Holy Calendar, Part, 05

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IN SEARCH OF THE HOLY CALENDAR, PART 5 Dezmoor, when our people are so lost in the teachings of their oppressors, your comment was very much appreciated. It is a most difficult task to try to open the eyes of those who wish to remain blind to the truth. It is good to see that you and your friends are seeking the knowledge that frees you from the great lie! 2012 is only three years away, and most of mankind doesn’t even know what’s coming, and what to do to be prepared. The events taking place on the earth now are already starting to reveal that this civilization is headed in the wrong direction, and has been since the fall of the great Nubian Empire. The earth itself is starting to reject what mankind is doing to it. Most of our people will not be prepared for this event. The only answer to surviving what's coming to this earth lies in understanding the truth of the message contained in the document that was originally written by our ancestors - The Holy Bible! Today, this message has been so distorted that the people of the earth will suffer for believing in those who have deliberately led them down the wrong path so they could have the last two thousand years to rule on the earth. The rulership for the time of darkness is now up, and only those who will be wise enough and strong enough to investigate the message contained in the “Letters To The Black Man And Woman” will have the knowledge that will lead to surviving this coming pole shift. You and your friends don't have to be unprepared. You can start now to learn the information that will protect you and those you love. The books that will help you are contained in each letter of the series.” Each letter contains the books with the author’s names that were used to do the research for that letter. So, if you go to www.nukeyofknowlege.com on the homepage the first letter (The Curse Of Ham) is free, and the books that got this research started is named in that letter. All the letters name the books that were used to research them. It is critical that each individual make this journey for himself or herself. No one can save another person. No one can give salvation to another. You must choose whether or not you are going to follow the path that leads to life, or continue on the path that leads to death. It is this very act that starts the process of deliverance. It is this very decision of deciding to purchase the letters that saves you. That’s why the letters are not free. It must be in your heart to change, and making this financial commitment is the first act of faith. Reading someone else’s letters prevents you from experiencing this life altering decision. I’m speaking now about spiritual principals. If you don’t understand the message of this Bible study, “In Search Of The Holy Calendar,” then you won’t understand these spiritual principals. But, for those whose eyes are being open, they will know that the heart is where the soul can be found, and what’s in your heart is also in your soul. If your heart believes evil things, it does evil things. If your heart is filled with hate, then hate is what you see and hear when you read what I’m writing. If your heart is filled with greed, then only the acquisition of material goods and wealth will concern you. But, if you have a pure heart; then see the urgency in the times we are living, and the importance of the message in these letters, so you and those you love can be protected from the coming troubles for this world. I’m trying with everything I know, and with all that is inside me, to convince all of you that we have all been lied to. It doesn’t matter what race you are or how educated or how much money you have; If you don’t come to see that the message contained in these letters will save your life; then you are going to parish.

Dezmoor, all throughout history and all throughout the Bible, there are examples of the people of every generation, since mankind has been living on the earth, being warned beforehand that destruction was coming to their civilization. To every people, a messenger was sent, and in each and every case, the people had drifted so far from the truth that when this messenger appeared they could not recognize the truth any more when they heard it. A messenger has now been sent to this end time civilization warning them that the time of darkness has ended, and that they must come out of the teachings of this darkness if they wish to survive. A message that is directed towards the leaders of governments and religions that the time of their deceiving the people has finally come to an end: That no longer will they be allowed to continue to pollute and destroy the earth, and to deceive, confuse, and destroy the minds of the people. You would think that once the messenger appeared, the people would all shout for joy. But, using history as an indicator, the people have always despised the messenger, because they wanted to continue living in there sins. They wanted to continue their lust for power, greed for money, and perverted acts against man and beast. Because of the great lie that deceived the whole world, the truth has been forgotten so long ago that they have truly come to believe that there is no wrong and no shame in their behavior. Rom. 1:18-23: For the wrath of “YHWH” (Eternal Ones) is revealed from heaven (the movement of the celestial bodies – Sun and Moon) against all unrighteousness and wickedness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of “YHWH” (Eternal Ones) is manifest in them (the creative process of man and woman) for “YHWH” (Eternal Ones) has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world Their invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made (the creative process found in nature, which requires two opposite forces), even Their eternal power and authority (the power of Their two forces coming together to reveal Their Holy Name as the Creators of the universe) so that they (mankind) are without excuse, because, although they knew “YHWH” (Eternal Ones), they did not glorify Them as “YHWH” (Eternal Ones), nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible “YHWH” (Eternal Ones) into an image made like corruptible – “MAN”… (Changes and Emphasis mine)

Throughout history, every generation to be deceived into denying the truth of the Two Creators, would eventually meet with their own destruction. If you continue to read this chapter of Romans, you will see what is the resulting civilization that comes from this teaching of a male deity only. Now take a good look around at the world we find ourselves living in today: Do you really think, and believe, this world will survive when all previous civilizations that had sunken to this level were destroyed? You would think that some of these people living in these societies would have finally learned to save themselves by researching to see if the words of these messengers, that were sent to them, were true or not. Some did! Some took the time to check out what was being told to them, and they managed to escape the coming destruction. But, this was always the few – and never the many. You don’t have to be among the many who will parish, you and all who read the letters can be among the few who were wise enough to investigate and research the information that was given to them, and escape what’s coming to this end time

generation. So now, let’s continue with our search for the Holy Calendar, so we can have the proof we need to establish the fact that the whole world has been deceived! We weren’t always people who believed everything we were told without proof. We are the descendants of the first people to be created on the earth. And our ancestors were the first to form a written language: First to develop a mathematical system: First to form all the early sciences: First to study the heavens above: And first to worship the Creators – religion! And for thousands of years, our ancestors rule a worldwide empire that brought civilization to all the other peoples on earth. It was our ancestors who built the Seven Wonders of the World. They were the first to circumnavigate the earth, and built civilizations on every continent, and the remains of these great people and their great empire still stands on every continent they visited. The giant stone Olmec heads with African features found in Central America, which display the same technological intelligence used to build the Great Pyramid and Sphinx in Egypt; proves that Africans had traveled to the Americas centuries before the Europeans. It was this African empire that built the pyramids found in the Americas, and all the ancient holy sites found all around the world. It was they who brought civilization to the Aztec, Mayans, and the Incas as the research now indicates. The Mayan Calendar, which is now the focus of the world, was knowledge that was brought from Africa with this Nubian Empire. The Egyptians called this time of mans history, “The Time Of Osiris.” The first story of Osiris is that he was the first civilizer who traveled to far away lands to bring civilization to the peoples of other nations (which will be documented in the coming letter series). So, what happened to us? How did a people with such a great identity, history and heritage, become the lost and confused people we are today? How have we fallen so far from greatness, that now we believe the most unlikeliest scenario possible: That we now worship the gods of the people who were the last to appear on the earth. We pray to a white god and we pray to a white savior that has taught us to hate our own black skin. This is the end result of our betrayal: That we, who were created in the image and likeness of the Two Creators, would now call on the name of the Europeans impostor savior as our own. Our betrayal goes all the way back to Egypt where we rejected our Creators (and eventually, our Savior), and formed the very first calendar that was not based on the movements of the lights (plural) in the heavens. This type of Calendar is called a fixed calendar, and the Egyptians were the first to experiment with its development. A fixed calendar does not reveal the two laws of Creation. It operates independently of the true laws of nature, science, mathematics, and the laws found in the heavens. And it is this false savior (calendar) that the world calls on today! Do we really want to know how deep our betrayal runs? Can we ever come to understand the severity of the pain we inflicted on our true Savior who was not white, and he lived thousands of years before the so-called Jesus! All the stories of the so-called Jesus are nothing but the legends and stories of a civilizer that were stolen from Africa. Do you really want to know the severity of your betrayal when you call on a white savior? The name of the true Savior is in every Black man, woman, and child walking on the face of the earth today! Contained in our DNA is the sequence that reveals the name of our true Savior, and this knowledge is also revealed in the heavens. Since we are the first people to appear on the earth, and all of the other people living on the earth today came from us: It is our DNA that is contained in their bodies as well. Now tell me, how would you feel if your child called someone else mother or father? You wouldn’t like it

at all? Nor did our Creators. So they turned the switch off to our DNA so we could no longer remember the knowledge that made us a great people, and they punished us by sending the children of those who were the most responsible for bringing this great lie and deception on the earth, away into Slavery! “Our” People are destroyed from lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, “We” also reject you as our priests; because you have ignored the law of your YHWH (Eternal Ones), “We” also will ignore your children (Hos. 4:6 NIV)

When those, who were the original possessors of the true knowledge, left Africa – the light also went out on this continent and its people. But now – The time has finally come! The fulfillment of our punishment has finally been reached, and now the time of the restoration of our long lost knowledge is here. And for those who read the letters now, they will be prepared in advance and know what to do to be protected from the coming pole shift. IT’S TIME FOR ABSOLUTE PROOF! Its time now to provide the absolute proof that it was our betrayal to our Two Creators that brought about our fall from greatness, and that also brought about this great lie that now rules on the earth. So far in these discussions, we have been having, it has been shown that once a person learns to read the Bible correctly; they come to see that the Bible was written with a scientific message about the movements of the heavens above. And we will come to see that the movement of the heavens above provides a scientific code, which reveal the very name of the Two Creators (This information is revealed in the letter series, “Letters to the Black Man and Woman)! So, in essence, what we have done, up till this point, is to use the message contained in the Bible to confirm the science contained in the heavens. Now, in order to provide absolute proof of these Two Creators, we must use the science contained in the heavens to confirm the message contained in the Bible. In the letter series I wrote, I demonstrate how modern scientists wanted to determine the origins of the universe, so they decided to search as far back as possible; all the way back to the very beginning of the universe itself. Many of these scientists were those that believed in creation, and what they found was something that they did not expect. I will use an excerpt from the tenth letter of this series to reveal this most shocking of discoveries made by these scientists. Time after time, however, I witnessed these scientists present conclusive evidence that the universe could only have come about as the result of Two Eternal Beings. One of these scientist stated that there are only two things found in our universe – energy and matter! Well if energy is one thing and it is not matter, yet it can be transformed into matter, and matter is another thing and it is not energy, and likewise, matter can also be transformed into energy – then this clearly demonstrates that there were two things (forces) present at the start of creation: Not one! These two forces joined, much in the same way that the sperm of the male joins with the egg of the female, and created the physical universe, which operates even until this very day on their two principals of energy and matter. I have, of course, just taken considerable liberty with the first law of thermodynamics, but I think the point was needed here. There are only two (real) laws of

thermodynamics. Here again, we see that there are two laws that regulate the universe, and all life. I have been stating this simple truth throughout this entire letter series.

How shocking was it for some of these scientists, who had been told their entire life that the universe and all life came about as the result of a single male creator, to now have to explain rationally and intelligently that at the very beginning of the universe, there were two things (forces) present – not one! And that it was these two forces that worked together to form the physical universe that operate on their two principals– energy and matter! Energy is constantly being projected (The Male Force), while matter is a receptacle for energy (The Female Force)! We need to read this truth in its scientific terms, which are called The Laws Of Thermodynamics! I have taken the liberty to provide this information for the reader, which was taken right off the Internet. Energy exists in many forms, such as heat, light, chemical energy, and electrical energy. Energy is the ability to bring about change or to do work. Thermodynamics is the study of energy. First Law of Thermodynamics: Energy can be changed from one form to another, but it cannot be created or destroyed. The total amount of energy and matter in the Universe remains constant, merely changing from one form to another. The First Law of Thermodynamics (Conservation) states that energy is always conserved; it cannot be created or destroyed. In essence, energy can be converted from one form into another. The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that "in all energy exchanges, if no energy enters or leaves the system, the potential energy of the state will always be less than that of the initial state." This is also commonly referred to as entropy. A watch spring-driven watch will run until the potential energy in the spring is converted, and not again until energy is reapplied to the spring to rewind it. A car that has run out of gas will not run again until you walk 10 miles to a gas station and refuel the car. Once the potential energy locked in carbohydrates is converted into kinetic energy (energy in use or motion), the organism will get no more until energy is input again. In the process of energy transfer, some energy will dissipate as heat. Entropy is a measure of disorder: cells are NOT disordered and so have low entropy. The flow of energy maintains order and life. Entropy wins when organisms cease to take in energy and die. I know, I know – here we go again with all that talk that most people can’t understand. To put it in simpler terms: The first law states that energy is what is needed for all life to exist and for all work to be done. The second law states that all living things will eventually run out of energy and die, and all mechanical things must be replenished with energy (and repairs) in order to continue operating. But now lets read the simplest definition ever written for the laws of thermodynamics found in the very pages of your Bible, so we can finally have the absolute proof we need of the Two Creators made crystal clear for us. It is unfortunate that we must now only be able to read this definition from the bible the European people are responsible for bringing on the earth, because they never wanted the proof of the female creator to ever return back on the earth. They have work extremely hard for the last two thousands years to convince the world that there is only a male (deity) creator, but now that we know of the laws of thermodynamics; we will see that the very descriptions we are about to read; are the two laws of thermodynamics. Those who wanted you to believe that there is only one creator have corrupted this proof in the bible, but it is still clear what the original intentions of these words were.

John 1:1-3: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. Now what if we didn’t live in a world where the female force of creation was denied to the people, and the scripture we just read spoke the original truth that was found in this scripture. The scripture above would read like this: John 1:1-3: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with the Male Creator, and the Word was the Female Creator. She was with the Male Creator in the beginning. Through Her all things were made; without Her nothing was made that has been made. This scripture would make much more sense, because it is the female force that transfers energy into new life, and it is the female force that brought all creation into existence! The male force can only project energy (impregnate). So, a male only creator could not have created the universe and all life! That would be a scientific impossibility, and it simply defies all the laws of our universe, which means; all mankind has been deceived! It takes two forces to create life, and it takes two forces to operate the laws found in the universe. This is the true message of this scripture, and it is the true message of the laws of the universe. And it is the only message that will save you from the coming destruction! You now have absolute proof that the laws of the universe reveals that it was two forces that came together to form the physical universe and all life found in this universe, because everything in the universe requires two forces to reproduce. With this understanding, you can now have the true interpretation of John 1:1-3, which originally explained that it was Two Creators- Male and Female – that created the universe and all life! And they have a “HOLY NAME” that is found in the heavens, and can be rediscovered in the pages of the bible. They are working out a plan down here on the earth, and we need to understand how this plan will effect the lives of every black person living on the planet. I urge you to choose life by going to www.nukeyofknowledge.com and ordering these letters that will save your life. Now is it clear that when our ancestors first introduced on the earth a fixed calendar, which by its very design, denies the truth of the universe, and the truth of the Two Creators; it signal our fall from greatness and the coming of our punishment. But! The fixed calendar the Egyptians first developed was crude, and needed much refinement. And it was this secret knowledge; secret priesthood, and secret society that left Africa and continued to refine this secret religion, secret government, and secret calendar, which all hide the truth from the people, until we have the calendar and the world we live in today. But, more about this religion; this government; and this calendar in another discussion!

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