Rajab 1430 Moon Prediction In 3 Languages

  • July 2020
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‫ا  رؤ ۃ هل ر ‪ 1430‬ه‬ ‫ا ‪ 22‬ﻥ ‪ *) : 2009‬ﺏ"آ‪"#$‬ن ‪"+ 28 :‬د) ا("ﻥۃ * ا‪ ,/0++‬ا‪.-‬ﺏ‪ ,‬ا‪-$‬د ‪ 1  : ,‬أ) ان‪ /‬وو‪"45‬‬ ‫‪8‬م ا‪.4‬ى ‪"+ 29‬د) ا("ﻥۃ ‪: 1429‬‬ ‫ودة هل ر ‪ 1430‬ﺱ‪ 14-#‬م ا ‪ 22‬ﻥ ‪ >5 2009‬ا‪ ?=#‬ا‪ >5 .UT 19:35 >+"-‬ﺏ"آ‪"#$‬ن ‪D5 ،‬ن‬ ‫ا=? ﺱ‪/‬ن ‪ ,0(UT+6 )01:35‬ا("ء ‪ ،‬وا‪ ,/0++‬ا‪.-‬ﺏ‪ ,‬ا‪-$‬د ‪ ، ,‬ﺱ‪/‬ن ‪ .22:35‬ودة ا‪J‬ل ﺱ‪ K##‬ﺏ‪5 1-‬‬ ‫ﺱ""ت ﻡ ‪.O‬وب ا‪ >5 L+M‬ﺏ"آ‪"#$‬ن ‪ ،‬وﺏ‪ 3 1-‬ﺱ""ت ‪ >5‬ا‪ ,/0++‬ا‪.-‬ﺏ‪ ,‬ا‪-$‬د ‪. ,‬‬ ‫ﺱ‪.R‬ب ا‪J‬ل =‪ S‬ا‪ L+M‬م ا ‪ 22‬ﻥ‪ T5 2009‬ا‪ K"-‬ا‪+-+‬ر آ‪ W0‬ﺏ"ﺱ‪"(#‬ء اﻡ‪.‬آ" ا‪ ,"+M‬واﺱ‪UV‬‬ ‫وا‪XY‬ء ا‪ >"+M‬ﻡ أﻡ‪ "/ .‬ا‪Y‬ﺏ‪ ,‬۔ ‪ >5‬اﻡ‪.‬آ" ا‪ ,"+M‬واﺱ‪ UV‬وا‪XY‬ء ا‪ >"+M‬ﻡ أﻡ‪ "/ .‬ا‪Y‬ﺏ‪ ، ,‬وان ک"ن‬ ‫ا‪J‬ل ﺱ‪/‬ن ‪ >5‬ا‪ ، ^58‬و‪.] /‬وف ا‪J‬ل ﺱ‪/#‬ن ﻡ‪ ,-‬آ(‪.‬ة أﻥ‪ 1  W‬د‪= S‬ي ﻡ رؤ ‪ ,‬ا‪J‬ل ﺏ"‪-‬‬ ‫ا‪.Y+‬دة =‪ S‬ذ` ‪ >5‬ﺕ"ر ‪ K0 b‬ا‪ U0 . `0a‬ﺱ‪ S‬ا‪"(+‬ل ‪ >5 ،‬ﺱ"ن د ‪) R‬ا "ت ا‪1#+‬ة( ‪ .+‬ا‪J‬ل ‪ >5‬و=?‬ ‫‪.O‬وب ا‪ L+M‬ﺱ‪/#‬ن ﻡ‪.Y‬د ‪ 7‬ﺱ""ت و ‪ 25‬د=‪ ، ,4‬وا‪ 21 .f"#‬د=‪ ,4‬وارﺕ‪"a‬ع ‪ 3.15‬در‪ ، ,‬وإ‪ 3.9 ,"h‬در‪,‬‬ ‫‪. j45‬‬ ‫ﻥ‪.k‬ا ‪.k0‬وف ﻡ‪ , "R0 ,-‬ﻡ ا‪J‬ل و‪8 "45‬آ(‪ .‬ﻡ ‪"+‬ﻥ‪ .M ,‬ا‪ . "-+‬ا‪ ,+ 14‬وا‪ ,( 1‬ﻡ ﻡ‪"M‬ه‪1‬ة ا‪، .+4‬‬ ‫ ‪ K$= l=#‬ا‪ `0a‬ﺏ‪"Y‬ﻡ‪ ,-‬ا‪.‬ﺵ‪،1‬ک‪.‬اﺕ‪،TM‬ﺏ"ک‪"#$‬ن أﻥ‪ L W‬ه"ك إﻡ‪"/‬ﻥ‪ U0 ,‬ا‪ho‬ق ﻡ رؤ ‪ ,‬ا‪J‬ل م ا ‪22‬‬ ‫ ﻥ ‪ >5 j45 L ، 2009‬ﺏ‪Y‬د ‪ q‬وا‪ 1J‬وﺏ"آ‪"#$‬ن وا ‪.‬ان وا‪"R5‬ﻥ‪ "#$‬ن وا‪ ,/0++‬ا‪.-‬ﺏ‪ ,‬ا‪-$‬د ‪ ,‬ﺏ‪ >5 S‬ا‪K"-‬‬ ‫ﺏ‪r‬ﺱ‪  ، :.‬ﺏ"‪ -‬ا‪.Y+‬دة أو ﺏ‪1"$+‬ة ﻡ ا‪/$0#‬ب ا‪"-‬د) ‪.‬‬ ‫ا("ء ‪ 23‬ﻥ ‪ *) .2009‬ﺏ"آ‪"#$‬ن ‪"+ 29 :‬د) ا("ﻥۃ * ا‪ ,/0++‬ا‪.-‬ﺏ‪ ,‬ا‪-$‬د ‪ : ,‬آ‪ "+‬أ‪ 0‬؟؟؟؟؟ * وو‪8 "45‬م‬ ‫ا‪.4‬ى ‪"+ 30 :‬د) ا("ﻥۃ ‪:1429‬‬ ‫ﻡ‪ t0#u‬ا‪-‬اﻡ‪ S‬ا‪ >#‬ﺕ‪ U0 .v‬رؤ ‪ ,‬هل )‪ U0‬ﺱ‪ S‬ا‪"(+‬ل ‪ .+ ،‬ا‪J‬ل ‪ ،‬وا‪ ، (Lag) .fr#‬وا‪,"ho‬‬ ‫)‪ ،(Elongation‬و ‪.5‬ق ا‪ (Rel.Azi.) ?+$‬و‪ .O‬ذ`( ﺱ‪/‬ن ﺏ‪ >5 S"+#‬م ا("ء ‪ 23‬ﻥ أن ﺏ‪ ^ .V‬واﺡ‪1‬‬ ‫أو ﺏ‪"-+‬ر أ‪.f‬ى ‪ ،‬ه"ك إﻡ‪"/‬ﻥ‪ ,‬وا…ۃ او‪aaf‬ۃ ‪.‬ؤ ‪ >5 ,‬ا‪ K"-‬ا‪+-+‬ر آ‪ W0‬ﻡ" ‪1‬ا ‪ >5‬ﻥز ‪10‬ا ‪ ،‬واﺱ‪.#‬ا" ‪،‬‬ ‫وب ﺵ‪.‬ق ‡ﺱ" وا‪ ^h"+‬اا=‪5 ,-‬ق ‪ 60‬در‪ ,‬ﺵ‪"+‬ل وب ‪ jf‬ا‪.-‬ض ‪.‬‬ ‫و‪ S‰ "45‬ﻡ‪ ،. "-‬ه"ك اﻡ‰"ﻥۃ وا…‪. ,‬ؤ ‪ ,‬ا‪J‬ل ﺏ"‪ -‬ا‪.Y+‬دة ‪ >5‬ﻡ"‪ ^h‬ا‪8‬ﻡ‪ "/ .‬اا=‪ ,-‬ﺏ ‪ 50‬در‪ ,‬ﺵ‪"+‬ل‬ ‫وب ‪ jf‬ا‪.-‬ض و ‪ >5‬ﻡ‪ tŠ#‬ا‪ ^h"+‬ا‪ ,=.M‬ﻡ ="رة ا‪. "4 .5‬‬ ‫و ‪ ^0-# "+5‬ﺏ"آ‪"#$‬ن وا‪ ,/0++‬ا‪.-‬ﺏ‪ ,‬ا‪-$‬د ‪‡ ،,‬راء ا"ﺡ( ا‪ ,+ 14‬وا‪ l+ T0 ,( 1‬أﻥاع ‪(0‬ۃ ‪.‬و‪‹- "45‬‬ ‫ﻡ‪ "J‬ه"Œ د‪ S‬وا… ‪ U0‬اﻡ‪"/‬ﻥ‪ ,‬رؤ ‪ ,‬ا‪ >5 .+4‬ا‪ 10‬آ‪ ، W0‬وو‪ ‹- "45‬ﻡ‪ /+  "J‬ا‪.‬ؤ ‪ "J5 ,‬وو‪‹- "45‬‬ ‫ه"Œ اﻡ‪"/‬ﻥ‪ ,‬رؤ ‪. ,aah ,‬‬ ‫ﺏ‪.‬ﻥ"رد "ب )ﺏ‪"V .‬ﻥ"( ‪ ،‬وﻡ‪v‬ﺱ‪Y L‬ۃ رؤ ۃ اﮩل ا‪+"-‬ۃ )‪ 1"f (MCW‬ﺵآ? )ا "ت ا‪1#+‬ة( ‪ ،‬ﻡ‪v‬ﺱ‪L‬‬ ‫‪ICOP‬ﺵآ? د‪) :‬ا‪8‬ردن( ذآ‪.‬ت إﻡ‪"/‬ﻥ‪aaf ,‬ۃ ‪.‬ؤ ‪ ,‬ا‪J‬ل ﺏ"‪ -‬ا‪.Y+‬دة ‪ S] >5‬ا‪.k‬وف ا‪ , Y‬ا‪. ,"(+‬‬ ‫و‪1 "45‬آ‪#‬ر ‪ .+‬ا‪ ) S•5‬ر–‪ ,Y CFCO L‬ﻡ ‪"+0‬ء ا‪ >5 `0a‬ا "ت ا‪1#+‬ة ‪ ،‬ا‪ >#‬أﻥ‪ ?™M‬ﻡ˜ "م‪، 1978‬‬ ‫ﻡ ﺏ أ•"–‪ "J‬ا‪1‬آ‪#‬ر ﺱ‪ 1‬آ‪"+‬ل أﺏ‪1‬ا> ‪ ،‬وا‪1‬آ‪#‬ر ﻡ‪k‬ر أﺡ‪ ، 1+‬وا‪1‬آ‪#‬ر رؤوف إﻡ"م و ﺵ"ر‪ X‬ا ‪"a‬ﻥ‪) X‬أﺏ‬ ‫ﺏ‪.5 [ (./‬ص وده" ‪ >5‬آ‪.‬اﺕ‪ >M‬ه> ه"ﻡ‪ ,M‬و‪ /‬ﻡ ا‪v+‬آ‪ 1‬ﺕ‪ >5 " .4‬ﻡ‪ ,/‬ا‪.‰+‬ﻡۃ ‪ ،‬و أﻡ" ‪ >5‬ﻡ"‪ ^h‬أ‪.f‬ى ﻡ‬ ‫ﺏ"آ‪"#$‬ن ﺱ‪ ‰+#‬رؤ ‪ ,‬ا‪J‬ل ﺏ"‪ -‬ا‪.Y+‬دة ‪ 24 >5‬ﺡ‪. X‬ان ‪ /‬ﻥ ‪. j45‬‬ ‫ا‪8‬رﺏ‪"-‬ء ‪ 24‬ﻥ ‪ *) .2009‬ﺏ"آ‪"#$‬ن ؟؟؟ * ا‪ ,/0++‬ا‪.-‬ﺏ‪ ,‬ا‪-$‬د ‪ ,‬؟؟؟ ﺡ‪ $‬ان * وو‪8 "45‬م ا‪.4‬ى ‪:‬‬ ‫ا‪8‬ول ﻡ ر ‪ 1430‬ا‪.YJ‬ى‬ ‫ا‪J‬ل ‪ ،‬ان ﺵ"ء اœ ﺕ‪/‬ن ﻡ‪ ,–.‬ﺏ…ح ‪ l+ >5‬ا‪ ^h"+‬ا‪r+‬ه‪ ,‬اا=‪ ,-‬ﺏ ‪ 60‬در‪ ,‬ﺵ‪"+‬ل وب ‪jf‬‬ ‫ا‪.-‬ض ‪.‬‬ ‫أﺡال ا‪J‬ل ‪ >5‬آ‪.‬اﺕ‪ >M‬م ارﺏ‪"-‬ء ‪ 24‬ﻥ ‪: 2009‬‬ ‫و‪. "45‬ﻥ"ﻡž ا‪1‬آ‪#‬ر ﻡ ‪k‬ر أﺡ‪ ، Mooncalculator6.0 1+‬أﺡال ا‪J‬ل ‪ >5‬آ‪.‬اﺕ‪ >M‬م ارﺏ‪"-‬ء ‪ 24‬ﻥ‬

‫‪ >5 2009‬و=? ‪.O‬وب ا‪ ، L+M‬أي ‪ (UT+6) 20:25 >5‬ﺱ‪/‬ن ک"‪: >"#‬‬ ‫ارﺕ‪"a‬ع ‪ 20.3 :‬در‪,‬‬ ‫‪.5‬ق ا‪- 12.7 = (Rel.Azi.) ?+$‬‬ ‫إ‪24.5 = (Elongation) ,"h‬‬ ‫ا‪ 42 = .+-‬ﺱ"‪ 50 ,‬د=‪,4‬‬ ‫ا‪ = (Lag) .fr#‬ﺱ"ۃ واﺡ‪1‬ة و ‪ 41‬د=‪,4‬‬ ‫ا‪.+‬ﺡ‪٪ 4.80 = (Phase) ,0‬‬ ‫‪… >5‬ء ا‪"a#‬ﺹ‪ S‬ا‪˜+‬آرة أ‪ ، :‬ﻡ اا… أﻥ‪ W‬و‪1- "45‬د ﻡ ا‪D5 ، . "-+‬ن ﻡ ا‪ /++‬أن ‪ ).‬ا‪J‬ل ‪>5‬‬ ‫ﺏ"آ‪"#$‬ن وا‪ ,/0++‬ا‪.-‬ﺏ‪ ,‬ا‪-$‬د ‪ ,‬م ا("ء ‪ 23‬ﻥ ‪˜05 .2009‬ا ‪ ‰+‬أن ‪ l4‬ا‪8‬ول ﻡ ﺵ‪ .J‬ر ‪>5 1430‬‬ ‫ م ارﺏ‪"-‬ء ‪ 24‬ﻥ ‪ >5 2009‬ه˜‪ :‬ا‪10‬ان ‪.‬و‪ ، /‬إذا اﺕ‪ ?-‬ﻡ‪v‬ﺵ‪.‬ات وا…‪. ,‬ؤ ۃ ا‪J‬ل ‪.R5‬ة ﺵ‪ .J‬ر‬ ‫ﺱ‪ l4#‬م ا‪ 25 L+u‬ﻥ ‪. 2009‬‬ ‫وﻡ ا‪ . 1Y‬ﺏ"˜آ‪ .‬ه" أﻥ‪ 1  W‬ﺕا‪ >5 ^5‬ا¨راء أو ‪ ?$‬ه"Œ اﻡ‰"ﻥۃ وا…‪. ,‬ؤ ‪ ,‬ا‪J‬ل ‪ >5‬ا‪10‬ان‬ ‫ا‪˜+‬آرة أ‪ :‬م ا("ء ‪ 23‬ﻥ‪D5 2009‬ذا آن اس ن أ رأوا ا  ه اان ‪ 23 >5‬ﺡ‪. X‬ان ‪/‬‬ ‫ ﻥ ‪ ،‬وإذا آن ا! ول ﻡ ‪$‬ن رؤ& اهك‪ )* ،‬داه وأ أن ا ‪ ,‬رؤ‪)  ،-‬ا! و&(‬ ‫‪ 2‬أن ﺕ‪ 0‬و‪ &34‬ﻡ‪ &56‬ﻡ‪ 7 &*0‬أﺱء ا‪ 0‬د ‪ ،‬ﻡ‪ :,‬اؤ& ‪ ،‬د ﻡ ا‪ 0‬د وا=ﺱ<& ا* ;> ﻡ ‬ ‫‪@ ?3‬اء ا‪ 33?6‬ا‪ B 3A‬ا‪D‬ق ا‪ 7F‬أن ‪A5‬ا ﺕ‪3A‬ﺕ ﺏ‪ F‬ا*‪ 7G6‬ﻡ!‪K$‬ت ا‪&34‬۔‬ ‫ﻡ‪K‬ﺡ‪5A : &L‬ل ‪ B‬أﺥر ه‪K‬ل آ) ﺵ  ﺏ‪KP‬ث ‪2‬ت )ا=رد& وا‪F‬ﺏ‪ &3‬و ا=‪ ( &S3$‬ﻡ‪ :‬ا@اﺉ‪ T‬ا ﻡ& و‬ ‫ا*‪5‬و‪ ،‬ﺝ‪ B‬زرة ها ا‪: :,‬‬ ‫‪http://www.esnips .com/web/MoonnewsofJamiaturrasheed/‬‬ ‫ﻡ‪ A‬ﺱ‪D‬ن  ‬ ‫رﺉ‪ o3‬ﻡ‪ o$‬ا*‪ n3A‬ﺏ! ا‪3?6‬ت ﺏ‪$‬ﻡ‪ &F‬اﺵ‪3‬‬ ‫أﺡ! ‪p‬ﺏد ‪,‬آاﺕ‪ , 0‬ﺏآ!*ن‪.‬‬ ‫‪[email protected]‬‬

Research on the Visibility of the Moon of Rajab, 1430 A.Hijrah. Monday 22 June 2009: (*Pakistan: 28 Jumadath-Thaniah. * Saudi Arabia: No announcement was made / According to Ummul-Qura calendar: 29 Jumadath-Thaniah, 1429 A.H. The birth of the Rajab 1430 lunar crescent will take place on Monday 22 June 2009 at 19:35 UT/GMT. In Pakistan, the time will be 01:35 (UT+6) on Tuesday night and in Saudi Arabia, it will be 22:35. The birth of the crescent will take place after 5 hours of sunset in Pakistan and after 3 hours in Saudi Arabia. In the whole inhabited world excluding North America, Central America and the northern part of South America, the crescent will set before the sun on Monday 22 June 2009. In North America, Central America and the northern part of South America, Although the crescent will be on the horizon but the conditions of the crescent will be so much defective that there is no solid proof of sighting such crescent by naked eyes in the history of astronomy. For example, in san Diego (USA) the age of the crescent at the time of sunset will merely be 7 hours 25 minutes, Lag 21 minutes and Altitude 3.15 degrees and elongation 3.9 degrees only. In view of the extremely defective conditions of the crescent, the Astronomy Department of Jamia-tur-Rasheed, in consonance with more than eighteen ancient and modern criteria of sighting the moon, predicts that there is no possibility at all of sighting the crescent on Monday 22 June 2009 with the naked eye or with the help of a common telescope, not only in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia but in the entire world. Tuesday 23 June 2009. (*Pakistan: 29 Jumadath-Thaniah. *Saudi Arabia: ????? as announced. * According to Ummul-Qura: 30 Jumadath-Thaniah 1429 A.H.) The different factors affecting the sighting of crescent moon (for example its age, Lag, Rel. Azi. Elongation etc.) will be in such symmetry on Tuesday 23 June that by means of one criteria or the other, there is a possibility of sighting it clearly or slightly in the whole inhabited world except in New Zealand, Australia, South-east Asia and the areas lying above 60 degrees Northern and southern Latitude. According to nearly all criteria, there is a clear possibility of sighting the crescent with the naked eye in the areas of Americas lying between 50 degrees Northern and southern Latitude and in the mid eastern regions of continent Africa. Regarding Pakistan and Saudi Arabia the ancient and modern researchers have the opinions of all 3 types. According to some of them there is a clear possibility of sighting the moon in the whole country, some of them predict no possibility and according to other ones there is slight possibility of sighting it. Bernard Yallop (Britain), founder of moonsighting committee world wide (MCW) Khalid Shaukat (U.S.A) and the founder of ICOP Shaukat Odeh (Jordan) have stated a possibility of sighting the crescent with the naked eye only under the perfect atmospheric conditions. According to Dr. Omar Afzal, the Chairman of CFCO [an American committee of Astronomy established since 1978, among whose members are Dr. S. K. Abdali, Dr. Monzur Ahmed, Dr. Rauf Imam, Charles Evans (Abu Bakr) etc.], The chances of its visibility in Karachi are marginal but almost certain in Makka Mukarramah, while the other areas of Pakistan will see a Hilal on June 24 only. Wednesday 24 June 2009. (*Pakistan: ???? st Ummul-Qura: 1 Rajab 1430 After Hijrah.)

*Saudi Arabia: ???? as announced.

* According to

Insha-Allah,the crescent will be clearly visible in all the inhabited regions lying between 60 Degrees North and South Latitude. Conditions of the Crescent in Karachi on wednesday 24 June 2009: According to Dr. Monzur Ahmad’s software, Mooncalculator6.0, the conditions of the crescent in Karachi on Wednesday 24 June 2009 at the time of sunset, i.e. at 20:25 (UT+6), will be as follows: Altitude: 20.3 degrees Relative Azimuth = - 12.7 Elongation = 24.5 Degrees Age = 42 hours 50 minutes Lag. = I hours 41 minutes Phase = 4.80 % In the light of the details mentioned above, it is evident that according to a number of criteria, it is st possible to sight the moon in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia on Tuesday 23 June 2009. Thus, 1 Rajab 1430 may fall on Wednesday 24 June 2009 in these countries. However, if clear indications are to be followed st then 1 Rajab will fall on Thursday 25 June 2009. It is to be noted here that there is no consensus or extremely clear possibility of sighting the crescent in the above-mentioned countries on Tuesday 23 June 2009. Thus if people claim to have seen the moon in these countries on 23 June and if the responsible of the moon-sighting committees there, considering the claims to be authentic, announce that the moon has been sighted, then they (the responsible) should publish their detailed written decision comprising the names, location, number of the witnesses and the questions they were asked. This will enable expert astronomers, working on the international level, to update their researches after due scrutiny of the decision document. Note: Every month, an up-dated report on the possibility of sighting the moon of the new Islamic month can be downloaded in three languages …… English, Urdu and Arabic, from the following website along with important maps and pictures: http://www.esnips.com/web/MoonnewsofJamiaturrasheed/ Muhammad Sultan Alam Head of Research Committee/Astronomy Department of Jamia-tur-Rasheed Ahsanabad,Karachi,Pakistan.

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