February 11th Issue

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The Largest Circulation in Wilson County

THE CHRONICLE Celebrating our 28th year as the leading newspaper in Mt. Juliet and West Wilson County www.thechronicleofmtjuliet.com

Volume 29 You Heard it First

City considers how to pay bond debts by March 1 Page 3

of Mt. Juliet

February 11, 2009

Number 6

MJ nets $1.5M for Reverse L

How does Wilson County rank in state unemployment Page 5

How buying a V-Day gift online can help a local school Page 7

Happy Valentine’s Day from The Chronicle!

Despite budget cuts and State shortfalls, Mt. Juliet received a grant this week from the Tennessee Department of Transportation for $1.5 million to help fund the reverse L portion of the eastern connector between I-40 and Hwy 70/Lebanon Road. Congratulations to Mt. Juliet Assistant Public Works Director Cajun Joyner, left, who “worked dilligently” on the Local Interstate Connector (LID) grant. For more information, see story on Page 3. With the check, from left to right, are Joyner, MJ District 2 Comissioner Will Sellers, TDOT Representative Nancy Sartor, and MJ City Manager Randy Robertson. ~ Photo by Tomi L. Wiley

Page 2, The Chronicle of Mt. Juliet, February 11, 2009

Valentine’s Day shoppers spending less, staying in MJ By Tomi L. Wiley Managing Editor In this f l o u n d e r i n g economy, spending money on a loved one may seem like an extravagance, but in Mt. Juliet shoppers are still buying for Valentine’s Day, local retailers said, with price and location in mind. “I think because of the economy right now, people are more apt to do something to bring life back, to brighten someone’s day,” remarked Carry Ann Misamore, owner of Fresh by CarryAnn. She said her flower shop, located in the Providence MarketPlace beside Kroger, is “right on

track for Valentine’s Day.” Misamore said her shop is different “because we have a menu” of flowers

and arrangements to choose from, including “price point options.” “Our price point options help people with how they spend their money,” she said. “We have arrangements from a dozen roses, to boxed roses, mixed arrangements, cubes, ranging in price. Also, our repeat customers know they’re going to get the best for their money – they know what to expect and know they’ll be satisfied.” Misamore stressed the importance of buying locally, adding that there is no delivery charge for Mt. Juliet Emily Mitchell, left, and Dot & Stell’s Owner residents. B u y i n g Sheila Nipper look over Valentine’s Day gifts locally is also a main at her N. Mt. Juliet Road boutique. ~ Photos by focus for Sheila Tomi L. Wiley Nipper, owner of

Dot & Stell’s on Mt. Juliet Road. She said that while the economy has affected her business, she has seen the shift in consumer b u y i n g and made adjustments within her business. “People have changed their buying habits and are buying less expensive Carry Ann Misamore, left, and Jessica Frame i t e m s , ” make custom arrangements at Fresh by she said. CarryAnn “They’re also buying more Jewelry at Providence inspirational and humorous MarketPlace, said his store items, and we’ve changed is “doing great,” with sales our purchasing to reflect percentages up this year that.” over last. Nipper said she “Traffic is very has cut expenses at the good,” he said Monday, boutique, and the only admitting that Valentine’s employees are her and Day sales are still a few her daughter, Hilary. days off. “People are still She added that while buying, they’re just more she buys new items to conscious of price and “keep the displays fresh value.” and different,” she’s He said that working more with the while ticket price sales items she already has have decreased 30% in in her inventory to keep the last six months, the expenses down. number of sales are up. “It’s hard to He attributed this partly to gauge sales,” she said, being a preferred dealer of “especially for a holiday Pandora, a line of charm like Valentine’s Day. bracelets that is popular at People are buying, just the moment. not as much.” Wolfenbarger But Valentine’s added that traditionally the Day is traditionally a majority of his customers holiday for decadence are from Mt. Juliet, but and extravagance, due to the store’s location which includes jewelry. in Providence nearly half of Ryan Wolfenbarger, a manager at American See V-DAY, Page 4

THE CHRONICLE Largest Circulation in Wilson County www.thechronicleofmtjuliet.com

of Mt. Juliet

Published each Wednesday in West Wilson County by Mt. Juliet Communications, Inc. A home-owned and operated community newspaper. Tomi Wiley Managing Editor [email protected]

Tonya Hinesley Production Manager [email protected]

Amanda Oswalt Sales Manager [email protected]

Brenda Parker Accounts Manager [email protected]

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 647 Mt. Juliet, TN 37121 Ofce Location: 11509 Lebanon Road Mt. Juliet, TN 37122

Telephone: 754-6111 Fax: 754-8203 Ofce Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. M-F Classied Deadline: 1 p.m. every Monday

The Chronicle of Mt. Juliet, February 11, 2009, Page 3

MJ nets $1.5M grant for reverse L Commission discusses options on bond debts financial fallout, the City of Mt. Juliet had the highest credit quality (Moody’s “Aaa”), lowest interest rate variable debt available in the A-8-B loan as well an interest rate swap on the IV-J-2 loan which was performing well with a 4.09% swap rate. As a result, the City of Mt. Juliet realized savings from the historically l o w

occurred last week. Dr. Michael Swiercz D.C. Basically, the City of Mt. Juliet has a $141,000 loan payment due March Through the diligent 1 and due each quarter work of Mt. Juliet Assistant afterward due to the failing Public Works Director Cajun credit rating of its bond Joyner, the City of Mt. Juliet insurer. this week received a much“It’s not anything we needed grant to help fund did or anything or anything the reverse L section of the you did in decision making,” eastern connector that will Overman said. “This is a help provide safe passage global economic issue. to the new Mt. Juliet Basically, the City of Mt. Juliet has This same situation High School. The Tennessee a $141,000 loan payment due March is happening all over the state of Tennessee Department of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n 1 and due each quarter afterward – the municipal bond (TDOT) has allocated due to the failing credit rating of its market basically shut down in the fall.” $1.5 million in an Local bond insurer. Overman Interstate Connector had several (LIC) grant to help interest rate recommendations for the fund the reverse L section variable of the eastern connector environment during the City, including the refunding from the Beckwith Road past several years as well as of both the IV-J-2 and the 2/28/09 2/28/09 interchange at Interstate 40 a reduction in debt portfolio A-8-B loan be authorized to fixed rate. He suggested to Hwy 70/Lebanon Road, volatility through the swap. When the sub-prime TDOT representative Nancy See GRANT, Page 4 market fiasco and global Sartor said Monday. “As everyone knows, financial volatility resulted State funding has been in the downgrade of bond scarce,” Sartor said at insurer AMBAC, the credit the check presentation at support provider for the City Monday night’s Mt. Juliet of Mt. Juliet variable rate Board of Commissioners bonds, Morgan Keegan was meeting, “so this is a able to obtain letter of credit support for the A-8-B loan. particular coup.” Sartor added The loan is currently trading that Joyner had “worked at 1.43%. Because the tirelessly” for the LIC grant. Mt. Juliet City Manager underlying variable rate Dr. Corey Jackson, D.D.S., L.L.C. Dr. Robert Archer, D.D.S., P.C. said Sartor herself has been bond credit support has been instrumental in several downgraded, J.P. Morgan, Mt. Juliet road projects, the liquidity provider for the including the development IV-J-2 loan, has declined to Check out our of the I-40 slip ramp, renew the liquidity support new website at: www.allsmilesforyou.com describing her participation for the loan. This event has triggered accelerated as “absolutely vital.” But in less optimistic principal payments effective Take advantage of your 2008 dental benefits before the end of the year! financial news, C.L. March 1 of $141,000. The Overman with investment problem is not the swap but • Dental Implants (Single Tooth and Implant Retained Dentures) giant Morgan Keegan the underlying variable rate • Painless Surgical Laser Procedures • Whitening • White Fillings approached City leaders bond downgrade. The swap • Cosmetic Dentistry • Extractions • Dentures • Veneers • Same Day Crowns with a review of information on the IV-J-2 loan should be that was initially discussed preserved for future benefit Anxiety FREE Dentistry at the commission’s off-site to the City. While termination meetings on Feb. 6: two of the swap would currently Serving Wilson County for over 35 years! variable bonds issued in be an expense, in the future termination of the swap 2000/2001. In order to fund road could result in a termination projects, in 2000/2001 the payment to the city. The current low City was issued two loans – named A-8-B and IV-J-2, interest rate on the A-8-B currently with $2.65 million loan is due to the letter of Hours: and $4 million in outstanding credit support. However, principles, respectively. A the renewal letter of credit Monday, Tuesday, & Friday 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM bond insurance company, supporting these bonds (and Wednesday & Thursday 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM AMBAC, insured the bonds. other issuers’ bonds) is not According to Overman, assured due to the Regions 40 West Caldwell Street, Suite 101 • Mt. Juliet, TN 37122 prior to the downgrading of Bank, who holds the letter bond insurers in the 2008 of credit, downgrade which

By Tomi L. Wiley Managing Editor

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Page 4, The Chronicle of Mt. Juliet, February 11, 2009

Coach Ben Bowen and the MJMS Wrestling team would like to thank Baker’s Café and Catering for their support in making the team’s pancake breakfast a success!

V-DAY, from Page 3 their customers are “brand new.” “They’re either from another town or have just moved to Mt. Juliet,” he said. “Either way, they’re shopping and spending their GRANT, from Page 3

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refunding the loans to pay off and float another bond, which he likened to refinancing a home, replacing the variable with a fixed rate loan. Robertson, however, said that city officials “need to call in some very, very heavy-duty professionals” to assess the situation. “We need to take a deep breath and have someone look at this who is not in the middle of it,” Robertson said. “We need to deconnect ourselves in entirety from this situation.” Robertson said, both during and after the meeting, that he and City staff are in talks with an outside, local banker “who might want to do that (take on the amount owed by the City) in its entirety.” He added that the City still has bond money

money in Mt. Juliet.” Wolfenbarger also attributed Valentine’s Day sales to the fact that the love holiday falls on a Saturday for the first time in five years. “We’ve experienced an increase in sales of 10% this week,” he said. “I think

it’s a good time for people, even though the economy’s bad, to go out on a Saturday night and maybe eat dinner, spend some time with their wife or girlfriend. I think they’re more likely to go out and spend some money, just not as much as before.”

borrowed for road projects which could help pay off the bonds, as well as State Street Aid funds available. In other business, commissioners approved as amended on second reading to amend the current Zoning Ordinance for conditional use permits for religious facilities. The amendment applies to churches locating in an existing, functional facility. Commissioners unanimously approved the donation of the Rickland Willey property on S. Greenhill Road to be used as a city park. There are currently five conditions placed on the deal by the property owners, and City Planner Lisa Keylon added that the land will also have to be approved by the county when the city begins using it as parkland, considering it is technically located in the county, and will have to be annexed. Commissioners unanimously approved the revised City personnel manual as amended, on second reading. On second reading, commissioners approved by a 3 – 1 vote to amend the City budget to purchase identity theft insurance for seven City employees and two “elected officials” in the wake of the personal information of those people being accessed by District 2 Wilson County Commissioner Chris Sorey. Mt. Juliet District 3 City Commissioner Ed Hagerty voted against, reiterating his opinion that those affected by the information

breach should pursue it on a personal level. In an attempt to change the exit sign on I40 from Belinda Parkway to Providence Way, commissioners unanimously voted to rename a portion of Belinda Parkway. This move results from the TDOT mandate that exit signs must reflect the name of a street. City officials are concerned that interstate drivers are missing the slip ramp exit to Providence MarketPlace because of the Belinda Parkway sign and hope that a sign reading Providence Way will clarify the issue. Some 1,500 linear feet of Belinda Parkway on either side of the slip ramp off I-40 will be renamed Providence Way. In new business, commissioners - excluding Mt. Juliet Mayor Linda Elam, who was absent due to illness – unanimously approved on first reading to amend the Mt. Juliet Code to include the indemnification of City employees, current or previous, and board of commission members, in the event of a lawsuit. Commissioners also unanimously approved to amend the budget to allocated $20,000 to correct drainage problems around the Mt. Juliet Community Center at Charlie Daniels Park and funding for the new skate park, as well as allocating funds for the new Rickland Hills Park. Amy Mitchell was also unanimously approved to serve as a member of the Mt. Juliet Parks board.

Fun Love Fact # 1 The expression “wearing your heart on your sleeve” comes from a Valentine’s Day party tradition. Young women would write their names on slips of paper to be drawn by young men. A man would then wear a woman’s name on his sleeve to claim her as his valentine.

Page 5, The Chronicle of Mt. Juliet, February 11, 2009

The Chronicle of Mt. Juliet, February 11, 2009 Page 5

State: more employed in Wilson County this year despite higher unemployment rate



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While Wilson County is lowest unemployment rates. feeling the pinch of an ailing Williamson County had the economy, it is noted by many lowest unemployment rate More Wilson in the area, including some in Tennessee in December at Countians are currently area retailers, that county 5 percent and Perry County Vacuum Cleaners Repaired Call For Details employed than were payrolls in several cases in West Tennessee had the employed one year are remaining highest at 20.1 percent. ago, according to constant and records kept by the At 6.5 percent Wilson County ranks that there are State of Tennessee. ninth in the state among counties with still more people Employment here with jobs the lowest unemployment rates. statistics released last this year than week by the Tennessee last. Department of Labor and above last year’s marks. The state’s Work Force Development rate Officials explain that unemployment show that Wilson County’s employment numbers are overall is at a 22-year high unemployment rate being maintained because of standing at 7.9 percent. At increased in December to 6.5 growth in population being 6.5 percent Wilson County percent, a .6 percent jump realized in Wilson County. ranks ninth in the state over the previous month. The unemployment among counties with the However, data from rate is up substantially the state labor department over last year’s rate for the shows also that more people same period but in Wilson are employed in Wilson County there has also been County this year than were a substantial growth in employed one year ago. population. According to The total available information provided by the local work force in December, state, 54,590 persons in according to the state’s data, 11227 Lebanon Road • Mt. Juliet, TN • 615-758-7373 Wilson County were working was 58,360. The total work Opening at jobs in December, the force for December of last For only a $25 donation (valued at$185) most recent reporting period, year in Wilson County was February 2009 New Patients will receive: compared to 53,800 for the 56,800.

By Sam Hatcher Special to The Chronicle

same period last year. Despite a rising unemployment rate, Wilson County has been able to keep its work force numbers at the same level or slightly


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lifestyles. Celebrate the New Year by choosing to host an exchange student. For more information call Sherrye at 1-800-888-9040 or visit www.world-heritage.org.

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Page 6, The Chronicle of Mt. Juliet, February 11, 2009

Obituaries BANTA, Mary Lou Mary Lou Banta, age 82, of Mt. Juliet, TN, died Saturday, February 7, 2009. Mrs. Banta was a member of Mt. Juliet Church of Christ and the Ladies Bible Class. She was very active in the Ted E. Bear Club where she served as the primary seamstress. Mrs. Banta was an AVID reader. She was an auditor for the J.C. Penney Company and retired after 23 years of service. Mrs. Banta was the daughter of the late, Mont Cephas and Bertha Mae Wright Thornburg. She was preceded in death by her husband, Newell Banta; sister, Zelma McCarty; grandson, Glen Cannon and son-in-law, Al Willoughby. She is survived by: children Patty Willoughby of Mt. Juliet, TN; Jeanette Davis of Georgia; Shirley Clegg of Lebanon, TN; Carolyn (Jon) Rose of Memphis, TN;

brother Herman Thornburg of Florida; grandchildren Lisa Pratt, Steve Cannon, Sheri McAfee, Joe Lee Davis, Gary Davis, Craig Davis, Mike Schmitz, Russell Clements, Scott Clements and Daniel Clements; great-grandchildren – Amy Pratt, Daniel Pratt, Tiffany Cannon, Josh Cannon, Alyssa McAfee, Cara McAfee, Christina McAfee, Katie Davis, Julia Davis, Jeremy Davis, Ashley Davis, Hayden Davis, Allen Clements, Anastasia Clements and Krista Clements; niece Wanda Renken. Funeral services were conducted 10 a.m. Tuesday, February 10, at Bond Memorial Chapel with Bro. David Shannon officiating. Graveside services will be conducted 11 a.m. Thursday, February 12, at Glen Haven Memorial Park in Winter Park, FL. Flowers accepted or memorials may be made to the Ted E. Bear

Ministry at Mt. Juliet Church of Christ, 1940 N. Mt. Juliet Road, Mt. Juliet, TN 37122. Visitation will be 4-8 p.m. Monday at Bond Memorial Chapel, N. Mt. Juliet Road and Weston Drive, Mt. Juliet, TN. (615)773-2663. Obit Line (615)641-2663, www.bondmemorial.com ENOCH, Roy R. Roy Enoch passed away on February 6, 2009 at age 52. He was a member of the Bellwood House of Prayer. The family will be accepting friends at Sellars Funeral Home in Lebanon on Monday, February 9, 2009 from 2-8 p.m. and on Tuesday from 9 a.m. until service. The chapel service, conducted by Brother Bill Fowler, is 11 a.m. Tuesday, February 10, 2009. Interment in Brush Creek Cemetery. Survivors include children: ; siblings: Ray (Diane) Enoch, Carl

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(Sonia) Enoch, Brenda (Tim) Fish, Nancy (Gary) Ward, and Dennis (Lisa) Hamilton; and four grandchildren. He is preceded in death by father Teamon Carl Enoch, step-mother Sarah Enoch, and brother Stephen Enoch. Sellars Funeral Home, Lebanon TN, 615.444.9393. Obits 615.758.8818. JACKSON COUNTY FRYE, Terry Terry Frye, age 45, of Gainesboro, TN, passed away February 4, 2009. Mr. Frye was preceded in death by grandparents, Orville & Earline Hager and Sam & Earline Frye; brothers, Chuck Frye and Paul Allen Frye. He is survived by loving fiancé, Carol Myres; mother, Linda Frye Rich; father, Charles Frye; brother, Steven (Anita) Frye; sisters, Regina (David) Estes, Ginger Christian, and Jennifer Christian; many nephews, nieces and many special friends. Terry was greatly loved and will be dearly missed by all. Funeral services will be held Sunday, February 8, at 2 p.m. at Sellars Funeral Home at Mt. Juliet with Bro. James Gordon Williams and Bro. Danny Sellars officiating. Interment will follow the services at Hurricane Church Cemetery with nephews and friends serving as pallbearers. Visitation with the family will be Saturday, February 7, from 4-8 p.m. and Sunday, February 8, from 10 a.m. until time of service. Arrangements by Sellars Funeral Home at Mt. Juliet, 2250 N. Mt. Juliet Road, Mt. Juliet, TN 37122, 615-758-5459, Obituary Line 615-758-8818, www. sellarsfuneralservices.com SMITH, Wesley, Wesley Smith, age 25 of Hermitage, passed away February 3, 2009. Mr. Smith was preceded in death by grandparents, Joe

& Clara Smith; and aunt, Selena Webb. He is survived by fiancé, Erica Willey; mother, Dwanna Mayfield; sons, Timothy Smith and Jonathan Lucio; sister, Anna Mayfield; uncle, Dennon Smith; cousins, Brisha Webb, Britney Webb, Emilie Parrott, Serenity Canfield, and Curtis Canfield; and best friend, Matthew Calvo. Funeral service for Mr. Smith was Saturday, February 7, at 10 a.m. at Sellars Funeral Home at Mt. Juliet with Pastor Stan Mitchell officiating. Arrangements by Sellars Funeral Home at Mt. Juliet, 2250 N. Mt. Juliet Road, Mt. Juliet, TN 37122, 615-758-5459, Obituary Line 615-758-8818, www. sellarsfuneralservices.com TAYLOR, Wanda King Wanda King Taylor, age 64, of Mt. Juliet, died February 9, 2009. Loving mother and grandmother, and member of Victory Baptist Church. Preceded in death by parents, Everette and Sarah King, and brother, Jerry King. Survived by daughters, Kim (Jay) Szarek, Kirsten Franke; sons, J. Scott (Julie) Taylor, Greg Taylor; granddaughters, Jordan and Jada Taylor, Kaylie and Karissa Szarek, Hannah Franke; grandson, Jonah Franke; and sister, Susan Ramsey. Funeral services will be 3 p.m. Thursday, February 12, at Hermitage Funeral Home, with Rev. Chuck Groover officiating. Active Pallbearers: Brian Ramsey, Jon King, Mike Graves, Alan Hayes, Jay Mezzatesta and Bob Lanier. Honorary: staff at Rutland Elementary School. Interment Hermitage Memorial Gardens. Visitation with family is Wednesday, 12 – 3 p.m. and 5 – 8 p.m. Hermitage Funeral Home, 535 Shute Lane, Old Hickory, TN 37138; (615) 889-0361.

“Love is stronger than death even though it can’t stop death from happening, but no matter how hard death tries it can’t separate people from love. It can’t take away our memories either. In the end, life is stronger than death.” ~ Anonymous

The Chronicle of Mt. Juliet, February 11, 2009, Page 7

Order Valentine’s gifts online with SCE Submitted Stoner Creek Elementary School’s PTO has started a new fundraiser, and this time no one is going door to door with order sheets. The PTO now has its own travel website that returns a royalty commission for every booking or sold item on the site. Online fundraising and donations have exploded in recent years as can be seen by the millions and millions of dollars President Barack Obama brought in through his internet donation efforts. There is a stark difference between the two however; Stoner Creek PTO’s fundraiser is considered passive income and won’t cost its supporters a dime. People travel every day and 80% of them use the internet to make their plans. SCE’s travel website is there to take advantage of the money its supporters are going to spend on travel anyway. And it doesn’t cost the traveler any more to

use www.scemarket.com, SCE PTO’s site, than it does to use Expedia, Orbitz or Travelocity. In fact, SCE

PTO’s site is powered by the same web engine that powers Travelocity – ensuring the same competitive rates you would get elsewhere. More powerful than the big three however, www. scemarket.com has Extras like ordering Flowers, buying tickets to everything from Miley Cyrus to a Broadway Play to the Predators, Health

and Beauty items and of course Cruises. The site also includes searches like Hotels.com, Hotrate hotels and an advanced Hotels search to make sure you get the best rate when you travel. F o r businesses that buy tickets on-line, there’s even a travel profile log-in that will remember your favorite preferences like aisle seats, compact cars and trips without layovers. It’s truly a great way to support Stoner Creek Elementary without coming out of pocket to help. Soon there will even be an icon you save to your desktop for easier access to the site. For more information about Stoner Creek Elementary’s online fundraiser, contact Dan Morris 615-804-2846, an SCE PTO dad.

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Fun Love Fact # 2 The Italian city of Verona, where Shakespeare’s lovers Romeo and Juliet lived, receives about 1,000 letters addressed to Juliet every Valentine’s Day.



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Member FDIC

Page 8, The Chronicle of Mt. Juliet, February 11, 2009 Breast Cancer Friends support group meets the 3rd Monday night of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Maple Hill church of Christ, located on the corner of West Main Street and Maple Hill Road in Lebanon. We welcome those who have had breast cancer in the past or are dealing with it now. Ladies only---join us Monday, February 16, for a special event. Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center health educators transform into “Cancer Queens” to perform their life-saving message in songs and skits, followed by a dessert reception. Come and bring a friend. Reservations are required due to the large turnout. Call 443-5493 or 444-6106.

Gladeville Elementary faculty goes red


Join us for the NYSA Shopping Day at Dick’s Sporting Goods in Providence on Feb 21 Visit our website for more information www.nysa-soccer.org Recreational Divisions for Ages 3 - 18 $75 Registration fee until Feb 21 (late fees added after Feb 21) [email protected] • 615-268-6349

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Hours: Monday - Thursday 8 - 5 closed for lunch from 12 - 1 No interest and Extended Payment Plans

Brian S. Kruger, DDS

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758-GRIN (4746)

To help celebrate and raise awareness of “Go Red” Day, the Gladeville Elementary faculty and staff made a donation and wore red on Friday, February 6. To learn more about your personal risk for heart disease visit GoRedForWomen.org and join the movement. You may also take the Go Red Heart Checkup at this site. ~ Photo submitted

Fun Love Fact # 3

Milestones Stephens celebrate 50th Anniversary

Experts insist that the average person falls in love seven times before marriage


Betty and Walt Stephens of Mt. Juliet, celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary in January. To honor their parents, the Stephens’ children provided a holiday cruise for the entire family including seven of their grandchildren.

The longest engagement was sixty-seven years, according to the Guinness Book of World Records. The happy couple finally wed at age 82!

The Chronicle of Mt. Juliet, February 11, 2009, Page 9

Gandhi grandson to speak at Vol State the most turbulent times in Indian history. Arun

Submitted B e i n g the grandson of a legendary civil rights leader cannot be easy. When that civil rights activist is also the spiritual leader of a nation the family tie takes on even more weight. Arun Gandhi shares his unique experiences, and his vision for peace, in an International Speaker event at Volunteer State Community College on February 13.

M a h a t m a Gandhi began Arun Gandhi witnessed the work of his his fight for grandfather first hand. He brings his story to justice in South Vol State on February 13. Africa. It is where his civil disobedience methods first Gandhi witnessed the noncame to action. The young violent struggle of Mahatma lawyer soon took the cause Gandhi and his followers to home to India, where he end British rule and bring organized the poor, peasants independence for India. and women, in campaigns Arun Gandhi moved to ease poverty and expand to the United States later human rights. in life and founded the His grandson, Arun M.K. Gandhi Institute for Gandhi, stayed behind in Nonviolence. He now speaks South Africa, struggling to audiences world-wide with the racism and strife of about how to put nonapartheid. He found himself violent action to practical a target for not only white use. Gandhi is coming to Vol violence, but also black State as part of the TnCIS anger. His parents, worried conference, which is the about constant beatings, Tennessee Consortium for moved him to India to be International Studies. with his grandfather. It was “Arun Gandhi’s an 18 month visit at one of background and the time he

COTTAGE REALTY 2416 N. Mt. Juliet Rd. • 773-6099 (located directly across from Mt. Juliet City Hall)


Home Buyers Seminar! Thursday, February 12 5:45 PM Call 773-6099 to reserve a seat, space is limited! Mortgage, Real Estate & Appraisal Professionals will be available to answer questions.

spent with his grandfather give him a unique perspective on international events,” said Dr. John Espey, dean of business at Vol State, who is helping to organize the conference. “His message of non-violence is very appropriate for the times we are in.” Arun Gandhi will speak in a public event on Friday, February 13 at 3 p.m. in the auditorium at Caudill Hall, on the Vol State campus at 1480 Nashville Pike in Gallatin. The event is free and everyone is invited. For more information call 615-230-3570.

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Shown: Valentine’s Day Berry Chocolate Bouquet® with Pineapple Hearts Copyright ©2008 By: Edible Arrangements, LLC. Containers may vary. Available in a variety of sizes. Franchises available call 1· 888· 727· 4258 or visit eafranchise.com.

Page 10, The Chronicle of Mt. Juliet, February 11, 2009

A Room Without A Rug Is Like A Kiss Without A Hug!

Business News Noon Rotary gives to Books from Birth

Start the New Year off right with a soft and durable new floor! We are going to make it even easier for you! During the month of January, get FREE 8lb padding with the purchase of any special order Mohawk Flooring! No minimum purchase required! Call us for a free in home estimate or come in today to take advantage of this great deal FREE F RE EE E 8 8lb lb b P PAD! AD A AD! D! and get yourr FR

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1805 Old Fort Parkway (Next to Red Lobster) 895-8791 Now also open in Mt. Juliet 615-773-4470


Mt. Juliet Noon Rotary Club President Renee Childress recently presented a $500 check to Wilson Books from Birth Director Peggy Simpson. The Noon Rotary club makes a donation to WBFB in honor of each speaker at each weekly meeting. This check represents the donation in honor of all 2008 speakers. ~ Photo submitted

Wilson County gardeners prepare for 20th Annual Nashville Lawn & Garden Show

Saturday, February 14th @ 9:00 A.M. (Early Viewing 7:00 a.m. Day of Sale)

We will be selling at Absolute Auction “DRUG SEIZURES” for Wilson County Sheriffs Dept!!!! NOTICE OF JUDICIAL SALE: By Order of Forfeiture filed pursuant to T.C.A. Section 39-11-701. – Don’t miss this Event!!! Partial List: 50 + New Yamaha Rhinos, Polaris, Arctic Cat &Yamaha Atvs. Antique Cars & Street Rods incl. 1956 Chevy Belair, 1972 Chevelle SS, 1965 Convertible Mustang, 1959 Cadillac Street Rod, 1955 Custom Pontiac, Mercedes 380sl, 1980 MG Convertible, 1981 Corvette, Several Drug Seizure and Bank Repo Vehicles, Several Boats incl. Pontoons, Fishing, Ski & Run Abouts & Many More!! Construction Equipment incl. Fram Pro 4x4 Dieswl Tractors, Case 435 Skid Steer, Custom Choppers, Harleys & Street Bikes New & Used ATV’s incl Arctic Cats, Can-Ams, Yamaha, Honda, Suzuki, Polaris, Kawasaki, Etc. Lots of New & Used Dirt Bikes incl Honda, Yamaha, Kawasaki. New & Used Zero Turn Mowers, EzGo, Yamaha & Club Car Golf Carts, Lots of Jet Skis, Gas Scooters, Cargo Trailers All Sizes, New Utility Trailers. Semi Load of Appliances incl. Refrigerators, Ranges, Ac Units & Washer & Dryer Sets. Huge Truck Load of New Tools incl. Generators, Pressure Washers, Air Compressors, Etc. Huge Jewelry Liquidation incl. Over 200 Pcs. Gold & Diamond’s!!! EVERYTHING MUST GO!!

DIRECTIONS: From Nashville, Tennessee take I-40 east to Exit 232B. Turn left on Eastgate Blvd. (First Light) Auction is 1 ½ miles on right. Watch for signs!!! TERMS & CONDITIONS: Highest bidder must pay high bid price plus buyers premium immediately after sale. Cash, check, Mastercard, Visa and Discover accepted. Checks drawn on Tennessee bank will be approved by Telecheck. All out of state checks must have a bank letter of credit signed by bank officer. All years, mileage and descriptions are believed to be correct, however are not guaranteed. Buyers shall rely entirely on their own inspection and information. All items are being sold “as-is”, “where-is” with no warranties or representations written or implied by Auction Company. 15% Buyers premium. If you are tax exempt, you must have tax ID# with you. Announcements day of sale take precedence over all other advertising.

Nashville PowerSport Auction 8037 Eastgate Blvd. Mt. Juliet, TN. 37122 Phone: 615-466-4000 Fax: 615-466-4010 View pictures @ www.nashvillepowersportauction.com

Owner/Auctioneer: Rod Settles Lic. # 2838

Firm # 4687

Representatives from four Wilson County garden and landscaping companies recently attended a meeting to make plans for the 2009 Nashville Lawn & Garden Show which will be held March 5 – 8 at the Tennessee State Fairgrounds. More than 26 live gardens will be created for the show, the largest gardening event in Tennessee. Pictured at the planning session are (left to right) Chris Agee, Living Stone in Brush Creek; Wesley Wall, Greenhouse Gallery in Lebanon; Kyle Moss, Greenhouse Gallery; David Wills, Ponds by David in Mt. Juliet; Sharon Eden, co-manager of the Nashville Lawn & Garden Show; Kyle Toggle, Greenhouse Gallery; and Chris Ehrhart, Summit Landscaping in Mt. Juliet. For more information about the show, call 615-876-7680 or visit www.nashvillelawnandgardenshow.com. AARP will provide FREE income tax preparation along with electronic filing for persons with low to middle incomes at the MJ Library and MJ Senior Center from Jan 30th through April 17th. This is an entirely free service provided to the local community through a joint effort from AARP and IRS, and you do not have to be a member of AARP or a senior citizen to take advantage of this service. Call the Mt. Juliet Library at 758-7051 or the Senior Center at 758-9114 for an appointment. Waymon Holland is the local contact for tax questions and may be contacted at 482-5705.

The Chronicle of Mt. Juliet, February 11, 2009, Page 11

MTE Customers Care makes special donation to assist needy members with electric bills Submitted Middle Tennessee Electric’s Customers Care made a special donation of $15,000 to Wilson County Community Help Center this week to assist needy members with payment of electric bills. “It’s our hope these charitable monies will help those in need,” MTE Customers Care Board Chairman Doretha Wright said. “The whole purpose of this organization is to find ways to use these monies and channel the funds back to worthy community causes.”

MTEMC Vice President of Marketing and Communications Chris Jones said these funds came from members who round their monthly bills to the nearest dollar through the cooperative’s Operation Round Up program. “Our members who give to ‘Round Up’ made this possible,” Jones said. “Hopefully, this will provide some relief for those who are having a hard time paying their electric bills in an already tough economic climate and during the peak season for high energy usage.”

The first concert of the Cedar Creek Community Band will be March 9 at 7 p.m. at Mt. Juliet High School. The newly formed, and still forming, band currently has approximately 50 people and meets Monday nights at MJHS from 7 – 9 p.m. Tickets for the concert will be $5 for adults and $3 for ages 10 – 18, and under 10 are free. For more information about the concert or on joining the Cedar Creek Community Band call Director Sherie Grossman at 615-754-9454.

Fun Love Fact # 4

The romantic Canadian porcupines kiss one another on the lips.

It is the responsibility of the MTE Customers Care Board, which is composed of seven MTEMC members, to evaluate grant requests and send the ‘Round Up’ monies back into the communities Middle Tennessee Electric serves. For more information, members can contact Wilson County Community Help Center’s Gail Proctor at (615) 449-1856.


The City of Mt. Juliet Parks Department will be taking bids for the rights to operate the Mundy Memorial Park Concession stand. Vendor will operate the concession stand for league play and weekend tournaments. In your written bid please attach a full resume. Bids will be taken until Friday, February 20, 2009.

Please send bids to: City of Mt. Juliet Attn: John Rossmaier P.O. Box 256 Mt. Juliet, TN 37121 Fax:615-773-8399


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Winter Allergies?! Mold, animal dander, pollen, dust mites, insects… these allergens can actually worsen in the wintertime. Strengthen your immune system with immunotherapy (IT). Also known as allergy shots, IT builds your immunity to allergens that cause troublesome symptoms. Find relief. Schedule your appointment today.


LEGAL NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR WILSON COUNTY, TENNESSEE ALEX E. STILLWELL and wife, KATHRYN M. STILLWELL, on behalf of themselves and the nine individual owners of the detached units in Beacon Hill Village, Phase 3 Plaintiffs vs. BEACON HILL VILLAGE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC., PULTE HOMES OF TENNESSEE, a Limited Partnership, and WILSON COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION Defendants.

) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )



No. 15118



Friday, February 13th & Saturday, February 14th one stop shopping • licensed & insured general contractor professional project design & installation • free estimate Eric Beal (615) 504-0827 or Gary Osterhoff (615) 319-5582

It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that this action shall be maintained as a class action pursuant to TRCP 23; that Beacon Hill Village Condominium Association, Inc., is the proper party to represent all of the condominium owners of Beacon Hill Village as a class; and that Alex Stillwell and Kathryn Stillwell are the proper parties to represent the nine (9) detached unit owners of Beacon Hill Village as a class. It is therefore ordered by the Court that publication shall be made in the Mt. Juliet News, The Chronicle, and the Beacon Hill Village Condominium Association=s method of notice to members for four (4) consecutive weeks that (a) the Court will exclude the member from the class if the member so requests by February 27, 2009; (b) the judgment, whether favorable or not, will include all members who do not request


exclusion; and (c) any member who does not request exclusion may, if the member desires, enter an appearance.

Military, Fire, Police, EMS, School Staff, Active or Retired 10% Discount on Materials.

This the _______ day of January 2009.

/s/______________________________ LINDA NEAL, Circuit Court Clerk

11176 Lebanon Rd. • Mt. Juliet (on the SE corner of Lebanon Rd. & N. Mt. Juliet Rd. next to BP)

Page 12, The Chronicle of Mt. Juliet, February 11, 2009

Community Calendar Teen Valentine’s Day Dance February 13 The City of Mt. Juliet will host a Valentine’s Day Dance for teens ages 13 – 17 at the Mt. Juliet Community Center, located at Charlie Daniels Park, on Friday, February 13, from 7 – 11 p.m. The cost is $5 at the door, and the dance will be wellchaperoned. For more information call 758-6522.

Encore presents ‘Run for your Wife’ Opens February 13 Run For Your Wife opens Friday, February 13, at the Encore Theatre Company venue located at 14905A Lebanon Road (located behind Tractor Supply Company), and runs through Sunday, March 1. Tickets are $15.00, except for Saturday, January 14, which is a special Valentine’s Day Dinner Theatre catered by Flowers For His Glory, the same company which catered ETC’s Phantom Ball this past October, and tickets for that evening are $25.00. Performances are at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday evenings, with Sunday matinees at 2:30 p.m.; the Valentine’s Day special dinner will be served at 6 p.m. Reservations can be made by calling the theatre at 615-5988950. Patrons who pay in advance can take advantage of the new VIP seating area at the theatre for all performances except for dinner theatre.

Guest minister at Joy Church February 14 and 15 Joy Church International welcomes special guest speaker Dr. Dennis Burke, who will be ministering Saturday, February 14 and 5 p.m. and Sunday, February 15 at 9 and 11 a.m. Joy Church International is located at 1019 Charlie Daniels Pkwy. For more information call (615) 773-5252.

Child-care seminar February 21 A child-care provider workshop will be held on Saturday, February 21, at the James E. Ward Agricultural Center School Exhibits Building, from 9 – 11 a.m. The topic will be “Emotional Intelligence.” The workshop is provided by the UT Extension Office. Please call (615) 444-6584 for registration or more information. Space is limited and is first come, first serve.

Pickin-N-Grinnin in the Glade February 21 Gladeville Pickin-N-Grinnin will be held at the Gladeville Community Center on Saturday, February 21, beginning at 6 p.m. The event will feature live music by Hands of Time, fried catfish and BBQ with all the fixins. The cost is $10.00 per person, children under 12 $5.00. Food will be furnished and cooked by Griffin’s Family Market and Deli.

Can I be the judge? Event February 28 Democratic Social is seeking Chili Cook-off Contestants. The event is Feb. 28 at the Fair Grounds in Lebanon. To enter or for more information, contact Charlene Foutch at 584-9916.

Attention: Mt. Juliet’s next top models March 7 The City of Mt. Juliet will host a Spring Fashion Show Extravaganza on Saturday, March 7, beginning at 2 p.m. Volunteers to model spring fashions are needed. For more information call the Community Center at 758-6522.

Reflections from an Old Friend Be Nice! One of my favorite quotes is: Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you. How true! And sense that’s the case, from this point forward, I am asking everyone to try their very best at doing unto others, as you would have them do unto you. One example includes littering. Littering costs everyone. It takes a toll on our resources, our property values, our wallets, and is an insult to our great community and country. Littering is simply passing the buck. When you pass the buck, the rest of us are left with the bill, the bill of cleaning up the mess left behind. Another example is respect: Respect is when you speak kindly of others or say nothing at all, respect is when you open a door for your wife, family member or a complete stranger who has their hands full, respect is when you don’t endanger the lives of others by driving under the influence, speeding, tailgating, respect is not telling lies, cheating, hurting, murdering and so on. Life is so very short when you really think about it. We all have hurts, sorrows, worries, highs, lows, concerns, deadlines, aggravations and feelings that can be offended, hurt or damaged. With that being the case, let’s all start being more civil, kind, understanding, forgiving, helpful and loving to one another. In closing, nothing is ever accomplished without sincere effort and a positive attitude. Good will always prevails over indifference and divisiveness. Please do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.

For loves of all ages February 28 The Mt. Juliet Senior Citizens Center requests the pleasure of your company at the Annual Sweetheart Banquet on Saturday, February 28, at 6:30 p.m. at St. Stephen’s Catholic Church, located on 14544 Lebanon Road in Mt. Juliet. The banquet will feature a full Prime Rib compliments of Houston’s Meats and the Mt. Juliet Morning Rotary Club, with musical entertainment provided by Jay & Gloria Kirkland. The cost is $25 for MJSC members, $40 for non-members, $70 for couples, and $320 for business tables (seats 8). By purchasing tickets and attending this event you are helping to support the Center through a charitable donation, which can be used as a tax deduction. Please RSVP by February 16 by sending a reservation and payment, as well as your choice between Prime Rib and chicken, to Mt. Juliet Senior Center, 2034 Mt. Juliet Rd. N., Mt. Juliet, TN, 37122, or call 615-758-9114 or visit www.mjseniorcenter.org.

Cumberland to host Wilson Amateur Radio Club’s licensing course February 28 and March 1 The Wilson Amateur Radio Club (ARC), in cooperation with Cumberland University, will offer a two-day technician licensing class at the University on Feb. 28 and March 1. Scheduled to be held from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. each day, the course will be led by Joe Semer, who has conducted the class numerous times in the past with great success. Semer’s lessons will prepare students for the license exam, which will be offered at the conclusion of the two-day course. There is no cost to take the class; however, students must purchase course materials ($25) and pay for the American Relay Radio League (AARL)-administered exam ($15). The $25 course materials fee must be submitted to the Wilson ARC prior to Monday, Feb. 16. Those planning to take the two-day course should send an e-mail to [email protected] as soon as possible and provide a name, mailing address and date of birth. Participants are not required to be members of Wilson ARC nor any other club or organization to take part in the class. For more information, please visit http://www.wilsonarc.org or contact Wilson ARC President Michael Wright at 615.714.0399 or via e-mail at [email protected].

The TheChronicle Chronicleof ofMt. Mt.Juliet, Juliet,September February 11, 7, 2005, 2009, Page Page 13

754-6111 Deadline 1 p.m. Monday

Acreage LAND WANTED: Want to buy land!! If you have land you want to sell please contact 754-2019. TC


CLASSIFIEDS Business Services TAX RETURNS PREPARED. As low as $30. FREE Estimates. Efile available. 7730809 - Joe. P 2-11


AUCTION 3 RESIDENTIAL TRACTS SELLING SEPARATELY 3.78. AC. / 2.88 AC. / 2.11 AC. NOEL DR. MT JULIET 37122 NEXT TO OLD HICKORY LAKE 25% DOWN TERMS SATURDAY FEBRUARY 21ST 10:30 AM Directions: From Nashville take I-40 East to Exit # 221A The Hermitage. Continue 2 1/2 miles to Lebanon Rd. right on Lebanon Rd. 2 Miles to Andrew Jackson Pkwy. Left on Andrew Jackson Pkwy (becoming Saundersville Rd.) 4 1/2 Miles to Left on Saundersville Ferry Rd. 1 1/2 Miles to Left on Weeping Elm Rd. Right on Noel Dr. to Sale. These 3 beautiful treed lots are located in Glen Hills Section 1 with access to Old Hickory Lake through the Glen Hills boat ramp. Lot # 3 sells at ABSOLUTE AUCTION and contains 2.11 acres with 106.46-ft. frontage. Lot # 2 has 2.88 acres and 190.53-ft frontage. Lot # 1 has 3.78 acres and fronts 315 feet on Noel Dr. These beautiful lots are located in a terraced Gatlinburg setting and are waiting for you to build your Dream Home with potential limited only by Your Own Imagination. Convenient living in a country setting minutes from I-40, Old Hickory, Nashville, Old Hickory Lake, Schools, Shopping in a quite well established neighborhood of Owner Occupied Homes. Terms: CASH. Or Terms provided by Wilson Bank and Trust (Jason Loggins 754-0600) of 25% down payment 6% interest rate, interest quarterly, principal annually. 15% Earnest Money day of sale balance at closing. Deed and Insured title furnished by Seller. Sale # 0509. Rita Anderson Anderson Commercial Brokerage Agents Bobby Colson Auctioneer $25.00 Will Be Given Away

Business Servics TERRY’S AUTO GLASS Windshield Repairs or Auto Glass replacement. FREE Mobile Service. Established “1989”. Insurance approved. Serving Middle TN. 758-6339. ___________________________ JUNK HAULING & LOTS MORE Clean basements, attics, & yards. Most gutters. Haul cars 4 Free. Landscaping. Stump Grinding. Pressure washing. Decks & Driveways sealed. Call us 4 anything. Robin or Mike. 443-7146 /485-4510, 881-6500..

Tree Trimming and Removal Gutter Cleaning and Guttercovers Mulching and Hedge Trimming Insured Call Daryl Hall 615-390-0973

Business Services BUNCH ROCK & BRICK: Mail Boxes, entrances, flower beds, retainer wall and repairs. NEW - We also do stucco. Free estimate. 7545034. TC ___________________________ PRESSURE WASHING UNLIMITED, INC. Cleaning Services Include: Houses - Gutters - Driveways Decks & More. Call Dean at 516-9438 for FREE Estimate. I TC ___________________________ DUN-RITE Garage Door Service. Sales - Service - Installation - Repairs. Overhead Doors & Openers. FREE Estimates on Replacements. 758-6285 or 319-1645. I TC

Child Care NANA’S HOUSE. Want Special Love & Attention from Christian environment. Call 449-8978. M-F. 3 Full Time Openings. 25 ___________________________

Hazardous tree removal, Licensed and Insured FREE ESTIMATES. Least expensive and intrusive methods.

Jett Tree Service



Business Services

WILLETTE STONE WORK. Stone Jobs - Walls, Planters, Outdoor Firepit/Grill, Mailboxes, etc. FREE Estimates. Christian contractor with 15 years experience. Call 615207-9103. P 4-29 ___________________________ MAAS TREE SERVICE. Tree Removal, Trimming, Topping, Brush Chipping, Stump Grinding. Commercial & Residential. Insured. Free Estimates. 615-9452755. P 2-11 ___________________________

STUMP BUSTERS & TREE SERVICES BY TW. Trees trimmed, removed & stump grinding. BOBCAT work. Yard grading. Light Dump Truck Hauling. Insured. Free Estimates. 568-2716. I TC ___________________________ BARRETT Tree & Lawn Service. Tree Removal, Trimming, Hauling, Firewood, Lawn care, Mulching. Licensed & Insured. 758-3893 or 579-8319. P 2-4-09 ___________________________

• Removal • Bobcat Service • Pressure Washing • Stump Grinding • Thinning/Maintenance

• Chipper Service • Bush Hogging • Storm Damage • Cable Reinforcement


Licensed & Insured ($1 Million Liability) LeRoy Watkins, Manager • 28 years Experience


4 Seasons Tree Service • Trimming • Storm Damage • Chipper Service • Maintenance

• Removal • Stump Removal

24-Hour Emergency Service Call Today For A Free Estimate Leonard Matthews (Owner) • Licensed & Insured We’re proud to serve Wilson County with 14 Years of Experience

Cell 585-5102

754-6111 Deadline 1 p.m. Monday

Child Care Covenant family Childcare has openings in our one year and two year old rooms. Call 754-9244 for more information. ___________________________ Child Care in my home. One full-time opening. Belinda City/Providence area. 7587122. I 2-11

Cleaning **ALL PRO SERVICES ** CLEANING: Specializing in windows, carpets, gutters, pressure washing, driveway sealing. Air Duct Cleaning & Blind Cleaning. Free estimates & references. Jim 754-5047. Christian Owned/Operated.

Commercial FOR LEASE - Commercial Space - Hwy 109 area and Mt. Juliet area! Call for more information ROBINSON PROPERTIES 7542019. ___________________________ COMMERCIAL SPACES FOR LEASE. 500-3,000 SQUARE FEET. 754-2019. ___________________________ A True Recession Offer. Commercial Bldg. good for office & workshop. Ideal for beauty shop=pet and grooming shop. Plumbing, Office w/warehouse basement w/ outside access. 1st month free. No lease required. Newly decorated. 20 min. from Mt. Juliet in Lakewood. 8474105 Office.

Dozer BOBCAT, BUSH HOGGING, DUMP TRUCK, BACKHOE. Concrete work. Fill Dirt and Gravel. Portable Welding. FREE Estimates. Cell 3470433, 754-0090. I

Driveways DRIVEWAYS PAVED Free estimates. Reasonable prices. Quality work. Work guaranteed. Call day or night. ED BRADLEY PAVING COMPANY. 444-7044. TC

The of Mt. Juliet, September 7, 2005, Page PageChronicle 14, The Chronicle of Mt. Juliet, February 11, 2009

754-6111 Deadline 1 p.m. Monday

Electrical LICENSED & INSURED ELECTRICIAN. Residential & Commercial. Also, Cable/ Phone Installation. Senior Citizen Discount. REASONABLE RATES. All work guaranteed. 6153169323. I M ___________________________ RAY ELECTRIC. No Job Too Small. Family owned & operated. Licensed & insured. Senior Citizen Discount. 773-2455. 615-6818787 I TC ___________________________ ARC ELECTRICAL SERVICES. Call for all your electrical needs. Competitive rates. 754-9790. TC

For Rent $499 - Beautiful 2BR apartment in Lebanon. Limited time only. eho. Call 615453-5100. I 2-11 ___________________________ New 2800 Sq. Ft. 3BR, 2.5 BA. Bonus, 2 car garage. Deposit and Application required. No pets. Close to high school and Providence shopping. $1,700 month. 202-0186 or 615-405-4305. P 2-18 ___________________________

Stoner Creek Apartments 1 Bedroom starts at $327 2 Bedroom starts at $402 Partial utilities paid 127 Belinda Pkwy.

(615) 758-5494


CLASSIFIEDS For Rent Mt. Juliet - 4BR, 2.5 BA. Approximately 3,200 sq. ft. $1,350 plus deposit. 615479-5490. I TC ___________________________ Amazing Mt. Juliet home. 5 Bedrooms, 3 baths. Beautiful view of lake. Sunset Harbor Subd. $1,995.00 per month. Call 444-0038. ___________________________ Mechanic or Body Shop. Utilities Furnished. $450 month. 1st Month FREE!! Kyann 847-4105. I TC ___________________________ Home in Mt. Juliet. 3BR, 1BA in nice subd. Convenient to schools and shopping. $900 month. Deposit and references required. 758-5055. I TC

For Sale FIREWOOD for Sale Sale. Pick up or Deliver. Call 579-8319. ___________________________ 1) High Quality Full Mattress Set. New w/Warranty. Can deliver. Lists $240.00, sacrifice $120.00. 615-3940861.***2) New Queen Pillow-top Mattress Set w/ warranty. Never used. Can deliver. Lists $299. Must sell, $149.00. 615-3940861.***3) New King Mattress set in plastic. Never used. Warranty inc. Retails for $360. Will sell for $180. 615-575-5992. 4) Bedroom set-Cherry or pine finish. Dresser/Mirror/n/stand/ chest/hdbd/frame. New in boxes. Lists $999.00. Will sell for $569.00. Lay-a-way available. Can deliver. 615394-0861. 5) All new, all leather Sofa & Loveseat. No vinyl!!! Lists $1899, will sell for $985.00. Lay-a-way available. Can deliver. 615394-0861.6) All new Micro-fiber Sofa & Loveseat. Retails $999.00, will sell for $585.00 while they last. Can deliver. Lay-a-way (yes). 615-394-0861. I TC


$750 per month, 1 acre lot, detached 2½ garage, fenced back yard, 1700 sq.ft., 3BD. 1½ BA., fireplace, gas & electric heat. Mt. Juliet area. 615-754-2019.

Garage Sale Consignors Needed! LOOKING GLASS KIDS SALE. Quality children’s clothing, toys and accessories. Lebanon Road, near Mt. Juliet Road - Women’s building by Little League Ball Park. Receiving by appointment February 14 - 16. Sale - February 18-21. www.lookingglassconsignment.com ___________________________ SWEET REPEATS CHILDREN’S CONSIGNMENT SALE. Consignors ~ will be accepting children’s spring/ summer clothing, shoes, toys, games, videos, books, baby items & accessories. Will accept items tagged from another sale. RECEIVING: Friday, February 27, 36 & Saturday, February 28, 10-2. SELLER Receives 70% of sales. 1002 MEB COURT. Behind Valvoline on Lebanon Road in Mt. Juliet. Call for more info. Robin 7583503 or Stacey 758-5881. ___________________________ Donelson Christian Academy. It’s time for DCA’s Spring/Summer Children’s Clothing Consignment Sale - and we’d love for you and your friends to participate!! Receiving is Monday, March 9 (9a-6:30p) with the sale March 11, 12 & 13. For seller numbers, call Ann @ 847-1088 or Nicole @ 8478010. No seller numbers will be given out after Friday, March 9th. I 2-25

Help Wanted DAYCARE is looking for 3 part time and 2 full time caregivers. Call 615-7587777. I 1-28 ___________________________ NEED EXTRA CASH? P/T, A.M.S, Long Term. Start ASAP. Work with small crafts. Call 615-969-6684.

Homes for Sale BY OWNER: 2,735 Sq. Ft. 5BR, 3BA Mt. Juliet area. Agents welcome. Asking $254,900. All offers considered after you go through the home. 417-9746.

Deadline 1 p.m. Monday

Home Improvement TOMMY’S BUILDERS REMODELING. Room Additions - Electrical - Plumbing - Painting - Gutters - Siding - Decks - Roofing - Drywall & Repairs. 30 years experience. Bonded & Insured. 405-8179. P 3-4 ___________________________ PERMANENT GUTTER CLEANING. Will remove leaves and debris from your gutters. They will never have to be cleaned again!! Fully insured. Call DEAN - 5169438. I TC ___________________________

Home Improvement M&M HOME REPAIRS & SERVICE. Call Mike for estimates. 615-573-0043. I TC ___________________________ HARD WOOD FLOORS Installation, sand and finish, refinish old floors. Terry Pearson 754-8385 TC ___________________________ ESTES ROOFING 22 Years Experience. Great Rates. Free Estimates. Workmanship Warranty. Wilson County’s most trusted roofing company. 443-3210 P 12-31 ___________________________

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

The Gardens at Providence Place is currently seeking a CNT/Resident assistant who is dedicated and dependable for every Saturday and Sunday night 11-7 & PRN. Must have strong work ethics and a passion to work with the elderly. Apply in person at 1016 Charlie Daniels Parkway, EOE

In the MARKET for a NEW CAREER? If you are excited by the prospect of having a high degree of responsibility in a dynamic office work environment, you’ll enjoy this opportunity! We are looking for candidates with great communication skills who are professional, friendly, and enthusiastic and have the ability to work independently or as part of a team. Aldi is a rapidly expanding and highly successful food retailer with over 1,000 stores in the United States. We are now accepting resumes for the following position at our MT. JULIET Divisional Office (located off 840 at the Couchville Pike Exit):


• Financial reporting • Journal entries • Bank reconciliations • Daily cash pulls • Fixed assets

• Depreciation (Sage FAS Software) • Electronic benefits/debit reconciliation • Monthly sales tax filings • Intercompany accounting and balancing • Balancing and maintaining construction accounts

*MUST HAVE A MINIMUM OF 2 YEARS BOOKKEEPING EXPERIENCE* *MUST BE AVAILABLE TO TRAVEL OUT OF STATE FOR 12 WEEKS OF TRAINING* We require a High School Diploma or GED, ability to type 50 WPM, proficiency in Microsoft Word and Excel, excellent 10 key. We offer excellent benefits including Medical, Dental, Vision and 401K, paid vacation after 6 months and much more!

Please fax or email resume by 2/10/09 to: 615-443-8595; email: [email protected] We are an equal opportunity employer.

$17.38 PER HOUR

The Chronicle Chronicle of of Mt. Mt. Juliet, Juliet, September February 11, 2009, Page Page 15 The 7, 2005,

754-6111 Deadline 1 p.m. Monday

Home Improvement CONCEPT BUILDERS Sunrooms, additions, remodeling, screened patios & garages. ROOFING. FREE Estimates Licensed & insured. 754-6390 or 9736690 ___________________________ LANGLEY HOME IMPROVEMENTS. All types of remodeling. Room Additions, decks, sunrooms, bath rooms. FREE Estimates. Licensed - Bonded-Insured 390-7010. I TC ___________________________ MT. JULIET HOME I M P R O V E M E N T . Carpentry, Plumbing, Electrical, Drywall, Fans Doors, Licensed, Insured, On-time & Reasonable Priced. MonFri. 9am-5pm. 754-6819. P 1-28 ___________________________ REID’S HANDYMAN SERVICE. Fast, Reliable service. At affordable rates. Licensed, Bonded & Insured. 615-400-TENN (8366) www. benthehandyman.com ___________________________ MICHAEL’S HOME IMPROVEMENTS. 754-4580. Pressure washing, decks built and sealed. Driveways sealed. Roofing repairs. Painting & drywall. Rotten wood repairs. Carpentry work & more. Good prices. 20 years experience. P

CLASSIFIEDS Home Repair ROBERSON Remodeling. OFFERING HOME REPAIR services of all types. Including carpentry (trim & finish), Painting, Plumbing, Electric, Replacement Doors, Windows, Gutters, Siding, Carports. Garage conversions. Richard 5821079. 2-4



Happy Valentine’s Day to All Our Great Customers from THE LORD’S COLORS

Christian & Lea Transfeld 474-9396. For all your Architectural Design & Painting

Lawn Care EARHART LAWN CARE. Mowing - Aerating - Landscaping - Seeding - Fertilizing. Jason-481-9909. ___________________________ BOBCAT, BUSH HOGGING, DUMP TRUCK, BACKHOE. Concrete work. Fill Dirt and Gravel. Portable Welding. Free Estimates. Cell 3470433. 754-0090. I TC

Painting Interior and exterior painting. Drywall & Texture Repair. Cabinet refinishing. Power washing, Driveway & Decks sealed. Minor carpentry work. Call Vester Bradshaw, Sr. 615-642-6191. ___________________________ ANTONELLI PAINTING and Repairs. 35 years experience. Interior/Exterior painting. Drywall repairs. Pressure Washing, Deck Refinishing, Replacement Windows. 449-6512 or 5123964. I TC


All the things around the house You’d like your “Honey” to do. Things that break, won’t work, or fit That you just can’t get to. We know how hard it is to find someone to do repair. Jobs we do, we do with pride our cost, you’ll find, is fair. So if your job is large or small our quality is the same. So start a list and keep it out Building Reputation is more than just our name. Of course large jobs we love to get More small than large we do. This poem we wrote for you to read is just for “Honey Do’s. By now you know, all jobs we’ll do our estimates are FREE. Large jobs, we know, are soon to come courteous service is our policy.

Building Reputation • 758-9954 FREE ESTIMATES • 1 YR/100% GUARANTEE

___________________________ SAVAGE PAINTING - Interior - Exterior. OWNER ON EVERY JOB. Very reasonable. Free estimates. References. Cell 337-2960, 8835810. P 3-25 ___________________________ 2 GALS THAT PAINT. Interior painting. Faux finishes. Wallpaper removal. Reasonable prices. Call Mary @ 417-4298. P 2-11


Real Estate PRE-FORECLOSURE DEAL! Dirty & needs repairs, but could be a great home if you are willing to do some fixup! Brick, 4 BR, 2 Bath, 2 car garage. $129,900 or best offer! Now taking bids. Call me to get yours in, pending a short sale approval by the lender. Linda McKenzie, 300-0676, The Realty Association. 3859010.

Weekly Bible Verse

LEBANON ANIMAL SHELTER has loving cats, dogs, kittens, puppies. All breeds and sizes for adoption. 4441144. TC ___________________________

Real Estate

WE SHOULD PRAY FOR THOSE IN POWER: I Timothy 2:5-6 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.

Real Estate

1-Level Townhome for sale! www. MarketPlaceHomes.net

3 Bedrm. $164,900

754-6111 Deadline 1 p.m. Monday

Vehicles 1) Laid off - Must sacrifice - 2003 X06 Corvette. Only 137 made in this color. 50th Anniversary Victory Red/ Red&Black Int. All options. Custom 19” & 20” wheels. New tires. Nice car WCC Body Kit. Only 16K miles. Awesome, I lose you Win!! $29,999.00. 2)Must sacrifice ‘93 Acura Legend Coupe. Unreal custom paint job. The stereo must be seen to be believed!! Too much done to this one to put in ad, custom wheels/ new tires. Three Time Class Winner NOPI Nationals. $6,495.00. 3) Laid off - sacrifice 2003 Acura TL Type S. Pearl White & Beige. All options. Custom wheels. Nice car. Only 69K miles. Will sell for Payoff $14,800.00. Call John 615473-4416. P 11

Wanted CASH FOR YOUR LAWN MOWERS & TRACTORS. Running or NOT. Johnny at 847-4105, Mon-Fri. 9am-4p m. TC

COMMERCIAL PROPERTY FOR LEASE Hwy. 109 area and Mt. Juliet area!

Call for more information ROBINSON PROPERTIES


in Mt. Juliet

• 1-Car garage • Large Kitchen • Private gated patio • Master Suite • Plenty of extra storage Call Lynn Grassmeyer-owner/agent • 615-948-8080 Stallings Real Estate & Auction • 615- 773-8496

For nancing nancing calll Taylor Bowers at Pinnacle Financial @ 615-773-6656.

____________ ____________ ___

Happy Valentine’s Day Britt! Love, Shaee

Page 16, The Chronicle of Mt. Juliet, February 11, 2009

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