11 02 07 Cc Minutes

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ITS America Coordinating Council Meeting VIA Teleconference Friday, November 2, 2007 11:00AM EST UNCONFIRMED MINUTES All attachments are available through ITS America

ROLL CALL AND ANTITRUST, PAST MINUTES APPROVAL – McGowan Chairman Pat McGowan Bill Gouse Micki Bunn Brendon Hemily Manny Puentes Jan Urbahn Dan Murray Durga Panda

Pete Costello Rob Jaffe Chris Lane David Ridgley Laura Rogers Mike Noblett Suzanne Murtha

Rona Hapsari Heather Young Larry Schulman Sabrina Quirarte Bill Anderson David Zavattero

Chairman, Pat McGowan called the teleconference of the ITS America Coordinating Council to order at 11:00 AM, November 2, 2007. A quorum of voting members of the Coordinating Council was present. Pat reminded participants of the ITS America Antitrust Policy.

DOT REPORT – Kate Hartman No Representative from U.S. DOT present. ITSA PRESIDENT’S REPORT & BOARD OF DIRECTORS – Bill Gouse Bill Gouse reported that Scott was at ITS Midwest. I am sure Scott would want me to report on that we sent a proposal over to U.S. DOT, a best and final technical proposal. We included a lot of support for current forum projects and also general support for future forum projects. Also we are in the budgeting process here and I have requested staff hours to support each forum, this will include staff support for Coordinating Council and the all the forums. Steve Kuciemba resigned and his final day will be November 9, 2007. Scott is in the process of interviewing for this position.

World Congress – Mike Noblett Mike reported that we had a good showing in Beijing, our goal was to get about 200 people there and I think we exceeded that by about 80 registrations. A lot of very high level public sector folks there. From our side we had Shelly Row and Paul Brubaker. It was really well received; I think the Chinese were very happy. As far as New York World Congress, we have a couple of meetings coming up. We have a face to face meeting during TRB. We also had one on the 29th of October in New York. I f anyone is interested in participating or helping out please contact Edgar Martinez or myself. The planning of the VII demos are underway but we still need a lot of help, logistics, marketing and engineering. After TRB, there is going to be a meeting of the International Program Committee on February 4 and 5, 2008. We will finalize all of the Sessions for New York at this meeting. This meeting will be held near Dulles International Airport. If interested in attending please contact Bill Anderson or Rick Wieland. There is a November 9, 2007 meeting in New York. This is the Organization VII Demonstration Committee meeting. November 8, 2007 we will hold an 11th Avenue Theatre committee meeting. Review of Action Items – Bill Gouse

Big Five: Ongoing o Developing an analysis that shows organization members and what forums and special interest groups they are members of. This is a tool used to help grow activity throughout the forums. This is a continuous work in progress. It will be updated on the web site. o Forum Core Functions. It is also on the meetings webpage as a Power Point - Special Interest Groups. Forum chairs need to review and if they have any questions they need to send recommended changes/comments back to Bill Gouse. o Three year active history report 3 years back is posted on the web site. Action for the Forums is to get a 3 year projection of projects. Something to set milestones. o Two pagers: It is going to be a publication for existing and new members of ITS America. It will be an ITS America Handbook. It will let everyone know what projects we have done, which ones we are now participating in and which forums are doing what. The roles of all of the Councils and Forums. There will be updates yearly and also possibly putting the annual report in this handbook. o Work Plan: Is up on the web site and it is always a work in progress.

Forum Updates: – All

o HSPS: Working on White paper from Round Table Discussion at AM07  We are intending on submitting this as a technical paper; possibly get this published in an ITS Journal o Working on a potential Special Sessions for World Congress, we are talking to ITS leaders in the UK and are hoping to get an International flavor in a session on security and safety o PSAG: We held a PSAG meeting October 25, 2007, U.S. DOT is very engaged in this group of folks. U.S. DOT has asked the PSAG group to possibly change the name of PSAG.  Going to try and hold one of the meetings within NRITS 2008 in Anchorage, Alaska  Possibly do a workshop in this venue  We would like to get first responder information activity, gaps and send feedback back to U.S. DOT  U.S. DOT has asked us to be engaged in NG911 o HSPS is would like to submit a change of name to the forum. We feel like the forum has gotten run down since we have added Homeland Security. o

PEA: o D-Bay Project  In the process of updating o Showcase possible projects, Future vision on congestion/pricing. Possibly develop some type of guidelines on congestion pricing. o PEA12; Comprehensive Plan 2008; we are being proactive and looking; Working on direction for the future to work with other Forums. INFO: o Approval for INFO07; Congestion Mitigation Initiative & Information Collection and Dissemination, Motion: Pete Costello Second Micki Bunn; Council Approved o Existing project INFO06 Transit Weather Maintenance Decision Support System, we are looking for funding. ATCE: o FHWA had published a notice of proposed rule making on regarding a national tolling system. Addressing the vehicle communications system using the 5.9 GHz spectrum, this is reserved mainly for the use of vehicle safety, car to car communications. ATCE is starting to assemble comments about this; the deadline is November 17, 2007. I contacted Pat and asked him if the forum could have a preliminary acceptance of this project. I am making a motion to approve this project as ATCE 50. This project was approved by the Council.

CVFM: o We had our CVFM forum meeting in Traverse City, Michigan. We tagged on to the end of the last two days of NRITS. We would like to get more industry involved. Get more carriers to attend these meetings. We are going to start a pow wow and see what Commercial VII should be since the Commercial Vehicle Industry are already using numerous wireless applications. o We had a survey go out to the folks that were present at the meeting and we have placed the results on the CVFM website along with all of the presentations that where given at the meeting. o JPO was happy about the quality of the meeting, some of the comments where that the attendance was not big but the Quality was huge. TSOP: o Project activities with the Center to Center Communications, we are doing a second round of surveys, of the arterial map and freeway operators. Try and find out what their current procedures and guidelines they are using  Hopefully complete this by the end of January o Dynamic message sign has completed its first draft of the White Paper and the project team is making changes to that and then we will meet and find out how it will be released. o We are looking at holding a winter TSOP meeting during TRB. o Next week there is a ICM requirements workshop meeting that is being held in the Washington DC area, at the Maryland I-270 corridor site. RITE: o RWIS class was sold out at NRITS conference o Getting evaluations from the Boston Architecture Workshop, the reviews are very strong; we are going to try and do two more of these o Currently working with the Regional Transit Training Consortia , ITS in Maryland and Washington DC training group; to coordinate transit training for the transit agencies in the mid Atlantic region o Linking PCB courses with forum website projects; we are finalizing the matrix o Israel doing a workshop on architecture and they will be holding a third annual ITS Israel meeting, sometime in April. They would like to encourage American companies from ITS America to participate in the conference and participating in the exhibitions to sell products. PT: o Been focusing this month on trying to regroup and get the membership list in order. We have 18 new members in the PT forum. We are cleaning up and updating the PT Forum distribution list. o Asked by U.S. DOT to look into transit related VII, we are looking at this to see if Transit can do something at World Congress with VII.

Other Business: •

Rural SIG o In October in Traverse City, Michigan – Michigan DOT, ITS Michigan, U.S. DOT, and ITS America sponsored the 2007 National Rural ITS (NRITS) Conference October 7-10 at the Grand Traverse Resort. With more than 228 ITS professionals from 38 states and 3 Canadian provinces, 29 vendors, 18 poster displays, one sold out training course, and 28 technical sessions hosting more than 70 presentations on a variety of rural ITS topics.

Winter Workshop o Proposed January 17, 2008 from 1 – 5 PM, it was approved to hold winter meeting on this date. o If you have agenda items that need to be addressed please send them to Pat McGowan or Chris Lane. o In May we are having a lot of changes in the Councils and Forums; we need to address this before May gets here.

Adjourned: 12:10 PM Motion: Urbahn Second Bunn NEXT TELECONFERENCE: December 7, 2007, 1 PM Eastern

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