10 05 07 Cc Minutes

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ITS America Coordinating Council Meeting VIA Teleconference Friday, October 5, 2007 11:00AM EST UNCONFIRMED MINUTES All attachments are available through ITS America

ROLL CALL AND ANTITRUST, PAST MINUTES APPROVAL – McGowan Chairman Pat McGowan Scott Belcher Micki Bunn Brendon Hemily Steve Vaughn Jan Urbahn Bill Gouse

Art Handman Rob Jaffe Chris Lane David Ridgley Laura Rogers Chris Strong

Rona Hapsari Heather Young Larry Schulman Sabrina Quirarte Bill Anderson

Chairman, Pat McGowan called the teleconference of the ITS America Coordinating Council to order at 11:05 AM, October 5, 2007. A quorum of voting members of the Coordinating Council was present. Pat reminded participants of the ITS America Antitrust Policy.

DOT REPORT – Row No Representative from US DOT present. ITSA PRESIDENT’S REPORT & BOARD OF DIRECTORS – Scott Belcher Scott reported that it has been a busy couple of weeks getting ready for World Congress in Beijing. World Congress 07:

   

We have 200 U.S. participants, goal achieved Sold out the U.S. Pavilion, goal achieved Large delegation from U.S. DOT attending • Paul Brubaker, new Administrator Number of our Members attending and have a very important role in the World Congress; presenting/organizing and also providing leadership

Continuing to improve U.S. DOT relationship: • • • •

Contract extension thru end of the year Submitted a contract proposal for the next 5 years; proposal looks to grow the contract We have been looking to shore up our relationship with U.S. DOT Contract negotiation meeting coming up

Preparing for Board of Directors Meeting:

• • • • •

Two day meeting will be held on a Thursday Dec 6, 2007 and Friday Dec 7, 2007. Bulk of Thursday will be a continuation of the Strategic Planning process The Strategic Planning Commission will be working on the Mission and Vision The staff will also be working on Mission and Vision Competitive scan; who is competing against us Internal scan components: Meeting with each employee and also meeting with each Board member; Hope to have it with each of the Forum chairs as well

Budget Process: • •

Working on this at this time Working to try and prioritize; will be talking with the Board to find out what is their HIGHEST priority for projects

Membership: • • • • • •

Retention Rate 85 % We have just added a couple of key members About to add Alaska as a State Chapter Membership drive (Launching) for next year. We will be looking for support from Forum chairs and members. New member package; what is a forum and what each forum does and what they support President or a Board member calling each new member

Review of Action Items – Bill Gouse

Big Five: Ongoing o Developing an analysis that shows organization members and what forums and special interest groups they are members of. This is a tool used to help grow activity throughout the forums. This is a continuous work in progress. It will be updated on the web site. o Forum Core Functions. It is also on the meetings webpage as a Power Point - Special Interest Groups. Forum chairs need to review and if they have any questions they need to send recommended changes/comments back to Bill Gouse. o Three year active history report 3 years back is posted on the web site. Action for the Forums is to get a 3 year projection of projects. Something to set milestones. o Two pagers: It is going to be a publication for existing and new members of ITS America. It will be an ITS America Handbook. It will let everyone know what projects we have done, which ones we are now participating in and which forums are doing what. The roles of all of the Councils and Forums. There will be updates yearly and also possibly putting the annual report in this handbook. o Work Plan: Is up on the web site and it is always a work in progress.

Two focused Activities: Major updates:

o David Ridgley working on Public Transit Forum across our entire o

database and how to market this Rona is working with Dr. Bunn to go through the roster of the HSPS ( PSAG)

Membership: Laura Rogers o o o o

Pat to sit down with Laura from Member services Discussed Member value to the membership as a whole Get Board members involved and inform members on how they work Get new members information on Forums as they become new members

Action Items for next Teleconference: Bill Gouse/Chris Lane

o Bill Gouse to get RITE Projects 73 and 81 on the website as completed Forum Updates: – All

o HSPS: o o o o

Turn over on Steering Committee  Secretary Mary Boyd stepped down Our Peer to Peer contact is not coming through; we will be changing persons for this position Newly released National Preparedness Guidelines; we did send it to our HSPS members and asked for contacts PSAG U.S. DOT- Enhanced relationship with them; we have a scheduled meeting in October 25-26 in Washington D.C.

PEA: o D-Bay Project  Process of taking D-bay document – potential workshop in the future o Showcase possible projects, Future vision on congestion/pricing o Approval PEA12; Comprehensive Plan 2008; be proactive and looking; Motion Strong Second Bunn; Council Approved INFO: o Approval for INFO06; Transit Weather Maintenance Decision Support system Motion: Handman Second Vaughn; Council Approved o Also working on other projects and will submit them, they will also be put on the three year strategic project plan ATCE: o Project to respond to RITA/ U.S. DOT National GPS o Sent information to World Congress Beijing, ATCE relevant sessions in Beijing CVFM: o Two projects that have been developed by staff o Requesting Approval for CVFM 16, IVBSS on Heavy Trucks Performance Guidelines. Motion: Vaughn Second: Urbahn, Approved by Council o Requesting Approval for CVFM 15, IVBSS on Heavy Trucks Functional Requirements. Motion: Vaughn Second: Bunn, Approved by Council o CVFM Fall meeting in Traverse City Michigan/NRITS Conference  Core Functions Survey  Michigan DOT heavy Presents there  30 CVFM , 29 RWIS Training, 220 NRITS

TSOP: o Three current projects  Dynamic Message signs; Drafted a white paper; if FHWA likes the material they are considering funding a workshop  Integrated Corridor Management Initiative as a result of the Annual Meeting Showcase; we have been drafting a White Paper to put together recommendations for some technical work for the TSOP forum and PT forum potentially; This document is currently being revised for edits for comments and we want to send it over to U.S. DOT o Wanting to schedule a TSOP meeting in January; trying to find appropriate location o New Representatives needed; some jobs have changed. RITE: o Announce the Retirement of Kan Chen as Chair of SIG International Research of Learning and Mohammad Hadi will replace him. o Approval of RITE 84; Identification of Learning Needs of ITS Sectors; What training Goals are and what already exists Motion: Jaffe Second: Vaughn; Council Approved o Approval of RITE 83; Professional Capacity Building; Linking PCB courses to Forum websites; Hotlinks from forum web paging. Motion: Jaffe Second Urbahn; Council Approved o Approval of RITE 80; Student Involvement in ITS; Motion: Jaffe Second: Vaughn; Council Approved o Approval of RITE 85; System Engineering Workshop; Two Work shops for 2008; Outreach Motion: Jaffe Second: Bunn; Council Approved o RITE 73 and RITE 81 completed and Sunset, Final reports need to get approved Motion Jaffe Second Bunn o RWIS training in Traverse City Michigan workshop for U.S. DOT PT: o Focused on Dissemination  U.S. DOT are redoing benefits of ITS Reports and we are helping with  David Ridgley has written the first article; we sent it own to the National Transit Institute  Potential candidates for Peer to Peer

Other Business:

• •

Coordinating Council Workshop January time frame Bill Gouse will be reporting on the new task/projects in the New Contract

Adjourned: 12:33 PM Motion: Bunn Second Vaughn NEXT TELECONFERENCE: November2, 2007, 11 AM Eastern

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