Workplace Vol 01

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  • Pages: 4
The Shepherd’s S ta

by : Rro. Glenn


One Voice, One Purpose: Share, Live and Proclaim Christ.

Volume 1, Issue 1 January –March 2009

After Christ’s resurrection and ascension about two thousand years ago, the disciples were given the authority to preach the gospel to every nation. A great number of people were baptized and converted to Christianity. The zeal to evangelize was remarkable and the visibility by the people to continue the work of spreading the Word, was spreading like wild fire.

One more year as workers in God’s vineyard, ALNP– Davao is driven by another purpose: As One Voice, One purpose, To Share Live and Proclaim Christ..

It begins now, and ends in His time. Today, is the best day, and tomorrow will be a great and abundant harvest. With one heart and with one goal, with one voice to be heard by the many, with our Lord who will strengthen us, we can proclaim Christ to others. The word which the Lord has spoken, “ I have come to serve”, should inspire us . We are His servants and we want our Master to find us faithful with what He commanded us. Let us serve others with great love and zeal, with humility and without condition. Let us proclaim Christ to many and be the light and salt of the earth. By: Sisjeen

Final Blot

For God’s Sake#@$*! Hindi ako nagmumura...hindi ako galit. Naririnig natin ang katagang ito pag merong taong galit or sometimes nagku-curse...again, hindi ako yun. Kung titingnan natin ang etymology o pinagmulan ng katagang “For God’s sake…” matatagalan pa tayo. So, lets take the positive side of the term. Di naman talaga masama ang mga ito, di tulad ng mga four-lettered curse at kung anu-ano pa… Ngayon… think about all the deeds that you do. Sa simpleng mga pakikipagusap at

pakikipag kapwa tao– o maging sa sarili nyo… can you do it ,For God’s sake? Sing...For God’s Sake Communicate...For God’s Sake

Give alms...For God’s Sake Fast and abstain...for God’s Sake Attend Prayer meeting...For God’s Sake Faithfulness at your prayer time...For God’s Sake Serve others...for God’s sake marami pang iba. Please, wag nang magdahilan…Do everything in God’s name… maraming maging pagbabago, maraming makikinabang, mapapagaan ang puso higit sa lahat, maiiwasan mo ang sobrang paging MAKASARILI. Advance Happy Easter!

The Workplace

I am now proclaiming His word to all men which will make a great impact to the lives of the people. As a community in Lingkod, join me in this endeavour.


Today, like the disciples who made their way to the hostile and arid land, the missionaries have been greatly recognized by their eagerness to awaken the lives of the many who need God as the be-all and end-all of their existence. The command, which our Lord gave us relinquished to all, but not to those whose hearts are stubborn and hardened by the callousness of their spirit. “Many are called, but few are chosen” and fewer responded to the call of spreading God’s word.

One Voice, One Purpose: Share, Live and Proclaim Christ

“ As servants of the Lord: we are commissioned to proclaim the Good News. This year the Lord is urging us to be radical and relentless in evangelizing more single men and women. He has promised a year of great harvest. Let us be a part in the renewal of hearts and transformation. All for God’s greater Glory!” -Ires.

tion in our desire to serve the Lord”-Franco “Great theme!!! As God’s love will lead and guide us. I’m sure that with one people, we will triumph and become victorious in proclaiming God’s Word”-Matti

“Our Collective efforts to proclaim the Gospel will go a long way. It is imperative that we’ll gather to consolidate our efforts for after all, in union, there is strength. May we continue to foster that common direc-

Affixing signature at the Mission Statement tarpaulin of ALNP - Davao.

When God Speaks Through the Heart Call upon me, Love Me. Let yourself be

others before living for yourself. You will live in divine communion with Me and the universal communion with others….identified with me and at the same time with others. You will then allow Me to serve more as bond between My Father in

flooded with the conviction of being passionately loved, as you are, with all your limitations and miseries, so that you may become what I desire you to be, burning coals of divine charity. Then, instinctively, you will think of me and of the

Continued at Page 2 Inside this issue: News Tidbits


Keep Right A New Look

4 7

You may want to know


Shepherd’s Staff


Final Blot


“Lent isn't about being somber or morose. I have enough of that in my life. It's about using everything in my life to better connect me with God.”

when God Speaks…(From page 1)


heaven and my brothers on earth.

*Lent Is a 40 day Christian festi-

val beginning Ash Wednesday and concluding on Easter (Sundays are not counted)

Speak to me before speaking about Me. Speak to me in all Simplicity, most familiarly-with a smile. Those who speak about Me without my speaking through them, what can they say about Me? There are so many false ideas, even among Christians about Me, and how much more among those who do not believe in Me. ….Continued at Page 6

Speak to Me before speaking about Me.

News tidbits Lingkod launches Mission PISOble In preparation for the upcoming Silver Anniversary of Ang Lingkod ng Panginoon on October 2009, L i n g k o d n a t i on w i d e launched its Mission PISOble in December 2008. Each committed member is encouraged to fill up a 500 ml mineral water with onepeso coins that will be collected quarterly and will be donated to the National Office. This task primarily aims to help raise funds to support the activities of the Lingkod branches nationwide. Also, it promotes selfdiscipline among brothers and sisters and enhances their active involvement in helping the growth of the community. The next collection of Mission Pisoble Page 2

will be on end of April. JB

ALNP-Davao turns 15 "ALNP-Davao at 15: Flourishing in God's Vineyard," was the theme of this year's celebration of ALNPDavao’s 15th Anniversary and Awards Night held on February 27, 2009 at the HTC Center. The night was raised to fes-

tive occasion with the praise and worship led by Bro. Leonil Geñoso, followed by a sumptuous dinner and a program highlighted by Action Group presentations, parlor games and Awarding for Outstanding servants of Lingkod Davao for 2008. Awardees were chosen after the survey conducted days prior to the event. Among the awardees and their awards were: Christian Time Award Micheal Hervas Jennifer Pilapil,

* The word "Lent" comes from the old Anglo-Saxon word lengten, which means "springtime," named so for the time of the year in which it occurs. *What we now call Lent was originally a period of fasting and study for catechumens who were to be baptized on the Saturday before Easter. The 40 day fast was said by Athanasius in 339 AD to be celebrated the world over. The 40 day fast of Jesus in the wilderness was responsible for the number 40 being chosen. *The purpose of this extended fast was to practice self-denial and humility. This was to prepare oneself for receiving God's grace and forgiveness in baptism, given on Easter Saturday or Easter Sunday.

Easter is one of the most sacred dates in the Christian world

* As with many holidays, lights, candles and even bonfires play a role in Easter celebrations around the world. Many of the Roman Catholic faith put candles in the church on Good Friday and then light them again with the Easter Candle during Easter morning services. * The term Easter originates from 'Eostre', the Anglo Saxon Goddess of Dawn. As dawn signifies the rebirth of the day so Easter was associated with the rebirth of spring. · For Americans, Easter is the second most important holiday to eat candy, and lots of it!

Maundy Thursday ·

The word "maundy" may have come from the maund (or mand) basket used by the fishermen in the English counties of Norfolk and Suffolk.

The Holy Cross

* the best symbol of the Easter. It fulfilled the promise of the Prophets….It also redeemed our soul...

A new look...

RL Dennis Villegas with Bro. Mike and Bro. Arnold during the awards night.


The ALNP Office is nobreathing a new air and packaged with a better and more cozy place for our meetings, planning and other Lingkod—related matters. Our salute to the volunteerism of the basuraVO L U M E 1, I SSU E 1

alikabok-busting brothers and sisters! One request to all users...Just clean as you go, ok? Page 7

When God Speaks…(from page 2)

Listen. Understand. Ponder. Absorb. Put into practice. I know it is difficult to listen to Me when your head is full of sounds. There must be silence. There must be the desert. We are shocked at the aridity of the void. Yet if you are faithful, if you persevere, your well Beloved will make His voice heard. Your heart will burn and this inner ardor will bring you peace and fruitfulness. You will then relish at that point your Lord is gracious. At that point, His burden is light. You will experience, beyond the time you devote to me exclusively the reality of “ My beloved is mine and I am his.” Those who never hear me and who deplorably harden their heart are to be pitied. Ah, if only they came to Me with a little child’s soul. “I thank you Father, because you have hidden these things from the proud, and have revealed them to the little and humble. If anyone feels lowly, let him come to Me and drink. Yes, let him drink the milk of my thinking.

“ Here I am” in testimony of your attention and readiness….

I would like to make use of you more and more. So, never stop directing your will toward Me. Strip yourself of yourself. Take upon yourself the attitude of a member having only Me as your reason for living and as a goal of your life. Call upon me for help - gently, calmly, and lovingly. Do not think that I am insensitive to the delicacies of affection. Yes, you love Me but prove it to Me even more.

Tell Me how you spent the day. I know how you did, of course, but I love to hear you tell Me about it, just as a mother loves to hear the chatter of her child on coming home from school. Let me know about your desire, your projects, your boredom, your difficulties. Am I not able to help you overcome them? Speak to Me of all those who suffer on their mind, in their flesh , in their heart, in their dignity. Speak to me of all those who are frightened of death, or on the contrary, with serenity, are going to die, and those who are going to die and have not the slightest notion of it. Speak to Me about My growth in the world and of what I work out within the innermost depths of hearts, of what I bring about also in heaven to the glory of My Father, of my Mother, and of the blessed. Have you any question to ask me? Do not hesitate. I am the key to all problems. I will not give you the answers right away, not if your questions come from a loving heart.. the response will come later on, either through an intervention of My Spirit or by what happens. Do you want to tell me what you desire for yourself, for others, for me? Do not be afraid to ask me for a lot. By so doing, you hasten in a certain way, invisible though it be, the hour of all mankind’s assumption in Me. You will cause the level of love to rise and then of My presence in the Hearts of men. Just as for Mary Magdalene on Easter Morning, so my heart never ceases calling you by the name and wait your “ Here I am” in testimony of your attention and readiness….

Page 6


Josephine Canaya, Irene Baluyot Brother Among Brothers Award Vince Stacy Manliguez Sister Among Sisters Award Mae Balaga Evangelizer Award; Matias Ponlawon, Jr. Manilee Araune Michelle Grace Gascal Servant of Lingkod Award Joel Bulangkit,Jr. Dennis Watin Farrah Kristel Maceda Valerie Fernandez Manilee Araune Servant Leader Award Matias Ponlawon, Jr. Michael Hervas Richmond Galant Lim Michelle Grace Gascal Marisol Barba Most Faithful Award. Michael Hervas Jennifer Pilapil ALNP - Davao is currently led by Branch Leader Glenn Rem ol a d or a n d Br an ch Women's Moderator Ires Hordista along with the Branch Council and ministry heads, Lingkod Davao draws strength to leap for another ear of service beyond self. JB

eagerness. He is in high spirit to be serving in the new task. He said , “It is The CLP series for brothcompletely a differers-to-be was launched. ent/new service. I have to The brothers, headed by learn fast and I am exBro Glen and Bro Nhil cited.” Admin Head, Bro. invited the participants to Nhil, was just too happy a fellowship that finally, the activity. For- Please invite more Admin Team can mally, the brothers-to-be to now fully operate CLP started its join the CLP for Men having all of its Day 1 on Ministries filled. JT March 22, 2009 at the Holy Cross of Davao AV Lingkod visits Room with 5 participants.

ALNP initiates CLP for Men

New Ministry Leader-Servants The Administration Pillar of the ALNP-Davao is pleased to welcome Bro Chubs, Sis Mans and Sis Crist’l as part of its team. Bro Chubs heads the Ways and Means Ministry together with Sis Mans. While sis Crist’l heads the Works of Mercy. During the last Admin meeting, Bro Chubs expressed his

Home for the Aged “Salamat kaayo sa pagbisita!”were the words that the lolo’s and lola’s at the Co Su Gian Center for the Elderly when ALNPEvangelization Team paid them a visit on February 22, 2009. Twenty-four elderly aged 50-95 are under the care of the City Social Welfare & Dev’t Office. The activity focused on gift giving. JB

Lingkod Davao draws strength to leap for another year of service beyond self. VO L U M E 1, I SSU E 1

Page 3


you lose hope.

By: Bro. Jb But the Lord our God, simply tells you this, “Be quiet, trust me, I know your needs better

Find your Feet

than you do. Just wait and give me a chance to work.” You see? Everyday, He is painting the masterpiece of your life and He never sleeps, He’s always at work and is constantly knocking you

“For a meaningful life, you must learn to find your feet…” Finding your feet is searching your fate. You can’t just stand and stay foot. For you to experience every piece of life, you need to use those feet, make steps, walk and explore what’s

to open your heart for Him. He is working with you now, right this moment. Listen to your heart. At times, in silence, you find emptiness, but if you truly open you heart, His presence will reign.

nice, unpleasant or satisfying for your senses. Several will stop from the hike, perhaps delighted

Now, isn’t that enough to boost your day? That’s completely satisfying than anything

to what they witnessed. So, they remained and never walked again. Some may still be strolling up

else! Your everyday chance of life, you should be thankful with that! It’s a gift from God and He

to this time. Others will continue the march, probing further to gratify their minds until they come

painted this day for you to rejoice, to exalt and to treasure. Pray and thank the Lord, praise Him

across on what they truly wanted.

and celebrate His immensity amidst the battles you are struggling. Certainly, contentment de-

Indeed, man is relentlessly seeking answers to contentment. Whatever journey we take, we always consider how such undertaking will cause us happiness. But hey, aren’t you really pleased with life? Or were just insensitive to its subsistence?

year 2008. He is so present in my life now that He touches me in this manner (Who touches blinded by the fanaticism with material But look at now, He has paved the road reveal my understanding about Him and ness and love for His people.

“Be quiet, trust me, I know your needs better than you do. Just wait and give

but it’s only short termed. You may be fulfilled when you reach success or achieve fame, yet, it only ends there. It’s temporary. True contentment is felt with spiritual maturity, when you day by day, grow in love with the Lord, thinking yourself less and more focus on serving others for His

I’ve never been this expressive in writing, not even once. Yet, He changed me last yours?) I wasn’t thinking also this way

pends from person to person. You may be happy now with material things like money or gadgets,


glory and delight. You seek Him more and you put your full trust in Him. The greatest wealth is found in having a personal relationship with the Lord.


After reading this, perhaps you’ll be beginning again

things and stories.

another journey with your own feet. Wherever your

for my ability to

feet may take you, I hope, in some way, this article

to share His great-

had been a blessing for you and had helped you draw

me a chance to work.”

closer to God.

Every creature shaped by The Father has a purpose on Earth. God didn’t create us just

In time, when you’re gone, you’ll not be leaving home

to experience life and His creation. He made us uniquely according to His own image and like-

anymore, but you’ll be going home, walking eternally

ness to serve and to give Him back the pleasure. The trials you are suffering are all part of his

with the feet of the Lord.

plans for you. You may find Him doubtful at times but you shouldn’t, because that’s God’s way in testing your faith on Him.

True contentment is felt with spiritual maturity, when day by day, you grow in love with the Lord, thinking yourself less and more focus on serving others for His glory and delight.

One day, God will ask you, “What’s the latest with you, my child?” And there you are watching TV, making things busy, fighting against traffic, schooling and working, gossiping people and trying your best to sustain day to day activities and to satisfy your urges and desires. Then you get tired, you complain and shout, you stop and cry and worst, Page 4


VO L U M E 1, I SSU E 1

Page 5

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