Workplace Vol 02

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  • Pages: 6

WORKPLACE The Official Publication of the Ang Lingkod ng Panginoon-Davao





Lingkod lives, shares and proclaims Christ In the Maulborn Monastery in the Alps of Austria, there is a typical mountain spring. It flows out of the side of the hill, through a hollowed out tree stem as a pipe and spills noisily into a large trough also hollowed out of a large tree trunk. Nearby, in National Leader, Mon Samson German is an inscripinspired ALNP Davao during tion “ When somehis visit in July 2009. one comes here and drinks of my water, do you think he thanks me? But no matter– I just keep flowing on and gurgling on and singing as I go. How beautiful my life is: I give and keep on giving.” - Michaels Kalendor The anecdote reminds us about the content of Bro. Mon’s talk on July 10, 2009 at the Prayer Meeting. In 1 Cor. 10:4,(“they drank from the Spiritual rock that went with them, and that rock is Christ”) the Scripture proclaims Jesus as “The Rock” who gives life and satisfaction. You see, we proclaim the Lord as our Rock and our Fortress (Ps. 18:2). With all these in faith, we are still wobbly when the storms of life, our rela-

tionship problems, career direction, finances, sickness or death or even a breakup, desiccate our personal relationship with God. So, we find “comfort” in our “heaven substitutes”. Money, looks, jobs, success and prestige are good. But, if our heaven substitutes becloud the real heaven the Lord has prepared for us, then, we are misled. Storms in life or heaven substitutes should not dry the soul. It should not reduce the spirit that drives us to be faithful, thankful and to be missionaries. We have Christ as our bucket of spring water. He doesn’t dry down. We have our hearts and our homes built in and rooted in the solid Rock that never shakes. Are we going to just substitute it for a fragment of comfort and convenience? Stand up! Really upright...because this is our call… As Lingkod,... We Live, share and proclaim Christ!!!-JT.

Souled Out : From Fraternity to Community “I’ll have no regrets, none at all. One Friday night, he shared a For I know everything happens for a rea- bit of his life. I realized God’s saving son that even us cannot explain.” love in changing lives from worst to best. His experiences and struggles Beneath the smiles is a courageous were witnesses on how he become a heart and genuinely tolerant persona. Silent fully renewed person for God and for water runs deep they say; this brother is often others. In our conversation, I thought noticed with his melodies as he serves he was man of few words, yet, but the through the music ministry of Lingkod – Datruth is, he was a man worth listening vao. He’s a certified public accountant, a pasto. (I guessed it’s I who run out of sionate singer and a talented pianist. That’s words!) He is truthfully sincere and the music man, Joevanie L. Bonjoc. very profound.

Evangelize! ·The seed of God’s Word has been sown, and taken root here in our heart, Christ’s teachings now that we have known to others we too must impart. ·It is our effort to preach God’s Word, our acts speak louder than what we teach. It is easier to be heard when we practice what we preach. ·Those who don’t know how to listen, will find it hard to feel remorse; read the Word of God as it is written “Repentance is our sole recourse.

Inside this issue: Bit Files


The Joggers’ Plea


I Christify My workplace


Shepherd’s Staff


Encouragement Quotient


Final blot



From Fraternity…(page 1)

Joevanie grew up in Butuan City. In 2002, they transferred to Davao when his father retired from work. At present, they live in Toril. He’s the middle child and the only son among three.” Daghan jud mi kaagi ug hangtod karon happy ko nga kumpleto mi. Makaingun ko, lisud jud kaayo among kahimtang dati pero swerte mi nga nakalahutay gihapun,” he proudly shared.

tempted him. It was hard withstanding the withdrawal symptoms and mending broken relationships. ““There are times na mag-chill na gani ko. And I still managed to hide it from my family. But later on, I learned to say NO and totally changed to focus on my studies. I graduated in 2004. In 2005, I took and passed the board exam for Accountants,” he humbly added.

Reminiscing the days, he recalls they were accustomed to praying together as a family. “Buluyagon jud ko nga anak pero nakasabot na si mama ug papa kay murag nasanay na pud sya sa environment nga akong gidakuan, “he added. When asked about his significant years, he narrated his remarkable experience that he considered as the battle he won over. His elementary days were fine and he enjoyed it much. But at 15, he was really high! Out of curiosity and peer pressure, he tried marijuana, and it did not stop there. It became a habit especially during college. In 1998, he took Computer Programming and shifted to BS Accountancy on 1999.

Joevanie was invited to Lingkod trough Bro. Joondee Yap, his colleague in Mindanao Corrugated on 2006. He joined the Christian Life Program. He was hesitant at first but later on became consistent because of his interest in the worship songs and the desire to play the piano. Joevanni currently serves as an organist in the Music Ministry

“My world felt great those days, very stimulated and energized. I was even the master initiator in our fraternity. Grabe lagi ang night life. I was elated but at the same time struggling and broken-hearted. Niabot pa gani ang time nga twice a week na mi magsession and sometimes, with police officers. Yes. Pero didto pako ato sa Butuan, 3rd year college ko. Wa pud mi nasakpan sukad-sukad,” Joevanie sincerely revealed. It was a secret he hid from his family. He only told his mother before he took the CPA board exam on 2005 when he had fully recovered. His mother accepted him nonetheless. However, this is still a secret to his father until now. But he knows his father would understand. “What’s important is that I’ve changed, “he stressed.

“That was my life before I joined Lingkod. I have no regrets, none at all. For now I know that everything happens for a reason that even we cannot explain. Siguro kung wala ‘to tanan nahitabo, dili ko ani karon. Lahi si Joevanie. Life would be very different, “he quoted.

Niabot pa gani ang time nga twice a week na mi magsession and sometimes, with police officers.

“When did you decide to stop?” “It was when we transferred to Davao in 2002. I had no other choice but to stop. No friends, no money, no fraternity brothers. Nothing to buy. I practically have nothing, he explained earnestly. It was difficult for him to stop. At an early age of 20, the pressures still haunted him. The vice still

“Any turning point in life?” I asked him again. “After the Outpouring in Lingkod, I felt His presence and I realized that He has always been at my side since the day I was born. He never abandoned me. I wasted after all those years that I’ve been ignoring Him. I came to know the power of God’s love for me. Literally, my whole life was totally changed, “he admitted. At 27, Joevanie is a fully reformed man. Though he still toils on his daily struggles, he’s sure of one thing: he had surrendered his life to the Lord. “I’ve never been this happy. I was brokenhearted, but now, I’m complete, contented and victorious with my fight against my addictions and frustrations. From fraternity, now to community. I guess the relationship with the brothers and sisters in Lingkod is one of the best things that happened in my life. I learned to appreciate my story, my life and my continuing journey. God is truly immense and amazing! To God be the Glory,” he exultantly concluded. Bro Joevanie has stood up for the Lord and responded to God’s call for service. I’m so happy to be acquainted with a genuine person like him. A man who is not afraid to face his past but rather use it in reshaping his life. Bro, thank you for the inspiration you bring to the community. Keep your music playing, God will always be there to give you the right tune. JB


Bit Files 2009 CLP Series The 2009 Christian Life Series (CLP) is harvesting good numbers. On the first CLP held on June 28, there were 36 sisters and 17 brothers. ALNP –Davao Branch Leader Glenn encouraged the brothers and sisters to persist in inviting guests to join the CLP The CLP Participants are very energetic, and very participative. In fact, some participants in-

vited their friends to join the CLP. The facilitators and servants are well organized and the sessions start and end smoothly and on time. After the CLP the participants and servants attend mass, dine out, or watch movies together.

speakers, arrange chairs and venue, and to pray with the participants...

We are optimistic that as the CLP series continues, the brothers and sisters will contain the same spirit of camaraderie, service and dedication to commit all Sunday mornings to serve in any way possible, lead discussion groups, share testimonies, be

of life is observed and prayer time is established.

ALNP-Davao Summer Household held

The Summer household is a yearly activity of Lingkod which aims to inspire the participants to love the Lord more deeply and to love and serve one another more generously thru various teachings and activities and to live out the way of life God has called us to together. During the household, Lingkod way

This year’s twoweek summer household for sisters was held in Alpha Homes, Matina Aplaya, Davao City from April 12 to April 26 2009. Thirteen sisters joined the activity which was headed by Ires Anne Hordista. On the other hand, the brothers had three weeks of house-

Page 3

Let’s continue praying for the participants of the CLP 2009….

hold at Luzviminda Village, Ma-a, Davao City from April 20 to May 9, 2009. Six brothers participated the household which was headed by Glenn Romolador. Highlights between the households were the talks from invited speakers, sharing of insights, fellowships and the Lord’s Day.

“EXTRA RICE Energy for Men” for sale pa rin!!!! Contact Sis Ria. Apili pud ug ... All purpose Detergent Powder. Contact lang si Doc Manz Dakong tabang na ni sa atong Ways and Means

Holympics 2009 reaped a harvest

Yellow “Luke” Team… The 2009 Holympics Champion!!!

Pagpalambo sa Kristohanong Kahimsog Diha sa Pasingot og Paugnat sa Kusog“ was the theme of this year’s Holympics held on May 17, 24 & 31, 2009. Committed members and invited guests were divided into four teams:John(Blue),Mark(Gre en), Matthew(Red) and Luke (Yellow). Among the sports events of the 3Sunday activity were bas-

ketball, blind volleyball, parlor games like patintero, catching the dragon’s tail, hep-hephooray, cheering, and many more. Yellow team emerged as the champion. Despite being outnumbered was able to dominate in relay games, (the square!) during the culmination activity at Paradise Island Resort, Samal. Special awards were also given to deserving teams. Surprisingly, this year, Joel Bulangkit,Jr. and Nerissa Villanueva were hailed as the Mr. & Ms.

Holympics 2009. This yearly evangelistic activity of ALNP was conducted to strengthen the relationship of committed brothers and sisters and introduce the way of life of community to guests and possible participants for the Christian Life Program this July.

Reminder: Please remit your pledges to our Finance Ministers...


THE JOGGERS’ PLEA If you don’t take good care of yourself, we will take care of you... A friendly reminder from the best parlor in town… your funeral parlor... I can’t help but laugh and giggle, when I got this message. Indeed, text messaging has commercialized even the products and services. Pinoys have become innovative in making stories or jokes that inspires or loosen us up from the everyday stressors of life. But pointing out to the text message above, the joke was really good and interesting (pwede i-group send) between the lines... it tells one thing: Take good care of your body or you’ll regret not loving it. It reminded me how an individual should look on one’s health even though we felt very okay. Because nowadays, some diseases are silent killers, primarily affecting those under constant stress from heavy work, duties and problems especially among single professionals. Though at our age, we can easily adapt, it doesn’t guarantee health. We need rest, sleep, good diet and brisk EXERCISE. Since January this year, Lingkod Evangelization Team has started jogging at the People’s Park on Saturday mornings, which aims to establish growing relationship with people from all walks of life and evangelize them to join the community. Moreover, the activity emphasizes the necessity to be mindful of our physical wellness, not just spiritual wellness. (Oo nga naman, how can we serve the Lord if we’re not physically fit?)

He will take care of us, not only here on Earth, but also in Heaven.

I honor the brothers and sisters who were truly consistent and regimented in observing this demanding routine. We jog not just because of our personal goals or reasons. We jog for a cause – that is – to bring people closer to the Lord and to strengthen God’s temple, His precious gift, our body. You might say, “Pwede man sa balay nalang.” (Yes you can!) Yet, consider this task also as a chance to mingle with brothers and

sisters and to proclaim your wellness… that you’re healthy! (Magtumbling ba ka or magstretching! You can actually do anything there, I tell you.) It’s not obligatory, though, but we are encouraged to be involved, (if you’re available), to make it a habit and to boost our physical stamina. We believe it’s very challenging especially for those who sleep late. It is not just jogging. At the park, one can join These are short beginnings we would like to partake with everyone. Press on and start the move. This is our simple plea, our enticement for you to come and experience simplicity and abundance of nature and life in spite of the troubles and pressures brought by uncertainties and by the pressure in our workplaces. Our body is made by our Heavenly Father. Let us not overwork. Instead, treat it with love and consideration. By keeping His temple healthy and full of vigor surely makes our Creator happy. He will take care of us, not only here on Earth, but also in Heaven. We hope to see you !






a b i t s


Holy Mass and Reconciliation


I Christify my workplace by….

Page 5

… bringing the Lingkod way of life to my workplace such as honoring and serving others, testifying of

God’s goodness and sharing His blessings.– Ires, Dole,Stanfilco … inviting office mates to be a part of our Community– Anna Lou, Fabian and Associates

… being a servant leader to all. By being friendly and showing them smiles and ease. Most of all, I am proud to share

the greatness and goodness of God in my life. –Lina, NCCC … making

Christ known to others through prayers when there are activities that require me to.– Glenn,

RCBC … witnessing though my actions. That people can see Christ in me without me actually speaking about it. Franco, San Miguel … sharing daily Gospel messages to colleagues, by maintaining good rapport with them specially with my boss and by taking opportunity to lead in prayer during special occasions.– Nhil, RCBC … making a difference even in my own little ways. –Mae,DCWD … playing Lingkod and Charismatic songs while working...conducting/leading activities on Holy Seasons and by

starting and ending company meetings with a prayer.– Jean, ND Shipping Group of Co.

The Shepherd’s The Ministry of Encour



but even during ordinary times

CLP participants and the Lingkod sisters during the Enight

Christyfying our workplace is our call in Lingkod, let our life be a testament of our Mission and our share in God’s kingdom on earth. Let’s not refuse such a great privilege….

1 Encouragement is an action of the Holy Spirit. He uses people to impart courage, life and power. We are His channels in doing this.

8 By being upbuilding in speech rather than being negative or critical we must be encouraging even when we are correcting

2 There is very little encouragement taking place between and among us. So people get disillusioned, discontented and discouraged. A lot of this had to do with our culture as Filipinos. Encouragement is not a part of our life.

9 By avoiding complaining. Complaining begets more complaints (chain reaction)

3 For us, as leaders, encouragement is not an option. It is a duty. To encourage our members is a duty in the Lord. 4

How do we encourage ?

5 Through our own faithfulness to our commitments (e.g., consistent attendance is an encouragement to others -- Heb 10:25) 6 By being true to Scriptures without the truth of Scriptures, we would have nothing with which to encourage one another 7 By being quick to pray with one another not only on birthdays or times or need/difficulty

10 By avoiding empty words of flattery and false assurance deceiving; insincere may cloud the issue or prevent the person to whom it is addressed from doing what is right. 11 By being "for our people". Supporting them; defending them 12 By listening to one another -- this is a healing thing to do 13 be available; give time 14 By being affectionate (expressing our love and affection)


ENCOURAGEMENT QUOTIENT Test Your Encouragement Quotient -Do my words of encouragement easily outweigh my words of correction or criticism ? -Am I generally uplifting to be around ? -Do words of praise for others come easily to me? -Have I been careful to ask forgiveness of others when I have spoken in a negative or discouraging way? -Do I pass along the good news and swallow the gossip ? -Does my conversation with friends generally build others up ? -Do I think more about looking for opportunities to give praise than my need to receive it ? -Can I bless those who have hurt me ? Can I bless those who have persecuted me as Scripture admonishes ? - Have I looked for creative ways of affirming others so that they may grow up loving themselves ? -Have I recognized how encouraging God is to His whole creation ? To me ? If you can, you are an encourager.

10 RULES FOR THE USERS OF OUR LINGKOD OFFICE 1. please keep our office clean 2. don't leave your garbage 3. Unplug all electronic devices from the sockets 4. Switch off lights and air-conditioning unit 5. Log borrowed materials 6. Book all planned meetings ahead with the Branch Servant 7. Log all meetings/activities held at the office 8. Return all borrowed materials 9. Handle all equipments/properties with utmost care 10.

Let us all be good stewards.

*Lifted from the BWM’s Manual

Final Blot

By Sis Jeen

“Cory Magic” Please don't get tired of reading about Cory. But if you do, let this be your one last final blot. What is THE magic that Cory brought? It is the nobility of the heart and the graciousness of the spirit. This magic united people from all walks of life, from all religious denominations, from one nation to the other into prayer… At the Greenmeadows Chapel, she offered her sufferings to God. Her selfless unwavering courage and strength are beyond question. As Fr. Arevalo would encapsulate her, “She is a woman of courage, faith and loyalty”. She even taught us Christians to be open to love and trying to endure our own pain with the pain of Jesus. So much can we learn from her. But, what I admired the most is her prayerfulness, especially her devotion to pray the rosary. With it, she has invited all of us to pray,….even the children of the very man who is to be blamed of her husband’s incarceration and assassination. What a magic it is to heal the wounds of anger, injustice, hatred, remorse, and revenge. What magic it is that despite confusion and chaos, she can stand with utmost confidence and calmness. What magic it is, that despite too much problems and evil, there lies faith. Her God is the same God we all praise. The same God we all preach. She says the beads of the same Rosary praying through the same Holy Mother Mary. She taught us the very essence of our rootedness as Christians: prayer. Can we not unite and transform our own “chaotic” workplaces in the same faith and prayer did to our nation ? Why not, diba?

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