Records Retention Schedule

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  • May 2020
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Records Retention Schedule – Business  Development 



Records Management    14.07.2009    Mario Rieger   


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Records Retention Schedule Business Development

Record Code





Office of Record

Record Title

Record Description

Business Development or Agreements ‐  Legal (if required Copies by agreement)

Copies of agreements related to licensing and acquisitions, business endeavors and opportunities.

Business  Development

Business  Development

Draft copies of contracts related to licensing and acquisitions, business endeavors and opportunities.

Business  Development

Records including correspondence, presentations, and other information obtained with confidentiality agreements Business Confidential 3rd  in place with 3rd parties, related Development or Party Records ‐  to licensing and acquisitions, Legal (if required business endeavors and Copies by agreement) opportunities. Included are internal documents produced as part of early assessment and due diligence activities.

Business  Development


r o

Agreements ‐  Drafts

Retention Time


v i r p

u e t a

e s

Record Classification


! y l n o TAX, SOX, VIT

Legal retains the original versions of contracts from Business Development for the longer of T+7 or FTA. Copies should not be retained longer than the originals.


ACT=Until agreement is  finalized or project/deal is  terminated.


ACT=Retention defined in confidentiality agreement with 3rd party.

Mario Rieger

Digitally signed by Mario Rieger DN: cn=Mario Rieger, o, ou, email=mario_rieger@web. de, c=US Reason: I am the author of this document Date: 2009.07.24 15:14:30 +02'00'

Records Retention Schedule Business Development

Record Code



Business  Development

Office of Record

Business  Development

Record Title

Record Description

Deal  Spreadsheets and Analytics/Evalua presentations, including all financials. tions

Retention Time

u e t a

e s ACT

Record Classification


! y l n o

Correspondence with 3rd

BD 005 BD‐005

Business  Development

Business  Development

v i r p

Files Related to  parties and due diligence records d related l t d tto lilicensing i and d Finalized  Fi li d acquisitions, business Agreements

T 2 T+2

endeavors and opportunities.


Business  Development

r o

Business  Development


Correspondence with 3rd

Files Related to  parties and due diligence Projects/Deals  records related to licensing and Not Executed

acquisitions, business endeavors and opportunities.


T Termination of the  T=Termination of the  agreement.

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