Virtual Reality

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 550
  • Pages: 3
Virtual Reality

Vito Francesco De Giuseppe

The ability to see the electrical activity of the brain, the eyeball and the muscles in the body (and perhaps also the electrical conductance of the skin) has prompted me to consider the problem from another aspect: if instead of mediating through our thoughts production sounds and images was the spontaneous activity of our body to produce sounds and images and whether these could influence to bring this activity to one that characterizes a desired physiological state? Imagine you have a sound and an image that all stimulate the brain to take it to any state, which would have been indicated by an EEG pattern. When the brain state change, the change of route would change the sound and image, at this point the system would intervene if it wants to intervene, which would produce a new image and a new sound to bring a new physiological state, the brain, or to return to the previous one, all these changes would be detected by EEG tracks. Paths EEG., Sounds and images would be the same cause and effect of brain activity, resulting in what would be a real chaotic system that could give indications on what is the system configurations of the brain and its dynamics. Inducing physiological brain states, it should also induce mental states that would appear from the system. The physiological states induced involve stimulation of the brain for the production of encefalines, endorphins, opioid peptides in general, 1

neuro mediators, neuro modulators etc.. (the ideal would be to have a constant indication of the levels of organic matter). The operator of this system would have a constant picture of the brain and mental patient, without clearly have specific knowledge of the mental status of the patient, but will certainly see the psychological state of the patient, ie whether the patient is going to a state depressive or euphoric, or relaxation, or any kind of emotional and psychological state. Indeed there are many studies involving the production of mental images associated with the mood states1. The operator should monitor the developments of the processes induced by the machine, their exact course and observe and analyze the interaction that takes place between the camera and the subject being analyzed. You can choose whether or not to intervene in the process established by the machine (which would have an expert system), but the interaction of the car, his speech will be always on the machine, never on the patient, as the process established by the machine will always under his control, as expert system, and under the direct control system-patient interaction. The machine will be to guide the patient and herself, but at the same time the patient will be to influence the performance of the system. 1 &cmd=Search&term=J%20Exp%20Psychol%20Lear n%20Mem%20Cogn[Jour]+AND+11[Volume]+AND +752[page] &cmd=Search&term=Bull%20Soc%20Sci%20Med% 20Grand%20Duche%20Luxemb[Jour]+AND+297[pa ge] &cmd=Search&term=J%20Pers%20Assess[Jour]+AN D+42[Volume]+AND+227[page]


But in addition to a type of diagnostic use, through the use of this system could be groped to induce brain states, and then mentally, in a subject to form a treatment which in theory could also replace the shock and which exploits the possibility of brain to produce opioid peptides and other neuro-mediators and neuro-modulators that inhibit neuronal activity or excite encouraging that the onset of brain states and mental desired.


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