World Fair Trade Day

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PhilippineFair TradeForum (PFTF) 47-ARoad2, Project6 1100QuezonCity TeL (632) 454-4744t425-1230 rax: (632)454-1567

BACKGROUND/RATIONALE relationship between Th6 provisionof bettertradingconditionsandpromotionof a sustainable producers makeFair Tradea viablealtemativefor the sustainability of smallandconsumerc in developing countries. scaleproducers With the supportof AltemativeTradingOrganizations (ATOS)andotherFairTrademarketingintermediaries in facilitatingbettermarketopportunities, producers, oftencharacterized andexcludedwithinthe sphere thesesmall-scale asmarginalized trading,areableaccess markets. thenecessary conditions for their ofconventional But achieving groMhandsustainability requires morethanthesupportprovidedby ATOS;consumer supponis alsoimperative. CroMh in fair traden€cessitates increased consumerdemandfor fair tradeproducts.For a producers sustained socio-economic development amongsmall-scale to take place,the public participate. purchasing power positively must By exercising their suchasdemanding oneproduct over another,consumers can help ensurethe sustenance of marginalized and disadvantaged prcducers. Doneon a dailybasis,it canbea powerfulcontribution poverty in thefight against Theexperience in EuropeandotherNorthemcountries hasshownthatconsumer demandfor fair tradeprcductsis greatlyinfluencedby the levelofconsumerawareness on traderelatedissues. When consumersin thgse countriesbegan embracingfair trade and the various issues surrounding this cause,salesof fair tradeproductsalso gaineda steadyrise. This is the experience that the PhilippineFair TradeForum,in partnership with wantsto replicatein the longtermasit partners with theFoundation for a Sustainable Society. The PhilippineFair TradeForum

ThePhilippineFairTradeForum(PFTF)is a coalitionofPhilippineproducergroups,marketing organizations andsupportorganizations, aswell as individualadvocates commonlyadheringto andgoalsof fair trade. theprinciples Envisionedas the commonvoicerepresenting issuesand concemsof Philippingfair traders, PFTF thrustsitself to work for the development of progressive and responsible fair trade stakeholders in the Philippines;sustainable that ensureincomeand food socialenterprises

quality c{mmunities;empowercdcommu ty-bas€dproducars;and a securityin disadvantaged andmarketdrivenimageof fair tradegoducts. for As an advocacygroupit seeksto serveasa commonvehicleofthe memberorganizitions {l) on fair mde awareness both domesticandexport(A raising.consumer i;;;r;;;;t'G "";ess,and taking commonu"tion (l) establishinga centerof informalion for ill shurin'g "xp".iences (5) tobbvins and campaigningfor chansesin ftade -it.."i"o lui.;;;"1'"il;;;;;pilo"t" policieswhich will redoundto th€ benefitofdisadvantag€dFoducers' World Falr Trade DaY2009 Pursusntto irs mandateand to sustainis plans of engagingconsume$in a morc active role of eventsthat io*ari tft" developmentof a local fair trade market' PFTF will held a series ooiooio"at"ltrt o" zo09 celebrationof the world Fair TradeDay, an event thal is c€lebrated worldwideeverys€condsaturdayof May. Eachyearth€ themeof the celebrationvariee,&ndfor 2009,PFTF adolted the global th€meof BIG BAIIGII: BEAT POVERTY' BEAT CLIMATE CIIANGE. BEAT tt'" "il"U'*ion CRISIS. This themewasembncedfor the following reasons: FINANCIAL .

BIG BANGII is a new beginning.A powerful themedesignedto inspire global events

andor€atea festivalof change. o BIG BANGII is a universalexplosionof r€spectfor the planetandthe FairTrading on it. brandsandbusilesses farmers,producers, &rtisans, economyburstsinto life and cr€atesa r BIG BANG!! is the momentthe sustainable universeofmarketsfit for the lUture. . BIG BANGII is a cultural,economicandpolitical new beginningfirelledby the energyof I l0 million farmers,artisans8nd supporte$to acceleratethe changel^'e all ne€dto live andbreathe. o BIG BANG!! is the vision of the World Fair TradeOrganization,but is opento every individual,n€tworkandorganization\"ith a commitmentto Fair Trade' . BIG BANG!! is alsothe antidoteto the World TradeOrganizatiotr'sfailure to beattrade injustice and social and environmentaldegradation;the G8's failule to beat climate changeor the globalizedbusinessissuesthat ravagethe planet; and the failure of the financial syslemto provide a sustainableeconomy- leavingrnillions of peopl€without the m€ansto buy food, homes,heslthcar€or education.


GOALS 1. Build a strongconsumerbasethrough increasedconsumerunderstanding of fair trade 2. Createan enabling environm€ntthat Fovides greater domesticmarket accessto smallproducersandinorcasevisibility offair tradeproducts




1. FAIRTRADE FAIR celebration]vasthe Fair TradeFair organizedby the The main event of the Philippine -Tlade, Inc. (APFTD in cooperationwilh the PFTF' The Advocateof Philippine Fai; activity wastwo pronge4 orle was to provide s venuefor smalll)rcdxcersto showcase and sell tlreir producrsand the olher was to inform the public that fair trade can be a meansto addrcsscommonissuesfaced by small producerssuchas the Paymed of fair wages, good wo*ing conditions, safeguarding of childre-n's righs, use of practicesandtechnologl, capacitybuilding andlhe like and n--tully t "pon;ible "n"iron power they can help make a diference in the plight of purchasing that throughtheir producersandtheir communities' small,disadvantaged The EastwoodMall becamethe vsnue for th€ Fair TradeFair which lastedfor 3 days' Therewere a total of 14 producerswho partioipatedin the Fair. A total of7 boothswere providedand the orhibitors were groupedaccordingto area/regionexceptfor the PFTF group which was provided its own booth. For the threeiay fair, cash sales output to P201,104.00. amounted The range of productsdisplayed included, handicrafts,gift items, handmadepapers, muscovadosugar,jams, jellies, pastries,decorativeitpms and fiber-basedproducts A specialsettingwasput togetho, hiShlightingthe themeofthe Fair: Four Inspirations. The Fair openedwith a simpleForumwherethe vice Presidentofthe IntemationalFair TradeAssooiation(now World Fair TradeOrganization),Ms' Claribel David, delivered the Fair Trade Message,highlighting the significanceof the celebration. Two PFTF memb€rsjoin€d Ms. David as speakers,sharingtheir bestpracticesand how Fair Trade works for their organizatiors, These arc Grace Tacuyog of Upland Marketing Fouldation, Inc. and Crissy Guerero of Non-TimberForestPrcducts(NTFP). Buyers, fiom other NGOS,Ownersof Enterpriseswere amongthe Ollicers and representatives guestsin the opening Forum, including ordinary mall goers who took interest in the event, A Celebrationthmugha Fair TradeBig BangConce.twasheld on the secondday ofthe Fair, May 9, which is alsothe globally aclnowledgedWorld Fair TradeDay. The concefi the intereslof mall goen. A specialdrumperformanceby featur€d4 Bards andgenerated Krakatoomhighlightedthe concertin unisonwith the rest ofthe world wh€redrumming is the agreedsymbol of the celebntion. An audio-visualpresentationhighlighting the principlesof fair tradeandits guarant€e of a fail retum to producersandthe environment wasalsointerspersed with the performances . Simultsneosto the conduct of the Fair were sub-activitiesthat included a cooking d€monstrationusing Fair T|ade products, a craftsmakingactivity using irdigenous papersanda specialcoloiing in art competitionfor kids, materialsandhandmade

in the 2. REGIONAL CELEBRATIONS - Regional celebrations were also staged a forum form cities ofCagayan De Oro, Davao and Cebu. Each ofthe areashad some and an exi'ibit aim€d at building greater public awareness of Fair Trade The drummingandthe FSSvideo were staplecomponentsof eachofthis celebrations' Hlghllghti ot lhe cagqyqn De Oro celeblqllon " Mediq Advococy . conducled Mediq lounch with 66 poriiciponls,26 of which ore from locol lroditionol& non-trodiiionolmedio .

ln 9 write ups/mentionsin 3 locol pqpersin the period, 12newsspols/menfions locolrodio progroms,4inleNiewsond 6 oppeoroncesin news/locolprogroms on w one of fhem o full 3Gminute inlerview ol coc w 39 All these os o result of lhe WFTDlocolevenit ond medio lounch


Prepored mediq kit for lhe locol medio lqunch, lolked lo potentiol medio portners for long lelm colloborclion ond coveroge of FI

1Ff Forum .

Conducled 3 FqirTrodeForumon Moy I ol SM,in two venueson Moy 4: one ot the Provinciolcooitol ond one duing tho Medio Lounch ol sundvq Restouroni.


FoirTrodeForumot SMisfor 60 teochers,porenls,coochss.conleslontsqnd ldends tor Moy I on-thespol poslermokingcontest.Ihisnumberisforseoiing copocilywhich does nol includethosestqndingin the c{owd


Theone ot lhe Provinciolcopitol (dudngflog c€remony)hoso coplured oudience of olmosi 3OOfrom the ditferenllocol ogenciesond municipoliies of MisomisOdentql.


TheFoirTrodeForumdodngthe Medio Lounchof WFTDol Sunivo restouronl 05 moin hod olmost70 porliciponls.we hod Mrs.LoreloRofisuroof SHAPPI sDeoker,RovDotu Lomordoof GreenmindsrepresenlingFSSIoswelloskter Gomboo ond the undersignedos suppof speokers.

; Locol WFTDevenls done : o lolol of 682 new conlocls were documenled with buy-in lormsond porlicipolionsheelsin the 6 venuesfor I evenlsusedin the monfhlong WFI Doy Locol Celebrolions.This number does not include big orgonizolionolotlehdees likefhe tull ProvinciolGov''l sloff who ottended the FI forum oi lhe copitol grounds omong olher group porlicipolion not listed individuolly. April schedules oi lhe po* were used os build-up evenls for the bigger oneslostMoy l, 2 & 4. .

The FoirTrode Fridoysof lhe po* which were meonl os build-up ociivilies lo increose oworenessof FI using WFIDlhemed events thol will culminote in o porode, foir, forum & concerf/voiely show in Moy olso served os meeling venues for votious commitfees. Thiswos qlso when t-shirhwere broughl in for free priniing for fhose who would ioin lhe porode.

207porlicipoled in the FI delegolionin the Lobordoy porode, ollweqdng the disiincfive WFTDlogo prinled on while shidsor in lqrge siickersin very colodul bond uniforms.We hod lhe biggestdelegolion,we were the only oneswith bondsond mqde lho porode & ofterwords moro lively (owordwinning ticeo de Cogoyqn University drum ond bugle corpsdid severolnumbeEos well qs Kuyonop DBCyouth g.oup drummers).We hod pholo op oulsidetimketkoiofior ihe porode & progrom for lhe mqjodty ihol remoined. Conducled on-lhe-spolpostermokingconlestfor I9 porticiponlsqged &21 y6ors old. Judged by no lessthon €nowned CdO VisuolArlist& CurotorNic Aco qnd orner locolortistsRhyonCosino,Gene Togopulot& Bnonporejo.WorkCommitteechoired by ShomoeCosinoof Amihonon& DireHusi,ossistedby BelsyZolsos, votunteer.FI forumpreceded the conlesl which focusedon FoirTrode& the WFTDlheme. Cosh Pdzesfrom APFII,lokerls from Viondep. TheSMgitt coriificoles requost fell lhrough but our SMconlocl soyso corEolidotedproposqlin lhe fulurewill prevenl lhisfrom noppenrng, Sixbondsporticipotedin the FqirTrodeConcert,spreodoui3 o dov lo coincide with lhe onivolof crowdsin the moll,ot l2:3opm,4:OOpm & 6:OOpm, eoch bond giving theirrepertoireeslimotedol lhe lengthol I sot &tO songseoch. Asidef.or[lhe bonds,20 doncen from TriuneMovers youlh group gqve o donce numberos well qj 6 membersof lhe Bohondidonce6, lhese on seporoledoys. W6 olso hod on oworo winningsolohtdo OPMSto lhe detightot the crowd. Thefoltowingbondsond totenis porticipolod Moy I & 2 ol lhe atfum of SMCily Cogoyon de Oro. In order of oppeoroncq Homog (Bukidnon), Joonn Nleze-{her.tsongLohi'tettus ieory-oyed_ sucho booutifulvoica),BohondiMusicof Mindonoo,lslqde Mobonlas,DiroHusi. TriuneMoversdonco group, AlmostSolollile& K9Bond. 8 orgonizolions submifledlogosond olmoslo hundredindividuolsmode lheir mork on fhe WFIDstreomersignifyingtheirdesheto be counled in supporlof ihe FokTrqdo Movement.Thishondmode streomersportingihe APFIIlogo ond web/blog sileswere

proceopromrnen y of themoli,cordedduringtheporodeonduseddudnglhe product disployot copitol grounds.

Tobleswere sel -{p lor smollbusiness loonsinfo courlesyof our new locql finoncing inslitulionportners; Aboco brocelel (odvococy brocelet)demo lobteswere qlsosel up. tt feotured rnrormolron obout ihe oboco plonl, the people lhot get benefdfrom il, the products lnol con be mode oul of if4 Soloy hondmode poper des'tgnerssel up demo on pressedllower cord_mqking; lhis wos sucho hil wilh lhe crowd. Setup product disploy ocross medio lounch {Tworented 4 mefer x 6 meter while tenh) ve.nueon Moy 4. 2 MMKt-perfectty NqturolHerbqlleo stoffdhpensedfree hot leq. AmihonongMindonooFoirTrodeproducersAssociolionwiih t-oulen,s, SHAppl NM Food Produclsmonninglhe boolh ond DireHusiprovidinglive musiclhe whole oflemoon. Porliciponis in ihe medio lounch were oble to tok; footoge of produ;t disployofter the progrom.


375buy-informscollected dudnglhe compoign by oskinginterested shopp;rs/po.liciponlsto ffllup the formsor submitcollingGordsond get o chonce lo win rotfledoft porlner-producefsproducts,


t8Olshirfs odntedbv DqvidYonez,ourftibolyouthorlisonvolunteerond JohnNedo Musnisummersludenlvolunleer.

'?.FT Zonesin TrodeFoir . Advococy sel up done insidelwo 3x3melerwhite tenls for lhe Solo-Tobofok on Mqy ll-15. Mo*ers ideniifyingAPFIIportnerpoducersqlso ploced in indivlduolboolhs 3. MEDIA PUBLICITY - PFTF Joined FSS Kapihan sa Cypressand served as speakersfor the said Media Forum which focus€don the World Fair Trade Day Celebntion.

4. PFTFNAIIONAL FORT'M a NationalForumthat broughtin Priot to the WFTDCel€hation'PFfi conducted in from acrossthecountly.Ther€wer€40 participants of memb€rs theparticipation on major planson how to moveforwardas the said Forumwherediscussions network build tacticalallisncaswith othergroupsand networksand whatpolicy agenda will becaniedwerethoroughlydiscussed. This gatheringwas envisionedas a spacefor sharing leaming,and strategizing and from diverseexp€riences especiallyon bestpracticesandstrategies/know-how do\ryn and bringing it fair rade in terms advocating contexts aroundth€Philippines of on two shtegic PFTF'sadvocacy on FairTrade,ir g€neral,focuses to communitios. lhat will leadto a stlongdomestic dir€ctions:otle,in buildingconsumer awar€ness ma*et for fair tradeproductsandtwq polioy advocacythat will includecreating and workingon globalization tacticalallianc€samongthebrcadersocialmovements and the national, regional, politics at trade and engagem€nt with decision-maken ftee levelson kcypriorityareasofwork, intemational TheForumwasableto producea clearwaysforwardfor PFTFitl termsof whatit of FairTrade wantsto do asa networkandhowit canbringaboutgr€nterawar€ness in theinterestof smallproduc€rs.

FAIR1RADEFAIRdudngdrGWFID 2009 SalesReDort May 8-10,2009

PARTNER-PRODUCERS CASHSAIES FiberartHandicraft EnterDrlses




Pwo & Nida'sHandicrafts


ShapiiSalayHandMadepaper Inc.




Marketlng Foundation Upland lnc.

Furnlture& N.Traquena Handlcraft caraga Handicraft Makers Assoclatlon lnc.





wlth3 buyers not lamount

17,010.00 7,000.00

Majoh's shellcraft


Tlagemlng'sPilicandles& Handicraft


KablonFarmFoods co$oration


Initialne8owlth Robinson's - Mr. supermarket






Filipinas FairTradeVenture




22,[email protected]


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