What Is The Real Jesus, Part 05

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WHAT IS THE REAL JESUS? PART 5 After This I Saw Another Angel Coming Down From Heaven. He Had Great Authority, And The Earth Was Illuminated By His Splendor. With A Mighty Voice He Shouted: “Fallen! Fallen Is Babylon The Great! “It was a religious system that left Africa, and grew until it has, in one fashion or another, now covered the earth. And you are now being warned to come out of this world ruling government, world ruling religion, and world ruling - CALENDAR!” Rev. 18:4-8: Then I heard another voice from heaven say: “Come out of her, My People, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues; for her sins are piled up to heaven, and YHWH (Eternal Ones) has remembered her crimes. Give back to her as she has given; pay her back double for what she has done. Mix her a double portion from her own cup. Give her as much torture and grief as the glory and luxury she gave herself. In her heart she boasts, 'I sit as queen; I am not a widow, and I will never mourn.' Therefore in one day her plagues will overtake her: death, mourning and famine. She will be consumed by fire, for mighty is the Eternal YHWH (Eternal Ones) who judges her.

The United States of America has started to implode as a nation and a world leader. Its decline has been sudden and unprecedented. The lost of its aura of invincibility has come with such swiftness it is unparalleled in modern history. The entire world is watching the collapse of the world’s last super power right before their eyes. Rev. 18:9-10: “When the kings of the earth who committed adultery with her and shared her luxury see the smoke of her burning; they will weep and mourn over her. Terrified at her torment, they will stand far off and cry: “’Woe! Woe, O great city, O Babylon, city of power! In one hour your doom has come!’

In the next few years, millions and even billions of people are not going to be able to comprehend what their eyes are witnessing. The coming events will be so disturbing they are going to defy logic and suspend reality. As the United States of America enters its final death throws, and the world economy begins to suffer more and more as a result of placing their trust (and money) in this system: A world economic collapse will bring the nations of this planet to financial devastation. Hunger and starvation, sickness and disease will be the plight of billions worldwide. Many of the world’s poorest nations are already experiencing the first wave of what’s coming. In these nations, there is already a food shortage, water shortage, medical supply shortage, and an energy shortage. The worst is yet to come! There will also be major upheavals of natural disasters occurring around the planet. In less then five years, the United States alone has experienced devastating hurricanes that have left large portions of the Gulf Coast almost uninhabitable. Not to mention the natural disasters experienced this year alone in China, Burma and other places on the earth, which left hundreds of thousands, maybe even a million, dead in their wake. And the worst is yet to come!

The United State’s invasion, and subsequent endless war, that has exasperated and accelerated the tensions between the nations of the world, and now has all the people on earth living under a nuclear threat. And the worst is still yet to come! The Ancient Egyptians predicted that just before the destructive devastation that signal the end of one era (epoch) of civilization; the Firebird (phoenix) would appear in the sky, and reappear to usher in the new era. The Mayan calendar also predicted this event to the very day. But, mankind has been given religions that tells them to just have faith in the unknown. Religions that tell there followers to disconnect from the science of the world and the universe they live in, and believe in unsubstantiated claims and unproven dogma: In essence, live in a world of illusion; a world of fantasies, fables and blatant lies. So, on June 8, 2004 when one of the rarest astronomical events ever witnessed by human eyes happened; most people went about their normal day totally oblivious of the significance of the planet Venuses orbit transiting the planet directly in front of the sun. Therefore, according to the ancient Egyptians and the Mayans, the phoenix’s (firebird) appearance, which is suppose to warn mankind that the end of an era is approaching; went completely unnoticed by a world that has been deceived into disconnecting from the reality of the world and universe they live in. Almost two years later, to the day, the website www.nukeyofknowledge.com went online. And it has been the only voice, a voice crying out in the “wilderness” amongst the lies and the confusion: exclaiming for all to hear that the time of restoration of all things has finally come. Mtt. 17:10-11: And His disciples asked Him, saying, “Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?” Then the Savior answered and said to them, “Elijah truly is coming first and will restore all things. (Emphasis and changes mine)

The Savior was speaking in future tense, not past tense; he was not, at that moment, speaking of John the Baptist. He was talking about the time in the distant future when just before the end of the age the truth of the Bible would be restored to the earth. Mal. 4:5: “See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the Eternal comes. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land (whole earth) with a curse.”

But you are not listening! Like your fathers before you, and those before them; we are a people who hate and reject the truth, and instead love and worship the lie. As the walls of this nation is starting to tumble down all around you, and the other nations on earth are reeling in disbelief; you continue to look to someone (who is as much a part of this system as any other) just because he has the same skin color as ours. You are drowning! You are about to die! The message of life is being offered to you, but you want a false leader. You want to save the system that has enslaved you. You want a miracle. But the only miracle that will be given to this lost generation is the fact that this knowledge, which has been lost to the earth for thousands of years, is now being restored to us. But, you can’t see that. You invite me to your meetings, conferences, and services. You want me to become your partner. Yet not one of you has even so much as read a single letter that can show you the way to safety. Not one of you has even taken the time to investigate these letters to see if your own life is truly in danger. I’m standing on a huge yacht

with a life preserver in my hand, and what do you do? Do you ask me to please throw you the life preserver so you can become a part of this work that is restoring the truth to our people? No! You ask me to come down and drown in the water with you. Part of me want to say “Drown and Die!” Because, I will not get back into that water! But! There is another part of me that want so desperately for as many of our people as possible to open their eyes and look around them before it’s too late. There is a part of me that wants to plea with you to, for once in your life – Think! Use the intelligent reasoning power that we, as a people, have been gifted with, and connect the dots, put the pieces to the puzzle together, and save yourselves. Time is running out. There is not much time left before the phoenix will make its reappearance. Soon, you are going to wish you would have listen to this warning. Soon, you are going to regret not getting your hands on these letters when you had the chance. You are going to regret not having access to the only source that’s providing the information that ensures surviving the next few years. One thing will be for certain though, you will not be able to stand before the Two Creators and say you did not get the warning, because the Creators have promised that the message of their plan for this earth will go out to all nations as a warning! Mtt. 24:14: And this message of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations – And Then The End Will Come! (Emphasis and changes mine)

This message has been going out worldwide since June 2006, there is now only three more years left before the planet Venus will make its final transit in front of the sun in our lifetime. So, I’m going to finish this Bible study I’ve started, but this maybe the last Bible study I’m going to do here for a while. For the next few months, I’m going to return to focusing my attention on preparing those who have read the letters for what’s about to take place on the earth in the coming years. NOW IS THE TIME TO LEARN THE TRUTH OF WHAT IS THE REAL JESUS! The United States is only the last in a long line of world ruling nations to decline from its earlier greatness. The records of history are clear, in almost every case, these great empires collapsed from within. Each decline of these empires ushered in a new era of mankind. It took a total of twenty-one thousands years to pass before mankind’s collective knowledge had developed to the point of forming civilization’s first world ruling empire. It is without question that this first empire was the African Nubian Empire, and it is without question that this empire ruled over the “Age of Gold.” This great empire would be responsible for introducing mankind to the knowledge in the heavens that revealed the Two Creators. It would be this empire that would teach mankind to live by these laws of heaven, and gave mankind the Holy Calendar, which started the year in harmony with the laws of nature. This empire would rule on the earth for fourteen thousands years, with its crowning achievement being the building of the “House of Glory and Dominion,” which is the Great Pyramid in Egypt, just before the end of its era. THE BOOK OF ENOCH, The Apocalypse of Weeks. After ruling and civilizing the world for thousands of years, the world’s first great empire began to experience its decline from greatness as well. The collapse began from within the empire itself. As the new “Age of Silver” began, mankind’s knowledge continued to increase, but his ethics and morals began to decrease, and deceitfulness would become the common practice of

the priesthood. Wisdom would become forsaken for lawlessness. Knowledge began to be disguised in symbolism and rituals. Soon there was a god for every event and custom of the people. This was the era (epoch) of the explosion of the gods. The priesthood became corrupt with greed and power. This once mighty kingdom was now divided in two: The upper kingdom of Ethiopia and the lower kingdom of Egypt. (In the European’s corruption of these events; their bible calls the upper kingdom Israel, and the lower Kingdom is called Judah.) Ethiopia would retain the truth of the Two Creators for many years, but would eventually lose out to a new religion that was soon to appear on the earth. After more then three thousands years of the land’s corruption, and the priesthood becoming a “den of thieves:” A “Man” appeared in the land. He would denounce the priest, and warn the people to return to the gods of their fathers. Many in the two kingdoms would listen to him, and some became his followers. The priesthood would orchestrate his murder, and “He” would “Ascend.” THE BOOK OF ENOCH, The Apocalypse of Weeks. The followers of the teachings of the “Man” would eventually leave Egypt in a great exodus. Some would travel north, and some went south, but most would travel west and settle on the west coast of Africa. THE AFRICANS WHO WROTE THE BIBLE, by Nana Banchie Darkwah, Ph. D., pg. 230-231 The priesthood, to rally the people to accept a new teaching, which they wanted to introduce throughout the kingdom, would use the “Man’s” death. Now, the time for the death of the gods had come. The time for the birth of a new god had finally come, and the old gods would no longer be worship. This new god would be supreme. He would stand alone, and he would no longer have an equal. He would no longer need a female counterpart, because he would be the Son (sun) of the old gods! With the announcement of the birth of “Horus” the Son (sun) of the gods came the transition from polytheism – the worship of more then one god, to monotheism – the worship of a single god! And, thus was the end of the age of the gods! The “Silver Age” of mankind ended with the announcement of the new supreme Son (sun) of the gods! From this point forward, the gods of the old kingdom (Testament) would no longer be the supreme gods. Mankind would no longer worship the Male Force (god) and the Female Force (goddess) the same again. Only the new supreme Son (sun) of the gods would now be worshiped in the new kingdom (Testament)! But this announcement was more than just the beginning of the “Bronze Age” of mankind. This announcement also meant that the old ways of doing things would also have to change. The old way, which taught that the year was a great circle with an imaginary horizontal line dividing the daylight portion of the year from the night portion of the year at the two equinoxes, would no longer be the teachings of the priesthood. This type of year symbolized the Two Creators – The Sun and The Moon. A scheme was devised to change the image of the year from that of a circle to that of a man. In the annual travel of the sun across the sky, twice in the year the sun appears to stand still in the sky. These two times of the year mark the longest day of the year (summer solstice), and the shortest day of the year (winter solstice). This cult of priest, instead of dividing the year with one imaginary horizontal line, which made the year two equal halves of a circle or hemispheres (half-circle), would now add an additional imaginary vertical line that would now divide the year; instead, at four seasons of the year. From this point forward, the year would only

be determined by the travel of the Son (sun) god Horus! In this new sun worship (Horus) religion, the dates of the year would be fixed by the movement of the sun only. Since the fixed times of the year for the sun are the solstice: The sun worshiping religion would start the year during or as close to this time of the year as possible. The start of the year, then, would now have to change from being in harmony with nature, which is the spring of the year, to the time of darkness – summer solstice (winter solstice for the European's)! The ending and beginning of the day would now change from the last visible light at sunset to the complete darkness of midnight (the point of the Solstice if the year was a twenty-four hour day). The sun (Horus then, and Jesus today; for those who where not aware of what they were actually worshiping) would be the center and focal point of the teachings of this religion, and these teaching would be shrouded in mystery and symbolisms. The old agricultural year of spring (planting) and fall (harvesting) would now change to the new year of science, medicine, and technology. And it would be the false applications of these new teachings, which were appearing on the earth for the first time that would be used to lure people away from the old gods of nature, harmony, and creation. This new image for the “New Year” had to replace the old image of a circle for the year. An elaborate story, base on some truth, was conjured up to convince the people to transition from the old gods to the new Son (sun) of the gods! This story would tell of the death of the father Osiris (Sun), and the birth of his son Horus (sun). Most of you have already read, at least, one version of this story, so I will not go into details here, but suffice it to say; that these stories are all symbolisms of how the sun religion would kill off the observance of the year (and months) being determined by the phases of the moon. It would be this story that would be used to introduce this new symbol for this year created by the human mind, and not based on the actual movement of the lights in the heavens! The image of glory, the “Circle” became the image of that of a – Man! Cross of Life Incredibly, "life" after death was expressed by the ankh cross, another symbol with a counterpart in Christianity. The ankh was the most revered and prolific emblem in Egypt. It was inscribed on tombs and temples and it was depicted in the hands of gods, kings, priests, viziers, ordinary citizens, and their children. No one knows its origins. It’s meaning of "life" after death is strikingly similar to the meaning of Christ’s crucifix, also symbolic of "life" after death. (Jesus’ Doctrine of Eternal Life is a recurring theme in the New Testament. In John 11:25 Jesus says: "I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.") It should be noted that symbolists see in the ankh the outline of a crucified man: the circle represents his head, the horizontal line his two arms, and the vertical line his legs nailed to the cross as one. The name "Osiris" (Ausar) in hieroglyphics contains the silhouette of a bearded man with long hair. This is the same image engraved on the anthropomorphic coffins. The nemes headdress, beginning on the forehead of the deceased and resting upon the shoulders, is symbolic of long hair. (The headdress was tied into a ponytail in the back of the head as is often done with long hair.) The plaited beard on the chin represents a long beard. This discovery confronts us with a fascinating mystery:

FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS BEFORE THE RISE OF CHRISTIANITY THE EGYPTIANS WERE IN A QUEST TO FOLLOW IN THE RESURRECTION OF A BEARDED MAN WITH LONG HAIR AND ACQUIRE LIFE AFTER DEATH! Osirianised coffins also display a shepherd’s staff in the left hand, a distinctly Christian symbol. (Jesus described himself as the "Good Shepherd" of the human flock. Portraits of Christ show him holding the shepherd’s staff.) The shepherd’s staff was depicted in the hands of Osiris in Egyptian artwork. In literature his epithets sa and Asar-sa mean "shepherd" and "Osiris the shepherd." The term shepherd seems an appropriate title for a beloved spiritual leader whose religion of resurrection promised life after death for the wayward soul. DO ANCIENT EGYPTIAN ARTIFACTS ENSHRINE THE IMAGE OF CHRIST, by Richard Russell Cassaro (Emphasis and Changes Mine) So, it is the Ankh (which would later be changed to the Christian Cross), which represents the four points drawn by the two imaginary lines of the travel of the Son (sun) god with the sun itself (originally) setting on the point of the solstice that represents the image of a man! It was this sun religion, along with its new teachings of science, medicine, and technology – the four points of the cross – that left Africa, and has now covered the earth. As we saw earlier in this study: A (secret) brotherhood took the worship of this new religion to every region of the ancient world. There the names were changed from Osiris and Horus to the names of the languages of the inhabitants of the regions of the world they traveled to. That's why this story of a Messiah existed in almost every culture on earth for thousands of years before the European’s version was ever written. It was because of a secret priesthood, secret brotherhood, and a secret society whose goal has always been to dominate and conquer the world with their false religion of sun worship, which is base on a fixed calendar that originated in ancient Egypt. For the last two thousand years; the latest transformation of this secret sun worship religion has been the European's version. Once the Europeans were allowed into this secret society; their rise to world domination began. Once they translated these ancient text into their language; it would be they who would fulfill the mission statement of this secret cult - “World Domination!” Unlike all those before them, the Europeans would not be satisfied with being a part of this secret society. No, not for the chosen people. For the people who were chosen by god (Satan); the battle cry became - “There can only be one!” Just as the followers of the ancient Egyptian mystery sun religion were not aware of the truth of what it was they were actually worshiping; the followers of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are equally as unaware today. In the Bible the European’s are responsible for bringing on the earth, the father Osiris, and the son Horus became one; so the story change from the death of the father to just the death and resurrection of the son. Horus the Sun God of ancient Egypt became Jesus Christ the Sun God of modern day Christianity. And the Ankh of Osiris became the Cross with the actual body Jesus with his head still pointing to the position of the solstice, which is, now (with the body of Christ nailed to it), the actual image of a – Man!

Rev. 13:16-17: He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.

When the Europeans began their crusades to force the nations of the world to accept their new religion; there was wholesale bloodshed and torture for many centuries. Today, these are only stories in history books, but, once, they where the bloodiest times in human history. Now, however, Christians all around the world willingly take their right hand and touch their forehead, stomach, and left and right sides of their chest; thus tracing the “Mark of the Beast” on their bodies! Other Christians simple wear the sign of the beast as a cross around their necks! Rev. 13:18: This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man’s number. His number is 666.

The whole Christian world, in their deceived state of mind, has been waiting for the appearance of the false Savior, but what they are not aware of is that the false Savior came on the earth a long, long time ago. His number is 666 or 6 + 6 + 6 = 18! With the aid of the book, “Numbers And You,”we can determine what is the numerical equivalence of this name Jesus by using the oldest form of numerology, which is the Chaldean system. NUMBERS AND YOU, By Lloyd Strayhorn, pg. 24 JESUS – J = 1, E = 5, S = 3, U = 6, S = 3 – 1 + 5 + 3 + 6 + 3 = 18! JESUS = 18! “LET HIM CALCULATE THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST, FOR IT IS MAN’S NUMBER. HIS NUMBER IS 666.” HIS NUMBER IS MAN’S NUMBER ALRIGHT, AND THAT NUMBER EQUALS THE NAME OF THE MAN – JESUS! A sin that was the cause of our forefathers to be lead out of Africa as slaves, because a small cult of priest would be responsible for bringing on the earth a calendar that denied the truth of creation, and the truth of the Two Creators; has now grown to a worldwide religion and has deceived the entire world! WHAT IS THE REAL JESUS! THE REAL JESUS IS THE SUN! There is no other message that will save you. This is the message, and the warning that was promised to come to our people, and all people, just before the end of all things. COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE! REV. 18:4 To receive your free copy of the first letter, “The Curse Of Ham,” go to the website, www.nukeyofknowledge.com.

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