Ramadan 1430 Moon Prediction In 3 Languages

  • July 2020
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b1430 á^–Ú… Ùô ¡a kô m¨… Ðô nÏvi 29

VpF †ÏÖ] Ý]ö …^fjÂ^e þ D€ ]ça 6n`Þ á¡Â] oñçÒE km¨……^fjÂ^e h†Â pçÉ þ á^³fó 28 á^jŠÒ^µ E ð2009 kŠ+] 20 (l ]†ÃÛq D1430€ á^fÍ

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á^jŠÒ^µ (o2]†Ò (^eC àŠu]þ‚n†Ö] èÃÚ^q l^nÓ×Ê äÿfÍ ÐnÏvi ‹ ô ×rÚ ‹ônñ… þÜÖ^ á^_׉ ‚ÛvÚ [email protected]

‫ا  رؤ ۃ هل رن ‪ 1430‬ه ‬ ‫ا ‪ 20‬أ"!  ‪) : 2009‬ﺏآ!'ن ‪+, 28 :‬ن ‪ /‬ا‪ ./‬ا‪+‬ﺏ ا!‪1+‬د  ‪1 4 :‬ﺝ‪ 2‬ان و‪/ 56‬ؤ  ‪ /‬و‪56‬‬ ‫‪9‬م ا‪5‬ى ‪+, 29 :‬ن ‪ 1430‬ه ‬ ‫و‪4‬دة هل رن ‪ 1430‬ﺱ'‪1 25+‬م ا ‪ 20‬أ"!  ‪ =6 2009‬ا'‪ >?1‬ا‪10:01 =+‬‬ ‫) ‪ =6 .(UT/GMT‬ﺏآ!'ن ‪F6 ،‬ن ا‪ >?1‬ﺱ‪1.‬ن ‪ (UT+6) 16:01‬و‪ J6‬ا‪ ./‬ا‪+‬ﺏ ا!‪1+‬د  ‪ ،‬ﺱ‪1.‬ن ‪.13:01‬‬ ‫‪ J6‬ﺏآ!'ن‪ ،‬ا‪M‬ل ﺱ‪1.‬ن  ا‪ 4 K+L‬ﺱت ‪ =6‬و?> ا‪O‬وب ‪.‬و‪ TU+ =6‬ا‪ QRS‬ا‪O‬ﺏ  ا‪./‬‬ ‫ا‪+‬ﺏ ا!‪1+‬د  )‪ .‬ا‪  (V .‬ا‪M‬ل ﺱ‪1.‬ن  ا‪ K+L‬اﺏ‪ X‬ا‪ 6 W‬ﺱت‪ =6 .‬أﺱ'ا و‪Y‬ﺱ‬ ‫وأوروﺏ و‪,‬ل أ‪ 5 6‬وآ‪2S‬ا وآ[‪ TU+ =6 Z‬ﺏ‪2/‬ان ا‪ T+‬ا'= ‪ ، MS 5‬ﺏ ‪ M6‬ﺏآ!'ن وا‪ ./‬ا‪+‬ﺏ ا!‪1+‬د  ‪،‬‬ ‫ا‪M‬ل ﺱ'‪O‬ب ?] ا\ ‪1‬م ا ‪ 20‬أ"!  ‪ =6. 2009‬أ?‪ WL‬ا‪O‬ب ‪ =6) ،‬ﺱن د ‪ W/ ، 1O‬ﺱ]‬ ‫ا‪V‬ل(  ا‪M‬ل ‪ =6‬و?> "وب ا\  ﺕ‪2+‬و أن ﺕ‪1.‬ن ‪ 16‬ﺱ ‪ 26‬د?‪ ، 5‬ﺕ`ﺥ )‪ 10 (Lag‬د?‪ Qd‬و‬ ‫ا‪4‬رﺕ‪f‬ع ‪ 1.47‬درﺝ ‪ .h56‬أﺡ‪1‬ال ا‪M‬ل ﺱ'‪1.‬ن ‪ =6  O/ +‬أ ‪ .‬ا‪1S‬ﺏ أ ‪ =6 .‬ﺏ‪1‬ﻥ' أر ‪S‬س ‪ W/ ،‬ﺱ]‬ ‫ا‪V‬ل ‪ W/ ،‬ا"‪  T‬ا'`ﺥ )‪ (Lag‬ﺱ'‪1.‬ن ‪ 47‬د?‪ 5‬و‪  l‬ا‪M‬ل  ﺕ‪2+‬و أن ﺕ‪1.‬ن د ‪ 11‬ﺱ و ‪45‬‬ ‫د?‪ ، 5‬وا‪4‬رﺕ‪f‬ع ‪ 5.6‬درﺝ ‪ ،‬وا‪ 6.4 (Elongation) Rn‬درﺝت‪ ،‬و وﺝ‪ u‬ا‪M‬ل )‪ .h56 ٪ 0.42 (Phase‬ﻥ‪U‬ا‬ ‫{ﺡ‪1‬ال ‪   O/ +‬ا‪M‬ل ‪،‬ا‪ T!5‬ا‪ =./f‬ﺏ‪ +‬ا‪ ، 2,‬و‪9 56‬آ‪  V‬ﺙﻥ \ ا‪  +‬ا‪  25‬وا‪V 2‬‬ ‫ \ه‪2‬ة ا‪M‬ل‪ X?1' ،‬أﻥ‪  u‬ه‪S‬ك إ‪.‬ﻥ ‪ W/‬ا‪Rn‬ق  رؤ  ا‪M‬ل ‪1‬م ا ‪ 20‬أ"! ‪، 2009‬‬ ‫ ‪ =6 h56‬ﺏ‪S‬د € وا‪ 2SM‬وﺏآ!'ن وا ان وا‪O6‬ﻥ!'ن وا‪ ./‬ا‪+‬ﺏ ا!‪1+‬د  ﺏ] ‪ =6‬ﺝ‪ X‬ا‪ T+‬ا`ه‪1‬‬ ‫ﺏ!‪.‬ن ‪ 4 ،‬ﺏ‪ +‬ادة و ‪ 4‬ﺏ!‪2‬ة  ا'‪1.!/‬ب ا‪+‬د‚ ۔‬ ‫ا‪ 21 +‬أ"!  ‪) .2009‬ﺏآ!'ن ‪+, 29 :‬ن ‪ /‬ا‪ ./‬ا‪+‬ﺏ ا!‪1+‬د  ‪:‬؟؟؟؟؟ و‪4 56‬ن ‪ /‬و و‪9 56‬م‬ ‫ا‪5‬ى ‪+, 30 :‬ن ‪ 1430‬ه (‬ ‫ ‪1‬م ا‪ 21 +‬أ"!  ‪ ،‬ر‪ „6‬ا‪M‬ل ا\‪ (Northern declination ) J‬ه‪=, 4 1‬ء ﺕ‪=6.  5‬‬ ‫آاﺕ\= ‪ W/ ،‬ﺱ] ا‪V‬ل‪ =6 ،‬و?> "وب ا\ ‪F6 ،‬ﻥ‪ u‬ﺱ‪1.‬ن د ‪ 2.2‬ا\‪ .‬و ﺙ‪ ، T‬ه‪S‬ك د] واﺽŠ‬ ‫‪ W/‬إ‪.‬ﻥ رؤ  ا‪M‬ل ﺏ‪ +‬ادة ‪ J6‬ا‪ T+‬ا`ه‪ =6 1‬ا‪ ŒLS‬ا‪1S‬ﺏ=  ا‪.‬ة ا‪9‬رﺽ ﺏ`ﺱه و‪=6 .‬‬ ‫ﻥ‪ ŒL‬ا‪.‬ة ا\= ‪ 4 ،‬ﺕ‪1.‬ن رؤ ۃ ا‪M‬ل  ا!‪+/ ]M‬ن إ‪ =6 4‬ا‪ 41‬ت ا'‪2‬ة و ‪ =6‬اء ا‪9‬کا\= ‬ ‫أ‪. 5 6‬‬ ‫!> ه‪S‬ك أي ا‪.‬ﻥ رؤ  ا‪M‬ل ‪ =6‬ه[ ا‪4‬ت ‪( 1 :‬ا‪5 S‬ۃ ا\ۃ  اﺱ ﺏ ‪ W6‬ا?‪, WL‬ل‬ ‫ﺏآ!'ن‪ (2 .‬أوروﺏ ﺏ`آ‪ M/‬ﺕ‪ (3 . 5‬آ‪2S‬ا ﺏ`آ‪ (4 M/‬ا‪ QRS‬ا‪1‬ا?‪16 +‬ق ا‪ QRS‬ا[آ‪1‬رة ‪.‬‬ ‫ﺏﺱ'‪SV‬ء ا‪4‬ت ا[آ‪1‬رة أ ‪ ،‬ه‪S‬ك إ‪.‬ﻥ ؤ  ا‪M‬ل واﺽ أو ?‪ =6 ، /‬ﺏ‪ 5‬ﻥ‪ ŒL‬ا‪.‬ة‬ ‫ا\=  ‪ Q R‬واﺡ‪ 2‬أو ‪  +‬أﺥى ‪.‬‬ ‫ﺕ‪f‬ﺹ] رؤ  ا‪M‬ل ‪ =6‬ا‪ ./‬ا‪+‬ﺏ ا!‪1+‬د  وﺏآ!'ن ه= آ ‪ : =/‬ﺡ‪1‬ل ا‪.‬ﻥ رؤ  ا‪M‬ل ﺏ‪+‬‬ ‫ادة ‪ J6‬ا‪ ./‬ا‪+‬ﺏ ا!‪1+‬د  ‪ ŒL ،‬اﺡ‪1V‬ن آ] ا‪9‬ﻥ‪1‬اع ا‪V‬ﺙ  ا‪9‬ﺏث أي ‪ d‬ﺏ!‪ ، 1M‬و?‪ /‬‬ ‫ا‪ ، .‬و  ا‪..‬‬ ‫ﺏﻥرد ‪1‬ب )ﺏ ﻥ( ‪ ،‬و“ﺱ ‪S‬ۃ رؤ ۃ اﮩل ا‪+‬ۃ )‪ (MCW‬ﺥ‪1, 2‬آ> )ا‪ 41‬ت ا'‪2‬ة( ‪،‬‬ ‫“ﺱ ‪1, ICOP‬آ> ‪1‬دة )ا‪9‬ردن(ﺕ‪1+?1‬ا أن ا‪M‬ل ﺱ‪1l‬ن ?ﺏ ؤ  ﺏ!‪ =6 1M‬ﺝ‪1S‬ب ا!‪1+‬د  ﺏ ‪. M6‬‬ ‫ا‪.‬۔ و‪ .‬و‪ =6 TM 56‬أﺝاء أﺥى  ا‪ ./‬ا‪+‬ﺏ ا!‪1+‬د   ه‪S‬ك ﺱ‪1‬ى ‪6‬ﺹ ﺽ™‪ /‬ؤ  ا‪M‬ل‬ ‫ﺏ‪ +‬ادة۔ و ا‪2‬ک'‪1‬ر ا‪ ) ]6‬ر‪/  S CFCO d‬ء ا‪ =6 Z/f‬ا‪ 41‬ت ا'‪2‬ة ‪ ،‬ا'= أﻥ\™> ‪[S‬‬ ‫م ‪  ، 1978‬ﺏ أ‪ Md‬ا‪2‬آ'‪1‬ر ﺱ‪ 2‬آل أﺏ‪2‬ا= ‪ ،‬وا‪2‬آ'‪1‬ر ‪1US‬ر أﺡ‪ ، 2‬وا‪2‬آ'‪1‬ر رؤوف إم و ‪,‬ر‬ ‫ا ‪f‬ﻥ )أﺏ‪ 1‬ﺏ‪ 2? [ (.‬وﺹŒ ا‪l‬ﻥۃ رؤ  ا‪M‬ل ا‪ . J‬ا‪ h56 .‬۔‬

‫و‪ X 56‬ا‪  +‬ا‪  25‬وا‪2 2‬ة‪ 4 ،‬ﺕ‪1‬ﺝ‪ 2‬إ‪.‬ﻥ \ه‪2‬ة ا‪M‬ل ﺏ‪ +‬ادة ‪ =6‬ا‪ QRS‬ا\‬ ‫ ﺏآ!'ن۔ ﺏﻥرد ‪1‬ب و ﺥ‪1, 2‬آ> و ‪1,‬آ> ‪1‬دة ﺕ‪1+?1‬ا إ‪.‬ﻥ ﺽ™‪ /‬ؤ  ا‪M‬ل ا‪5  J‬ب ‬ ‫‪" S 2‬ﺏﻥ‪.(Bannu) "1‬و‪ =6 ، TM 56‬ا‪ QRS‬ا'= ﺕ‪16 X5‬ق ﺏﻥ‪  ،1‬ه‪S‬ك ﺱ‪1‬ى إ‪.‬ﻥ \ه‪2‬ة ا‪M‬ل ﺏ!‪2‬ة‬ ‫ا'‪1.!/‬ب‪.‬‬ ‫‪ 2S‬ا‪2‬آ'‪1‬ر اس ) ( ‪ ، SAAO ،‬ﺏون و "ه‪ T‬ه‪ ¢S‬إ‪.‬ﻥ \ه‪2‬ة ا‪M‬ل ‪ ،‬إ‪ =6 4‬ا‪QRS‬‬ ‫ا!ﺡ‪ /‬وا‪ QRS‬اورة ‪ W6 M‬ﺏآ!'ن ۔ و ?ل ا‪2‬آ'‪1‬ر  أ‪، ]6‬ا‪M‬ل ‪ . 4‬أن ‪ =6 US‬ﺏآ!'ن ‪1 ،‬م‬ ‫ا‪ 21 ، +‬أ"! ۔‬ ‫ا!> ‪ 22‬أ"!  ‪) .2009‬ﺏآ!'ن ‪:‬؟؟؟ ‪ /‬ا‪ ./‬ا‪+‬ﺏ ا!‪1+‬د ‪ :‬؟؟؟ و‪ 56‬ن‪ / .‬و و‪9 56‬م ا‪5‬ى ‪ :‬ا‪9‬ول‬ ‫ رن ‪ 1430‬ه (‬ ‫ان ‪,‬ء ا‪ ،£‬ا‪M‬ل ﺱ‪1.‬ن واﺽ ‪/‬ؤ ۃ ‪ =6‬ﺝ‪ X‬ا‪ QRS‬ا`ه‪ 1‬ﺏ!‪.‬ن ‪ ،‬ا‪1‬ا?‪ +‬ﺏ ﺥ ‪1‬ط‬ ‫ا‪+‬ض ‪ 55‬درﺝ ‪ 4,‬و ‪ 60‬درﺝ ﺝ‪1S‬ﺏ۔ ﺏ!‪ K‬ر‪ „6‬ا‪1S‬ﺏ= ‪M/‬ل‪16 ،‬ق ‪ 55‬درﺝ ‪ ، 4,‬ﺱ‪O‬ب ا‪M‬ل‬ ‫?] ا\ ‪ ،‬ﻥ' أﻥ‪ . 4 u‬رؤ 'ہ ه‪S‬ك ﺏ‪" 2+‬وب ا\۔‬ ‫أﺡ‪1‬ال ا‪M‬ل ‪ =6‬آاﺕ\= ‪1‬م ا!> ‪ 22‬أ"!  ‪: 2009‬‬ ‫و و‪ 56‬ﻥ§ ا‪2‬آ'‪1‬ر ‪1U S‬ر أﺡ‪ ، Mooncalculator6.0 2‬أﺡ‪1‬ال ا‪M‬ل ‪ =6‬آاﺕ\= ‪1‬م ا!> ‪22‬‬ ‫أ"!  ‪ =6 2009‬و?> "وب ا\ ‪ ،‬أي ‪ =6‬ا! ‪ (UT+6) 20:00‬ﺱ'‪1.‬ن ک'=‪:‬‬ ‫ا‪4‬رﺕ‪f‬ع ‪ 14.9 :‬درﺝ‬ ‫‪6‬ق ا!> )‪ – 25.2 = (Rel.Azi.‬درﺝۃ‬ ‫إ‪29.5 = (Elongation) R‬‬ ‫ا‪ 52 = +‬ﺱت‬ ‫ا'`ﺥ )‪ = (Lag‬ﺱۃ واﺡ‪2‬ة و ‪ 12‬د?‪Qd‬‬ ‫اﺡ‪٪ 6.72 = (Phase) /‬‬ ‫‪ =6‬ﺽ‪1‬ء ا'‪f‬ﺹ] ا[آ‪1‬رة‪  ،‬ا‪1‬اﺽŠ أﻥ‪ u‬و‪2+ 56‬د  ا‪ ،  +‬ه‪S‬ك د] واﺽŠ ‪ W/‬إ‪.‬ﻥ رؤ ‬ ‫ا‪M‬ل ﺏ‪ +‬ادة ‪ J6‬ا‪ ./‬ا‪+‬ﺏ ا!‪1+‬د  و أﻥ‪  u‬ا‪ .‬رؤ  ذ‪ Z‬إ‪ W‬ﺡ‪ =6  2‬ﺏآ!'ن ‪ ،‬وا‪ 2SM‬و‬ ‫ﺏ‪S‬د € ‪1‬م ا‪ 21 +‬أ"!  ‪ 2009‬وه‪[.‬ا ‪F6‬ن أول رن ‪ 2? 1430‬ﺕ‪1 =6 X5‬م ا!> ‪ 22‬أ"!  ‪2009‬‬ ‫‪ =6‬ه[ ا‪2/‬ان‪ .‬و‪ .‬إذا اﺕ‪,“ >+‬ات واﺽ ﺙ‪" T‬ة رن ﺱ'‪1 X5‬م ا‪9‬ﺡ‪ 23 2‬أ"!  ‪. 2009‬‬ ‫و ا‪  2‬ﺏ[آ ه‪ S‬أﻥ‪1 4 u‬ﺝ‪ 2‬ﺕ‪1‬ا‪ =6 Q6‬ا­راء ‪ J/‬ا‪.‬ﻥ واﺽ ؤ  ا‪M‬ل ‪ =6‬ا‪2/‬ان ا[آ‪1‬رة‬ ‫ ‪1‬م ا‪ 21 +‬أ"!  ‪F6‬ذا آن ا‪S‬س ‪12‬ن أﻥ‪ TM‬رأوا ا‪M‬ل ‪ =6‬ه[ ا‪2/‬ان ‪1‬م ا‪ 21 +‬أ"!  وإذا آن‬ ‫ا!“ول  ن رؤ  ا‪M‬ل ه‪S‬ك‪ ]5' ،‬د‪1‬اه‪ T‬وأ‪ /‬أن ا‪M‬ل ?‪ 2‬رؤ‚‪6 ،‬ﻥ‪) TM‬ا!“و( ‪ =OS‬أن ﺕ‪\S‬‬ ‫وﺙ‪ J/ /'\ /Lf 5‬أﺱء ا\‪1M‬د ‪ X?1 ،‬اؤ  ‪2 ،‬د  ا\‪1M‬د وا‪9‬ﺱ™‪ /‬ا'= ‪/ . TMS K/R‬اء‬ ‫ا‪ ./f‬ا‪ W/ 55‬ا‪ S‬ق ا‪ J+‬أن ‪1/L‬ا ﺕ‪55‬ﺕ‪ TM‬ﺏ‪ 2+‬ا'‪! J6lf‬ت ا‪1‬ﺙ‪5‬۔‬ ‫ﺡ‪1L/ : U‬ل ‪ W/‬أﺥر هل آ] ‪ M,‬ﺏ‪V‬ث ‪O‬ت )ا‪9‬رد  وا‪+‬ﺏ و ا‪9‬ﻥ‪ X (  /‬اا‪hd‬‬ ‫ا‪ M‬و ا'‪L‬و ‪ ،‬ﺝ‪ W‬ز رة ه[ا ا‪: X?1‬‬ ‫‪http ://www.esnips.com/web /MoonnewsofJamiaturrasheed /‬‬ ‫‪ 2‬ﺱ‪ /‬ن ‪T‬‬ ‫ر‪ / d‬ا'‪ Q5‬ﺏ‪ T!5‬ا‪./f‬ت ﺏ‪ +‬ا‪2,‬‬ ‫أﺡ! ‪Y‬ﺏد ‪,‬آاﺕ\= ‪ ,‬ﺏآ!'ن‪.‬‬ ‫‪[email protected]‬‬

Research on the Visibility of the Moon of Ramadhaan 1430 Hijri Thursday 20 August 2009: (Pakistan: 28 Sha’baan. / Saudi Arabia: (No announcement was made according to visibility). / according to Ummul-Qura calendar: 29 Sha’baan, 1430 Hijri.) The birth of the Ramadhaan 1430 lunar crescent will take place on Thursday 20 August 2009 at 10:01 UT/GMT. In Pakistan, the time will be 16:01 (UT+6) and in Saudi Arabia, it will be 13:01. In Pakistan the age of the crescent will hardly be 4 hours at the time of sunset. In the western-most regions of Saudi Arabia (Makkah Mukarramah e.g.) the age of the crescent will hardly be quarter to 6 hours. In Australia, Asia, Europe, North Africa, Canada as well as in most of the inhabited world, including Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, the crescent will set before the sun on Thursday 20 August 2009. In the Far West, (in San Diego, for example) the age of the crescent at the time of sunset will merely be 16 hours 26 minutes, Lag 10 minutes and Altitude 1.47 degrees. The conditions of the crescent will be extremely defective in South America also. In Punta Arenas, for example, even though Lag will be 47 minutes the age of the crescent will merely be 11 hours 45 minutes, Altitude 5.6 degrees, Elongation 6.4 degrees and Phase 0.42% only. In view of the extremely defective conditions of the crescent, the Astronomy Department of Jamia’-tur-Rasheed, in consonance with more than eighteen ancient and modern criteria of sighting the moon, predicts that there is no possibility at all of sighting the crescent on Thursday 20 August 2009 not only in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia but in the entire inhabited world, with the naked eye or with the help of a common telescope. Friday 21 August 2009. (Pakistan: 29 Sha’baan. Ummul-Qura: 30 Sha’baan 1430 Hijri.)

/Saudi Arabia:????? According to announcement. / According to

On Friday 21 August, the northern declination of the crescent is nearly nil. In Karachi, for example at the time of sunset, it will be just 2.2 northern. Hence, there is a clear possibility of sighting the crescent with the naked eye in whole inhabited southern hemisphere but in the northern hemisphere, it will be easy visible only in USA and in the major northern part of Africa. There is no possibility at all of sighting the crescent in these areas: 1) Northern Asia including far-most northern Pakistan. 2) Nearly whole Europe. 3) Entire Canada. 4) Areas lying above the mentioned regions. Excluding the above areas, there is a possibility of sighting the crescent clearly or slightly in the rest of the northern hemisphere by means of one criteria or the other. The details of sighting the crescent in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are as follows: About the possibility of moon sighting by naked eyes in Saudi Arabia, Researchers have all 3 types of researches i.e. easily visible, slightly possible and no chance of sighting. Bernard Yallop (Britain), founder of moon sighting committee world wide (MCW) Khalid Shaukat (U.S.A) and the founder of ICOP Shaukat Odeh (Jordan) have predicted easy visibility in extreme southern Saudia including Makkah Mukarramah but according to them in the other part of Saudi Arabia, there is only slim chance of moon sighting by naked eyes. Dr. Omar Afzal, the Chairman of CFCO [A committee of Astronomers in USA, established since 1978, among whose members are Dr. S. K. Abdali, Dr. Monzur Ahmed, Dr. Rauf Imam, Charles Evans (Abu Bakr) etc.] has predicted the chance of moon sighting just till Makkah Mukarramah. According to all old and new criteria, there is no chance for moon sighting by naked eyes in northern areas of Pakistan. Bernard Yallop, Khalid Shaukat and Shaukat Odeh have expressed just slim chance of moon sighting till nearly “Bannu”. according to them, in the areas lying above Bannu , there is only chance of moon sighting by telescope. Dr. Ilyas (Malaysia), SAAO and Bruin etc. have expressed the possibility of moon sighting only in the costal and adjacent with costal areas of Pakistan, while according to Dr Omar Afzal, moon can not be sighted in Pakistan on Friday, 21 August. Saturday 22 August 2009. (Pakistan: ???? Ummul-Qura: First Ramadhaan 1430 Hijri)

/Saudi Arabia: ???? according to announcement.

/ According to

The crescent will, Insha-Allah be clearly visible in all the inhabited regions lying between 55 degrees northern and 60 Degrees southern Latitudes. Due to the southern declination of the moon, above 55N, the crescent will set before the sun, resultantly it can not be sighted there after sunset. Conditions of the Crescent in Karachi on Saturday 22 August 2009: According to Dr. Monzur Ahmad’s software, Mooncalculator6.0, the conditions of the crescent in Karachi on Saturday 22 August 2009 at the time of sunset, i.e. at 20:00 (UT+6), will be as follows: Altitude: 14.9 degrees Relative Azimuth = -25.2 Degrees Elongation = 29.5 Degrees Age = 52 hours Lag. = I hour 12 minutes Phase = 6.72 % In the light of the details mentioned above it is evident that according to a number of criteria, there is a clear possibility of sighting the crescent with the naked eye in Saudi Arabia while it is possible to sight it to some degree in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh etc. on Friday 21 August 2009. Thus, first Ramadhaan 1430 may fall on Saturday 22 August 2009 in these countries. However, if clear indications are to be followed then first Ramadhaan will fall on Sunday 23 August 2009. It is to be noted here that there is no consensus and extremely clear possibility of sighting the crescent in the above-mentioned countries on Friday 21 August 2009. Thus if people claim to have seen the moon in these countries on Friday, 21 August and if the responsible of the moon-sighting committees there, considering the claims to be authentic, announce that the moon has been sighted, then they (the responsible) should publish their detailed written decision comprising the names, location, number of the witnesses and the questions they were asked. This will enable expert astronomers, working on the international level, to update their researches after due scrutiny of the decision document. Note: Every month, an up-dated report on the possibility of sighting the moon of the new Islamic month can be downloaded in three languages …… English, Urdu and Arabic, from the following website along with important maps and pictures: http://www.esnips.com/web/MoonnewsofJamiaturrasheed/ Muhammad Sultan Alam Head of Research Committee, Astronomy Department, Jamia-tur-Rasheed Ahsanabad,Karachi,Pakistan. [email protected]

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