Views Of A Person...

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,018
  • Pages: 4
Stage 2

Views of a person... This article is for the faculty, staff, officials of this college, my fellow students, friends and myself.

On Selfishness... “Selfishness can lead us to insurmountable obstacles...” -Cirilo F. Bautista A real person knows how to listen. But how can you listen if you have ears only for your own insights? How can you listen if your mind is walled by unsurpassable egoistic views? Answer these questions yourself. Often times we only seek for our own betterment. It pushes us to our limits to seek for self- fulfilment without thinking of the others. Some say that it is a natural attribute of humans- the tendency to put ourselves before others. But are we human enough to think of others? Think. Time will surely come that we’d realize how much we’ve compromised because of our selfishness. That time is now. Last time, I quoted in my column Socrates’ saying “... we cannot live better than in seeking to become better...” “... a disease that had long destroyed humanity...” The persistent other tries to surface no matter how hard we try to hide it or get rid of it. This other represents our dark side. Just like the moon having its phases, we posses negative characteristics and attitudes. It is apt to us on how we are going to cure the disease that had long destroyed humanity. To make my point clear let me relay to you a story that suggests my insight.

Shoe Store One day, a teacher and a young student went shopping along the town square. It’s San Ildefonso’s Day and great varieties of stalls and products were offered during such feast. Busy people went passing by. Busy streets and strangers engulfed the sudent’s view of the ongoing parade that made him wonder about something. “Ma’am, why do people have to work so hard?” “They work so hard to earn their living,” replied the teacher.

“But, do they still find time to rest and pray?” “Some still find time for such things, but others no longer have…” answered the teacher sadly. “They are so busy craving for the earthly things, forgetting about how to love and be loved,” she added. “I can’t understand.” “My child, some people will do everything to get what they want. And once they get what they want, people don’t get contented… they still crave for more. Eventually, they tend to forget about the more important things on earth.” “I still don’t get it.” “Let me show you.” The two entered a shoe store and started toward the expensive pairs. The manager, who seemed to be the owner of the store, immediately came toward them, neglecting the other customer choosing a pair on sale. “Ma’am, how may I help you?” asked the sales manager. “Can you get me an expensive pair of red stiletto?” the teacher replied. “No problem ma’am, I’ll be back in a minute.” After some time, the manager returned with a pair the teacher requested. “Wow! Their beautiful!” the teacher exclaimed. “But, can I request for another one?” she added. “No problem ma’am.” “Can I ask for your most expensive pair of red stiletto shoes with gold sequins?” Quite absorbed with the idea, the manager replied, “no problem, that’s easy. I’ll be back.” The manager was gone for about five minutes and returned with a pair of red stiletto shoes with gold sequins, the most expensive in-store, according to him. But actually, it was the same pair, only that he added the gold sequins that made it look different. “Perfect!” the teacher exclaimed. “Did you like it?” you can have it for five thousand bucks.

“Oh, I’m well pleased, I’ll get the first and the second pair I requested.” The teacher and the student looked at each other and smiled.

“Selfishness can lead to self destruction... “ -v. v. a.

On Becoming the EIC This is a position I did not long for... Last semester was a surprising one. It did not come out as most of us in the publication expected. But, if there was someone who’s most stunned, that would me. The moment I stepped into the deliberation room, there was a sudden flush of emotion- happiness. Happiness, simply because I know that as soon as it is over, everything will be back to normal. That’s what I thought. At the start of this school year, I was so perplexed with the thought that I can’t handle the responsibility given to me. I was surprised with the support poured out by my colleagues that almost made my worries fade. This is merely the beginning and there are more to come. On the other hand, having people pulling you down is inevitable. We cannot please everybody. These few would do everything to uproot you from the beliefs and principles you are hanging on to. Well, we’ll see who will remain standing after all. Just like what a friend of mine said, “KILL THEM WITH KINDNESS” (thanks for your words of wisdom). I may not be an excellent writer and journalist but I know that I’m a writer by heart. I assumed this position because of trust. I pray that I, or should I say WE, would make it to the final race.

*** A real person is responsible of his words and actions. He dares not speak fallacy and does not sway; neither is he a hypocrite. ***

On the question of governance in the Philippines PGMA’s governance may have flaws, but that is an old issue. Being the president of a nation is not an easy task. I believe that whoever will sit as the head of the state, people will always find loopholes in his or her governance. To have a progressive country, we have o work hard and do our part. We have to earn it. We cannot always blame our own disappointments and failures to other people for the real battles are being fought against ourselves. Put in mind that it always takes two to tango. You have something to do with whatever trial you are facing right now. ***

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