ghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxc What is Records Management
vbnmqwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmqw Records Management
04.02.2009 Mario Rieger
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WHAT IS RECORDS MANAGEMENT Records Management is a specialized field of information management that is concerned with the systematic analysis and control of company records. It governs the practice of both Records Managers and anyone in the company who creates or uses records in the course of their business activities. This includes: •
Setting records management policies and standards
Assigning responsibilities and authorities
Establishing and communicating procedures and guidelines
Providing a range of services relating to the management and use of records
specialized systems for managing records •
Integrating records management into business systems and processes
Mario Rieger
Digitally signed by Mario Rieger DN: cn=Mario Rieger, o, ou, email=mario_rieger@web. de, c=US Reason: I am the author of this document Date: 2009.08.07 07:32:55 +02'00'
LIFECYCLE OF A RECORD: The company’s business critical records must be protected and properly managed through their entire lifecycle.
CREATION AND RECEIPT Creation of records occurs when we put pen to paper, make an entry into a database or we start a new electronic document. Records are created to communicate, report, and to analyze information.
DISTRIBUTION Distribution occurs when records are sent to the audience for which they were intended or when records are copied. Records are distributed/copied by photocopying, printing, attaching the record to e‐mail, hand‐delivery, inter‐ office mail, or regular mail. Distribution can also take place when records are centrally posted (for example, on the company Intranet) and users have the capability of printing them.
USE Use of records occurs when we organize and use them to support Company operations. This phase generally includes all activity for managing the record through its active period, i.e. in day‐to‐day business activity.
MAINTENANCE If records are required beyond their active life, they are transferred to inactive storage until they meet their full retention requirements. This applies to paper records that may be placed in a box and sent to the off‐site warehouse as well as electronic files that may be archived to a CD, tape or juke box. Records may be converted to microform, or duplicated for vital records protection. During this phase, records may be retrieved to use as a resource for reference and to aid in business decisions.
FINAL DISPOSITION Final disposition is what happens to the record when it is no longer needed, has met its retention requirements and is not needed for litigation or audit. It is disposed of during an annual records cleanout event or destroyed by an
approved vendor. When a vendor destroys company records, we require a Destruction Certificate to document the activity and validate the destruction.