02 09 07 Cc Minutes

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ITS America Coordinating Council Meeting VIA Teleconference Friday, March 2, 2007 11:00AM EDT UNCONFIRMED MINUTES All attachments are available through ITS America

ROLL CALL AND ANTITRUST, PAST MINUTES APPROVAL – McGowan Chairman Pat McGowan David Zavattero Steve Dellenback Steve Kuciemba Lester Yoshida David Ridgley Brendon Hemily Mike Noblett

Mickey Bunn

Chris Lane

Connie Li Heather Young Steve Vaughn Larry Schulman Rob Jaffe Manny Puentes Bill Anderson

Chairman, Pat McGowan called the meeting of the ITS America Coordinating Council to order at 11:00 am, March 02, 2007. A quorum of voting members of the Coordinating Council was present. Pat reminded participants of the ITS America Antitrust Policy.

ITSA PRESIDENT’S REPORT & BOARD OF DIRECTORS – Steve Kuciemba Steve stated that Neil is in Idaho attending a VII demonstration with the Idaho State Police. The rest of the VII demo team is in Palm Springs getting ready for AM-07. Steve also stated that a lot is going on around ITS America, getting prepared for AM-07 in Palm Springs and WC-07 in Beijing, China this fall. Emails have been sent out asking for Speakers for Beijing and that the call for papers has now ended. However there are still plenty of opportunities for companies to exhibit in Beijing. Registration for WC-07 will open up in May. And in closing Steve stated that we have finished our Member Survey that was sent out in January 07. We got a little over 600 responses and we are now in the process of analyzing the data. Once this is done it will be put into a format to share with everyone.

World Congress 08 – Mike Noblit Mike stated that nothing has really changed since the last meeting except for getting down into details about what actual VII demonstrations we can do in the routes that we have planned. Mike also stated that some additional involvement from the car companies, whom are getting more supportive about participating with their own companies vehicles. DOT REPORT – Paniati No Representative from US DOT present. REVIEW OF ACTION ITEMS FROM LAST MEETING – Gouse Mickey Bunn was to present a bio of Mary Boyd to the board. Mickey read the bio and then asked for a motion to make Mary Boyd Secretary of the HSPS forum. The motion was approved by the council by vote. PROJECT REVIEW - OPEN ISSUES AND FOLLOW-UP – All

o HSPS: o

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No new project information

TSOP: o No new project information INFO: o No new project information ATCE: o No new project information CVFM: o No new project information PEA: o No new project information RITE: o No new project information

Action Item: Forum Chairs are asked to submit a list of projects dated 3 years back with their deliverables in order for them to be posted on the forum web pages. Extended: April 6, 07 (next scheduled teleconference). Forum Chairs can use their judgment if they would like to add a forum activity (non Coordinating Council project) to this list.

Membership: Pat McGowan Pat stated we have identified all of the state chapters, the next four State Chapters, Regina will coordinate with me and Neil. Neil or I will be giving Coordinating Council presentations at the State Chapter meetings AM 07 Program Update: Heather Young Heather stated that the Moderator invitations were going out and getting quick responses back. Speaker invitations are in process and should be sent out next week ( 2/12 – 2/16 ). We are taking final looks at Abstracts submissions making sure there is no one else we want to select and then send out the notifications. Sessions are set. We have 54 sessions in all. All forums are working to develop their showcases and getting their logistical needs down on paper. That way our meetings director can secure rooms and all equipment needed for the sessions. FORUM UPDATES – Mcgowan & Select Forum Chairs PEA: Continuing to work on AM 07. Showcase has a two topic round table debate format. The steering committee asked that Chris Strong be voted in as forum Secretary by Coordinating Council. Council voted on approving Chris Strong as Secretary. INFO: the steering committee asked that Pete Costello, of PBS&J, be voted in as their new secretary. Council voted on approving Pete as the secretary for the INFO forum steering committee. Continuing to work on AM 07. CVFM: Has new project director for steering committee, John Allen from Battelle. Continuing to work on AM 07. ATCE: New project from NHTSA on Human Factors. Jan Urbahn proposed that the new project be voted on. Project was voted on and approved by Coordinating Council. TSOP: The forum is in the process of organizing Annual Meeting sessions. The topics

for the showcase are being finalized. HSPS: The forum is working with PSAG and is in the process of organizing Annual Meeting sessions. We are going to do a round table discussion format to get more people involved and hopefully create more ideas for projects in the future. At next teleconference will ask for Mary Boyd to be voted in as Secretary of the steering committee. Action Items: To have Mary Boyd’s bio and have her voted in as Secretary of the HSPS steering committee at next teleconference.

PT: Brendon expressed that the forum is going through a transition period. Nothing new to add. RITE: Proposed to get new project approved by Council. The project is to I ncrease Student Involvement in ITS America (RITE 80)- this project is designed to increase student involvement in the ITS world with a combination of academic and corporate world to discuss techniques to use. The Council voted and approved this project. Action Items: Need letters sent to the new Secretaries, Chris Strong and Pete Costello welcoming them to the steering committees. NEXT TELECONFERENCE: Friday, April 06, 2007, 11:00am (EST)

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