09 07 07 Cc Minutes

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ITS America Coordinating Council Meeting VIA Teleconference Friday, October 5, 2007 11:00AM EST UNCONFIRMED MINUTES All attachments are available through ITS America

ROLL CALL AND ANTITRUST, PAST MINUTES APPROVAL – McGowan Vice Chairman Pat McGowan Scott Belcher Micki Bunn Brendon Hemily Steve Vaughn Jan Urbahn Bill Gouse

Art Handman Rob Jaffe Chris Lane Mike Noblett Laura Rogers Chris Strong

Rona Hapsari Heather Young Larry Schulman Sabrina Quirarte Bill Anderson David Ridgley

Chairman, Pat McGowan called the teleconference of the ITS America Coordinating Council to order at 11:05 AM, October 5, 2007. A quorum of voting members of the Coordinating Council was present. Pat reminded participants of the ITS America Antitrust Policy.

DOT REPORT – Row No Representative from US DOT present. ITSA PRESIDENT’S REPORT & BOARD OF DIRECTORS – Scott Belcher Scott reported that it has been a busy couple of weeks getting ready for World Congress in Beijing. World Congress:

  

We have 200 U.S. participants, goal achieved Sold out the U.S. Pavilion, goal achieved Large delegation from U.S. DOT attending • Paul Brubaker, new adminstrator

World Congress 08– Mike Noblett Mike reported that everything is still going on as planned. We have hit a few holes along the way but taking care of them as they come up. Mike also reported that they held an Organization Committee Conference call this past week, the call went very well and all of the subcommittees are making progress. When Steve mentioned Beijing coming up in a month that is just a reminder of the World Congress in New York is only a year a way. Folks need to start going a head and making plans as far as lodging and start dialing things in, like where and what you want to participate in. Review of Action Items – Bill Gouse/Chris Lane

We are calling them the big five: Ongoing o Developing an analysis that shows organization members and what forums and special interest groups they are members of. This is a tool used to help grow activity throughout the forums. This is a continuous work in progress. It will be updated on the web site. o Forum Core Functions. It is also on the meetings webpage as a Power Point - Special Interest Groups. Forum chairs need to review and if they have any questions they need to send recommended changes/comments back to Bill Gouse. o Three year active history report 3 years back is posted on the web site. Action for the Forums is to get a 3 year projection of projects. Something to set milestones. o Two pagers: It is going to be a publication for existing and new members of ITS America. It will be an ITS America Handbook. It will let everyone know what projects we have done, which ones we are now participating in and which forums are doing what. The roles of all of the Councils and Forums. There will be updates yearly and also possibly putting the annual report in this handbook. o Work Plan: Is up on the web site and it is always a work in progress.

Action Items for next Teleconference: Bill Gouse/Chris Lane Chris making changes to minutes from July o Bill Gouse to submit changes so changes can be made to the Strategic Plan o

Forum Updates: – All

o HSPS: o

Trying to get Steering Committee members active


o o o

Trying to get members of the forum on a conference call to get all active and hopefully start participating more, possibly looking at the HSPS Charter and want to make sure members know what the HSPS forum stands for and what type of work we can and want to do. Projects that are active is a White Paper from the Round Table session at Palm Springs Working on a project for a Strategic Plan Interface between the HSPS and U.S. DOT PSAG getting strong, getting a lot of out reach in surface transportation, and also getting other forums involved such as CVFM.

PEA: o Reviewing showcase minutes from Annual Meeting and identifying possible new projects INFO: o Steering Committee meeting September 12, 2007, discuss potential future projects o Some of the Steering Committee members, WIASIG members will be attending the MDSS and Clarus meetings in Kansas City 17-21 of September ATCE: o Request for information from U.S. DOT about the National Differential GPS. Should it still operate or should it be disabled. o Have started the process of comments on the information gathered from U.S. DOT about the National Differential GPS. Will be putting a project up for a vote of approval. o Motion to write a paper on the comments from the National Differential GPS should it still operate or be disabled  Motion was approved by Coordinating Council to make this a project CVFM: o Two projects that have been developed by staff and are hopefully going to get approved by the steering committee later this morning. o Work shop coming up October 10-11, 2007 in Traverse City Michigan o NRITS Agenda, NRITS is coming up October 7-10, 2007 in Traverse City, has multiple CVO sessions being presented this year. TSOP: o No new projects, but have discussed some ideas o Trying to get Steering Committee revived o Wants to get more ITS America staff support, wants to know if this will change in the future under the new president RITE: o Process of developing new projects o NE Architecture Workshop is 25-26 of September in Boston, at Radisson Hotel; 50 registrants so far

o o o o o

Architecture session at AMPO annual meeting, October 5, 2007 Closure with VII institutional issues that was presented to the Board with a small amount of discussion, so we can close that project Posted Forum showcase on Website in forms of slides, video and audio Co sponsoring RWIS Training at NRITS, 18 registrants so far Training for New Mid-West chapter is requested and could take place as early as November


o Asked to be involved on transit 511 in Philadelphia, meeting went well o o

Set up a sub-committee for Transit VII, we are going to identify where we need to go from here. David Ridgley is working on Rural Transit ITS

Peer-to-Peer: Larry Schulman o o o o

Relatively quiet, we have gotten a few requests for speakers. But in theory it is really not the purpose of the program We have had request for information in Traffic Management Request We have had request about CVO and Bill Gouse had us direct them to a particular website. In September P2P program is slated under the marketing plan to have a mass mailing to all the folks n the ITS America database

Membership- Pat McGowan Pat stated one of the things we need to talk about is membership in the forums. We went through the data base to see what members where in what forums and which members where not in forums. This is posted on the Coordinating Council webpage. Pat also wants the Forum chairs and there directors to sit down and take a look to see what companies are in there forums and what companies should be in there if they are not. This will help with steering committee calls and also produce some new projects.

o All Forum chairs sounded interested in wanting to start reaching out to members and possible members after looking at the members by forums list. Wants staff to do more outreach by phone calls instead of emails. It would better represent ITS America as a whole. o


Forum Chairs to meet with Directors to go through the list of what companies are in there forum and set goals to target companies o Pat to sit down with new director of Member Services to see if there can be an active plan for recruiting. o

World Congress 08 “TMC of the Future” – Pat McGowan Pat stated that in a previous call we had talked about what function of VII we would actually demonstrate at the World Congress. At one time we were talking about selecting an individual to take the lead on the particular function and have them build a team to deliver that function. For example Probe Data; one of the concerns that we had was that the people we got to volunteer would try to steer this into a vendor solution or a proprietary demonstration. We were concerned that it would not show what we are trying to accomplish as far as showing the DOT’s and the consumers what the benefits of VII are. As a result of the discussions we were looking at the various forums as being the ideal place that a feature could actually be developed within an organization that was able to reflect a large number of membership and get information from a variety of sources, so that we would be able to deliver the best product to display at the TMC of the Future in New York. •

Possible Face to Face Meeting to discuss TMC of the Future November 9, 2007 in New York.

Adjourned: 12:03 PM NEXT TELECONFERENCE: October 5, 2007, 11 AM Eastern

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