Zulhijjah 1430 Moon Prediction In 3 Languages

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Research on the Visibility of the Moon of Zul-hijjah, 1430 A.H. Monday 16 November 2009: (Pakistan: 27 Zul-qadah / Saudi Arabia: no announcement was made / According to Ummul-Qura, 28 Zul-qadah 1430 A.H). The birth of the Zul-hijjah 1430 lunar crescent will take place on Monday 16 November 2009 at 19:14 UT/GMT. In Pakistan the time will be 00:14 (UT+5) and in Saudi Arabia it will be 22:14. The birth of the moon, in Pakistan, will take place after the 7 hours of the sunset of Monday, 16 November and in Saudi Arabia 5 hours after sunset. On that day, i.e. Monday 16 November the age of the moon in the Far West, (e.g. in San Diego, USA) will be merely 5 hours 33 minutes at the time of sunset and the moon will set before the sun all over the world except in Southern and middle part of continent South America. Even in South America the conditions of the crescent will be extremely defective e.g. in Punta Arenas conditions are: Lag 34 minutes, the age of the moon will merely be 5 hours 11 minutes, altitude 3.2 degrees and Elongation 4 degrees only. Therefore the Astronomy Department of Jamia’-tur-Rasheed, in consonance with more than eighteen old and new criteria of sighting the moon, predicts that there is no possibility at all of sighting the moon on Monday 16 November 2009, not only in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia but in the entire world, with the naked eye or with the help of an ordinary telescope. Tuesday 17 November 2009. (Pakistan: 28 Zul-qadah / Saudi Arabia: no announcement was made / According to Ummul-Qura, it is 29 Zul-qadah 1430 A.H.) The declination of the crescent is southern on that day. In Karachi, for example, at the time of sunset i.e. at 17:44 (UT+5) it will be -25.1 degrees. Furthermore, on Tuesday 17 November, the age of the moon and the other factors affecting on visibility e.g. Lag, Altitude, and Phase etc. will be extremely defective in most of the inhabited world, especially in the Northern Hemisphere. In Karachi, for example, at the time of sunset, the age of the crescent will merely be 17 hours 30 minutes and its all conditions will be more defective than the Shawwal 1429 crescent. Therefore, the Astronomy Department of Jamia’-turRasheed, in consonance with the investigations of more than eighteen ancient and modern criteria of sighting the moon, predicts that there is no possibility of sighting the crescent with the naked eye in these regions: 1) Australia except extreme south-west part. 2) whole Asia 3) entire Europe 4) nearly complete northern Africa 5)nearly entire USA excluding Miammi, Houston etc. 6) whole Canada and the areas lying above its latitude. According to many researches, there is a clear possibility of sighting the crescent in a large southern part of the African Continent as well as in the entire South America. Bernard Yallop (Britain), founder of moon sighting committee world wide (MCW) Khalid Shaukat (U.S.A) and the founder of ICOP Shaukat Odeh (Jordan) have predicted a very slight possibility of sighting the crescent with the naked eye in these areas: Southern Africa, central America and the furthermost southern areas of USA (e.g. Miami, Houston) . Meanwhile in the opinion of Dr. Omar Afzal, Chairman of CFCO, On Nov. 17, the best chances are in South Africa (Durban) and in South America. In the US and Canada the only place where it may be seen is Hawaii. Wednesday 18 November 2009. (Pakistan: 29 Zul-qadah / Saudi Arabia: no announcement was made / According to Ummul-Qura: First Zul-hijjah 1430 A.H.)

2 On Wednesday 18 November 2009, there is a clear possibility of sighting the crescent in nearly all inhabited world between 60 degrees northern and southern latitude, excluding Northern Asia & Northern Europe. Due to the southern declination of the moon, in spite of being the crescent nearly 40 to 50 hours old, the conditions of this moon will be very much defective in Northern Asia & Northern Europe. Conditions of the Crescent in Karachi on Wednesday 18 November 2009: According to Dr. Monzur Ahmad’s software, Mooncalculator6.0, the conditions of the crescent in Karachi on Wednesday 18 November 2009 at the time of sunset, i.e. at 17:44 (UT+5) will be as follows: Altitude = 11.8 degrees Rel. Azi. = -15.5 Elongation = 19.8 Age = 41 hours 30 minutes Lag = one hour 8 minutes Phase = 3.15 % In the light of the details mentioned above it is evident that there is a clear possibility of sighting the crescent in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and Saudi Arabia on Wednesday 18 November 2009, and not before it. Thus, in these countries, the first of Zul-hijjah 1430 should fall on Thursday 19 November 2009. It is pointed out here that as the birth of the Zul-hijjah crescent, in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan etc., will take place a few hours after the sunset of Monday 16 November 2009 and as it will set before the sun all over the world, (except in southern part of South America), and as on Tuesday 17 November 2009 the conditions of the crescent will be extremely defective in a major part of the inhabited world, (specially in the northern hemisphere), then if any person claims to have sighted the crescent with the naked eye in any part of the world on Monday 16 November or if any person claims to have sighted the crescent with the naked eye on Tuesday 17 November 2009 in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan Afghanistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia etc. and if his claim is accepted then it will be an extremely surprising decision, hence, the responsible officials of these countries should publish their detailed written decision comprising the names, location, number of the witnesses and the questions they were asked. This will enable expert astronomers, working on the international level, to update their researches after due scrutiny of the decision document. Note 1: Alhamdulillah, following Ulama and astronomers have expressed full perpetual written trust in my moon prediction writings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Maulana Yaqoob Qasmi, Dewsbury, UK Maulana Samiruddin Qasmi, Manchester, UK Khalid Shaukat, USA, moonsighting.com Bernard Yallop, UK Dr Omar Afzal ( USA, CFCO)

3 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Muhammad Shaukat Odeh ( Jordan, ICOP) Dr Salman Zafar Sheikh, USA Dr Kamal Abdali (USA) Samad Rizvi, Pakistan Mashallah Ali Ahyaie, Iran Malik Bashir Ahmad Bagvi, Pakistan Zia uddin Lahori, Pakistan Khalid Ejaz Mufti (son of Zia uddin Lahori, Pakistan) Dr Shahid Qureshi, Karachi University, Pakistan Dr Abdur-Razzaq Ebrahim ( Cape town, South Africa) Abu Ammar M. Mangorangca (Marawi City, Philippines) Muhammad Arshad Baig ( UK) Prof Muhammad Hamza Naeem, Pakistan Bernard Yallop & Samad Rizvi writes:

“Dear Sultan! If you don’t receive my reply due to any reason then you can write that in the light of your previous writings I hope that your this recent prediction write-up will also be correct technically.” Note 2: Every month, an up-dated report on the possibility of sighting the moon of the new Islamic month can be downloaded in three languages ….. English, Urdu and Arabic, from the following website along with important maps and pictures: http://www.esnips.com/web/MoonnewsofJamiaturrasheed/ Muhammad Sultan Alam/Head of Research Committee/Astronomy Department Jamia-tur-Rasheed,Ahsanabad, Karachi, Pakistan [email protected]

‫ا   رؤ ا ل   ذ ا ۃ ‪1430‬‬ ‫ا ‪ 16‬ﻥ"!  ‪) : 2009‬ﺏ)آ‪)*+‬ن ‪ 27 :‬ذو ا ‪012‬ة ‪ /‬ا ‪ 67‬ا ‪1‬ﺏ ا ‪"1+‬د ‪"  :‬ﺝ‪ 0‬أ ان ‪ /‬وو!‪: )2‬م ا ‪2‬ى ‪ 28 :‬ذو ا ‪012‬ة‬ ‫‪ 1430‬ه (‬ ‫ودة هل  ذ ا ۃ ‪ 1430‬ﺱ*‪" 021‬م ا ‪ 16‬ﻥ"!  ‪ A! 2009‬ا ‪)+‬ۃ ‪(UT/GMT) 19:14‬۔ !‪ G‬ﺏ)آ‪)*+‬ن‪،‬‬ ‫ا "‪ JK‬ﺱ*‪ (UT+5) 00:14 I‬و !‪ G‬ا ‪ 67‬ا ‪1‬ﺏ ا ‪"1+‬د ﺱ‪"6‬ن ‪ . 22:14‬ودة ا ‪ G!  2‬ﺏ)آ‪)*+‬ن ‪ ،‬ﺱ"ف ﺕ‪ 021‬ﺏ‪ 7 01‬ﺱ))ت ‬ ‫‪T‬وب  ‪ R‬ا ﻥ"!  ‪16‬‬ ‫و!‪ G‬ا ‪ 67‬ا ‪1‬ﺏ ا ‪"1+‬د ﺏ‪ 5 01‬ﺱ))ت  ‪T‬وب ا ‪. R U‬‬ ‫!‪ G‬ذ ‪ V‬ا "م ‪ ،‬ا ‪ 16‬ﻥ"! ‪ ،‬ﺱ ا ‪ G!  2‬ا ‪W‬ب ا‪YK:‬ﻯ )‪7‬ﻯ ﺱ [ ا ‪)Z‬ل !‪ G‬ﺱ)ن د‪) "W‬ا ")ت ا * ‪0‬ة( ﺱ‪"6‬ن‬ ‫د ‪ 5‬ﺱ))ت ‪ 33‬د‪)K‬ءق !‪ G‬و‪ JK‬ا ‪W‬وب ‪ .‬وﺱ‪W‬ب ا ‪ [ K  2‬ا ‪ G! R U‬ﺝ _ أﻥ )ء ا ‪0 ) I )1‬ا !‪ G‬ا ^ء ا "ﺏ‪ G‬و ا "ﺱ`‪ A‬‬ ‫‪)K‬رة أآ) ا "ﺏ ‪.‬ﺡ*ﻯ !‪ G‬أ‪ )6‬ا "ﺏ أﺡ"ال ا ل ﺱ*‪"6‬ن !‪  1 )T G‬۔‪7‬ﻯ ﺱ [ ا ‪)Z‬ل !‪ A‬ﺏ"ﻥ*) أر)س ) ‪Punta‬‬ ‫‪(Arenas‬أﺡ"ال ا ‪  2‬ه‪ : G‬ﺕ‪ 34 (Lag)lm‬د‪ ، 2K‬و  ا ‪  2‬د ‪ 5‬ﺱ))ت و ‪ 11‬د‪ ، 2K‬وارﺕ‪)q‬ع ‪ 3r2‬درﺝ و اﺱ*`) ‬ ‫)‪ 4 (Elongation‬درﺝ !‪. w2‬‬ ‫و ‪x! V y‬ن ‪ I+K‬ا ‪ V7q‬ﺏ)‪1‬ۃ ا ‪ ،0‬کاﺕ‪ ،AU‬ﺏ)ک‪)*+‬ن‪ ،‬اﻥ‪7 0^ ) _ ))+‬ﻯ ا ‪ )1‬ا ‪  02‬وا ‪00‬ة  )ﻥ ‪ U‬‬ ‫رؤ ا ل‪ _K"* ،‬أﻥ ‪ R‬ه)ك إ‪)6‬ﻥ ‪7‬ﻯ ا|{ق ؤ ا ل "م ا ‪ 16‬ﻥ"!  ‪ 2009‬۔ ‪ G! w2! R‬ﺏ‪W‬د€ وا ‪0‬‬ ‫وﺏ)آ‪)*+‬ن وإان وأ!‪)W‬ﻥ‪)*+‬ن وا ‪ 67‬ا ‪1‬ﺏ ا ‪"1+‬د و ‪ G! 6‬ا ‪ I )1‬ﺏ‪m‬ﺱ ‪  ،‬ﺏ) ‪ 1‬ا دة أو ﺏ ‪0)+‬ة  ﺕ‪"6+7‬ب )دي‪.‬‬ ‫ا ‪)Z‬ء ‪ 17‬ﻥ"!  ‪) 2009‬ﺏ)آ‪)*+‬ن ‪ 28 :‬ذو ا ‪012‬ة ‪ /‬ا ‪ 67‬ا ‪1‬ﺏ ا ‪"1+‬د ‪"  :‬ﺝ‪ 0‬أ ان ‪ /‬وو!‪: )2‬م ا ‪2‬ى ‪ 29 :‬ذو ا ‪012‬ة‬ ‫‪ 1430‬ه (‬ ‫ا [ ‪7‬ل ﺱ"ف ﺕ‪"6‬ن آ‪ G! )7‬اﺕ) ا "ب ‪ G! .‬آاﺕ‪7 ، GU‬ﻯ ﺱ [ ا ‪)Z‬ل ‪ G! ،‬و‪ JK‬ا ‪W‬وب أ !‪(UT+5) 17:44 G‬‬ ‫ﺱ‪"6‬ن ‪ -25.1‬درﺝ ‪ .‬ووة ‪7‬ﻯ ذ ‪" ، V‬م ا ‪)Z‬ء ‪ 17‬ﻥ"! ‪ ،‬ا ‪  2‬و‪  T‬ا ‪"1‬ا[ ا „ة ‪ A7‬ا وۃ]‪7‬ﻯ ﺱ [ ا ‪)Z‬ل‪،‬‬ ‫ﺕ‪ ،(Lag)lm‬ارﺕ‪)q‬ع ‪ ،‬وﺝہ ا ل )‪ [(Phase‬ﺱ*‪"6‬ن ‪ I‰1 G! )W7  1‬أﻥ )ء ا ‪ I )1‬ا ‪m‬ه"  ﺏ) ‪)6+‬ن ‪  ،‬ﺱ ) !‪ G‬ﻥ‪ ŠY‬ا ‪6‬ة‬ ‫ا ‪ G!. G ) U‬آاﺕ‪7 ، GU‬ﻯ ﺱ [ ا ‪)Z‬ل ‪ G! ،‬و‪ JK‬ا ‪W‬وب ‪ ،‬ﺱ‪"6‬ن   ا ل د ‪ 17‬ﺱ) ‪ 30‬د‪ 2K‬وآ[ أﺡ"ا ہ ﺱ‪"6‬ن أآ‪Z‬‬ ‫‪   1‬هل "ال ‪ 1429‬ه ۔‬ ‫و ‪x!، V y‬ن ‪ I+K‬ا ‪ V7q‬ﺏ)‪1‬ۃ ا ‪ ،0‬کاﺕ‪ ،AU‬ﺏ)ک‪)*+‬ن‪ ،‬اﻥ‪7 0^ ) _ ))+‬ﻯ ا ‪ )1‬ا ‪  02‬وا ‪00‬ة  )ﻥ ‪ U‬‬ ‫رؤ ا ل‪ _K"* ،‬أﻥ ‪ R‬ه)ك إ‪)6‬ﻥ رؤ ا ل ﺏ) ‪ 1‬ا دة !‪ G‬ه‪ y‬ا ){‹ ‪:‬‬ ‫‪ ( 1‬اﺱ*ا ) ) ‪0‬ا أ‪YK‬ﻯ ﺝ"ب ا ^ء ا ‪W‬ﺏ‪Œ (2 .G‬ﺱ) ﺏ‪m‬ﺱه) ‪ (3‬أوروﺏ) ﺏ‪m‬آ ‪ (4 )7‬آ)[  )ل ا!‪ )2‬ﺕ‪ (5 ) 2‬آ)[‬ ‫ا ")ت ا * ‪0‬ة ا‪ 6:‬ﺕ‪ ) 2‬ﺏ)ﺱ*‪)Z‬ء )‪ A‬وه"ﺱ* و‪T‬ﮦ ‪ (6‬آ‪0‬ا آ‪ 7‬وا ){‹ ا "ا‪7 1K‬ﻯ ‪ wl‬ا ‪1‬ض أ ‪.‬‬ ‫ﺏ‪m‬آ ‪. )7‬‬

‫و!‪  Z6 )2‬ا‪:‬ﺏ )ث‪ ،‬ه)ك اﺡ* )ل وا‘ ؤ ا ل !‪ G‬ﺝ^ء آ   ﺝ"ب ا!‪)K )2‬رة وآ‪ G! V y‬أ‪ )6‬ا "ﺏ‬

‫ﺏﻥ)رد ) "ب )ﺏ`)ﻥ)( ‪ ،‬و„ﺱ‪ R‬ۃ رؤۃ ا ﮩل ا ‪ )1‬ۃ )‪" 0 )l (MCW‬آ‪) J‬ا ")ت ا * ‪0‬ة( ‪„ ،‬ﺱ‪ICOP R‬‬ ‫"آ‪" J‬دة )ا‪:‬ردن(ﺕ"‪"1K‬اا‪)6‬ﻥ ‘—‪ 7‬ﺝ‪0‬ا  رؤ ا ل ﺏ) ‪ 1‬ا دة !‪ G‬ه‪ y‬ا )ت ‪ :‬ﺝ"ب أ!‪ )2‬وأ‪ )6‬ا "ﺱ`ﻯ‬ ‫وا ){‹ ا‪:‬ﺏ‪ 01‬ا "ﺏ‪  G‬ا ")ت ا * ‪0‬ة ا‪ G) [Z) 6:‬وه"ﺱ*(‪.‬‬ ‫و ا ‪0‬ک*"ر ا!˜[ ) رﺉ‪) 7   CFCO R‬ء ا ‪ G! V7q‬ا ")ت ا * ‪0‬ة ‪ ،‬ا *‪ G‬أﻥ‪) y J—U‬م ‪ 0K ( 1978‬وﺹŠ أن‬ ‫"م ‪ 17‬ﻥ"!  ‪ ،‬أ!˜[ ا ‪q‬ص ‪7‬ؤۃ ه‪ G! G‬ﺝ"ب أ!‪) )2‬دﺏ)ن( وأ‪ )6‬ا "ﺏ‪ .‬و !‪ G‬ا ")ت ا * ‪0‬ة وآ‪0‬ا ‪ ،‬ا ‪)6‬ن ا "ﺡ‪0‬‬ ‫ا ‪y‬ي ‪ 0K‬ﺕ‪"6‬ن !ہ ا ‪)U‬ه‪0‬ة ‪ ,‬ه" ه)واي‪.‬‬ ‫ارﺏ‪)1‬ء ‪ 18‬ﻥ"!  ‪) .2009‬ﺏ)آ‪)*+‬ن ‪ 29 :‬ذو ا ‪012‬ة ‪ /‬ا ‪ 67‬ا ‪1‬ﺏ ا ‪"1+‬د "؟؟؟" و!‪ )2‬ن ‪ /‬وو!‪: )2‬م ا ‪2‬ى ‪ :‬أول ذ ا ۃ‬ ‫‪ 1430‬ه(‬ ‫"م ارﺏ‪)1‬ء ‪ 18‬ﻥ"!  ‪ ، 2009‬ه)ك اﺡ* )ل وا‘ ؤ ا ل ﺕ‪ G! ) 2‬آ[ ا ‪ I )1‬ا ‪m‬ه"ل‪ ،‬ﺏ ‪ 60‬درﺝ  )ل وﺝ"ب‬ ‫‪ wl‬ا ‪1‬ض ‪ ،‬ﺏ)ﺱ*‪)Z‬ء  )ل Œﺱ) و )ل أوروﺏ)‪ ..‬ﺏ‪   +‬اﻥ اف ا "ﺏ‪  G‬ا ‪ ،  2‬و‪7‬ﻯ ا ‪  IT‬أن ا ل ) ‪2‬ب  ‪ 40‬إ ﻯ‬ ‫‪ 50‬ﺱ)  ا ‪ ،  1‬أﺡ"ال ه‪y‬ا ا ل ﺱ*‪"6‬ن ‪  1‬إ ﻯ ﺡ‪ 0‬آ  !‪)  G‬ل Œﺱ) و )ل أوروﺏ)‪.‬‬ ‫أﺡ"ال ا ل !‪ G‬آاﺕ‪" GU‬م ارﺏ‪)1‬ء ‪ 18‬ﻥ"!  ‪2009‬‬ ‫و و!‪ )2‬ﻥ)¡ ا ‪0‬آ*"ر ‰"ر أﺡ ‪ ، Mooncalculator6.0 0‬أﺡ"ال ا ل !‪ G‬آاﺕ‪" GU‬م ارﺏ‪)1‬ء ‪ 18‬ﻥ"!  ‪G! 2009‬‬ ‫و‪T JK‬وب ا ‪ ، R U‬أي !‪ G‬ا ‪ (UT+5) 17:44 )+‬ﺱ*‪"6‬ن ک) *) ‪:G‬‬

‫ارﺕ‪)q‬ع ‪ 11.8 :‬درﺝ‬ ‫!ق ا ‪ - 15.5 = (Rel.Azi.) J +‬درﺝۃ‬ ‫إ{)  )‪19.8 = (Elongation‬‬ ‫ا ‪ 41 =  1‬ﺱ) ‪ 30‬د‪2K‬‬ ‫ا *‪ = (Lag) lm‬ﺱ)ۃ واﺡ‪0‬ة و ‪ 8‬د‪)K‬ﺉ‹‬ ‫ا ﺡ‪٪ 3.15 = (Phase) 7‬‬ ‫!‪"‘ G‬ء ا *‪)q‬ﺹ[ ا ‪y‬آ"رة أ‪  ! ،‬ا "ا‘ أن ه)ك إ‪)6‬ﻥ وا‘  ؤ ا ل !‪ G‬ﺏ‪W‬د€ وا ‪ 0‬وﺏ)آ‪)*+‬ن‬ ‫وا!‪)W‬ﻥ‪)*+‬ن واان وا ‪ 67‬ا ‪1‬ﺏ ا ‪"1+‬د‪" ،‬م ارﺏ‪)1‬ء ‪ 18‬ﻥ"!  ‪ ، 2009‬و ‪ [ K R‬ذ ‪. V‬وه‪y6‬ا ‪ G! ،‬ه‪ y‬ا ‪07‬ان ‪ ،‬أول ذ‬ ‫ا ۃ ‪)1‬م ‪ GW  1430‬أن ﺕ‪0‬رج "م ا ¨ ‪ 19 R‬ﻥ"!  ‪.2009‬‬ ‫ﺕ‪0‬ر ا|)رة ا ﻯ ه) آ ) أن ودة هل ذ ا ۃ ‪ G! ،‬ا ‪ 67‬ا ‪1‬ﺏ ا ‪"1+‬د ‪ ،‬وﺏ)آ‪)*+‬ن ‪ ،‬و) إ ﻯ ذ ‪ ، V‬ﺱ**‪ I‬ﺏ‪01‬‬ ‫ﺱ))ت  و‪ JK‬ا ‪W‬وب "م ا ‪ 16‬ﻥ"!  ‪ 2009‬۔ وﻥ‰ا ‪:‬ﻥ) ﺱ*‪W‬ب ‪ [ K‬ا ‪ G! R U‬ﺝ _ أﻥ )ء ا ‪0 )) ، I )1‬ا !‪ G‬ﺝ"ب‬ ‫أ‪ )6‬ا "ﺏ(‪ ،‬وآ ) "م ا ‪)Z‬ء ‪ 17‬ﻥ"!  ‪ ،2009‬أﺡ"ال ا ل ﺱ*‪"6‬ن ‪ G! )W7  1‬ﺝ^ء آ   ا ‪ I )1‬ا ‪m‬ه"  ﺏ) ‪)6+‬ن‬ ‫)‪)l‬ﺹ !‪ G‬ﻥ‪ ŠY‬ا ‪6‬ة ا ‪ I ،(G ) U‬إذا آ)ن أي ¨© ‪ G0‬أﻥ ‪ 0K‬رأى ا ل ﺏ) ‪ 1‬ا دة !‪ G‬أي ﺝ^ء  ا ‪" I )1‬م ا ‪16‬‬ ‫ﻥ"!  أو إذا آ)ن أي ¨© ‪ G0‬أﻥ ‪ 0K‬رأ ا ل ﺏ) ‪ 1‬ا دة "م ا ‪)Z‬ء ‪ 17‬ﻥ"!  ‪ G! 2009‬ﺏ‪W‬د€ وا ‪ 0‬وﺏ)آ‪)*+‬ن‬ ‫وأ!‪)W‬ﻥ‪)*+‬ن وإان وا ‪ 67‬ا ‪1‬ﺏ ا ‪"1+‬د و) إ ﻯ ذ ‪ ، V‬وإذا آ)ن ا ‪„+‬ول  )ن رؤ ا ل ه)ك‪ [ 2* ،‬د"اه‪ I‬وأ‪ 7‬أن‬ ‫ا ل ‪ 0K‬رؤ !‪"6‬ن ه‪y‬ا ا ‪2‬ار ‪)q‬ﺝ—) ‪ )W7‬و ‪)! I‬ﻥ‪) I‬ا ‪„+‬و (  ‪ GW‬أن ﺕ‪ U‬و‪ A7 7 *U 7Yq 2‬أﺱ )ء ا ‪"U‬د ‪،‬‬ ‫"‪ _K‬ا ؤ ‪0 ،‬د  ا ‪"U‬د وا‪:‬ﺱ—‪ 7‬ا *‪ ¨7 6  I  7{ G‬اء ا ‪ 67q‬ا ‪7 22‬ﻯ ا `)ق ا ‪ A )1‬أن ‪" 7Y‬ا ﺕ ‪)22‬ﺕ‪I‬‬ ‫ﺏ‪ 01‬ا *‪+ A!«q‬ت ا "‪2‬۔‬ ‫ﺡ‰ ‪ : 1‬ا ‪ ، ¬ 0‬أآ‪ 16  Z‬أ ا ‪) 71‬ء وا ‪ 0K 67q‬أ­وا ‪ I*2‬آ)‪ 7‬وداﺉ  !‪)`l G‬ﺏ)ت ورﺱ)ﺉ[ ا ‪0‬‬ ‫ا| ‪*6‬وﻥ‪)2 G! G‬ﺕ‪  G‬رؤ ا ل ‪ G7 ) ! .‬أﺱ )ء ه„ء ا ‪) 71‬ء وا ‪: 67q‬‬ ‫‪1‬۔ا ‪"21 ®U‬ب ا ‪)2‬ﺱ ‪ ، G‬د"ﺱ ي ‪ ،‬ا ‪ 67‬ا * ‪0‬ة‬ ‫‪2‬۔ا ‪   ®U‬ا ‪ 0‬ا ‪)2‬ﺱ ‪) ، G‬ﻥ‪ ، *+U‬ا ‪ 67‬ا * ‪0‬ة‬ ‫‪3‬۔ ‪" 0 )l‬آ‪ ، J‬ا ")ت ا * ‪0‬ة ا‪moonsighting.com ، 6:‬‬ ‫‪4‬۔ ﺏﻥ)رد ) "ب ‪ ،‬ا ‪ 67‬ا * ‪0‬ة)!‪ G67‬ﺱ)ﺏ‹  ا ﺹ‪ 0‬ا ‪(€*T G67‬‬ ‫‪5‬۔ ا ‪0‬آ*"ر   أ!˜[ )ا ")ت ا * ‪0‬ة ا‪(CFCO ، 6:‬‬ ‫‪6‬۔  ‪" 0‬آ‪" J‬دة )ا‪:‬ردن ‪(ICOP ،‬‬ ‫‪7‬۔ا ‪0‬آ*"ر ﺱ‪) 7‬ن ­‪ ، ®q‬ا ")ت ا * ‪0‬ة ا‪. 6:‬‬ ‫‪8‬۔ ا ‪0‬آ*"ر آ )ل أﺏ‪0‬ا ‪) G‬ا ")ت ا * ‪0‬ة(‬ ‫‪9‬۔ ﺹ ‪ 0‬ر‘"ي ‪ ،‬ﺏ)آ‪)*+‬ن‬ ‫‪10‬۔ ))ءا¬ ‪ G7‬اﺡ)ء‪،‬إان‬ ‫‪11‬۔‪ V7‬ﺏ‪ U‬أﺡ ‪ 0‬ﺏ‪، "W‬ﺏ)آ‪)*+‬ن‬ ‫‪12‬۔‘)ء ا ‪ 0‬ه"رى ‪ ،‬ﺏ)آ‪)*+‬ن‬ ‫‪13‬۔ ‪ 0 )l‬ا)ز ‪) G*q‬و ‪)‘ 0‬ء ا ‪ 0‬ه"رى ‪ ،‬ﺏ)آ‪)*+‬ن(‬ ‫‪14‬۔ ا ‪0‬آ*"ر )ه‪ ، GUK 0‬ﺝ)‪ 1‬آاﺕ‪ ، GU‬ﺏ)آ‪)*+‬ن‬ ‫‪15‬۔ ا ‪0‬آ*"ر  ‪ 0‬ا زاق اﺏاه‪) I‬آ‪  ‬ﺕ)ون ‪ ،‬ﺝ"ب ا!‪()2‬‬ ‫‪16‬۔ أﺏ"  )ر) ‪) 0، M. Mangorangca‬راوى ‪ ،‬ا ‪( 7q‬‬ ‫‪17‬۔ ‪ 0‬ار‪ 0‬ﺏ‪) V‬ا ‪ 67‬ا * ‪0‬ة(‬ ‫‪18‬۔ اﺱ*)ذ  ‪ 0‬ﺡ ^ة ﻥ‪ ، I1‬ﺏ)آ‪)*+‬ن‬ ‫ﺏﻥ)ر ) "ب وﺹ ‪ 0‬ر‘"ي آ*‪: G7 )  ‬‬ ‫"أ) ا ‪)`7+‬ن! إذا آ‪  J‬ﺕ*‪27‬ﻯ ردي ﺏ‪m‬ي ﺱ ‪ V6 !  ‬أن ﺕ‪   *6‬ﺝ)ﻥ ‪ G‬أن‬ ‫!‪"‘ G‬ء آ*)ﺏ)ﺕ‪ V‬ا ‪)+‬ﺏ‪ 2‬أ*‪ 02‬أن ه‪ ²* )2 y‬ﺡ"ل رؤ ا ل‪ ،‬ﺱ*‪"6‬ن ﺹ    ا )ﺡ ا ‪. " q‬‬ ‫ﺡ‰ ‪"Y 7 :٢‬ل ‪7‬ﻯ أ‪) l‬ر هل آ[  ﺏ‪Z‬ث ‪)W‬ت )ا‪:‬رد وا ‪1‬ﺏ و ا‪:‬ﻥ‪ _ ( ^7‬ا ¨اﺉ‪ w‬ا ) و ا *‪)Y‬و‪،‬‬ ‫ﺝﻯ ز)رة ه‪y‬ا ا "‪: _K‬‬ ‫‪http://www.esnips.com/web/MoonnewsofJamiaturrasheed/‬‬ ‫ ‪ 0‬ﺱ‪)`7‬ن ) ‪I‬‬ ‫رﺉ‪ R7 R‬ا * ‪ ‹2‬ﺏ‪ I+2‬ا ‪)67q‬ت ﺏ)‪ 1‬ا ‪0‬‬ ‫أﺡ‪Œ +‬ﺏ)د ‪,‬آاﺕ‪ , GU‬ﺏ)آ‪)*+‬ن‪.‬‬ ‫‪[email protected]‬‬

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