BICD 120:Dr.Schmidt f A:ZaraTabi(
[email protected]) Week 3 Appt. AIM:ztabi06 OH:Byemail & LifeCvcles PlantDiversity described inlecture, butdostudythediagrams lifecycles oftheplants Yauwon'tbe asked todrawoutthedetailed yourselves the withimpoftant vocabulary, andmoreimportantly familiarize whatishappening, andtryto understand p. p, p. 335,Moss 362-363, p. 331,Uvula Angiosperm448-449 Fern396-397, keyconcepts. Chlamydomonas ofoenerations: Alteration
. Describes organism!) alternate ofa plant(NOTanindividual between twoqenerations howthelifecycles phase generation gives phase (2n) ) The haploid rise to the diploid stage, and (n) anda diploid between a haploid givesrisetothehaploid stage. thediploid stage . KEYWORDS: (2n)formofa plant. haploid through MEIOSIS. Theyproduce SPORES Thediploid - Sporophyte. Sporangiaspores thatproduces Structure plant. (n)formofa haploid through MITOSIS. Theyproduce GAMETES - GametophyteThehaploid . Gametangiagametes areproduced, where Structure gametes (Archegonia) ormalef(Antheridium) Canformfemalel+ prr$ lfu ,Spzapr4ft/6r*anpnftc ,0 ,tnou 4 ea. "u&../ . Dependffion canbe1 ofger/erations thetypeoforgani{m,'Alte'rnation "/ gametophyte with formdominant,-tffiher have different forms, one and Sporophyte - Heteromorphic-Fedu€edn(Ferns) ) W2rFzrc ) Trwe@n/ft' 3)Pterophytes 1)Chlamydomonas f ,tu,artz- y'azn) (Mosses) 4)Angiosperms > frul/fhf<' 4ffi /qtl.iedh ,a/ *2)Bryophytes / pupb*O 6ntheother! isdependent onestage Sometimes (ex.Uvula/Sea Lettuce) inappearance areidentical andGametophyte Sporophyte - lsomorphic. Why?) Getridofdeleterious/fatalrecessive mutations genetic variability Increase
oftheAnqiosperms toLand& Success TheMove fromWater plants (Bryophytes/Mosses) relied (Chlamydomonas, onHzOsource andearlynon-vascular uvula) Plant ancestors (used (Photosynthesis, flagellated sperm) etc.)andfertilization formetabolic needs theycanlive. ) Limited theirsizeandwhere
plants (Pterophytes/Fems) systems transport laterevolved ofwater EarlyVascular sostillrelied onHzOfor andgrowindriersoil,butstillhadflagellated sperm, structures ) cangrowbigger, taller fertilization
pollenand plants (Gymnosperms lAngiosperms)with theuseofwind/animaldispersed further Vascular evolved seeds variety canliveina greater ofplaces ) NOneedforHzOinfertilization,
ons'o:f#ol.'F:fl fi::f.'Jti:l,*[T[:::3[','1ffi T'?]Xi"illffilHlerp'ants: ) Plant embryo - 2nZygote ) source offoodforplant - 3nEndosperm PlantGenetics andlnheritance . Classic Inheritance Mendelian regardless ofsex ofcross doesNOTchange, - Results . Usually fromDNAfound innucleus occurs withnuclear traits) derived wrinkled, etc.) workwithpeatraits(round, - Ex.Mendel's AREN'T THISSIMPLE! MOST GENETICS present genes/components inplastids lnvolves Plasmid lnheritance. Usually passed ) Traits downfromONEparent only Uniparental passes (chloroplast) ) WHY? - lnAngiosperms, female onit'splastids tothenextgeneration . Megagametophyte/Megaspore (eggcell)responsible forproviding oftheembryo's a majority provides itsDNA. Microgametophyte/microspore simply content. cytoplasmic . Asa result, plastid pigments, mother's ALLprogeny willinherit traits(proteins, DNA, etc.) plants leaves, white/albino - Ex.Varigated parents contribute totraits ofprogeny lnheritance ) BOTH " Bi-Parental Male
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Variqated Varigated
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. Inchlamydamonas, (* type)inheritance maternal canstillobserve while(-)typeDNA ) protects frombeing degraded, DNAabletobemethylated chloroplast - Only(+)type isdestroyed . Some proteins andnucleus thechloroplast encoded byDNAinBOTH chloroplast important Ribosomes ATPSynthase, - Ex.RUBISCO, genome plastid genome ofdifferent species complicate breeding andnuclear of - lncompatibility . Leads proteins hybrids ) sickly, unhealthy ordefective tononfunctional bymorethanonegene Traits haitsthatarecontrolled Quantitative phenotypes Don't see discrete . Distribution witha bellcurve ) continuous distribution canbedescribed etc. Flowing time,Height, - Ex.Yield,