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TE RM 1 18th F ebr uary 20 09

Nelson Central School We e kl y N e ws l e tt e r

Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa te whanau whanui o te Kura Tuatahi o Whakatu – Greetings to friends and family of Nelson Central School.

Corre ction The teacher with responsibilities for our CWSA programmes is Jean Edwards and not Jean Allan.

Brass Thank you to everyone who attended a Meet the T eachers A reminder that Nick Sharp commenced teaching brass evening last week. We appreciate the support you give to again this week. If you are interested in having your child us and to your children. learn to play a brass instrument please ask at the office for contact details for Nick. Stationery fee & donation Thank you to people who have already paid the stationery Choir fee and voluntary donation – your early response is The junior choir meets each Friday 9 – 9:30 am appreciated. The senior choir meets each Friday 9:30 – 10:00 am each Friday Professional de velopment Next week 4 staff members will be attending the Ministry Te rm Eve nts of Education sponsored Learning@ School Conference in 20 Feb - T otara Tryathlon Rotorua. This is the 6 th major conference members of staff 27 Feb - T otara Swimming Carnival have attended. It gives them an opportunity to learn about 4 Mar - T e Pouahi Swimming Carnival recent developments in learning and teaching especially 5 Mar - Cool Schools presentation for parents those that utilize ICT technologies and skills. Later in the 9-13 Mar - Room 8 Camp year other staff members will have an opportunity to attend 10 Mar - Kahikatea Swimming Sports the U-Learn Conference in Christchurch. 12 Mar - Alt day for Kahikatea Swimming Sports 13 Mar - School Photos First Aid In February and March several of our staff will update 30 Mar - 2 Apr - Parent T eacher Interviews their first aid certificates through one day courses while 9 Apr - T erm 1 closes new staff will attend 2-day courses to obtain their 27 Apr - T erm 2 opens certificates. We do this to ensure we have current Please watch future newsletters of class notices for details, knowledge to assist us in the unlikely event of an alterations and cancellations. emergency. Dr Paul Potaka Pets are lovely but … PRINCIPAL I am sure we all agree pets are cute and that they can play an important part in the lives of children and adults. Totara Triathlon However, not everyone shares the same enthusiasm for a this Friday 11:00a m-12:30pm pet that does not belong to them or that they do not know. Swimming Carnival In a school we need to be especially cautious so if you next Friday (27/2) bring your pet for a walk to school with you please do not bring it into the grounds. Children are not particularly SCHOOL COMMUNITY GRO UP discerning when they come face-to-face with cute little Next Meeti ng Thursday 26t h February animals so the school grounds are a “ No Go Zone” for at 7.00pm i n the Staff Room. animals. The only exceptions occur when bringing an Everyone w elcome! animal to school is part of a class project or some other organized event. To Let Secure double garage with work bench, Brook Street Orde ring lunches Nelson for rent. Lockable, power, rent negotiable. Ph Please note that if you want your child to have a bought lunch you should make arrangements for that prior to the 546 8069 or 021 038 4653. start of school. Suppliers in Nile Street are happy to bring Ali’s bike was taken from the school bike rack on the lunches to the school fence and distribute them. Children last day of school 2008. It is a pink girls bike. If you are not allowe d to leave the school grounds to buy have any information about the bike could you please lunches. ring Steph 545 7269. Punctuality Please note – it would help everyone if parents/caregivers Our weekly newslett er is kindly could ensure children are in their classrooms and ready to sponsored by – T HE DOC U M EN T COM P A N Y start work when the bell rings. Some children are coming late to class and in the process are causing slight disruptions. 7 0 N i l e S t r e et, N el s o n Principal: [email protected]

Pho ne 03 548 4972

Secretary: secretary@nelsonc entral.school.nz

F ax 03 548 4483 –

E m a i l s t a f f @ n e l s o n c e n tr a l . s c h o o l . n z

BOT Chairman: Geoff Clark 545 8010

Website: www.nelsoncentral.school.nz

Nelson Central School Softball We are desperately looking for 4 more players for our softball team (boys or girls) If you are year 4-6 and would like to play please see Sheryll in the school office for more information. FOO TBALL - SIGN ON WITH SUBURBS Nelson Suburbs Football Club will be holding Junior Registrations for the 2009 winter season at the Nelson Suburbs clubrooms at Saxton Field on Wednesday 25th February 7pm-8.30pm and Saturday 28th February 10am11am. Registrations are for players from age 4yrs and up girls and boys. The 2009 winter season starts on 25th April and runs through T erms 2 and 3. For more details or to register online please check our website www.nelsonsuburbs.co.nz or phone Dawn on 5475689.

SOCIAL SKILLS PROGRAMME In 2009 w e wi ll conti nue wi th our Soci al Ski lls programme. The programme wi ll i ntegrate w i th our over archi ng theme: “Citizenship is Everyone’s Business” It w i ll also ti e i n closely wi th our Ri ghts and Responsi bi li ti es focus.

PURPOS E OF PROGRAMME ♦ To maximi se learni ng outcomes for all students ♦ To dev elop a posi ti ve school cultur e ♦ To promote a learni ng communi ty w here all members ri ghts and responsi bi li ti es are valued ♦ To be proacti ve i n reduci ng the i nci dences of di srupti ve behavi ours. Don't have the Internet at The parti cular soci al ski ll w e are focussi ng on wi ll be home?? communi cated to parents and w hanau through our w eekly new sletter. Keep involved with your child's learning! The computer We ask that you suppor t the programme by r ei nforci ng suite in the library will be open the ski lls i n the hom e setti ng. each Wednesday morning 8:30 Thank you - 9:00am for students to bring Chri sti ne Harri son their parents along to show Deputy Pri nci pal

them their learning on their blog/wiki or in their student file. Even if you don't have the Kiwi Cricke t Draw for Saturday 21 Fe bruary Internet at home, come along with your child and get Please note teams can be added or regraded at any time. involved!! First Round Date: 21 Feb Nelson Basketball Association Ter m 2 and 3 sees the start of miniball season. We will be needing parents/caregivers to coach our miniball teams. Nelson Basketball is running a coaching course for anyone interested. Getting Started Coaching Course available to anyone (parents/teachers) coaching miniball teams. ♦ Tuesday 24 March ♦ 6pm – 9pm ♦ Jack Robins Stadium ♦ Cost $30 Participants w ill need to w ear appropriate footw ear for the practical component of the course. We look forw ard to your participation in another enjoyable and exciting season of basketball. Dallas Ward : Ph: 5476419, Fax: 5476154, Mobile: 027 2976017, Email: [email protected] www.nelsonbasketball.co.nz

Ground T eam T eam INCREDIBALL GRADE 1 Birchwood Eagles v Nayland All Stars 2 Clifton T ce Champs v Enner Glynn Green Caps 3 Wakefield v Mapua Senior 4 Ranzau v Henley Black Caps 5 T ahuna Blackcaps v HSS Smashers 6 St Joes Super Stars v HSS Whackers Central Stars v Bye SENIOR GRADE 7 Birchwood Black Caps v Mapua Kiwi 8 HSS Jnr Black Caps v Tahuna T igers 9 Ranzau v Central Sixers 10 Henley Magics v Stoke Gladiators Henley Stumpers v Bye JUNIOR GRADE 11 Wakefield 1 v Nayland Kiwi Caps 12 T ahuna T itans v Wakefield 2

SOCIAL SKILLS RIGHTS It is my right to be greeted nicely.

RESPONSIBILITIES It is my responsibility to greet others nicely. When greeting others:

Use the person’s name if you know it Smile ☺ Make eye contact

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