Verbs, Adjectives, Nouns With Preposition

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 348
  • Pages: 1
Appendix II: account {br sth accuse sb clf (be) admitted to advise sb t¡n/¿rboutsth (dis)agreen'ith sb abortt/otrstlr aim at amount [c) apologise to sb fbr sth applv to sb/sth f
absent Ir-orn ¿tccustorneclto adclicteclt

bargain u'ith sb firl sth be to blame fbr sth beg firr begin u'ith sth believe irt b e l o l t gr r r benefit fi'onr bervare of blame sb fol sth blame sth oll st.r boast abotrtiof' bon'cltl' lt-our

bad at sth borecl lvith sth b o u r r c lt o busv rvitll


cat'eaborrt sb/stlt cale fbl sbisth c h a n g ei t t t o char-gesb n'itlr sth c:llarsesblsth liir stlr r:heatsb out ()f stl) ch<xrsefi'orn/bcnr'cctr coinciclerr'itlr coll¿rbolatcrvitlr c o l l i r l eu i t h cornbitte rvith

(in)capml-rle ol careful ol' c¡rtelcss alrottl/ol' celtain aborrt/of' <:losetr-r concelnetl al;otrt/lirr' conficlent of/abotrt corrsciortsof' r'r'itlr r:





cornpare n'itl¡¡t<-r coll)pensat-csli firl stlr cornPeteaÉlaillstsl) colnpetcwith sb fil' stlr c o r n p l a i nt o s b a b < l u toi f ' s t h col)celltr¿iteotl sth c o n l é s ss t h t o s l t conllratulate sl¡ olr sth c()lulect to/u'ith cottsistof' c o n t r a s tw i t h contritrute t
(dis) aclvantagcol (give) ach'iceort all atls\\,el't() an attack


a c()Inl)itl isotl bctr'r'ectt a corrtplaint alrottt ¿ r( : ( ) n l l e ( : t i ( ) llrt c t u c e r l i u i t l l a cru'c lirr'

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