What Is The Real Jesus, Part 02

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Rom. 1:18-23: For the wrath of “YHWH” (Eternal Ones) is revealed from heaven (the movement of the celestial bodies – Sun and Moon) against all unrighteousness and wickedness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of “YHWH” (Eternal Ones) is manifest in them (the creative process of man and woman) for “YHWH” (Eternal Ones) has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world Their invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made (the creative process found in nature, which requires two opposite forces), even Their eternal power and authority (the power of Their two forces coming together to reveal Their Holy Name as the Creators of the universe) so that they (mankind) are without excuse, because, although they knew “YHWH” (Eternal Ones), they did not glorify Them as “YHWH” (Eternal Ones), nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible “YHWH” (Eternal Ones) into an image made like corruptible – “MAN”… (Changes and Emphasis mine)

How can these words be in the Bible for the whole world to read (Yes, I had to emphasize the meaning of these words in order to have your eyes opened for the first time, once again), yet mankind no longer have even the slightest idea of the true meaning of the warning contained in these words. How is this possible? How did this happen? How did the Bible become a tool used to deceive the people instead of its original purpose, which was to educate mankind about the world and the universe? There was a time in man’s history when all people living on the earth understood the meaning of these words. There was a time when all mankind understood that we didn’t come to exist here on the earth by accident. Mankind once understood that all life and everything in creation was connected. This connection revealed a single truth. This truth was that the universe, and all life, came into existence as the result of – Two Creator Beings! This warning in the Scripture quoted above goes unheeded today: All the while, it reveals that because there is such a massive amount of evidence provided to mankind showing them that the universe (heavens), all life, the earth (nature), and the spoken word were all created by a divine design: which conclusively proves the existence of these Two Creators! Therefore, there will be no mercy given to a world that allowed themselves to become blind to the truth that exist all around them. Let me repeat that. All mankind is being warn in this scripture that because there is so much evidence found in the fact that male and female exist in every form of life; there will be no acceptable excuse for mankind believing in a single male creator. The heavens above, with the movement of the Sun and Moon, clearly demonstrates these two laws of Masculine Force and Feminine Force, which, in turn, proves the existence of these Two Creators. But mankind no longer understands these two laws – Why!

Man and Woman bring these same two laws together each time they perform the sexual act to create new life, which also proves the existence of these Two Creators. The animal kingdom reveals the very same law, which is male and female. Yet, mankind no longer understands this simple truth. Nature, itself, reveals these two laws to mankind. In order for the plant kingdom to bloom, or produce fruit and crops they, too, must be “Cross-Pollinated.” An egg cell in an ovule of a flower may be fertilized by a sperm cell derived from a pollen grain produced by that same flower or by another flower on the same plant, in either of which two cases fertilization is said to be due to self-pollination (autogamy); or, the sperm may be derived from pollen originating on a different plant individual, in which case the process is called... Encyclopedia Britannica Online.

All through out nature the evidence of the Two Creators is continually revealing itself to mankind. These two laws of masculine force and feminine force are all around us because they are suppose to be a constant reminder of who it was that created the earth and the heavens above. Do you understand now, that even in the plant kingdom; it requires two opposites? It requires the (male) sperm cell to fertilize the (female) egg cell of flowers and plants in order for the plant kingdom to reproduce. Once again, the proof of these Two Creators is present in every aspect of our existence. In the face of such overwhelming evidence to the contrary, all those who persist in following such a ridiculous notion, and such an absurd belief that the creation of the universe and all life here on this planet came about as the result of a single male creator – will not escape the coming punishment to the inhabitants of the earth. That’s why the Scripture above states that all of mankind is without excuse for allowing itself to be deceived into believing in a single male creator. If a person would just open their eyes and actually use them for the first time in their life, they would see the evidence of these Two Creators all around them. If they would stop, and question the teachings, instead of just blindly following them, of those in authority, and use their own “Common Sense,” they too would see that something is wrong with what’s being taught in the Churches, Mosques, Synagogues, and Temples around the world. Which, all teach their followers to worship a single male creator (God, Allah, Jehovah, Yahweh, etc.). The “Name” of the true Creators had not been spoken for thousands of years. Not since the time of ancient Egypt. This is no longer the case. In the letter series, Letters To The Black Man And Woman, the proof that the movement of the heavens above is constantly revealing this “Name” to all mankind is demonstrated in the most thorough and detailed way possible. And by using this scientific proof, which the Creators, “Themselves,” placed in the Heavens: Their “Name” has once again been restored to those who are willing to see the truth during the last days of mankind’s rule here on the earth! Unless you have the understanding of this “Name,” which is only found in these letters, you will not escape the coming destruction. Once again, I encourage all of you to invest in your own salvation by going to www.nukeyofknowledge.com and order these letters. By doing this, you will also be helping to save as many of our people, and all peoples, as possible because your contributions to this effort makes it possible for this work to continue to sound the warning for all mankind.

The world – through deception – has lost all contact with these Two Creators, and the concept of there being more then one creator is now so foreign to the people living on the earth today; that it now seems blasphemous. That’s how far mankind has fallen from the truth; that a ridiculous lie can now seem more plausible to them then the use of their own “Common Sense.” But how did this happen? How did the whole world come to believe that there is only a male creator in the first place? Let’s go back and examine the Scripture above once again. ...so that they (mankind) are without excuse, because, although they knew “YHWH” (Eternal Ones), they did not glorify Them as “YHWH” (Eternal Ones), nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible “YHWH” (Eternal Ones) into an image made like corruptible – “MAN”

What does this mean? Are we to believe that at some point in human history (a long, long, long time ago), there were some who actually decided not to worship the truth? And they deliberately devised away to deceive the people into worshiping a lie? And that it is this great lie that is now being taught to the many followers of this “Great False Religion” today! And, while we are on this subject, what does the statement means when it says, “Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible “YHWH” (Eternal Ones) into an image made like corruptible – “MAN?”

As difficult as this may be to comprehend for most people today, The Creators of heaven and earth has placed “Their” glory in an image that all mankind could understand. We exist on the image of “Their” glory. We observe this glorious image every morning and even many of our nights. Our universe operates on this glorious image. Life operates with this image, because this glorious image is the “Circle” of life! We live on a giant circle called the planet earth. The Sun in the sky is also in the image of a circle, and the full Moon also reveals “Their” glorious image for all mankind to see in the night sky. Our solar system with the planets revolving around the sun is also another circle of the image of “Their” glory. The little tiny Atom may be considered the smallest particle known to man, but it resembles our giant solar system with the electrons circling the cluster of protons and neutrons in its nucleus. The universe, itself, operates in a giant continuous circle. So the Two Creators have placed the image of “Their” glory in the tiniest building block of matter – the Atom, as well as in the greatest expanse of matter in existence – the universe! The “Circle” is the image given to mankind that reveals the glory of these Two Creators! It is the physical representation of perfection. To start at one point going in one direction, and then come back to the exact same point from a different direction: requires perfect symmetry, balance and control, which is why the circle is the image of “Their” perfection! How can anyone truly believe they will not be held responsible for their own ignorance when such a great avalanche of evidence of these Two Creators has been provided for them? THEY CAN’T AND THEY WON’T! Our ancestors understood that they came into existence, and that the entire universe came into existence because of these Two Creators. This was common knowledge amongst the original civilizer of all people, because it was then, as it still is today - “Common Sense!” So, when this great Nubian civilization traveled the earth civilizing the many different peoples of other nations,

they taught this truth to all mankind. And the image of this truth was always represented with the circle. Without making this particular Bible study too complicated: The original height of the Great Pyramid bears the same relationship to its base perimeter as does the circumference of any circle to its radius. And it’s relationship is scaled to the dimensions of that of the earth.1 The Great Pyramid in Egypt – which was built with the hands of these Nubian people thousands of years before the time of the Egyptians rule over Egypt – was built to represent a three-dimensional circle standing on the ground. But, the circle, itself, is not visible with the natural eye. It is only visible with the “Third Eye.” Do you understand what this means? This means that the Great Pyramid was built in honor of these Two Creators! This great Nubian empire taught the rest of mankind to worship these Two Creators. That’s why we see the headdress of the Pharaohs in Egypt with the circular disk, and the headdress of the queens of Egypt with the crescent shape moon. And on Holy sites all around the world, they incorporated this relationship of the scaled circle to the dimensions of that of the earth as is the case with the Pyramid of the Sun found in the city of Teotihuacan in Central America, and other great edifices that are still standing to this very day all around the planet. Here in North America, the Native Americans originally built their homes to be shaped very similar to a pyramid called Tepees, and their villages were laid out to form a circle. The circular design of the huge stone formation called Stonehenge is another example of this knowledge. The evidence of people, of all cultures, once understanding the meaning of the circle can be found on every continent. It was this same Nubian empire that discovered that the yearly cycle was a giant circle as well! But, the understanding of this image of glory is no longer understood today – Why! Well, according to the Scripture quoted above, the image of glory has been changed to that of corruptible – Man! I know this Scripture goes on to name birds and other animals, but for the purpose of this Bible study; we are going to first deal with this corruptible image of man. The Bible we have today is the end result of many previous translations from a very old and ancient language. The very first Bible to be translated from this original language wasn’t even an English Bible. The first European language to receive a copy of the documents that became known as the Holy Bible was Greek, and the translation of these documents took place in ancient Egypt. So, it is ludicrous to believe that this now English translation (or any other language being used today) of these ancient documents is divine script. Only the original documents in their original language could ever be considered divine script. So, when these original documents where translated, and now have been passed down through the centuries, changes were made to them. Not only did the people go from being African to Europeans: Not only did the location of these stories, which took place in Africa, changed to the Middle East, but also the image of glory was changed to that of the image of corruptible man! This was accomplished during the translation of the Bible from its original language to the many languages that followed. Starting first with the Greek language until its final transformation into the English language. During the translation of the Bible, a false message was carefully and strategically laid over the true message of the Bible. Although today, the true message of the Bible is still contained in its pages, the people of the world have been taught to read only the

false message that has now been carefully placed in the Bible by those who did not want to worship these Two Creators! Matt. 23:13: “Woe to you, teachers (Priest, Ministers, Rabbi, etc.), of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the kingdom of heaven in men’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to. Those that have knowingly taught this lie on the earth have already condemned themselves, and they know it. For the love of money, and the greed of power, they have willingly sold their souls. But, misery loves company, and as the Scripture just stated; they are trying to take as many down with them as possible. That’s why I asked all of you, “What’s in your heart?” I, too, use to believe the teachings of those in authority. I, too, use to accept these lies that are now planted in the Bible! But, if you have a pure heart, and you didn’t know you were being deceived; then now is the only chance you are going to have to come out of this great lie! Our Creators knew that during the time of our punishment this deception was going to be done to the Bible: It was allowed so that those of us who just will not change our sinful ways will also perish with those who crave money, power, and sin more than honesty, morality, and righteousness: So, they promised to send a messenger just before they brought destruction on a sinful and corrupt world. Mal. 4:5: “See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the Eternal comes. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land (whole earth) with a curse.” I know all of you realize that this is a message you have never heard before. I know you realize that what you are reading in these Bible studies is not being been taught anywhere else on the earth today. Time is quickly running out on this sinful generation, and only those who are wise enough and strong enough to recognize this message for what it is will have the knowledge that will protect them from the coming troubles on the earth. That knowledge is contained in a letter series called, “Letters To The Black Man and Woman.” These letters can be found on the website, www.nukeyofknowledge.com. Those that placed this false message in the Bible have changed the incorruptible image into an image made like corruptible – Man! Today this image has a name, and that name is – Jesus Christ! This image wasn’t always called Jesus! And in the next Bible study we are going to learn just what exactly is this image.

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