Market Research 2007

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MARKET RESEARCH As a Componentof the ParticipatoryAction Researchtowards Developinga Comprehensive Sorsogon Ecotourismplan


TheLingapparasaKalusugan ngSambayanan, Inc.(LtKAs) Forthe Foundation for phitippine Environment (FpE), Foundation for a Sustainable Society, lnc.(FSSI) andthe peaceandEquityFoundation (pEF) November, 2007

TABLEOF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 Introduction Statementof the Probtem Objectivesof the Study Significance of the Study Scopeand Limitation i4aterialsand Methodology Brief Reviewof Literature


CHAPTER 2 Resultsand Discussion TouristArrivalsin the Phitippines Tourismin SorsogonProvince MajorTourist Attractions WhatesharkWatching andInteraction in Donsol RizatBeachof cubat Totong-gapo Beachin BaconDistrict Butusan Volcano NaturatPark Hot andCotdSprings of trosin TheMangroveand FishSanctuaryof prieto Diaz PNOC Eco-Park The Pili Festivat The Kasanggayahan Festival Arrival Performancein SorsogonProvince TouristArrivatsin Donsol TouristArrivalsin the ButusanVotcanoNaturatpark VisitorDataCottection The SorsogonTourismMarket Socio-demographic Profile SexandAgeof Visitors Profession /Occupation Countryof Residence DestinationRelatedlnformation Pointsof Entry Durationof Stay/Travel Famil.iarity with Sorsogon provinceand the community Tour/TravelCosts

1 2 2 3 4 7

12 13 14 14 16 16 i7 18 19 2l 22 22 23 24 25 27

28 29 29 30 32 33 35

Motivation,Preferencesand SatisfactionRating 37 TravetBehaviorandMotivation 39 Preferences SatisfactionRateand 41 ProductAddedVatue Awareness Conseryationand Ecotourism 43 Awareness and Environmental Conservation and Devetopment Visitor'sFeesfor Conservation 44 Activities Parts of sorsogon 45 Visiting other HinderingFactorsfor 3 CHAPTER Summaryand Conclusion Summary Critical Assessment Opportunitiesand Strengths Gaps,lssuesand Probtems Conclusion

51 55 60

CHAPTER 4 Recommendations



List of Figures List of Tables References

Appendices A. VisitorSurvey TourismDestinations in Sorsogon Emerging andPotentiaI B. Existing, Province Team C. Research


Donsolis inctudedamongthe 32 key ecotouristssitesin the phitippinesthat the Departmentof Tourismhaspromotedmost heavityas a viabteand successful destination.The whate shark eco-adventureis the most poputarand visited by both tocatand foreign tourists.As it is, onty Donsolbenefitsfrom tourismin th; province.However,other sitesof ecotogicalrichnessand beautywhichcoutdcatch the interestof touristsand promotethe provinceremainunder-utitized.Numerous eco-tourismactivities are avaitabtein other parts of Sorsogonbut stilt a targe ponion of tourists had no idea that these activities are being offered and are possible. The purposeof this studyis to identify the typesof eco-touristscomingto the provinceof Sorsogon.ldentifying the distinct type of tourists yisiting the provinceis beneficiatfor the ptanning,managementand marketjngof tourism. Theinformationwitt attow managersto addressdifferent motivations,experiences andimpactsof touristsand to undeEtandwhichtourist typesare more tiiety to be found at different stagesin the evotutionof tourismarea. TourismdeveloDment shouldnot focusonly on the supptyor productbut atsothe demandsand needsof the visitorsor the ctients. The recommendations containedhereinMtt be usedin the formationof an IntegratedEcotourismManagement Ptanfor the provincepertainingto ecotourism devetopment.Recommendations for interventionsare consistentwith the Nationat IntegratedProtectedAreasor NtpASapproachto natural resourcemanagement and the ProvinciatEcotourismFrameworkof Sorsogonwhich aims at achieving biodiversityconservationgoatswhite providingsocio-economic devetopmentto the [oca[community. In order to designrecommendations, availabtetourismdata and the resutts of a visitor surveyconductedovera two monthperiodwere analfzed. The Visitor Surveywas abte to determine the demographics of the ecotourists, their travel behavior,motivationsand experiences.Aide from gauging their_ tevet of knowtedge and invotvement in environmental conservation, satisfactionratingsand preferences were [ikewiseexDlained.

Basedon the results of the Visitor Survey,the averagetourist to Sorsogon


. . . . . . . .

young,mosttyteenagersand youngprofessionats mostlyfrom American,EuropeanandAsianCountries independenttourist and travelsto Sorsogon without a guide has chosento visit Sorsogonmainly for the opportunity to expenence atternativetourism(whalesharkwatching/interaction),educationtourism (eco-toursand studytours)and recreation doesnot currentlyknow muchabout Sorsogon but woutdlike to rearnmore especialtyaboutits cuttureand peoDte staysan averageof 2 to 3 daysin Donsoland tessthan a day for the rest of the tourist destinationsin Sorsogon saysthat hatf of their yacationtime is on ecotourismactivities dec{aresthat tearningabout natureis an jmportant basisor motivationfor visit or travet to any destination.

lt was ctearty establ.ishedthat the sorsogonprovince can expec an . increasingannualgrowthin tourist arrivatsoverthe next severatyears.The tourist market of Sorsogon attracts and fascinatesa wide rangeof travelersand visitors. Accordingly,this is the potentiat market that the pro;nce hopesto captureand entice for its ecotourismindustry.Existingtourismin the provinceis mostlymass tourism.However,emergingmarketfor natureand educationtourismis apparent. Unfortunate{y,a good number of the tourism sites in Sorsogonremain targety unexplored andunderutitized. Most of the tourists to the province were young hence the increasing interest for adventuretourism.Theseare nature-based tourismthat incorporatei an.etementof risk, highertevelsof physicatexertionand the needfor speciatized skitt. A targe portion of the tourists were professionats,employees,cottege studentsand businessmen. Therefore,majority of the touriststo the irovtnce have higher education, are experiencedtraveters and beLongto the upper income bracket.Thesecharacteristicswere reftectiveon the visiior,spreferences,travet behavior,motivationand type of activitiesundertaken. Tourists' motivationsshowedconsistencywith the patterns of activities carried out by the touristsand the sites they visited. Birdersor nature tounsts, who were motivated by birds, the v{itdtife and the natural environmenr,as expected,visited sites which offered nature-basedactivitiessuchas whateshark watching and interaction, bird watching and river cruisingamong others. The

choicesof activitiesanddestinations wererelatedto, andresultedfrom,tourists' motivations. Targetgoalsfor Sorsogon's ecotourism shoutdbe improvingthe province, abitity to capturemore tourism revenuesand receivingmore arrivatson a sustainabte basis.Precaution,however,shoutdbe made on maximizingthe resources withoutcompromising anddestroying the enMronment. Interventions to improveeco-tourismdevetopmentshoutdinclude, amongotheR, expanding tinkages betweenthe Butusan Votcano NaturalParkandthe whatesharkin Donsot province with otherexistingtourismin the throughimprovedvisitor'saccessto information,strengthened marketingand promotion,and creationof packaged toursto matchpotentiatmarketsegments. Anotherimportantfactoris improving opportunityfor [oca[populationto participatemorein the industryas owners, operators andpart of the ancittaryservices throughdevelopment of the skittbase of residentsso they can be professionatty emptoyed.Thesewoutdconsequentty addvatueto the ecotourism Droduct. Throughecotourism, the socio-economic benefitsare directedto the locat community,and the touristsbenefitas wett with the opportunityto experience nature'suntaintedsptendorandcontributeto the protectionof the environment andpreservation of a community's cultureandheritage.


INTRODUCTION Ecotourism represents the fastestgrowingsegmentin the wortdof travet today.Considering the increasing marketandbecause ecotourism ensures that the promoted it is being integrity of the ecosystemis not compromised, by ptanners, government NG0s,privateinvestors andthe tourismindustryasa whole. Areasin the BicolRegion andtwo of these Therearefour priorityProtected VolcanoNatural are tocatedin SorsogonDonsot for whatesharkandthe Butusan Park.Thesetwo sites are amongthe most famoustourist destinationin the province.However thesenaturatendowments continueto bethreatened by tackof awareness amongpeopte,uncoordinated effortsandmislaidsense environmental amonglocalexecutives, of deve(opment

Statementof the Problem Mosttouriststo the BicotRegioncometo seethe MayonVotcano in Atbay, the Water the Whatesharkin Donsol,Sorsogon and latety SportsComptex in Piti, province,bothlocatandforeign, Camarines Sur.Theinfluxof touristsin Sorsogon As it is, ontyDonsotbenefits is mosttyfett in Donsolduringwhatesharkseason. from tourismin the province.However,there are atsoother sitesof ecotogical richness and beautywhichcoutdcatchthe interestof touristsand promotethe province. pristinebeaches Nextto the whatesharkin Donsol,visitsto Sorsogon's for of tourismin the sun,white sandand cool btuewatersare the usualhightights region, However,signsof environmentaldegradationand cuttural isotation manifestin areasheavilypromotedandvisitedby tourists.Thishaspromptedtocal govemment initiativesto put a moresociatlyawarefaceto bannerecotourism by promotingtravet with as much passionyet without putting the region'srich heritaeeat risk.

Obiectivesof the Studv . .The market research,in generat,aims to identify the types of ecotourists that visit selectedecotourismsitesin the provinceof Sorsogon. Specificatty,the studyis expectedto: 1. Determinethe demographics of the ecotourists; 2. ldentifytheir travel behaviorand motivations; 3. Surfacetheir satisfactionrate and preferences: 4. ldentify their economic,environmentaland communityinvolvementin the sites; 5. Gauge their levet of knowtedge and invotvement in environmentat conserva$on; 6. Determinetheir famitiarity with other parts of Sorsogon and what can be donein theseareas;and 7. Discusswhat preventsor hindersthem from exptoringother parts of the Drovince.

Sicnificance of the Studv ng Sambayanan (LIKAS),Incorporated, . The Lingappara sa Katusugan togetherwith the LocatGovernment government Units(LGUS), tine agencies and civit society organizations in the provinceof Sorsogon,has devetopeoan ptanfor the provincein 2005. ecotourism Part of the ptan is the conductof researches on the identifiedexistine. emergingand potentialecotourismdestinations, specificattyt; their ecologlcit statusvis-d-visstate of being ,.green,',2) the characteristics, practicesand motivations of touriststhat visit thesesites,and3) the supporttinkageindustries or sectorsinvolvedin ecotourism.Resuttsof thesestudies\r/i[ serveas crucial input for future programsand projectson is anchoredon the principtethat a wett-ptanned and managedecotourism industryis an effective strategyfor tong,termconservation of biodiversity andsustainabli devetopment of the communities. Oneof the studiesto be undertaken is the marketresearch. ldentifyingthe distinct type of touristsvisitingthe provinceis beneficiatfor the p-tan-ning,

managementand marketingof tourism. Furthermore,the informationwitt attow managersto addressdifferent motivations,experiencesand impactsof tourists and to understandwhich tourist types are more [ikety to be found at different stagesin the evotutionof tourismareas.l In terms of potentiatsfor devetopmentand sustainabtegrowth, the use of tourismtypotogyis neededto match tourismtypes to resourcecapabitities.lf the provinceptansto maketourisma big factor for its economicgroMh, the kindsof tourism,includingecotourism,shouldbe viabteand sustainabte over a tongperiod of time. However,tourism devetopmentshoutdnot only inctudeunderstanding the supplybut atsothe demandsof the visitors. In tight of this, the foreseensolution to turetouriststo other tourismsitesin the provinceshoutdtake accountthe need to nichetourisminto what specificgroupof touristsvisit Sorsogon and offer these touristsexacttywhat experiencethey want to pay for.

ScopeandLlmitations Themarketresearch wasconducted in setectedsitesrepresenting existing, andpotentialecotourism emerging destinations. It wasdesigned that muchof the primarydata gatheringshatlbe donein Donsot. Thisis primaritydueto the fact that muchof tourismactivitiesin the Drovinceare concentrated in saidarea. Theseare the sameset of touriststhat the provincewoutdlike to seevisiting othertourismsites. The surveythat was conductedinitiatty aimedto cover 30 percent of tourist arrivatsin eachecotourismsite for the monthdesignated as the data gathering phase.The2005dataontouristarrivatspersitewoutdbe the reference pointsfor the numberof surveyrespondents. Limitations on datagathering for thismarketresearch include:

: Duffus,D.A.and Dearden,P. (1990)Non"consumptive witdtife-orlented recreation:A conceptual framework.EiologicolConseNation 53, 213-231 .

1. Visitors to be interviewed are those coming from outside of Sorsogon province. This js to ensure that the inform;tion to Ue la*rereo woufj ctearly portray the target tovists fo, Sorsogon,ra ,ot iiri tZ.;t-residente 2. The.schedute for the data gatheringwas itt_timedbecausethe summer Dreakwasa(readyending.Visitorsgoingto the setectedtourist destinations were almostnit. Vacationgoerswere getting readyto go backto work and studentswere preparingfor the openingof the regutarsahoolyear. 3. The whate shark seasonhad ended atready during the time for data gathering.Majority of the tourist estabtishments werj atreadypi* to temporarily ctose shop. The visitors interviewed were among the last touristsfor the season. 4. The summerseasonhas ended and the rainy seasonhad started atready. This accountsfor the difficulty in inteMewing at teast 30%of the tourist arnvatsin eachecotourismsite for the monthdesianated.

I4ATERIALS ANDiTETHODOLOGY Sitqs Assessed.The market researchwas conducted in setected sites representingexisting, emergingand potentia( ecotourismdestinations.primary data gatheringwas carried out in Donsolwhere much of tourism ;ctivities are concentrated. Other sites identified as regutartyand substantiattyvisited by rounsts,as per Departmentof Tourismrecordi, were inctudedjn the market research. These include the Mateo Hot and Cold Springsof lrosin, Rizat Beachof Gubat, prieto Diaz,the ButusanVotcanoNaturatpark the Ilngrovg and fish sanctuaryof and Butusan MountainLake,the BatadingBeachof Sta. Magdatena, Tolong-gapo Oeach of BaconDistrictandDancatan Beachof Bulusan. The visitor surveywas conductedduringa ten week period, from the tast weekof May until the first weekof AugustJ2Ob7by the |-ur"ur.t iiur. Fifty four (54) tourists were inteMewed about their trip t; Sorsogon frovirrce, queJtions.about length of stay, motivations,expendituirepatterns inctuOing and basic o€tnograpnrcs.

Figure 1 shows the distribution of interviews at selected tourist destinations. Figure 1: Distributionof InterviewsConductedat SetectedTouristDestinations lvlangrc\e & FishSanctuary 110/o

Donsolfol Whaleshark bo/o

RizalBeach \ Dancalan



The breakdownof the numberof respondents interviewedper tourist site inctudedin the research was: . Donsot - 15respondents for whatesharkwatching/interaction . MateoHot& CotdSprings Reson,lrosin 8 respondents . Batading - 10respondents Beach,Sta.Magdalena . Totong-gapo Beach,Bacon-8 respondents . Butusan - 1 resDondent Votcano NaturatPark.Butusan . Dancatan -1 Beach,Butusan respondent . RizatBeach,Gubat-7 resoondents . Mangrove & Fishsanctuary, PrietoDiaz-6 respondents Datato be Gatheredand GatherineTechnique.Primaryand secondarydata

process. weregathered in the research

Primarydata were cottectedfrom tourists, tourist guides and Key informants throughinterviews.Thesocio-demographic profite,includingage,sex

and profession/occupation of the touriststo Sorsogon were characterizedthrough interviewsand basedon the visitor surveyconducled. Respondents were askedon destinationretatedinformationincludingpoints of entry, duration of stay/travet, tour/travet costsand famitiarity with Sorsogon provinceand the community. Focusedgroupdiscussions were conductedto verify tourists'activitiesin the area, tourists'preferencesandfeedback. Secondary data were cottected from concerned LGUS, tourism councils/officers at the municipal and provincial tevels, visitors' centers, managers/owners of accommodationfacitities, the Departmentof Environment and Natural Resources,and the provinqiatPtanningand DevelopmentCouncil (PPDO} Thefotlowingdata were gathered: DataNeeded



'1. Ecotourism Site Profile

Secondary data gathering Visitor's Centers, LGU,DOT, tocat NGO5,hotet, resorts, DENR

2, Demographics

Primarydata gathering survey, key informants Secondary data gathering Visitor'sCentertog book

3. TravelBehaviorand Motivation

Primarydata gathering survey,FGD,key informants Secondary data gathering Visitor'sCentertogbook

4.Satisfaction Rate Preferences

ano Primarydata gathering survey,FGD,keyinformants Secondary data gathering Visitor'sCenter{ogbook

5.Economic,Environmental Primarydata gathering survey,FGD,key informants andCommunityInvotvement Secondary data gathering Visitor'sCentertogbook 6. Famitiarity with other Primarydata gathering survey,FGD,key informants parts of Sorsogon and Secondary data gathering Visitor'sCenterlog book suggeshons for improvement 7. Hindering factors in Primarydata gathering survey,FGD,keyinformants exptoringother pats of the Secondary data gathering Visitor'sCentertog book province

Processine of Data and Anatvsisof Results.Data gatheredwere processed using basic statisticat procedures. These inctuded frequency distributions, percentagesand measuresof central tendencies,Data were analyzedMth the StatisticatPackagefor the SocialSciences(SPSS). Studyof the characteristicsof touristswas basedon this. Datawheneverpossibtewitt be presentedusingfigures, tablesandpie graphs. The resultsof the FocusedGroupDiscussions, key informantinteryiewsand secondarydata gatheringwere discussed in the presentationof resuttsand major findings. opportunities were identified and gaps were determined through assessment of data. Areasfor improvementand recommendations were inctuded and discussed.The resutt of the researchwas presentedand validatedduring a workshop conducted at LIKAS-RIDGE lastOctober10-11,2007.

Brief ReYiewof Literature

Tourismis travelundertaken for pleasure.'As the largestbusiness sectorin the wortdeconomy, tourismemptoys 200mittionpeopte,generates triltion in 53.6 economic activityandaccounts for onein every12or 8 %of jobswortdwide.3 In 4 out of 5 countries,tourismis oneof the five top exportearners.In 60countriesit is thenumber oneexport." "Ecotourism" represents the fastestgrowingsegmentof the world travel marketandas suchhasbeenaddedto the agendaof government ptanners, Non(NGOS), privateinvestors Government Organizations andthe tourismindustryas a whote.Ecotourism beganin the 1990sandis groMngMth a rateof 20%to 34%per year.' Precisestatisticson ecotourismare difficutt to determinebecause ecotourism is frequenttycombined togetherwith naturetourism. Definitions of ecotourism in useinternationatty inctudethefoltowing:

']rveriam-Web6ter Dictionarv I MintetReport."EcoandElhicatlourisn-UK", October2OO3 rwortdTourismOrganization, Oevetopment". 19thOSCE Economic "Tourism,a Forcefor Sustainabte Forum,Prague,CzechRepubtic,June2, 2004 'Mastny,Lisa,TreasingLlghtty:NewPath6for lnternationat Tourism,Wortdwatch Paper159 (Washington, DCrWortdwatchInstitute,December 2001),p. 37

"Purposefuttravel to natural areasto understandthe cutture and natural history of the environment;takingcare not to atter the integrity of the ecosystem,white producirg economic opportunities that makes the conservationof natural resources beneficiatto tocatpeopte."(TheEcotourismsociety) travel to natura{areasthat conservesthe environmentand improves "Responsibte the wetfareof {ocatpeopte".(TlEs,1990) "NatureTourismthat advancesconservation".(WortdWitdtifeFund) "Tourism that producespositive benefits for conservation,provideseconomic benefitsto local communities,invotvesacceptablelimits of environmentalimpact andis economicatty setfsustaining".(TheNatureConservancy) Majorityof ecotourismdestinationsare dectaredProtectedArea. Protected Areasare:

"ldentifiedportionsof landandwaterset asideby reasonof their uniquephysicat andbiotogicat significance, managed to enhance biotogical diversityandprotected againsthumanexploitation"(NIPAS Act) Assuch,ecotourism is considered asa management tool in Protected Areas. Asidefromcapturingeconomic benefitsto protectedareas,it canbe regarded as strategyfor addressing threatsto conservation targets.lf property an appropriate it can becomean importantforcefor improvingretationsbetween imptemented, and the administrators of ProtectedAreas.And tastty,it can locatcommunities demonstrate that tourismneednot be massive andecotogicatly destructive. Ecotourism hasthreebasicetements: environmental sensitivity,respectfor peop(e and cutture and sustainabitity. First, environmentaI sensitivity locat focuses The secondetement.resoectfor local on the naturator cutturalenvironment. peopleand culture puts emphasison "learning" as an outcomeof tourists' interactionwith the naturalenvironment. Ecotourism is saidto be "knowledge tourism",wherepubticunderstanding is supposed to increaseMth regardsto natureand cuttureand of thosetivingin it. The tast element,sustainabitity, meansthe commitment or driveto ensurethat the integrityof the resources is not The needsof presenttouristsand host regionor communities compromised. are protecting metwhile andenhancing opponunities for the future. Deemedan altemative,ecotourismguarantees empowerment amongthe locatcommunities. Thetraditionatset-upof makingan areasuitablefor tourism

and teaching the residentsto adapt to such a change is reversed. Instead, constituentsof the biologicattydiversenatural areasremainin their usuatway of tiving, manningtheir sites, and directing activities that remain environmentalty and cutturaltysustainabte.6 Attempts to identify tourist types have been catled segmentation, ctassificationand ctustering.A variety of techniquesare avaitableto identify ecotouristsor to distinguishecotouristsfrom other tourist types.TManystudies consider tourists entering a particular site to be ecotourists.Other studies consideratl touristsengagingin particutaractivities 8 or participatingin certain toursto be ecotourists.'Some useboth site and activity criteria. Ontya few studiesuse motivationalinformationto identify ecotourists.For example,ecotouristsare respondents who: . Answer 'very important' or 'somewhatimportant' to ,leaming about nature' as a motivationwhenptanninga trip; and 'somewhat important' to . Answer 'very important' or 'witderness/undisturbed areas' as an attraction when choosinga trip; ano . Mustspendat teast one-thirdof their vacationon 'safari' or equivatent ecotourism activities-'" Other researcherssegmentecotourismusing travel benefits and sociat vatues.Someeven go furtber to distinguishsub-typesof ecotouristssuchas using interest level and the degreeof physicatrigour to distinguishbetweenhard and soft naturetourists. Someof thesetourist typotogiesare hypotheticatin naturewhite somehave been empiricattytested. Most rely greatty on the researchers'observationand judgment of tourist behavioror sites visited to assigna tourist an eco-tourist. Fewerstudiesusemotivationsto assistin this designation.Lastty,very few studies

'Ong, Jaquetine. 2007.Ecotourism in the Phitippines: A Sustainabte Atternative?at www, Etamey,R.K.andEraithwaite,V,A, (1997)A sociaL vatuessegmentation of tlE potentiat ecotourlsmmarket.Joumalof Sustainoble Tourism5 tl).29-45. ' Caebattos-Lascurain, hl, (1991)Tourism,ecotourismandprotectedareas.parks2 (3), 31-j5. 'Diamantis,D. (1998)Consumer behaviorandecotourismprodu:ts,Annalsof TourisnResearch 25, 515-518. '" Baltantine,J.L. and Eagtes, P.F.J,(1994)DefiningCanadian ecotourists. Journalof Sustalnoble Tourism2l1i, 1-6.

Masstourismor the 'sun, sand,sea' resorttourismhasnow"maturedas a market"and its growthis projectedto remainftat. In contrast,,,experiential,, tourism- which encompasses ecotourism,nature, heritage,cuttureand soft adventure tourism,aswetl assub-sectors suchasrural andcommunitytourism-is grow amongthe sectorsexpectedto mostquicktyoverthe next two Theadoptionof ecotourism wasinfluencedby the growingenvironmental concern in tourist destinations.Environmental degradationin the nature-richtourist destinations shoutdthusbe keDtto a limit.

'Wortd TourlsmOrganization. andProfi{esof l.larketSegments,', Vot7, Tourism "GtobalForecasts 2020Vision,AladridrWTO. 2001.



RESULTS ANDDISCUSSION Tourist Arrivatsin the Philippines.Tourismptays a big rote in phitippine is consideredto have a big potentiat for devetopmentsince the Phitippinesis rich in untouchednaturey/ith more than 7,000istands,bis cities and Dteasantclimate. Comparison of the data for the past three yearsshowsan increasingrate in the numberof tourist arrivatsto the Phitippines.(Referto Figure2) Datafrom 2004to 2006establisheda 24.1 % increase.Basedon the latest reDortfrom the Departmentof Tourismthere \/ere atready1,528,507visitorsto the countryfrom Januaryto June2007atone.The countrycurrenttyregisteredan averageof atmost 200,000arrivatsper monthas comparedwith the previousyearswherein2OO,OOO visitorsper monthwasrecordedthree times a year only. Figure 2: TouristArrivatsin the Phitippines(sourcer NscB, Region V) 3000000 2500000 2000000 1500000 1000000 50000()

o +

No- of Tourists


For 2005,total tourismreceipts,meaningthe expenditures of 2.3 mi[ion tourists,amounted to USS1.99biltion.Froma 2,6%contribution to the countrv;s GDPin 2004,the DOTtargetsan increaseto 2.7%this yearfrom an expectedi.6 miltiontourists.

TourlsmIn SorsoeonProvlnce The Provinceof Sorsogonis located 600 kitometersfrom Lanila. lt has irregularterrainwith rottinghlttsand scatteredplainsandvatteys.i ountainsare posltionedatongthe northeast,southeastand western sectionsas Dartsof the BicotVotcanic Chaln.Themountains greenandwith tushforestwhich aregeneralty aresanctuaries of rarefloraandfauna,


Sorso_gon has manytourist destinations, inctudingits numerous beaches; accounted for by its 336kitometersof coastl.ine. Among-the founeentownsanO the municipatityof trosinhasno shoretine.CeneraVa preasanr 31"--it_tf: weamerls"lly expectedyearround.

Majot:Touris!Atlrastions.Someof the mostpoputardestinations andwhat -)orsogon ls lamoustor inctude:

THE BUTANDTN6/ N HlLEi HAPKNATCHTN6 AA'D TNTEPAC|TON IN DON9OL Donsolis a coastaltown located51 kitometersfrom LegaspiCity. As an - '' interiortown,onetraverses the routeon longandwindingroads. . .Thestar speciesfor Donsotare.thewhatesharks,firefliesand potentiatty the.migratory birds.A Visitors,Centeris estabtishea aspin oi it" imptementation of the whalesharkinformationprogram.

Whalesharkinteractionis the major activityin Donsot.Tourjstscan swih -biggest with thesebig fishesconsidered as the in'tne woriA.Ai-its' season duringthe summermonths,as manyas so i-halestrarks .* ;;;;";in the waters to feed on ptanktons,krilt and smattfish. However,,nr*ie ttra* inturu.tion i, governed by regulations to ensureminimumdisturbance. Eachmotorizedoutrigger 5 :1t9""9 only seven(7).tourisrs.Three(3) ..",n, ur. ir.ign"J pir boat: the boatman/opentor, butandinginteractionofficer (BtO)and thi spoiter.a visitor registers at the Visitor,sCenterwhereoneis orientedfint on ttie euiOeunes tor watchingand interactingwith the whateshark.peak,.uion ir-i"U?uu.y .o r*uy eachyear. But the shore{ine is unsuitabtefor,-swimming alone.Oiheremergtng ecotourism activitiesincluderivercruising.and fireftywatihing at nightat OgoAo; -recom-mended. Likewise, during ctear nights, gazing star is ?oTotoay livgls. And ounng time, bird watchineis a mustwith a divercenumberof migratorybirds feedingon the fishponds and,iangroueareas.

Thereare severatresortsatongthe beachtine, 16 homestays andone (l) arepresentfor visitors';ccommodation, Locii restiirantsanorooa estabtishments are avaitabte for foodandcateringseMces.However duringpeak seasons, thesefacititiesare saidto be insufficienlto cater to the markethence manyvisitoBwoutdratherstayin hotelsin Legaspi CityandSorsogon Ciry.


EITALBEACH OF OUBAT Rizal Beachwhich is locatedin Gubat,sorsogonoffers a wide expanseof fine white sand beaches.The town is 19 kilometersaway from the capital of Sorsogon.It is accessib(eby pubtic transportfrom SorsogonCity. Travetto the town takes30 minutesalongwelt-paved,windingroad. lt hastwo wel.tappointed beachsideresort hotets.The resortsoffer a wide selectionof accommodation for visitors.Functionhattsand cateringservicesare avaitabtefor speciatoccasions and venue for big and smatl group seminars and training. Other recreational facilities/equipmentsare avaitablesuch as basketbaucourt, biltiard tabtes and boatsfor boating. Major attraction is the fine, white sand beachesand cool waters for swimming.Oneresorthasa swimmingpool for thosewho dislikeseawater. Nat.ive cottagesare tocatedatongsidethe beachfrontfor swimmersand picnic-goersuse. Notedecotourismactivitiesis the area are swimming,picnjc, boatingand surfing whenthe wavesare relativetyhigh.

TOLONO-hAPOBEACHIN BACONDI|TPJCT The Tolong-Gapo Beachin the BaconDistrictis locatedin a merety15minuteride from the centerof the city. Totong-Gapo meanst,threestones',, a resortlandmark. lt offersa Long stretchof fine whitesandbeach. Severatbeachside resortsoperatein the area.Theseresortsare comotete with beachside cottages,madeof native materiatsthat are ideal for Dicnjcs. Existing resortsoffersmeals,widerangeof accommodation servjces andvenuefor meeting,seminars/training andotherspecialfunctions. Ecotourism activitiespromotedin Baconbeachincludeswimming andpicnic in its wideexpanse of resortgrounds. The resortsat BaconBeachare amongthe favorite venueof different organizations andofficesfromneighboring provinces for tive-intrainingdueto its accessibitity andproximityto the centerof Sorsogon City.

BULU6AAI VOLANO NATUMTPAPK The Bulusan VotcanoNaturatparkand Butusan MountainLakeis a favorite destination of mountainclimbersandnaturelovers.ft is OeiiireOi protectedarea coveringaround3,623.29hectares,tocatedin the midstof ! ,,iniiiputitier. ft covers.variousecosystems includedgrassland, aquatic,forest and agricutturat. Thevotcanoremainsto be activewith an elevjtionof S,OZZ feetiUovesealevet. Butusan Laketies2,084ft. uponthe stopes of the votcano.

The surroundingforest boastsof exotic ftora and fauna. lt harborsa wide arrayof endemic,endangered and globaltythreatenedfauna. Just severat minutes away from the BulusanVotcano Natural park is DancalanBeach.SeveraIbeachsideresortsoperatein the area. Ecotourismactivities around the park inctude trekking, kayaking and boating,campingand picnic aroundthe lake area. Exptorationof the dipterocarp forest and quiet commune with nature is encouragedfor peace, quiet and interpretation.Ctimbto the volcano'ssummitis alsopossibteduringinactivity.

HOTAA'DCOID fPPINal(OFTRO(IN Thespringsresortis locatedin Barangay Monbon, at the foot of the Bulusan Votcano. lt is approximatety 1.5kitometers fromthe Mahartika Highway on partly pavedroad.Therecreational areawith the poolsis part of the 6 hectaresmixed agricuttura( andforestecosystem. Keyfeaturesinctudethe naturatspringscottectedin manmadebut rock ftooredpoots.Thereare threepootspresentwhichprovidessetection of different ' hot, lukewarmandcotd.Thewatersare saidto be sulfuric watertemperatures andis betievedto havemedicinaI powers. Singte,doubteanddormitorytype roomsare avaitabte for accommodation. Pootside nativepicniccottages,showerand dressing roomsare present.A smatt restaurantcum waiting/receiving area operatesinsidethe resortfor food. The resortis opento functionssuchas weddingreceptions, paniesandworkshops. A separate concretebuitdingwhichservesasa functionhall canaccommodate from fifty to 150guestsat a time.


THEMANOPoVE,Al\)D F'I6H6ANCII4AP,/oF PPIET)DW (Coailal Env;ronn enffo ogran)

Thetownof PrietoDiazis tocated36kilometers andis morethanan hour,s travelfromthe city of Sorsogon. Themangrove andfishsanctuary is tocatedat 2.5 kitometeBfromthe nationalhighway, atongunpaved roads.


The site is a showcase of mangrovebeachecosystemwith naturatmangrove forest, mangroveplantation,Mde stretch of seagrass and protectedcoral reefs. The marine sanctuaryis 2 kitometeBfrom SabangBeachwhich is the jump-off point. A mangrovenurseryis tikewiseestabtished within the site. The modet program was recognizedas Best Community-based Coastat ResourcesManagementProgramin 1998 by the United Nations Agency for IntemationatAgency. lt has been a popular site among ecotouristsespeciatty students of natural sciences,the academeand various NGOS,POs and local governmentinterestedin coastalresourcemanagement. Star species inctude about 38 species of hard corat genera with predominance of Acroporaand Poritesspecies.Seagrass aboundand '16speciesof mangrovethrive in the area.Whiteseabirds (egret)and seasnakesare part of the witdtifesightings. Ecotourismactivities being offered inctude migratory bird watching, mangrovekayakingor boating,swimmingat Basudbeach,diving/surfing/corat viewingat the HatabangLapiscoral reefs, picnic and/or campingand as a study areafor peopteinterestedin coastalresourcemanagement and protection. The site is managedby a peopte'sorganizationand hasvery basicfacitities. A native houseand a campingsite are avaitablefor overnightaccommodation. A nativestructureservesas areafor reception,orientationand dining.

THEPNOCECO-PAPK The PNOCEco-parkcovers25,000hectaresof forest reservationsituated within the boundariesof Legasp'iCity, SorsogonCity, BaconDistrict of Sorsogon and the municipalityof Manitoin is the site of the PhitippineNationatOit Company'sBacon-Manito GeothermalPtants.The site is 13 kitometersawavfrom the MahartikaHighway.

PNOC offersguidedtoursto varioussiteswithin the reservation. Existing hotetwithinthe siteoffersmealsandaccommodation services asweltasvenuefor meeting,seminars/training andotherfunctions. Theeco-park's star speciesare the golden-crowned ftyingfox, targeftying fox andfireftiesatongmangrove areas.Sightings of the batsareguaranteed. The eco-parkoffersnumerous adventures and activitiessuchas rocKano wattctimbing,trekking,rappetting, hot andco(dsprings,boitingmud takes,and sightings of exoticftora andfauna.Geothermal technology observation/tour is a must-see for ecotourists. Eco"camp canbearranged with the management.

otherfacilitiessuchasviewingdecks,hetipad,sMmmingpootsanddancing pavilionare alsoavaitabte.Development of a nature-based heatthand wettnesi spa,to makeuseof the hot springs andmudtakes,is currenttybeingarranged.

THEPIUFECTIVAL ThePili Festivat whichis hetdeverylastweekof Juneeachyearin Sorsogon City cetebrates the Piti treesandits numerous products.Thefestivatfeaturesa week-tong seriesof cutturatactivities,productsexhibitsandconctuding with the incomparab(e Pilistreetdance.

THE KA'AN6 6AAAHAN FECWAL Kasanggayahan Festivalis the premierfestivatof the province.Heldduring the tast two weeksof Octobereachyear, it commemorates the foundationof Sorsogon as a provinceof the BicotRegion.Oneof its uniquefeaturesis the (Dance dancingof the Pantomina of the Doves) in the streetsof Sorsogon City.


Arrival Performance.The data from the Departmentof Tourismshowsan increasinggrowthrate in the numberof tourist arrivalsto Sorsogon province(refer to Figure4). Domesticarrivatsincreasedby 10.20% from 2004to 2005, white foreign tourists increasedby 19.34%. Onty 3.2 % of the province'stotal visitor arrivatsfor 2005are foreignnationats. Figure 4: Visitor Arrivatsin SorsogonProvince(source: Departrnent of Tourism, ReSion v)

50,ooo 45,OOO

40,oo0 35,OOO

30,ooo E Domestic E Foreign


20,ooo 15,OOO

'10,ooo 5,OOO

o Year 2OO4

Year 2005

In the year2000,touristswhovisitthe countryweremostlyfromthe United (18.5)and on third ptacethe Koreans States(24%),fottowedby the Japanese (7.7%). Koreans though,havethe highestincreasing trendof touristarrivalsto the Phitippines. Themajorityof touriststo the countrythoughstitt comefrom North America. Lookingat the visitor'scountryof residences, the top five foreign visitorsto Sorsogon arefrom the UnitedStateof America,Germany, Japan,South Koreaandthe UnitedKingdom. (referto Tabte1) Thesecountriesare undeniabty progressive and rich countries.Peoptefrom thesecountrieshavethe necessarv resources to pursuetravelwhetherit is educational or for recreation. Peakmonthsfor localtouristsare duringthe summermonthsof April and Mayand teanmonthsare duringthe rainyseason.Foreigntourists'arrivatspeak duringthe monthsof JutyandAugust.

Table l.TouristArrivalsin the provinceby Countryof Source:DOT,RecionV

Resjdence: 2005

Countryof Residence-

TotalForeignArrivals Asia China HongKong Indonesia Japan Mataysia Singapore SouthKorea Taiwan Thailand lliddle East SaudiArabia America Canada


Europe France Germany Itaty Switzertand UnitedKingdom Oceania Austratia Others

1,512 10 11 2 142 1 8 118 76 14 5 39 393 52 206 56 16 87 184

TogristArrivalsin Donsot. Whatewatching/interaction occurs -irJmfrom January - .. wilhpeak durins-the summer months of fr,il il t;t. :9-l.ay i0o4to 2006, totat touristarrivalsto Donsolincreased by %lreferio fiiriely. Oomestic visitorsincreased by 69.71%andforeignvr.sitonby 1j4.4 ratecanbe seenbasedon the threeye;r datagathired. %:,An;;;;e;$ng growth

datarromtheDepartment t*n,,fi'*"Jr1lliuli,,.f"1f3"Jl:l'::^1'::1!' or

:i:?::ft T:1il#ff ii?#":::,.;i:ll **lilri,fi;i:filxF.r1;lilff tteg

5t Uriror Ard*t,

atTourism office,Donsot)

3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0




Donsolis inctudedamonethc

:heDeparrment of rourismnu;

sitqsin thePhitippjnes that ";J1.1:u,"!glourists

otn".a"iii"iii"n, #:iJH::,.ff;:[n:;v"ffiT:i.,:.:ii.,il.".,"" 1T:t:'"1; j*lf ; iTl"?,,,8"il:iiliT,.iJ,::*i";.":l lr"s.ol1,"u,on,,r,",ou,.lJ,iffi dne to the resortsfor picnicandswimming "..., .. 'rovrnce' MountPinatubo pa.mttacan in turo::_t-ql in-iloiiii.ii b'rieo rrtuno ilou. However,whate shark intel in*eufunOrl.



. Datagatheredfrom

jHj:t*."'"'*.:Tt1$1"r,,A1'{ili:{i,1.::."q 3T !T:"1rIX thenumber or visitori = svxph.,*ln;;;;,inrlJ"..;:(i:|"f,".jJ,!1i""r.,,n", io 2.5

Figuae6: VisitorArrivalsin the BuLusan VotcanoNaturalpark{Source: BVNP Visitor'sCenter) 1,400 1,2@ 1,000 800 600 rl00 200 0 Mayto Decemb€r 2006

January to June2007

It was assumedthat atl visitorsto nationalparksare ecotourists,but activitiesand motivationsof park visitoB vary widety.17 The crowdsof tourists duringthesesummermonthscomefor retaxatjon,sightseeing, picnicandfishing. Touristsduringthis time are trekkeB,bird watchers,naturetouristsandceneril tourists.Theirvisit to the parkreliesprimarilyon the naturalenvironmeniforits attractionandsettings.Peakmonthsfor domesticvisitorsto the BVNP aredurine thesummer months of Apritto June. A strikingtyhighnumberof loca(visitorswerenoticedduringthe monthsof September andl,larch.Furthercheckwith the datashowedthat it is duringthese monthswhen most schoots,organizations and LocatGovernmentUnits from different parts of the country conduct their educationat/study tours. The registered touristsduringSeptember andi archcometo the parkfor educationat andleamingpurposes. Thoughthe interestin comingto the parkis educational, the shortness of the durationof staypreventsthe visitorsto realtyjnteractwith naturefor "(earning"to occur.

r Chudjntra,S. (1993)NatureTourismProfite: Thaitand.In J. Nerbnandp.B. Dur5t(eds)Nafure Tourismin Asia:Oryortunities and Constrcintsfor Conservationand EconomicDevelopmenl (pp.31-41). Washington, DC:|JSDA ForestSeNtce.

Foreigntouristarrivalspeakduringthe monthsof Mayuntit July whichis consistent with the nationaltrendon foreienvisitorarrivats.

Visitor Data Cottection.There are probtemswith existingvisitor data cottection methods province,inctuding: emp{oyed in Sorsogon .

Forvisitorsin Donsot, onlythosewhowi[ set out for whatesharkwatchinc/ interactionregisterat the Visitor'sCenter.Touristswhocometo Donsot f-or activitiesotherthanwhalesharkwatching/interaction areunaccounted for.

. TheMunicipal Ptanning andDevetopment Officesof LocatcovernmentUnits haveno dataon the numberof touristarrivats.Theyon(yhavean inventory of tourisminfrastructure presentin theirarea. andbusiness estabtishments .

For visitorsat the ButusanVolcanoNationalpark, grouptours, famity reunions,office and schooleducationat tours sometimes registeras one entryonty.Accuratenumberof visitorsis not reftectedandDertinentdata are sometimes missing and/orvacant.Entriesearlierthanoctober2006in the visitor'stogbook werenot sexdisaggregated.


Resortslocatedand operatingat the provlncehave different waysof chargingentrancefees. Someresonschargeentrancefees per person, whileotherschargefeesper useof cottage(s) irregardtess of the numberof occupants. Numbers of visitorsgivenareusuatty estimates.


Department of Tourism(DOT)staffgoesto differentsitesto coLlectdataon occupancy from tourists'establishments. However,accordingto reports from DOT RegionV, these are not retiabte since manv of these estabtishments keeDtwo setsof records.

Dataon visitorarrivalsin the provinceareinaccurate. Therearegapsin the cottectionmethodbeingemptoyed. Thoughthereis cteartyan increasing growth rate in the tourist arrivatsto the province,the number may either be underestimated or overestimated. Thisis dueto the diversepointsof entryto our province,the tack of a provincialtourist registrationcenter and other inefficiencies.


The Sorso{onTourisml,larket

Socio-demographic Profile sex and Aqe of Visitors.Surveydata showedthat visitorsto Sorsogon provinceweredominated by mate,at 68.5%.(Please referto Figure7) Thevisitors interviewed for the research young, are mosttyteen-agers andyoungprofessionats andemptoyees.About30%are withinthe agebracket15to 24, white20 %are aged25to 34,and33%betongto the agebracket35to 44yearsotd. Figure7: AgeandSexDistribution of Respondents Age ot roapondents 1a 16 14 '12 numbcf




15-24 25-34 3544 45-54 55 & up age brackct

Profession/Occuoation. Figure8 showsthe profession/occupation of visitoB interviewed.The butk of the tourists are professionats, employees,cottege studentsand businessmen. Thus,majorityof the touriststo the protnce haye highereducationand betongsto the upperincomebracket.Thiswoutdhavea bearingon the travelbehavior,motivationandtype of activitiesthat thevwould favorandorefer.


Figure8: Profession /Occupationof Respondents 12


0 qrv


On the other hand, lookingat the mixture of the touristsinterviewed,the tourist market of Sorsogon attracts and fascinatesa wide rangeof travetersand visitors. Accordingty,this is the potential market that the provincehopes to captureand enticefor its ecotourismindustrv.

Countrvof Residence. A{most60 %of the totat resDondents interviewedare domesticvisitors or Fitipino nationats.Of these, 3.8 % are OverseasFilipino Workersand Balikbayans.The remaining40 % of the respondentsare foreign shou(dbe noted that the visitorsinterviewedwere randomtysetected and yet the researchteam were able to interview tourists from Europe,Aia, Americaand the MiddteEast.This cteartyshowsthat travetersto the phi(ippines and to the provincein this case, are not timited to neighboringand nearby countriesonty.The marketis untimitedand showspotentialfor a biggermarket. Furtherdiscussions with the foreign visitorsconfirmedthat the phitippines js rapidtybecominga favorite tourist destinationbecauseasidefrom the wortdclasstourist destinationsthat we have, travel here in our country is certainty cheaperthan with other southeastAsiancountries.


Tabte2: Res dents'Countrvof Residen ce Countrvof Residence Domestic: of the Philippines Residents Of FitipinoNationality Batikbayans Foreign: united Statesof America Canada Germany lre{and UnitedKingdom Scotland Japan Thaitand lsraet Australia SouthAfrica

Percentaee 60.4% 56.6% 3 . 8% 39.6 % 5 1

2 3 1 1 1 1 'l

3 2

Destination Relatedlnformation percent(61%)of the twenty-one Pointsof Entrv.Sixty-one foreigntourists enteredthe Phitippines Airport interviewed throughthe NinoyAquinoInternationaI in Manita.Surprisingty, 33 % saidthey arrivedvia CtarkInternational Airportat Pampanga, Centrat Luzon,white the remaining5 % entered throughCebu (referto Figure9) Airportat Cebu,CentralVisayas. Intemational The avaitabitityof direct ftights throughcharteredptanesfrom other hascontributed to the increase of touriststo ourcountry. countries


Figure9: Pointsof Entryto the Phitippines

Isi\]AlA r

Cbrk Intemational Airporttr Cebulnlematinal Airpodl

provinceis mosttythroughAtbayprovinceat 82%of the Entryto Sorsogon (referto Figure10).Thesearethosecomingfromthe Luzon fifty four respondents points of entryareMatnogfor visitorscomingfromthe Visayas lstand.Atternative (4 %),whitevisitorscomingfromCentratVisayas andMasbate andMindanao lstands (4 (4 Pitar %) and Butan %). lslands entervia Province Figure10: Pointsof Entryto Sorsogon

oAlbay l r Matnog l O Pilar

tr Bulan I NOanswer

Dlrationof Stav/Travel. Foreign touristsplanto stayin the phitippines from two to four weeks.Foreignanddomestictouriststo Sorsogon provinceintendto travelfor a minimumof onedayto a maximum of oneweek. Visitonto Donsol, bothforeignandlocat,usualtystayfor two to threedays in the area.Whatewatchingandinteractionat Donsolentaitsregistration at the Visitor'sCenterandan orientationsession beforethe actualactivityis conducted. Thereare timeswhen4 to 5 hoursof waitingat the openseasin the motorized outriggerwoutdyietd no sightings of the whatesharks.Henceboat ridesto the openseasusualtystart early in the morning.In caseswhenthere are negative sightingsof the animats,visitorsusualtytry againthe next day. This type of visitorsconsiderthemsetves as either bird watcheBor eco/naturetouristg.Thev watchedwitdtife(notontybirds)andusualtystayedlongerin the site. Visitorsto the Butusan Votcano NaturalParksetdomstayedmorethana day in the park.Therearevariousactivitieswhichcanbe carriedout andexDerienced at the parksuchasbird watching,trekking,boatingandfishingamongothers.The tackof facititiessuchas accommodation, food estabtishments and the neqessarv supportservices neededfor touriststo staylongerandembarkon theseactivitiei is the mainreasonthoughwhytourismto the BVNP is stittunsustainable. Visitorsstayat the othertourists'destinations/sites in the orovincefor tess thana dayonly.Veryfew stayedan extraday.Timespenton thesesitesis from4 to I hoursonly.Thesetouristsarecaltedtravetersor generattourists.Thistypeof touristsvisitthe siteto seethe "highlights"or majorattractionswhichmaybethe scenery,waterfal(s,and the typical"sun,sandandsea,'reson.Thisshowsthat majority of the visitorsto the other touristssites in Sorsogon are from the neighboring communities andprovinces only. Onthe otherhand,furtherscrutinyof the visitors,profitefromthe Bulusan VotcanoNaturalParkandthe Mangrove Sanctuary in prietoDiazshowedthat the visitorswere cottegestudents,membersof the academe,NGOSand Locat Government Unitsfrom differentpartsof the country.Theycamein grouptours andthe primaryinterestfor visitingwasfor educationpurposes. Thismarketon educationtourismis a big potentialfor Sorsogon. The CoastalEnvironment Programin Prieto Diaz, as an exampte,is haven for marine biotogists, environmentausts and peopteinterestedin coastalmanagement and protection. However,tourismactivitiesshoutdbe designedto encourage deeperinteraction andinterpretation to make"tearning"moreinteresting, meaningful andsatisfying.




unitv. Commonto the

auoG*rE pGceTiilE-iiiG e re arrivingto ::T::*"1'-,i: ,,t need llgyludg" Sorsogon. Traveter to be educatedbefore joumei

their inJiocats neeato know-what is expected.l8 For both the traueters'inJ tire loiits, mutratry beneficiaI experiences takeptace. A greater part of the respondents said that they teamedabout the ptace/sitethroughfriends,associates and retatives.person;ttestimonyandfirst handexperience are stilt the mostpotentpromotionat too[. Butinflux of foreign touristscanbe attributedto the presence of intemetandwebsites. At(of the visitorsto Donsot saidthat it wastheir first time visitto tne area. Neverthetess' not atl of the touristsinterviewedwerefirst time visitorsto the province.Figure11showsthe sitesof first time visitto the provinceot the tourists interviewed. Figure1t: Siteof Firt TimeVisitto Sorso{on 30o/o 250h 200 15o/o 10To 5% 0o/o

RizalBearch Donsolfor Whaleshark

Tolongcapo MateoHot & Beach ColdSpdngs

Generatly,yisitors to the province are experiencedtraveters. They are

preparations priorknowiedge beioretraveting. :y:T T1: th9isnecessary about_"J.i9 the destination an jmponantpractjce.Responsibte lcts increases tne 13Mader,Ron.Defending the Tourists,part 1. phneta ptaneta,com.


enjoymentof the tourist and aids in the protectionof the host site's naturaland culturat environments.Foreignvisitorsretatedthat they tearnedabout the ptacb through the intemet and print materials like brochures and books. But informationatmateriatslike this are ontyavaitabtefor Donsot.Thisbringsforth the issueof weak promotionaleffort being given to the other tourist sites in the province.Naturatty,awarenessis a basicetementfor name.recattand eventuat choice. PoDutarfirst time visitswere to Rizalbeachin Gubatfor 27 % , Donsotfor Beachfor 11 %and 25 %,the ButusanVotcanoNationatParkfor 13 %,Totong-Gapo can be creditedto the the MateoHot and CotdSpringsResortin lrosinfor 7 %.This fact that thesewere amongthe eartierestablishedtourist sitesin the shoutdbe noted that major tourist activity even in the past was swimmingin beachesand is ontyat the BulusanVolcanoNaturatParkwhere Sorsogon other attractionswere offered besidesswimming.However,these remainlargety unexptoredand not maximized. The tourists were atso asked on their interest in Sorsogonand its communities.Figure 12 showsthe additionalinformation on Sorsogonprovince that touristswoutdtike to know.

Province andInterestonSorsogon Information Figure12.Additionat 3% .-/o

.-Ks -l__N fl

r .."u '',"


g localculture I people tr wildlife(iora & fauna) I nowunadveftised sites/discoleries in the E development plounce 0 dialect

A high 85.2 % of the touristssaid they are interestedin teamingand kn-owing. moreaboutSorsogon province.Sinceecotourism is a communitybased effort, the destination is wherethe community is. Tourists shoutdgivequerespect to the existingsetupof the tocalcommunityits people,environmintandcuttural significance. In this case,touriststo So6ogon showed interestto interactwith the localcommunities. Educating onesetfaboutthe destination,prior to the trip, is an extremely essentiat sideof goodecotourism practice.Learningaboutthe history,cutture, tanguage and the naturalenvironment of the target destinationareaaidsboth cu(tural interaction and appreciationof locat ecosystems.people in the communityare morelikely to socializeif visitorsshowprior knowledgeabout their D\ace.

Tour/Travet Costs.On{y5.5%of the inteMewedvisitorsarrivedto Sorsoson on pre"arranged tours.Therestof the touristswhohireda guidedid sowhentiey reached the touristdestination/site. Guideshiredarefrequanttylocalguidesfrom the community. A breakdown of costsassociated with the conductof a packaged tour on tand-based ecotourismin Sorsogon provincefor tourismstudentsis Drovided below.The tour operatorwas from Albayand offerssimitarpackaged toursto otheruniversities/co(teges in the BicotregionandMetroManita. Sitesinctudedin the trip werethe otd stonehouses in Juban.the Butusan VotcanoNaturatPark,ChurchRuinsin Barcetona, RjzatBeachand the Fishand Mangrove Sanctuary at PrietoDiazwherelunchis served.Durationof travelwas for onedayonty.Tourcostswerephp700.00per personinctusive of tunchat the FishandMangrove Sanctuary at PrietoDiazwhichis managed by SEA,IANCOR, a peopte'sorganization. TheinteMewedvisitorswerepart of a tour groupof gO cottegestudents and5 instructors froma university in Legaspi City, Breakdown of TourCosts: (mini-bus Transportation basedin Legaspii prietoDiaz) Food(tunchc/o Seamancor, Entrancefee (BVNP)

TourOperator TotalTourCosts

Php190.00 250.00 10.00

250.00 700.00/oax


onty28.6%of touristexpenditures tour presented, Basedon the packaged (entrance reachedthe province,specificatly andlunchat Seamancor) fee to BVNP both basedin Thetour operatorandtransportation, the touristdestination/site. packaged touris on this Atbay,got 35.7%eachof the tour cost.Thetotat teakage of the is imported from outside for tourism is when an input 71.4%.A "teakage" thereis reatizationthat ve^rytittte of the moneyspentby locatity.Increasingty, itsetf.'' A commonestimateis that less at or near the destination remains tourists than ten percent (10.%) of tourist spendingremainsin communitiesnear ecotourism destinations.'" tours' a highertour pdce or tonger As mostcostsare fixed for packaged profit margins.Approximatety 80%of moneyfor increases durationsignificantty packagetours goes to airtines,hotels, and other internationat att-inctusive wherethe greater Thebutkof the profit goesto the touroperators, companies.2r goes.Conversety, this reducesbenefitsto percentage of the touristexpenditures the locatity. tour coststo Donsolis of an averageunpackaged In contrast,a breakdown shouldbe notedthat att of the inteMewedtouristsin Donsol tour. The travet cost presentedbetowwas basedon the cameon unpackaged Durationof duringtheir stayin Donsol. amountof moneyspentby the respondents staywas3 daysand? nights. of TravetCoststo Donsot: Breakdown Transportation Accommodation Food Whatewatchinc/interaction& visitor'sfee



2,000.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 7,500.00/pax

t" Ljndberg,K. \19911Poli.ies tor lAaimizing Nature Tourlsm'| Ecologicaland Economlc&enefits. Institute. D.C.:WorldResoufces Washington, 'o Llndberg,K. and D. Hawkins(1993), Ecotoudsm:A Guidefor Plannercand lAanagerc.Notth society. TheEcotourism Bennington,vT.: '?r uhited Nations Environment Programrne, "Ecommic lmpacts of Tourlsm," at i - ' M a r t h aH o n e y T A: ..:::.:. , I E S ", E c o t o u r i s m , 1 ., . 1, ..; , . . 1| ; : 1' . . : . , ,. ":.. by Eco Tourism Society Toot for Sustainabte9evetopment," worlchop on Ecotourism,condKted Programme/USAID & the Competitiveness with the TourismCLuster in Association Sri Lanka(ESSL) BMlCtl,Cotombo,Sri Lanka,November22, 2004


Expenses for handicrafts andguideswerenot inctuded.Lessthan10%of the gaveanswersto thesequestionsin the visitor'ssurvey,henceis respondents insufficientto comeup with a generalization. Basedon the above,67 %of totat touristexpenditures (accommodation, food,fees)wentto Donsot. Eco-todces hire andpurchase locattyandthereforeput a higher- sometimeas muchasi5 %of money-into the (ocaleconomy.z2 In thiscaseahelongerthe duntion of the stayof the visitor,the biggerwitt be the benefitsto the area. Basedon the above leakagesfrom the tourism industry, the best opportunities for increased localparticipation andcapturingeconomic benefitsare foundin the accommodation, food/restaurant andhandicraftsectors.At Dresent. mostof the accommodation in the provinceare ownedby locatsand there are atready16homestays availabteandoperatingin Donsol.With regardsto the low incomeandsatesfrom arts andcrafts,Sorsogon hasto considercreationof arts andcraftsthat wouldbe uniqueandoriginatto the provincein orderto havea placein the market.Opportunities participation for increased of tocatsin the food sectoris on foodcommodities suchas vegetables, whichat present,is purchased fromoutsideof Sorsogon. . The reverseof reducingteakageis increasingtourist spendingin the province.To increasetouristspending, interventions shoutdsupportprogiams and activitiesthat witt enticeyisitorsto staytongerandspendmoreduringtheir stay in Sorsogon. Devetoping otheractivitiesandecotourism productsand-sites to visit areconcretewaysto do this.

ilotivatlon,Preferences andSatisfaction Rating Fye!-tscha!9rcld-Uqgla$en. From the fifty four tourists inteMewed, onty29%travetedwith a guideduringtheir stayin Sorsogon. Reasons for hiringa guideinctudenon-famitiarity with the place,safetyand security,andbecause thisis their first time visit to the province.lrefer to Figure 13).

" tbid

and are often ignoredby atl exceptfor individuatsmatloperatoBwho dependon this target groupfor their sourceof revenue.This type of touristsis mindful of budgetand expenditures.Other touriststo the provincehad no needfor a guide becausethey were staying with friends and retatives who are residentsof Sorsogon. Figure 13. Reasons for Hiringa Guideon FirstTimeTraveLto Sorsogon 10 Oo/o 9.OoA A.Oo/o 7 -Oo/o 6.Oo/o 5.Oo/o 4.Oo/o 3.Oo/o 2-Oo/o 1.Oo/o A.Oo/o


Safety and

F irst time tralel ro sorsogon

Onty5 percentfrom the respondents mentionedthe needto hire a euideto improvethe trip. Theseare frequently studentsand backpackers.Stude;ts who visit the provinceusuattycome as a group. Thoughthese educationaltours are guided,howeveronly one or two guidesare employedon suchtoursor sometimes the professors/instructors/teachers wouldtake the rote of a guide.BacKpacKers on the other hand are catled trekkers. Trekkersor hikers are atso ,,indeDendent', travelersand were motivatedby a variety of attractions,but mosttycutture and the Locatpeopte. That is atsothe reasonwhy they want more informationabout the sites so that they can exptorethe provinceon their own. For many rounsm devetopers,backpackers are not a priority market-due to their beingseenas not contributingfinanciatty.So far, few studieshave been conductedto Drovethis DOint. The main reasonfor the majority of visitorscomingand visitingSorsogon is to seethe star species(whalesharkwatching/interaction)in Donsol.Thesevisitors may either be bird watchers or eco/nature tourists. Birders are motivated

exctusivelyby birds and the witdtife.,3 Self-describedecotouristsor nature touristsare motivatedby the naturalenvironment,b.irds,and wil.dtife. As for the rest of travel in other parts of the province,visitorscome for enjoyment,sightseeing and relaxation.Thesetouristsare cattedgeneraltravelers or tourists.Motivationsof generaltouristsare varied, but concentrationis on the scenery,waterfalts,and the hightightsof the sites,whichin this caseis the usual "sun, sandand sea" resorts. Tourists' motivationsshowedconsistencywith the patterns of activities carried out by the touristsand the sites they visited. Birdersor nature tourists, who were motivated by birds, the witdtife and the natural expected,visited sites which offered nature"basedactivitiessuchas whateshark watchingand interaction,forest trekkjng,bird watchingand river cruisingamong others. Hikerson the other handwere motivatedmosttyby the Locatcutiureani communities.Theywere independenttravelersand typicat(ystayedlongerin the site to interact with the tocats.Whereasgenerattouristsusuattyvisitedihe major attractionsand hightightsof the provincebut setdomstayedmore than a day in the site. The choicesof activities and destinationswere retatedto, and resuited from, tourists'motivations.

SatisfactionRate and Preferences.Touristswant their expectationsto be satisfied. Some witt be demandingwhite others are not. The Visitor Survev conductedon the provinceof Sorsogon reftectsa high rate of visitor satisfaction. Forty-threevisitorsor 80 %of the 54 respondents expressed that the trip met their expectationsand were very satisfied. Visitors, especiattythose coming from Donsot,said that they were "reatty overwhetmed,',,,amazed,',the activitv was "very interesting" and "one of a kind adventure',.Worth mentioningwere the visitors' responsesthat reflected the receptivity and friendtiness of the Sorsoganons. Visitorsatisfactionshowspromisefor increasedcontinuederowthof ecotourismto the Drovince. The remaining20 % were tikewise satisfied however suggestionswere mentionedregardingthe avai{abitityof moreinformationabout the different sites and to considerthe improvementof roadconditions.The state of the roacsmace the travel tongerand very uncomfortabLe for the visitors. 3 Hvenegaard, c.T. (2002)UsinglouristsTypoLogies for Ecotourism Research. Joumdfol EcotourismI 11\7-16.

As part of the visitor survey,touristswere askedabout their knowledgeof attemativeactivities,suchas snorketing,diving, kayakingand mountainctimbing amongothers, offered in the province.Most had no idea those activities were possibte.A goodnumberof the respondents were awareonty of swimmingat the province'snumerousbeaches,hot and cold springsand the atternative ecoadventureofferedby whalewatching/interactionat Donsot. Whenaskedif they woutdbe interestedto undertakeanyof theseactivities if made aware of their avaitabitity, the tourists gave positiye responses. ecotourism,nature,heritage,culture "Experientiat"tourism- which encompasses and soft adventuretourism, as wett as sub-sectorssuchas rural and community tourism-is amongthe sectorsexpectedto grow most quickty.This exptainsthe preferences expressed by the tourists interviewed. Cutturat exptoration, altemativeecotourismactivities,the seaand the springsstitl remainthe tourists, favorites.But more than half of the visitorsatsoexDressed interestsin mountain ctimbing,cave exp(oration,snorkeling,diving and kayaking.Tabte 3 showsthe ecotourismactivitiespresenttybeingoffered at the provinceand the preferences of the touristsinterviewedin the studv. Table 3 : Ecotourism ActivitiesOfferedand MarketPreferences Activities Aware ahead Undertookat Woutdbe of time the time interested Altarnative/ecotourlsm 56% 43% 56% activities CulturaIExDloration 50% 35% 63%














1 8%








Mountain climbing/ Exploration Seaand hot springs




Activities Alternative/traditional Healing

Aware ahead of time 28%

Undertookat the time 15%

Would be interested 43%

The surveyresuttshowedthat mostof the touristsare younghencethe increasing interestfor adventuretourism.Theseare nature-based tourismthat incorporates an etementof risk,highertevetsof physicat exertionandthe needfor speciatized sktt. Activitiesincludekayaking,forest trekking,diving,snorketing, and mountainctimbing.Theseactivitiesare avaitabteand can be arrangedin differentsitesin the province.Kayaking, foresttrekkingand mountainctimbing are offeredandcan be experienced in the Butusan VotcanoNaturatPark.Diving and snorketing sites are presentin Pitar, Butan,most of the smatlislandsof Matnog,Bagatao istandin Magatlanes andPrietoDiaz. A fraction of the respondents even articutatedthe interest for novet destinations and variationsfrom the usualtourist activities.ExDosures to rurat devetopment andattemative/traditionat healingatsogot highratings.Sorsogon is notedto havesignificantpresenceof operatingNon.Govemment Organizations (NGOS),Peopte'sOrganizations(Pos) and Cooperatives.Each of these programs organizations implements andpOects aimedat empowering the people anddevetoping the community.LIKAS in lrosinoperatesa Centerfor Integrative (CIMED). Medicine lt offersatternative medicinelike acupuncture, acupressure and practices. traditiona(heating with theseNGOS, Coordination POsandCoopscanbe arranged for proposat to devetop thiskindof activity.

ProductAddedVatue.Thereare manyconsiderations product for choosing product.Asidefrom makingcertainthat alt aspectsof especiatty an ecotourism the productareconducted usingminimaIenvironmentaI impactpractices, it is atso importanton howto addvatueto the product.Thisis of couBeto generatemore revenues for the benefitof the community. Att of the touristsinterviewedin Donsolsteptwithinthe areaduringtheir visit. At presentthereare five resortsoperatingat Dancatan, Donsolandseveral homestays areavaitable to accommodate tourists.Duringthe peakmonthsof Aprit andMay,att the accommodation facititiesin the areaare futty booked.Atl other prosperduringthe whatesharkseason. supportsectorsandservices


Thoughmajorityof the other touristsitesin the provincehavefacilitates foodandotherservices, touristsseldomstayedlongerthana for accommodation, interviewsshowedthat a portionof thesevisitorsarefrom nearby day.Fot(ow-up provinces suchas AtbayandCamarines Surandstitt havetime to retumhomein the afternoon.Other visitors,even foreignnationals,preferredto stay with City or of the provinceor stayin So6ogon retativesor friendswhoare residents the touristsvisitthe sitesjust to seethe Legaspi Cityin Atbay.Mth thisscenario, andnot as an experiential or must-see attmctionsin the destinations "hightights" journeywhereteamingandinsightsmaybe Thismaybe creditedto andthat can of the differentactivitiesavailabte the fact that visitorsareunaware beanangedin eachof the touristsites. anyartsandcrafts Of the fifty-fourvisitors,58%saidtheydid not purchase province. of duringtheir trip to the On the other hand,an averageexpenditure ontyPhp500.00wasreportedby visitorswhoboughtartsandcraftsfor souveniB. Thelow incomeandsatesfromartsandcraftscanbe attributedto the fact avaitable arts andcraftsbeingsotdat souvenirshopsandstoresherein the that provinceare atsoavaitableat otherprovlnces in the BicotRegion.In comparison, has more varied souvenir items and at a muchlowerprice.Touristsare Atbayeven Atbayweretheycanbe obtainedevenat inclinedto buyartsandcraftsat Daraga, pricefor bulk purchases. hasto considercreatingarts and wholesate Sorsogon craftsthat woutdbe uniqueandoriginalto the provincein orderto captureand havea placein the market. sitesbut alsoin proudof its Sorsogon is rich not ontyin naturatecological with being traditions.Manycountriescontinueto equateecotourism culturean_d reftectsnaivetyor intentionalobfuscation outdoors.'"Whethersuchmisdirection andconfusion remainsto be seen.To gaugewhetherthe visitorsto the province aware of the presenceof these cultural heritageand traditions,the are were atsoaskedif they or their guidearrangedfor any traditionat respondents singing, heatingrituatsor anyculturatperformances duringtheir trip or dancing, pointedout that noneof the visitorsnortheir guides stayat the province.Resutts performances. Main reason for any of the above traditionat/cuttural arranged givenagainis dueto tackof awareness that suchactivitiesareavailabte andmay bearranged.

'?4Navarro, Sustainabte Eco-tousmlnthe D.B.1998,FeasibiLity Studyon a Community-based LXAs,lnc. lrosin,5o6ogon. VolcanoNationatParkandSurfounding Communities. Butusan '?5l,^ader. Ron.Defending the Tourists,Part 1. ptaneta,com


Oneof the findingsworthmentioning is the requestof touristsfor speciat foodto be servedto them. Thirty-eightpercentof the respondents arranged for foodto be servedduringtheir trip. Majority,asexpected,askedfor BicotExpress andseafoodto be inctudedin their meats.Onetype of foodsurprisingty inctuded asmostrequested wasstreetfood.suchas"batot". Visitorsdo not aimfor consistency hencetouristsarenot easilycategorized. For thosemakinga journey,the timitedamountof time makesany interaction significant.Touristsvjsit churches,marketsand othersignificantp{aceswith an understanding that the chancemaynot presentitself again.Mixingup activitiesis a wayof experiencing asmuchaspossibte andreactingto ever-changing stimutus.

Conservation andEcotourism Awarene5s Conservation and EnvironmentalAwareness.Demandfor ecotourism vacationsis dependent_ on the awareness of home-grown/tocat cutturesand conservation concerns.zo Part of the Visitor Surveyis to gaugethe tevet of environmental conservation andecotourism awareness of the tourists. Morethan hatf (56.6%) of the touristsinterviewedwere awarethat a nationalparkor a protectedareaexistsin Sorsogon province.In fact, everyoneof thosewhoconfirmedof havingknowtedge of the presence of thesesiteswasable to visiteitherthe Butusan Votcano NaturatParkor Donsol for the whaleshark.This supports the eartierfindingsthat the touristsarewettawareof the ptace/sitethey wouldvisitbeforeembarking on a travet.Thiscoutdpossibly be dueto the tourists doing researchand makinginquiriesbeforehandon avaitabteliteraturesor informationregarding their targettouristsite. Morethan hatf (53.8%)of the respondents againstatedthat hatf of thejr vacationtime shoutdbe spenton ecotourism activities.Thisis reftectiveof the trendson ecotourism evenin othercountries.Peopleor travelersspecificatty have demonstrated a risingintereston environmentat awareness. Thismaybe for the reasonthat countrieswortdwidehavereatlyinvestedon educatingandinforming the peopteon the presentsituationof our naturalresources andthe effectsof it; misuseandexptoitation. Hencethe mountingmediaexposure to naturatresources r Lindberg,(. andD. Hawkins(1993).E.otourism: A Guidefor Planners andl/@hagers. Nor[h Bennington,W.: TheEcotourism Society.

aroundthe world and the growingdesireto see natunl areasbefore they disappear. Based on intemationat consumer demands. 20-30% of EuroDean travetersare vatues awareof needsand of sustainable tourismwhite 10-20% tookfor'creen' optionsand 5-10%demand'green'hotidays.2T A surveyof U.S.,British;and Australian travetersreveatedthat 70%woutdpayup to 515-0 morefor a two-week attitude." In U.K.,87%saytheir stayin a hotetwith a responsibte environmental 39%saidtheywerepreparedto pay hotidayshoutdnot damagethe e-nvironment; 5%extrafor ethicalguarantees."Thisexptainsthe briskdemandfor ecotourism (74%)percentof vacations and activitieswortdwide.Consequentty, seventy-four the touristsinteMewedin this study said that teamingabout natureis an imDortantbasisor motivationfor visitor travelto anvdestination.

Visitor's Fees for Consenationand DeveloDment Activities.Question as part of the marketresearch numbertwenty-sixof the VisitorSurveyconducted question: askedvisitorsto Sorsogon the fottowing At present,not matryleveryfamily in the varioussitesin the Provinceis beneliting from the arrivat of travelers. t o locally managedfund were establishedfor communityweuorc, would you object to o smallfee beingchargedas part of the costof your isit to the site? Whotwouldbe an acceptableamount? The visitor survey resuttsindicated a high wittingnessto supporta communitymanagedfund for communitywetfare. Of the fifty-four visitors inteMewed,84.6%foundnoobjectionto a smatlfee beingchargedaspartof the costof their visit to Sorsogon. For thosewho foundno objectionto a sma[[fee an affordabteor minimalfee but gaveno beingcharged,tocattouristssuggested Php100.00fee specificamount.Foreigntouristson the otherhandrecommended pervisitor.

':7HerbertHamete,Ecotrans,Germany, T Travetbiz,"creen is Goodfor hotetBusines5, " Ontinearticte.29 August2002. Referencing lHEl,2002. http// 3 MORI,PackageHotidays,I,,{OR|, September2002.


to pay wasfoundto be hightysubjectuponthe fund Visitor'swittingness wetfire. A targenumber andusedin supportof community beingtocattymanagea point particutarly out the importance of foreignvisitors,choseto of respondents, between agencies. Therewasa directcorretation the fee not goingto govemment asbeneficiary. Ecotourists, to payandthe community wittingness the respondents' as consumers,often support the importanceof tourism benefiting tocat residents.30 An internationalsurveyrevealedthat more than two-thirdsof U.S.and travetersand 90 %of Britishtouristsconsideractiveprotectionof the Austratian arewittingto pay for tourists.3l Traveters an importantresponsibitity environment attitudeandinctuding environmental morefor a stayin a site with a responsibte supportof localcommunities.

HinderlngFactorsfor VlsltlngOtherPartsof Sorsogon 55.8% of the respondents were unabteto visit other sitesand try the to Sorsogon due to lack of time (refer to during their travel variousactivities asa hindrance aboutpeaceandsecurityprobtems Figure14).Only6%mentioned parts province. factors mentioned were the of the Other exptoring other for and lack eruptionof the Bulusan Volcano,probtemwith transportation impending banking facitities. of Thelackof time to visitothersitesis dueto the lackof informationon the and whatotheractlvitiesare avaitabte in the Drovince othertouristdestinations raretytravetfor simptisticreasons. on these sites. Tourists andis beingoffered their itineraryis atreadymappedout and Theyareusuatlypreparedandgeneralty is not commonto first moment visit to a newdestination arranged.Spurof the time andfreouenttravelersalike. Thougha marginalnumberonty of the touristsarticutatedabout the suffersfrom negativepubticityand in the province,Sorsogon securityprob{ems of its hasbeena fact that numerous imagebecause in the pastand remainsunsotved up kittingshadbeendocumented extra-judiciat 30 Lindberg,K. and D. Hawklns(19931,Ecotoudsm:A 6uide Nofth lor Plannersand Al'artugers. Society TheEcotourism Bennington,W.: 3rThe InternationatEcotourismsociety. Ecotourr'smFdct sheet


betweenthe mititaryandoutlawelementsaresporadiF to the present.Encounters andunDredictabte. Figure 14: HinderingFactorsfor VisitingOtherPartsof Sorsogon 600/o

50% 40va 30% 20o/o 10% 00h

1t BE


36ss !EgE

E g.g ,*EE

€E ;€_i

g-s;€ i"EE SEEE E e.5




We can presumeseveralreasonswhy the peaceand securitysituationwas not considereda threat by the tourists interviewed.First, majority of tourists provincehencewere unawareof the present interviewedwere not from Sorsogon peace on and security. situation Second,the touristsmaybewere aware of the insurgencyprobtemsbut they were assuredthat tourist destinationsare safe and idea that are usualtysparedfrom theseincidents.Third, there is the preconceived crossfireand fighting between mititary and rebetsoccur in the mountainsand remote rural areasonly. Lastty,it was observedthat LocalGovernmentUnitsdo not reatly hightightnor expressand report openlyprobtemsin insurgency.This is to discouragenegativepubticitywhich of coursewoutdaffect the town and as a result prevent the arrivat of tourists. Tourismdestinationsrmore so ecotourism products,shouldbe containedand free from securityprobtemsthat cannot be of the areaor [oca[authorities.Otherwise,the tife controtledby the management and safety of the tourists would be at risk. Safety and security measuresare in choosingan ecotourismsite. integratconsiderations

Another factor mentioned was the problem vr'ith transportation.. Accessibilityis important for a tourism product to be viabte. The probtems identifiedwith regardsto transportationin the provinceinctudethe conditionsof the road, Thoughthere are atreadymajor road networks,these neededrepairs. Travel time almost doublesbecauseof the road conditions.The roadsbecome stipperyand are prone to accidentsespeciattyduring the rainy season.Another concern is the avaitabitity and regutarity of pubtic transport. For most municipatities,pubtictransportbecomesscarceduringnighttime. Forthat reason, transportationbecomesexpensivebecausethere is a tendencyfor the public transportdriversto askfor a higherfare duringnight time. Visitors spend tess here than in other countries, Nonethetess,tourism generatesforeign currency and emptoyment.Most tourists, especiallyforeign nationats,setdombring cashwith them duringtravet due to the risk invotve.For manytourismdevelopers,backpackers are not a priority marketdue to their being seenas not contributingfinancialty.But manybackpackers carry credit cardsand are witting to spend in the rural countryside.As to how much independent travetersdo contribute,comparedto thosetakinga packagedtour or participating in a conference,so far, very few studieshavebeenconducted.'r Anotherhinderingfactor mentionedis the tack of bankingfacitities.There are relativetya small numberof banksoperatingin Sorsogon province.Majorityof the big commerciatbanks are strategicaltytocated at SorsogonCity and the municipalities of lrosinand Bulan.Otherbankinginstjtutions atsooperatein other municipatitiesbut they are mosttycooperativeand rural banksthus somebanking servicessuch as AutomatedTetler Machines(ATM)and on"tinetransactionsare unavaitabte. Visitorswere tikewiseaskedwhat other things they woutd tike to see or experiencein other parts the province if given the opportunity to return to in the future (refer to figure 15). Atmosthatf (48 %)of the respondents Sorsogon expresseddesireto visit and experiencewhale sharkwatchingand interactionin Donsolduringtheir future trip to the province.There existsa possibititythat a proportionof these visitorshad visited Donsolatready.The data howeverwere inconclusiveto point out how manyof thesevisitorshad atreadyexperiencedthe eco'adventurewith the whatesharksand woutd tike to return to Donsolaeainto undertakethe sameactivity for the secondtime.

t'?Mader, Ron.Defending the Tourists,Part1. PtanetaForum.At


Twenty-fivepercent(25 %)saidthey woutdtike to visit the ButusanVotcano Naturat Park the next time they visit Sorsogon.Several tourists mentioned specificattythe activities they woutd tike to try and experiencein the site: t
to Visiton FutureTripto Sorsogon Figure'15.Ptaces

fofwhaleshaft n Donsol Presentations tr Cultural I I newsites/destinations

suchas percent(14%)areinterestedto seeculturalpresentations Fourteen performances. Eleven cultura[ and other traditionatdances,singingof folk songs two whitethe remaining percent(11%)woutdtiketo seewaterfaltsandsceneries destinations. percent(2 %)Mshedfor newsitesandunfamitiar/unexptored


SUMMARY ANDCONCLUSION is..... Basedon the resuttsof the VisitorSurvey,the averagetourist to Sorsogon . . . . . . . .

youngrmosttyteenagersandyoungprofessionals mosttyfrom American,Europeanand AsianCountries v/ithouta guide independenttourist and travetsto Sorsogon has chosento visit Sorsogonmainly for the opportunity to experience educational atternative tourism (whate shark watching/interaction), purposeand recreation but woutdtike to learnmore doesnot currenttyknowmuchabout Sorsogon peopte especiattyaboutits cuttureand staysan averageof 2 to 3 daysin Donsotand tessthan a day for the rest of the tourist destinationsin Sorsogon saysthat hatf of their vacationtime is on ecotourismactivities dectaresthat tearningabout nature is an important basisor motivationfor visit or travet to anydestination.

Tourists' motivationsshowedconsistencywith the patterns of activities carriedout by the touristsand the sitesthey visited.The choicesof activitiesand destinationswere relatedto, and resuttedfrom, tourists'motivations. is The main reasonfor the majority of visitorscomingand visitingSorsogon (whal.e visitors sharkwatching/interaction)in Donsot.These to seethe star species may either be bird watchers or eco/nature tourists. Birders are motivated ecotouristsor nature tourists exctusivetyby birds and the witdtife. Setf-described are motivatedby the naturatenvironment,birds,andwitdtife. As for the rest of travel in other parts of the province,visitorscome for enjoyment, sightseeingand retaxation.These tourists are catled traveters or generaltourists,Motivationsof generaltouristsare varied,but concentrationis on the scenery,waterfat[s,and the hightightsof the sites, which in this caseis the usuat"sun, sandand sea" resorts.


More than hatf (56.6 %) of the tourists interviewed were aware that a nationalpark or a protectedareaexistsin Sorsogon province.In fact, everyone of thosewho confirmedof havingknowtedgeof the presenceof thesesiteswas abte to visit either the ButusanVotcanoNaturatpark or Donsotfor the whalesnarK. Morethan hatf (53.8%)of the respondents statedthat half of their vacation time shouldbe spenton ecotourismactivities and seventy-four(74 %) percentof the tourists interviewed in this study said that learning about nature rs an importantbasisor motivationfor yisit or travet to any destination. 55.8 % of the respondentswere unable to visit other sites and trv the various actiyities during their travel to Sorsogondue to tack of time and information.However,touriststo Sorsogon showedinterest to try the variousecotourismactivities,inctudingcutturatand traditiona{performances, and to interact longerwith the tocaIcommunities. Lastty,the visitor surveyresultsindicated a high wittingnessto supporta communitymanagedfund for communitywelfare.

CRITICAL ASSESSMENT/ANALYSIS This part of the report shatl focus on discussingthe strengths and opponunitiesof the provinceand identifyingthe gapsand problemsretatedto and concemingecotourismdevetopmentbasedon the marketresearchconducted.

Opportunities andStrengths .

Presence of NaturatandCutturalFeatures

provincehasatl the necessary Sorsogon resources to embarkon ecotourism, existingand even underutilized Thereare numerous and unexptored ecotogicat sitespresentandavailabtein the province.Thewortd'sbiggestfish (whateshark or "butanding")is found in Donsot.Numerous tourismproductssuchas church ruins,the Butusan VotcanoNaturalPark,pristinebeaches,hot and cotdsprings, mangroves, waterfatts andunexptored istandscanbe foundin Sorsogon. Duringthe Mutti-sectorat Seminar-Workshop on Devetoping an IntegratedEcotourism Ptanfor Province hetdat the LIKAS-RIDGE Sorsogon in lrosin,Sorsogon onJune16-17, 2005, one of the outputswerethe tistingof existing,emergingandpotentialtourism per municipatity destinations in the province.Basedon the list, thereare more emerging andpotentialtourismsitesthan existingones.(pteasereferto AnnexB for comptete[ist). Therewere32 existingtourismproducts,35 emergingand27 potentiattourismsitesidentified.Threemunicipalities out of the totat fifteen werenot abteto participatein the saidmutti-sectoraI seminar-workshop. Sorsogonin addition is known for its fiesta cutture. Festivalsare cetebrations to showcase how religion,cuttureand traditionsare wovenin the peopte'sway of tife. Morecommontyknownas fiesfas,theseare hetdyeartyto cetebratethe foundationof the town,city andeventhe provinceor to honorthe feastof its patronsaints. Atmostatt the townscelebratetheir ownfestivalwhich is anchored on a theme.Kasanggayahan Festivalwhichis the premierfestivatof the provinceis hetd during the last two weeksof october each year. lt commemorates the foundationof Sorsogon as a provinceof the BicotRegion. The Piti Festivalwhichis hetd everylast week of Juneeachyear in Sorsogon City products.Overthe years,thesefestivats cetebrates the Pititreesandits numerous havetaken a more uniqueapproachas each town becomemore innovative,


imaginativeand creative. Fiestasbecamemuch awaited occasionsthat bring to forefront the pride of the tocal peoptebecauseit embodiestheir arts, talents, resources,culture and traditions,This is one way of supportingthe preservation and promotion of toca[ arts and cutture inctuding indigenousfolk arts and traditional cultural artistic forms which are an integral part of locat tourism devetopmentand promotionefforts. Thesetourism activities and sites need to be further devetoDedwith the considerationsthat the ecotourism product must be unique, cannot be experiencedetsewhereand buitdson the strengthsand attractionsof the area. The useof natural settingsand attractionsin a communityis a must but without destroyingthe environment. .

Increasine environmentat awareness and marketfor educativetourismDroducts

Countrieswortdwidehave realty investedon educatingand informingthe peopteon the presentsituation of our natura( resourcesand the effects of its misuseand exploitation.Hencethe mountingmediaexposureto naturatresources around the wortd and the growing desire to see naturat areas before they disaDoear. There are severalreasonsfor increasingtocat communityparticipationin, and benefits from, ecotourismdevetopment.Primarity,when residentsreceive benefits they usualty support ecotourism, even protecting the site against intrusions.lmprovedconservationefforts are anticipatedboth from the visitors and the tocat residents. Ecotourism is supposed to increase the pubtic understanding of nature,cutture,developmentand retatedissues. Internationaltourists consider active protection of the environmentan important responsibitityfor tourists. Travetershave shownto be aware of needs and valuesof sustainabletourismand so they look for "green" optionsand demand traveting.Ethicattourismwitt rightty be a big issuein the "green" hotidays^^when newmittennium." Currenttrend in tourism put emphasison the knowtedgeabout nature and cutturefor the onesinvotvedin it. The significanceof "learning" as an outcome of tourists'interactionwith the naturalenyironmentis one of the major aspectof ecotourism.Market trends show that presenttourists reatly favor, supportand tt Tearfund,"Tourism' an Ethicallssue:MarketResearch Report",Tearfund,London,Januarv20m.

productsoverthe usuattourismsites.Increasing chooseecotourism dissatisfaction products destinations with traditionattourism and shiftedtravelers'oreference for moreeducative andchaltenging variation. .

Wide ranqeof tarset market and increasinqdesireto visit novel, chattenqinq and adventurous destinations

In 1990s,tourist arrivatsgrew at sevenpercent (7 %) per year.-However, tourist arrivatsgrew gtobattyat ten percent('10%)per year since2003.'1Tourism is a primaryexport or dollar exchangeearnerfor 83 %of dev-el.oping countriesand poorest (1/3) the teadingexportof one-third of countries."lt is the only targe sectorwhere poor countrieshaveatwaysposteda surptus.This can be attributed to the fact that it is in these poor or underdeveloped countrieswhere a huge portionof thesenaturaland unexploredareascan stitl be found.Furthermore,it is atsoin thesecountrieswhere the presenceof rich cultural heritageand traditions can be foundand indigenousfotk arts and ethniccommunitiesstilt exist. Demandfor ecotourismvacationsis now increasingbecauseit hasprovento be an appropriatestrategyfor addressingthreats to conservationtargets and at the sametime demonstratedthat tourismneednot be massiveand destructive.As a result, ecotourismdestinationsand activitiesare now the mostsought-aftertrip for atl typesof travelers. The increasein mediaexposureto naturalareasaround the wortd has resuttedin people's craving to see naturat areas and authentic beforethey disappear. culturaland traditionatarts/performances Ecotourism/nature tourism is growinggtobattythree (3) times faster than tourism industry as a whote.36 Sun and sand resort has now "matured" as a market. In comparison,"experientiat"tourism,whichincludesecotourism,nature, heritage, cutturat, rurat & community tourism and soft adventuretourism, is amongthe sectorson the rise rapidly at present. Eventravet to visit novel and remote ecotourismdestinationshad postedan increasingtrend. There is atways somethingto offer for everyone.

'" World TourismOrganization. WorldTourismBarometer.January2005.p.2 ri Mastny,TreadingLightLy:NewPathsfor International Tourism,Wortdwatch Paper159 (Washjngton, DC:Wortdwatch Institute,December 2001) 36WortdTourismOrganization, pressrelease,June2004.




The proposedprovincialecotourismframeworkis anchoredon Biodiversity Conservation and SustainabteDevetooment.Ecotourismis a kind of tourismthat conservesthe environment and improves the wetfare of the [oca[ peopte. Ecotourismdevetopmentcoutd result to: (1) sourceof tivetihoods;(2) non-farm tivelihoodopportunities;(3) educationand training; (4) enterprises;(5) cuttural enrichment;and (6) improvedheatthcare,infrastructureand servicesto name a is the primary few. Thoughconservationand managementof the naturatresources goal in ecotourism,it cannotbe deniedthat it is seenas a movetowardspoverty atteviationand reduction. The expectationon what tourismcan giveis high.Tourismundeniabtyptays a big part in the economy. In 20-04,tourism contributedgtobattyan estimatedS 5.49trittion of economicactivity." lt is consideredas the largestbusinesssector in the wortd economy that approximatelyemptoys 200 mittion -people, and accountsfor one in every12 or eight percent(8 %)of jobs wortdwide.'o In Donsot,severalresidentshad startedoperatinghomestays wheretourists peak can be accommodatedduring monthsof the whate sharkseason.The boat operatorsand interaction officers for whate sharkwatchingand interaction are tocals who had undergonetraining and are certified by the TourismCouncit. Operatorsof the transport sector are mainly tocat residentsand severalfood haveoperatedatongthe tourist area.Ownersof the five (5) resorts establishments tocatedatongDancalanBeach,inctudingthe staff emptoyed,are att residentsof Donsot.Servicessuchas massageare avai(ablewhereintocal masseurs are on catt status. SeveralsouvenirshoDscan be found near the TourismOffice that offers arts and crafts madeand producedin the province. Ecotourismis seen as a tool for sustainabtedevetopmentthroughproper management,protectionand conservationof naturaland cutturatresourceswhite for the locat people. Local at the same time generatingjobs and businesses residentscan be employedas tourist guides,boatmenor makehandicraftsto sett to visitorsas souvenirs.Ecotourismfostering entrepreneurship amongthe locats can contribute to increasingproductivityof the peopte,economicdevetopment and povertyreduction.

" wotto travetano rounsmLounctL.r ravetandTourismForgingAhead:Executi\€Summary (London,2004ip.4. It MinletReport, "Ecoand EthicalTourism.UK",October2001.

Possibtetinkinqof tourismproductsin the Drovince


opportunitiesexist to expandtinkageswith existingtourist sites and other under-utitizedand emergingtourism destinationsin the provincewith tourism potentiats.This is very important becauseas it is Donsolhasthe monoPotyof the market. The chattengeis how to protongthe stay of tourist in Donsoland to encouragethem to visit other ptacesin the province. Each municipatity has its own unique tourism potentiat' However the tourism potentiat is targely unreatizedfor several reasonsinctudinga tack of coordinationamongthe different ptayersin the industry.One strategyseen is to ctusterthe tourismproductsin the provinceand identify their niches. whate shark sightingis not within Donsolonty. The gentte giantscan b€ observedin Pltar and Casti(ta,too' Besidesthe whate sharks,Donsotatso has fireflies, severalfalts and a vast mangrovearea. Pitar in contrast boastsof its agritourism,river cruisingand caves,white Castittahas Mtd duck.watchingand diving sites to showoff. Despitethe fact that the three municipatitieshavetie whate sharksas a commonproduct, each has its own unique potentiat tourisn Droductsother than the whatesharks.This ctusteringcan create a tour package whereinwhatewatchingcan be arrangedin Pitaror Castittawhite the interaction is in Donsol.Logicatty,side visits to the varioustourism productsof each of the three municiDaiitiesmust be inctuded in the itinerary. This approachwould promoteand supportother underutitizedand unknowntourismproductsa\raitabte in other partsof the Province. The ctusteringof the products shoutd not be tooked at as setting for competitionbut rather to comptementand supPtementeach other' Linkingof tourismproductsin the provincewitt facititate and coordinateon-timeand quatity deliveryof tourismservices.

andProbtems Gaps,lssues .

visitorcenters tourismstructureandqovernment Lackof tourismoDerators,

is the lack of a The mainditemmaon the part of the [oca[government authorityandsufficienttymanage'imptementand tourismstructureto administer monitor an ecotourismprogram.Thoughsome municipatitieshave Tourism

and lackingin mandateto achieve but they are usuattynot-functionat Councits, of its creation. the purpose Thelackof government visitorcentersis anotherfactorthat wasobserved. Visitorcenters,wherevitat informationcouldbe obtainedandbe madeavailabte locatedsothat touristscanhavetimetyaccess to tourists,shoutdbe strategicalty to tourisminformationwhenneeded. are mostly tour Currentptayersin the tourism industry of Sorsogon present, percentage of tourists' onty a smatl operatorsfrom Atbay. At Mostof the profit goesto the tour expenditures remainto the tocalcommunity. operators,where the greater percentageof the tourist expendituresgoes. thisreduces benefitsto the locality. Convenely, . Mosttourismproducts throuehout the vear arenot operational/availabte shoutdbe Ecotourismin the province,to be viabl.eand sustainabte, yearround.Theseasonatity is a of existingtourismproductsin Sorsogon avaitabte province remains unsustainabte. factor why the tourism industry in the for Donsol whate touristsusuatlyarrivein Jutyto August.Peakseason Internationat is fromMarchto May.Locattouristson the otherhandcome watching/interaction is almostzeroat the duringthe summermonths,Visitorarrivatduringrainyseason province. the Majorityof the numerous beaches andresortsscatteredthroughout beachresortshad resortedto instatlingvideokeand drinkingbarsto generate incomeduringleanmonthsso that theywon't temporarilyctoseshop.Tourismin after the whatesharkseason; asa resutttourismestablishments Donsolhibernates people, whetheremptoyed directtyor indirecttyareaffected. andthe local entrepreneurial thrust sti(t shouldnot affect the customary Ecotourism's of the localsevenif they haveto adaptto the needsof the tourists. tivetihood the incomeof the local is seennot to reptacebut ratherto supptement Ecotourism havethe tendencyto whetherit is farmingor fishing.Localcommunities residents on ecotourism astheir solesourceof income.Erraticevents be totattydependent mightunfavorabty affectthe tourismftow andsubsequentty like seasonal changes the locaIeconomy.



facitities Not att destinationshavebasicnecessarv

Presenceand availabitityof visitor facilities and servicesis a major feature of a viable tourism product. The expectationsof visitorsshoutdbe futfitted, and preferabtyexceeded,by the activities,servicesand facititiesoffered. ownersare insensitiveto the needs Someresortand businessestabtishment of the visitors. Sometimesthe carrying capacity of the site is insufficient to accommodate largenumberof touristspresentin the area. Facititiesshoutdnot be exactly state of the art, but should rather blend with the naturat and existing environment.Luxurioustourismfacitities might destroyand atter the atmosphere thus precautionshoutdbe practiced in making renovationsand improvements. Basic amenities shoutd inctude presenceof adequate ctean restrooms,safe drinkingwater, cteanand convenientrestaurants,environmentfriendtystructures, equipmentand furniture. Servicesavaitabteshouldconsistof medicaland first aid facilities, fire prevention,safetyand securitymeasures,implementationof a sotid is stitl waste managementand disposalsystemto name a few. Communication tackingin someareas and accessto sites is sometimesdifficutt due to timited vehicletrips. LikeMseto be consideredis the quatity and levelsof seMces and facilitiesoffered. Absenceof basicnecessary facitities may result to overcrowding,excessive developmentand environmentatrisksand degradation. .

lnsufficientinformation.weakpromotionand marketchannets

An extremety important side of good eco-tourismpractice is educating onesetf about the destination prior to departure. Learningabout the history cutture, languageand naturat environmentof the destinationaids both cutturat interactionand appreciationof locat ecosystems.Informationshoutdbe availabte from libraries,tour operators,tourismofficesand visitorcenterson arrival. Most tourism destinationsin the Drovince lack information materials. where visitorscan Existingbrochuresneedto be updatedand improved.Signages get basictourism informationon how to reach tourism destinationsare lacking. Eventourismofficesand visitor centersdo not haveupdatedinformationmaterials and hassle-free to the tourists. to hetpmakethe visit easier,moremanageable Touristscomemaintyto Donsoldue to the whalesharksand becauseit has promoted tocatty and internationattywith assistancefrom the heavity been


in internationattourism of Tourism. Donsolhad its shareof exposures DeDartment and travet magazines,tetevisiondocumentaries,write'ups in major nationaland and personaltestimoniesof satisfiedvisitorsto namea internationatnewspapers, have littte knowtedgeon what other tourism few. Visitorsto Donsolneverthetess sites and destinationsexist in the provinceoutsideof Donsol.Furthermore,Yery tittte is knownon what a tourist can do on a particutarsite. As mentionedin the resuttsof the visitor survey,numerouseco-tourismactivities, inctudingcultural and traditionalperformances,are avaitabtein other partsof sorsogon.However,a targeportionof touristshad no idea that theseactivitiesare beingofferedand are Dossibte. Promotionsare activities that communicatethe merits of the tourism productand therebypersuadethe target marketto visit or experienceit. The lack of sufficientinformationavaitableto touristsis reftectiveof the weak promotion and marketingof tourism destinationsin the province.Brochures,ftyers, tetramedia (radio, tetevision,print and etectronic),and the internet (webpageand enews(etter)are examplesof marketingmateriatswhich needsto be improvedand upgraoeo. Linking with different tourism estabtishmentslike hotets, restaurants' airtines,busand train terminals,tourist informationcenters'travet agencies,tour oDeratorsand even through internet is one approach of marketing tourism p;oducts. The absenceof coordinationand tinking with tourism destinations ihrough market channetsis noticeabtein the provincethus delivery of tourism servicesis more often detayedand uncoordinated.This is atso one factor why timely and accurateinformationdoesnot reachthe tourists. .

Levelof socialand DotiticalsuDDort

Evenat nationaltevet,tourismplannersproposedthat for ecotourismto be sustainabte,fewer interventionsshoutdbe made by the governmentsector and more involvementin the private sector is encouraged.The probtemis actualty potiticatin nature.The tevet of supportfrom the tocatgovernmentis dependent on the officiat'sor administration'stenure. Sinceecotourismis a communitybasedeffort, tourismdevetopmentshoutd benefitthe locatcommunitysincethe destinationis wherethe communitycan atso be found.The (ocatresidentsshoutdbenefit atsofrom ecotourismand not just the resort ownersand tour operators. When residentsreceivebenefitsthey usuatty supportecotourism,even protecting the site againstintrusion. However,if the

poputacebears the costs without receivingbenefits, they often turn against ecotourismand might detiberatetyor unintentionatlydamage the attraction. When, after a number of years, the residents in the community see few improvementsexcept that a smatl minority has grown richer, questioningand frustration erupts. It is important to gaugethe readinessof the communityfor ecotounsm. For ecotourism,emphasisis on the cooperationand coltaborationnot just between the governmentand private sector but more importantty, \a'ith tocat communities.Getting the cooperationof the communityis crucial and changing the outtookof the peoptetowardecotourismdevelopmentin their areawitl not be very difficutt if the objective is apparent. Ecotourismis basedon stakehotders ratherthan the shareholders. .

Weakaddedvalueto product

Target goatsfor any tourism product shoutdbe to improvethe abitity to receivemorearrivatsand to is alsoimportantto add vatue to the product. This is of courseto generatemore revenuesfor the benefitof the community. Findingsfrom the visitor surveyshowedthat touristssetdomstay longeron the different tourism sites except in Donsot,Locationof tourism estabtishments such as accommodationand food services are far from tourism sites, in occupancyrate is relativetylow. Avaitabtearts and craftsin souvenir consequence, shopscan also be bought in Albay provinceat a much cheaper price and so such and performances in this sectorare stow. Culturalpresentations transactions as traditionatdances,folk songs,rituatsinctudingtraditionatheatingare availabte ho',vever,the tack of informationpreventedevery one of touristsinterviewedto witnessand experienceanyof these. To increasetourism revenues,adding vatue to existing tourism products mustbe considered.Additionalthingsand ancittaryservicesthat can be offeredto tourists,asidefrom the usuatand ordinary,must be incorporatedand as muchas possibtebe providedby the tocal residentsand not be importedfrom outsideof the locatity. Currentsituationof the tourist market in the provinceshowedthat teakages occurand onty a smatlpercentageof tourist expendituresare left to the communl!v.


Conclusion touristsarrivedon ninehundredandfony fiYe(45,945) Forty"fivethousand twelve(1,512) five hundred and province thousand in 2005, of whom one Sorsogon province visited foreigntouriststo the areforeignnationats.Att of the registered consistent with These figures are watching and interaction. Donsot for whateshark prospects the of Tourismwhichrecognizes earlierprojectionby the Department The tourist marketof destination. potential as an ecotourism of Donsot and Sorsogonattracts and fascinatesa wide range of travetersand visitors. this is the potentialmarketthat the provincehopesto captureand Accordingty, annualgrowthin touristarrivats industry.An increasing enticefor its ecotourism yearsis pOected. overthe nextseverat emerging tourismin the provinceis mosttymasstourism.However, Existing to Most of the tourists tourismis apparent. andeducation marketfor nature-based the provincewereyounghencethe growinginterestfor adventuretourismwas sitesandactivitiesin a goodnumberof the ecotourism atsonoted. Unfortunatety, andunderutitized, remainlargetyunexptored sorsogon emptoyees, cotlege A targe portion of the touristswere professionals, province have the tourists to the Therefore,majorityof andbusinessmen. students travetersand betongto the upperincome highereducation,are experienced travel werereftectiveon the visitor'sPreferences, bracket.Thesecharacteristics The choicesof activities behavior,motivationand type of activitiesundertaken. werere(atedto, andresuttedfrom,tourists'motivations. anddestinations in Donsol of the starspecies existsbecause At present,tourismin Sorsogon (eco-adventure) in the province,for and for the rest of the touristdestinations (masstourism)andsightseeing.Effortsto expandthe tourismproduct swimming in the provinceshoutdbegin with the appreciationthat there are existing exist to expand Dotentialtourismsiteswhichcan be developed.Opportunities potentials. province Mth tourism in the areas with other under-utitized tinkages A breakdownof tour operatorcostsshowsthat onty 28.6 % of tourist the province.Asmostcostsare for a whotedaytouractualtyreaches expenditures increases tours,a higherpriceor longerdurationsignificantly fixedfor packaged go profit margin.However,profit margins maintyto tour operators,conversety to the tocatcommunity. benefitsto the province,specificatty reducing


is the most poputarand visitedby both tocat The whatesharkeco-adventure and foreign tourists. However,other sites of potentiat tourism remain underutitized. Numerouseco-tourism activities, inctuding culturat and traditionaI performances,are availablein other parts of Sorsogon.Stitt, a targe portion of tourists had no idea that these activities are being offered and are possibte. lronicatty,basedon the study,there existsa marketfor thesekindsof activities.



RECOMMENDATION ecotourismshoutdbe improvingthe province' Target goalsfor Sorsogon's abitity to capture more tourism revenuesand receiving more arrivals on a sustainabtebasis.The sotutionto ture touristsinto the provinceis to niche the tourisminto more specificgroupsand offer the different market segmentswhat experiencethey want to Pay for. Precaution,however, should be made on and destrofng the environment, without compromising maximizingthe resources to devetopecotourismin the province Specificinterventionsrecommended shouldstriveto: f. imoroveDataColtection Accuratevisitor statisticsis an important instrumentfor planningtourism and ecotourismdevetopment.Tourist destinationswith a singtepoint of entry offer opportunityfor cottectionof data. However,Sorsogonprovince,being the last provincein Luzonlstandand gatewayto the Visayas,hasnumerouspointsof entry. As such,data on visitor arrivatsin the provinceare inaccurate.There are gaps in the coltection method being emptoyed. Though there is cLearlyan increasinggrowth rate in the tourist arrivatsto the province,the number may or overestimated. either be underestimated Touristsideatly must register individuatty.They shoutdregister at entry pointsor on VisitorCenter/slocatedalongtourist corridor.Theseare atongroutes wheretouristswitt naturatlypassor travel whenthey visit Sorsogon. Visitor data co[ection shoutd go beyond basic visitor demographics.It knowtedge shouldinctudegettingthe tourists' motivationsfor comingto Sorsogon, province, (if with a guideor behavior they are travel and informationabout the not)Jptanneditineraryand durationof stay.

Ecotourismplannersand managersneedto look further than the guestbook can be used, that visitorsare askedto sign in tourism offices. Correspondence includinge-mailand the tourismguestbook,to developpracticatsummaryreports for improvementsToo often officiats on tourists'commentsand recommendations neither consuttthis information nor deYelopany frameworkto incorPoratethe into concreteaction. comDliments 2, devetoDfunctional ecotourismstructure and formutate Drovinciatecotourism framework The estabtishmentof a functionalMutti-sectoratTourismCouncits,headed by a Tourism Officer, to manage, imptement and monitor the ecotourism programs/poects from the provinciatdown to the municipallevetsis a priority. An Integrated Ecotourism DevetopmentPtan for the Province shoutd be formutated.This woutd serve as the basisfor the ecotourismframeworkto be enactedand imptementedin Sorsogon,The EcotourismCodewould providethe tO Overseeand monitor the tourism productsand ensurethat minimum DO[iCies standardsfor the tourism industry are met. The ptan shoutd focus on the differentiation and complementationof tourism potentiats in each of the municipatiti es. The ecotourismframeworkaimsat achievingbiodiversityconservationgoats devetopmentto the locaIcommunity.Involvement white providingsocio-economic and participation of the communitiesin tourism devetopmentand service is expectantand expected. 3. createproduct-marketmatch The need to reatty know the target tourists or market segmentsis imperative in marketing. Productpositioningwoutd dependon who the target segmentsare. Creatingproduct-marketmatch is calted for becausethis woutd cLassifywhat activities would "fit" to the target market segments.The "fit" definesthe valueof the product. Knowledgeof what the touristswant and look for in a tourist destination are major concernsfor tourism ptanners.ldentifyingthe target market segment providesptannersideason what activitiesare ideal and woutdbe favored.Young touristswould Dreferadventuretourismand theseare can be foundat the Bulusan VotcanoNaturalParkwhere activitiessuchas mountainctimbing,kayaking,forest


trekkingand the likesare possibte.Studentsand peoptedoingresearchon marine woutd took for educationtourism and the Prieto DiazMangroveand ecosystems FishSanctuaryis an ideal site. Thoseinterestedin exotic ftora and faunawoutdgo for nature tourismand the BVNP,Donsotfor whale sharkwatching/interactionor the PNOCEco-Darkare recommendeddestinations.Theseare but a few of the Droduct-marketmatch which can be made based on existing, emergingand provinceand the type of market segments potentiattourismproductsin Sorsogon howevershoutdbe on what witt work Emphasis identified at the visitor survey. bestin the areaand not just becauseit is a goodidea and a dupticationof other areas.The ecotourismproductshoutdbe uniqueand buitdson the strengthsand attmctionsof the area. 4. devetoDtour packages Thereis recognitionthat very littte of the moneyspentby touristsremains at or near the destinationitself. Commonestimateis that tessthan ten percent (10%)of tourist spending remains in the community near the ecotourism destinations.This is due to tourism teakagesthat occur. Severatapproachescan be employedto deat with and reduce leakagesfrom existing tourism on the province. Accordingto the breakdownof tourist expenditureson the visitor survey conducted,35 % of the presentedpackagedtour cost goesto the tour operator based at another province. sadty, the tour itinerary does not merit reat appreciationof the tourismsitesvis'iteddue to inapproPriatechoicesand the very short time of stay altotted on the different sites. This practice is against deeperinteractionand interpretationto make ecotourism'sfacet that encourages learningmoreinterestingand satisfying. Devetopingtour packagesis one approach to reduce leakages.Tour operatorsfrom the provinceshould develoPand promote tour packagesin the provincethat are appropriateand fitted to the target marketsegments.Whoelse have more exDertiseon what is the correct itinerary but the Sorsoganons themsetves.Tour packagesdevetopedshoutdmaketouristsstay longerand spend province.Longerstay would resultto an increasein tourist more time in Sorsogon spendingon the province.Pricingmust atso be competitiveto encouragemore touriststo come. Tour packagesshoutd be created for more specific students groups. nature Examplesof these are packagedtours for students,young professionats,


and andevengeneraltouristswhojust seethe hightights tourists,hikers/trekkers sceneries of anarea. neededin devetoping a tour programor itineraryinctude Considerations ptacesof interestto be visited, determining the ctientprofite,tistingof proposed detailson food durationof tour/stay,hotet/resortcategory(whenappticabte), guideor escort activitiesto be inctuded,modeof transportation, arrangement, of ancittaryservices. requirement andavaitabitity what they Touristsatisfaction is achievedwhenthe touristsexperienced exDected andhadDaidfor. 5. increase Droductadded-value strategyto make Oneof tourism'sgoalsis to increase that woutdprotongtheir stayandvisit touristsstaylongeris to offertour packages of increasing visitor'sdurationof The consequence the other sitesin Sorsogon. tourists'expenditures, Visitorsareencouraged to stayin the provinceis increased Thinking of additionat things to offer to staytongerand obviouslyspendmore. to guarantee that leakages tourists,other than the usual,mustbe incorporated areminimized. Tourists,[oca[andforeignatike,desirefor tourismactivitieswhichnot only Ecotourists, satisfytheir eyesbut atsosupponandbenefitthe localcommunities. tocat often support the significance of tourism benefiting residents. asconsumers, of the community is imperativeandchanging the wayof Gettingthe cooperation purpose devetopment witl be easy if the is thinkingof the localstowardecotourism for tocatpoputation to participate ctear.Thisis a situationwhereopportunities part of the ancittaryservices more in the industryas owners,operatorsand of the ski(lbaseof residentsso they can be professionalty throughdevetopment asguides,serviceproviders, createandsetthandicrafts employed.Localresidents of addingvatueto the tourismproductin the area. arebut a few examptes entrepreneurship and Povertyreductionis seenas an effectof encouraging participation in the tourismindustryamongthe tocals. increased

6. devetoptourismproductsprofessionattv Tourism products shoutd be devetopedprofessionattyto ensure quatity, and competent retiabitityand safety.This takesaccountof havingknowtedgeabte providers. and front line service Training and capability buitdingto stakeholders managers,staff and other emptoyeesshoutdbe doneon a regularbasis.Training and capabititybuitdingof communitiesfor serviceindustry is likewiserequired. Customizedtraining for stakehotders- guides,hotet/resort owners,homestays, transport groups,food catering and services,etc - is transtatedto improved detiveryof tourismseMcesand tourist-readypersonne[. Devetoomentof Darametersand standards for the assessmentand monitoringof ecotourismproductson a regutarbasisis recommendedto ensure the quatity and levetsof servicesand facitities.Accreditationof tourismproducts and DeriodicrenewaIof accreditationis atsocattedfor.

VisitorCentersandstrenethen andmarketchannets 7. imDrove Dromotion Verytittte information canbefoundon whata touristcando andcanfind in parts province. of the FuttyequippedVisitor Centersare necessary to other provideinformationto tourists.Thesecentersare wheretravetersare oriented and educatedabout tocat rutesand customs.Theseefforts witl help resotve probtemsbeforethey arise. Briefingmateriats,mapsand marketingmateriats shoutd beavaitabte in thesecenters. A strongerand improvedmarketingand promotionof tourismproducts Activitiesthat communicate the meritsof the touristsitesand shoutdbe prepared. persuade necessary. Moreresutts-oriented the touriststo visit it are considered marketingscheme like catering to internet transactionsin bookingsand marketingmateriats- brochures,through reservations,improving/updating tetra media(radio,tetevision,print and etectronic)- and internet (webpage), with marketchannets shouldbe considered. buitdinga strongtinkandcoordination A viabte businesssenseis neededfor ecotourismto be comDetitiveand sustainable.

ral Parkand Donsot interestto touri

ich are currentI

Interventionsto improveeco'tourismdevetopmentshouldinctude, among others, expandingtinkagesbetween the BulusanVotcanoNaturat Park and the whatesharkin Donsolv/ith other existingtourismin the provincethroughimproved visitor's accessto information, strengthenedmarketing and promotion, and creationof packagedtoursto matchpotentiaImarketsegments.In this case,other potentiattourismsites may benefit as we(l with the tourist inftow to Donsotand thc BVNP. Anotherimportant factor is improvingopportunityfor local poputationto participatemore in the industry as owners,operatorsand part of the ancittary seMces through devetopmentof the skitt base of residentsso they can be professionally emptoyed.Thesewould consequenttyadd value to the ecotourism product. Linking of tourism products woutd facititate coordination,improve visitor's accessto information and a more efficient and effective detivery of tourismservices.This woutd atsodeat with the probtemon seasonalproductsas touristswilt be presentedoptionsto choosefrom with the avaitabitityof other tour tourism sites and activities being offered. This woutd pave the way for the provinceto receivemorearrivatson a sustainablebasis Sorsogonhas a promisingfuture on ecotourism,howeverthe steps and actionsthat the stakehotdersmake woutd decide the outcomeof the province' gains. The challengeis for the community,the businesssector and the tocat govemmentto promoteawareness, acceptanceand participationon ecotourism.



Titte Distributionof lnterviewsConductedat Setected





TouristArrivatsin the Phitippines



Mapof the Provinceof Sorsogon



VisitorArrivalsin Sorsogon Province



VisitorArrivatsto Donsot



VolcanoNatural VisitorArrivatsin the Bulusan Park(BVNP)



Ageand SexDistributionof Respondents



Profession/Occupation of Respondents


Pointsof Entryto the Phitippines 10

Province Pointsof Entryto Sorsogon


Siteof FirstTimeVisitto Sorsogon


AdditionatInformationand Intereston Sorsogon




for Hiringa Guideon FirstTimeTravet Reasons to Sorsogon



HinderingFactorsfor VisitingOther Partsof



LISTOFTABLES Table Number Titte 'l TouristArrivatsin the Provinceby Countryof





ResDondents' Countrvof Residence



Ecotourism Activities Offered and Market Preferences


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Lindberg,K. and D. Hawkins(1993r.Ecotourism:A cuide for ptannersand llanagers-NorthBennington,VT.: TheEcotourism Society Lindberg,K. (1991,Policiesfor lAoximizingNatureTourism'sEcoloeicol and Economic Benefits.Washington, D.C.:WortdResources Institute. part1. ptaneta Mader. Ron.Defending theTourists, Forum. at Dlaneta.qqm Mastny,Lisa,TreadingLightty:Newpathsfor Internationat Tourism,Worldwatch Paper159(Washington, DC:Worldwatch Institute,December p. 37 2OO1]), Meriam-Webster Dictiona ry MintetReport."EcoandEthica(Tourism-UK',, October2003 MORI,Package Hotidays, MORI,September ZOO2. privatemanuscnpr. Murphy,PeterE. (1985).Tourism:A Community Approach. Navarro,D.B. (1998).FeasibitityStudyon a Community-based Sustainabte EcoparkandSurrounding tourismin the Butusan VolcanoNationa( Communities. LIKAS, Inc.lrosin,Sorsogon. Ong,Jaqueline. 2007.Ecotourism in the phitippines: A Sustainabte Atternative? at www.birdwatch,ph Seminar"Workshop ptan for Sorsocon on Devetoping an IntegratedEcotourism Province. LIKAS-RIDGE, Mahartika Highway, lrosin,Sorsogon, June16-17, ?005. ,, Onlinearticte.29 August Travetbiz,"Greenis Goodfor HotetBusiness, 2002. http//www.travetbiz. /artcles/ 14lOc010614. asp.Referencing lHEi,2002. Tearfund,"Tourism- an Ethicatlssue:Market ResearchReport,,,Tearfund, London, January 2000. TheInternational Ecotourism Society.Ecofourism FoctSheet UnitedNationsEnvironment Programme,,,Economic lmpactsof Tourism,,'at


WortdTravelandTourismCouncil,TravelandTourismForgingAhead:Executive (London, 2004) Summary June2, 2004. WortdTourismForum,Prague, CzechRepubtic, Wortd







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WortdTourismBarometer, January 2005 WortdTourism Organization, Development". 19th WortdTourismOrganization, "Tourism,a Forcefor Sustainable Economic Forum,Prague, June2, 2004 OSCE CzechRepubtic, pressretease, June2004. WortdTourismOrganization, andProfitesof MarketSegments", WorldTourismOrganization, "GtobatForecasts 2001. Vol7, Tourism2020Vision,Madrid:WTO,



and the motivaUons The fottowing -ofinformationis beingrequestedto learn more abou-t Your sites wjthin. specific vjsjtor' to the Provjnceof sorsogonand "*oe|.j"nc"' *i r ihis surveyis greattyappreciated' """it" Site: lnterviewerInitials:

Surveyf (Pleasecheck): BasicInformation

Gender Male Female


Profession/Occupation: iShat

is yourcountry/ptaceof originl a) Foreign: - residents of the Phjlippjnes: Domestic b) Fjtipinonationat natjonaL c) Foreign d) Batikbayan

jn L Whatwas YourPojntof entry the Phitippines?

3. WhatwasyourPointof entryjn the of Sorsogon? Province

a) NAIA AirPort Internat't b) Davao AirPort c) CebuInternat'l AirPort Internat't d) Laoag e) others,ptsspecifya) Matnog b) Pitar c) Butan(fromMasbate) d) AtbaY

jrfthe -) Lessthana week 7. Howtongwittyoubetraveung b) 1 week Phjtippines?

i- Howmanydayswjtl youspendin the of Sorsogon? Province

5. Howmanydaysdid Youstayin the (porticularsite or placevisited-see choices)? for WhaleShark a) Donsol

c) d) e) f) a) b) c) d) e) f)

2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks others,specjfy1 day 3 days 1 week 2 weeks onemonth others,specify-

not anacotd5prin8.lrosin b ) r*a-teo RizaIBeach,Gubat o ) Mangroveand fish sanctuary,Prieto Diaz ButusanVotcano Natural Park and Lake,Bulusan f) Beaches of sta Magdatena Pts specify_TolongapoBeach,Bacon Beach,Butusan n ) Dancalan tl

site 6. Didvouinow aboutlporticuLor before or piocevisited seechoiggs)

iirivinCin tnePhilippines/Sorsogon?

Donsolfor WhateShark MateoHot andCotdSpring,lrosin Beach,Gubat RizaL Mangroveand flsh sanctuary.P'ieto Diaz e) ButusanVotcanoNatural Park and Lake,Butusan f) Beaches of sta Magdatena, Pts sPecifY-.

a) b) c) d)

Bacon Beach, Totongapo Butusan Beach, Dancatan

Tllowiia youfirstlearnabout \particularsiteor Dlacevisited'see

internet D ) friends/associates choicesl? - books,magazlnes materia[s reading a)-Ton6tfor WhateSnark lrosin d ) reiatives/famities b) MateoHotandCotdSPring, / accidentat experience backpacking earUer Gubat Beach, c) Riza( Prieto f ) maps and fish sanctuary, di Mangrove c a n ' tr e m e m D e r Diaz and Park Naturat Votcano h) e) Butusan Lake,Butusan f) Beachesof Sta Magdalena,Pls specifyBeach,Bacon Totongapo Butusan Beach, Dancatan

Others,PlssPecify. 8. What madeYoudectdeto come ano

visit lthe particularsite of ploce visited)? a)-To-rvolfor WhateShark bi MateoHotandcotdsprjng,lrosjn Gubat c) RizatBeach, fish sanctuary,Prjeto and Mangrove dj Dlaz

a) b) c) d) e) f)

starspecles for peaceandrelaxatjon for adventure vacatlon famityreunjon freshair naturalDea

e) BuG;-n votcano t'latural Park and Lake,Bulusan f) Beaches of Sta Magdalena' Pts specify'Beach,Bacon Totongapo Beach,Bulusan n ) Dancalan pLs sPecifY. Others, r)

9, Howwouldyourateyourabltltyto speakFjtipino?Bicot?

h ; t f r ec o r n p a n y / tboe w r t hf r i e n d s i) Others



a) A tittte c) Fajr d)Good

c) f alr d) Good

b) some

e) E^-etlent

10. How manypeopteare you travetlng with? 11. Didyou travetwith a 8ur0ecurlng your first time in the Province?

Bikot a) A tjttle

bl lorle

e) r\.elle.t

l,,l"lit'ou""hireyour sujde?wherewasyourguidefrom? ()No

yourdecisionto tTWtrailnTtuenced travet,(ornot to travet)with a guide?


to travelwith guide jn biggroup a) traveung safety& comfort b ) N o n f a r n j t l a r j t y w ibt h) c o s t / b u d g e t

ToiraGf wiiF gulie

c) not lnterested'wants ptace p l a c e to travetindePendentLY i n first tirner d) moreexcjtement o l other e) can't fjnd reaLguide f) Noneed- with PeoPte f a mj I i a rw ] t hp i a c e g, uLrrqrr--

'13.over-aLt, howmuchmoneyoo You expectto spendduringyourtravets or phP in the PhjtiPPines? T4. HowmuchmoneyhaveYousPent (Ptease duringyourvisitto Sorsogon? TransPort: includeall costs) Accommodation Guide Food Handicrafts Fees Others(Pts.sPecifY) '13.Wheredid youtraveton yourtirst time in the Province?

snart roiwnate a) oonsot

lrosin b) MateoHotandcotdSpring, Gubat c, RizatBeach,


andfish sanctuary,PrietoDiaz d ) Mangrove Butusan Votcano NaturalParkandLake,Bulusan ptsspecify_ f) Beaches of 5taMagdatena, Beach,Bacon Totongapo Beach,Butusan n , Dancatan

r ) Others,ptsspecify. 1 4 ,Wheredid yousleep?

CjtyHotel. a) In a Legazpj a CityHotei b) In Sorsogon c) Withinthe area,pteasespecify

'15.Didyoupurchase anyartsandcrafts your durinq trip? oNo Yes 16.Didyouor yourguidearrangefor any performed activjtyto be a ) Dancing traditionaI especiaLty for yourtrip? o , Singing, c ) Ritual,ptsspecify session d ) Heating e ) Others,ptsspecify No 17.Didyouor yourguidearrangefor any O Yes specialfood to be servedduringyour


lf you can recall, what special foods you atea ) NO

you a) overwhetmed/amazed imPressjon 18.Whatjs the strangest your b) verydjfferentfrom wheretheycamefrorn haveof trip? | adventure c) interesting practices andfabtes betiefs, d) strange e) everythjngis hard for the tourists,nothjngis andinstantlyaccessjbte avajtabte f) retaxjng, cootan nice g) unexpected n) nappy j) sad i) others 19. Didyourtrjp meetyour expectations? ONo aboutothersites Moreinformation 20.Arethereanywaysthat yourtrip to guide porticulor Hired a locaL Sorsogonl b ) the Provinceof clothing c ) Broughtappropriate sife coutdhavebeenjmproved? tanguaqe or diaiect preparations, Learned a tittte of the (personaL cLothing, o) atone/in a group etc) Travelled skilts,groupdynamics, [anguage f ) Stayedin [ocaIaccommodatjons f\ 0thers, ptease specify offersa wjd€rangeof ecotourism activitiesandsitesfor of Sorsogon 21.TheProvince

indicate visitors.Please aheadof time? macleaware ()f suchopportunities were whether You or, if you undertooksuchactivil:ies? madeawareof their avaitabilitY? Or, if you would have beenint 3restedif you had been | - ^.- .ucrv

v^lta aLlnlrFq RFI r

AwareAheadof Time ( )YEs ()No

Activities 21.1Atternative/Ecotourism (festivals, otd ExpLoration 21.2CulturaL ( )YEs ( )No housesJ ' ( )YEs ()No 21.3Snorkelling/Diving ( )YES ( )No 21.4Kayaking ( )YEs ( )No Trekking 21.5Forest Exptoring ( ) Y E S ( ) N o Climbing/Cave 21.6Mountain ( )YEs ( )No Swimming 21.7seaandHotSPring ( )YES ( )No ExPosures 21.8RuratDevetoPment i^n>l Ha:lind IIYES ( )No

22. lf lne answerto anyot tne tasr1 questionsis NO.what hindersYoua hindered/

lJndertook at the Time

Wouldbe Interested



( )YES ( )No

( )YEs ( )YES ( )YEs ( )YEs ( )YES ()YEs ( )YEs ( )YES

i )No ( )No ()No ( )No ( )No ()No ( )No ( )No

()YEs ( )YEs ( )YES ( )YEs ()YEs ( )YEs ( )YEs ( )YEs

()No ( )No ( )No ( )No ()No ( )No ( )No I )No

t Didn'thaveenoughtjme in the U1Wasadvisedor heardof securityprobtems orovince/site Votcano eruptionof Bulusan c) Theimpending going tne sltes to transportation with d) Problem facjtjties/services e) Nobanking of the weather e) Theunpredictabitity f) Others,PtssPecify

in tearning O Yes Zt.mouG$u-beinterested

jnformatjonwoutdyou be interested moreaboutthe people'its cuilureand Whuttype of in?_-_--=-variousftoraandfaunaof the Province? /)No

aboutrne ElA;tAIture 24. Howshoutdinformation to visitors? b) wiidtjfe- floraandfauna provincebe madeavajlable c) the peopte Oj otner new, usuatly unadvertised,newty sltes discovered in the site/provrnce e) development f) the diatect g )o t h e r s a smatt O Yes 25, lf a VisjtorCenter,inctudlng exhibit,were Iibrarv,videos,hjstorical woutdyou O N o in the Province, estabiished |'- inrara
ramlLyrn O Yes 26. At present,not many/every ls the varioussitesin the Province from the arrjvaIof benefiting What wouLd be fund travelers.lf a localty-manage for communitY wereestablished wetfare,woutdyouobjectto a smatL ()No aspart of the cost fee beingcharged



of yourvisit to the site? that a NationatPark 27.Areyoua\,r'are Area existsin the or a Protected Province? 28. Foranyfuturetrjp in any about woutdLearning destination, or imporlant basis an nature for coming? motjvatjon

O Yes

ONo ( ) Yes a) Veryimportant lmportant b) Somewhat important but wouLdbe a bonus c) Not O No,not interested or undisturbed O Yes 29.Woulda witderness a) Veryimportant: when choosinga attractjon be an area jmportant: b) Somewhat trip? ( ) No,not important a) At teasta third 30. Howmuchof yourvacationtime b) Hatfof the time activities? be on ecotourism shouLd c) Evenontya fraction d) Evennone you like to a ) m a t t i n g 31.what otherthjngswoutd eventsand presentatjons in otherpartsof the b) socjal/cutturat seeor experience Lake you Butusan volcano,BVNP, woutd c) Exptoring that Province of Sorsogon otherrivers,mts,falls,caves,irosinhot d) Exptore wantto visitin the future? spnngs,rizatbeach e) experiencekayakinq, mountain and rock ctimbing f) a visitorcenter g ) h a v em a p sa sg u i d ea n dr ] o ' e ' n f oa b o ust i t e s andpitj h) Bikolexpress i ) s L r i Ci m t P t e m e n t a t 'oofns w i m r r ' . go u t f i t j) butanding sjtes k) otheratternative l) goodroadsandinfrastructures m ) .O t h e r s _ Thankyou

ANNEXB Province i Sors Destinationsin ial Tourism Tourism Destinations and Potential Existinc,Emereing Tourism Destination MUNICIPALITY Potential Emerqinq Existing Tataongan Beach Beach Llang BigoBeach StaMagdatena BaladingBeach NewPort Resort PamanaResort

otangoBeach UboFaus

Beach ALig-jgan


Butusan Lake Eeach Dancatan Masacrot Spring

Batatsa Uma BulusanRiver Beach Mitigabiga

BucoPass,Church Ruins/Baluarte lnaradoEcoville


sublcwhite Sand . Beach& Caves . Tiktinglstand Cabantiguian Eeaches

SabangBeach & . Cave Eddiesof Morong- . . Borongan



Padangcllff Ban"banFatLs



. . .

Forest Mangrove Dlamante PrietoDlaz

. . . .

. Nagsuroc cave sto.Domlngo (Sabang) Bakawan . Eeach seagfass reserve .

Toten tseach Beach, San Ramon Lebanon Beach, sanRamon I aritag Marine Reserve/Fish Sanctuary


. .

1874Church MangroveMarine Reserve/Fish Sanctuary

Blyong Spring Beach catayucan

Uroc A l,,lahangot Caves Fabrica Mini, waterfatts



Munting Paraiso . BeachResort Sabang Park BeachResortand

JapaneseTunnets . (barangays Sta. Remedios,Aquino & Franclsco)

Angas (harbor)

Mateoflot & Cotd . Springs St. Michaet Archanget Fiesta . Traditionat l,ledicine and . Healers

Guest Resort



. . .



MapasoSpring Mt. Jormalam/ trekking

Crystat Botos Sprjng EcoGarden/Dumpsite


Tourism Destination Existing


. . .


Bagataolsland Tinacoslslet Sta. Lourdes Grotto


Gibaton5hrine ParotaEeach

Juban-MagaLLanes ForestReserve






Kang-gutan Beach

Sorsogon City

Paguriranlsland PNOCBacman Rompeotas


Tolong-gapo . Beach DanaoLake . Bucat"bucatan spring PepitaPark

Bato Caves, Pinaculan ls(and Alemoriat Marker A Ruins at Si o Pacdo(, Brgy. Capuy markJng the otd town sites Eeaches, hotets Kayaking, regatta Leisurefishihg

. . .


Whale Shark watching & lnteraction River cruise A firefty watching Catundutan Point

Nahulugan Fatts Snorketing Site AstilletoSite


PitogoBeach san JoseCaves

Inapugan Eeach . Bantayan Beach SanRafaelBeach . PiotCaves . Castitta Caves

Astlletro/Shipyard Ruins, Pantatuan Nabuntugan Lake, Catamtangan Taraban Fatts, Cubiano . Spanish Chapet Ruins, Catamiangan . Chapel of 5t. Anthonv Note: Tourishdestintionsof Castitta.Juban nd Gubat are notI inctuded here. (Source:Seminar-Workshop on Devetoping an IntegratedEcotourism Ptanfor Sorsogon proYince, June16-17,2005)

C ANNEX Team: Membersof the MarketResearch TeamLeader-

Ms.DorotheaB. Navarro,RND,MENRM Tabon"tabon SiadeetSubdivision, lrosin,Sorsogon

Assistants' Research 1.

Guzman Ms.AuroraR.Chavez-de lrosin Buenavista, 4707Sorsogon

E.Dominguiano z. Ms.Annabe(te lrosin Bacotod, 4707Sorsogon

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