What Is The Name Of The True Savior, Part 1

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WHAT IS THE NAME OF THE TRUE SAVIOR? Hey Richard, I'm not sure if I have read or even heard of this person before, and I don’t want to use his name because I don’t know what his real intentions are at this time; but just analyzing what you have written; I would like to make a comment. The actual teachings of Christianity didn’t become canonized until “The Council Of Nicaea in 325 AD.” That’s when the many different teachings of the different churches became one unifying doctrine, and was agreed upon by all the leaders of this new and rising religion. The people who would abandon the ancient teachings of the Heavens for this new religion appearing on the earth were called idiots. The pagan Savoyards called Christians “idiots,” hence cretin, "idiot," descended from chretian, "Christian.” (The Christ Conspiracy, by Acharya S, pg. 8) Idiots because in order for a farmer to know when to plant his crops, or for the Shepard or cattle herder to know when to move their flock or herd; they had to understand the movement of the heavens in order to determine the coming seasons and weather patterns. The understanding of this knowledge had been in existence for thousands of years, and was incorporated into their religion and gods. Now comes a religion that tells the people to abandon their old gods for the new. So, it is a word that literally became to mean idiots. None of the early apostles used this word. The word itself does not appear in any of the four gospels. And, what most people don’t realize is that the words Christian or Christians only occurs in two books in the entirety of the Bible. Shouldn’t that seem a little odd to people? Shouldn’t that seem strange to people that all the claims of this religion is only supported by two books in the bible? I have found that when people are under a spell, they either don’t see or can’t see the clues in the bible that are practically jumping off the page at them. Sorcery simply keeps the mind numb and listless. It’s not their fault, however, because most people are not aware that spells have been placed in this book called the Holy Bible, which makes people believe things that are not actually in this book. Richard, as I have told you and others before, that in order for us to reclaim the truth of our identity, history, and heritage: we must break the spells that have been planted in the bible. I have stressed that we must stop taking at face value the things we have been taught in the bible the Europeans are responsible for bringing on the earth. We must learn to investigate everything we have been taught, so we can reclaim our lost identity, our true history, and our rightful heritage! Now, lets first find out what the True Savior and the apostles had to say about the people who heard and followed their message. Mtt. 4:18-19: As the Savior was walking beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were fishermen. “Come Follow Me,” the Savior said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” Mk. 2:14: As he walked along, he saw Levi son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax collector’s booth. “Follow Me,” the Savior told him, and Levi got up and “Followed Him!” Lk. 9:61-62: Still another said, “I Will Follow You, Eternal; but first let me go back and say good-by to my family.” The Savior replied, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of JAH.”

Jn. 21:19: The Savior said this to indicate the kind of dearth by which Peter would glorify JAH. Then he said to him, “Follow Me!”

When the True Savior walked the earth, over ten thousand years ago in ancient Egypt, there was no such thing as a Greek language, nor had any such language as English ever existed on the earth. Jesus Christ, is not what he was actually called; this is the translation of the west. The New Testament was originally written in Greek, the problem here also is that Jesus and his followers did not speak Greek they spoke Aramaic, so the name used in the original Bible is the Greek version of his name, meaning he wasn’t called that either. So what is he called? Christ comes from two Greek words. They are Christos (Translates as Good) (CristoV )) and Chrestos (Translates as Anointed) (CrhstoV).Chrestos was the name sometimes given to Christ instead of Christos. Chrestos (CrhstoV) and Christos (CristoV) are both words that are “supposedly” easily confused with each other due to the similarity of the letters "i" (i) and "e" (h) in their alphabet, (Modern religions don’t like him being called “Chrestos”). Although if you actually look at the two words you will find the letters quite different, and unless your reading was extremely poor you could not confuse the two. "Chrestos" is disliked as Jesus’ title as it was also used when referring to the Sun God Osiris. and sometimes the God Mithras, but in the same sense still translated as "Good", so even if Christ was sometimes called Chrestos, it just meant "Jesus the Good", as would "Osiris the Good" or "Mithras the Good". The word for those who followed Christ is sometimes given as "Chrestianos", this once again seems to be confused with the word "Christianos", which means one who follows Christos or a follower of Christ.There is always the point that maybe the word "Chrestos" was used as a title for Christ, as was "Christos", it may also have been changed by the Roman authorities when the New Testament was compiled, to have some connection with the Sun Gods or by the early Catholic church who wanted to make Christ God like either way I believe it has very little relevance except to the religion which wants him betrayed as divine or as God himself on earth. So where does Jesus come from? The name Jesus comes from the Latin translation of the Greek word Iesus, which is a translation of the Hebrew word Yeshua, although Jewish Scholars believe his name to be Yeshu, which is their traditional way to spell Jesus, but the Jewish writings “Talmud” say that his true name was Joshua, although this may have been written like this to show their disproval of Christ’s Divinity. Yeshua is also a shortened form of Yehoshua. This is the Hebrew equivalent of the Greek name Iesous, which we translate as Jesus. The problem here is that Jesus nor any of his followers spoke English, Latin or Hebrew. The Holy Qur’an talks of Jesus, but calls him “Eesa ibn Maryam”, or translated as Jesus son of Mary. Eesa comes from the Aramaic word Eesho (Eashoa). Could his true name be Eesho (Eashoa) or Eesa? Well there seems to be no definite answer on this subject and it is still open to heated and serious debate within modern day religion.

So, it should be clear, now, from this information taken from the Internet (author unknown) that when the True Savior instructed his disciples to follow him; he was not asking them to follow him by this name Jesus Christ. And, as was discussed in the bible study, “What Is The Real Jesus,” we see here, once again, that this name is associated with the ancient Egyptian god

Osiris. Now we are beginning to see that there are really two different teachings being taught in the bible. The original story of the bible has been suppressed, and has now been overlaid with another story. This story has changed the name of the True Savior to a name that means the same thing as the ancient Egyptian Sun gods. And, this is why those who have been deceived into denouncing the truth of the heavens are called “Christians.” These people are ignorant (not of their own doing) of the truth of what it is and to whom it is they serve. They serve the gods of the ancient Egyptian Mystery Sun Religion: Only the names have been change from the ancient names of Osiris and Horus to the modern names of God and Jesus! Osiris is now God the Father, and Horus is now Jesus the Son. I know how difficult it is for many to accept this truth, so don’t take my word for it; look at the comparisons taken off the Internet of Horus and Jesus for yourselves. Horus and Jesus…their similar lives, but Horus lived thousands Of years before Jesus….

EGYPTIAN MESSIAH—HORUS BIBLICAL MESSIAH—JESUS 1 Horus is the Father seen in the son.. Jesus said he was the way, the truth and the life. 2 Horus claims to be the light of the world represented by the symbolic eye, Jesus stated that he is the light of the world. the sign of salvation. 3 Horus said that he was the way, the Jesus said he was the way, the truth and the life. truth, the life. 4 Horus was the plant, the shoot. Jesus says "I am the true vine." 5 Horus says “It is I who traverse the Jesus says “I am come down from heaven, for this is heavens, I go round the Elysian Fields. the will of the Father, that everyone who beholdeth Eternity has been assigned to me the Son and believeth in him should have eternal life, without end, Lo! I am heir to endless and I will raise him up at the last day. time and my attribute is eternity. 6 Horus—I open the Tuat that I may Jesus says I am come a light unto the world. drive away the darkness. 7 Horus says “I am equipped with thy Jesus says “The Father which sent me, he hath given words O Ra [Father in Heaven] and me a command-ment, what I should say and what I repeat them to those who are deprived should speak. Whatsoever I speak therefore even as of breath.” These were the words of the the Father said unto me, so I speak. The word which Father in heaven. ye hear is not mine, but the Father’s which sent me." 8 Horus baptized with water by Anup. Jesus baptized with water by John the Baptist. 9 Horus—Aan, the name of the divine Jesus—John the divine scribe. scribe. 10 Horus born in Annu, the place of Jesus Born in Bethlehem, the house of bread. bread. 11 Horus The good shepherd with the Jesus The good shepherd with a lamb on his

crook on his shoulders. shoulders. 12 Horus Seven on board the boat with Jesus Seven fishermen on board the boat with Jesus. him. 13 Horus Depicted as the Lamb Jesus depicted as the lamb. 14 Horus as the Lion. Jesus as the lion. 15 Horus identified with the Tat or Jesus identified with the cross. cross. 16 Horus of 12 years. Jesus of 12 years. 17 Horus A man of 30 years. Jesus a man of 30 years at his baptism. 18 Horus the KRST. Jesus the Christ. 19 Horus the manifesting son of God. Jesus the manifesting son of God. 20 Horus The trinity—Atum the Father, Jesus—God the Father, Jesus the son, and the Holy Horus the son, Ra the Holy Spirit. Spirit. 21 Horus The first Horus as a child of Jesus as a child of the virgin, Christ as the son of the the virgin, the second as son of Ra. Father in heaven. 22 Horus—Horus the sender and Set Jesus—Jesus the sender or the good seed, Satan the the destroyer in the harvest field. sender of tares. 23 Horus carried off by Set to the Jesus carried by Satan to an exceedingly high summit of Mount Hetep. mountain. 24 Horus and Set contending on the Jesus and Satan contending on the Mount. Mount. 25 Horus—The star was the announcer Jesus—The Star in the East indicated the birth-place of the child Horus. of Jesus. 26 Horus—the avenger. Jesus who brings the sword. 27 Horus—as Iu-em-hetep comes with Jesus—the bringer of peace. peace. 28 Horus—the afflicted one. Jesus—the afflicted one. 29 Horus—as the type of life eternal. 30 Jesus—as the type of life eternal. 30 Horus as Iu-em-hetep the child Jesus as the child teacher in the temple. teacher in the temple. 31 Horus The mummy bandage was Jesus The vesture of the Christ was without seam. woven without seam. 32 Horus As Har-Khutti has twelve 32 Jesus has twelve disciples. followers. 33 Horus The revelation written down Jesus the Revelation written down by John the by divine scribe Aan (Tehuti). Divine. 34 Horus—Aani bears witness to the Jesus—John bears witness to the word of God and word of Ra. testimony of Jesus Christ. 35 Horus The secret mysteries revealed Jesus The secret mysteries made known by John.

by That-Aan. 36 Horus The morning star. 37 Horus Who gives the morning star to his followers. 38 Horus The name of Ra on the head of the deceased. 39 Horus The paradise of the Pole star —Am-Khemen. 40 Horus Har-Seshu or servants of Horus.

Jesus The morning star. Jesus who gives the morning star to his followers. Jesus The name of the father written on the forehead. Jesus The Holy City lighted by one luminary that is neither the sun nor the moon. Jesus The servants of Jesus Christ.

These Sun-god characters, of none of whom can it be said positively that they were living personages, were, it must be clearly noted, purely typical figures in the national epics of the several nations. They were symbols, one might say. But of what were they symbolical? That is the point of central importance. They were representative characters, summing and epitomizing in themselves the spiritual history of the human individual in his march across the field of evolving life on earth. They were the types and models of the divine potentiality pictured as coming to realization in their careers. They were the mirror held up to men, in which could be seen the possibilities locked up in man's own nature. They were type-figures, delineating the divine life that was an ever-possible realization for any devoted man. They were the symbols of an ever-coming deity, a deity that came not once historically in Judea, but that came to ever-fuller expression and liberation in the inner heart of every son of man. The solar deities were the gods that ever came, that were described as coming not once upon a time, but continuously and regularly. Their radiant divinity might be consummated by any earnest person at any time or achieved piecemeal. They were typed as ever-coming or coming regularly because they were symboled by the sun in its annual course around the zodiac of twelve signs, and the regular periodicity of this natural symbol typified the ever-continuing character of their spiritual sunlight. The ancients, in a way and to a degree almost incomprehensible to the unstudied modern, had made of the sun's annual course round the heavens a faithful reproduction of the spiritual history of the divine spirit in man. The god in us was emblemed by the sun in its course, and the sun's varied experiences, as fabulously construed, were a reflection of our own incarnational history. The sun in its movements through the signs was made the mirror of our life in spirit. To follow the yearly round of the zodiac was to epitomize graphically the whole history of human experience. Thus the inner meaning of our mortal life was endlessly repeated in the daily, weekly, monthly and yearly cycle of the sun's passage, the seven or twelve divisions of which marked the seven- or twelvefold segmentation of our spiritual history or our initiations. (They were figured at first as seven, later as twelve, when the solar gods came upon the cosmic scene.) The careers of these solar gods, then, were a type of what is occurring to every man who is dowered with the spark of divine soul within his breast...The Christians say the Christos came once in a single character in history, Jesus of Judea, saying nothing about his coming to Everyman at all times. They present to the world the Only-Begotten Son of

the Father, confusing in one historical figure two distinct characters of ancient philosophy, the Logos and the Christos, and making both historical in a human being born of woman. Suffice it to say that neither character was historical in the ancient systems. The Logos and the Christos were cosmic forces, and the erring Christians confounded these "personages" of ancient philosophy with the mundane career of the man Jesus, who was not other than one of the mythical Sun-god heroes, or national typefigures. What a travesty of truth the Christian representation has become! What a caricature the Gospels have made of the divine spiritual principle in man's life!

The ancients had no "only-begotten" son because the term used in their systems, miserably mistranslated "only-begotten," was something with quite a different connotation. It was in Greek "monogenes," and in Latin "unigenitus," and was far from meaning "only-begotten." It meant that which was begotten of one parent, the father, alone, not the offspring of the union of father and mother...By the aid of archaic sacred books we have been enabled to trace authentically the origin of the name Jesus. And it is of great importance to present this material, because it throws a flood of clear light upon the ancient conceptions of the Messiah and the coming Son, or Sun-god. In this light the name will be seen to be a typedesignation and not the personal name of an historical being... But whence comes the "s" in Jesus's name? This is of great importance. It is derived from an Egyptian suffix written either SA, SE, SI, SU, or SAF, SEF, SIF or SUF (SAPH, SEPH, SIPH or SUPH) and meaning "the son," "heir," "prince" or successor to the father. (The F is an Egyptian ending for the masculine singular.) When the original symbol of divinity, IO or IE, JO or JE, was combined with the Egyptian suffix for the succeeding heir, SU or SA, the resultant was the name IUSA, IUSE, IUSU, or IOSE; or IESU, JESU, IUSEF, IOSEF, JOSEF. One of the many forms was JESU and another was JOSEF. The final F became sibilant at times and gave us the eventual form of JESUS. The name then meant the "divine son," and combined in the Egyptian IU the idea of the coming one. Hence JESUS was the Messiah, the coming son of the divine life. There was in Egypt for ten thousand years B.C. The character of this functionary under the name of IUSA. Later he was the Iu-em-hetep, which means "the divine son who comes with peace (hetep). THE GREAT MYTH OF THE SUN-GODS by Alvin Boyd Kuhn This modern version of the ancient Egyptian Sun religion disguises it’s teachings in Rituals, ceremonies, pageantry, and symbolisms so the people can never know the truth about who is really the god they are serving. The religions of today whether it is Christianity, Islam, or Judaism all received their origins from this ancient sun religion. In the bible study, “In Search Of The Holy Calendar,” we learned that the Egyptians discovered that by following the sun’s (as it appears from the earth) movement throughout the year; they could invent a new calendar that would no longer be directly tied to the actual movement of the heavens. It was the invention of this fixed Calendar that started the worship of the Sun as the creator of all life, and it was the invention of this calendar that caused us to be led away out of Africa as Slaves. It was also the invention of this calendar that caused the abomination of desolation to first appear on the earth.

Dan. 9:27: He will confirm a covenant with many for one seven,’ but in the middle of that seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And one who causes desolation will place abominations on a wing of the temple until that is decreed is poured out on him.

In the bible study, “Who Was The Son Of Man,” we learned that in the Book Of Enoch, the True Savior would be killed in the middle of the sixth week of seven thousand years. Here we see the book of Daniel describing the same set of events: Only here Daniel goes further to reveal that at that time (over ten thousand years ago); another one would come and set up a false religion by placing abominations on the wing of the temple. This “wing of the temple” is directional. It means that one side of the temple (Great Pyramid) would now be the focal point of this new religion. The Sun worshipper’s religion would now focus on the direction of the East: The direction of the “Sunrise!” Eze. 8: 15-18(NKJ): Then He said to me, “Have you seen this, O son of man? Turn again, you will see greater abominations than these.” So He brought me into the inner court of the Eternal’s house; and there, at the door of the temple of the Eternal, between the porch and the altar, were about twenty-five men with their backs toward the temple of the Eternal and their faces toward the east, and they were worshiping the sun toward the east. Then He said to me, “Have you seen this, O son of man? Is it a trivial thing to the house of Egypt to commit the abominations, which they commit here? For they have filled the land with violence; then they have returned to provoke Me to anger. Indeed they put the branch to their nose. “Therefore I also will act in fury, My eye will not spare nor will I have pity; and though they cry in My ears with a loud voice, I will not hear them.

It was the establishment of this sun religion in ancient Egypt after the death of the True Savior over ten thousands years ago that was the “Abomination that caused desolation” spoken about in the books of Daniel and Revelation of the Bible. And, it is this “Abomination” that has now been carefully placed in the bible to deceive all nations on earth. By continuing the ancient sun god religion on the earth; each time the bible would move from one people to the next; the names of the ancient sun gods would change. Once this mystery religion left Africa, it continued to travel to the entire ancient world; each time the names of these ancient sun deities would change to suit the languages and the stories of the different cultures. The Egyptian Osiris and Horus would become the Greek’s Zeus and Apollo, etc, etc. Today, in the bible the Europeans have given (forced) to the world: The name of this abomination, which was the ancient Egyptian Sungod’s religion, is God and Jesus of Christianity, etc, etc! But, the true message of the bible, which is not a false message of sun worship, can still be found in the pages of the bible. It is this message the true Savior brought to the earth, and it is this message that the followers of the true Savior took to the lost sheep of Nubia. It is this same message that the follower of the true Savior today is taking to the lost sheep of Nubia in America and around the world. In part two of this bible study, it will be proven that the followers of the message the true Savior brought to this earth were never called Christians! The remaining lessons of this bible study will only be for those who have ordered the complete set of the, “Letters To The Black Man And Woman.” To receive your letters, go to the website, www.nukeyofknowledge.com

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