10 October 2009

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Editor Glorious Steve sdb Associate Editor Stafford Mantel Editorial Team A. Raj sdb Joe Andrew sdb Prof. Victor Louis Joe Mannath sdb Francis Karackatt sdb George Plathottam sdb Ralin Desouza sdb Savio Silveira sdb Advisory Council K. Maria Arokiam sdb Stanislaus Swamikannu sdb K.J. Louis sdb Financial Advisor Philominathan Sagayaraj sdb Design and Layout M. Remo Reegan Raj Dharani Roy Chowdary Editorial Office Don Bosco Bulletin, The Citadel, 45, Landons Road, Chennai 600 010. Tamilnadu. Phone: (044) 26612138/40. Fax: (044) 26411310.


It is a world of scandal Scandals are the real attacks on the deeper aspirations and the well - built meaning system of man. Men and women are shattered by the continous portrayals of scandals everyday. Depending on the seriousness of the scandals people suffer shock proportionately.

22 Ten biggest scandal 24 With indian politics, the bad gets worse

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Printed and Published by Glorious Stephen on behalf of The South India Salesian Society 45, Landons Road, Chennai 600 010 and printed at SIGA Press, 49,Taylors Road, Chennai - 600 010. Editor : Glorious Stephen


Student Plus

5 Private sins and public scandals

16 Improving memory - 3


Salesian 26 Guwahati province gears up for

6 Hidden soul


8 Choose goodness

Current Affairs 11 Elbaradei: Listen to india’s voice for total disarmament

Bible 12 Elisha: wonder worker

Don bosco october - 2009

jubilee 2009

Salesian 26 Salesian news

Values 28 Church news 30 Stories for radiant living

Regulars 32 Humour 33 Children’s page 3




peaking about the “Salesian Family” today is to describe a certain “sense of citizenship.” The expression is not found in Don Bosco’s “terminology,” but it is present in his heart and in the spirit of everything he did. There can be no doubt that for our Father the centre and purpose of his whole life was the mission received from God which he saw taking shape more and more clearly following his dream at nine years of age, without that dispensing him from the obligation, which at times was difficult and painful, of discerning the path it was to take and discovering the means to put it into practice. The various activities and work

with a double rhythm, the systolic and the diastolic, the two alternatives which cannot be separated without losing their identity. Two documents point the way: the Common Identity Card and the Common Mission Statement. Communion points us towards an affective relationship, an appreciation of individuals and of groups, it speaks of doing things together and conviviality. The mission reminds us that it is not a question of just “being together” as on mount Tabor, but of working in harmony for the education and the evangelisation of the young. The clearest example of this dialectic union is to be found in the Past Pupils’ belonging to the Salesian



Solidarity is shown through… the civil, social and missionary volunteer movement…It constitutes for the individual a possible significant vocation of commitment. Understood as willingness to devote time to the advancement of promotional, educative and pastoral initiatives, it leads persons to the sharing of responsibility. (CMS 20) Don Bosco undertook, including the Family. The Salesian Constitutions say founding of his Congregation, and with that thy “are also members [of the SF] Mary Mazzarello, that of the Daughters by reason of the education they have of Mary Help of Christians were not an received” (SDB.C. 5). No one who has end in themselves, but a way of carrying been in one of our houses or centres out the mission. Describing the charism can be “rejected”, something unthinkable as “Salesian” rather than suggesting any in a family. “The bonds are closer when sense of direct descent indicates a spirit they commit themselves to take an active and a style of action inspired by the part in the Salesian mission in the world” loving kindness of Saint Francis of Sales. (ibidem): in a family the collaboration It is possible to think of a movement of everyone in the common mission as formed by concentric circles at is no small matter. Speaking about a the centre of which is the “animating “movement” underlines the dynamism nucleus” which is the FMA and the SDB of the mission and recalls the passage in consecrated religious. Certainly the tiny the gospel which describes Jesus walking seed has become a large tree and this a towards Emmaus with two disciples; the wood. In the 2009 Strenna I expressed disciples for us are the young: we are the very practical form of our mission called to accompany them to Jesus, the in this way: “Let us commit ourselves only one who can give meaning to their to making the Salesian Family a vast lives. movement of persons for the salvation All of this we are doing in the much wider of the young”. perspective of the universal Church, and We are then a “family”, not a “work in more practical terms within the local group”; a family which lives in communion Church. Francis of Sales is considered an and has a mission, like a heart that beats innovator when he presents holiness as 4

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the aim of every Christian. Don Bosco puts the emphasis on the right/duty of collaborating in the Church according to the Salesian charism. The Second Vatican Council highlights the apostolate of the laity and the vocation to holiness. Indeed “Every Christian is either an apostle or an apostate!” (Leon Bloy). The GC241 reflected on the common mission, in the face of the danger of a “monopolising of the mission” by the consecrated religious, while re-affirming their indispensable role as the “animating nucleus”. We Salesians form part of this nucleus, though not in an exclusive manner. The lay people who share with us the Salesian mission and spirit are not merely collaborators but people who are co-responsible even if on different levels. Nowadays a great variety of groups and associations for voluntary service have developed; the GC24 saw in this situation a new way of being aware of others, a challenge to confront the dominant injustices and selfishness, a significant vocational option and the complement of the educational process2. Voluntary service continues to expand in some Regions. Local and national service, missionary, social and vocational service is developing especially in America; in others international and missionary voluntary service has developed (Europe); while others are welcoming volunteers (Africa and Asia). Salesian voluntary service is a wellworthwhile opportunity for young people who have been involved in pursuing the youth ministry process as it helps them to make mature decisions about their option for a committed Christian life and it often becomes the occasion to make contact with and provides evangelisation opportunities for young people outside our own centres. In the end, what counts is the salvation of youth.

Pascual Chavez Villanueva sdb

E d i tor i a l

Private sins and public scandals “A

nd there’s a lust in man no charm can tame, Of loudly publishing our neighbour’s shame; On eagles’ wings immortal scandals fly, While virtuous actions are but borne to die… And though you duck them ne’er so long, Not one salt drop e’er wets their tongue; On eagles’ wings immortal scandals fly, While virtuous actions are but borne to die.” Juvenal wrote these lines about scandals, about the private sins of others which are generally blown up as scandals for the society. That is why people say that a lie has no leg, but a scandal has wings. The news of a scandal spreads faster than any other news. A scandal is a disgrace, discredit or shame caused by report or knowledge of a wrongdoing. When the reporting is done wrongly it is a defamation or gossip, especially malicious or idle; which causes public offence or disrepute. Scandal is a kind of gossip made tedious by morality. This general tendency to make the private sins of people into public scandals, is prevalent in almost all cultures. When it is concerning a public personality, it is all the more evident and that becomes the hot topic for discussion among the ordinary people. Media do their part to amplify these, both as guardian of the people and most often, as a way of marketing their products and for branding themselves.

“Old maids sweeten their tea with scandal,” said Josh Billings. Generally human mind is only too willing to accept them as true whether it is right or wrong, . Seldom does it despise them as false reports. For great people both honour and hate comes in high proportions. William Shakespeare too wrote, “For greatest scandal waits on greatest state.”

There is so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us. All the same, only the negative aspects in people seem to attract the attention of people in general. All the good things of a person disappear the moment one is caught in a public scandal. This truth about human beings made Paul Chatfield say, “ Scandal is what one half of the world takes pleasure inventing, and the other half in believing.” Scandalous behaviour of people who have gone before us, helps to formulate the private sins of the future generation. In the case of scandal as in that of robbery, the receiver is always thought as bad as the thief. The word scandal, skandala in Greek, means things that induce somebody to sin; Jesus pronounces Himself against those who scandalize; Jesus says: Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown in the sea (Mark 9:42; Matthew 18:6; Luke 17:1-2). Whoever tries to separate anybody from his faithfulness to Jesus Christ, is guilty of scandal. Don bosco october - 2009

Jesus took very seriously anything that lead to sin, and therefore, after talking about scandal, He came to the point of saying that it would be better for you to cut off your hand or cast out your eye, rather than to be an occasion of sin; that is what we read in Mark 9:43-47 and in Matthew 18:8-9. French Actor, Playwright and Writer, Moliere, the greatest of all writers of French comedy mockingly wrote, “It is a public scandal that offends; to sin in secret is no sin at all.” As long as people can hide them from the eye of the public, an event is not considered as a scandal. But, the sin remains the same. Somehow by hiding them we are rest assured. There have been people who have escaped the drudgery of getting caught in public. There is still another truth about people who cannot escape from scandals. The inexplicable irony is, the more you try to hide your sins, the blatant they become. The virtuous men do not falter and fail. As a result there is no place in their life for a scandal. While there are people who are careless make the most number of mistakes in life. The more they try to cover them, the more scandalous they become. It isn’t the original scandal that gets people in the most trouble - it’s the attempted cover-up. That is why we say scandal and failures make news only success makes history.

Glorious Steve sdb Editor 5


Hidden Souls Tour experience of happiness, joy and above all your experience of God must lead you forward to help many. But before that you must get a grip of God’s reality.


suppose it’s the nature of the thing that you would feel that you are alone and that nobody else is going through what you are going through. You have worked on yourself, healing, changing, growing, and becoming more enlightened as to the way the game of life is played. The result is that you

really don’t feel like playing anymore. No, you aren’t suicidal, but rather you just want to be left alone. You see the world as superficial and fake. You see the people you love self-destructing right before your very eyes and you have tried to help them only to find that your help is not wanted. You have even wrestled with that until you understand that you cannot force others to accept your enlightenment and your wisdom. You cannot force others to accept your views of life, of peace, of balance, of harmony, of personal reflection, and self-accountability. Eventually, like a hermit, you go off to live your simple perfectly balanced beautiful little life alone. This is not the same as the lost souls who do not know who they are or where they are in life. This is about those


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Anger and pain controls a lot of people. It’s a sad fact. souls who know exactly who they are, where they are in life, and have a pretty good idea of where they are heading and what it will look like when they get there. These people have ambition, direction, drive, and often some form of a spiritual calling, a higher ideal, or a humanitarian cause that motivates them to give of themselves to humanity in ways that others cannot understand. These souls hear a small voice whispering to them to go public with their peaceful harmonious ways. But going public is noisy, harsh, rude, prejudiced, and often dangerous for the gentle calm souls. So they hide. Anger and pain controls a lot of people. It’s a sad fact. We all know someone who still allows their childhood wounds to dictate and control their every decision. We all know of people who are afraid to really open up and love someone else for fear of being rejected and hurt again. Anger is a passionate

Sprituality motivator. People who are really ticked off are seldom docile and quiet about it. Take an angry mob and see how long you can keep them in a peaceful calm quiet logical state. Anger is overwhelming and powerful. It controls and threatens whatever looks like the source of that rage, fear, or pain. Now look at love and inner peace. By nature, love is not controlling or dominating. It is a light that shines and warms, but it does not push and shove. Take a crowd of people who are all in a loving openhearted peaceful state, like a congregation after listening to a beautiful uplifting sermon, or an audience who has just watched a musician play something amazingly spellbinding that touches their deepest heart. For just a moment, the crowd sits awash in the joyful calm not wanting to break the sacred silence. The hidden souls are trying to live their lives like that congregation and the truth is, it is hard to hold onto our warm cozy feelings while being cut off in traffic, screamed at by irate customers, and listening to a critic say that we aren’t very good at whatever gift we are trying to offer the world. It’s so much easier for the musician to play alone in his room, the writer journals just for themselves, the artist hides their work away, and the heart does not reach out to new people anymore. These people hide their gentle souls because they want to remain gentle in a world that is harsh and often cruel. Then that small voice of spirit calls out from the inner sanctuary of our minds telling us we must come forward and share our gifts. “The

chaos and ugliness of the “real world.” You were spiritually healed, taught, and enlightened in your safe sanctuary, but that is just a false world designed for the beginner to learn. Once you have mastered your own heart and mind and have learned how to be a truly beautifully balanced loving soul, then you will be kicked out of the nest and told to go spread that light. Yes, you are different from what appears to be the norm. You won’t know how many others are out there just like you until you come out of your hiding spot and begin to interact on a deep heartfelt level with all of humanity.

world needs your gift as much as you need to share it.” Terrified, we wrestle with that guiding voice telling it to leave us alone in our hermit’s nest. It is in that struggle to maintain our loving hearts while confronted with other people’s hatred that we find just how sacred the love in our hearts is. You were taught how to hold an inner light while held safely away from the

small voice of spirit calls out from the inner sanctuary of our minds telling us we must come forward and share our gifts. Don bosco october - 2009

You must step into the darkness or nobody will know that you are a shining light. You are content to simply light up your safe secret little corner of the world. Yes, I know that you no longer have an ego attachment that needs for the world to see you as shining and glorious. You would be perfectly content hiding away in your sanctuary, working, singing, laughing, and loving just the safest people that you have met. However, it’s not for you that you must shine your light into the darkness. It’s for those lost souls who are frightened, broken, and alone. It is so seldom that a Gandhi or a Mother Theresa appears on the scene, that the lost souls do not believe that unconditional love really exists on a day-to-day level. You do not build lighthouses in safe sunny places. You put them on the edge of the shore where the storms are. You are a beacon of light in the storm of humanity. Deal with it, and get to work doing what you were trained to do.

Skye Thomas 7

W E LL - B E I N G

Choose Goodness


t started with a piece of trash. Matthew Emerzian, a successful music industry executive in Los Angeles, was walking back to his office with a co-worker one afternoon when he stopped to pick up a plastic fountain drink cover from the sidewalk and put it in a nearby garbage bin. “My co-worker quickly asked me what I was doing,” Emerzian recalled. “I explained what I thought to be the obvious, but apparently I was wrong.” To the co-worker, litter simply belonged to the litterer, not to the population as a whole. “I explained to him that litter and pollution are everyone’s problem not just the person who couldn’t find the trash can for their cup lid. He profoundly responded with ‘Dude, you’re weird.’” Emerzian walked back to his office both angry and sad. “I couldn’t believe that someone could remove themselves so far from the greater good of our world.”

million Americans could do to make a difference. From this, a great idea was born. He called his friend, Kelly Bozza, and told her that he wanted to write a book about how all of us can make a difference with our lives. Within a week, they had over 100 items on their list and were ready to start writing. Their book, titled Every Monday Matters...52 Ways to Make a Difference, has sold 120,000 copies. The ideas are simple - small acts that collectively add up to an enormous impact for the greater good. Dr. Martin Luther King said, “Everyone has the power of greatness; not for fame, but greatness, because greatness is determined by service.” Jesus said to his disciples: “A good tree does not bear rotten fruit, nor does a rotten tree bear good fruit. A good person out of the store of

Matt began to think, ‘what if everyone in the country picked up one piece of litter on the same day.’ Or 10 pieces! The math was easy, yet so powerful. He then began to think of a few other easy things that 300

We need silence to reflect whether our thoughts, our words and our actions are pointing to the goodness within us. 8

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goodness in his heart produces good, but an evil person out of a store of evil produces evil; for from the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks.” (Lk. 6:4344). Jesus likens goodness to a store within. This store has to be built up patiently. The foundation is laid by our parents and the other adults (teachers, guides, coaches etc.) who act as mentors and educators. Friends also can inspire us. But this store has to be constantly replenished. At times, we have to take stock of our goodness. We need silence to reflect whether our thoughts, our words and our actions are pointing to the goodness within us. In olden days we were all taught to “think well of all, speak well of all and do good to all.” This is the foundation of goodness. We need to observe whether the love within us is blocked or whether we are blind to the fact that we are not building on our goodness store.

W E LL - B E I N G yours do not demand it back. Do to others as you would have them do to you.” The whole chapter six of Luke speaks of goodness. All the Gospels speak in fact of goodness.

These wellbeing articles constantly speak of choices. Our life is all about choices. We can choose good or evil. The normal human being is capable of many deeds of goodness. There are exceptions, namely, people who have been brainwashed to believe that one has to kill in the name of a particular religion (or other forms of terrorism). We are all capable of choosing goodness. But the degree varies in keeping with our formation and the attitudes we have acquired along the way. But through silence and prayer, we can improve the store of goodness within us. Mother Teresa was living an ordinary life in a convent and then she keenly observed the tragedy of human poverty around her. She began to reflect and pray and she asked God for light. She was a good person living an ordinary life but then she made a courageous choice to leave the comfort and security of her convent and serve the poorest of the poor on the streets of Calcutta. She worked on the store of goodness within her. She walked the extra mile. In the incident mentioned above, we see the goodness of Matthew Emerzian. All that he did was to pick up a plastic cup and drop it in a waste paper basket. But if all of us in Chennai were to be inspired by this small act of goodness we could make

Chennai a clean city. It is a very small act but there is goodness hidden in that act. It is a conscious act of goodness. It is a conscious choice you make in your life and then it becomes a habit. Goodness slowly develops into a habit. Goodness as a virtue comes easily when we are surrounded by our friends and family. It is easy to be good to a family member because we will receive something in return and he or she is part of us. But Jesus asks us to go the extra mile when it is a question of goodness. He asks us to be good to the stranger, the poor, the widows and the orphans. The story of the Good Samaritan that Jesus narrated is a great example of goodness.

...through silence and prayer, we can improve the store of goodness within us. Jesus also said, “Love your enemies, do good to those who mistreat you. Give to everyone who asks of you, and from the one who takes what is Don bosco october - 2009

The world is filled with stories of goodness and there is no limit to goodness. The following short stories are just examples of little acts of goodness. Raisin bread was always at the top of Ruth’s grocery list because that’s what her husband ate for breakfast every morning. Toasted with butter, it sent a warm, cinnamon smell through the house. This elderly couple (Ruth and her husband) lived without a car in their neighborhood in Buffalo, and it became difficult for them to do their shopping. The children were too far away to help, so they took a taxi. One day Ruth went to store after store in search of raisin bread. They were with a cab driver who had shuttled them around before. He wouldn’t let them give up their search. Finally they headed home. No luck. The cab driver helped them in with their groceries, and Ruth was generous with his tip. Later that afternoon, the doorbell rang. Ruth opened the door. There stood the cab driver holding two loaves of raisin bread. “Your tip was so big,” he said, “it was burning a hole in my pocket. Enjoy!” Raisin bread was in short supply in Ruth’s neighborhood, but neighborliness and goodness sure wasn’t. We can fill our life with such acts of goodness. Here is another funny incident that took place in a third grade classroom..... There is nine-year old Johnny sitting at his desk and all of a sudden, there is a puddle between his feet and the front of his pants is wet. He thinks his heart is going to stop because he cannot possibly imagine how this has happened. He knows that when the boys find out he will never hear the end of it. When the girls find out, they’ll never speak 9

W E LL - B E I N G to him agains. Johnny believes his heart is going to stop; he puts his head down and prays this prayer, “Dear God, this is an emergency! I need help now! Five minutes from now I’m dead meat.” He looks up from his prayer and here comes the teacher with a look in her eyes that says he has been discovered. As the teacher is walking toward him, a classmate named Susie is carrying a goldfish bowl that is filled with water. Susie trips in front of the teacher and inexplicably dumps the bowl of water in the boy’s lap. Johnny pretends to be angry, but all the while is saying to himself, “Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Lord!” Now all of a sudden, instead of being the object of ridicule, Johnny is the object of sympathy. The teacher rushes him downstairs and gives him gym shorts to put on while his pants dry out. All the other children are on their hands and knees cleaning


up around his desk. The sympathy is wonderful. But as life would have it, the ridicule that should have been his has been transferred to someone else - Susie. She tries to help, but they tell her to get out. You’ve done enough, you klutz!” Finally, at the end of the day, as they are waiting for the bus, Johnny walks over to Susie and whispers, “You did that on purpose, didn’t you?” Susie whispers back, “I wet my pants once too.” There was so much of goodness in this little girl Susie. St. Paul says, “Put on as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, bearing with one another and forgiving one another, if one has a grievance against another; as the Lord has forgiven you, so must you

Don bosco october - 2009

also do. This is in fact a goodness list. May God help us see the

opportunities that are always around us to do good!

Joe Andrew sdb

[email protected]


ELBaradei: listen to India’s Voice for total disarmament

Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee presents a set of coins on Homi Bhabha to IAEA Director-General Mohammad ELBaradei at the International Conference on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy-2009 in New Delhi on Tuesday. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Atomic Energy Commission Chairman Anil Kakodkar look on. – PHOTO: V.V. KRISHNAN


ndia called for elimination of all nuclear weapons as far back as 1948”

NEW DELHI: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) DirectorGeneral Mohammad ElBaradei on Tuesday acknowledged India as a “leading advocate” for nuclear disarmament and felt the world must listen to its “voice” for the elimination of nuclear weapons. In the civil nuclear arena, he described India as a “role model” for developing countries and wanted them to gain from its technological expertise. “India called for the elimination of all nuclear weapons as far back as 1948. It is important that India’s voice should continue to be heard as a leading advocate for nuclear disarmament,” he observed, while addressing the ‘International Conference on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy’ here.

“It has to be a system built on human solidarity and equity; a system based on cooperation and not confrontation; on inclusion and not exclusion,” Dr. ElBaradei suggested. “Let me say a few words on India’s current role in using nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and lessons it can teach other countries. India undertakes a lot of research in advanced fuel cycles based on thorium fuel as it has abundant reserves and a comparative shortage of uranium. India continues to set the agenda for research and development in the field of sodium-cooled fast breeder reactors,” he added. However, he cautioned that countries planning to build nuclear reactors must understand the need to ensure the highest safety standards and avoid problems faced by some countries which already have nuclear power. These problems include ageing reactors, poorly managed plants or weak regulators. “A strong focus on Don bosco october - 2009

safety and security should be seen as enablers for the further development of nuclear energy rather than as hindrances,” Dr. ElBaradei advised. The prestigious Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development will be conferred on Dr. ElBaradei by President Pratibha Patil at the Rashtrapati Bhavan on Wednesday. The jury, chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, had decided to confer the award on him in November last. The IAEA chief is being recognized for “his impassioned opposition to the use of nuclear energy for military purposes and his steadfast espousal of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, sustained over many years.” He had played an important role in India being accepted in the civil nuclear commerce mainstream. Sandeep Dikshit Courtesy: The Hindu,



Personality for Imitation - 19

Elisha: Wonder Worker


lisha was a prophet, the disciple and successor to Elijah. During his life possessed a “double portion” of Elijah’s spirit as he requested his master on his earthly departure. In fact, he performed sixteen miracles while his master only eight. His prophetical powers were realized, when he brought back to life the dead son of a Shunammite woman; cured Naaman the general from leprosy; multiplied loaves of barley and ears of grain to feed a crowd of people; caused a metal axe head to float on water; caused an attacking Aramean army to go blind and then returned their sight; and filled large empty vessels with oil. The name means “God is salvation”. Son of Shaphat, Elisha lived at AbelMeholah, a city in the Jordan River valley, halfway between the Sea

of Galilee and the Dead Sea. He lived in the northern Kingdom of Israel during the reigns of Jehoram, Jehu, Jehoahaz and Joash for about fifty years and had influence over them. Nothing is told except, that apparently he was wealthy, had personal servants, and cherished social and community assemblies. The first mention of his name occurred in the command given to Elijah to anoint him as his successor. Elijah found him engaged in plouging with 12 yoke of oxen and threw his mantle over him. Immediately, Elisha left the field, slaughtered his oxen and gave to the people to eat and came to remain with Elijah as his close attendant. Later when Elijah was taken up in a fiery chariot, Elisha picked up Elijah’s mantle, struck it on the waters of the Jordan River. The water then parted and

Elisha crossed over, thus beginning his service as a prophet of God. His ministry began by cleansing a spring of water near Jericho by casting salt into it as it was unfit for drinking and injurious to the land. By this healing, God gave life to an entire city through His prophet and again showed His sovereign control over His creation. At Bethel the prophet cursed the youths who made fun of his baldness. He called on God’s judgment, which at once took effect. Two female bears came out of the woods and ripped of 42 young men to pieces. Next he predicted a fall of rain when the army of Jehoram was faint from thirst.

Elisha was always ready to help the poor and needy. He felt sympathy for the widow and wife of prophet Obadiah who was in debt. Like his teacher, Elisha was always ready to help the poor and needy. He felt sympathy for the widow and wife of prophet Obadiah who was in debt. He multiplied the poor widow’s cruse of oil, filled vessels upon vessels until no vessel left to fill. By this were helped out of difficulties, not only the poor widow but also her descendants and they never suffered want. In Shumen to reward the rich lady for her hospitality, the prophet promised a child to the sister of Abishag and wife of the prophet Iddo. The barren woman was blessed with a child within a year. After few years her child died all of a sudden and so she


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BIBLE lamented before Elisha, saying better to have lived without a child from the beginning than to have one and lose it. The prophet then sent his disciple Gehazi with his staff to bring the dead boy back to life, but he couldn’t succeed due to his disbelief. Then Elisha himself invoked the Lord and restored the life of the child. At the time of famine, one of the sons of the prophet brought in a pottage full of wild gourds as it was the only available food to eat. The cooked meal became poisonous and so Elisha counteracted the effect into wholesome food that nourished them all. Then from Baal Shalisha a man offered to the prophet twenty loaves of bread and fresh ears of grain to eat. Unselfishly Elisha instructed his attendant to feed with these one hundred men who were there. As foretold by the prophet multiplication took place, all ate sufficiently and had some left over as well. During the military attacks of Syria into Israel, the extraordinary cure of Naaman, the Syrian general from Damascus, of his leprosy with seven dips in the river Jordan and his expression of his deep conviction in one true God in Israel was another evidence of God’s power through the prophet. Since Gehazi’s covetousness of Naaman’s goods stood in contrast to Elisha’s disinterestedness, the prophet punished his servant for his falsehood and greed by passing on the disease of Naaman to him and to his family forever. On another occasion, group of sons of the prophets while removing the dense trees on the banks of the river Jordan, left the iron axe-head fall into the water. By a stick cast in, the prophet recovered and raised the iron to float. At Dothan, half-way between Samaria and Jezreel, Elisha saved the king Jehoram of Israel from the ambushes planned by Benhadad and

by his prayers bewildered with a strange blindness the soldiers of the Syrian king. He also foretold the end of the siege of Samaria by the king of Syria over the terrible sufferings. He helped to overthrow Jezebel and her son who ruled Israel and worshiped Baal. He journey to Damascus and anointed Hazael to be king over Syria and Jehu, son of Jehoshaphat, to be king over Israel. These leaders defeated Jezebel and her son and had them killed. When Elisha was on his deathbed, he prophesied to Joash, the King of Israel, that Israel will win the next three battles with Aram. After an year of his death, the body of another man was placed in the same grave. When the dead man’s body touched Elisha’s remains, the dead man came to life and stood on his feet. Thus, Elisha is remembered as a man of wisdom and a wonder worker both on behalf of his nation in times of

Elisha is remembered as a man of wisdom and a wonder worker both on behalf of his nation in times of crisis and in the lives of individuals in time of need. crisis and in the lives of individuals in time of need. In many respects he stands out in contrast to his great predecessor. He turned out more to be a pastor, large-hearted and generous, tolerant to a remarkable degree, courageous and shrewd when the occasion required, a diplomat as well as a statesman, severe and stern only in the presence of evil and when the occasion demanded. Though some of his miracles resemble Elijah’s, he proved himself as the divinely Don bosco october - 2009

appointed prophet of the one true God, whose knowledge, tenderness, grace, mercy and power he was privileged to share. He finished the great work of putting down Baal worship begun by Elijah. His work was not so much to add anything to religion, as to cleanse the religion already possessed. Elisha’s personal influence among kings was widespread and beneficial than his religious contribution. His advice or command seemed to be always taken unhesitatingly. He possessed the confidence of kings so fully that they addressed him as father and themselves as sons. He accompanied an army of invasion and three kings consulted him in extremity. The king of Syria consulted him in sickness. He was something of a military strategist and many times saved the king’s army. The king of Israel went to him for his parting counsel. Thus under Jehu he secured the destruction of the Baal worship in its organized form. Under Hazael the nation was trodden down and almost annihilated for its apostasy.

Victor Antonyraj sdb [email protected]


st u d ents p l u s



System 2 – Number shapes ear readers ,you will learn about number shapes which will help you to improve your memory. A number has a shape all of its own, but needs a little interpretation. The graphics in this section will help you.

0 is an orange 1 is a Paint brush 2 is a Swan 3 is a Camel 4 is the sail of a yacht 5 is a hook on a fishing line 6 is the trunk of an elephant 7 is a cliff 8 is a snowman 9 is a golf club 10 bat and ball Using the guidelines for number rhymes, this time memorize a new list of 10 items, but this time link the pictures of the SHAPES system to the objects. l.e. Link your first item with a paintbrush ( for 1) the second with a swan, the third with a camel etc. So a car at position 5 might be imagining pulling a car from a river using a hook and line.

How to turn 10 into100! Firstly, you will need to decide which system you like best, rhymes or shapes. If it is rhymes, then that is the Bank, and the shapes become the PATCH. Vice versa if you preference the other.

It works like this. Lets assume that you prefer rhymes. 1-10 is the same as a simple list. 11 upwards you create COMBINATION IMAGES. Each image will always have a ‘bun’ in it, but the bun interacts with the 10 shapes lists. So for example number 11 Bank

1.brush 2.swan 3.camel 4.yacht 5.hook 6.elephant 7.cliff 8.snow man

See note 1:bun 2:shoe 3:tree 4:door 5:hive 6:sticks 7:heaven 8:gate 9:wine

1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91


2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92

3 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93

4 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94

5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95

6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96

Don bosco october - 2009

7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97

8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98

9. club 10.bat & ball 9 10 19 20 29 30 39 40 49 50 59 60 69 70 79 80 89 90 99 100

st u d ents p l u s would be a paint brush painting a bun a colour. Number what would the image be for a car at number 73? Work 15 would be a bun on a fishing line. All the numbers from out which system you prefer and then stick to it! 11 to 19 are the shapes, but the bun means it is HAS A How and why does it work? 1 AT THE FRONT. In the THIRD 10 (21-30) then each ‘shape’ will interact with a shoe! So number 28, would be We can retain separate images in our minds quite easily, Bank 1.bun 2.shoe 3.tree 4.door 5.hive 6.sticks 7.heaven 8.gate 9.wine 10.hen 0:orange 1:brush 2:swan 3:camel 4:yacht 5:hook 6:elephant 7:cliff 8:snow man 9:club

1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91

2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92

3 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93

4 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94

5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95

6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96

a snowman wearing a pair of shoes. See the table over for further clarity. For the first bank it is not necessary to have a number, as the first 10 will stand on their own. However if wished you could have NIL = HILL. If you decide that your Bank should be the shapes system, and the patch should be the rhyme system then use the following table. The way to use this system obviously is to introduce the object to be remembered into this new composite image. So if you wanted to remember a clock at number 86 (IN THE FIRST TABLE), then you would have an elephant stood knocking (movement and sound) on a gate, and on his back is a giant clock. The reason for needing the idea of a BANK and PATCH system is that an image is just that, an image. So when you DECODE the image you will need to know which came first. Otherwise you would be asking yourself if your placement of the clock was at number 86, or 68. This confusion would create an unstable memory image that might be forgotten. In fact, in this version number 68 is sticks and a snowman. Look now at the second table – Don bosco october - 2009

7 17 27 37 47 57 67 77 87 97

8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98

9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

and by using this kind of system of combining different elements the images remain quite distinct from one another. Because they are sequence based with a system we are already use to – that of counting – we are sure that we have not missed anything vital. But there is one more thing


st u d ents p l u s process to be efficient, which will be covered later. But for now it is worth realizing that using a systematic approach you will be able to recall far more information without the need to recourse to the quick glance to remind yourself if you have forgotten anything. Such glances keep memories in the short term area of your mind, and true power memory is information which goes into long term memory.

which I will touch on now, but will be dealt with a little more later on, and that is the process of recall and long term memory. The act of remembering creates the effect of strengthening the chemical bonds of a memory – or in the analogy of the stream, it widens it to a river. If you simply look again at the information to remind yourself then you are not actually remembering. There are optimum times for this

The systems covered here are simply a tool to help you to retain the information in the first place and to get it into long term memory are simply.

FACT: When Albert Einstein died they opened up his head to look at his brain – it was smaller than the average size! However, he used much more than most people. Doing memory stunts will enable you to retain larger amounts of information and genius is not so much about being clever, but seeing how one part of life fits with another part of life. The more you know, the more you can link them together. So start thinking like a genius! 16

Don bosco october - 2009

In fact the amazing thing is that once that memory has been firmly fixed in the mind, you will no longer need the system to recall the information as it will become part of your normal thinking, so do not be concerned that you are going to end up with 1000’s of elephants running around in your head because the systems covered here are simply a tool to help you to retain the information in the first place and to get it into long term memory.

What about erasing information? Now that is the really clever bit. You can either let your mind lose the information over time (around 4 days!) or you can erase it ‘manually’. All you have to do is to go through the images without their attached items and you are ready to start over – a bit like erasing a tape recording or recordable cd which has just been reformatted. One last thing as we move on. Hopefully you will be realizing that your memory is very impressive – in fact why not start impressing others now by doing a demonstration? It’s a strange feeling the first time you manage it because somewhere inside of you probably didn’t think that it would work without all the strain and effort that you used to, or still do, put in at school. In fact because it is all just about remembering pictures you probably quite enjoyed it!

Merlyn Ross [email protected] Dear students, write to [email protected] about the problems and anxieties you face in your studies. They will be addressed in the forthcoming issues.

S a l es i ans

Guwahati Province gears up for Jubilee 2009 The year 2009 is a year of grace for the Province of Guwahati. Fifty years ago in 1959, the North India Province was bifurcated and Guwahati Province of Mary Help of Christians was created. Fr. A. Alessi became the first provincial of the newly created province. Since then, many important events have taken place in the history of the province. The province has seen the miracle of multiplication of centres, communities, personnel etc. In 1982 the province gave birth to the province of

Dimapur,a true sign of the growth and maturity of the province. Many able provincials came up who took the province further ahead. Many capable, creative and committed confreres came into the scene and they have added strength, beauty, name and fame to the province. Today we can boast of having given great missionaries like SOG Fr. Vendrame, Fr. Piasecki, Fr. Ravalico, Fr. Balawan, Fr. Albizuri, Fr. Tome, Br. CID, Br. Frasson etc. The province has also given to the

Church great pastors like Bp. Louis Mathias, Bp. Ferrando, Bp. Marengo, Bp. Hubert D`Rosario, Bp. T. Resto. The Salesians have done a yeoman service to the society through education, health care and social developmental work. We have

come a long way to empower the tribal communities of North-east India. Today many political stalwarts have emerged from these communities. Thousands of poor youth have been able to make a difference in their lives through our technical and nonformal educational institutions. Our Salesians are also in the forefront of Don bosco october - 2009

culture preservation and promotion. Many books on tribal cultures and customs have been written by our Salesians and today in Mawlai, stands the greatest monument of our homage to the cultures of Northeast people. This year we have gone ahead to excel in our educational contribution by starting the Don Bosco University. Looking back to these past fifty years, we realize that God has blessed us abundantly and Mary Help of Christians has been guiding us through the

vicissitudes of life. Therefore, it is right that we set this year apart in order to praise and thank God and our Blessed Mother for these great achievements and to pray that we continue to do much more good to our people.




It is a world of SCANDALS Scandals are the real attacks on the deeper in power have been susceptible to

political, sexual and finance related

aspirations and the well - built meaning system scandals and misconduct. Many such scandals have rocked the world.

of man. Men and women are shattered by the Clinton, Bush, Nixon, Kennedy and continuous portrayals of Scandals everyday. many other American presidents were charged for their corrupt

Depending on the seriousness of the scandals behaviour. In India too, we had the people suffer shock proportionately.


ust weeks before the hosting of a G8 summit 72-year-old Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was facing a new sex scandal. The new revelations focused on escort girl Patrizia D’Addario who said she had sex with Mr. Berlusconi. Another woman alleged she was paid 10,000 euros as a present. A man who brought the women to dinner with Berlusconi was being investigated by magistrates in Bari on suspicion of abetting prostitution. 18

Numerous such instances in history proved that many high commands

The Vohra Report studied the problem of the criminalisation of politics and of the nexus among criminals, politicians and bureaucrats in India. Don Donbosco boscoSeptember october - -2009 2009

Tehelka issue, the Bofors case and many others.

Apart from the pressure it creates on the person involved in this scandal, we are concerned about the crisis it brings to the millions of people who come to know about this scandal. Thousands of such scandals have rocked thes world in different proportions. They have either made a deep mark on the people and their meaning system or on their spirituality. While it has its repercussions on the voting of the people of Italy, it has a deeper impression of mistrust in politicians

COVER STORY and leaders in general. This can be more dangerous for the people who are good willed or who are taught to be good willed. The economy of India was under socialist-inspired policies for an entire generation from the 1950s until the 1980s. The economy was subject to extensive regulation, protectionism, and public ownership, leading to pervasive corruption and slow growth. License Raj was often at the core of corruption. The Vohra Report was submitted by the former Indian Union Home Secretary, N.N. Vohra, in October 1993. It studied the problem of the criminalisation of politics and of the nexus among criminals, politicians and bureaucrats in India. The report contained several observations made by official agencies on the criminal network which was virtually running a parallel government. It also discussed criminal gangs who enjoyed the patronage of politicians, of all parties, and the protection of government functionaries. It revealed that political leaders had become the leaders of gangs. They were connected to the military. Over the years criminals had been elected to local bodies, State Assemblies and Parliament. The unpublished annexures to the Vohra Report were believed to contain highly explosive material.

COVER STORY be allocated within the economy, and decisions could get made. These were largely distortions created by the politico-economic regime. While a sea change has occurred in the years following 1991, some of the distorted cultural norms that took hold during the earlier period are slowly being repaired by the sheer forces of competition. The process will be long and slow, however. It will not change overnight. Politics As with many developing nations, corruption is widespread in India. India is ranked 85 out of a 179 countries in Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index, although its score has improved consistently from 2.7 in 2002 to 3.4 in 2008. Corruption has taken the role of a pervasive aspect of Indian politics and bureaucracy. Criminalization of Indian politics is a problem. In July 2008 Washington Times reported that nearly a fourth of the 540 Indian Parliament members faced criminal charges, “including

Officials often steal state property. In Bihar, more than 80% of the subsidized food aid to poor is stolen. human trafficking, immigration rackets, embezzlement, rape and even murder”. At state level, things are often worse. In Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections 2002, candidates with criminal records won the majority of seats. Bureaucracy A 2005 study done by Transparency International (TI) in India found that more than 50% of the people had firsthand experience of paying bribe or peddling influence to get a job done in a public office. Taxes and bribes are common between state borders;

According to Jitendra Singh, “in the bad old days, particularly pre-1991, when the License Raj held sway, and by design, all kinds of free market mechanisms were hobbled or stymied, and corruption emerged almost as an illegitimate price mechanism, a shadowy quasi-market, such that scarce resources could still Don bosco october - 2009



COVER STORY Transparency International estimates that truckers pay annually $5 billion in bribes. A 2009 survey of the leading economies of Asia, revealed Indian bureaucracy to be not just least efficient out of Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, South Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Taiwan, Vietnam, China, Philippines and Indonesia; further it was also found that working with the India’s civil servants was a “slow and painful” process.

In Government Hospitals, corruption is associated with non availability of medicines (or duplicate medicines), getting admission, consultations with doctors and availing diagnostic services.

corruption in India is attributable to factors such as “delays in the disposal of cases, shortage of judges and complex procedures, all of which are exacerbated by a preponderance of new laws”.



Corruption is rampant in the judicial system of India. According to Transparency International, judicial

Despite state prohibitions against torture and custodial misconduct by the police, torture is widespread

Officials often steal state property. In Bihar, more than 80% of the subsidized food aid to poor is stolen. In cities and villages throughout India, Mafia Raj consisting of municipal and other government officials, elected politicians, judicial officers, real estate developers and law enforcement officials, acquire, develop and sell land in illegal ways. Many state-funded construction activities in India, such as road building, are dominated by construction mafias, which are groupings of corrupt public works officials, materials suppliers, politicians and construction contractors. Shoddy construction and material substitution (e.g. mixing sand in cement while submitting expenses for cement) result in roads and highways being dangerous, and sometimes simply washed away when India’s heavy monsoon season arrives.

Despite state prohibitions against torture and custodial misconduct by the police, torture is widespread in police custody 20

Don bosco october - 2009


“Bihar [had] become a byword for the worst of India, of widespread and inescapable poverty, of corrupt politicians, mafiadons they patronise, casteridden social order that has retained the worst feudal cruelties”.

in police custody, which is a major reason behind deaths in custody. The police often torture innocent people until a ‘confession’ is obtained to save influential and wealthy offenders. G.P. Joshi, the programme coordinator of the Indian branch of the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative in New Delhi comments that the main issue at hand

concerning police violence is a lack of accountability of the police. Religious institutions In India, the corruption has also crept into religious institutions. Some members of the Church are making money using the church. A group of church leaders and activists have launched a campaign to combat the corruption within churches. Among Indian Muslims, the recent “cash for fatwas scandal” was a major affair that exposed the Imams of the Islamic ulama accepting bribes for issuing random, often nonsensical fatwas. Effects The chief economic consequences of corruption are the loss to the exchequer, an unhealthy climate for investment and an increase in the cost of governmentsubsidised services. The TI India study

estimates the monetary value of petty corruption in 11 basic services provided by the government, like education, healthcare, judiciary, police, etc., to be around Rs.21,068 crores. India still ranks in the bottom quartile of developing nations in terms of the ease of doing business, and compared to China and other lower developed Asian nations, the average time taken to secure the clearances for a startup or to invoke bankruptcy is much greater. According to Transparency International, Bihar is the most corrupt state in India. The Economist magazine said in 2004 that “Bihar [had] become a byword for the worst of India, of widespread and inescapable poverty, of corrupt politicians indistinguishable from mafia-dons they patronise, casteridden social order that has retained the worst feudal cruelties”. The deep scar each scandal creates does not allow the people to be scandal proofs anymore. There are other concerns in the social norms and morality which are in question. How long can the people take these scandals in the public life of those in limelight? Their behaviour and styles of life become the way of life for the simple and ordinary people. That is a much bigger threat to the society. Nirmal shekar

Don bosco october - 2009



Merlin manroe

Clinton denied all allegations, but was forced to admit to them later on. former American president was nearly forced to leave his post due to accusations that he was having an affair with 22-year-old White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Clinton denied all allegations, but was forced to admit to them later on.


arious political scaandals have always attracted the press and the public`s curiosity, however, nothing has shaken the media like sex-scandals. An affair nearly cost Clinton his position. It is still rumoured that the Kennedys killed Marilyn and that Thorpe wanted to kill his lover. These scandals affected the careers of the parties involved, while some even had to leave their duties. We bring you ten biggest sex-scandals according to the Independent.


The Kennedys killed Marilyn Monroe? Even though it is still not certain what went on between assassinated American president John F. Kennedy and film icon Marilyn Monroe, rumours regarding the Hollywood bomb shell`s death are still going on strong today. It was speculated that Marilyn was having an affair with John, as well as his brother Robert and that the Kennedy family ordered the assassination. The younger audience found Bill Clinton`s affair with Monica Lewinsky more interesting. The Don bosco october - 2009

John Prescott, former deputy British PM, who was having an affair with his secretary Tracey Temple, is surely one of the greatest penitents. On several occasions, he told reporters that he was sorry about everything and called his love affair the biggest mistake of his life. He tried to win back his wife Pauline`s trust through the media. Paddy Pantsdown owns up Paddy Ashdown, former high representative for BosniaHerzegovina and acting head of the Liberal Democrats from 1988 until 1999, could also not resist his secretary. His affair with Tricia Howard came out in 1992 when The News Of The World ran a story on the attachment. The same year, Ashdown held a press conference at the Westminster and openly admitted to the five-month affair. The media nicknamed his Paddy Pantsdown because of the scandal.

COVER STORY Another Liberal Democrat leader, who performed this duty from 1967 until 1976, was in the centre of a sexscandal. Jeremy Thorpe was married twice and a father of one. His political career went downhill when media rumours claimed he was having a homosexual affair with former model Norman Scott. Interestingly enough, homosexual relationships were illegal in Great Britain at the time. Thorpe ordered murder?



However, this was not the end of it. A man called Newton appeared, claiming that Thorpe had hired him to kill his lover. The politician was never charged for attack of threats, but his career was dead and buried. Boris Johnson was involved in a sex-scandal just a few years before becoming London Mayor. The mother of Johnson`s mistress

Bill Clinton Petronelle Wyatt revealed the affair to the media. Johnson, who denied everything, can consider himself lucky because the alleged affair did not affect his political career. Former British PM, Conservative John Major was left untouched by a sex-scandal as well. He was having an affair with a Tory colleague, Edwina Currie, who claimed that they broke up in 1988. Cecil Parkinson, former British Trade Minister during Margaret Thatcher`s cabinet, in 1983, was in a pickle when he was forced to resign: his secretary admitted that she and Parkinson had been having an affair for 12 years and that she was pregnant.

John Profumo was forced to resign over a stripper David Mellor, also a member of the Conservative Party, could not keep his affair with actress Antonia De Sancha secret either. His mistress spilled the beans to The News Of The World in 1992 for 30,000 pounds. Also, the actress recorded many incriminating conversations with the politician, which made it impossible for the politician to deny the attachment. Finally, we have the biggest sexscandal in history, according to the British website. John Profumo and Christine Keeler were its pivotal figures, who had an affair during the Cold War. Profumo was the State War Secretary and Christine was a stripper. All of this may not have caused such a ruckus if suspicions had not risen that the stripper was also involved with a Soviet spy. The consequences of the scandal were not only harmful for Profumo, whose career went downhill afterwards, but for the British government as well, as its reputation was tarnished.

Coutrtesy : Javno.com

Don bosco october - 2009

Christine Keeler


Joh e con be affa


With Indian Politics, the Bad Gets Worse


here were backroom deals. There were wads of cash waved about as alleged evidence of bribery. There were six lawmakers on hand who had just been sprung from jail so they could cast their ballots. So it went on the floor of India’s Parliament on July 23, 2008 during a historic vote on whether to back the government and its controversial nuclear deal with the United States. Even by Indian standards, it was bad. Members of Parliament were throwing money on the floor, asserting they had been paid off by the ruling Congress party to support a measure of confidence in the government… This is one of many incidents of political scandals in India. Starting from 1962 during Indo China war, resignation of Krishna Menon , it was alleged that soldiers had no foot wear. In 1966 Circuimstances of the Death of Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri in Tashkent in the then Soviet Union brought a lot of suspicion. Later on Murder/Death of Dr R K Chugh the accompanying physician to Lal Bahadur Shastri in Tashkent. And a little later Murder/ Death of whole family of Dr R K Chugh. Thus the list of political scandals goes on with innumerable instances of scandals, mysterious death, bribery, sexual misconduct, desecration of the sacred places, communal violence etc.

Jagdeep Chhokar, a founding member of the Association for Democratic

Nearly a fourth of the 540 Parliament members face criminal charges, including human trafficking, immigration rackets, embezzlement, rape and even murder, according to Chhokar’s group. Reforms, a New Delhi watchdog group that tracks criminality in India’s Parliament. “We have been fighting criminals ruling the roost for a long time. This just happened to be a stark display for the world to see.” It was also a reminder to the rest of the world that Indian politics -seen here as the fast track to wealth -- is a noholds-barred affair. The problems are many. India’s public campaignfinance laws are not enforced, and candidates are regularly backed

“It’s stupefying. And as an Indian, it’s shameful,” said 24

Don bosco october - 2009

by donors and corporations that expect favors in return. It’s a selfperpetuating cycle of corruption that has carried over since the days of the British Raj, when politicians and bureaucrats expected under-the-table payments. Today, Indians complain that the culture of corruption exists at all levels of government. It’s certainly the case in high office. Nearly a fourth of the 540 Parliament members face criminal charges, including human trafficking, immigration rackets, embezzlement, rape and even murder, according to Chhokar’s group. To many Indians, recruiting convicted lawmakers for vote seemed particularly egregious. Such

COVER STORY public scrutiny is more common than ever in India, given the proliferation of newspapers and television news shows across the country. Despite the attention, though, public outrage with malfeasance has been relatively mild. On 23,July 2008, under a headline screaming “Shame,” the Hindustan Times published a survey that found that 63 percent of those interviewed did not think the recent allegations of corruption would worsen the reputation of politicians. Few dispute that corruption has stalled development in India. Bribery

has made it all the more difficult to bolster a flagging infrastructure and feed a country with more malnourished children than any other in the world. Reports surfaced this week that politicians had allegedly siphoned off hundreds of thousands of dollars from a $2 billion program to feed schoolchildren. Many ordinary Indians feel forced to follow suit with small-scale corruption of their own: paying bribes to guarantee their children admission to elite private schools, paying off traffic police to avoid fines, paying government officials to get a job.

A 2007 survey by Transparency International India found that the nation’s poor had paid about $206 million for public services. In New Delhi cafes, Indians gathered around televisions said in interviews that they enjoyed the political spectacle -- it was sheer soap opera, after all. Still, they were starting to notice that, with inflation at record highs here, all the political bickering may well be a poor use of time. People keep leading a good life in spite of all our corrupt system is the hard fact that one must understand.

List of Indian political scandals An Indian political scandal commonly refers to some action by a politician deemed unacceptable in law or by custom, or which is held to be morally unacceptable to the politician’s peers or the electorate. In almost all Indian political scandals, the politicians are not prosecuted. 1900s



Telecom scam (Sukh Ram)

Bofors Scandal (1990)

HDW Submarine

Bitumen scam

Animal Husbandry Case (1990)

Tansi land deal

JMM Bribery Scandal

Bombay Stock Exchange Manipulation & Fraud by Harshad Mehta (1992)

St Kitts case

Urea scam

Anantnag transport subsidy scam

Ketan Parekh Scandal, Barak Missile Deal Scandal, Tehelka Scandal (2001)

Army-Coffins Scandal, MIG- Fighter Jets

Taj corridor case (2002-2003)

Hawala scandal (1993)

Telgi scandal (2003)

Bangalore - Mysore Infrastructure Corridor (1995)

Nitish Katara Murder Case (2004)

Sukh Ram (1996)

Oil-for-food programme scam (Natwar Singh) (2005)

Jessica Lal case (2006)

Human Trafficking Scam involving Babubhai Katara.

Gujarat Fake Encounter Controversy (2007)

Cash-for-votes scandal in the federal parliament (2008)

Satyam scandal.

1971 Nagarwala scandal

Fodder Scam in Bihar (1996)

Fodder scam

1975: Declaration of Emergency

Kerala SNC Lavalin power scandal (1997)

Churhat lottery scam

Few dispute that corruption has stalled development in India. Bribery has made it all the more difficult to bolster a flagging infrastructure and feed a country with more malnourished children than any other in the world. Don bosco october - 2009


sa l es i an


B R I E F L Y A display of passion for God and Don Bosco

It was an exhibition of youthful creativity, and a demonstration of passion for God and Don Bosco, in the Annual Bible Skit and Bosco Singout competitions organized by the youth department of Salesian college, Dimapur, on 30 August. 500 youth came from the various centres to be challenged by the persons of Christ and Don Bosco, 24 groups presented their skits and songs in different languages


Creativity of the teacher trainees displayed

The annual exhibition of Bosco College of Teacher Education (BCTE), Dimapur, was held on 31 August, with Fr. Solomon Vizo, Rector of Good Shepherd Seminary of the diocese of Kohima as the chief guest. Neighbouring educational institutions were invited. The exhibition consisted of a variety of items - cane work, paper cutting, herbal soap, toys, embroidery items, charts, candles, envelopes, flower of all types.



NASA Astronaut at St. Anthony`s College Shillong, India Col. Edward Michael Fincke, who was the Commander for Expedition 18 and spent six months (Oct 12, 2008- April8, 2009) aboard the ISS. Col. Fincke has a total of 365 days, 21 hours and 32 minutes in space, and logged a total of 26 hours and 12 minutes of EVA time on six spacewalks. Michael Fincke has been selected by NASA to go to space again for the third time in 2010 as a mission specialist of International Space Station (ISS), visited St. Anthony`s College on the 9th September, 2009. The programme was organized by the College and was coordinated by FASS (Friends of Assam and Seven Sisters) under aegis of the Department of Education, Govt. of Meghalaya. The programme was held in the College Auditorium, amidst a group of dignitaries of the state, including the honorable Minister of Education: Mrs. A.M. Lyngdoh. The most interesting part of the day was the real time video shot by Micke while he was on board Expedition 18 in the ISS. The video gave every participant a feel of Zero gravity and an Outer Space experience. This was followed by the live interaction by students of the various institutions with the Astronaut. There were about 45 questions to the Astronaut and Micke had a clear and direct answer for every question. (BIS)

INM Rectors meet together to scale up their planning mentality - 12th September, 2009 As part of the for the INM the communities, 12th September at Citadel, Chennai. aimed at enhancing among the Rectors Salesian mission

periodical animation Rectors & Leaders of a meeting was held on their Provincial House, The whole meeting was the power of planning who are the CEOs of centres.

The meeting began with the prayer, during which we paid our rich homage to our Beloved former provincial Rev.Fr.Benjamin Puthota Sdb. ``A scientific planning mentality coupled with a process of discernment arising out of faith perspective is the only way to make the Salesian Mission flourish`` was the invitatory note from Fr.Provincial that led us to the theme `Planning for our mission with a vision`. Fr.Joe Andrew, the vice provincial gave the talk on the theme of the day. Hel eventually led us through a fruitful discussion in smaller groups as well in common towards drawing up of OPP (Organic Provincial Plan for the coming 6 years period) which is an essential document of PC 2010. The afternoon session was handled by Fr.Jeyapalan Sdb, the Moderator of PC 2010, during which the Moderator put all the Rectors & Leaders in the perspective of PC 2010 with an emphasis on the themes of the chapter. The calendar of PC 2010 consisting of important dates and moments was also informed to all the leaders. The day of animation came to an end with the sharing of some information by Fr.Vice Provincial with regard to the celebration of 150th Year of the Founding of our Congregation and the Salesian Family day at Regional level. (BIS)

Don bosco october - 2009

sa l es i an



With skilled hands and confident hearts...


The fifth batch of skill training students had the MUMBAI valedictory function at Auxilium Convent, Ongole on Monday, September 07, 2009. The twenty-three students who completed their course successfully in Ongole were accompanied by their parents who shared the joy of their daughters and tangibly felt the confidence they showed having undergone the sixmonth training programme at the centre.The success The Association of Mary rate of those students who underwent the six months of Help of Christians(ADMA) course learning tailoring, embroidery, and dress-making was launched on September besides of course, mannerisms that they imbibed from 8, 2009, the feast day of the religious sisters during their course of stay is immense. the Nativity of our Blessed Skill training is one of the components of the Tsunami Education Programme which had taken-off way back in October 2005. As months passed by, each of the components of the programme took shape, one of which was the skill training programme which was begun simultaneously in Tanuku and Ongole (small time towns in Andhra Pradesh) and entrusted the organization of these programmes to the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate (MSI) and Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco (FMA) respectively. The valedictory function was organized at the Auxilium Convent of the Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco in Ongole which was well-attended by about 75 persons including the students.


Memoirs of the Oratory... refreshed! The first copies of the Memoirs of the Oratory, originally written by Don Bosco himself and lately abridged by Fr John Lens, the seniormost confrere in the Salesian Province of Hyderabad were made available to the confreres on September 9, 2009 at Hyderabad. In the 150th year of the founding of the Salesian congregation and especially in preparation for the bicentenary celebrations of the birth of Don Bosco (2015) this book comes as a handy reference in having a first glimpse of what went on in the oratory and the mind of Don Bosco, especially in those initial years. This book would provide that first step in knowing the heart, mind and times of the one whom we fondly call the `Father of Youth`. Written primarily in Italian by Don Bosco, the translation was made available by Fr Daniel Lyons sdb. The book has three parts, comprehensively covering the years from 1815 to 1856. The book is published by Kristu Jyoti Publications Publications after obtaining the copyrights from Don Bosco Publications, New Rochelle, New York. Priced at Rs 120/- the 226 pages book is an Indian edition primarily meant for the South Asia region. Sincere thanks to Fr John Lens whose passionate zeal for Don Bosco and the congregation urges him on to make `Don Bosco` known to as many as possible in India.


Don bosco october - 2009

Mother, at the Provincial House, Matunga. The meeting was led by Fr. Wilfred D`souza and Fr. Elias Dias. Fr. Wilfred welcomed the participants and said that as members of ADMA they now become a part of the Salesian Family. The meeting planned to focus mainly on two aspects: what ADMA entails as an association and a look at the Marian feasts in the month of September. Fr. Elias, the Provincial Delegate of the Salesian Family mentioned that starting off ADMA in Mumbai was his dream. ``Devotion to Mary Help of Christians and to the Blessed Sacrament is a gift. He added. Fr. Wilfred explained the origin, nature and aim of the Association. Later he discussed the various Marian feasts in the month of September. The enthusiastic house came up with various suggestions of carrying out the membership of the Association on a day to day basis. The 23 members who attended the first meeting have set the sails going for the ADMA in Mumbai. photo caption : Fr. Wilfred speaks to the ADMA (BIS) Pioneers 27

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RELIGIOUS CHALLENGED TO BECOME MORE RELEVANT INDIA ‘Religious hope AS AGENTS OF SOCIAL CHANGE Church institutions will become irrelevant and continue to rot as “islands of to create new identity in excellence” in India if Religious fail to become agents of social change, warns a changing India’ prominent Indian Religious.

India’s Catholic Religious are trying to forge a new role for themselves by getting more involved in national issues, says the national secretary of the Conference of Religious India (CRI). According to Montfort Brother Mani Mekkunnel, how Religious can be active participants in India’s socioeconomic life is on the agenda for Religious major superiors to discuss at the upcoming CRI national assembly, held once every three years. CRI represents more than 125,000 Catholic Religious brothers, priests and nuns in India. More than 500 major superiors from around the country are expected for the scheduled Sept. 26Oct. 2 meeting in New Delhi. (CNS)

Major Superiors Urge Change In Church’s Patriarchal Mindset About Women

India’s major Religious superiors ended their five-day national assembly of the Conference of Religious India (CRI) on Feb. 1, with a call for the Church to abandon its “patriarchal mindset” for a gendersensitive culture of collaboration. Some 575 superiors representing 125,000 Catholic men and women Religious in the country unanimously endorsed the “vision for gender justice and collaborative action” in the Church that the meeting produced. The assembly outlined a plan to ensure gender justice at all levels of Church life. It wants competent women, Religious and lay, appointed to positions of responsibility in ministries at national and local levels. In another recommendation, the assembly appealed to superiors of women’s communities to encourage members to develop themselves through theological, biblical and canonical studies. This, it added, would help the women develop “a holistic approach” to spirituality that respects “the feminine and masculine elements of human growth and faith.” (CNS) 28

During the CRI conference, which was held Dec. 29-Jan 3 at Barrackpore, near Calcutta, some 250 major superiors from throughout India, as well as delegates from Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan, discussed the theme “The Indian Situation Today and the Church’s Social Teaching.” Brother Mekkunnel said socio-political and economic changes are a “concrete opportunity” for dedicated men and women to become a “prophetic voice.” He also alerted that “the new scenario calls on us to start ourselves anew and be an agent of change.” He stated that the CRI should act on the various issues of electoral malpractices such as bribery, intimidation, manipulation of electoral lists, elimination of candidates and their supporters, and tampering with vote-counting. The poor will need “greater support,” he stressed, as the country faces “drastic economic transformations and a movement toward economic equity.” He also urged the superiors to direct their “men and women ... (to) a time-bound mission so that we may turn the millenium with a greater sense of hope.” (CNS)

Future Of Church-run Leprosarium Hangs in Balance as Govt. Plans Land Takeover The fate of the decades-old Summanahalli Leprosarium, a Church-run rehabilitation centre for leprosy and HIV-affected patients in northern Bangalore, now hangs in the balance, as the Bharatiya Janata Party government is considering vacating the only such facility in the city from the prime land. The sixty-three acre land had been leased out to the then Archbishop Arokiaswamy of Bangalore by the Government to start a leprosarium in 1977. The thirty-year lease expired two years ago. The government now seems to be in no mood to renew the lease and is fact looking at taking back the entire land. The Summanahalli Society over the years has established centres for leprosy programme projects, including homes for the patients, destitute and HIV/AIDSaffected patients. There is also an orphanage for the HIV-affected children, a home for the differently abled; orphans, street boys and juvenile delinquents. The Society also conducts training in various skills such as leather goods-making, candle-making, garments, footwear and printing. “We have won seven awards from the Karnataka state, including the best organisation award for working for the disabled persons in 2007. Now, the government’s dilly-dallying on renewing the lease has left the Summanahalli Society in suspense and hope. The future of the inmates of the leprosarium depends heavily on the government’s positive response,” says Sister Mascarenhas, recipient of a state award for social service. Archbishop Bernard Moras of Bangalore, also the chairman of Summanahalli Society, has written to the government requesting for an extension of the lease period. (CNS) Don bosco october - 2009

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Amarnath Dinesh Roy. C Pastoral Communications Programme Held


A four-day Pastoral Communication Course was organised by the CBCI Commission for Social Communications, New Delhi at the Social Development Centre, Ranchi, 2 – 5 September. 49 religious sisters and priests attended the programme. The program covered issues like integrating social communications in the pastoral ministry in the parish, school, social and medical work. The participants were made aware of using various low cost and alternative as well as mass media such as poster making, street drama, parish or school newsletter. They were taught how to understand and interpret movies, television programmes, advertisements from a pastoral perspective. The participants were taught how to integrate media in evangelization, catechesis, liturgy and parish and school administration. There were group sharing and discussion on problems and challenges and opportunities for communication and media ministry. (CNS)

The 45th annual assembly of women Religious in India began on Dec. 29 with their leader urging them to become “both prophetic and mystic.”

Pope Mourns Missionary Slain in Brazil Pope Benedict XVI expressed his condolences at the death of Father Ruggero Ruvoletto, an Italian missionary killed Saturday in Brazil. The Pope sent his sympathies in a telegram signed by his secretary of state, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, and addressed to Archbishop Luiz Soares Vieira of Manaus. In the message, the Holy Father strongly condemns this “vile and cruel act against a peaceful servant of the Gospel,” and transmits his spiritual closeness in prayer. Father Ruvoletto was murdered on Saturday in his parish of St. Evelina, on the outskirts of Manaus, in northeastern Brazil. Police initially said the homicide was associated with a robbery. However the Italian episcopate’s SIR news agency reported today that there is growing certainty that the slaying is part of a series of “acts of intimidation against the Church in the Manaus region because for a long time it has denounced criminal activities, drug trafficking and the traffic of human beings.” There are documents and interviews dating back to 2006 that show how Father Ruvoletto was vocal in denouncing “drugs and prostitution as social plagues.” Father Ruggero Ruvoletto was born March 23, 1957, in Galta di Vigonovo, near Venice. He was ordained a priest in 1982. He left for Brazil six years ago as a “fidei donum” missionary.

Women Religious Asked To Develop Mystical Dimension To Connect More Strongly With Society

The gathering of 345 major superiors was animated into the theme “Prophetic mysticism: the call of empowered religious women” for four days in Mangalore. India has 91,677 professed women Religious, including 808 contemplative nuns, according to the 2007 CRI directory. They belong to 251 congregations, nine of them contemplative, and live in 12,062 communities across India, mostly in villages. Sister Yeruva, who heads the Hyderabad province of the JMJ Sisters, said nuns should be “in touch with the experiences of people’s lives” but at the same time have “an experience of God.” Referring to the numerous attacks on Christians in India, she said such violence should motivate “each of us to be more active, courageous, committed and convinced about our prophetic roles.” Such violence “calls for a renewed outlook on our ministries, our vision, lifestyle, formation and vocation” that puts more emphasis on the experience of God, Sister Yeruva stressed. She called for a “paradigm shift” in mission training by “striking a balance between prophecy and mysticism.” (CNS)

Zenit.org Don bosco october - 2009


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STORIES FOR RADIANT LIVING Cycle of Evil There was once a king who was so cruel and unjust and his subjects yearned for his death or dethronement. However, one day he surprised them all by announcing that he had decided to turn over a new leaf. “No more cruelty, no more injustice,” he promised, and he was as good as his word. He became known as the ‘Gentle King’. Months after his transformation one of his ministers plucked up enough courage to ask him what had brought about his change of heart. And the king answered,

“As I was galloping through the forests I caught sight of a fox being chased by a hound. The fox escaped into his hole but not before the hound had bitten into its leg and lamed it for life. Later I rode into a village and saw the same hound there. It was barking at a man. Even as I watched, the man picked up a huge stone and flung it at the dog, breaking its leg. The man had not gone far when he was kicked by a horse. His knee was shattered and he fell to the ground, disabled for life. The horse began to run but it fell into a hole and broke its leg. Reflecting on all that had happened, I thought: ‘Evil begets evil. If I continue in my evil ways, I will surely be overtaken by evil’. So I decided to change”. The minister went away convinced that the time was ripe to overthrow the king and seize the throne. Immersed in thought, he did not see the steps in front of him and fell, breaking his neck.

Control the Mind

A single log spanned the chasm. The guru walked down to the centre of the log, took his bow and an arrow shot it into a tree on the other side. His next shot cut the first arrow into two. “Now it’s your turn,” he said, walking back to where his student was standing. The youth stepped gingerly on the log and very slowly and carefully made his way to the middle. But his heart was in his mouth. He knew that if he lost his footing, he would plunge to his death. His hands trembled as he strung an arrow into his bow. Preoccupied with the danger he was in, he found it hard to focus on the target. Consequently when he let go of the arrow, it missed the tree altogether.

Moaning, he turned around. “Help me!” he shouted to his guru. “I’ll fall”

There was a young student-archer who reached such proficiency in his art that he could shoot an arrow into a tree and then cut that arrow into two with the next shot. He began to boast that he was a greater archer than his guru. 30

One day his guru, a venerable old man, asked the youth to accompany him on a trip across the hills. The journey was ordinary until they came to a deep chasm.

The old man walked up to him, took his hand and stepping backwards led him to safety. Neither of them said a word on the return journey but the boy had much to think about. He had realized that to be a master of his art it was not enough to know how to control the bow, he had to learn how to control his mind too.

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va l u es This made the prince very happy and he went around telling everyone that he was more handsome than any god.

Where is God “Where is God?” asked the disciple. “Everywhere, in everyone and everything,” said his Guru. Later, as the disciple was going home, he saw an elephant charging towards him. “Get out of the way, get out of the

One day he had two visitors who identified themselves as gods. “We have come to see if you are as handsome as you claim,” they explained. “Aren’t I?” he asked. “We visited you earlier in the day when you were asleep,” said one of the gods. “You were more handsome then.” “How could my looks decline within a few hours?” said the prince. He turned to his servants. “Did I look better in the morning?” he enquired. “You looked the same,” said his servants.

way,” shouted the elephant-driver. “He has gone mad!” But the disciple thought: “He is everywhere. He is in the elephant and he is in me. Would he attack himself? No, therefore the elephant will not attack me.” He stood where he was. The elephant picked him up in his trunk and flung him aside. Fortunately, he landed in a haystack and was not too badly hurt. But he was terribly shaken and confused.

“We are gods,” said one of the visitors. “We can see what your servants cannot. Their vision is imperfect and we’ll prove it to you. Bring a bowl of water.” A bowl of water was brought. The god asked the servants to study it closely and then leave the room. When they were gone, he removed half a spoonful of water from the bowl. Then the servants were called back in. “Is there any change in the bowl of water?” asked the god.

When the Guru and the other disciples came to help him and take him home, he said, “You said He is in everything, but see what the elephant did to me!” “It is true that He is in everything,” said his Guru. “He is in the elephant, but he is also in the mahout who kept telling you to get out of the way. Why didn’t you listen to him?” — A Bengali Folktale

Prince Charming There was a prince who was obsessed with his own beauty. If any traveler came to the palace he would ask him: “Have you ever seen anyone as handsome as me? “No one ever had. One day a flattering traveler said to him: “I don’t think there could be anyone in the whole world as good-looking as you. I don’t think even a god could be as handsome.”

the servants.

“None,” said

“They cannot see that the water has diminished,” said the god, “just as they cannot see that your beauty has declined.” The prince was shaken. He thought: “My beauty is diminishing by the day. It is short-lived. Why am I obsessed by something so short-lived? I should concern myself with that which is eternal.” He never again looked into a mirror and in course of time renounced his throne and became a monk.

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A.J. Frank sdb

[email protected] 31

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Taking no chance

A man and his nagging wife were on holiday in Jerusalem, the wife suddenly died. The funeral company told the man that it would cost $45000 to ship her home or $500 to bury her in Jerusalem. The husband said ‘ship her home’. Shocked, the undertaker asked ‘but sir, why don’t you bury her in the Holy Land and save the money ?’ The husband replied ‘a long time ago, a man was buried here and 3 days later, he rose from the dead ... I can’t take the chance !’

Eating Fish Teacher: If you eat fish? Student: It’s good for my eyes. Teacher: If you don’t eat fish? Student: It’s good for the fish!

Lifting a curse A man goes to see a wizard and says ‘can you lift a curse that was put on me years ago?’ ‘Maybe,’ says the wizard, ‘if you can remember the exact words of the curse ?’ The man replies without hesitation ‘I pronounce you man and wife ...’

School Bell Q : Doctor, Doctor I keep thinking I’m the school bell A : Take These tablets, and if they don’t work give me a ring in the morning

Origin of Human race A little girl asked her mother, “How did the human race appear?” The mother answered, “God made Adam and Eve and they had children, and so was all mankind made.” Two days later the girl asked her father the same question. The father answered, “Many years ago there were monkeys from which the human race evolved.” The confused girl returned to her mother and said, “Mom, how is it possible that you told me the human race was created by God, and Dad said they evolved from monkeys?” The mother answered, “Well, dear, it is very simple. I told you about my side of the family and your father told you about his.”

School Jokes Teacher: Did your father help you with your homework? Student: No, he did it all by himself. Teacher: Could you please pay a little attention? Student: I’m paying as little attention as I can. Teacher: Tell me a sentence that starts with an “I”. Student: I is the... Teacher: Stop! Never put ‘is’ after an “I”. Always put ‘am’ after an “I”. Student: OK. I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.

Medical term

Revenge Husband: Every time I hit you,you never fight back. How do you manage your anger? Wife : I clean the toilet seat. Husband: How does it help? Wife : I use your toothbrush!!!! 32

A man told his doctor he wasn’t able to do all the things around the house like he used to. When the examination was complete, he said “Now Doc, tell me in plain English what is wrong with me.” “Well in plain English,” the doctor replied, “you’re just lazy.” “Okay,” said the man. “Now give me the medical term so I can tell my wife.”


Don bosco october - 2009

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Word Jumbles






TESON JUMBLE ANSWERS: Pencil, Paper, Mouse, Notes,


FIGURE SKATING MAZE Help the skater to find the partner


Dot-to-Dot Join these Dots to find a beautiful princess

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Find the words about the Solar System, listed below, in the word search grid. Circle each letter one by one. Each letter of the solar system word search grid may be used in more than one word. When the word search puzzle is complete, read the remaining letters left to right, top to bottom, to learn an interesting fact about the solar system. M
































































































































































































































Printed and Published by Glorious Stephen on behalf of The South India Salesian Society Society 45, landons Road, Chennai 600 010 and Printed at SIGA Press, 49,Taylors Road, Chennai - 600 010. Editor, Glorious Stephen 34

Don bosco october - 2009

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