Week 9

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  • Pages: 6
Week 9, Day 1: Monday, 2 March 2009 Leviticus 22, 23 Is God concerned about His people honoring His Holiness? (22:3, 9) Did God expect non-Israelites to worship Him? (22:18) What did God know about human nature? (22:20-25) How do you give? When we fail to keep God’s commands, what are we doing to His name? (22:32) Are you holy? Why? (22:32) Who is God always considering as opposed to most people? (23:22) Why did God want the Israelites to live in booths for seven days? (23:42) What does this say about how Christian parents should raise their children? Proverbs 2 What are the three things the Bible says are required to understand the fear of the Lord? (2:1-4) How does 2:19 relate to Leviticus 20:10? Acts 13 What did the Apostles include with their prayer? (13:3) Compare with Matthew 9:15. How did the Apostles decide where to go? (13:4) What does God expect from you after He shows Himself to you? (13:31) Who is justified? (13:39) Why will some oppose you as you proclaim your faith? (13:45) How did the disciples respond to persecution? (13:52) Week 9, Day 2: Tuesday, 3 March 2009 Leviticus 24, 25 Does consider all men and women to be of equal value? (24:22)

What special considerations are given to God’s people when dealing with poor people? (25:35-38) Proverbs 3 Where are we to keep Gods commands? (3:1) What should never leave you? (3:3) Trust in the Lord instead of _______. (3:5) Fear the Lord and _______ (3:7) Why will God discipline you? (3:12) What do the humble receive from God? (3:34) Acts 14 Does every man on earth have testimony of God? (14:17) Acts 14:19 is the second stoning recorded in the Bible; who held the coats of the stoners at the first? (Acts 7:58) How did the early church prepare leaders? (14:23) Week 9, Day 3: Wednesday, 4 March 2009 Leviticus 26, 27 In what ways does God respond to obedience? (26:3-13) In what ways does God punish disobedience? (14-46) What is the target of God’s punishment? (26:19) CONGRATS ON COMPLETING ANOTHER BOOK Proverbs 4 Compare 4:4 with Proverbs 3:1 What should be your most valuable possession? (4:7) How does a righteous man’s life change over the years? (4:18) Does the health of the spirit affect the health of the body? (4:22) Acts 15

What purified the Gentiles’ hearts? (15:9) What do you have to do to earn God’s grace? (15:11) How did the early church handle disputes and differences of opinion? (15) Week 9, Day 4: Thursday, 5 March 2009 Numbers 1, 2 Does God care about accountability? Does every one of God’s people serve a vital role in community? What was the military age for the Israelite man? (1:20) Apart from the tribe of Levi, how many men of military age were among the Israelites? (1:46) Why weren’t the Levites counted? What was at the center of the Israelite camp? (2:2) Proverbs 5 How can a person reveal God’s truth in their disobedience? (5:14) What should be our attitude toward the spouse with which God has blessed us? (5:18, 19) What leads people astray? (5:23) Acts 16 What was going on in Judaism at the time of Acts? (16:1) Do you think this impacted how the Jews responded to Christians? Must we rely on the Holy Spirit to make good decisions? (16:7) Why was Lydia able to respond to Paul’s message? (16:14) How was the slave girl able to predict the future? (16:16) She spoke the truth of the disciples; was her power from God? (16:18) How did the apostles respond to torturous treatment and imprisonment? (16:25)

What must one do to be saved? (16:31) What does belief on God bring? (16:34) Did Paul know how to make the most of every opportunity for God’s glory? (16:37) Week 9, Day 5: Friday, 6 March 2009 Numbers 3, 4 The Israelites will spend 40 total years in the desert, and only two of the original group to depart Israel will make it into the Promised land. If they produced 22,273 males in one month, how many Israelites would have likely entered the promised land forty years later? What can deployable units learn from Numbers? Proverbs 6 Does God expect you to have self-discipline and diligence, and does he expect his people to work as a team without command? (6:6-11) Note that verses 6:12-15 and verses 6:17-18 talk about the mouth, the eyes, the hands, the feet, the heart and dissension. Why do you think it reiterates the same point twice using the same method? What is the relationship between what we see, what we say, what we do, and our hearts? Based on the last question, what does the Bible say we should do with our heart to guide our mouth, eyes, and feet, and what does God add to the Word to help you? (6:21-23) Based on the last two questions, how do verses 6:24-28 amplify the point? Does God take adultery lightly? (6:29-35) Does the Church? Acts 17 What made the Bereans different? (17;11) What can we learn from them? Why are so many believing women mentioned in Acts? (17:4, 12) Was Paul wise in his dealings with non-believers? (17:23) What is God’s desire for man? (17:27) Who did Paul say are God’s children? (17:28)

Who does God command to repent? (17:30) Week 9, Day 6: Saturday, 7 March 2009 Numbers 5, 6 What does it mean when we wrong someone? (5:6) Goes God expect you to make restitution with those you have wronged? (5:7) Remember the Nazirite requirements when you read about Samson later. (6:1-21) Proverbs 7 What is key to life as Adam and Eve will soon find out? (7:2) Where are we to store God’s teachings? (7:2, 3) Why does God put such a great emphasis on and warning against sexual sin? (7:5-) Psalm 25 Will you be put to shame? (25:3) Did David clearly understand his need for forgiveness and salvation? (25) Will the Lord confide in you? (25:14) Week 9, Day 7: Sunday, 8 March 2009 Numbers 7, 8 Does God anticipate the sins of ministers (8:8, 12) To whom do God’s ministers belong? (8:14) Proverbs 8 What is more precious than rubies? (8:11) If you fear the Lord, you hate _______. (8:13) Wisdom hates ____, ____, and perverse ____. (8:13) What was among God’s first creations before he created the world? (8:22) What does wisdom do in the presence of God? (8:30)

Psalms 26, 27 How can the David who wrote Psalm 25 write Psalm 26? Is he a pitiful sinner or blameless? What is David’s advice to you? (27:14)

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