08 03 07 Cc Minutes

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ITS America Coordinating Council Meeting VIA Teleconference Friday, August 3, 2007 11:00AM EST UNCONFIRMED MINUTES All attachments are available through ITS America

ROLL CALL AND ANTITRUST, PAST MINUTES APPROVAL – McGowan Vice Chairman Lester Yoshida Bill Gouse Steve Dellenback Brendon Hemily Steve Vaughn Jan Urbahn Bill Anderson

Art Handman Rob Jaffe Chris Lane Mickey Bunn David Ridgley Heather Young

Rona Hapsari Suzanne Murtha Larry Schulman

Vice Chairman, Lester Yoshida called the teleconference of the ITS America Coordinating Council to order at 11:00 AM, August 3, 2007. A quorum of voting members of the Coordinating Council was present. Lester reminded participants of the ITS America Antitrust Policy. July Minutes – Lester Yoshida Art Handman made the motion to approve the minutes from the July teleconference. The Council voted and approved the July minutes. ITSA PRESIDENT’S REPORT & BOARD OF DIRECTORS – ITSA President No representative present Review of Action Items – Bill Gouse

We are calling them the big five: o Developing an analysis that shows organization members and what forums and special interest groups they are members of. This is a tool used to help grow activity throughout the forums. This is a continuous work in progress. It will be updated on the web site.





Forum Core Functions. It is also on the meetings webpage as a Power Point - Special Interest Groups. Forum chairs need to review and if they have any questions they need to send recommended changes/comments back to Bill Gouse. Three year active history report 3 years back is posted on the web site. Action for the Forums is to get a 3 year projection of projects. Something to set milestones. Two pagers: It is going to be a publication for existing and new members of ITS America. It will be an ITS America Handbook. It will let everyone know what projects we have done, which ones we are now participating in and which forums are doing what. The roles of all of the Councils and Forums. There will be updates yearly and also possibly putting the annual report in this handbook. Work Plan: Is up on the web site and it is always a work in progress.

DOT REPORT – Row No Representative from US DOT present.

Forum Updates: – All

o HSPS: We have had a Steering Committee meeting We are initiating contacts with ITS UK and we are trying to get involved with them and possibly plan a joint session at WC08. o Working on the Homeland Security Strategic plan and developing a work plan for the HSPS Forum o We are going to hold a Tele-forum that will be open to all forum members o We had a meeting with U.S. DOT on possibly combining projects with the Public Safety Advisory Group. o o


o The Dynamic Message sign project, White Paper is in draft form. o Center to Center Communications we conducted a survey and we are

currently going through those surveys and going to have the results. o We also recorded the TSOP/PT Showcase at annual meeting and are currently writing a white paper. o NTOC September 7, 2007 INFO: o Attended the 3rd Weather Information Surface Transportation Symposium in Tysons Corner VA.

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o Actively seeking new projects ATCE: o We had an ISO TC 204 meeting on safety vehicles technologies and communications CVFM: o We started the monthly calls again o We will have a three year plan and will be working on this over the next two or three months. . o We are having our CVFM Annual meeting at the NRITS conference in October. o We will be looking at ways to start new projects. PEA: o Completed the transcripts from the ITS America Annual Meeting PEA forum Showcase. We are going to review this and look for new projects. RITE: o Looking to post the recording on the website and would like to have a teaser for it on the public side and the actually ability to view the forum along with Power Points on the private side. o Parking Pricing policy that we are putting a report together o Two workshops coming up that we are sponsoring, one is the New England Architecture Use and Maintenance Workshop September 25-26, 2007 in Boston. AMPO ITS America Session, which will be at the AMPO Annual Meeting on October 5, 2007. Another conference we will be having at the NRITS conference will be RWIS training and is also sponsored by U.S. DOT. PT: o Working internally developing materials for a technical article for the strategic plan for the Coordinating Council, topic specific Rural Transit ITS o Assisting APTA with the Philadelphia Meeting

Adjourned: 11:57 AM NEXT TELECONFERENCE: September 7, 2007, 11 AM Eastern

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