05 04 07 Cc Minutes

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ITS America Coordinating Council Meeting VIA Teleconference Friday, July 13, 2007 11:00AM EST UNCONFIRMED MINUTES All attachments are available through ITS America

ROLL CALL AND ANTITRUST, PAST MINUTES APPROVAL – McGowan Chairman Pat McGowan Bill Gouse Steve Dellenback Brendon Hemily Steve Kuciemba

Art Handman Rob Jaffe Chris Lane Manny Puentes

Mike Noblit Suzanne Murtha Rick Noens

Chairman, Pat McGowan called the teleconference of the ITS America Coordinating Council to order at 11:00 AM, July 13, 2007. A quorum of voting members of the Coordinating Council was present. Pat reminded participants of the ITS America Antitrust Policy. June Minutes – Pat McGowan (Jaffe/Dellenback) Pat made a motion to approve the minutes from the June meeting. Rob Jaffe requested some minor changes to the minutes. The changes were made. The Council voted and approved the June minutes. Changes were posted on the website. ITSA PRESIDENT’S REPORT & BOARD OF DIRECTORS – Steve Kuciemba Steve reported that Neil Schuster had resigned and his last day would be July 31, 2007. Neil has accepted the position of President and CEO of AMVA. In the interim the Board has formed a search committee, headed up by Chairman Mike Doyle. Chairman Doyle assured staff that they are going to try and be expeditiously as possible but at the same time the committee wants to make sure they make the right selection for ITS America. ITS America will continue to work as if we have a president on hand, to make sure we do not have any drop off service or performance. Our Board has started and audit. They are interviewing some of our staff and U.S. DOT personnel. The goal is to have the audit

well underway and hopefully try to get it done by the Board retreat, which we are not sure if it will be done by then. The Board retreat will be August 15, 16 and 17. Steve reported about Annual Meeting, our over all attendance was 2194 which is about 80 shy of what we had last year. We had a goal of beating last year’s numbers. We actually had more participants than the previous year thanks to the Program Department. We have surveys out there and we will get the results and hopefully get some positive feedback so we can continue to do better at each and every Annual Meeting. We had an all staff meeting and are trying to come up with new ideas for our next Annual Meeting in 2009. Action Items – Bill Gouse Bill reported that we re-launched the Peer-to-Peer campaign at Annual Meeting; we have also launched a mailing campaign. We sent 400 brochures to AASHTO; we are also sending them to state chapters. We are purchasing a list of Transportation Contacts at the local municipal levels across the United States to access as potential users. Our other major activity was to do a mapping of forum membership and look to see how organizations are spread across the forums. The draft is on the website, it is about 90% complete. On going maintenance of the Coordinating Council Strategic Work Plan. Also Core Forum function support, this is with all forums. We have a list of core functions for staff, such as minutes, documentation etc. The U.S. DOT contract to support certain forums and the proposal was submitted at the end of May. We should get the contract by the end of October. The 2 page briefing for the forums, we have all the forum text in draft form from staff personnel. We are looking to make that a special issue in our first magazine. Chris reported that the three previous years programs was almost completed and will be posted by the next meeting. That ITS America will get with the forum chairs and see what their forums will project for the three years in advance. Action Items for next meeting: Get posted on the Coordinating Council Website • • • • •

Two Page Briefing Analysis of Companies and Various Forums Timeline on Projects 3 years Back / 3 years forward Program Plan/Strategic Plan/ Schedule and Task list Core Functions for ITS America

DOT REPORT – Row No Representative from US DOT present.


Forum Updates: – All

o HSPS: HSPS had a leadership group meeting at AM07 and we came up with a few items for next year. How to strengthen membership and communication within the HSPS forum. o PSAG had there summer meeting at AM07 and adopted their By-Laws. Provision that an HSPS representative would be a member of the PSAG executive committee. The Vice chair of the PSAG would be the liaison between the PSAG and HSPS Forum. o Showcase at AM07 was very successful with about 70 people. o We want to move quickly to develop a Strategic Plan for 2008 o

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TSOP: o Nothing new to report this month INFO: ATCE: o Nothing new to report this month o Analysis of the survey is the Impact of the FCC rulings, with respect to the 700 MHz and the 700 MHz rebanding. Went out to about 100 ATCE members. Looks like the results over all, people seem to be satisfied but some members want to discuss it more internally. CVFM: o We are starting the monthly calls again; our next call will be the July 23. o We are having our CVFM Annual meeting at the NRITS conference PEA: RITE: o Working on trying to come up with new projects with Steering Committee INFO: o Steering Committee met the other day via teleconference, discussing new projects in the weather area and in conjunction with the CVFM forum that expressed some interest in road weather applications. o Members of the forum will be attending the third Annual Weather Information for Surface Transportation PT: o We had an all day advisory group meeting in Washington DC, discussed a number of issues for possible projects to submit to the Coordinating Council,

Specific interest about hand held information system devices for transit. Also a specific interest for good PT representation at WC 2008 Working internally developing materials for a technical article for the strategic plan for the Coordinating Council, topic specific Rural Transit ITS o Assisting APTA with the Philadelphia Meeting o o o

Other Business: World Congress in 2008 will be combined with Annual Meeting. One of the things that have come up is the forum showcases. We want to find out if the showcases at WC08 can be 90 minutes. The majority of the forums agreed that 90 minutes would be okay for this particular meeting. So the showcases for World Congress will be 90 minutes. Forums please look at the analysis of the forums that will be posted. World Congress 08: Mike Noblit Mike reported we have had various meetings of the organizing committee and the actual World Congress board in New York. A couple of highlights from these meetings were the concern that New York City DOT got a new commissioner that we would still maintain the same support for the World Congress. She is in total support of our efforts. Also the demonstrations are proceeding quite well. We have a Demonstrations Committee meeting August 3, 2007. Everything is still on track. Funding still continues to be an issue. Adjourned: 11:54 AM NEXT TELECONFERENCE: August 3, 2007, 11 AM Eastern

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