Business Planning Workshop 2008

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  • Pages: 59
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Provinceof Sorsogon ECOTOURISMBusinessPlanningWorkshop LIKAS-RIDGE,Irosin, Sorsogon June11-112008

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List of Participants Name

1. DanteJ. Bonos 2. Ari G. Grajo 3. NoelMercado 4. EstrellaFortes 5. VictorBarberan 6. ZosimoGamba 7, AlbinoEspano 8. PhilipBartilet 9. ReynaldoFulleros

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10.Ruben Gonzalas 11.Veronica Gallanosa 12.Salvador Jao 13.ArlieCoranes '14.Eduardo Tejada


15.RobertoDerla 16.NormaEmata '17. JoanDeticio

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18.ChitoDomina 19.JobVillarin 20.JoelNavora 2'1.JikiriJohnLtanera

22.Samuel Siao

Office ProvincialLGU LGU-kosin

LGU-lrosn LGU-lrosn IDTRODA President LBFBulusan LGU-Bulusan AGAP- Bulusan AGAP-Bulusan AGAP-Bulusan AGAP-Bulusan LGU-Casiguran LGU-Casiguran Casiguran Water Distdct- General Manager PNAGSAMAFederationPresident

LGU- PrietoDiaz LGU-PrietoDiaz LGU- PrietoDiaz

LGU- Pilar LGU- Pilar

LGU- Pilar LGU- Pilar(SBmember)


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Provinceof Sorsogon ECOTOURISMBusinessPlanningWorkshop LIKAS-RIDGE,Irosiry Sorsogon June11'13,2008

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DAY, - facilitated l. Arrivaland Registration byassigned secretariat members ll. OpeningCeromonies Thethree-dqyworkshopslorledol 10t30in lhe morningwjth Ms.EdnoLocso's(LIKAS Associote Directorjrecognizing lhe podiciponlsfrom lhe municipolilies of Cosiguron, lrosin, Buluson ond lhe Provinciol LGU.Porticiponls fromPrieioDioz,pilorond Sorsogon City hod not yet crnivedot this poini. The oper'lingproyer ond the singingof ihe Philippine NotionolAnihemimmediqlely foilowed. OpeninoMessoge Ms. Joji Royel"Orbose, Execulive gove the openingmessoge. Directorof L|KA5, She podiciponts welcomedlhe comingfromihe different municipoiilies of Sorsogon ond ol the sqmetime expressed her hoppinesson iheirpresence. Ms.Orbosegove o shoribockgroundon the bosisond purposeof conduciingthis workshop. Theprovinceof Sorsogon shesoidisveryrichin ecotourism siieshoweverot presentiouris'ts flock onlyin Donsolfc,rthe wholeshorks. Asit is,only Donsolbenefiisfrom ihesevisitors. In fqci, ii is Alboyihot goinsmore becouselourists cominglo Donsol would preferio polronizelourismfociliiiesond servicesin Alboy rotherihqn lhose operolingond presenlin Sorsogon. It wos in 2005thoi ihe Foundoiionfor the Philippine (FpE)come to Environmeni Sorsogon ond mode o ropidsiteossessmenl province. ihe of Shementjonedthot o mulii-seciorol IniegroiedEcoiourism Plonning Workshop wqs conducledon June2005, speorheodedby LlKAs,whereinihe resullsof lhe FpEsile ossessmenl were presenlecl. Outpulsfrom lhe workshopwere lhe formulolionof lhe provinclolVision,Missionond Siroiegic Gools on Ecoiourism;exisiing,emerging ond potenliol ecotourismsites Poge3 of 58


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mopped oui; ond proposediour pockoges.One concern ihol come oul wos insuficienldoio on ecotourismthot shouldbe ihe bosisfor o sound ecotourism progrom. in coordinoiionwith Shefurlherexplqinedthot wqs becquseof this need fhof LIKAS, TheFoundoiion foro Philippine threeof lhe biggeslfundingogenciesin ihe Philippines, Inc Environmenl the Foundotion for o sociely, ond Susloinoble {FPE), {FSSI) lhe Peoce porticipolory reseorch in 2007lowords Equity Foundotion conducied ond o {PEF), plon, Tle study hod three developing o comprehensiveSorsogonEcolourism * physicqlossessmeni componenls;{l) sile ossessmenl of ihe differeniecoiourism producisin Sorsogonprovince;(2) morkeireseorch- studyof ihe iourjsis'profile,trovel behqviourcnd moiivoiionsof visiiorsto selecied iourislsiiesin Sorsogon; ond (3) of the supportservicessuch os focililiesond lourism seciorql onolysis-qssessmenl present in Sorsogon. Theresullsof the reseorchwere presentedond vqlidoied services workshop. ll wqs duringthisqctivitythot ihe losl Augusi200/ duringo mulii-sectorol wos reviewedond revised. Themojor Vision, Mission ond SlrolegicGoolson Ecotourism ouipul wos o cleor ecolourismfrqmeworkfor the province oi Sorsogonwhich is overorching.ll wos specificof whoi ecoiourismis,whoi on ecotourismprogromis,thol it shouldbe morkeibosedond susioinoble ond lhoi lhe communilies shouldbenefii olsofromil. Losily,she hoped thoi the poriiciponisore the righi perons to be presenlduringthis workshopbecousethisisveryimpodontond lhe invitedresourcepersonison expert. Sheolsolookedforwordlhot ihe porliciponts con sloyond finishihe wholedurotionof theworkshop.Onceogoin,sheexlendedhergrotitudeto everyone. lnlroduction of Porticiponts plonningworkshop.Mr. Ms,EdnoLocsoinfroducedthe resourcepersonfor lhe business Chrjsiopher G. Lomboyholdso Moslers Monogemenifromlhe degreein Developmeni presen'ily Asioninsiiiuieof Monogemenl(AlMlond is lhe Execuiive Direclorof Punloso Too Foundolionol LosBonos,Logunq.He is o fovourilefocilitolorqnd resourceperson by big corporolions. Mr.Christopher Lomboyexploined ihe HumonBingogomeond cord (referio onnexA). gome's The mechonics isverymuchlikelhe usuolbingogame bui in fhislnsfoncethe porlicipontshove io rememberihe nome ond foce of his/herco-porticiponts. Thefirsl qn gome. one lo form X, leiler L, inveried L ond 2 odjocent rows wins the After 5 minules, Mr.BuddyJooof Cosiguron wqsdecloredihe winner. The porlicipontswere oskedto introduceindividuollyofter the gome by stolingtheir nome qnd fromwhoi ogency,office or orgonizolionthey come from.

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Mr. Lomboycommented fhol the combinotionof lhe porticiponlswos good. He is optimisiicthe groupwillbe oble lo developecolourjsmprogromsfor Sorsogonbeyond Donsol. Mr, Chris:Do we know how much revenueis generoledtrom-G wnofesno*slgiltings ond inlerociionin Donsol?Hosqnyonefromihe groupbeen in o guidedtour loteiy? Porficipontlweni on o guidedlour lo Togoyloy. Mr-Chris:Sowhot wos yourilinerorv? Porficlpqnl:We weni 'lo lhe coffee productionoreo ihen to lhe Swlzerlondspoi.After lhoi we proceededto ToolVolcono& Lokeihen ol the picnicGroveond ihe polocein the sky. Mr. Chrls:Yes.lf we con nolice, tourslikelhiswould bringyou to olmostoll plocesof interesl.ino porticulororeo. At preseni,Boholhosincreosingrevenueon loudsm,lf you visil Bohol, even the von drjverscon oct os your tourisi gujde. They ore yery knowledgeobleond the customerserviceis reollyfell. Sonogoncioimsro nqve mony tourislsiles.We shouldhorness ihosepotenliols. Exoeclotion Seiiinos Mr.Chrjsoskedlhe porticipontsio wriie down lheirexpeclolionson the followingoreos: workshop, qnd venue.Ihe porticiponts co-porticiponls would write lheir .focilitofor, responses writing) ihen discuss t'hem wilh groupmembers. {broin omong .individuolly Consolidoiedgroupoutpulswillbe wriitenon monilopcpersfor pres6niorron. ectotionCheckOul Co.PorficiDonls

PRIETO DIAZ To be obte

to Melhods must be simple ond good opportunitiesot the enough 'lo use to locol level in ierms leorn of sustoinoble ond morkei bosed ecolourSm BULUSAN -helpful Resulls odenied porlicipoiive -sysiemolic& Jriendly Jriendly -experi orgonzed -oclive -comprenenstve -open-minded


Conducive io the ociivities


tRosrN -knowledqeoble

oriicipoiive Poge5 of 58

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-noi "ningoscogon" -giveshisbest -withtime lirnii -reolistic olpul CASIGURAN

10leqm how 10 mqkeq syslemolic plonfor business ecolourismihol is oitoinobleand susloinoble

Conduciveto lo impqrt new TOSnore knowledge, experiencesreloliYe leorning opproocnes ono ideosreloiiveto lhe moller prepqroiion of o

Obiectives ond Flowof Aciivilies Presenloiion of Workshoo Mr. Lomboypresenledond exploinedihe workshopobjectives.Ai the end of ihe porliciponts workshop,lhe ore expectedto: l. Lisl ihe different externolond internolfoctors lhot influence ecoJourismin the orovlnce for ihe iqrget mqrkel 2. ldentifythe opproprioteeco-iourismproductsor senr'ices on eco-lourism 3. ldenlifyoreosof cooperotion ond colloborolion plon on their eco-tourismprogromsfor ihe provinceond 4. Prepareo drofl business iheirtowns forthe next6 monlhs. 5.Submilqn octionplonof progromimplementoiion go to Molnog? Whydon'l lourists Mr.chrls:Whyore peoplenot goingbeyondDonsol? Whol con we offerthol people con reollyfind ONLYin Sorsogon? Whotmokesit worth possible lo moke odjoceni iowns ihe irip to Sorsogonoiher lhon Donsol?ls it colloborote? Philip:I would like to suggestthoi for objeciivenumber l, lei us odd "ond ils municipoliiies" ofterthe phrose"in the province". Mr.Chrls:ll'sokov,we willoo kom the orovincedownlo ihe diiferenilowns. Theflow of oclivilieswos oresenledos:

QuoVod;s- Whereorewe no\ o c n t e v e(



Whot is ihe end we wl--\ ----\\





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Wholthe morketneeds?

sel your

Whot isyourorgonizotionol co_

Whoore your


now ore you produci or service

iorgelmorkel? How ore you going lo fin \


Who wifl deliver ihe to your lorget mqrket ?

Pu'iiing pLANpREpARATtON il ottiogelher= BUSINESS


Mr.Chrls:Inplonnjngwheredo.ffi Ms.Norms:We sloriwith the objeclives. Mr. chris:ln pronningwe need to know lhe objeciives,so we go bock ono rev*w the Visionond Mission. Whyislhe morkelimportqnt?

so ihe morkeiis veryimporroni for our $:,I::Tj'. f:gl""rismshouldyieldbusiness ousrness to succeed. Mr.Chrb:.lfyou hove the produci but if nobody buysyourproduc.lyour busrness wjllnot thereis no buyer,ihere isno business. All pi"n*i^
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Mr. Chris:I thinkthot would be on policy.Let'ssiort firsiwiih policyreseorch.Firsiyou hqve on issue,then you conduci policy reseorchofter which on ogendo will be formed. Thisogendo would be lhe groundworkfor your policy whereino resolu'iion would be is belween the policy reseqrchesqnd coming up wilh on ogendo plonsore imporfqniqnd needed. gusiness plonswould olsobe relevontin thoi business ihe formulotion of resolJtions in lhe Songgunion. Mr.Joo:AsI seeil, iourismisnol o priorityof the LGU5, ihe benefilsore not yei seen. Mr. Chris:The LGUSore very busyond iied up wiih other prognf,msond projech. lt is good thqi 'lheresre NGOslhoi are involvedin ecotourismprogroms.Are lhere tourism officesin the municipolities? Mr. Bonos:None, even o provincioltourismoffice is locking. Whot we hove is o ProvinciolTourism Council,the composiiions of which ore privoieeniiiies Mr, Chrb:Who ihen tqkescore of lourismin the municipolilies? In the province?The MunicipolPlonning ond Developmenl Council? Molorily:Yes. Mr.Chrls:Howoboui tourisiguides?Do the townshove ihese? Ms.Norms:We hoveguidesin PrietoDioz. Mr. Chds:Are lheretroiningfor HRM?How io enierloinyourguests? Do you hove lhe customerservicecullure?Upon enieringony business esloblishmenlin Botongosyou will oulomoticollybe greeted "Good Morning,sk/modom".Theyeven hove leedbock formsfor visiiorslo occomplish.Sometimesii is lhe serviceihot lhe people go fo, the level of servicebeing offered-Thereore instoncesthol ii is not ihe produci but the experiencethot ihe morkei is willing10 poy for. Ecolourismis nol o product bui o SERVICE. l'tispossibleio hove o superiorstrolegywith inferiorresources likefinonce.The bestsourceof finoncingsiroiegyis OPM-olher people'smoney.Peopleore oftrocied to good business. Suchisthe cosein Borocoythot iswhy ii isovercrowdedolreody.I om helping CongressmonChoto of ComorinesNorte right now. We hove this BIDABorongoyInitioiivesfor DevelopmenlAclion progrom.Thisis for borongoy officiolsio come up wiih theirown borongoydevelopmeniogendo.Theoblectiveof the progrom islo help borongoyofflciolslo be creoiiveond lhjnkof oiherwoysio sourceoui funds. If vourbusiness is willcome lo you ond offerfo flnonceit. Houseruleswere discussed for everyoneio obide io. Thebody come up wilh lhree ruleS: I . Beon iime.Momingsessions stodol 8:30ond oflernoonsessions end oi 5:30. Page 8 of 58


inrirent modecorlsmovbeiokenouiside ortherroinins

3. Additionol houseruleswi be oddedosihe needorises. :he momingsession Affero heorrylunch,the offernoonsession 'esumedqt l:30pm. ended ot Mr.Lomboyrc ronspked berore thelunch

;reoenerir orinJf;ii"."i,



'$i3XT::JrTiil3 Eoch o'hemuniciporiries were iffJi#::13 srouped il1-shown (Preose rerer io nnne^ inecopy eto. ortnJausr*,iir,j#"g"e."J3li:"J:,:,""1""0-o'



His/her is mor6on ousrness. The moyor movor ond .^ ^ ," ,^ ]nq9. Fo. orientotion ondrhp rhe.^,,n^ir^ft, counciro^ rore;s resisroiion i:ir".,ii,io.ilji,ll;ili scorecoro Arrheendor";;;.;"# theyeoirnuJo"rnllii|.oro|. isqssessed H:"r::,x..::::J We will iry 10clorifysome of lhe lerr

:i's*r##j""1ffi:,: *:l*i':;-*Hlixi'ijililiiiL:,"Jffi1;ffi' '""x.,fi :;ij:ff."TiJ;$i["J:;[ffi


: J"#

bariers weneed [I^7ifHlS"lH]H,ff.3H3 ro ::J';*.:l?:T?,ffi ?;5'ig We olsoneedio knowourcomo:iitiol..Li-kg in Sorsogon, youwillturetourists to go

ii ir,..",,iJ"ir;;,il; ;:l ihey hove 3:X5:r:i,n:fij:f;*"J,?J,".g",r, rhe ln everybusiness mere cre we need lo idenlifyihem qlso ond come up wiih nece55 con ActivifvI - ldenlifvingTorgetMorket

tt d;videdinto 4 groups.One representotive l-11U odverlisemenl from eoch group selecied o lIT. ewspaper clippinq. Using rne c,iopingilne group ideniifiedwho the rorgelmorket wostoreochodverliement. Aclivi

out uls:


GroupI - BMWcor

Torgelmortef-Middte io nigh =nd

Chorocferislic -symbolizesquoliiy ond Poge9 of 58


E-roup2_ LGcetlPhones

morket - ClossA ond B -clossA, B,C ond D

Chqrocierislic eleqonce -uolue odded feolures GPS like shown sYsTen0novioo'iionol lhowed differeni kind of cellphonesfrom low io high

-low rsles ond vqried the netwo{k {cunent serv€es -otfordobility subscribers)

G r o u p 3 - m o be communicqlionnetwork servicesof Globeond TMwith CesorMontonoond Michoel V osendosers

-Gtl moDfie Pnonel ulrrrv

Group4- oo'tmeol

-Closs A, B,Cond D

-oll mobile Phoneswilh openlines ,.-r^.. ^ Frr. ^nd n

-heollhconcems -orgonicfood -wiih beneiits-

Processing: ott the, - iorgeis. !lSf-.-"i9^:mltk""n" Group I - The BMW cor odverlisement of feoiire in othercouniriesBecouse this' syslemis olreodyo s'onOo'O nqviqotionol peoprJwoutaoe tomitiqrwithitsuseond ottributes' ;ilH;i#;;il'l.rirtt"erieo TheliBt cellphoneiswilh FM Group2 - TheLGod showedseverolmodelsof cellphones tneiu teotures'lhe iorgei morketfor the i.iJli*im ipt"t"'prrone, isstimoni ligilt wiin to tistenio music ond enioyshoving flrst cellphone model is the youl; ;h; ilfes the cellphonemodelhosihe QWERry O4eof cororedpnonenousinq: interchongeoble ihe-highend mo'ket' totgelsexeculives-ond rno cerrp-non"e kevoodond with o stylus. feoiures The odvertisemenlotlrocts The other cellphonemodelsolso no"u-Oltfu.r"nt -ortlt ooseoon ine feoluresof theirproducis' network ClossA ond B would hove Group 3 - Globe ond TM belong to ihe some ond^Dmorkei Forihe A ond B oosiooidmobllephone occounrs,to tn" "O torgeh C forthevouth' ond Kc.concepcion lno.n cun"to-osLndorsei

N.:;#,"ii;#;;; eic ) is cheoperlhonthe some il;; ;"- ii" pr;;o, ru ,"*lt"t lt'tit text'oll text' bosedon the con]ce's":l ,cllr..?
lomuineo iM.-Th. 'n*Hg:n';ll;:?e?UJ:#,?:?'$:E ;i"o;i;becquse 1ffi"'.il*: compe ihe Smod, morkel

'10 Poge of 58

Group4- the oqtmeolodveriisemenlfqrgefsbofh heolthconsciousond olderpersons. Theod ls expliciion lhe benefrisof ihe product.Theinclusionof broccoliin the piclure ond vilomin-pockedproduct. denoiesfreshness Mr.chris:Whol do you thinkisihe imporlonceol lhisoclivily?Whydo thisoc'iivi'ty? Philip:Sowe cqn qnolfzeihe mqrkeiof difterentproducis. Mr.Joo:Tohelpusideniifythe differentmorkel. Ms.Norms:Tohetpusdeterminethe .ightmorketingstrotegy. Thisisimportontso we Mr. Chris:Our frome of mind shouldolwoysbe morkef-focused. willknowhowwe con posiiionour producisond how we willsellour products. Aclivity2- Quo Vodis?{ PresenlSituolionl Mr. chds osked the body io group themselvesper municipolity.The resulisof ihe morketreseorchond sectorolonolysis) were distribuiedfor reseorches(siieossessmeni, review.Thegroupwill discuss lhe results of the studiesusinglhe omong themselves followingguidequestions: who the torgei morkelis? Reviewof reseorches: GuideQuestions-ldenlify . Whoido iheyneed? . Whol ore ihe opporluniliesond chollengesfor eco-fourism in youroreo?

ChollGnga!ior Gcolou 3m

- orokco CASIGURAN -Domeslic - o|]oges


' developmenl the resorl

- rivercruisinq, PILAR Tourislsfrom io go lo Pilor

-nofurql qnd cullurol -how to develop lhe feotures -flowing,springwoter (345liters/sec2] -foresfirekki

nds{demo& honds-on

-Eco-foudsm odventuresites

-ivmp-off polnt io Visoyos ond Mosbote -neorDonso -lorgest shoreline in "securiiy" -focilities province ond Sorsogon occommodotion -snorkelling& diving -nlghtlife stTes

-slokeholdeE' commtTmenT -politicolwlll to prevent dynomitefishing -susioinobiiityof tourist otlroclions -shoreline-dump-sitefor excessfish(low-low) heollh ond

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-'omilies -cdulis


Cholleng* tor ecofoudrm


ve ond fishsonci

-ploce for retoxol|on -more informotion ond oboul siles print {broodcost & medioJ -bqnking focililies

-guides ond lrdnsport -mqintendnce of drivers o|e iourhi- mongTovereserye odented -noturol ond histoculturolfeoiures -hqndicrofts ond she lcrofls -obundont morine supply -locolfood


focilities for occommodcltion ond other lourism reloted estob lshments

- Buluson VolconoNqturolPorK BUIUSAN

-domesfic= nqture ond educoiiono iour/sfudents, r9seorcners, ecotrekkers

-syslems & -locol hlstoricol monqgement of lonomorKs rounsmprogroms -no'lurol feotures -inforrnqilon ll-!6^-ha( l^16 -Bosic requirement wqterfqlh, minerol for tourism sprlngs,resorls,rivers) foreign=bockpocke|s -Tourism mosler -BVNP, troils -ExtensTve side trip, noi pad of pron riversystem

-secunry -bonking focilities -roodcondiiions peope/troining/customer service




conscious slrondedlrovellers -vocotiontourisis




Jmprovement of odded income to how to fociliiies supporr s-ArvcesTOUNSTS -occommodolion prov|oers infrqsifuclure for




t t

comments Queslions, ond clorificotions:


lrt. Chris:Youhove to hremorespecific,whol morketsegmenidoesyourproduci coler io? Whatdoesihe studysoidfor OrokspringJ?

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Engr.Ieiodo:We don'l hove doio yei. Cosiguron wos not included the morkei reseorch study. Air.Chris:okoy.I ihinkyou moy requestio usethe lool used;n the reseorchin orderto iner n dqio. You hove io be 2 if i'lis domesticmorket.who ore Poge 12 of58

Are lhey youngprofessionols? Or sludenis?Amongfomilymembers,who decidesio go where?Who is lhe unservedmorkei?Evenin your shouldreflecl okeody your torgel morkei.Forexomple,Colombo ond LosBonosis knownfor hot springs.Bui even dudngsummermonlhspeople slillgo 10lhese hoJspringsbecouseii is declored people swimin ice cold wqter for 100metersbecouseit io be "theropeutic".ln Russio, cloimslo hove on invigorolingeffecl to lhe sysiemin our body. Thereore olso morketsegmeniihoi likesunderdevelopedoreoswilh noturolsetfings. We hove to considerwhot ihe you visifthe "LonelyPlonet"websiteor buy their mogozines,you would nolice thot they coter to budget touristsihot preler simpleoccommodotionrond nolurolseflingr.Beforedeveloping,I suggesiyou mokeo reseorchfirst-Yourinveslmentmoy be useless; ihisdevelopmentmightnot be whol your morketwonls, tor Pllor: Mr. chrk: Withregordslo your brochure,il feoluresdifferentsifes.ll even hospockoges ond proposedilineroryolreody.Whereore thesebrochuresovoiloble? PoslorJob:Theyore ovoilobleoi ourTourism Office.We plonio mokeihem ovoilobleol AirlineOffices. Mr. Chrk: We shouldbe specificon our lorget morket.Moybe we con moke specific brochurefor specificmorkel.Evenif we do internelbrowsing,we usuollyseorchfor the specificoctivilylike"birdwoiching","mountoinclimbing"or "snorkelling" ond lhe likes. Soourwebsites shouldolsobe specific. Ms. Norms:I would like lo reocl on 'lhe piclure in the brochure.I lhink lhose ore cul mongroves.Cutiingof mqngrovesiso morlallin in PrieioDioz. Mr. Chrls:Yes,we shouldbe consisleni.Sincewe ore pursuingecoiourismprogrom,we shouldbe environmenl-friendly. The brochurefeolured o mix of services;we should olwoysgo bock lo our lorget morkel.We musilhinkof woyshow to otlroct visilors from Legospilo go lo Pilor.Youolreodyhove brochuresond mogozinetitsgood, but where do you disploylhem? lt shouldbe mode ovoiloblefor torgel reodersnol only to the sponsors. lt isincludedherethol Pilorhosdivingsites.Do you hove divingfocililies?lsit on occredileddivingsiie? ForPrieloDiqz: Mr. Bonos:Thereore reolly migro'torybirds sighted in Sorsogonproyince. Theycon be PrieloDioz, Donsol.Gubol, PilorondBorcelonoseenot Buluson. Thotis the reosonwhy Sorsogonis identifredwiih bird flu. In foct, Sorsogonis included omong lhe regulorly moniioredprovinceson bird flu. Mr, Chris:You olsohqve o brochure,but it is o bii

u con Seporole Pogel3 of 58

eoch feqlurebosedon youriorget per specificmorkel. ForBuluson: qsidefrom the Ms,Chqvez:One of lhe problemsexpressed by visiiongoing lo Buluson. rood condilions.wcs the avoilobilityof publicironspori.especiollyofter5 PM. Mr.Ch s: Moybeyou con oronge forshuiilebusor servicewhereinihereore scneoutes for pick-upond tronsfers io ond fromsirolegiclocolionsor poinis. tor lrosln: Mr. Chris:Are you reollytorgetingonly slrondedlrovellers?So ihen you would olwoys proyfortyphoons solhol youwillhoveclienisol yourproposedVolleyViewpork? Mr, Grojo:We qre qlsotorgelingothervisitorsosidefrom sirondedirovellers.Bqsedon experience,Moinog con no longeroccommodoleol{sirondedpossengers. We ore jusi Jhlnking thoi moybewe con hove o shoreof ihismorkelsegment. Mr.Chrls:Butlei uslhinkcorefullybeforemokingimprovemenls. Do slrondediroveliers hqvethe moneyond lime lo go, visitond enjoythe services offeredoi yourproposed volleyview resorl?Youreollyhove to be specificos to who youriorgel morketis. Foroll: Mr.Chris:lsihe exhousifromvehicles noton issuehere?Foreigners do nol likethis. Ms,Norms:Whenvehiclesqre registeredoi ihe LTOihey mus.tpossthe smokeemission testing. Mr. Chris:Con we reollysoylhol ihe smokeemission teslingisproperlyond slricilybeing implemented? Mr. Eonos:Beforethe cleon energyond globolworming,oll ihe lricyclesin the province nove fwo-strokeengines.Becouseof the topogrophicfeoturesof .iheprovince,lhere is .eolly o lol of smoke being emiiied from ihese tricycles.Now mojoriiy,if not oll, of enginesore beingphosed-out. "rcyclesore olreody4-sirokeengines.Iwo-stroke M/. Chris;Theuniqueculturolfeotureslikefeslivols were noi mentioned.Asfor iroditionol '.edicine, ihere isbig demond for thol. Moybe'lheho'iond cold springscon be utilized 3s o spo treoimentwilh lhe differentmossogesbeing offeredoi CIMED.Thelownsore ::.ering olmosithe does pilorond prietoDioz:-,usonhqs hoi springslikelrosin.We musilhinkof somethingdifferen.t. Whol is the r=erence of one iown wilh ihe ofhen?Whoi con we offerihot isuniqueond exclusive l-v in ouriown? Poge'14of 58

t I I I


Mr, Bonos:Our problemis thqt we do nol hove o iourismoffice ond siructure.Alboy provincecelebrotestwo festivolso yeor, lbolong ond Mogoyon but they ore more populor ihon our Kosonggoyohon.For loudsm,whot is cruciol is ihe people who hondleslhe progrqms. ^,lr.Chrl3:Whotore we goingto offer? Mr. Bon6: Sorsogon hoslolslo offer Mr. Chris:Whot mokesyou differenthom other plocei? Agoin it is the "positioning" irsue.Likefestivols,it is being held io rhowccse lhe cultureof ihe iown. Bul isn'i il o woste if you would hold o festivol,spendingo big omouni of money just to oltroci lownmofes? Mr.slm: I would liketo shorethe BoloyBuhoyin SonRoque,Buluson. 11iso home-bosed plonls ecolourismsile. All the o.e orgonicollygrown;lhere is o colomonsiorchord,o honeybeeform ond herbolplonis.Thereis muliipurposeholl for seminorsond troining. Smollcobonosore olsopresenlfor smollgroup gotherings.Lodgingoccommodoiions ond coteringservicesore ovoiloble.Foreignvisilorshove been visitingthe ploce for sometime now. Mr. Chris:Whotisyourproductpositioning? M( Slm:A noturolenvironment?


Mr. Chris:Moybe o wellnessond heolingcenter?We musldevelopsomeihingdifferenl go to therebecouse ond uni.quethol we con offerto visitors. ln Phukef,Thoilond,visilors when you oyoil of the mossogoservice,lhe mossogerbecomesyour peBonolvolet. We hove to thinkof offeringo differentcomplemenloryproducl. Mr. Eorberdn:Herein lrosinduringihe time of Moyor Doroton,the trodilionolheolers were orgonized.Thofiswhy lrosinbecome knownos o "trod-medtown". Howeverlhi! progromwos disconlinued. Mr. Chrb: ls ecotourismbeiler monoged by lhe LGUor privote seclor? ls lhere q continuityissue?Moybe due io ihe chongesin the leodership?Whereis lhe LGUon olly? Where is lhe privote sector on olly? The governmentis usuollyvery good in promotionond infrostruciure developmentrolherthon in monogingbusiness. We hove to identry where our stokeholdersore good ot. In Bohol.fheir ecotourismis reotly booming. Bu1 mosl of lhe lourisl sites ore privolely-owned,the tGU ius't moke ordrnonces. Agoin,we hove io considerwhot is innovoiivein whol we ore offering.ThePhilippines con be positionedos shoppingcopiiol. Shoppingis very cheop here in our couniry, evenfor brqndedproducls,comDoredlo olhercounldes. Pogel5 ot 58

in businesslonnin . let usstortwith the end. we wlllbe uidedwith visionond misslon vlslonqnd Missionon Ecolourism TheSorsoqonProvince's Ms. Joji Orbosepresentedlhe provinciolvisionon ecolourismto the body. The soid ecolourism vision ond missionwos formuloted during lhe Multisecloroi-iniegroled workshop conducledlostJune2005, 9/tston tL4dttrlr.t, eohglral{ t&,n $*togon pta,rtrtrr. 6 c ktat foc ea tLvtend Wou ead.nabLlwry.zb!@ to .4ltAral4nlguLd.c, t ntatlr. tt4rltm, pzctlattg lolu* gro*h bth hql ett/ t,Jf,rt zttt 4l tp4rlstt 4td, cott .tletw to tl6 taeltd.&rpmla 4t d.

tAt lo.d,I corutunltbl.

Afier the vision,the missionwos olso presenled.However,Ms. Orboseinformedthe group ihol lhe missionwos revisedduringlhe ecolourismreseorchpreseniotionond wos: volidotionworkshopheld lostAugusl2007.Ihe originolond revisedmission Orioinol Mission

Revised Mission

To develop lhe lourism cqpqcity of To develop+he ecotouristnpotentiolsof provincE throughr Sorsogonprovincuthrough the following Sorsogon stro+egic strqtegic6ools aoolsr l.Sustdinobleresource |nonogelnentond l.Eoch L6U developsiis own unique ecotourishProducl; ehterpriSes; econornic culturol z.Preservqtionof heritoge ond 2.Econonicenterprise supportiveof or proctices; eInohoting indigenous from ecotourisn; 3.Multi-sectorol cooperotion, community3. Preseryoiionof culiurql heritoge ond practices; porticipoiion qnd humon resource indigenous andcommuniiy 4. Multi-sectorol cooperotion developnent; of physicslinfrostruclures, porticipotion; 4,fmprovemenf supporlfocilities:ond improvement of ihe 5. Developing ecotouristn-relqtedHR qnd peoce ordersituotion coPocities; productsond 6. Developmeni of innovqtive services; 7. fnprewment of oppropriaie physicol infrostructuresupport focilities with low ond inpoctonthe hqturolervironmenl; qnd order 8. Inprovetleni of peace siiuotion. Poge 16 of 58

Anotheroulpul of ihe soidpreseniotionond volidoiionworkshopwos the formulotionof ihe provinciolfromeworkfor ecolourjsm.Whol ecoiourismis ond js nol wos cleorly definedosfollows: Wholecofourism isWhol ecotourisnis not-5upporting - Jusi ociiviliesor producls locolproducts -Cotering lo both localondforeignmqrkel - Tolol anfrostruc+ure development -A leffningexperience - Construclion of infrq or onyesloblishhenl -Encouroges porticipofion of vorious noi oppropriote in +heeco-si+e -'Umuunlod ecotourism octors/sfokeholders qt hokikinobong iilonlong" -Host cornnunities benefilting sociolly, - Activities ore desfructive to the cullurqlly, Economicolly ondenvironmeniolly environmentj hozordousto the peopleond -Noture-bosed (sinisiroonglikosnoyornon) environment -Pronotes environmentolprotection qnd - Totolly chongingihe noturol londscope. conservoTron sffectingecosys+ems -Respects,preservesond promoteslocol -Anythingthot chongesfhe foce of God's history,voluesculiureqndtroditions creolron -Uniqueecotourismexpe(ience(bosedon -fhproperwostedisposql the cohtex+ -Sex+ourism(oslinkooeindust Thefocililotor remindedlhe pqriiciponis lo come eorlyt'henextdov soihe session con slortoi 8:30AM. He olsosoid thol ihe 2nddoy session moybe extendeduntil6 pM becouseos il wos, the workshopwos okeodybehindschedule.Hovingno further queslions, commenlsond reoctions fromlhe body,the In doy session end;d ot S:00in lhe ofternoon.

Day2 Theseconddqy storledoi 9:20AM wilh o recopiiulotion of the octiviiies lhe orevious doy.Evenbeforelhe siorlof ihe session, povinceLGUrequesied Mr.Bonosof Sorsogon lhoi ihe Governor be furnished o copy of the lhree-doyworkshop documeniolion. Mr. ChrisLomboysoidthot he willreloysoidrequesito the LIKAS ExeculiveDrrector. Stokeholder Anqlysls .r'i. -omboysicded ihe seconddoy with on inpul on siokeholder onolysis.He soidihot '-e soidocliviiyisoimedof: -

. ceniifyinginlereslsof differentgroupsond ossess lheir importqncelo qnd influence ]r€r on eco- tourismProgromin the provinceof Sorsogon; Poge17of 58

2 ldenlifyingpotentiolofionces(incfividuols or insliJutionsl ond processes uponwhich lo build;ond 3- Providingo foundotionond sirotegyfor porticipolionof slokeholders. ;he stokeholders of SorsogonEcoiourism ore (tJ peopte,groups,instilutions ond ofhers, ilkelyio be qffected by o proposedinlervention(eiihern;goiivety positivety) or ond lij people.groups,insiitulions ond oihers,who con offeci the ;utcome oi qn inlervenlion. Mr. Lomboyidentifiedond differentiotedlhe lypesof siokeholders os: . key 3lokeholdeF- ore ihosewho con significonilyinfluencethe successot on ocfivily . primorysfokeholders- ore those who ore ultimoiely offecied by on ocfiviiy, eilheros beneficiories{positively} or dis-beneficjories (negotively); ond . secondorysfqkeholdeF-ore ihosewilh o stoke, inlereslor inlermediory role in on octivily. Thefocililatorpresenledthe fromeworkfor lhe stokeholderonqlysis os: Trrget recipients ofyour ser.vice

Adds value to your service

Decreases the value of your service Suppliers ore thoselhol help lo deliverthe servjce.Complemenlorc ore thosethoi odd volue lo your servjceond compelltorsore ihose ihol decreose the volue of your service. Ine why ond Tne iso

Poge 18 of 58

srep isidenrirvins n7:'ffi"::1"f"'JlJ:itrffli::iri',,fl,?i:l'*';,I'r,rsr thekey Step1: tdenlifykey slokeholders . Whoore ihe polenliolbeneficiorjes? . wno mightbe odverselyqffecled? . wno ore ihe vulnerqblegroups? . wno,oreihe suppone,s qnd . wnot ore the relolionshipsopponenls? omonglhe slokeholders?

*, gnr'r'*no o*

nol tenced so lhoi lhe public hove occess.

yff"il"ff#i,"#?j""ff;T,j*,:",,S "#,1i "''"y,i:#?83?:"';ff16ff tnt supporten ond the opponents? whot ore lhe rerorionships omong ,&alnXokl$rtr


't"ntifiedtheircustomers, suppliers, compremenrors ondcompeiirors.


P | | or-rlvercrulse Siudenis - lfud lourforrivercruise

9--g! ls u r q n - c o l d

Locol tourislsond iourisis from neiqhbouring lowns

-Rizol Beoch G



-€co-reseorchers lrosln-Hof rocottourisls ,Yodilionol wellness ieekers -'rrounlotneerS

-Donsol Jishermen inlo omite fishin

lrosin ond other municipolilies ihol sunoundthe loke

ondTrodltionot HeoiErs



D i o z - coYes from So6ogon Ciiy, pilor er)d other poris of ':ciJ{615

Ropu-ropumining-:Mongroves mlnerol woste

Poge19of 5A

PoslorJob: We should we otferisnol unique.

qnd developwho'i ispreseniin our ploce even if whol

ti.. Chrls:But thot is the chollenged,io look for someihinguniqueond develop il to somelhin ihqt would ollroci lhe tourisls. slokeholderinlereslsond lhe polenliollmpocflo q proposedinfervenlion Slep 2: Assess Whoi ore lhe siokeholders' expectolions? whol ore lhe benefitsfor the stokeholders? Whotresources isihe slokeholderwillingio mobilze? Whoislokeholderinterertsconfliciwith yourgools? slokeholderInlluenceond imporlonce Slep3: Assess group,ossess iheir: Foreochstokeholder ' Powerond stoius(poliiicol, sociol,economic) . Degreeof orgonizotion . Conirolof slrolegicresources . lnformol influence . Powerreloiionswilh oiherstokeholders . lmporlonceto otloinmentof yourgool Sholegy Sfep4: oulllne o StokeholderPorllclpotlon involvementoccordingto: Plonstokeholder . lnteresls, importonceond influence . Porticuloreffortsneededto involvelmporlontstokeholderwholock influence . Approprioteformsof porlicipolion were enumeroiedosfollows: Thelypes of Porflcipollon . lnformotion Shoring {One- Woyl . Consultotion{Two- Woy} . Colloborolion{Shoring control& decision- moking} . Empowerment coniroloverdecisionsond resourcesl lTronsfer Strotegiesfor differenttypes of slokeholdersoccording to lnfluenceond lmporionce were summorized os:

Poge20 of 58


Ensurethat needs are rnet and participation are lf|€aningful

Activelyseek their involvement and support

Requlre no special particapation strategles

Keep well iBforrr|€d to avoid conltict or oppC'sltion


4 : Siokeholders Anolvsis

ill':*"::i^"t,.,ffi:fl::JffsitjlldF:][:J#::,i",,"^"J -s,.oo!i'"Jlll"i,l. 'i?il., -irr oe ,1"nr::?'nj:"#porronce/inrruence moderore.

'r'r'orkshop o Slokeholdef

Inleresfin Eqotourlsm

Eflectot inleresl(postive


reqollvcl _lr C A s IG Ui A-N EorongoyfolkFrontlineI rosnve envtronment p4)teciion Eorongoy Infroslructure Posiiive Officlols supporl


Oegree? Influence


Fishery sector

Moin sourceof Posilive ona criticol livelihood negolive Eusiness secioi Addilionot posilive sr9nmconl source of rncome People's Addiiionol_ir(.)stTtve moderote Orgonizoiion source of ncome t'ton-governmenl Additionol posiiive moderole Orgonizolion source of _]!qome B U tU S A N LGU-Buluson Locol Poslirve Criticot source

Some Significoni criticol criticol

Criiicol Poge2l of 58

$ltF. Slqkeholder

InfeJeslin Ecolou.ism

:: -.n uniiy : ,' \3Cs,



odditionol Income Society Advococy

lmporlonce signlficont

Degreeol lnfluence Significoni Significani


:::'oro qrouos 3overnmeniLine r gencies (DOT, l : \ R o n dD T I


Scring resort Addilionol :c-Aroiors coslumers -'cdilionol Source of posilive _eo ers income acnloy Gubot -Source of -embers incomeos lour guides



criticol moderole


--onsol TourismSource of :1Jice tourist -3U lrosin Econornic develqprngnl





-ccol community Source of positive significoni oddiiionol income PII.AR lcnsol Tourism-Source Posilive ond significont ^cuslry tourisls negolive



:15herrnonusing eqol meons


siles' Source of : rners/operolors oddi'lional



:eod hondlers



Source of posilive oddilionql income



Poge22 of 58

SociolMorkelinq Thenexiinpulwos givenogoinby the fociliiolor. Hesoidthol morkeiingiso chqnging geiling behoviour. li rneons coslumers to: . Switchbronds . Tryo. buy .rewproducisor 5ervices . Buymoreproductsorservices . Buyproducisorservices ogqinond ogoinond ogqin Componentof Behaviour: - whol otherpeoplenowoboutourploce . Knowledge qboui the ploce {ex. In Mindonoolhere is . Atiitude firstimpression romponikidnqpping) . Proclicehow do o cerlqinproduciorservice ispui intouse TheMorketing Mixof 4P's l. Prodvctiswhoi we ore con be on ideo,commodities {o tongible good or service), otlitudes,behoviouror service.A productmuslbe o solulionlo o probiemond isreol.ll shouidgivebenefits, isuniqueond compeiitive. 2. Pfce is monelqryor non-monetory. Whenwe lolk qboul moneioryit is usuollythe oriceless exoeriences. 3, Ploceor Chqnneliswherelongibleproductsore purchosed. li iswherepeopleore in rlghifromeof mindsio receivethe messoge. is wherepeoplewillocl. lmporlonlconsiderqtions for plqceincludesovoilobiliiy (eosyto find),eosyio use,qppropriote, point timely,convenienl ond of decision-moking. 4. Prcmotionis the creqiion of messqgelhoi is memorobleond persuosive. Usingthe medioisone woy io reochthe lorgetmorkef.Exomples of medioihot con be usedfor promolionqre prinl,Televislon, rodio,elecironicmedioond person10Derson. Thereore elements of ihe messqgedesign.Thetype of oppeolshouldbe precise, ihe ioneshouldbe convincing ond ihe spokesperson shouldbe credibJe. Peopledo not buy produclsor services. Theybuy lhe expectoiions of iheirbenefils. Wedo nol sellwhotwe woni,we shouldsellwhotthey (torgetmorket)wont. Advertising is on imporlonlospectof promoiion.Inleresls in on od ore influenced by surprise lhqt excilesyourclienl},informqlion ond benefits. {somelhing Sociql/tlqrketingmeons sellingbehoviour,ideos,beliefsclnd enioilslhe processof chqngingoltitudesond mindsels. Sefl,ngis ihe oct of sellinglhe qciuol produciwhilemorketing isselling the produciusingthe combinqiion of the 4p,s. Process of Sociolmorkeiing: Poge23 of 58

:. identifybehoviour/ociions thoi couldreduce/eliminole o problem. onolyze. Knowyourmorket. Define the morket, segmenl the iqrget morket ond 2to lorgelmorkelneeds. usingthe 4P'sio odjusiyourpositioning 3.Sirolegize lhe gool of SociolMorkelingis lo chongelhe behoviourof customeG intosomething ceneficiql. induslrv Anolysis Ihe indusiry wosmodelhroughq plenoryquesiion ond onswerprocess. onolysis Ql: whoi ore ihe enirybarriers? Loboror leve of skills Ms.Norms: of ihe people. Mr.Mercodo:Peoceond Order Mr.Albie:Policyor reguloiions Mr.Chris: energycosi I nol enoughpowersupply] - Whoore ihe serviceor productproducers? Q2q: On Supplyond Disiribuiion Mqjorily: LGUond privotebusiness Q2b:Howdo iheydeliverihe services? Answer:The tourisls ore invi'led to visitihe ploce,ihroughpromotions fociors-lslechnologyusedforthisbusiness? Q3:Technologicol (ex.Cellsites), Answer: Communicqtion WIFI Q4: Seosonolily- Are there miiigoiing foctors 'ihoi contribuie or minimizelo the performonce on lowond peokseoson? Answer:Yes,likeihe seosonolity of the presenceoi wholeshorks in Donsol.Alsoihe potterns migroiory of birds. Q5;Economic{nfluences Are therefoctorsin the economythol conlribuleor diclote lhe success or foilureof ihe hrusiness? Answer:Summervocotionusuollyis the peok seosonfor visils. Theexchqngeroie of dollors. Poge24 of 58

Cl5:Regulotorylssues Are lhere relevontregulolionsthot qqn help/impedegrowth Itte b6iness? Ajrswer:Yes, lhere ore. An exompie is when qiert ievel 2 on the Buluson Volconois '6sued by Phivolcs.This{imitsthe octivitiesof people wilhin the 4 kilomelerrodiusoround t e BulusqnVolconolhql isconsidereddonoerzone. ServiceDesiqn ;he servicedesignshould breoppropriqte to lhe lorget morket. INPUT OUTPUT


Focilities: Jroiningof guides qovenlure -ploce{hotelsl -orgonlzing communities educoiion -people{guides) -culinory process reseorch Jood (GoodMonufociuring Process) we ness -geors lssues on Operolions: L Quoliiy- Whotdoesthe 10r9eimorkelwonl? - Con theserviceprovider 2. Delivery io deliverthe service whenneeded? you 3. ProductivityHowore 9oin9to designlhe serviceto foctorin velocityor during lowseosonto increose soles? Theseconddoy ended ond wos odjournedoi 5:00pm. Thefocilitoiorremindedthe groupihot the schedulefor the 3rdond flnoldoy would be ihe presentotion of ihe pionsper groupin the morningond plonning executivesummories of ihe business session in lhe ofternoon.

Poge25 of 58

I t *



Day 3 Thelosl doy of lhe workshopstortedwiih the presenlcrlion of lhe executivesummories of lhe corresponding businessplcns of podicipojing municipolities.Mr. Lomboy qsked the bocly io porticipotein criiiquingeoch of the business plonslo be presenled.Eoch proposolwillbe clssessecl business bosed on the clorilyof lhe followingospecls: . . . . . .

Tqlgel mqrkel/mqrkel segmenl Producf/servicesoffered Anolysis of lhe competition Uniquesellingproposilion/volue proposilion Viobililyof the pton- mokessenseqnd mokesmoney Areqslor cooperotion/collaborolion with othersites/progroms/instituljons

Theguide queslions for feed bockingwere: l. Whotweni well? {conientond presentolion) 2. Whqt con be improved?{confenlqnd presenlolion) Worksho Out

Execulive Surn

of Business Plonso| Ecolourismer munrcl

ExeculiveSummory: IROSIN L Business Concepf . Wholbusiness ore youin? . Descriplion of theservices (volueproposifion) ; Wellness-Heollh Tourism: Theropeuljc HoiSprings ond Troditionol Heolers > Buluson VolconoNoturolpork{BVNpl foresttrekking-biking > Herbolproducis, orgonicfoodond iocolcuisine Volueproposiiion - TherapeulicquoJi'ty of immersing in hot springs i Allernotlve/iroditionol heolingfromtroinedond occreditediroditionot heolers > Physicol fitness jn hryengogingin oerobicoctivilies ltrekking/biking)BVNp 2. OrgQnizolion or Compony . Stotelhe nome of yourcomponyor orgonizolion . Giveo briefbockgroundoboul yourhisfory,mission, objectivesond trock record - Loccrl Governmeni Unitot lrosin - Mission: Themunicipoliiyof lrosiniscommittedto promoieihe generolwelforeof Irosiniqns ond developoll humooresources qnd ihroughcomprehensive integrotecl delivery of basicservices, enhoncement of multiseclorol S!4fpql9lr S!d .r!!!lel]rgli4}sourcesiowordssusioinobte Poge 26 of 58


> Tourism promotion isidentified osone slrolegyto promoieeconomic development 3. MqrketPotenticll ' Whoisyourtorgel morket?Chorocteristics? preferences? . Howlorgeisthe torge' morkel? . Whotisihe incomepolenliot? . Whoiisthe revenueond incomepoteniiol? > Theiqrgel mq*ei ore lourisls(boihforeignond domeslic)comjngfromor going to well-knowndesiinotions suchos Donsol,BVNp,ComorinesSurWotersports Complex(CWC), Themoinchorqcterisllcs of .lheiorgetmorketore:heqtfh physicolly conscious, oclive,seeksouidoorociivilies 4. Mqnogement Teom . Whowillrunyourenierprise or business? . Whoireloledexperience doesyourmonogemenlteomhove? > Themonogement ieom wilicomefrom:LGU,LIKAS-Cenler forintegrotjve Medicine, Bqnioycubol 5. DisiinciCompetencies . Whotexperiisedoesyourorgonizotionhove lo mokeyourventure successlul? z LIKAS-CIMED progromon integrotive hoson existing medicineond moinloins o nelworkof lroditionolheolers ; BonloyGuboipersonnel hosextensjve experience on BVNpb;odiverslly monitoring 6. Required Funding ond iisUse . Howmuchisneedecitooperotionqlize thisbusiness? ' Forwhotpurpose? Infroslruclure, iroining, copitolexpendilures, morketing, eic. ; ;

Ihe requiredinfrqsiructure isolreodyin ploce: D C l M t D-. l K A s - R i d g e . san ed.o.,rosin MoieoHolond ColdSprings Resorl, Monbon,lrosin MoposoSprings, Monbon,lrosin Forfunding:lroiningon ecoiourguidingfor BqnloyGubot,morkeiingond promoiion,compinggears,devejopmeniof tour pockogesond ilinirories

/. 5usioinobiliiy Slrotegy ' Howdo you iniendlo suslointhisbusiness? Cqn you exiiin thisbusiness? Whot cosls? Pqge27 of 58

Commenlsfeedbock: prepored,conlenl-wise. Ms.Norms:Ihe presentotion wos comprehensively Mr. Philip:lrosinfocused on hqvjng o we{lnesscenier. Alihough they hove limiied copoci'ties.unlikemosiof lhe other municipolitie!thoi. but they were oble to come up ond designo uniqueproductbosed on complemenloryproducisexstingin lhe lown. ,'15.Chqvez:lt wos nice thot they menlionedthe problemon the conyingcopocily. Mr. Chris:Thelrosingroup wqs oble to identifyo core producl ond ihey were oble io estoblishcolloborotion.Theyolsoconsideredfhe externolond iniernolenvironment. Mr. SIm:Mr. Mercodomeniionedthol ihereis developmenlbeingmode in Moposo Sprlngs. We ore tolkingoboui ecolourismond bosed on ihe guidelinesof whoi ecolourism is,wouldlhe developmeni beingmodeio Mapososuitoble? Mr,Mercodo:I heordthe ownerswilljustbuildpooJsfor swjmming. Mr.Chrls:Forecolourism, ihe lourisiproduclshouldbe os noiurolos possible. WEshould go olwoys bock to ihe guidelines of whoi ecotourism is.In lligonlhey olsohove hot springsbui ihe woier is from Mo. CrisiinoFollsond it is coscodingwoier. Theydid noi impede the flow, so there is no effecl on lhe upsireomor downsireomflow of ihe wouldbe good to studywhoieverstrucfure lo pul or construci. lf it iso pool moybetheycon usepebbiesor rocksfromthe river,nol tiles. Mr. Rene:I suggestthol there be complemenlotjonof ihe produclsfrom the different 10wns. Mr. Chris:lt wos menlioned lhot lrosinwilJinieroci wilh ComorinesSur Wctiersoorls Compiex(CWCJ ond ihe Buluson VolconoNoturolpork{BVNp). Mr.Joel:Howoboutmossoge services? li wosnol menlioned. Mr. Chris: Acupressureond ocupunciure ore consideredtrodilionol medicine or heoling, somossoge isincluded. How obout compeiiiion? Who elsehosthiskindof product?you need to knowif province onyonewiihinihe or in Bicolregionhosthiskindof produclin oroerTomqKe benchmork.How do you promolethisprocjuct? you con mqke o brochurespeciflcio ihe "wellnesscenler" ond moke il ovoiloble ot CWC ond other iourislsiies.AS for susloinobilily, how con you guord your producl from oiher compefilion?Moybe you con collqborotewiih Cosiguronond Bulusonso you con hove ,'hol ond cold springs". Cr moybe moke it o fronchisemodelsinceyou hove ihe expedisein wellness ond , wouldincreoseyourmorkeiond odd volueio yourproduci.ll iswhol we coll "bundling". pilorond olheriowns. Sincethereis no wellness cenierin Donsol, con hove o fronchisein these'owns

Poge28 of 58

ExecutiveSummqry: PRIETO DIAZ l. Business Concepl We ore in Ecolourism. *A.pockage of mqngrove foresl ond cclve exploroljonwjih speciol lrips io o . raeiy of beoches10choosefrom locotedjustwithinthe municipolily. . Hondicroflsond lood producis such os binunfog,rimcrscnips,tinoblo,dcrngil J-d olher seofoodslike ononoklcr,kopopct,lclrukog otoiloble lor pqsotubong or for :onsumplion. - Hondson experience for shellcrofi moking 2. Orgonizolionor Compony T


"MUNTUPAR, PrietoDioz,Sorsogon

Bemordino Mo.nJggL.yos oppoinred

cob;rnqdorc-itoof Sorsogon in 379.:ryi":-l! he nomed , , u u lhe ploce r u L v qs ,,,s p u j ,MUNTUpAR, r v r u \ r u r A K titr o being e t n g tlocoted o c o l e d Iin peni e n i n s u l ol i k e p l o c e no p

.,-erepeopie .,,io ,vvv,e uruu usuoliy ry meel. reer. ,,Tupoi,in upor n rne ihe ototecl diolectmeons m-eons To meet" meet,,in in Enqlish. Enqttsh. Thelown wosgivenilspresenlnomein honorof the two gicoion; mi no morlyrs, Rev. Gqbriel Prietoond SeverinoDioz,when ii become indepencJenl "s. from lhe ^-,iicjpolityof Boconin Ociober 12,1903by virtueof pubticfow no.pAO --rck Record owor,aness ond promoiionin the locolilyhos officiolly oegunIn lhe .Ecoiourism 1996 :c. when Ord 96-03 zo_\rrwus possedoecior|ng yi hqs wos pcrsseq decloring ihe Tne hos Mongrove Mongrove Forestos Forest '::erved' preserved ond protected oreo. Aside fiom the Mongrove-Foresi Reserve. '-::e wereslillJwoolher morineailrclclions thoi weregivenmuci alientton,lheseore '- 3 seogrqss BedReserve and MqrilogMorineReserve composedof threeco[qrreels. Duringlhe succeedingyeors,odded oitroctionswere oJsotdentitied ond --:'eby promoied jusr potentior not os iouristdestinoiions b'uiossureprqcesforfunond :r;:.iure. To nclme,we hove BokowctnBeoch,Tolen Beoch,'Lebonon Beoch, '.l3srrok ond Pincinclon coves.Alongwith thesewe cllsopromolebird wolching ::,3aiure. roooy,overo thousondtrovelers, ond sludenishod been recoroed -rle visitedthe LGUforthesepieces reseorchers porodise of -:. MorketPotentiol :.4 Who isvorrrlor. - .',,,crjne Explorersctnd siudeniswho wish to know qnd experienceihe beouty ond -:c"ing of morineecosyslem. ' '\::ure odvocoiesond loverswho simplywoni to hove q communion withnqlure. j,: icw lorgeh the lorgel morkel? 71ends beyond ihe notionol mqrket fherefore coversinternq.lionql bouncts. Poge29 of 58 Whotislhe incomepolentiql? * Enironcefees for coves; renlol fees for equipmeni like binoculoB,floshlights, boots, life yest, elc; fees for lhe lour guides, coiering servrces, souvenirilem, efllerloinmenlbuslness, restouronts orKrrnns. permjh, inspeclionond soniioryinspeclionsfees. Olher . Business toxes chorged ogoinslincomefrom enlroncesfeesond reniols,etc. Environmeniol fee. 4. McnogementTeom 4.o)Whowillrunyourenieroriseor business?

4 . b )w

SEAMANCOR in podnershipwith the LGU rl

* knowshow to hondtepeofG " wilh good communicolionskills

5. DislinctCompelencies )i experli ' N e e d s lo knowprociicoy everything ooouttne proa;t G lsGffi its seoson. . Knowslhe desired sei of servicesneededby ihe cuslomerond cqn provroe it on reol iime bosis. . Hosknowledgeon quolily conlrol 6. RequiredFundingond ilsUse 6.b)Forwhoi ouroose? Infrosiruciure, lroining,copitolexpendiiures, morkeiing,eic 7. SusloinobiiityStrotegy *Keepingobreosiwith ihe lotestirendsond innovoiionsin rour pockoging ond fociliiies. *Moinlenonce oi exisiing rourporophernolio suchoslifevest,boo.s,etc. rompetencyot stokeholders in termsof lourjslenlerioinment. comperil;ve in produclsond iispromoiion. --Remoins -Mo,ntorned quolilyond uniqueness in everything. 7.bJCon voq€x'lin ihisbus;ness? Who.cosis? "N.o.We inlendnoi io exil becor-rse we olreodyir nvesled muchfinonces, time ond elforl venJLring inio ihisbusines5

Poge30 of 58


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Commenis/feedbock: Mr. Philip:Thereporiis conciseond direcl,they justskippedsomeexplonoiion. Mr. Chrls: The use of visuols,iike piciures in ihe presentoiioft wos good. They were specific in lhejr highlighied products which were the morine ond mongrove reserveond inleni lo proteci ihem. The iorget morkel is cleor ond lhey were oble lo give o breqkdownof the income poleniiois.The group wos oble to choose o core produci qnd developexisiingcomplemenioryproductsoroundil.

Bored on the guidelineson ecoiourism,lheir business concepl is okoy. Bui more emphosis should be mode on highlightingthe environmentolproteciion ond conservolion. On susioinobiliiy, conlinuous educoiionond compeiencyof personnel is imporloni. We shouldnoi fofgetmoinlenonce ond improvemenf, let usbe innovotive. Forcompetencies, well highlighled wos quoliiycontrol,knowledgeqnd customer service.Letuslookfor the "wow" foctor. Ms. Chovez: PrieloDlozdid noi mentionlheir mongroveond fishsonciuoryprogrom hqvingbeenowordedoso modelprogrom.I thinkll shouldbe included. Mr. Eorberon: How much moneyis neededfor the iour to thesemongroveond fish soncluory? Ms.Norms:We olreodyhove severolpockogesfor iourisisto choosefrom,however,we werenot obleto bringlhe brochure Mr. Chris:lt is noi olwoyson how muchyou spend.Letuslhinkof "voluefor money". Thereore lhingsor experiencesthoi moybe you jusl spend 20 pesosbul you feel ii is worlh 20,000oesos. Mr.Phillp: Moybewe con complemenl witheochof oursiles. Mr. Chris:Definilely.Ihol would coll for monogingyourresources ond oi ihe someiime you would reollyprevenlenvironmenlol degrodoiion.1nBorocoy,the numberof iourists going lhere ore okeody beyond the corryingcopocity. New lourisldestinofions, like Comiguinond Misibis, ore now beingfovouredby visiiors becouseof this. Mr.Philip: Oneissueon overcrowded iourisisiiesissolidwqsiemonooemeniond thisis reloledlo ecotourism. I|t. Sim:Solidwoste mqnogemenlshouldbe includedin ihe susioinobilily componenl. li shouldbe inlegrqted in the progrqmlllr. Chtls:In PuetJoPrinceso,lhe sdjd wosle mctnogemenlond c)eonlnessb inlegroted h lEi ecolourjsmprogrom.Theyore very sirict in ihe implementotionof lheir onti Seirq compoign,o 20 pesosfineislhe penoltyfor firsttin e offenders.Evenm Poge3l of 58


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mqrksql lhe roodsfromtruckscomingfromthe formswouldbe immediotely cleoned. 1wouldlikePrieioDiqzto iookon ihe volumeof potenliolmorkeiond iorgetmorkel. You have 10 reseclrchhow mony ore professionols, foreign,locols,li lhey ore sludenfs, how mony ore high school sludents,in coliege? You qlso hqve to loilor fit your presenlolionor morkelingmoterlalsto yourtorgel morket. It would be nice10focusonlyon o cenlrolproduct,nol the "smorgosboord" type where you hove mqny things'to offer ond so the visitorsgei confusecl.Focuson resourcemonogemenl jf the fishond rnongrovesqnctusrywillbe yourcore producl. Howdo you observetheseogross bed? Ms.Norms:Duringlowtide, Mr. Chris:Don'lforgello include"DOsond DON'Ts" in yourmoleriols. Thisisfor sofely reoson. Agoin,you hove10improvethe viobilityof yourproduct.lf you hove cleoriorget morkelond morkeisegmeniso you con hove cleorprojecfion. Likeyou con include dendrology{clossificofion of irees)in your oclivitieslor Highschoolcnd eiemeniory You moy olsoincludehow lonninis producedfrom lhe bork of irees,thot students. ionnin is used in leoiher crofls lo sofien lhe skinof onimols.Theseore exomplesof yourcoreproducts. ociivilies whichyoumiohluseto complement


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Poge32of 58



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ExecutiveSummdry: CASIGURAN l.Business Concepl ' Wholbusiness ore youin? o Operqtion of OROKSpringResorl ' Description of the services{volueproposilion) o Cold,freshwoler o Horsebockriding o MountoinTrekking o ExoiicFlowers ond Orchids o Portof the Entroncefee goeslo wolershedproieclion 2.Orgonization or Compqny . Stolethe nome of yourcomponyor ofgqnizolion o CosiguronWolerDisirict/LGU Cosiguron . cive o briefbcrckground mission, obouiyourhistory, objeciives ond trock record sincelhenihe plocewos o Acquired2006throughcouriseltlemeni, deveioped 3.MorkelPoieniio . Whoisyourlofgelmorket?Chorocleristics? Preferences? professionols (young fomilies, ond old),teen'ogers, differenl o students, orgonizolions . Howlorgeislhe lorget morkei? peopleperyeor 20,000 o Approximotely to 30,000 ' Whotisihe incomepoteniiol? high o substontiolly . Whotisihe revenueond incomepoientiol? - P 200,000.00 o Oneyeorof operotion yeors o Succeeding to increose by 15% 4.MonoqemeniTeom ' Whowillrunyourenlerprise or business? Wiil o creoleo Tourism Deporlmenl . Whotreloledexperience doesyourmonogemenl teomhove? o HumqnResource Monogement { nicti^-t a^6nata..ia(


Whoiexpertise hoveto mokeyourventure doesyourorgonizoiion successful? o Hosbeenrunningond monogingo business {wotersolesjfor20yeors

6. RequiredFundingond itsUse . Howrnuchisneeded'lo operotionolize ihisbusiness? ' l-o'whotpurpose? InkoslructJre. morkeling. iroining, c opilolexpendilures, Poge 33 of 58


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eic. o 1 0M i l l i o n iroining, morkeiing, etc o Infroslruclure, copifolexpenditures, ,.Susioinobility Strotegy . Howdo youinlend10susioin thisbusiness? .'io. ' Con you this business? exit in



Yes,we con selllhe plqce ond eorn 20 Millionor more

Commenls/feedbqck; Mr.Chris: Youhoveo colchypresenlaiion. Eventhe useof the phrose"Coolno cool sc1 Bicol"isgood. groupisfuiure-looking, PoslorJob:TheCosiguron they qre implyingo woid clossresort of lhe future. Mr.Philip:Whotwos nicewos thot ihe produciemergedoul fromthe wcJter likejusio bonus.Thisison exompleof moximizing resources, Mr. Chris:lt wos good thol they mentionedlhe qwcrrdsrecelvedoncl the speciol feoluresof the 1own.Theprojectis colloborotion belweenlhe WoterDislriclond the LGU,sothe rolesof the differenlslokeholders wereconnected.Doyou hqveq figureof howmqnyvisitors lhereqre?Bosedon ihe income? Engr,Teiodo:We chorgelen pesosper heodfor entroncefee. ForFebruory to Juneof 2008we collecledPhp20,000.00. li islhe peokseoson. Mr. Chris:Are you soyinglhoi Oroksprings will hove visitors only duringo podiculor seoson? Engr.Teiodo:Nolso,bui thereiscrnon-goingroodconstruciion ond onceihisisfinished lherewillb'eon increose in lhe nurnberof visitors and revenues. Mr.Philip: I thinkyouneedto mqkemorkeisegmenlotion. Mr,Chris:Youneedolsoto knowthe buyingpreferences of yourvisitors. Youmoy solicil feedbocks. PoslorJob: Yourqreq issmollercomporedwiih Buclngol TobocoCity.Moybe you cqn ge'i idecrsfrom them. Theyhove fishingoreo, swimmingqreo ond oiher focililiesthere. Thisis10moximizeyourresources. Mr. Chris:Cosiguronond Buluson bolh foces PqcificOceqn.You moy highlighlihis informcriion. Thisis importontbecousePocificOceon hos biggercunenlond bigger wovesso ii ispoientioloreo for wind surfinq. Poge34 of 58


I I I I II )


ExecutiveSummory: SULL,SAI.I -,1,s'-ess Concept . Whoibusiness cre youin? c Eco-Tourism . Descriplion of lhe seryices {voluepropositionl o Fco-Adventures _ Mounloineering _ Koyoking - Comping - Spelunking - Hjking/Trekking o


o o o o

NolureTripsleducotionol lours Agri_iourism Cullurol& Historicol Tourism Culinory

..:'gonizoiionor Compcny . Slotethe nomeof your componyor orgcrnizolion o Butuson Municioq,Fco-+ourisrr Council ^. ' urve o briefbockground obouiyourhisiory, mission, qncrrrock objeciives record j '/orkeiPoleniicll . Whoisyourlqrget morkel? preferences? Chclrocieristics? o TorgeiMclrket:LocolcrndForeignTourjsts o Chorocieristics: o preferences: .

Howlorgeisihe lqrgetmorket? - Foreign= - Local = . Whoiisihe incomepotentjol? . Wholjsihe revenueond incomepotenfiol? ',aonogemeni Teom . WhowiJlrunyourenierprise or business? o MunicipolEco_Tourism . Wholrelatedexperieoce Council doesyourmonogemenlieom hove? o Aovococyond promotionol Moleriols developmeni o Ecoexpjoroiions o Eco_Trekking o Spelunki

Poge35 of 58

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Koyoking tutqbJishmenlof eco-villoge

5. DistinclCompeiencies . Whotexperlisedoesyourorgonizolionhove io mokeyourvenlure sUCCesstUl?

o o o o

Expedise in eco-lourism promolionql moteriols devejopment Experience in odvococyond mossmedio Experience in tourguiding Fluencyin orollqnguqgefor lour lolks

5.Required Funding ond itsUse . Howmuchisneeded.tooperotionolize ihisbusiness? . Forwholpurpose? Infroslruclure, lrqining, copiiolexpenditures, morkeling, elc. o Troiningof tourguides o Morketing o Capitolexpenditures o Advococycost T.Sustoinobilily Skoiegy . Howdo youinlendlo susiqin ihisbusjness? . PeriodicAssessment/evoluoiion . Sirenglhening of odvococyond morketing strotegies . Con youexilin lhisbusiness? Wholcosls? Commenls/teedbock: PoslorJob: Thepresenlolionwoswell prepored. Mr.Mercodo:Bulusctn hosdiverseproducls. Mr. Chris:Bulusonhos mony pqckogesbeing offered.Aboui monqgemenlond compelencies, the monogementtecm hos relqtedexperiences. Theycltsoodded conlinuous leomingundersustoinobiljly. Mr.Rene:Moybewe con olsoincludelegisloiive policies undersustoinobiliiy. Poslor Job:lslhereon ordinonceon lhe mergingof AGAPond the LGUof Buluson? Mr.Albie;Thereore Memorondums of Agreemenlon specificprojecls. PoslorJob: ClviJ {CSO)porticipqiionis reolly very cruciot for .SocietyOrgonizofion,s progromond project impiemenlotion. Mr. Phili : The 1i---

belweenSEMANCOR ond LGU-prieto Dicrzis ooclolso. Poge36 of 58




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Mr. Chris:Thereore LocotChiefExeculives(LCES) who ore ofroid to engogewith CSO5 becouselhey connoi hondleif. LCE5usuollywoni io defineeveryth;ng. Theissueis moreol engqgement nol empowermenT. ForBuluson you hove lo separoleqdvococy need lo _deiineii. Definepockogescrccordingto offorclobiliiy; you hove io moke ql9 nS of the pockogestol differenlgroups.Likefor Cosiguron, they cqn chorgeo differeniomount for q differentsenr'ice.The Orok springreiort cqn hove o seporote spocefor isokoy io pqy odditionoromounrfor certoinruxuries. Jnthe serviceindustry,you do nol soy ,,no".Whenyou designo producl il shouldbe q specifictorgeisegmenl.lf youhovediverse offordqble.for froducls.wnotyouneedn segmenlotion. Developvery specificmorketingmoieriolsfor specificiorgel group. Brondrecollis veryimporlonl.LosBonosmeonshol springs, when you soy Boguioii is

the peonui britileqnd ube jom, NcrgqCity hc|sthe CWC. Findsomeihingihoipeople con eosilyossocioleyourproducl,



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I {


ExecufiveSummory: PIIAR l.Business Conceol TheMunicipolily of Pilorhosmonyiourismpoienliqldeslinoiions suchos beoches, ruins,fqlls crnd whoie shorkwoiching or interociion.However,omong other lourisl of the municipalily,the RIVER deslinations CRUISING, SPELUNKING ond BIRDWATCHING pockoge islhe ecolourismbusiness thot the lown con offer1oihe provinceond io the noiionoliourism industry. RIVER ADVENTURE CRUISE on PuliooRiver, SPELUNKING lNBrgy. Wotchingin Brgy.Socnongqn wilh the visiilo one or,lwofishponds SonJoseond BIRD wiih nqtiveond/or exoticcuisineis o four-hour fuilpqcked odventureond octionof pockoge. tounrsm eco-leisure Thefloro ond founo iogetherwi'ihdifferentmqngrovesqnd morineproductswill ihe rivercruise.Theuphillond downhillexercise, highlight one ond o holfhoursinside the covewolkingin o two-inchof moggots, wotchingdiffereniinsecls ond boh willihrill plus lhe feorfoctorin ihe dorkwillsuitthe odveniurous onyone mindof on individuol. Theviewingof migrolorybirdsos they nestond Jlybock home,ond os lhe sunviewsits wonderfulfoce behind ihe clouds eoseslhe mind. Moreover,ihe inlerociion with noturewilllellwe ore port of il. 2.Orgonizoiion or Compony TheMunicipolTourism Officeiscreotedihroughon Execuiive Order,Ihiswos one of lhe concepts of former Monny T. Sio when he poved the woy of creoting Pilor Heriiogeond Tourism Councllunderlhe MunicipolOrdinonce004Seriesof 1997os one ot hisflogshipprogroms.ln 2005,TourhmCore Groupwos utilizedond the responsible groupon ioppinglhe Deportmeni Philippine Associotion of Tourjsm, of Diven,lnc ond the olherstokeholders for hovingo propervisitond documentoiion of touristpoieniiol desiinotions on lhe oreo.ThePoroufesiivolis one octivityinlegrotedwiih lhe iourism progroms lhoi showcoses the cullureond herilogeof the municipoliiy. 3.MorkelPoientiol Thisecotourismproject lorgetsthe 30%of ihe Donsoliourisiswho inieroc'iedwilh the wholeshork.Ihus,offeringihem o uniqueproductin ihe neores'i locolitywillhold iourisifrom geiiing oul of lhe oreo ofier whole shorkinteroction.Likewise ihe project iorgeis ihe incoming ironsientbusinessmen ond odvenlurousindividuolsfrom other placesutilizingPilorporl ond tronshipmenlporl of the souihernlip of Luzongoing io lhen Vizoyosislondsto stoy o littlelongerin the municipolityhovinglhe beyond usuol experience.Asstorters,ihe projecl is iorgeiinglhe minimumof Php 40,000.00 revenue peryeor. 4.Monogernenl Teom The mqnogementond supervision of the proiect liesin the honds of responsible personnelfrom the LGUPilor,lhe TourismCore Groupheoded by 'lhe Moyorond fuily supporiedby ihe personnelwhoseexperiencein ihe business is not lesslhon five {51 yeqrs will ensureihe conlinuoussuccessof the progromsond projectsof iourism induslry.Thecooperoiionond oclive DariiciDoiion of lhe slokeholders isnot discounled Poge38 of 58

thot willhelpmoreensuringihe properflow of iourismoctivilies. 5. Dislinci Compelenc:es Governmenlsupporliso plusfoclor. Polilicolwilliso mcdorcomponenlin successtul implemenloiionof ony governmenl progromsqnd projecls. On the other hond, iechnicol expertisecon be southnoJonly from experiencebui throughlhe qssistonce of DOT,NGO,POwilhihe samelineof ioroelon ecoJourism. 6.Required Funding ond itsUse Ihe 20%CountrisideDevelopmentFund is one sourceol funding thot con be utilizedfor lhe conllnuingmuniclpollourjsmindustry.Theomount will depend on ihe budget allocoiioniniendedfor the immedioteprogromsand projecis. T.Sustoinobility Stroiegy TheLocolChiefExeculive iso mojorkeyin qnymunicipolEcoJourism indusiry. The understonding of the imporionceoi conservotion ond preservolion of noiurol resources, whileofferingecojouristdestinotions willgive the insurobility of the projecl. lf in cosethe LGU-Pilor intenito ceoselhe hondlingthe iourism indusiry, o ironsition iimeof preporing o worthyossociotion or councilthot con monogeond underloke the romsond proiechon eco-lqurism, o properond formqllronsiiionshqllbe done. Commenls/leedbock: groupideniified Mt.Chris: TheBulusan rivercruise, spelunking ond birdwotchingosiheir product. core Theyore veryspecificon ihis.Theiriorgei morkei,30%of Donsoliourists wosolsomeniioned. lt wosveryspecificlho.itheywillcolloborote wilh Donsol. For ihe producl or servicesit is okoy, rolher lhon hoving o mixtureof different products,you chose o disiincl product ond nonowed down io river cruisjngwhich Donsoldoesnot offer.lwould likelo shoreihot in LokeCebuthe tourguideweqrsihe T'bolicoslume.they evenuseo porioblesoundsysiemwhiledescribing the ploceond iis speciolfeoiures.On the otherhond in Bohol,ihe boot driverwould sinqfor the iouris'is whilenovigoiing lhe boof.Theseore odd-ons. Forcompelifors,I lhinkrivercruisingisunique.I doft't ihinkI hove heordof the some product here in Bicolregion.With regordsto viobili.ty, ihe group needs to compuie whol yourinvestmeni requiremenis poy one entroncefee ore.I suggesiihoi the visitors lurnsoff visitors if theyhoveto poy severoifees.Theseieesshouldbe pockoqed o reodyond o onelirrepqyr'ten'. Mr. Joel:ln Donsolvisitorspoy only ot ihe Tourism office o onetimepovmeni.lncluded olreodyisthe registroiion fee. bool rentol,fee for ihe butondinginieroctionofficer,eic. Mr. Chris:How did you orrivewiih youriorgel of 30%of Donsol,s tourists? Why nol 4O%? Whoiwoslour bosisor logic in orrivingot fhot figure? Poge 39 of 58

PqsforJob: We would like1o torget conservqlively. Somesoy thot our pockogesin lhe brochureore q bii high,we intenclto lowerthem. Mr. Chris:"Affordqbilily" is relqlive. Moybe you need no1put the prices in the brochure. Thisinformolion con be mode ovoilob,lefor the tour operqlors only. Or lhey con texl or coll lhe iourismoffice. lhe conlocl numbers of which ore pdnted olso in the brochures, if they clrereollyinleresied. Mr. Sim;Or you mightiusi pul ihe pricesin o seporolesheelon inserllhem. You should nol includeihe pricesin lhe moin brochureespeciollyif there mighi be chongesin your orices. Mr. Chris:lsit possiblelhot one cellphonenumbercqn be usedio onswero I ihe queries regordinglourisidesiinotions in Sorsogon? Thisnumberis o common morkelingunii for oil. All queslionswill be onsweredlhroughtexi or col. ll would be nice if ihe number would be eosylo remernberlike:

09r_ - soRsoGoN176776466)

ActionPlonnino ond ldentifvino AreqsforColloborqtion/coooerqiion Thefqcilitqlor commendedeveryoneon the presenloiions ihot ihey mode.Therewere monydevelopmenls ond monyideosihot come up. Hefurtheroddedthqi ihe business plclnpreporedcon be submiliedio fundingogenciesif theywishto. Theyonlyhoveto plqnpreporolion. followthe oullineforbusiness Hesoidlhol in morkefing, if you ore olonemosiproboblyihe cosiwouidbe ioo highor the lorgetmcrrkel mighlbe ihe isgood thot thereison instituiion or unillo loke coreof lourism. plonof ihe Al ihispoiniihe fociliioloroskedihe grouplo preporeon implemeniolion plqn guide questions ecolourism business thoi they conceptuolize. The for ihe ociivily wete: . .

piono REALITY? Howoreyougoinglo mqkeyourbusiness How con you COLLABORATE or COOPERATE with oiher silesor inslilutions lo plono SUCCESS? mokeyourbusiness

Poge40 of 58


a.linn Pl.innino O

r| t I



Resources |.1€eded

PRIETO DIAZ Brochur--s, Community Environmenlol in eoflels aworeness cdmpolgn/ podicipqtion ecolourlsm IECper borongoy octlon Officiol ond formol Ecolouism Legislolive the recognition of lhe businessplon odopling buslness pon by the LGU ecotourlsm oldn nlroto the morket Medio, PromolTons/ods


r| r| r| r| I I




brochure, leofets

Linkoge wilh municipollties

o'ther Ties ore estobLhhed ond slrenglhened

Time From€ lo luly Sepi 2008

.Juy 2008




Moyor, Borongoy Coptoins, POs, NGOs 7, SB

Augusl 2008 onworos

Medlo, Office of the Moyor, POs & NGOS

Sepl.2008 Moyorsof torgel

LGUs, lnvolved NGOsond POs Offlce of ihe Mqyor, NGOS ond POs

Perlodic evoluoion Progroms, Proiecls ore ocls ond ossessmeni of ond monLToreo octivitles

tN rR o s'lroveLling

-Tourism dqlq Mqrkel reseqrch expenseS coliecied. -Morkef size, growth torget irends, segment, chorocierlstlcs ond needsidentified. -Competition idenfified. wilh Servicesor or-^osol Trovelling Linkoging complementolion expenses oiherslte/insiitutions


Printing sUpplres

Semlnor suppltes CASIGURAN



JUne-Jrrry Ari,Viclor,Noel 2008

identified July2008 Creotion of MuniciPol Municipol Tourlsm Execulive or 5B Ofder Councilformed To!rismCouncll resoullon August presenlolion, Municipol Convene 2008 ond fino izotion Councl Tourism odopilon of the plon Business -Tnonogemeni leom idenlified fiers, of -brochures, Developmeni liinerories ond lour weDsIe -oroduct oricino copobility of service Troiningof ProvideB oTovoers

Person ReEoonsible

Augusl 2008

LGU-lrosin MLrnicipal TourismCouncl

Municipol TourismCouncil

Septembe Municipol TounsmCouncil r 2008

Poge41 of 58






Sourcingout of funds

+ + + t + + t +

Trolnlngof personnel



t t

+ + t +


Resources Needed

Acquired necessory Flnonciol funds

Time Frqme

Person Resoonsible

3 monihs

Locol Chief Execulive iLCE), SB, Cosiguron DiskicilcMl

AcqUired necessory Competenl 3 months skilsond knoweclqe Trornor Coordinolion with Memorondum of Poicies ond I monlh Agreemenl where the projecl is

otficer LCE/ CWDGM/Borongoy Coptoln


Concluct ossemby or Goined "pulonq-pulonq' Acceotobilltv Ulilizotion ol existing Revenue fociliiiesond ovoiob e TeS0uTces Pron-rotions ond olher odverlisemenls

flondouls,fliers I month

tCE/GM/constit UENTS

Operqtlonql fund

Llnll ihe Pfesenl resort opprovol personnel & releose of funds

Ptt Tourism Cenlefs personnel semlnoT louTsm personnet

y Brochures ond June-lu cenTer lounsm 2008 slondqrds D O O KE T S

Tourism siokeholders'-Tourisrr seminor/wofkshop

shored Tourism sTonooros -Orgonlzed pooKeru slokehoders P 50.000.00 Mqrkel reseqrch Dolo on lourism Dolq frorn goihered Donsol, DOT, oncl prospecTve nurnber of torgels, & number of p oces oI potentiol ecolounsm stles FomiliorizotionToLrrsof -Knowledge ond P 25,000.00 rour operoTors qrq ossessment of 3rner rour orongers lourisrnpotenliols -Recommended viobiliiy of lhe tourismpotentiols

Tourism consullont/ Tourism Center persoanel(Joe, Jonice, Albert, JOOt


A!gusl 2008




Tourkm Consultoni, Tourlsm officer ond stoff to Jqnice,

Job, Joel, Ad, Brgy. Ofiicios, Tourism oFfice.s

Art,sonny,.loe, Job,Jikiri

Poge42 of 58


I Resources Needed BULUSAN

Ecotourism Desiinoiions

Gc-orporoion ot the Plqn10The Business pons of LGU mojor . Annuo Inveslmenl Plqn . Comprehensive DeveLoPmenl Plon

LGUond AGAP Inc. Buluson,

Office SupPlies -Fundlor Reseorches -Humon Resource

Dolo bonk sel uP ond Finolizo'tlon funclioning ond Presenlollonof Business Plon -Conductmorelndepth reseofchon EcoToursm . TourhtArrlvos n Buluson . lnvenlory/Proflling ol Ecolourlsm Deslinollons . Volidotionof Dolo


Business Plon odopled in mojorp onsof the


TermPlon Linkoging/Networkjng Eslqblishednelworks ond linkog'os . Promolron >DOT . FundSoufcing >NEDA . Stokeholders >ODA . Complemenlory >Conservotionnil. Sites

-Numon Resource -Fundtor

Oclober 2008

LGU.MDC (Moyor) SB(Vice-Moyo0

On golng

IGU qnd AGAPBuluson,lnc


>PEF >FP E >elc Projecl ProPosols submlitedto funding

ociiviliesin Bosedon the oulpulsihe followingmunicipoiiliesh ove similclr/common iheiroctionplons! lrosn l.Trolninqof oersonnel Pilor,Cosiquron, -siguron, lrosin, Prieto Dioz, 2-HrOmOllon Buluson PrleioDioz,lrosin Buluson. 3.Linkoqinq 4.MclrketReseorch


Poge43of 58



AL-Cfuis:lhere or. .o r-hesecould be yourpointsof "coltoborotronl so rit" i" would be cheoper


il if you oll would "Jr.ilr'"r"."ii, in lobbying policy for issues woutd be wourd il be odvonroseous o.Jvoni^d.^," _ .,^,,,..^,.,f:oJ,togeiher._Aiso ifyou wourd ber"s;h"r.


,YrElr:ffiU ::,fi,] otrot you so rhqrrherewi o sinste ::19_":J"d.i?, hope thor ihis nornrng/workshop ,be wi notjustendherebut'rother ";i;rr"iir; thoti-nere *Juji ol"o rolo* tnrouqn. -. M5.Jojiand I hod oheodydiscussed,this eoriierond she ogreed on my proposition.

i!^'i?,:;*"'H.'r"fl ffiFiity*#:,,3'r#"s""!# i!ru:&"i?f x'Jil',:"f 'ffi ."*;*:i;fi ifl iliFi!:fi i?Fliql'Hlff .fltrti :,tri3lf;j;,#"ff:i".jfj'r*n"ro,rr",""ii"[Jn"io*,i?i"'ocor.o,.X munrc,po,iiies Thev wirl :ii,j,hC:i-Jlii":#'J:;"ffi:#Til','i,"ill'iliit *';;.';'*il.'+il:"'ff llirgi 1'ffJ'l',"?:rff ili:m**':*.1eu9rooofi .omoprmbuenreni;;i.w;ffi";iT,""i&!i.t:"if,jilTIff :^:i,""..,1€iglHffi i '; no tnor :,H:t":?;yfi"" sooo 3ioff :lT:ilf :?:,fl [][l l * i;]tgi$i"o l*r. Rene:Whoi isthe lime fromeforAGAp io do ihis? l r. Chrls:Ihis is urgent. AGAPwiltconsojidoJe oction plonsond pockoge if into o croposorwirh the heJpof LrKAs,of-course. ihe proposor Thjs *ir o"lrii,rtro io funding cgencies. Ecotourism insorsogon nos

tnepoteniiots tnl *" tilr,ilirr m meons joks.

*,:il:J:,1:Y;lTtr5lt'jn#Jtl,ff "#fi:ffi**:i:ul,giu*ey; ,rt, Sim:We ourselves shouldexperjencewhal oiheriownsore offering, ,$s.Veron:Inler-visiloiion? Or lmmersion?

howvouwourd dothor. Movbe invour 1"t'i$,li:tJ';.ffi3,J:'.',JJi:l:^"1:t^know 're rnere cny more suggeslions? -re cho enge?

b ecee tokingo;

onbusiness pronnins ondrhe XJj|J?,'l;l';17,flJ;T:i3,?#,:r^j"lus..The,inpuis -^ere u,sls this o consensus? Ar€|wa -^i^^ r^""1t.:,^-Sy!99t,"

okov wifh everybody?ls

l;:i',;tF,ffi :ffi,:; :3:"?J"'ff .':mffi:ii:;"0i",o,.-,v.*"i,i;ui];;l:ffi Poge44 of 58



l*:: :-*:

NormsiwE need ro moke these.pJcrns into o reolity.But we know lnor wiihour -:. wi jt woutdbe difficutt for us.we,tnrrerorccnJiiJng""i,ao"s ^tr vs io supporl [,o,_oy, ou ,n"* uson lechnicolmqllersc|ndorrirf"nJ" nelJ"j. MostespecjolJy -eeo netpio lobby to our corresponding LGUS.

M.. Chris:Moy we requeslMs.Jojiof IIKAS for o response? Mi. Joji: lnsiiiuiionqlly, lhere ctre n

,.-.:--e :orocus ou,pios-n,oii!"i:#T::h:ir'JT,:fl,f;fl?::.:Il, hosrosenie : _' c.cgroms.I would nol likemok€

.' -:3we srorred rti,u"rr..,rJ"o#;ln:X,*l#,g#!iiT,?ff,ff,l;,$:

:- :-rv co'n.r'+:nqssi5+j'.rg yo , ir insrotr,ng sysr";;.ilr;;;; r-eedsro ::::-eod thr5.Thebusiness ptonsshould 6e'co"r"iiJ.r"J ";d"p?ooory ,"o?Jo.ooro, ,nou,o b" io funding ogencies. ,:::e cndsulrmitted proposot This ."" o.i.6iliifiro ro Fssl,pEF or

: t""'F":,::r?:."";"n^:1"^y:o ?^""*:l io uswhorherpyouneed.Theprovrnce

ii'"'""-.;JtJi'J' i;*il; ;ffi'ffi T: ...;L3:,ililnf:T:?':0fl :".:"."''o'u

, , r | u rr u r K s w l l rnn e : ' : ; r c e . M o y b et h e i o c ko f a i o u r i s isonoiherprobjem.Duringlhe reseorch :,::enrolron on.j :'::entotion crndv^ti.-J^ii^h vcrtidoiion rv,vu,,u,, ,.,^.,_-^]:,Ir.trru workshop, wurKsnop, |l _" it was sqld thol -: - - cockoge. ti"t eoch lown will hove iheir own Theinslollolion of svst. :ms rseqsybul lhere"J.XlJ"r" isihe need lo to deyelop devFtn^ft.r firstil.^ the :-:oucls ol eoch fown.


Pl'l?:1t_l?iocA-p ihe enthusiosm-is ihere.bur we oreor present finonciolty droined.

ocrvtres weloic;;ii ili howobour ,,:,:,",":ffitff.i%f".;f:"fillg ihe - ' orion source oui runds rorthe phose. This wo.r r.i,iri'",1ilffi:.Um?f ""t,iili j|lr. Chris:Whot you need to do is^io cgnsoljdaie fjrstthe pJcrns ond then submil o

phose *ouroou'oiti"'i'premenrolion :.-:i""Ji: HS[t"i33133j;tli.:'g:nizine pushingis forlhe

communllyro go hlo :::-enrerpnsedevelopment. whot']^l::.-"!" osslslqnce do you need?lsit justlogistics? -: :ose,.noybe lithot is Icon helpyou. Vr. Joji:PEFcon help;i con tolkwiihjl?r

De,veJoprneni Associole lo hetpusdevelopo

tnoioecouse jlli*l';,:ij p rneielie"no'iunos i _j:;i;'J::l?:, orouoserl B,:: t,"qr

nqv;to .-::;rnor ;;,*j;;#i'HffJ?e?.TJSlfl?S ::l?u|.iffi,",;4iffi, r&. Ch s: Is lhe concepl occeptolf,le for,everybody? Or would il be more okoy if you

_l:ll''i]'j!!J!i,:Xi:r"i:i,f ;:i'j,.T:'::;in:,ryii::*i,;b"',. ...'- -1e concept,il isokoy.

s!q1Yq!U ]!g!qg rlhefo owin Pcrge45 of 58

r| r|

+ T I

+ + + t + I t t t

L Orgonizing 2. Additionolmorketreseorchfor specificmorket 3. Producideveloomenl -Rivercruisefor Pllqr -eco-odvenluretor Buluson -Educotionol odveniureforPrieloDioz -heolihqnd wellness for lrosin -swmming esodforCosiguron 4. lmolementolion 5. Moniloringond Evoluolion Youhqvelo ihinkobouiihisond if youthinkit isokoy,you moy conloclond inform plonsvou hovemode hqslo be consolidoled LIKAS. Thebusiness becouseil wouldbe the bosisof the proposol, Youhoveto thinkond decideif youwouldformo consorlium or on ollionce. Foro closingmessoge. moy I shoreo slory:Therewos once on Americonboy who dreomlof becomingo fighterpiloi.DuringWorldWorll, he decidedfo enlistol ihe Air yeor, Force,but sincehe wosjustl6 yeorsold ihen,he wos not odmilted.Thefollowing he ogoinenlisled ond he wosfinollyodmitted.Hewossentlo ihe Pocificond become on excellentfighterpiloi.One doy duringon operotionogoinsiJoponeseforces,he wosobleio down l0 Joponese zeroplones.Heihenproceededio relurn10the oircrofi problem wos thol he londedon the wrongship;il wos 'iheJoponese conier,bu'ithe wos thol il isnol olwoysihe flyingthot isimporioni,but olso oircroftconier.Thelesson the londing. progrom I hopethoi whoieveryou decidewith regordsto youriown'secolourism willreollvbenefitthe communitv.OtheMiseoll our efforiswillbe worlhless. Thonkyou,I hopeihol lwos oblelo coniribuleond be of helolo vou. The porticipontswere oworded with certificolesof porlicipotionbefore deporiing home.Ihe workshop session endedol exoclly4:00in lhe oflernoon.

Poge46 of 58

AnnexA. Ihe HumonBingo

B Hasvisiteda forcigncountry

I Hashosteda groupof tourists

Workingfor 5 years

Hasvasited a pla€e scenic

Knowshowto onvea car

Lovesto read oooKs

Lovesto watch rnovies

N Enjoys sin9ing


Hasclimbeda mountarn



Hasjoineda guidedtour

Hasstayedin a hotelrecently

Haspartidpated in a planning worKsnop

Wentswimfiing thissummer

Lovesto travel

Knowshowto s€ubadive

Anenvironment Hastakenan Hasconducted a Hasconducted a promotion activist recently Product airplane training campaign

Poge 47 of 58

o CompetitiveWeaknesses . Whatmakesothercompetitors betterthanthem? .

FutureCompetitors o Whodo youseeas possible competitors? o wny aretheyenteringthe market? o howstrongarethey?Why?

. Marketingand Sales .


Productsor ServicesOffered o Whatis the productor serviceoffered to thetargetmarket? o Describe the coreproductand,uppt.renturypr.oarJlZ Pricing o Howmuchis the productor servicegoing to beoffered? Distribution o ca.nthetargetmarketavailof the product l-.19w . ylruF is yourproductor serviceavaitable? or service? o vvnarmeanscantheypayfor the product or service? Promotion o Advertising andpubliciw o TradeShows o Partnerships o Discounts andIncentives SalesForce o Whowillbe sellingyourproducr or service? o nowmanyarethey? o Howaretheygoingto sellyourproduct or service? SalesForecasts o Howmuchof yourproductor serviceyou projectto sellin theflrst6, 12, 18,24 months?


W. Operations .


ProductDevelopment o Development Team o Development Costs o Development Risks Poge55 of 58

III. MarketAnalysis . MarketSizeandGroMh o Howbigis the market? o Whatis the groMhprojection? .

MarketTrends o Whatis the direction ofthe targetmarketin the pastyears? o Arethereemerging needsor pattern?


MarketSegments o Whoareyoutargetingasclients?


I o' gclEv rEgrrr


o Fromthe differentmarketsegments, whoareyoutargetingto serve? .

Customer Characteristics o Describe thisgroupor groups?


Needs Customer . Whydidyoudecideto targetthem? o Whatcustomer needscanmeetor exceed?


Purchasing Decision Process o Whatfactorsmakethemdecideto buyyourproductor service?


Product Positioning o Howdo youwantyourproductto appearfromyourcustomers?

IV. Competition .

Profiles of PrimaryCompetitors o Whoareyourcompetitors in thisindustry?

. Competitors' Products/Services & lvlarket Share o Whataretheyofferingto theircustomers? o Whatis theirestimated sharein the market? Competitive Evaluation of Product o DistinctCompetitive Advantage . Whatmakesthembetterthanothers? . Whataretheirstrenoths Poge 54 of 58



+ t + + + + I + ir| I t

lII. MarketAnalysis . MarketSizeandGroMh o Howbigis the market? o Whatis the groMhprojection? MarketTrends o Whatis the direction ofthe targetmarketin the pastyears? o Arethereemerging needsor pattern? MarketSegments o Whoareyoutargetingasclients? Ter^ata.l


., Fromthe differentmarketsegments, whoareyoutargetingto serve? Characteristics Customer o Describe thisgroupor groups? Customer Needs o Whydidyoudecideto targetthem? o Whatcustomer needscanmeetor exceed? Purchasing Decision Process o Whatfactorsmakethemdecideto buyyourproductor service? ProductPositioning o Howdo youwantyourproductto appearfromyourcustomers? IV. Competition Profiles of Primary Competitors o Whoareyourcompetitors in thisindustry? Products/Services Competitors' & MarketShare o Whataretheyofferingto theircustomers? o Whatis theirestimated sharein the market? Competitive Evaluation of Product o DistinctCompetitive Advantage . Whatmakesthembetterthanothers? . Whataretheirstrengths Poge54 of 58





. , . .

l'lissionStatement Summary of Activ\ty to Date Competenc\es Product or Service : Description -. Beneflts to customer . Differences fromcurrentofferlngs ^, . Objectives . Keysto Success . Location andFacilities IL IndustryAnalysis . EntryBarriers Whatconstraints or balrrerscompanles havefromenterjngthisindustry or business? . Supply andDistribution ., Whoaretheserviceor productproviders? () Howaretheydelivering the prodr.t, oi s".i.e, to thetargetmarket? Technologjcal Factors ,, Is technology usedforthisbusrness? , Howtheyareemployed? Seasonality . Whenis thepeakandlowseason/ Whatfactorscontributed to the peakandleanseason? mitieatins pump_primins or".;;;;;;;; ]Llat to minimize risksor rmprove performance durjnglowor peakseason? Economic Influences

, yr?"r,Js$""intheeconomy contribute or dictate success or fajture ofthe

Regulatory Issues Arethererelevant regulations thatcanhelpthebusiness? Regulations that wi impedegrowth?

Poge53 of 58

+ + + + I t t I

t t t r| r| r| r| t

i {


ExecutiveSummary B. Business Concept . Whatbusiness areyouin? . Description (valueproposition) of the services 9. Organization or Company . Statethe nameof yourcompany or organization . Givea briefbackground aboutyourhistory,mission, objectives andtrack recoro 10.lvlarket Potential r Whois yourtargetmarket?Characteristics? Preferences? r Howlargeis the targetmarket? . Whatistheincome potential? . Whatis the revenue andincomepotential? 11.Management Team ' Whowillrunyourenterprise or business? . Whatrelatedexperience doesyourmanagement teamhave? 12.DistinctCompetencies . Whatexpertise doesyourorganization haveto makeyourventuresuccessful? 13.Required Funding anditsUse . Howmuchis needed to operationalize thisbusiness? . Forwhatpurpose? Infrastructure, marketing, training/capitalexpenditures, etc. 14.Sustainability strategy . Howdo youintendto sustainthisbusiness? r Canyouexitin thisbusiness? Whatcosts?

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Ix. Developmentand Milestones dates.l4ilestones calendaf on a relativescaleratherthanspecific rin'e.rnayoespecified someor allofthefollowing: mayinclude . FinancingCommitments Milestones . ProductDeveloDment o Prototype o Testing o Launch . Signingof Significant Contracts Performance . Achievement of Break-even . ExDansion . Additional Funding milestones . Anyothersignificant x. Risksand Continoencies risksinclude: Somecommon . Increasedcompetition . Lossof a keyemployee . Suppliers' failureto meetdeadlines . Regulatory changes . Change conditions in business XI. FinancialProiections etc) tax rates,salesforecasts, (Startdate,commissions, . Assumptions Flow Statement) Cash (Balance Statement, Income Sheet, . Financial Statements . BreakEvenAnalvsis (quickratio,currentratio,D/E,D/A,ROE,ROA,working . KeyRatioProjections capital) . Financial Resources . Financial Strategy XIL Summarvand Conclusions ADpendices N4ay include: . Management Resumes . Competitive Analysis . SalesProjections . Anyothersupporting documents



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IV, Comoetition . Profiles of Primary Competitors . Competitors' Products/Services & lvlarket Share . Competitive Evaluation of Product Advantage o DistinctCompetitive o CompetitiveWeaknesses . FutureCompetitors V. Marketinoand Sales . Products Offered . Pricing . Distribution . Promotion o Advertising andPublicity o TradeShows o Partnerships o Discounts andIncentives . SalesForce . SalesForecasts VI. Operations . ProductDevelopment o Development Team o Development Costs o Development Risks . KeySuppliers . Produci Delivery / Service . Customer Service andSupport . HumanResource Plan . Facilities VIL . . . . .

Manaoement and Oroanization N4anagement Team OpenPositions Boardof Directors KeyPersonnel Organizational Chaft

VIII. Capitalizationand Structure . LegalStrudureof Company . Present EquityPositions P0ge50 of 58

Tableof Contents ExecutiveSummary Concept 1. Business 2. Company 3. MarketPotential Team 4. Management 5. DistinctComPetencies anditsUse Funding 6. Required 7. ExitStrategy MainSections L CompanvDescriotion . Mission Statement . Summary of Activityto Date . competencies . Productor Service o Description to customer o Benefits fromcurrentofferings o Dilferences . Objectives . Keysto success . Location andFacilities U. Industrv Analvsis . EntryBarriers . Supply andDistribution . TechnologicalFactors . Seasonality . Economic Influences . Regulatory Issues III. MarketAnalvsis . MarketSizeandGroMh . MarketTrends . MarketSegments . Targeted Segments . CustomerCharacteristics . customerNeeds . Purchasing Process Decision . ProductPositioning

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.Annex B.The Businessplqn Booklel

Eco-tourismBusiness Plan

Nameof company Contactinformation Date

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KeySuppliers o Whoprovideyourrawmaterials or inputsfor yourproducls or services? o Howorganized andreliablearethey? o Howexperienced inputs? aretheyin providing


Product Delivery / Service o Howareyougoingto deliverthe productor serviceto thetargetgroup? o Whatarethe processes involvein delivering the productor services?


Customer Service andSuppod o Howdo youdefinecustomer satisfaction? o Howdo youintendto providecustomer serviceandsuppot? you How o do handlefeedback? Positive andnegative


HumanResource Plan you goingto havethe bestpossible peoplein yourbusiness? How o are process? o Whatis yourrecruitment Whoareyougoingto recruit?Where you are 9oin9to findyourpeople? o Whatis yourhiringprocess? Firing? o Whatis yourperformance management andevaluation system? your plans? o Whatis career development and o Whatis yourcompensation andbenefitpackage?


Facilities o Whatarethe facilities thatyouhaveto produce the / infrastructure


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o Whatfacilities or infrastructure doyouneedfor yourbusiness? o Howdo youintendto sourceyourlackingequipment or facilities? VII. Management and Organization

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. Management Team . Boardof Directors . KevPersonnel . Organizational Chaft VUI. Capitalizationand Structure .

LegalStructure of Company o Whereareyouregistered?


Present EquiwPositions o Whoprovides financing to yourcompany or organization?

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IX, Developmentand Milestones Timemaybespecified on a relativescaleratherthanspeciRc calendar dates.Milestones mayinclud€ someor allof thefollowing: . FinancingCommitments . ProductDevelopment lvlilestones o Prototype o Testing o Launch . Signing of Significant Contracts . Achievement Performance of Break-even . Expansion . Additional Funding . Anyothersignificant milestones x, Risksand Contingencies . Whatarethe possjble risksyoumayfacein yourbusiness? . Howdo youintendto mitigatethe effectof the differentrisks? Somecommonrisksinclude: . Increasedcompetition . Lossof a keyemployee . Suppliers' failure to meetdeadlines . Regulatory changes . Change in business conditions

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XL FinancialProjections (Startdate,commissions, Assumptions tax rates,salesforecasts, etc.) (Balance Financial Statements Sheet,IncomeStatement, CashFlowStatement) yourcurrentandprojected o Present financial statements .

BreakEvenAnalysis o Whendo youprojectthatyourbusiness will reachbreak-even? (quickratio,currentratio/D/E,D/A,ROE,ROA,working KeyRatioProjections capital) Financial Resources o Whatcurrentfinancial resources doyouhave?


Financial Strategy o Howdo youintendto flnanceyourbusiness?

XIL Summaryand Conclusions

o Statewhydoyouthinkthisis a goodbusiness foryouto pursue

Appendices l{ay include:

. . . .

Management Resumes Competitlve Analysis SalesProjections Anyothersupporting documents

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