What Is The Real Jesus, Part 03

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WHAT IS THE REAL JESUS? PART 3 “Consider the kingdom of Babylon during the time of Nebuchadnezzar. This was the mightiest empire on earth. Daniel prophesied that every succeeding king would be inferior, less powerful, less influential. Why? Because Nebuchadnezzar was not the real ruler in Babylon. The power behind the empire wasn’t in the golden statue he erected. No, Babylon ’s authority rested in the hands of a small group of God-possessed men. The Lord had set up a secret, heavenly government and it was ruled by Daniel and the three Hebrew children. These men were God’s governing instruments, because they operated in the heavenly realm. They refused to have anything to do with the world system. Instead, they shut themselves in with God. As a result, these holy men knew the times. They could tell the people what God was up to at any given time. They were bright, shining lights to the whole nation, because they had the life of God within them.” I’m beginning this Bible study with a quote from a rather long email I received from a minister, that I’m just going to call Paul, this past week. To read Paul’s concerns for the present condition, and the state, of spirituality as it exist in the world today, was moving and uplifting while at the same time it was very sad and very true: Because, more then anything, his sincerity came through in his words. He genuinely feels that the message the Savior brought to this earth is not being either understood or not being received by most people today. So although, at this time, Paul and I don’t see eye to eye on everything, I was grateful that he took the time to write me and expressed his concerns, and I thanked him for doing so. There is a lot of truth in what Paul was saying; there is much confusion existing on the earth today when it comes to religion. And another thing Paul’s email got me thinking about, were the individuals who have had to bring this message of truth to their own people. Paul used the example of Daniel and his three friends in his discussion. But, how have the messengers the Creators have sent to their own people been received. The Bible is a story about one man (Abraham) and his family that grew into a nation. And the Bible only speaks of other nations and races when those nations and races come in contact with this nation that came from the man Abraham. So, all the messengers of the Bible were sent to one race of people (or they were sent to other nations to warn them not to harm that nation). So, today, judging by the standards that have been levied against me, our Creators would be considered racist. The entire message of the Bible is directed towards one race of people, and those people from other races that accept the Creators of this one race of people. So, when I say that the message I have is for Blacks first, and any other people that are willing to accept it: Am I saying anything different then the messengers of the Bible? When the true Savior walked the earth, these were the statements he made: Mtt. 10:5-6: These twelve the Savior sent out and commanded them, saying: “Do not go into the way of the Gentiles, and do not enter a city of the Samaritans. “But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Nubia. (Changes and Emphasis mine) Mtt. 15:24: He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Nubia.”

Now, if the Savior, himself, say that the message he brought to this earth was only for his people: That he came to the earth to save his race: Is the Savior a racist? Today, the world all over has nothing but praise for this message, but how was this message the Savior brought to his own people received? Now remember, these were the people who were expecting a deliverer. They were looking for a king to come and set up a kingdom for them to rule. They knew the promise of a Savior coming into the world. So, how was he received? He was called demon possessed. He was threatened on more then one occasion with being stoned to death. His own people did not recognize him. And finally, at the request of his own people, he was beaten and crucified. And things are not much different today. There are still some who prefer to cling to what they have been taught, and never even consider examining these teachings to make sure they have been taught the truth. Now, that is their choice; we are all responsible for the choices we make in life. But, is it necessary to make accusations and assumptions when you have not even so much as researched a single page of these Bible studies? We as a people, at least some of us, have known that something was not right with the story we have been told. For many of the blacks that are the descendants of those that left Africa as slaves, they have never accepted the European’s version of the Bible (my eyes were eventually opened, when the Creators wanted me to see). Many of the Blacks that were brought to the Islands of the Caribbeans never accepted the name God. And even to some that are still in Ethiopia, and other places around the world, the name God is blasphemous. These people have, in fact, retained the first half of the true name that is found in the Heavens. They have part of the name, but not the whole name. Perhaps, back then, as we began to lose our African tongue, it became more and more difficult to pronounce the whole name and it just became easier to just pronounce the first half of this name. But now, since we have been waiting so long, over 400 years, for this day to come when the truth would be restored to us: We must be willing to learn (All Of) our lost knowledge once again. It is clear, however, as Paul was indicating in his email, that the true message of the Savior is not understood today. And, if this message was directed towards one group of people – one race of people – then it is imperative that the true identity of these people be found and revealed. Because, contained in the Bible is a message that is so important the Savior came to this earth to give it to his people. These people need to have their eyes open so they can finally hear the message that the true Savior brought to this earth. The only way you can know with absolute certainty the race of the Savior is to first prove the origin of the Bible. Once the origin of the bible is established, then the original race of those who wrote the bible can be determined. It then becomes scientifically possible to prove the origin of the story of the Savior. Was the Savior a white man that supposedly walked the earth doing miracles by the name of Jesus Christ? Or, can the origin of these stories be traced back to a much earlier time in history? And, if this information proves that the true Savior walked the earth thousands of years before the time of the so-called Jesus; then how did the entire world come to worship this name as the savior of the world. And, for that matter, how did this name Jesus get into the bible in the first place? What is the true meaning of this name Jesus? Who or what has the world been taught to worship when they call on this name Jesus? What today is called the New Testament was canonized in 375 AD, or at least that is the date we are given. Imagine the surprise of the religious establishment when in 1947 scrolls were

discovered around the area of the Dead Sea. These weren’t the only scrolls discovered. Scrolls were also discovered in Ethiopia and other places in northern Africa, but these particular scrolls discovered near the Dead Sea received the most attention. These scrolls became known as “The Dead Sea Scrolls.” In these scrolls, which predated the birth of the so-called Jesus by well over 100 years, they mentioned a Savior or Messiah who took part in the Lord’s Supper, was crucified, and was expected to return in the last days. THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS DECEPTION, by Michael Baigent & Richard leigh, pg.47-50 But this story of a Savior predating the time of Christ by more then 100 years is nothing. The oldest of these stories predate the birth of Christ by thousands of years. Although many people have the impression that the ancient world consisted of unconnected nations and tribes, the truth is that during the era Jesus allegedly lived, there was a trade and brotherhood network that stretched from Europe to China. This information network included the library at Alexandria and had access to numerous oral traditions and manuscripts that told the same narrative portrayed in the New Testament with different places, names, and ethnicity for the characters. In actuality, the legend of Jesus nearly identically parallels the story of Krishna, as far back as 1400 BCE. Even greater antiquity can be attributed to the well-woven Horus myth of Egypt, which also is practically identical to the Christian version but which preceded it by thousands of years. THE CHRIST CONSPIRACY, The Greatest Story Ever Sold, by Acharya S, pg. 105

The author quoted above speaks correctly when she says a brotherhood, and I would add – a secret brotherhood – carried this story of a Messiah to many different nations of the ancient world. Hundreds and thousands of years before the English language was even conceived – the story of a Savior who was born of a virgin on December 25th, performed miracles, walked on water, crucified on a tree or stake, was buried in a grave or tomb for three days, and then resurrected from the dead – had already traveled the world over. The list is almost endless: He was the Adonis or Apollo of Rome. The Dionysus, Hercules, and Zeus of Greece. Baal or Bel of Babylon/Phoenicia. Buddha and Krishna of India. He was Beddru of Japan. Ieo of China, Quetzalcoatl of Mexico, and many, many, more that also tells the same story that the story of the Jesus of today tells. THE CHRIST CONSPIRACY, The Greatest Story Ever Sold, by Acharya S, pg. 106 What type of mental calisthenics does the mind have to do to continue to justify a belief that all these nations that told the exact same story of a Messiah – hundreds and even thousands of years before the English version of this story was even put to paper – are all wrong! How is it that the exact same story was paganism when it was told first by other nations, but once it became the property of the white Anglo Saxon people; it then became the divine word and holy script? Think! Use your brains! How is this possible? Its the same story teaching of a messiah thousands of years before the birth of the so-called Jesus. The only difference is that now the savior (messiah) in the European’s version is a white man. Are we as intelligent people to believe, as they would have us believe, that the people who came on the scene last, and took this information from Africa – are the only people that could give legitimacy to a story that is thousands of years older than their own civilization? Now that the facts have been presented to you; is that really what you want to believe?

Some of you may even have noticed that a few of the names mentioned above are also mentioned in the Bible. If Baal and Apollo (Apollyon, Rev. 9:11) are abominations, and are viewed as evil in the Bible; then how is Jesus not evil when his story is the same story as Baal and Apollo? Down through the ages, someone has been carrying on a secret religious tradition, and as this knowledge moved from one people to another; the name of the god of this secret religion changed to suit the people who would now serve him. This secret brotherhood traveled to all the nations of the ancient world, and transformed their gods into there one secret god of many names. This secret priesthood converted the many peoples of the world by making them think they were worshiping the true Creators of heaven and earth, but secretly they were worshiping a false god and a false savior. And now this religion, which was conceived in secrecy and taught through deception, has deceived the entire world into worshiping this false god and false savior who are one! By overseeing the translation of these ancient documents that would eventually become the bible we have today, they have made certain to overlay the true message of the Bible with their false message. They then replaced the true name of the Creators (YHWH, Eternal Ones) with the word god, and they replaced the true name of the Savior with the word Jesus! If you have not ordered these letters, you should immediately go to www.nukeyofknowledge.com and purchase your set of letters. HOW WAS THIS DONE! In order to get the answer to this question, we must travel back through time. We must travel back to the birth of a nation itself. We must travel back thousands of years to when ancient Egypt was just an infant. We must travel back to the time the Egyptians called – Zep Tepi! Here is what the Ancient Egyptians said about the First Time, Zep Tepi, when the gods ruled in their country: they said it was a “GOLDEN AGE” during which the waters of the abyss receded, the primordial darkness was banished, and humanity, emerging into the light, was offered the gifts of civilization. FINGER PRINTS OF THE GODS, By Graham Hancock pg.381 (emphasis mine) The "FIRST TIME" of Osiris The Egyptians associated the first appearance of the phoenix with a “GOLDEN AGE” in their history known as Zep Tepi, the "First Time." They were convinced the foundations of their civilization were established during this remote and glorious epoch. R. T. Rundle Clark, former professor of Egyptology at Manchester University, commented on the ancients conception of the First Time: "Anything whose existence or authority had to be justified or explained must be referred to the 'First Time.’ This was true for natural phenomena, rituals, royal insignia, the plans of temples, magical or medical formulae, the hieroglyphic system of writing, the calendar – the whole paraphernalia of the civilization…All that was good or efficacious was established on the principles laid down in the "First Time" – which was, therefore, a golden age of absolute perfection... The First Time seems to have been the period during which Osiris reigned as foremost king of Egypt. It was during this era that he established law (maat) and initiated worship

of Ra, Egypt’s monotheistic God. Rundle Clark explained: "The reign of Osiris was a “GOLDEN AGE,” the model for subsequent generations." Maat and monotheism, the "model for subsequent generations" set forth by Osiris, was the driving force behind Egyptian culture for thousands of years. DO ANCIENT EGYPTIAN ARTIFACTS ENSHRINE THE IMAGE OF CHRIST, by Richard Russell Cassaro

The Egyptians, in there own words, say that at the moment of Egypt’s birth into civilization: Egypt was ruled by the Gods (plural). They said this was a “GOLDEN AGE” when all the knowledge of civilization was bestowed on their land and its people. The “Creator Being” that is today translated Osiris is said to be responsible for this explosion of knowledge. Only it wasn’t just Osiris that was present at the “First Time.” Osiris had a female counterpart, and Her name today is translated as Isis. What did these original two names mean to the ancient Egyptians? “Now when the ancient Egyptians, awestruck and wondering, turned their eyes to the heavens, they concluded that two gods (Creators), the Sun and the Moon, were primeval and eternal: they called the former Osiris, the latter Isis... The Companion Guide to ZEITGEIST, by Acharya S, pg 9

If you completed the bible study, “In Search Of The Holy Calendar,” then you know that it was much more than being awestruck with the heavens for our ancient ancestors. They clearly understood that everything in the universe worked on two principals (Laws), and these laws were summed up in the movement of the Sun and the Moon. So, the sun and the moon became the symbols of the scientific principals of the “Laws of Thermodynamics.”

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