Wala Lng

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  • Words: 1,868
  • Pages: 14
St. Joseph’s College Quezon City

“NADA ”

Mejia, Gina BEEd. Sped. III Mercado, Mary Flor BSEd. Eng. III

October 2009


ABSTRACT Background of the study The present project focused on integrating effective instructional materials made from indigenous resources.

Statement of the problem This project aims to discover the effectiveness of instructional materials made from indigenous objects in relation to classroom instruction. Specifically, it reaches to answer the following questions: 1. What will be the outcome in integrating instructional materials made from indigenous materials?

2. How effective it is in enhancing the teaching – learning process and to motivate the students?

3. What will be the advantages and disadvantages in using an instructional material out of indigenous material in particular the improvise television in teaching an epic? 4. What is the theoretical perspective utilized in the instruction?

Objectives The project aims to: 1. Determine the advantages and the disadvantages in using instructional materials made from indigenous materials.


Determine the effectiveness of integrating instructional materials in a teaching – learning process.

Importance of the Study The project is way to test the effectiveness of an instructional material made from indigenous objects and to verify if learning will increase, to determine the advantages and disadvantages in using this kind of instructional materials on the part of the teacher and in the part of the learners, and to identify and analyze the theoretical perspective governs in the type of instruction given.


Findings Based on the analysis of the data gathered, the different findings reveals in this project were summarized as follows: 1. There is a great impact

Conclusions Based from the results of the project, the following conclusions were arrived at:

Recommendations In the light of the Findings and the conclusion, the following recommendations were offered:

Definition of Terms


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The researchers would like to express their heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to all those who have helped them in the completion of this project. First and foremost, to Miss Michelle Dulay – the Educational Technology professor for her never-ending patient and understanding, for the assistance in the development of the project, for motivating and for instilling a deeper sense of educating the young. To our parents – for giving moral support and for the encouragement, for understanding, inspiration and help they extended to the researchers. To the staff and personnel of St. Joseph’s College library and to the Open Laboratory – for the assistance and help they have rendered. We thank you! To our beloved friends and to the Grant – In – Aid scholars – the researchers’ motivators and supporters, for giving them the strength and for believing on them. And above all, to our Almighty Father – for giving the researchers the courage to face the challenges, for the enlightenment to see the importance and the rationale of this project, for the patience, understanding, faith, hope, and the strength in completing this project. Once again, thank you for all your invaluable contributions. Gina Mejia Mary Flor Mercado October, 2009






CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW This section summarizes the works of various theorists and researchers on Learning Styles performances and factors that affect learning styles and the different Theoretical Perspectives of Learning. It also shows the history of the epic “Bidasari”, its origin, where it from and the importance of it.

Foreign Literature Learning is a solitary act occurring in relationship with others making it possible for human community to be created and recreated. Instruction should start with students and end with them as well. This follows the premise that the way teachers understand students; one must understand the manner in which people learn.

Local Literature Synthesis Educators are expected to be sensitive on the individual differences of their students. One aspect to be considered is the Learning styles. They vary from each and very students.


CHAPTER 3: TARGET LEARNER’S PROFILE This chapter aimed to explain the target learner’s. Their differences and learning styles as well as their perception towards learning and education as a whole.


CHAPTER 4: INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN Semi – Detailed Lesson Plan in Literature 1

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

1. identify the main character of the epic entitled “Bidasari”; 2. determine the moral/lesson of the epic;

3. demonstrate interest and enthusiasm in listening as well as reading the epic “Bidasari”;

4. apply the values learned from the epic “Bidasari” through interaction of the students among peers;


perform what they have written in the class through presentation which is based on their multiple intelligences (for verbal – linguistic write their ending, kinesthetic perform in the class their favorite part of the epic, musical write and sing a song which is suited to the epic etc.)

II. Learning Content: A. Subject Matter: Literature - “Bidasari” Reference: B. Instructional Material:

Chalk board and coloring materials

An improvise

television made from indigenous



newspaper, box, tree branch, Popsicle sticks and seeds) which illustrates the story of Bidasari (Muslim Epic). 

Using microphone

Cut outs of dresses, shoes and hair styles and models of a man and a woman

III. Instructional Procedure:


Motivation Activity: (Group Activity)

 The teacher asks her/his students about their ideal man/woman.


 The teacher lets her/his students describe their ideal man/woman through dressing up the replicas of a man and a woman posted on the board. The students are free to make over their model.  At the end of the task, the teacher presents to the students their “masterpieces”, their ideal man/woman.  The teacher asks the opinions of her/his students about outcome.  Students answer that physical appearance can contribute to the character of a person.

 The teacher point outs that what is more important is to decorate or to create an ideal heart for your ideal man or woman, s/he will remain the same no matter what s/he looks like.

 The teacher lets her/his students go to the board and write the values and good attitudes that their ideal man/ woman possess.




(Oral Questioning



Analogy)  The teacher gives questions about their previous lesson which is Epic.  Students give the meaning and the characteristics of an epic.

 The teacher introduces the lesson which is the epic of “Bidasari”. The teacher provides a break background of the epic. And s/he presents the connection between motivational activity (the students’ ideal man/woman) and the epic itself.


Information Activity (Storytelling Activity)

 The teacher instructs her/his students to arrange their seats and to make a semi - circle where the teacher is in front of them with the improvise television.

 The teacher presents her/his epic entitled “Bidasari” (a beautiful maiden named Bidasari who was envied Sultan Lilia Sari).

 The teacher stops a couple of second and lets her students read the subbed title indicated at the bottom of every picture (made for the students who are more visual learners).  The teacher monitors the attention of her/his students through asking them questions regarding the epic as the storytelling proceeds.  The teacher presents the moral which is ___________ as well as the characters in the epic.



Application Activity (Performance based test and

Feedback)  The teacher groups her students according to their abilities and considers their multiple intelligences.

 The teacher gives an allotted time for her/his students to plan their presentations.  Each group has their different task. (the first will make a skit about their favorite part/scene in the epic, the second group will draw “Bidasari” as how the text described her , the third group will compose and sing a song)  The students present their tasks.  The teacher allows her/his students to discuss among themselves their performance. After that, the teacher compliments her/his students and also provides feedback.

IV. Evaluation: (Writing Activity)  The students write their draft, an essay describing their ideal man/woman (encompass with the epic “Bidasari” as their reference) and how different s/he is from the other woman/man in the world.


CHAPTER 5: INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIAL Methodology It aimed to explain the project design and the method in gathering data (in making an improvise television etc.), techniques, sources of information and procedure in collecting, analyzing and interpreting the data relevant to the project. The researchers search in the library intensively for data gathering about the related history of the epic “Bidasari” and the reasons why it was believed to be true by the people especially in Malayan countries such as in the Philippines. The researchers as well as inquire into the internet for further reference and to deepen their knowledge about the origin of the epic “Bidasari”.

A. Development Process: Materials used in making the replica of television:

  Box

Old newspapers and magazines

2 pcs. of wood (any wood will do as soon as it has the same size)


Pastel colors

Oil (cooking oil will do)

Old piece of cloth/ cotton balls

Black cartolina

Old calendar

Double sided tape




Gawgaw (don’t know the English term)


 For the gawgaw



Boil water (just follow the instructions. . .)

 For the story

1. Cut the calendar into ten with the measurement of 11” x 14’’ per piece. 2. Using the back portion of the calendar, draw the scenes depicted in the epic. Make sure that each picture is related to the event or part so that the audience will easily understand the text itself through looking at the pictures.

3. Using the pastel colors, color the drawings to become more appealing to the audience. For best result, put a small amount of oil in a cotton balls or piece of cloth and dab it to the colored illustrations. 4. Next, using the scissors cut the newspapers or the magazines into ten with the measurement of 13” x 17” per piece.

5. Arrange in a line the newspapers/magazines vertically and glue it. Arrange the illustrations according on how it appeared in the story. And then, attach the illustrations on the newspapers/magazines. This will serves as the “film” or episodes in the story. 6. For the students to understand further the story, put a subbed title in every illustration and allow them to read silently.

 For the television 1. Make two holes in both opposite sides of the box. Make sure that the wood can pass through the holes. 2. On the front part of the box, draw a square as a guide and cut it.

3. Wrap the entire box with black cartolina to create an impression that the box is a television. 4. Placed the woods inside the box. Ensure that the woods overlap in the hole. Attach the “Film” which you made earlier on the wood and roll it. When both the film and the wood are inside the box. Use the overlap wood in the hole to rotate it and to change the scene as the story teller proceeds in the story.

B. Final Output: (Picture of Finish Project)



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