. They have 12 different animals to represent each year of the 12 year cycle and the order remains the same throughout, with the year of the rat beginning the cycle and the year of the boar / pig ending the same. 2009 is going to be the year of the ox. Celebrations began on January 26th and will continue until February 9 th .

Kahikatea Syndicate

Kowhai Syndicate

Te Pouahi

Room 7

Rick Manhart



Room 8

Freya Sonneland



Room 3

Sue McLean



Room 5

Sara Hill (term 1)



Room 6

Choi Fu



Room 14

Helen Zach ariass en



Room 13

Lesley Kotua



Room 9

Rachel Boyd



Room 12

Sally Russ



Renwick 2

Dianne Thomson



Room 11

Tracy Watkin



Renwick 3

Neroli Sullivan


Room 15

Trina Bennett



Room 17

Carly Ave



Room 16

Jo Glassford (term 1-2)


12 372

Signing the Treaty - Stained Glass Window Maori Arts and Crafts Institute - Rotorua

New Zealand, recognised Māori ownership of their lands and other properties, and gave Māori the rights of British subjects. However the English and Māori language versions of the Treaty differ significantly, and so there is no consensus as to exactly what was agreed. From the British point of view, the T reaty gave Britain sovereignty over New Zealand, and the Governor the right to run the country; Māori seem to have had a range of understandings, many of which conflicted with the British understanding. After the initial signing at Waitangi, copies of the Treaty were taken around New Zealand and over the following months many other chiefs signed. Today it is generally considered the founding document of New Zealand as a nation; despite this, the Treaty is often the subject of heated debate. Many Māori feel that the Crown did not keep its side of the bargain, and have

presented evidence of this before sittings of the Tribunal, despite a contrary view from some in the non-Māori population that Māori pay too much attention to the Treaty and use it to claim “ special privileges”. T he Crown is in most cases not obliged to give effect to the recommendations of the Tribunal, but nonetheless in many instances has accepted that it breached the T reaty and its principles. Settlements to date have consisted of hundreds of millions of dollars in money and assets, as well as apologies. See also the following we bsites for more information: http://www. waitangi-tribunal.govt.nz/treaty/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Waitangi To see the Maori version of the Treaty of Waitangi http://www. waitangi-tribunal.govt.nz/treaty/maori.asp To see the English version of the Treaty of Waitangi: http://www. waitangi-tribunal.govt.nz/treaty/english.asp Nelson Weetbix Triathlon 2009


Sunday, 1st March, 2009


Tahunanui Beach Reserve

Entry Cutoff

5pm, Friday February 27th, 2009.

Entry Process Online at http://tryathlon.weetbix.co.nz/ If you don’t have access to the internet, please call us on 09 531 5080. We are now taking enrolments over the phone. Address: PO Box 74081, Market Road, Auckland 1543

Who can enter?

French Classes French classes for small groups of children organised by the Nelson French Alliance. After 5 terms of successful lessons, we wish to continue with the existing classes and to start new classes for newcomers.

The event is open to a ll kids between the ages of 7 – 15 years old. Kids can enter as either: Individual Team (Swim, Bike, Run can be done by separate individuals)

Pricing Structure

There are different entry fees depending on how many people in your family are taking part, whether you're joining forces with a couple of friends and when you enter. Individuals: $35 Team (2 me mbers): $52 Richmond and Tasman: Classes to be held probably at Team (3 me mbers): $78 Henley School on Mondays from 3.30 to 4.30pm. Starting Family of 2: $32 each on Monday 9 th February 2009 and finishing on Monday 6 th Family of 3 or more: $29 each April 2009. EARLYBIRD SPECIAL: Enter two calendar months before your event and receive a 20% discount! Age : from 6 to 11 years old. Weet-Bix is also offering a discount on entry if you colFee s: $108.00 for the first term (9 weeks). lect unique codes from specia lly marked packs 750g Prompt re plies are ne cessary as places are limite d and 1kg Weet-Bix packs. (small groups). Please email See Sheryll for more information or check the sports to [email protected] or text Caroline 0212255065 notice board between rooms 2 and 3. Nelson: Classes to be held at Victory school on T uesdays and T hursdays from 3.30 to 4.30pm and from 4.30 to 5.30pm. Starting on T uesday 10 th February or Thursday 12 th February 2009 and finishing on T uesday 7 th April or Thursday 9 th April 2009.

Nelson Central School Term 1 2009 Sports Nelson Central pupi ls have the oppor tuni ty to par ti ci pate i n sports teams throughout the school year. Noti fi cati on of s tar t dates are publi shed i n the school new sletter and on the spor ts noti ce board w hi ch i s located i n the hallw ay betw een rooms 2 and 3 (Mai n entrance to classrooms) at the commencement of each term. To parti cipate i n school teams chi ldren are requi red to compl ete a regi strati on form for each sport and pay the requi red regi strati on fee at the school offi ce. All chi ldren are i ssued w i th a school sports s hi rt to play i n. These must be returned to school at the end of each term. If you w ould li ke sports i nformati on emai led to you please let me know . Registration forms available from the sports notice board located in the hallway between rooms 2 and 3. Parents will be required to coach and supervise/manage the teams or teams will not be registered. Kiwi Cricket – Year 1 and above. A follow on from Mi lo Have a Go Cri cket Coachi ng programme run by N elson Cri cket i n term 4. Chi ldren play a gam e w here all bat, bow l, wi cket keep and fi eld. Games are played at Sax ton Fi eld Stoke on Satur days commenci ng 9am. Starti ng Satur day 21st February and fi ni shi ng on Saturday 4th April. Cost $12 per player covers terms 1 & 4. Registrations close Wednesday 11th February. Incrediball Cricket – Year 3 and above dependant on skill level. Incredi ball i s the nex t step from Ki wi Cricket and assi sts wi th the transi ti on to hardball cri cket. Chi ldren play w i th a har der ball and w ooden cri cket bat. Games are played at Sax ton Fi eld, Stoke commenci ng at 9am. Season runs from Satur day 21st February unti l Saturday 4th Apri l. Cost $12 per player covers terms 1 & 4. Registrations close Wednesday 11th February. Hardball Cricket – Year 5/6 and dependant on skill level. The final step from Incrediball. 25 overs played on Satur day morni ngs at di ffer ent grounds around Nelson Dates to be advised Mini Soccer – Year 1 -6 children. 5 asi de soccer played on a small fi eld. Mixed teams. No goali es no offsi de. Games are 30 mi nutes and are played at Saxton Fi eld, Stoke on Tues days at ei ther 5pm or 5.30pm. No cost to play. Season commences Tuesday 24thth February for 7 weeks. Registrations close Tuesday 17th February. Tasman Rugby Union – Ri ppa Rugby Tasman Rugby Uni on wi ll agai n be runni ng Ri ppa rugby at Tahunanui playi ng fi elds on Fri day after noons for 6 w eeks i n term 1 for year 4 / 5/ 6 chi ldren. Games will commence on Friday 27th February and finish on 3rd April. They wi ll start at 4pm, 4.30pm, 5pm and possi bly 5.30pm and run for 30 mi nutes. Teams can have a maxi mum of 10 players wi th 3 gi rls on the fi eld at all ti mes. Cost: $2 per player, $20 per team. Referees are provided but we will need parent supervision at all times. Closing date for registrations is Wednesday 20th February.

Volleyball – Year 5 & 6 children only. Games are 30 mi nutes and are played at Trafalgar Centr e Thurs days betw een 4 and 6pm. Detai ls will be advi sed w hen they are r ecei ved. Softball recei ved.

Year 4/5/6. Games played at Sax ton Fi eld Stoke. Detai ls to be advi sed w hen they are

For any sports enquiries please see Sheryll McKeage: In the school office, By phone: 548 4972 ext 819 By email: [email protected]

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